Highland Barbarian Alien (Possessive Highlanders Book 1)

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Highland Barbarian Alien (Possessive Highlanders Book 1) Page 15

by Leith Briar

  I do as he asks and immediately his fingers go in deeper, so deep that a moan escapes from my throat. “There we go. My good girl. Come for me.”

  My head rolls from side to side as I try to concentrate on finding pleasure… but I’m too… I don’t know how I am.

  “I need you to…” I whisper. “I need you to fuck me.”

  He lowers his head to mine, his fingers still working me. “You should not have fought me,” he says. “Admit it. Admit you were wrong to fight this.”

  My eyes fly open and I stare at him. I’m not going to admit that. “No.”

  He smirks and kisses my cheek before moving down to my nipple and catching it between his teeth. His two sharper ones dig into the skin of my breast, and now I’m scared to move. Scared to breathe in case he pierces my flesh.

  “Colm,” I argue — since I can’t fight, but he just increases the pressure.

  It hurts, but it’s not unbearable. In fact, if anything, it’s pushing me closer to the edge. He finally relents and releases his bite, sucking instead while he swirls his tongue around. It feels so good my back is arching, trying desperately to bring him closer.

  He releases it with a pop and looks back up at me. “Is my precious girl ready to admit it yet? I can go all night. And I will.”

  I shake my head again — hating him now. I hate him. “I hate you.”

  His smirk turns to a laugh and then he growls before going for my neck. This time he bites so hard I’m convinced he is breaking the skin. My legs clamp together and my hands come to him, trying to fight him off me.

  He catches my arm easily and pins it above my head. “I will not fuck you until you admit how much you want it. Admit you were wrong. Admit you should have let me take you the second I set you down on this bed.”

  His fingers stop and he removes his hand, leaving me aching for him. He brings his hand to his lips, running his fingers across them before taking two into his mouth and sucking them.

  It’s the most twisted-slash-erotic thing I’ve ever seen a man do. And I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t driving me crazy with need for him.

  “I want you,” I tell him. “I should have let you do it.”

  He takes my free arm and places it with the other one before climbing in between my legs. I part them wide for him, as wide as my bones will allow, and hold my breath.

  “Such a good girl,” he says under his breath, sliding himself inside me.

  I gasp at the size of him, at the feeling of fullness. I had forgotten that. And then moments later, the familiar pressure in my mouth. It’s happening again. The world starts fading away to black at the edges… I’m trying to stay but it…

  Chapter 27


  Just as I suspected, her head flops to the side, and she loses consciousness. But unlike last time, it only lasts a few seconds before her eyes open again.

  She lowers her lashes as I drive into her, her mouth creating an O shape that I am struggling not to fill with my tongue. I like watching her though… I like gazing down at her face and watching every tiny change in her expression as I drive into her. Fill her completely. Make her mine.

  Her hands reach up and she clings onto my shoulders while her legs wrap around my body. All I want to do is collapse on top of her… crush her under my weight and squeeze her until her muscles clench and she comes hard on my cock… but I fear hurting my little Bhiast that grows inside her.

  So instead I flip us around, bringing her up and sitting her on top of me. Her eyes open and she moves to cover herself, to shield herself from my eyes — but I quickly put a stop to that and brush her hands away.

  “I want to see every inch of you,” I tell her.

  Her cheeks blush, but she listens. I take a hold of her hips and grind her against me, slow and hard. Just when she thinks she is full, I push my hips up further and try for more. Deeper. She makes an adorable mewling sound, as if I have just dragged my tongue straight over her clit.

  I start to feel her fighting against me, trying to pick up the pace. Trying to reach where she wants to go. I put a stop to that. She will get there, but only when I have decided she is desperate enough.

  It is not long at all before her head falls back and she is gasping for air. I could do this all night, but I feel her frustration building. I let her go faster. I help her. Her wetness spreads across me and she rubs herself against it, back and forward until she begins to tremble.

  I sit up, thinking to steady her as she looks… precarious. She wraps her little arms around my neck, trying desperately to fit us together like two pieces of a puzzle. I take over, driving into her again and again until she squeals with every thrust.

  Her thighs lock around me and I feel her coming to her climax. I hold her as tight as I can without hurting her, loving this feeling. Thinking I could die right now with her shaking and trembling on my cock, and it would be a happy death. Finally, after seven-hundred years that is the first time I have ever had that feeling. Like I have seen everything… done everything. Like I hold everything there is left to hold right inbetween my two arms.

  She shakes and shivers, still recovering or climaxing I do not know, and then she runs her nails down my arms and bites down hard on my chest, pulling a roar from my lungs. I could not get much deeper if I tried and now her cunt is clenching down on me. She feels like a fucking dream. If she was not already pregnant, I would be wishing it on her as she shakes and trembles on my cock.

  One more. Two. Three.

  My cock erupts and I practically lift her off the bed as it hits me like a spear in the back.


  Always mine.


  * * *

  We did not move from that position all night. She fell asleep on top of me while I stroked her hair and rubbed her back and listened to the rise and fall of her chest.

