Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1)

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Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1) Page 30

by Patricia Galvan

  I felt Larson pull his mouth away from my neck and I clasped my hand over the wound. I could feel the moment drawing near when he would leave again but then I remembered that I’d been furious with him.

  “Yes, I do have to return to her,” he said, his voice cracking as he answered my thought.

  “Just go. Please, just go,” I whispered with tears in my eyes.

  Larson wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. I didn’t move as I could feel the strength of his muscles against my body. He lifted my arms, putting them around his neck and I laced my fingers through his perfectly tousled hair. Then he kissed me, not softly or gently, but possessively. It was a long and possessive kiss. It left me breathless, but with his lips on mine I didn’t need to breathe.

  Larson looked at me with an intensity that could burn down the forest and for a split second I felt I was on the edge of forever with Larson, but then with perfect celerity he disappeared into the night. My legs gave out on me as soon as he vanished.

  Dropping to my knees, I stayed in the forest until Mikel found me. I felt his arms under my legs and arms as he lifted me and carried me home.


  Iawoke the next morning with a heavy, and broken heart. Larson was gone. Again. And this time it felt final. My chest tightened as new tears stung my eyes. I blinked them away, as my throat longed for the only other thing on my mind. The darkness was growing stronger and demanding more vampire blood. The side effects were not what Mikel had anticipated. The only effect his vampire blood had on me was the incessant need for more.

  Mikel pushed open the bedroom door and stood in the doorway. I locked eyes with him as he approached me. He leaned down and a strand of his hair gently brushed across my cheek. At that very moment my heart called out for him.

  I acted on impulse and I pulled Mikel to me, taking in the intoxicating scent of his hair. It reminded me of a warm summer day, the plethora of ocean and fresh coconut scents filling the air.

  Mikel pulled away from me and intensely stared into my eyes. “Are you sure?” His eyes questioned me.

  I was sure I wanted him to kiss me, but not sure of anything else.

  Kissing Mikel was as effortless as breathing. He was strong and passionate, but gentle at the same time. He took the lead and I followed, letting his lips guide mine. He drew his head back away from me and then leaned back down for one more kiss.

  “Ahem.” Sophia stood in the doorway, clasping her hands behind her back. Her hair rested in a French braid over her right shoulder and her hazel eyes glanced over to me. There was more brown in them today than green.

  I sat upright, smoothing my hair as I put some space between myself and Mikel. Sophia shrugged her shoulders and Mikel nodded, as they silently spoke to each other.

  “I won’t be long,” Mikel said, brushing his lips over mine for one more kiss, before instantaneously leaving the room.

  Sophia gave me a warm smile before turning and disappearing from my sight. I sat alone in the room waiting for Mikel to return, when I heard footsteps in the hallway outside the bedroom door.

  It was strange how I’d begun to sense when a vampire was near. It began with a tingling at the base of my skull then it would spread over my shoulders and down my arms. I ducked my head out the door and saw Faye and Phillip leaning over the banister. I was overpowered by the uncontainable urge to charge at them. Faye turned towards me, her golden-brown eyes locking with mine. Without one thought in my mind, I rushed her and before she could react, I had my arms around her ready to drain the life out of her. I could feel the vampire’s fear, but I couldn’t stop myself. Mikel ran up the stairs and stepped in as I started siphoning Faye’s energy. Mikel set his hands on both sides of my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes. Phillip narrowed his eyes on me as he moved to defend his sister. The color drained out of my face as recognition dawned over me, realizing what I’d almost done.

  “No,” Mikel yelled at Phillip, pushing him away. I let go of Faye and ran down the stairs and out the front door, scared and confused.

  I heard Mikel calling out to me, but I ignored him and kept running. When I reached the edge of the Aragon property, I stopped to catch my breath. The reality of what I was becoming crashed hard into me. The hunter was making its inception and soon would be the only one in control.

