The Price of Possession

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The Price of Possession Page 3

by Dakota Brown

  "All right, demon, let's get you out of there so I can be done with this whole nonsense." Taking a deep breath and centering my personal energy, I began the incantation.

  I could feel the bindings on the spell resist my efforts to unravel them, and I began the incantation again with more feeling now that I had the shape of the spell in my mind.

  On the third repetition, I felt the bindings give. Energy flashed visibly, contained by the protective circle but still causing me to flinch away. A sharp crack split the air.

  When my vision cleared, my gaze darted to the table. The candle had melted away, and the citrine crystal had shattered almost into powder. The charm itself was a puddle of silver.

  A soft groan pulled my attention to the floor. A body lay there, curled on its side, back to me.


  "Thanks for that." The voice was still masculine, so was the form of the body. "It was getting cramped in there."

  Instead of the triumphant, I tricked the humans voice I had expected, the demon just sounded exhausted and grateful to be out.

  "Are you okay?" I snapped the book shut and put it on the bench by the door before walking over to the edge of the circle.

  "Not really," the demon replied.

  "You ready for me to send you back?" That might be the easiest way to fix any other problems the demon might have.

  "No. Need to answer your priest's questions. Let me rest first." The demon's voice was smooth, like liquid silk, and the way it caressed my skin sent shivers down my spine. As good as it sounded right now, I couldn't imagine what he might sound like when he wasn't starving and freshly released from being bound.

  "How do you have a body?"

  "Not all demons have to possess someone to be present on the material plane. Just the ones you commonly deal with." He didn't roll over, so I couldn't get a look at his face, but his back was nicely muscled, deeply tanned, and his ass was very firm. I tucked my hands under my arms before I did something I'd regret in my quest to touch the alluring demon. That desire really should have been my first clue as to what kind of demon lay on the ground in front of me.

  "Okay, I'll let Darius know you want to talk to him then, and, uh, let you rest."

  "Thank you." The effort the demon had to put into saying those words made me worry that he might not actually last long enough for Darius to get here. I suspected the priest would be busy until the evening. Why was I even worried about a demon? That probably should have been my next clue.

  Shaking my head, I grabbed the book and forced myself out of the basement and into my kitchen. Some of the demon's hunger must have worn off on me because I was also starving. I settled for a protein drink and sent a quick text off to Darius.

  He didn't reply, and I settled in with my new reading material and some coffee to wait.

  Chapter 3


  I couldn't get my mind off of the intriguing creature that had walked into the shop not long ago. I could tell she often wore her bleached hair up in some sort of mohawk, though it was currently unstyled. The sides of her head were shaved close and I had the strongest desire to track her down just so I could run my fingers over the short hair.

  The scent of rain, an intense warning of an impending storm, lingered on the air even after she left. It was as if the memory of her was so strong, that it was all I could smell, even over the incense that permeated the air.

  She wasn't tall, but I wouldn't have called her petite. She looked like she could probably handle herself in a fight and there was something extra about her that I couldn't put my finger on. There was no doubt in my mind she was an exorcist as she claimed and that she probably wouldn't have any issues dealing with this demon problem she had. Still, something drove me to want to help her. Though, I doubted she'd welcome an intrusion.

  It was fortunate we only had one other customer in the remaining hour I had agreed to take care of the counter before Olivia returned, and they hadn't needed much attention. I simply could not tear my thoughts away from the woman. I hadn't even gotten her name. Of course, she had my book, which I'd hastily thrown a blood mark on when I'd decided to lend it to her.

  We had quite a few occult volumes in the back that were for sale, but I also had a handful of my personal collection here, as well. Many that we sold were from my collection over the years. Either they were uninteresting to me, or I knew them so well I no longer needed them. Occasionally someone turned up who wanted something more than the new age stuff we typically sold. Even more occasionally, I sold them one of the books from the back. Most of the lucky few who turned up in search of something different were from the small local supernatural community and had been sent to me by someone else.

  The bell chimed and Olivia, the co-owner, walked in. She was far more into the new age aspects of the occult and managed most of the content of the store. We had met years ago, when I'd saved her from dying after being attacked by a werecat. She hadn't avoided the transformation, but at least she hadn't died in the process.

  I couldn't help but contrast her to the exorcist I'd just met. Tall where the other was short, dark where the other was pale, curvy where the exorcist was slender.

  "Malak, what's up?"

  "What makes you think anything is up?" I leaned back in the chair I was perched on and crossed my arms.

  "You've got some sort of weird ass dreamy look in your eyes. Whoever it is, you should call them. Haven't seen you that interested in anyone else, well, since we met."

  I frowned, trying to think of a way to deny her accusation and completely failing.

  She laughed, the hearty sound bringing a sheepish smile to my lips. "Guess I'm learning how to read you after all these years."

  I sighed and shook my head. "A woman came in looking for one of the special books today. She does seem to have caught my interest."

  Olivia came around the counter, beginning the process of taking over for me. "Do tell."

  "I'm not sure there is much to tell. She wasn't here long. I even forgot to get her name. Apparently, she's an exorcist."