  It was sometime later when I felt it.

  At first I thought I must have been imagining it. It may be hundreds of years since I have walked Earth beside childbearing women, but I know how long it takes. Three quarters of a solar orbit for a babe to form fully. Half an Earth lunar orbit? I doubt the babes are bigger than a lentil by that point.

  Sophia’s stomach is bigger than a lentil, so I can only assume my children grow much quicker than human ones.

  But still, I never expected to feel it.

  The third time it happened there was no arguing with myself any longer. He was kicking inside of her. My heart swelled in my chest and I did not know whether to wake her up and tell her, or keep this just to myself.

  I decided to keep it for myself. She needed to sleep, and I knew the second she woke up and slid off me, I would want to get up and return to the task I was in the middle of before other urges got in the way.

  So I lay there awake all night, content with listening to the sounds of her breathing and feeling my son kick out against me.

  I thought a long time about the life I would give him. The things I would teach him. How much I am going to love his mother.

  And I will love her, he can be sure of that.

  I will die for her… and so will he.

  I think about his life, her life, my life, until the sun rises outside. It does occur to me that it may not be a son growing inside of her at all. I quickly dismiss that, knowing the stress of having a daughter would likely be enough to kill me.

  With the rising sun, I know I must deal with the mess that is waiting for me downstairs.

  Gently and carefully, I slide her from my body and lay her down on the pillows. She stirs but does not wake, and I leave her with a kiss before getting dressed.

  The great hall is full but falls quiet when they realise I have arrived. I cross the room and take my seat, my eyes scanning the room for one singular body.

  Brody walks to my side, Coinneach and Gregor following him. Lugh is stalking around in the shadows, likely getting unprecedented pleasure from the uncomfortable atmosphere and the all-but-guaranteed slaughter that is sure
to follow.

  Finally, my eyes settle on the shape of the one I seek. He is sitting at the end of a table in the far corner of the room, other Plaigh beside him.

  I turn to Brody. “Bring him to me.”

  He nods and gets straight to it, all eyes following him as he crosses the room.

  “Where is Shaxrin? I demand to speak to Shaxrin!”

  I laugh at him. Who knows where Shaxrin is? He is not here, which means he cannot save him.

  Brody pulls the little thing up to his feet and begins dragging him towards me.

  I decide then and there to try my best to control my rage. It should be easier for me now, with the practice I had a few hours ago.

  When I kill him, I want to remember it. It will not be in some frenzy that is quickly forgotten. When I kill him I will be calm, and everyone in this room will see what happens when they touch what belongs only to me.

  “You cannot do this,” he says. “Shaxrin will have your head.”

  I stand from my chair and shrug. “So be it. But I think you fear he will not, far more than I fear he will.”

  Brody swings his foot out and Vrexor falls to his knees in front of me. He is so small he may as well be a cat. Perhaps I would have sympathy, but he is not so small compared to Sophia. His height did not stop him strapping her to his table, running tests on her while he kept her drugged.

  “What made you think you could touch her?”

  “I… I… We needed to do tests. We needed to know if it would be like you.”

  I walk around him, eyeing him up. Even though he is capable of spinning his head almost full circle, he keeps his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him. “And what did you find?”

  “The child is indeed like you.”

  I nod my head. “Good to know.”

  “Does this mean— ”

  “It means nothing.” I cut him off. He thinks his deed will go unpunished because he found out something that could be known by just looking at her stomach? He must think again.

  “What is this?”

  I turn around just in time to see Shaxrin walking through the door.

  He is not alone.

  Instantly my jaw clenches and the familiar ache returns. My head hurts as my horns push through my skin. My fist, clenched before, now throbs as the sharp talons break free. Red flows around the room like coloured wind. Shaxrin is touching her.


  Why must these cretins continue to put their hands on her?

  I make towards him but he holds a hand up. “Ah ah, move no further, Bhiast.”

  Since there is no tone of voice to tell me if this is a threat or a request, I decide to be still. I will weigh up my next moves carefully.

  “Good dog,” he says.

  My jaw ticks in anger but I let his comment slide.

  “You need to get your hands off her. Now,” I tell him.

  “Oh, I will. Worry not, I will. But this ends now, Bhiast. You have your girl. She is unharmed. You will let Vrexor return to his table.”

  “No.” I take a step towards him. “He knows what he did. He knew what would happen. He did it anyway.”

  “Vrexor will be dealt with accordingly. It was my order he disobeyed, not yours.”

  “It was my wife he touched. Not yours.”

  Shaxrin, in a rarely seen gesture of expression, tilts his head to the side.

  “Then I fear we are at a stalemate.”

  “Really? I see none.”

  The pair of us watch each other, and the sense that I am gambling with my life, just as I was when I made the deal that has now been broken, returns.

  “Vrexor disobeyed my orders. He will leave on the next ship, and will not be permitted to return to this planet. You have my word on this.”

  I scoff at him. He has showed me more with that sentence than he could with a thousand pictures. “Your word means little to me, considering it was broken so easily.”