  What is happening to me? I was muttering over and over to myself when I saw Heath sitting in his car a few yards down the road. I walked over to the car, puzzled by his timely appearance.

  “Please get in,” Heath said as he opened the door. “I know how confused you must be right now. It’s okay. Your mind will clear up soon.”

  “What?” How could he possibly know what I was going through? “How do you know?” I climbed into the back seat of his car, pulling the door closed. My heart racing as if it would beat right out of my chest.

  “It was so gratifying to final give in and kill those bloodsuckers.” I hadn’t noticed Noah Riggins in the passenger seat. His face lit up with excitement at the thought.

  “I don’t want to kill them. I won’t do it,” I said with certainty.

  “It’s alright, Analey, you’re just confused and scared. I will help you become what you were born to be,” Heath said calmly.

  “No,” I said reaching for the door handle.

  “You don’t have a choice. Your immortal being necessitates to hunt and kill them,” he said. “You can’t change what you are—”

  I cut him off. “I do have a choice. I can become a vampire.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Riggins grunted. “Then we would have to hunt you.”

  Heath glared at Riggins then turning to me he said, “Analey, let me help you.”

  I hung my head; I couldn’t stay and risk killing Mikel or his family. The darkness was intense when I was around vampires; I knew I couldn’t become one either. Only Larson could change me, and he was gone. I looked over my shoulder out the back windshield of the car as Heath sped away, dirt spraying out from the tires.


  The hunters drove from Shadowmist to Havencrest National Airport, forged passports and identities in hand. After parking the old red sedan, we pulled out our luggage from the trunk and walked to the airport. The crisp morning air chilled my arms through the sleeves of my blue sweater as a Boeing 747 flew overhead, preparing to land. I pulled my suitcase behind me and adjusted my sunglasses. My hair, shoved under a baseball cap, was now cut short, just above my shoulders. Heath walked beside me, surveying the surroundings as we made our way through the parking lot. Riggins walked ahead of us, giving his infamous lady-killer looks to the women as he walked past them.

  Bags checked, tickets scanned, we walked to the flight terminal. Awe transformed my face as I gazed at the large windows that started at the floor and reached up all the way to the ceiling, with views of the aircrafts refueling for their next flight.

  Heath, Riggins, and I boarded the plane and dropped into our seats. I took the one next to the window as Riggins beat Heath to the seat beside me. I rolled my eyes and turned to look out the small window pane. The captain’s voice came over the speakers as he made his departure announcement; the flight stewardess motioned the seatbelt and mask instructions with her hands.

  “Ever flown before, Rose?” Riggins asked nudging my shoulder. He fixed his lady-killer eyes on mine, but they didn’t work on me. The only eyes I was interested in gazing at were piercing green and painstakingly gone.

  “A million times,” I answered and turned my attention back to the view outside the window, settling in for the seven-hour flight with one short layover in Texas.

  The next airport was bigger than the previous one and reminded me of a mall with shops and a food court. People from all parts of the country rushed to and from as some had arrived, and some were leaving. The layover was less than an hour long, so we departed one airplane and boarded the next one shortly after.

  Four hours later the FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT light came on as the aircr
aft made its decent. I closed the paperback book I was reading, placing a folded piece of stationary to mark my place, and shoved it into my bag nestled between my feet. The plane jerked and jostled as the wheels touched down on the runway. I put my hand on the armrest to brace myself, but instead clutched Riggins hand. His warm skin felt odd after being used to the coolness of Mikel’s hands. Flustered at my mistake, I pulled my hand off his. Riggins reached over and took it back, holding on until the landing was complete. I jerked away from Riggins and scowled at him. The corners of his mouth drew up in a coy smile before stepping into the narrow aisle, gesturing with a wave of his hand for me to step out in front of him. I averted my eyes to Heath, staring at his back and thinking about how much he had grown since the last time I’d seen him, as I trudged slowly behind the other passengers off the plane.

