Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1)

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Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1) Page 16

by Patricia Galvan

  I threw up my hands. I was frustrated with his blasé answers. I was sure I wouldn’t get much from him on that one, so I asked another question. “What did you mean about not being able to control yourself?”

  “Analey, I was just feeling nervous about my sudden jealousy. I didn’t know what I was saying,” he spluttered.

  “Seriously? I know you’re hiding something from me.” I scowled, even though I didn’t want to be mad at him.

  Mikel raised his eyebrows about to make up more excuses, but I interrupted him. “Can’t you stop lying for just one second?” I couldn’t hide my frustration any longer.

  Mikel walked ahead of me, his back to me. I was getting increasingly irate with him as the seconds ticked by, my anger brewing and the darkness threatening to resurface.

  “Analey, I really enjoy being with you and getting to know you,” Mikel said. “Can’t’ we just be content with our time together?”

  I wasn’t sure if it was enough for me. I wanted more, I needed more from him. I pressed my lips together and crossed my arms like a stubborn child.

  “I find myself very intrigued and drawn to you,” Mikel confessed as he turned to face me.

  Drawn, intrigued, what was he trying to say? I asked myself. We had stopped walking, my heart begging him to explain, but of course he wouldn’t.

  “I would never forgive myself if I put you at risk of any danger.” He supplicated with me to understand, his voice leaden with concern.

  “What danger?” I asked. I didn’t comprehend what he meant but I didn’t expect an explanation either.

  “Please just trust me. I don’t intend to harm you. I only offer you my protection and eternal company.”

  I had nothing more to say. Mikel was talking in riddles and not making any sense. I uncrossed my arms and stepped forward to walk but Mikel stopped me.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you. You awaken a part of my soul that has been desolate for some time now. I can’t live without you in my life.” Mikel held my hands and leaned in close.

  “You don’t have to. I am here and I want to be with you, but I don’t understand why all the secrets,” I said.

  He lowered his head to mine, resting his lips on my forehead and sighed heavily. “Analey, please don’t.

  I gave in and didn’t ask him anything else. He held me for a moment longer before leading me back to the parking lot.

  We walked to my car, our hands intertwined like fire and ice. It was a magical sensation that no longer mystified me. It somehow made perfect sense, even if Mikel barely did. It was the way it was supposed to be between us, and I could sense a delicate ambiance of bliss emanating from him. The questions and distrust lingered in my mind, but I tried to relax at his side. I couldn’t accept all the lies, but for the time being, I let it go.

  We reached my car and Mikel opened the door for me. He moved in close to me, our lips just inches from touching.

  “Be safe, ma vie.” Mikel’s voice was barely just above a whisper.

  The calescent sound of his tone made me dizzy. I didn’t understand the words he used, but they sounded French to me. Mikel moved back to allow me to get in the car. My heart pounding rapidly in my chest as I clumsily made my way into the driver’s seat and closed the door. No more words were exchanged between us and none were required. Our deep gazes spoke for us. I smiled foolishly all the way home. I could feel the light, cool zephyr that emanated from Mikel’s touch even after he was gone.

  As I pulled up to my house, I saw a red car with dark tinted windows parked next to the curb. I squinted, trying to focus my sight through the darkening evening. I parked my car and got out reading the license plate, RGG 705. I didn’t recognize the car; I hadn’t seen it before. The driver side door opened, and Heath stepped out. I immediately recognized the disheveled brown hair and hazel eyes, but I was surprised to see him. I realized I wasn’t aware he knew where to find me.

  “Analey, what are you doing?” Heath chided in a rushed and strained voice. He stared at me expectantly with wide eyes and his lips pressed together in a tight line.

  “What are you doing?” I asked matching his disapproving look.

  “He isn’t what he claims to be. He is dangerous,” Heath said, narrowing his eyes on mine.

  “Who? Do you mean Mikel?” I asked although I already knew.

  “Yes,” Heath clipped.