  The Plaigh takes a step towards me, pulling Sophia with him. I could rip her out of his grasp with no real effort, but I will wait to see what else Vrexor’s life is worth.

  It is clearly worth something to him.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to leave. I will send word when the boy reaches age, and you can see for yourself if your experiment worked. You will not return unless you have need of us before then.”

  Shaxrin pauses for a long time. I have nothing to bargain with, except Vrexor’s life. And he has the life of every man in this room in his hands.

  “Done,” he says, releasing Sophia and pushing her towards me. I take her under my arm and hold on to her tightly.

  “And one more thing,” I say. Shaxrin was walking towards Vrexor, but he stops now and swivels his head back to look at me. “The boy will have no device. No one born of this planet will.”

  He turns his body to align with his head and I sense Sophia flinching and looking away. I suppose that sight must still be foreign to her, eerily so.

  “You have my word.” He nods his head and then picks Vrexor up off the floor, before signalling to the other Plaigh to follow him.

  We all watch them leave, and for the first time in seven years I feel like whatever weight was crushing me has lifted.

  “Come,” I say to Sophia, though I do not wait for her to respond. I lift her up and carry her back up the stairs, either so she can go back to sleep or put something on that is not a bed-fur.

  “Device?” she asks, her small face peeking up at mine.

  I nod. “Remember when you asked if they would kill me and I told you not to concern yourself with such matters?”

  She nods her head. “I remember. I also remember working out that meant yes.”

  Chuckling at her, I kick the bedroom door open. “He could have blown me up at any point.”

  Her eyes go wide and her hand covers her mouth. “Seriously? I’d have been a wreck if I’d known that.”

  “And yet you still maintain you should know everything?” I raise an eyebrow at her, my tone clearly teasing.

  She taps me on the shoulder and looks as if she is about to chastise me. I put a stop to that the only way I know best, my lips locked against hers in a fierce kiss.

  * * *

  The next seven dawns pass by in a blur.

  By the end of it, it is clear to all that she is near her time. She gets bigger, so big that I spend a good majority of my time fearing she will topple over every time she stands up. She gets bigger and I become unbearable — or at least that is what she says.

  Her sleep gradually increases as the time passes. I bring her meals to our room and we eat just the two of us. The smell of the alcohol in the great hall makes her feel sick, but my men are too full of celebration to hold off on her account.

  I, of course, offered to force the issue, but she told me there was no need. She likes it better here, apparently. She can eat, sleep, and chafe my cock in peace… which is basically her three favourite things to do these days.

  Not that I am complaining.

  I am ecstatic about the whole thing.

  And I rarely leave her side, preferring to pass the day-to-day running of the place to Brody and Gregor. ‘Tis about time those two stepped up, anyway.

  When she naps in the afternoon, I call them to my study for meetings and updates. I guess I never realised how much of a controlling nature I had until I was forced to give up so much control.

  “And you have sent word to Winona? She will send wise-women for Sophia? I fear her time draws near.”

  Brody nods. “They arrive tonight.”

  “The best?”

  He nods again, confirming. “She assures me of it.”

  I lean back in my chair, feeling somewhat content. “Good. You can all leave now.”

  My men nod and stand up, all except for Brody who gives them a parting glance and stays seated.

  “You are worried,” he says.

  It is a statement, not a question. “You would not be?” I lift my chin a
t him, indicating mine is the latter.

  He looks down at the desk between us and shrugs. “I cannot say how I would react, if it were me. In truth, I cannot remember what being worried even feels like.”

  I chuckle. “Well, I am sure you will be reminded of it soon enough.”

  His head flicks up to meet my gaze. “I have been thinking on that. I know it is… a duty. But I would rather not.”

  Resting my chin on my hands, I look over at my oldest friend. I already know what this is about, he does not need to explain it.

  Even though I barely remember much at all of my time on Earth, I remember he was never one for women. He got that scar on his face when we were just balachs, and though he has had no need to be conscious of it on this planet, I think he has enjoyed that.

  I clear my throat. “I do not know much about women… having only really known one. But it seems to me they may not be as fickle as you presume them to be. I am hardly handsome, and yet she looks at me as if I am.”

  His mouth lifts up on one side, the faintest trace of a smile there. I have never seen him smile properly, and truly I am not sure if he is capable of it.

  “Aye. You may be right, but I fear you are not. I would not want to… scare something so innocent.”

  I laugh at him, because it is my nature and I know he will not take offence at it. “We have horns and claws and teeth like daggers. You think a wee burnt face is going to be the thing that scares her?”

  He shakes his head and looks away. “Forget I mentioned it.”

  “No. I understand. We will speak of it again when the time comes.”

  Just then, a knock at the door interrupts whatever he was about to say.

  It is Loche, and his cheeks are flushed and his face is frantic and I know that can only mean one thing.

  Well, it could mean many things… but they would all relate to the same person.

  Brody and I both stand up at the same time.

  “Colm. ’Tis her time.”

  Chapter 28



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