  “Now the fun begins,” Riggins said as we retrieved our luggage from the conveyer belt. I rolled my eyes at him again as I pulled the cap off and shook my hair out.

  “The work begins,” Heath corrected him.

  “Touché, Gibbs,” Riggins chuckled.

  We left the airport and rented a car, driving down the left side of the road, we drove through the English peninsula to a small fishing village surrounded by green lush meadows. The sapphire blue sky was cloudless and reached past the emerald grasslands and beyond to the rolling viridescent hills. The small cottage we had obtained was over the green hills nestled next to a clear blue river. I was in awe of the beautiful countryside. I let out a deep sigh as I accepted the next chapter of my life.

  Learning to control the darkness.

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  A mix of emotions grew as I moved towards the woods, with an impeccable urge to escape. An electric sensation vibrated beneath my skin, indicating the restlessness of my wolf as she climbed to the surface. I needed to take cover and let her out before she forced herself free.

  I ran until a forest entrance came into view. Looking around, darting behind a tree, I stripped down to bare skin. I quickly folded my clothes, placing them in a pile on the ground.

  Within seconds, discomfort began. The rearranging of my ligaments made my joints crack as I transitioned from human to wolf. After a moment, I could no longer see my hands. In their place were paws covered in fur. Beating my paws on the ground, I let the beast impulse flow as I bolt through the forest.

  Listening, woodland life was thriving all around. The sound of birds chirping out in the distance caught my attention, before the sight of squirrels running up and down the trees to escape my changing form reminded me of the need to flee.

  I was not sure how long or how far I just kept going. A few miles in it was time to let my wolf take control. Taking a step back in this mode is like switching my body into autopilot.

  They were my eyes and my body, but I had no control while in this phase. I had control of my thoughts and, if needed, autopilot could be dormant once more. She guided us under trunks and around trees in our path until we came across a clearing.

  We stepped out into an open-area to see an unfamiliar pond with a gorgeous view. Mesmerized, as if in a trance, we stared out across the crystal blue water for several minutes.

  An enticing scent caught our attention. It alone filled our entire being full of bliss. Instantly she moved the direction of the trail.

  It was inviting, and I pined to be closer. As we focused on the hunt ahead, my heart rate increased, pounding in my chest she ran faster. My pulse quickened as my human senses dulled.

  The scent disappeared. A low whimper escaped my throat and she lifted our muzzle into the air, trying to pick up the trail. Then, it came like a hurricane swirling around my nose. Closing my eyes, I invited the scent in; it was intoxicating and almost knocked me down.

  Chasing the trail, a little longer, I ran into something, hard. Knocking us off balance, I flew backward and heard a growl in front of me. Looking up, there was a wolf-like figure hunched and ready to attack.

  I was enthralled by his appearance. How could one stranger make me feel like this without even knowing him? At that moment, I felt safe, and leaving was not an option.

  He was gorgeous, and all that mattered was the need for him. There was this sense to be near him; no other words could explain it. It was as if a force was holding us there.

  It felt like I was floating high up in the clouds. The scent was like a high; I needed more; maybe a touch could fill the void inside.

  Lost in thought, I had not noticed just how big and beautiful the black wolf was with his sapphire eyes. A patch of white on his chest in the shape of a crescent moon drew me in.

  My eyes went wide before I could stop. Realization struck, that my wolf had a black crescent moon on the front left leg. Excitement soared through me, as well as confusion. What did this mean? Both of us bearing an identical mark?

  Gazing up at his chest, his eyes locked on me, holding our gaze. God, he was the most beautiful creature we had ever seen. I blinked, and before long, I was laying down my back on the cool grass, his wolf towered over me as his front paws had me pinned.

  For a second, panic shot through. A low growl escaped my throat. That growl was her? Damn. Glad he can’t see me blush. His body then began moving as if he was laughing, yet my wolf seemed calm. What the hell?

