Scent to Kill: A Natural Remedies Mystery (Natural Remedies Mysteries)

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Scent to Kill: A Natural Remedies Mystery (Natural Remedies Mysteries) Page 6

by Chrystle Fiedler

  Dick looked at Simon for a long moment. “Okay, Ms. McQuade, perhaps you can see what you can find? We need to cover this from all angles. You’ll be compensated, of course.”

  Part of me wanted to disappear, but another part of me wanted to figure out this puzzle and help save Simon. I didn’t say anything. Instead I mulled over the decision. Could I do this?

  “Carly can get you access to the set,” Dick continued. “No one will wonder if you ask a few questions. What do you think, Ms. McQuade?”

  Simon leaned over and gave me a pleading look. “Will you do it?”

  chapter six

  Dr. Willow McQuade’s Healthy Living Tips

  Lemon balm (Melissa, which in Greek means “bee”) is a lovely lemony-smelling herb. I like to grow it in my garden in front of Nature’s Way Market and Café. It works like mint in that it soothes the stomach and the digestive system and helps relieve indigestion, gas, and bloating. It also helps if you are nervous, anxious, or have a little trouble sleeping, thanks to its essential oils, citronella and citrals A and B.

  Yours Naturally,

  Dr. McQuade

  I was just about to answer Simon when the phone rang. I went over to the desk and picked it up. “Nature’s Way. Willow, speaking. How may I help you?”

  “Hi, Willow. Rick McClellan here.” Rick was MJ’s husband and a producer on the show.

  “Rick, what can I do for you?” Carly and Simon both had quizzical looks on their faces, wondering what he wanted. I was wondering, too. Perhaps this had something to do with Amanda’s visit. “I hear that Amanda stopped by this morning.”

  “Well, here’s the situation. MJ and the production crew are all upset about what happened to Roger last night. Everyone’s on edge—tense and skittish and just plain scared. MJ thought maybe you could help us, so I sent Amanda down to check you out.”

  “Help you how?”

  “Amanda says you’ve got lots of remedies for stressed-out people, like those herbs and that massage and acupuncture stuff. Well, that’s what we need. MJ, she wants her people to feel good, and even I can see the sense in that. We want to get an excellent show in the can despite this tragedy. Can you come on up and we’ll discuss it?”

  Rick’s request seemed serendipitous, considering that Simon wanted me to investigate Roger’s murder on the estate. Working for Rick would give me an even less suspicious way to ask questions. I had learned not to ignore this kind of sign when it came to making decisions. It seemed that I was meant to go back there, although I wasn’t keen on doing so because of the weird vibes coming from the mansion. But I believed Simon was innocent, so I told Carly, the lawyers, and him that I would try to find out what had happened to Roger. Then I headed back to Southold. I didn’t bring any supplies since I wasn’t sure what Rick would need.

  I called Jackson on the way but got no reply. I left a message telling him where I was and that I needed to talk to him right away. He wouldn’t be happy about my decision, but I hoped he would help me with my investigation.

  Ten minutes later, I pulled into the Bixby driveway and parked in the circular drive behind two police cars, a black Mercedes, and a midnight-blue BMW. Qigong had come along with me and thoroughly enjoyed sticking his head out the window. I opened the rear car door, helped him out of the car, grabbed his leash, and we crossed in front of the Bixby mansion. I felt that same negative vibe, only stronger this time, perhaps even intensified by the immediacy of Roger’s murder. Was MJ right? Were there evil spirits in that house? I didn’t usually give much credence to their existence, but I was starting to wonder. Spending time here would be a challenge.

  I walked Qigong over to the steps that led to the Bixby beach. Below us, the police techs were busy at work, still combing the sand for clues.

  Beyond the shore, the bay sparkled in the sunlight. I watched as a seagull dive-bombed into the shallow water, plucked up a crab, took off with it, circled, and then dropped it—splat!—on the dock. Life feeds on life. That seagull is just hungry, killing that crab to survive, I told myself. But somehow the act seemed horribly violent.

  Detective Koren spotted me and headed up the steps with Rick behind him, talking on his phone. Detective Coyle trailed behind.