  "Oh, another occultist. I can see why she got your attention, Mal."

  I shrugged.

  "You know anything about her?"

  I ran my hand through my hair and scuffed my foot on the floor, a little embarrassed. "I blood marked the book I lent her. I can find her if I need to."

  My friend chuckled. "Don't wait too long, Mal. I've got a feeling. Why don't you just track her down, see if she needs your help."

  I had been thinking that same thing, so the idea stuck with me.

  Sighing, I shook my head. "Maybe I will."

  "Get out of here." She shooed me toward the door. "Go find this new friend of yours. I want to meet her sometime soon."

  "Okay. I'll see what I can do." Leaving at Olivia's insistence, I headed home. I lived close enough to the square that I didn't need to drive, and with limited parking it was easier not to. I walked toward my small house, lost in thought.

  Fortunately, I managed to avoid knocking anyone over, though the old Native man who played some sort of pipe did have to scramble out of my way. It took me a few strides before I realized what I'd done. I turned around and apologized to him. We'd spoken on more than one occasion and I suspected he would forgive me.

  Otherwise, I made it back to my house in a fog that drove home how necessary it was to speak with the exorcist at least once more. There was just something about her that called to me.

  Now I just had to track her down. Not difficult.

  I pulled out a pendulum and an old-fashioned paper map, speaking a few quiet words of connection between the pendulum and the book I'd marked.

  There was no hesitation once I spoke the final word of connection. The pendulum, well attuned to my own energies, homed in on the book and pointed to its current location. A spot not too far outside of town.

  I noted down the address and headed for my car, hoping my exorcist wouldn't mind the intrusion.

  Chapter 4
br />   Price

  I'd just started studying a really interesting discovery ritual when my doorbell chimed.

  Darius always knocked, so it couldn't have been him. I put the book on the coffee table and went to the door. The view through the peep hole showed the owner of the spell book. He really could track it down. Interesting.

  I opened the door. "Howdy, mate."

  He smiled, and I tried not to get lost in his liquid brown eyes.

  "I wanted to check and see how you were doing with your demon." He looked away before I could, releasing me from his stare, and studying the door frame.

  "Fine, I guess. He wanted to talk to a priest and then I can send him back." At first, I thought the door frame was an odd thing for him to be looking at, but I watched his gaze and it flicked from one supposedly invisible sigil to another as he traced the warding I'd placed on the entryway. Very interesting.

  "A priest?"

  "Guess even demons want confession sometimes."

  "I see," he replied dubiously.

  "Great book. Thanks for lending it to me."

  "You're welcome."

  I left the door open and stepped back, making it clear he could come in, without actually inviting him. His lips moved but he didn't say anything out loud. I frowned, but then he stepped across the threshold, glancing around curiously.

  "I must say, your taste in décor does not match your taste in attire."

  Laughing, I shook my head. "Naw, you should see my room. It matches. The house, still mostly my parents' decorations. I never bothered to change it up."

  I currently wore my normal ripped jeans, combat boots, and throwback band T-shirt. My jacket was on its hook by the door. The T-shirt showed off the knotwork tattoos that spiraled up my arms. Protective runes hid in the artwork. The tattoos hidden under my shirt were much earlier works and far more in line with my punk beginnings. The knotwork had been a later addition. The artist had suggested it would meld well with the runes I'd wanted inscribed on my body. She'd been right.

  "That makes a great deal more sense," he allowed.

  He followed me into the living room where I'd been reading, and I handed him his book back.

  "I would have brought it back later tonight, or tomorrow. You didn't have to come out this way." I lived out of town a bit. Not far, just enough to have some space around me.

  "It was no trouble. I was curious, and I thought it might not hurt to check on you in case the unbinding went poorly."

  "Seemed to work fine."

  He touched my shoulder and I stiffened and turned to glare at him. He captured my gaze with his, fingers touching my chin lightly, though I suspected he would have grabbed my face if I'd tried to turn away.

  "What?" I demanded after a moment, voice hoarse. My insides were doing all sorts of interesting summersaults I hadn't expected. His scent washed over me, the same scent I'd gotten caught up in when I'd cast the spell yesterday, heavy spice incense, and old books. Surely, not...

  "Just checking."

  I cleared my throat and pulled away from him. "Demon's in the basement if you don't believe me."

  He followed when I headed that way to show him. That definitely should have been my last clue. Randomly inviting a stranger into my basement to see a demon was not a normal behavior. I certainly didn't think of that until much later.

  I'd left the light on so the demon wouldn't be in the dark. Not that I knew if he would have cared or not. He lay basically where I'd left him, though he had shifted to his other side and now faced the door. Not that I had necessarily expected otherwise, but he was still quite naked, and I tried not to peek. Naughty Chris, don't ogle the demon's bits.

  His eyes snapped open and he studied both of us.

  "Finally," the demon purred.

  We both had a moment to say 'what?' before a wave of pure lust washed over me.