  “He isn’t a danger to me, and he won’t hurt me,” I fumed. “Have you been following me?”

  Heath wasn’t answering any of my questions. “Analey, stay away from him. Come with me. I can protect you.” He lowered his voice and tugged on my arm.

  I tried pulling away from him, but his hold was unyielding. I didn’t remember him being so strong and muscular.

  “Protect me from what?” I insisted. He didn’t answer. “Let go Heath. You are hurting me,” I demanded. With my resistance, Heath become forceful, his grip even tighter as he dragged me to his car. I planted my feet on the sidewalk, but I stumbled and almost fell as he forced me to keep moving.

  Heath held my arm with one hand and was opening the door with his other, when Mikel materialized. He moved with amazing celerity as he freed me form Heath.

  “Don’t ever put your hands on her again,” Mikel growled at Heath. His eyes glowed brightly in the dark night.

  Mikel stood squarely between Heath and me, but Heath didn’t back down. Mikel stepped closer to him, repeating his threatening command.

  “You stay away from her,” Heath demanded, matching Mikel’s anger.

  “I won’t allow anyone to hurt her.” Mikel’s solid voice was frightening but if Heath was afraid, he didn’t show it.

  “Come with me now,” Heath ordered, looking around Mikel to me.

  Mikel glared at Heath. “You need to leave. Now.”

  “Please, just go,” I pleaded with Heath.

  “This isn’t finished,” Heath hissed as he reluctantly let go and got into his car. He sped away, gravel and dust spraying from his tires.

  I stood stunned and scared as Mikel disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared. There had been so much rage in his voice and eyes. I trembled as I walked back to the house. I locked the door and ran up the stairs to my room. I changed and climbed into bed, fear still haunting me as my heart raced. I didn’t know what had frightened me more: Heath’s forceful behavior or Mikel’s abrupt presence.

  My thoughts and dreams were filled with real and made up versions of the terrifying incident, and one nightmare that gripped my heart and left me paralyzed with terror.

  twenty~ one

  Istepped out into the dark night enveloped in a dense, smoked filled haze. The grass was damp and cool under my bare feet. I continued cautiously across the yard, not knowing where I was going, until I was standing in the middle of the street. The pavement was rough under my feet and the fog was becoming a little less dense. I looked up and down the street, my eyes desperately trying to bring the hazy night into focus. I continued walking barefoot down the street until I came to the intersection at the next block.


  “Candice, is that you?” I whispered, afraid of being heard.

  “Yes. Analey please I don’t’ have much time,” she said, her voice urgent and distant.

  “Candice, what’s going on? I thought you were dead,” I said.

  “That’s not what’s important. He’s getting closer, you have to be ready. You need to remember.”

  “Remember what?” I asked.

  “Try to remember who you are and what you must do,” she said.

  “I don’t understand, please tell me,” I cried.

  “I can’t tell you. You have to figure it out on your own.”

  “Candice I’m scared. I don’t know what I am supposed to do,” I said.

  “Analey, please. He is coming for you,” she urged.

  “Who is coming?” I asked. The urgency in her voice frightened me. I didn’t understand what she meant or who she was talking about.<
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  “The Descendant of the most evil,” Candice’s voice was fading, and I could barely hear what she was saying. “Mikel is like him. Don’t trust him.” Candice started to fade away as the sound of her voice did.

  “Candice, wait. Don’t go.” I fell to the ground sobbing.

  “Analey, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?” Mikel placed a hand on my shoulder and I quickly got to my feet.

  “I…I’m not sure,” I said. I looked at Mikel and remembered what Candice had said about him. I backed away slowly.

  “Analey, what’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I should go back home,” I answered.

  “Okay, let me take you back,” Mikel said. He smiled and as he did, I saw his eyes change into something monstrous.

  “Mikel, let go,” I cried.

  “Analey,” he hissed my name as I tried to get away from his tight grip.

  He was stronger and I couldn’t move. He leaned towards me and I knew it was the end. I closed my eyes and held my breath as I anticipated death.