  “Willow!” Rick said, disconnecting the call and putting the phone in his pocket. “Thanks so much for coming.” Today he was dressed casually, in jeans and a blue T-shirt with colorful planets on it that said GALAXY PRODUCTIONS: IT’S OUT OF THIS WORLD!

  Koren got up so close to me that I could smell his pungent aftershave. He growled, “I thought I told you to stay away, Ms. McQuade.”

  Qigong didn’t like this and started growling back.

  “Back off, dog!” Coyle snapped, trying to be macho. He was dressed in what I can only describe as pure Coyle: He wore a shiny, cheap-looking, black suit, an ugly purple tie, and a tie clip that looked like a golf club.

  “It’s okay, Qigong.” I reached down and patted his head.

  Koren stepped back and shook his head. “That is one wacko name for a dog. But it figures, coming from you.”

  I decided to try to educate him. “Qigong is a twenty-five-hundred-year-old type of energy medicine from China. You use breathing techniques, gentle movements, and meditation to cleanse, strengthen, and circulate your life energy, or qi.”

  “Whatever, Doctor,” Koren said sarcastically. “You and your doggy need to go.”

  “Wait a minute, Detective,” Rick said. “I asked her to come. I’ll be with you in a minute, Willow. As I was saying, I don’t think you understand. We’ve already postponed the schedule for a full day. We need to start shooting tomorrow.”

  Detective Koren shook his head. “No, you don’t understand. This is a murder investigation. It takes priority. You’ll have to wait.”

  Rick blew out a breath. “MJ and the crew are here to work. If I don’t use them, I still pay. And if we don’t get it done this week, I miss my deadline, we have no show for broadcast, and MJ’s Mind—and possibly Galaxy Productions—are finished.”

  “That’s not my problem.”

  Rick pulled out his cell phone. “Did I neglect to mention that MJ and I are very close friends with the governor of your state? Seems he went to college with MJ. I have him on speed dial. I know he won’t be happy if shooting on her show is delayed.”

  Detective Koren shoved his hands into the pockets of his Brooks Brothers suit. It was fun to watch him squirm. I could tell he was trying to figure out how to play this one. Finally he said, “You can shoot starting tomorrow, but this beach is off-limits, okay? And make sure that MJ, the production staff, and the crew are available for questioning when I need them and that no one skips town just yet.”

  Rick nodded his head. “No problem. I can make that happen. So we’re good?”

  “You’re good as long as you abide by my rules. Break ’em, and I swear, I’ll take you all in for obstruction.” Koren headed back to the stairs and the beach.

  Rick exhaled a breath as he watched Koren go. “Good thing he didn’t call me on that one. I’m not sure the governor would remember MJ after all. They were in only one class together. I think it was biology. They shared a frog.” Rick chuckled for a moment, but when he glanced at the beach, quickly got serious again. “Now, here’s the thing, Roger’s murder, God rest his soul, is, of course, really freaking MJ out. I’m afraid it will affect her ability to read the house and her performance on the show. The staff and crew aren’t much calmer. Not to mention that there’s a murderer on the loose. Things are tense, and I’m hoping you can help, Ms. McQuade.”

  His cell phone rang. “McClellan here.” He listened for a moment. “Hold on. I’ll be right with you.” He pointed to the caretakers’ grown son, Lucas Russell, as he came rolling up in one of the golf carts. “Lucas will take you to the cottage that I thought you could use as a home base while you’re here treating the staff. It’s next to ours, and Mrs. Florrick, the housemaid, lives behind it. Think about what services you can provide that w
ould help de-stress MJ and the crew. I’ll take this call and meet you over there in a few minutes.”

  I got into the cart and put Qigong on my lap. Lucas put the cart into drive and we took off heading north along the retaining wall. Across the water, over at the public beach, people were enjoying the hot sun and the cool water.

  When I was a kid, my mother would bring Natasha and me there. From morning to dinnertime, we’d be swimming and diving in the dredged harbor. When we got too cold, we’d wrap blankets around ourselves and eat Cheese Nips, Oreos, and watermelon and read books. The days seemed endless, and life, full of possibilities.