  Locking eyes again and holding my breath, I looked at his body on top of mine. In his eyes, there was a hunger that wanted to devour every inch of me.

  Letting out a soft purr, he rubbed his muzzle all over my neck. My body temperature began to rise along with this exciting rush coursing through me.

  Every ounce of me wanted him. I was unsure why, but I needed him close. Just his touch was enough to send electric currents through my body.


  Confused, I looked up at the black wolf, trying to see if he called my name? The voice I heard was not his. Who is calling out to me?


  I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, and then opened them to see nothing. There was no black wolf, no lake. It was gone. Sadness welled up within me. Closing my eyes again, after the fourth call out to me, I jolted awake from the sound of my name.

  Covered in sweat, my breathing is ragged as I pant. Slowly letting out a breath, my heart pounded in my chest. While trying to steady my breathing back to normal, my mind was spinning.

  “About time, you need to move, or we will be late.” My sister Ann had taken me from bliss.

  With a groan I roll over on my side, turning to look at my alarm clock. “Oh, shit!” I jumped out of bed. Laughing Ann slipped out of the room. Rushing to change quickly, I stumbled out into one of the bathrooms. Then, I quickly brushed my hair and teeth.

  Running downstairs, I entered the kitchen, grabbed an apple, then quickly met Ann at the front door.

  “Good thing you are fast. Otherwise I would have left by now,” teased Ann.

  “Sorry guess I slept through my alarm thanks for the wakeup call.”

  “Of course. I thought it was odd you weren’t down yet, so I was surprised to see you still asleep. Hey, so are you driving this morning?”

  “Yes,” I said, grabbing my truck keys from the hook. Opening the door to the garage, I walked towards my blue Dodge Ram pickup. Getting inside with a swift motion, I listened to the grinding of the garage lift gate, giving me a path towards the open road.

  Starting the car and grabbing the steering wheel, I look up at my windshield, smiling at the sticker planted there. Big bold white letters on my windshield read Whistlin Dixie.

  “I will never understand your love for this truck,” teased Ann.

  “That is because you prefer a car which you named The Dark Knight. I get the name’s reference to the movie franchise, but your car is not black,” I teased back.

  “Says the girl
who got a truck because most of the boys in our pack owns one,” laughed Ann.

  “Hey, I had to prove that girls can drive trucks better than most guys.”

  My name is Autumn Simms, I am a werewolf and starting my senior year. Standing at five seven, with shoulder-length reddish brown wavy hair and green eyes. While I may be fit, am far from a supermodel, with curves and a pant size of nine.

  Ann is my twin sister, who also knew me better than anyone else. She is passionate and caring; her bubbly energetic attitude is amazing. She is not only my twin, but best friend. Ann has beautiful blond hair and blue eyes.

  “You were in a deep sleep this morning. I called out your name for five minutes and then shook you after that.”

  . “Thanks for waking me. I was having the best dream and you took me from it,” I said with a sarcastic sigh.

  “Did you now? Ok, the cats out of the bag, now you’re obligated to talk,” said Ann excitedly.

  She was just so perky. It was hard not to love her. “Alright, fine it started off where I was running into the woods,” I said.

  After several minutes recapping the events from this morning, Ann shrieked. “Holy hell girl I am so turned on right now! I cannot believe you had a fantasy dream like that!”

  “GROSS! Ann, I didn’t need to know that about you,” I said laughing.

  “Don’t lie, but have you been wondering what he looks like naked?” she asked with a huge grin on her lips. “Any idea who he is? My heart melted as you described- how did you word it again?”

  “Okay, hold on why are you trying to visualize him naked?”

  “Maybe because he sounds hot. Of course, that and my wolf is hyped up now.”

  “Please stop talking. How can I think of him naked when all I saw was a black wolf? Second can we focus on the why, instead of what he looks like?” I said. “Ann, I swear never seen that wolf before, a total stranger. The dream was so vivid I can still smell his scent in my nose as if he were standing here with us.”


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