  I opened my eyes, my hand automatically feeling my neck. My skin was damp with sweat and the bed sheets were wrinkled in my other hand. I let go, relieved it had only been another nightmare. My relief was short lived, however as the details of the nightmare came into focus.

  Hunger. Thirst. Rage.

  Those were the words my mind used to describe the look in Mikel’s eyes.

  I turned over and pulled the covers over my head. I curled up, drawing my legs up to my chest and waited for my racing heart to slow down. I was never afraid when I was with Mikel, but in that terrible nightmare, I’d feared for my life in his arms. Then it was the chilling words that Candice had said that left me shaken.

  The Descendant. What did that mean and what did she mean when she said Mikel was like him? I threw the covers off and noticed the sun shining through the window blinds. One glance at the clock told me it was a quarter past three in the afternoon. I’d slept through most of the day. I leaped out of bed and heard Stella’s voice coming from the living room. I was about halfway down the stairs when I recognized the other voice. I stopped, paralyzed by fear. The image of Mikel from my nightmare came to mind and I couldn’t decide if I should run back up or go down and see what they were doing. Curiosity won and I descended the last few steps.

  He was dressed in a long sleeve blue shirt and black jeans. I stared at his back and for a moment my teenage insecurities took over, and I was worried about what I looked like after just waking up from a day and a half of sleep. I was about to turn around and run up the stairs, but it was too late.

  “Analey, how are you feeling?” Stella ask, and as she did Mikel turned toward me. I gripped the wood railing, bracing myself for the monstrous eyes. The fear that had swept over my face slowly receded when I saw he was just Mikel and not the monster from my dream.

  Mikel put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, his brown eyes taking me in from head to toe. A small smile touched his lips and he cocked his head to one side. “Are you feeling better?”

  “I’m fine,” I said looking at Mikel then to Stella. “Why aren’t you at work and why did I not go to school?”

  “You came home from school complaining of a terrible headache and ran a slight fever. You didn’t sleep, just tossed and turned all night. I gave you something to help you sleep and decided it was best to let you stay home and rest,” Stella said.

  “I don’t remember feeling bad,” I said. But I did remember the bad dream. I looked to Mikel, searching his eyes for any truth of last night’s dream, but there were no remnants of anything evil in his eyes as he stood in front of me.

  “You look much better now.” Mikel started walking towards me and I took a step back to the stairs.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” I said, thinking of an excuse to give me some more time to process and decide what I should believe to be real or imaginary. I climbed the stairs, my legs moving slower than I wanted.

  I closed the bathroom door and peeled my clothes off. If my calculations were correct, I must have slept for at least 15 hours, but I felt more tired than when I’d pulled an all-nighter doing homework. The hot water fogged up the mirror hanging over the sink. It had a white wood frame around it where I would sometimes post little reminders to myself. On a bright squared piece of paper taped to the frame, I had written Mon nom est…. which in English translated to My name is…. It was a phrase from my French class that for some reason I could never remember. It sounded easy enough, but when we were asked to translate it, I almost got it incorrect.

  I wiped some of the steam off the mirror and stared at my reflection. My black hair was pulled back in an untidy ponytail. My cheeks were flushed and the dark circles under my eyes were faint but still noticeable. I turned on the sink faucet and filled my cupped hands with cold water. I splashed the water on my face several times. I didn’t bother drying it and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt soothing on my tired body. I stood under the running water, not wanting to move out from under it. Closing my eyes, I let my mind wander back to my nightmare. I shivered as I forced myself to hang on to the details trying to make sense of what it meant.

  I walked my mind through the events of the night before when I’d come home to find Heath there waiting for me. He had been aggressive in his attempt to get me to go with him so he could take me away from Mikel and protect me. But until last night, I didn’t feel the need to be protected from Mikel. I recalled Mikel’s forceful behavior towards Heath and the nightmare. I wasn’t so sure anymore if Heath had been completely wrong about him.