  As we headed away from the mansion, the energy felt lighter and more positive. “You live in a beautiful place,” I said.

  “It’s okay I guess.”

  “Your lavender fields are lovely,” I said, trying to coax Lucas into conversation. “It’s my favorite herb. I run a health food store and café in Greenport called Nature’s Way, and I’m giving a seminar on lavender tonight.”

  Lucas grunted.

  We rode along in silence past the pond where Simon and Roger had been fighting. I decided to try again to get Lucas talking. It was time to start investigating. “I guess everyone is upset about Roger.”

  He shrugged and suddenly became talkative. “I wouldn’t say that. Not to speak ill of the dead, but Roger was a fool. It’s no surprise that he came to a bad end. When Roger was younger, he was always causing trouble, getting into fights over girls, drag racing on the North Road, gambling and getting stoned. But Max used his influence to get him into Brown. When he got kicked out of there for cheating, he decided to go out West to Hollywood. He convinced his old man to fund his production company. He’s been playing producer and living the high life on Max’s dime as long as any of us can remember. The man didn’t care about anyone but himself. Ask Carly. She knows.”

  “Sounds like Roger may have made some enemies. The police questioned Carly’s boyfriend, Simon Lewis. You probably heard about that fight they had yesterday.”

  “Roger will pick a fight with anyone. I don’t know Simon, but I don’t think he did it. This crime has something to do with the past.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you can’t get rid of bad blood. And that’s all I’ll say on the subject. Anything else and I’d just be guessing.”

  I mulled this over, but before I could say anything else, Lucas pointed to two cozy yellow cottages, with red shutters and roofs. “The house on the left is where Rick and MJ are staying. You’ll be using the one on the right.”

  “Where was Roger staying?” I knew Carly was living at Simon’s house.

  “He always stayed in the main house when he visited, which wasn’t often. Mrs. Florrick took care of him, like he was her own son.” Lucas pulled up in front of the cottage on the right and stopped.

  I thanked him, picked up Qigong, and got out. “You’ll be back soon with Rick, right?” I didn’t want to be here alone for long, considering a murderer was on the loose.

  “Five minutes.” Lucas made a U-turn and headed back to the mansion.

  The door was open so Qigong ran up the path, inside the cottage, and jumped up on the couch in the small living room. He obviously didn’t sense that anyone else was here, so I relaxed a little. I checked out the kitchenette and an enclosed porch. On the right were two bedrooms that could be used for massage and acupuncture, and a small bathroom. This could work. I’d just have to hope that Allie, Hector, and my yoga instructor, Nick Holmes, were available on such short notice. I sat down on the sofa, took out a notepad, and began to make a list of the services I could provide for MJ and the crew. I also wanted to ask Rick about Roger’s murder, but first things first.

  I’d just completed my list when Rick came in. “Thanks for waiting, Willow.” He sat down in one of the wingback chairs. “So, tell me what you think you can do.”

  “Well, I can help MJ and your staff with a wide array of natural remedies—everything from herbs to homeopathic medicines, supplements to flower essences and aromatherapy. As Amanda told you, I also work with a masseuse and an acupuncturist at Nature’s Way. Both of these practices can be immensely helpful when it comes to dealing with stress and its effect on the body.”

  “That all sounds great, but what about some stuff for energy? We need that, too. These shoots can get pretty grueling.”

  “That’s easy. I can set up a smoothie bar with herbal mixtures for energy and clarity so that everyone is functioning at their best.”

  “Good stuff,” Rick said. “And how would you handle seeing folks?”

  “We could use a sign-up sheet and people could make appointments to see me, have a massage or an acupuncture treatment. I think I can also arrange for my master yoga teacher to hold classes here, which would be wonderful for everyone in terms of stress release.”

  “Okay, Amanda can handle the sign-up. How would you bill me?”

  My cell phone rang but I let it go to voice mail. I needed to focus on Rick and this job.

  “I’ll just bill you per client, depending on what services they receive and the products I use.”

  “Just itemize everything and we’ll be fine. So when can you get started?”