  I whimpered, stomach tightening with need, vision going hazy for a moment before I found myself shoved up against the wall, legs wrapped around...shit...I didn't even know his name...his lips pressed to mine. We devoured each other, my hands buried in his hair, one of his cupping my head, the other squeezing my ass.

  I chased his tongue with my own, tasting him, deepening our connection until I noticed some of his teeth were awfully sharp. Coming up for air, I broke off our kiss, chest heaving, heart racing. He kissed along my jawline before nibbling his way down my neck. I was not quite convinced I'd felt anything strange until he pressed his teeth into my neck, not quite breaking my skin.

  "Fuck," I groaned. I supposed if I was going to die, I'd enjoy it. There was literally nothing I could do to defend myself, and I wasn't sure my personal wards would kick in.

  He froze, simply going still, not even breathing for a moment.

  "I'm sorry," he finally breathed out, lips moving against my neck. "I have no idea what came over me."

  "Not sure it was your fault." I tried to get my body to cooperate, but though I thought I should be pulling away my legs remained firmly wrapped around the guy.

  "I'm literally starving over here, could you carry on?" The demon's voice caressed my ears. If I hadn't been turned on, and soaked between the legs before, I certainly was now.

  My new friend pressed me back into the wall and if what I felt pressed between my legs was any indication, he probably had exactly what I needed to make me very happy. Unfortunately, his teeth were still pressed against my neck.

  "I'd rather you kissed me, than bit me, if we're going to do this," I managed through the lust induced fog in my brain. I should be freaking out. Make out sessions with random dudes wasn't necessarily out of the ordinary for me, at least not in the old days. The last five years had been pretty tame in comparison to my youth. I often hadn't even bothered with names, and I wasn't going to take the time to get one now. Vampires on the other hand...this was a first.

  He managed to pull himself away from my neck and we went back to devouring each other's lips while the demon purred in the background.

  Something broke through our lusty haze and we both froze again.

  Loud pounding on the door.

  "Darius." I groaned.


  "The priest I mentioned."

  "Ahh." He ran his thumb lightly over my lips, before tracing my cheek with his fingers, then running them down my neck.

  I shivered, tightening my legs around his waist. My heart raced, and more than a little fear settled into my gut which did nothing to cool my ardor.

  "I should probably go, anyway," he said, meeting my gaze with his own, and I thought I heard regret in his voice. "I did come simply to check on you and see if you were done with my book. If I had known you had an incubus in your basement, I might have come prepared."

  "With condoms?" I quipped.

  His eyebrows almost disappeared under his hairline before he laughed. "No, some sort of resistance to your demon's," he hesitated. "Charms."

  "To be fair, I didn't know, either." Now that my mystery shopkeeper had me pressed up against the wall, I really didn't want him to leave and I was pretty sure that had more to do with my months of celibacy than the demon's desire to be fed.

  My front door clicked.

  "He's never actually needed a key to get into most buildings," I explained at the vampire's surprised look.

  "Some priest." He settled his hand more firmly on my neck, not letting me down. And I understood I only had moments before things could get dangerous for me and for Darius.

  "Look, I'm not going to say anything. Vampire hunting isn't really my gig, so, you know, unless you want to answer some really awkward questions maybe let me down."

  He studied me for a moment longer before holding me while I unwrapped my legs from around his waist. He supported me while I tried to get my legs to hold me up again. After one more long, searching look that hopefully convinced him I wasn't going to share his secret with the world, he stepped away.

  I'd mostly succeeded in getting my body under control by the time Dar
ius came down into the basement, though we probably both looked a little disheveled.

  "Price?" He took in my new vampire friend before glancing over at the incubus now sitting cross legged in the circle.

  I followed his gaze and almost had to cover my eyes or risk drooling on myself. The demon was very well endowed and very happy with the situation he'd put me in. Not that I wouldn't have been happy to make out with the vampire, well before I knew he was a vampire, anyway, without the demon's help.

  "So, he's still here then." Darius seemed to have forgotten about my other guest for the moment.

  "Yeah." I cleared my throat. "He wanted to talk to you."

  "So, Demon, what did you want?"

  "This demon has a name." The incubus climbed to his feet.

  "And what do you wish to be called?" Darius crossed his arms over his chest.

  "My name is Sabianamon. You can call me Sabian."

  The power of his name washed over me. Had he really just given us his real name? Seriously?

  I met Sabian's light amber gaze. He smiled and my panties would have melted off if such a thing were actually possible. Fuck. My knees wobbled, and I had to catch myself on the wall.

  "Sabian," Darius said slowly.

  "Yes." Fortunately, Sabian's impressive erection was fading back to merely an impressive dick, which was a little less distracting. Not a lot less, considering I'd just been about to tear a vampire's clothing off and I was still completely aroused. If I could have given the incubus a towel, or something, I would have, but I didn't want to break the circle. He was having a big enough effect on us as it was.

  "You wanted to see me?"

  "They're running drugs. I think you knew that. My memories are a little hazy and incomplete."

  "Yes. Your host was the first we actually managed to catch."

  Sabian shuddered, a full body motion that managed to convey the depth of his revulsion, and also remind me of a dog shaking.


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