  As the hot water turned lukewarm, I decided I’d been in there long enough. I pulled a large towel off the rack and wrapped it around my body. After I’d dried off, I dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of comfortable jeans then I pulled a pair of socks over my cold feet. I felt a little better than when I’d first woke up. After gathering my damp hair to the side in a loose braid, I went downstairs. As I reached the bottom floor, I noticed it was eerily quiet. I was surprised Stella and Mikel had left me alone after all the fuss they had made about me being sick. I sat down at the kitchen table trying to clear my mind, burying my face in my hands, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Something strange was going on with the people I cared about, but I had no one to trust and no one to help me. I needed answers but there was no one offering any.

  “Candice, I wish you were here to tell me what is going on,” I called out to the empty room. No answer.

  I was relieved that I didn’t get an answer, that Candice had just been another hallucination of my subconscious. I told that to myself repeatedly, but I couldn’t get rid of the nagging suspicion that I wasn’t alone. I heard someone at the front door, assuming Mikel or Stella had returned, I ran into the living room. A large man stood at the door. He had pulled it off its hinges and tossed it to the ground behind him. My legs trembled and tried to give out on me as I stumbled backwards. I stared at the man as he approached me. He was dressed in a black shirt and black pants. He even wore black boots. There was a scar on the right side of his face that started just under his hairline and ran down in a slight angle to his right eyebrow. I remembered where I’d seen this man. He had been on the bus the day I moved to Shadowmist.

  I kept moving backwards trying to make a move to the back door, but the man was now in the middle of the room. I felt my back push against the wall, and I felt trapped.

  “Analey,” he hissed. “Lars will be happy to know I found you.” He lingered on the S of the name, so it sounded like a hiss of a venomous snake.

  I didn’t have time to respond, and he closed the gap between us in one fluid movement. Miraculously, I managed to match his quickness and moved out of the way, causing him to hit the wall behind me. I spun around and faced him.

  “Awe, you’re quick,” he said with a smile. It wasn’t a friendly smile though, it was a menacing, frightening smile.

  A faint buzzing began to vibrate within me as I anticipated
what would happen next. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as he leaped at me. My hands flew up and made contact with his chest. I pushed him, but it was like pushing against a brick wall, hard and unmovable. I didn’t want to run, but I panicked and ran towards the front door. He was there in a flash blocking my escape. Scarface wasn’t smiling anymore and the scowl on his face made his scar more prominent on his forehead. He grabbed me by my neck and threw me down on the couch.

  “Now, I’m supposed to deliver you alive, in one piece, but if you try that again, I might not be able to stop myself from breaking your pretty face,” he growled.

  I trembled underneath the weight of his massive frame. I couldn’t talk so I just nodded that I understood. Scarface moved off me and stood over me as I laid on the couch cowering like a scared animal.

  “Get up,” he demanded in a deep and hoarse voice. He took a few steps back allowing me space to stand up.

  “What do you want?” I asked as I got to my feet and tried hard not to cry in front of him.

  “I want you to shut up. Lars will be here soon, and I will have completed my mission.” Scarface pulled out a phone and swiftly made a call, but before the call could connect, Mikel had appeared in the room and ripped the phone from his hand. Startled to see Mikel and Stella standing between him and me, Scarface rushed out of the house.

  “I’ll take care of him. You take care of her,” Stella said, and she disappeared after Scarface.

  Any fear I’d felt regarding Mikel was now nonexistent, and any reservations he’d had about me disappeared. He caught me as I fell into his arms and I trembled as he held me. The tears I’d been holding back came out and I cried. Mikel brushed my hair out of my face and placed his hands on either side of my face. He carefully inspected me, his wide eyes examining every inch of my body to see if I was hurt. His eyebrows pulled down as he stared at my throat. He pressed his lips together as he checked for other injuries but there were none.

  “If Stella doesn’t kill him, I will,” Mikel growled.

  I stiffened at the harshness of his tone. It was the same tone he’d used with Heath and the same rage in his eyes as in my nightmare.


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