  I needed to make sure that Allie and Hector and Nick were all available. If not, it would be a problem. But I decided to think positively and said, “I can be here around noon tomorrow with my team. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect. Afternoons are much more manageable in terms of people coming and going when we are shooting.” He got up and shook my hand. “Welcome to the team. Glad to have you here, Willow.”

  The feeling was mutual. Not only would this provide a nice chunk of new business, it would also give me the perfect opportunity to snoop around undercover and see what I could find out about Roger’s murder.

  chapter seven

  Dr. Willow McQuade’s Healthy Living Tips

  Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) oil has a fresh, sweet-tart, orange-fruit scent. It comes from the outer peels of bitter miniature oranges grown in Italy. Bergamot is a natural antidepressant (for mild depression only). It eases anxiety and is a mood booster. It also keeps skin looking young and clears up acne. Choose an essential oil blend or a skin cleanser that contains bergamot to experience its benefits.

  Yours Naturally,

  Dr. McQuade

  As Rick drove Qigong and me back to the main house, I mulled over exactly what I would need to make this job successful. The minute I got in my car, I would call Allie and Hector. In addition, I needed to call Nick Holmes, Aunt Claire’s boyfriend and the yoga instructor at Nature’s Way, to see if he could provide yoga classes. Merrily could help me put together the products that I would need.

  We were minutes away from the mansion when I received a text from Jackson telling me that he was on his way up here. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but I did need to tell him that I’d decided to try to help Simon. I hoped that he would understand.

  When Rick dropped me off at my car, standing in the driveway was MJ, the star of MJ’s Mind. Today, she wore a flowing caftan in shades of red, orange, and bright yellow. Her red hair was pulled into a loose chignon, and she wore large earrings that dangled almost to her shoulders, and her red sneakers. She had her arm around Carly, who was dressed in a short, black skirt and a white, sleeveless tank top, her face and eyes red from crying.

  Rick, who was on the phone, jumped out of the golf cart. “I took your advice, darlin’, and asked Willow to come up here. She’s going to set up a spa thingie for you in that cottage next to ours. Was there anything special you’d like from her?”

  MJ plucked the phone out of his hand and gave him a steely look. “Can’t you see that Carly is very upset?”

  “Of course I do.” Rick pulled Carly into a hug. “It’s gonna be okay, sweetie. We’re all in this thing together.”

  “I can’t do this Rick,” Carly said, pulling away from him. “I can’t be here now with this . . . circus going on.
I need everyone gone.”

  “Honey, we couldn’t leave even if we wanted to. Detective Koren needs us to stay here in case he has any questions. Not to mention, we are going to be out a bucketload of greenbacks if we pull the plug.” Rick ticked numbers off on his fingers. “I’ve got to pay the crew and the production staff regardless, and take care of their food and lodging, not to mention the rental fees on all the equipment. If we cancel and come back later, it’s going to cost us a fortune.”

  Carly shook her head. “I don’t care.”

  “You’re saying that now, but if we don’t deliver this premier episode on time, the order for the series from the Sci-Fi channel will be cancelled, and Galaxy Productions goes under. Who’s going to hire us after that? You know how this business is. You’ve got to produce. We have to do this.” He put his hands on Carly’s shoulders. “And I need you. You’re my line producer. I need you to keep us on track and underbudget.”

  “It’s all about money with you, Rick,” Carly snapped. “I lost my husband! I’m grieving. Can’t you understand that? This morning I made funeral arrangements for Roger, my dead husband. It’s Wednesday morning at the Southold Presbyterian Church, by the way. Do you have any idea how that feels?”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t mean to be insensitive, but weren’t you divorcing the man?”

  Carly stuck her finger in Rick’s face. “You’re right. He cheated on me and made a fool of me. I waited up so many nights for him when he didn’t come home or even have the decency to call. I hated him for that. He was a real shit.” She blinked back tears. “But I loved him anyway.”

  Carly had me baffled. The night of the murder she hadn’t seemed that upset about Roger. Instead, she seemed focused on finding lawyers for Simon. Maybe she had been in shock then; when she arrived at the jail, the reality of Roger’s death started to hit her. Still, I wondered: Did she love or hate Roger—or both? For a brief moment I considered if she might have killed him and this was all an act. But she was happy with Simon now, so that didn’t make sense.


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