The Sport of Romance: A Multi-Author Box Set

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The Sport of Romance: A Multi-Author Box Set Page 119

by Cari Quinn

  He nipped her bottom lip, then moaned as she clenched all the muscles within. His fingers found the perfect rhythm to set her off. She dug her nails into his ass with the final thrust and he shouted as he came.

  They lay on the floor next to each other for what seemed like a very long time. He got up first, but didn’t go far. He covered her breasts, then found some baby wipes in his brother’s toy bag to clean them both.

  For some reason, even dressed and sated, she couldn’t stop touching him. A brush of her fingers on the back of his hand, a nudge with her elbow as they walked and his hand slipped from the small of her back to her butt, her head against his chest when they stopped to watch Silverfalls whip one of the two subs she’d chosen to play with for the night.

  They brought Dean’s bag to him and went to fetch their coats. Outside, Madeline hesitated and looked around for Tim’s car in the parking lot. When it occurred to her that he might have gotten a ride from his brother, and the reason he wouldn’t have wanted to drive his own car home, she jerked her hand from Tim’s. It made her afraid and sick and angry to think he’d been prepared to be in no condition to drive by the end of the night.

  “Madeline?” Tim put his hand on her shoulder and made her face him. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  Being mad at him now wasn’t fair. The punishment scene meant she had to let it go.

  She forced a smile. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing.” He frowned and looked across the parking lot. Sighed and nodded. “My car isn’t here. And you know why. I understand your still being upset about what I almost did.”

  “No. I won’t let this ruin the night. We shouldn’t even be discussing it anymore.”

  “Why not? Because you punished me and we have a clean slate?” He shook his head and pulled her into his arms. “I give you permission to keep being mad at me. Would it make you feel better to yell at me?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You can bring me home and spank me.”

  She slapped his chest and laughed. That felt much better. “I won’t reward bad behavior. And I can’t stay mad at you when you make me laugh.”

  “Then there’s only one thing I can do.”

  “And what’s that?”

  Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose. His lips hovered over hers as he spoke. “Make sure you smile and laugh every single day.”

  She closed her eyes as he kissed her, wrapping her arms around him to bring him closer. Tiny snowflakes landed on her cheeks, clung to her hair, but she hardly noticed them. His presence made her forget everything beyond the moment. She could easily see him doing exactly as he’d promised.

  And there was nothing to stop either of them from finding out.

  Chapter Five


  Bracing his hands on White’s and Kral’s shoulders, Tim glared at the ref standing on the ice, only a few feet away from the bench. This was the last game of the regular season and the Cobras hadn’t made the playoffs, but he wasn’t going to see his boys beaten to a bloody pulp against the boards because the refs were fucking blind.

  “The puck was at the other side of the damn rink! In case you’ve forgotten, that’s called interference!” He shoved away from his players and paced behind the bench, tugging at his tie to loosen it. For some reason everything was pissing him off today. He threw his arms up in the air as Callahan passed the puck rink-wide about five steps ahead of Perron, leading to an easy interception by the Senator forward. “What the fuck are you doing? Are you trying to hand them the fucking game?”

  The men in front of him leaned away, keeping their heads down as he continued to pace. Even Paul was steering clear of him today. They could all tell he was at the end of his rope, and no one wanted to be the one to set him off.

  Over the past few months, life had been pretty damn amazing. Between his schedule and Madeline’s, they were apart more than they’d like, but they made the most of the time they had. They went to the club, or sometimes to Dean’s house when his daughter Jami was visiting with family. The team wouldn’t be chartering another flight until September, which meant Madeline had to take more regular flights.

  He refused to complain about how often she was gone; he’d been away for weeks at a time during the season, but he couldn’t help missing her. The days without her were empty. There was no one else he could talk to about his frustration with Jami’s mother, who’d come down to spend the day with Jami and take her shopping, on Dean’s dime. Then disappeared for a month without a word. Or with Dean himself, who worked so hard, who did his best as a father, but resented asking anyone for help. He didn’t seem to understand that Jami spent more time talking to Tim, to some of the players, simply because she knew her mother had hurt Dean too, and tried to pretend everything was okay for him.

  Madeline would know the right thing to say, to do.

  But she had enough of her own problems to deal with. Two of her brothers had moved back home, and her mother was in and out of the hospital after a mild heart attack. He needed to be there on the nights she was frustrated to the point of tears because her brothers were selfish bastards. The days she wanted to go home, but her father asked her not to because he wanted to avoid confrontation. Which meant nothing changed and Madeline would pace and rage until she calmed down. Then she’d let Tim hold her.

  His woman had a big heart, and it was one of the things he loved most about her. But he hated not being there to keep that tenderness and caring from leaving her battered and bruised.

  A line change brought Tim’s attention back to the action on the ice. He groaned as a skate-on-skate slew foot sent Kral face-first into the boards and caused White to lose his damn mind. The refs missed the dirty play, and White took it on himself to grab the Senator defenseman by the back of his sweater. White shook his glove off and nailed the defenseman with a quick uppercut.

  The Senators rushed to the aid of their teammate. The Cobras moved in to make sure White wasn’t outnumbered.

  By the end of the scrum, half the damn bench ended up either in the box or ejected from the game. Tim glanced up at the clock, grateful to see less than a minute remained to the game.

  To the season.

  After the buzzer sounded, he headed straight out, not bothering to stop to talk to any of the players. Not just yet anyway. He waited outside the locker room for White to finally trudge down the hall at the end of the line.

  “What the fuck were you thinking, boy?” Tim scowled when White shrugged and moved to step past him. He latched on to the boy’s shoulder. “You were told to cool it out there. Your one-year contract ends this summer, and it won’t take much for you to get traded.”

  White dropped his gaze to his skates and bowed his shoulders. “Sorry, Coach.”

  Fuck, Tim felt like he’d just kicked a puppy. And he had no right to come down on White, no matter how worried he was about the kid. Yet another thing to improve his wonderful mood. White’s name had been going around the boardroom a lot.

  Madeline would kill Dean if she found out. Not that his potential death would change his brother’s mind if he’d decided he could shop White around for a good deal, but life was a lot more pleasant when the two of them got along. Especially since it was usually Tim’s flesh bared when they had pain-inducing toys in their hands.

  “Shit, White, don’t be sorry. It’s good that you were looking out for Kral even though he’s a dick to you.” Tim squeezed White’s shoulder, then gave him a little shake when he didn’t look up. “Season’s over and you know I’ve got your back. Go have a beer with the guys. On me.”

  Lifting his head, White nodded. Then his eyes widened and his lips parted in a broad smile that showed off the spaces where he was missing a couple of teeth. “Madeline!”

  Tim snorted even as he turned. He couldn’t have gotten that reaction from White by telling him he’d be offered a ten-year contract. Of course, his own smile wouldn’t be bigger if the Cobras had made it to the Cup.
  “You’re very lucky you two made up.” Madeline winked at Tim as she hugged White. “You have to be nice to my boy.” She tipped her head back to look up at White. “How’s your grandma doing, sweetie?”

  “Better, but the blood thinners got her feeling cold all the time. I cut a whole lot of wood last time I went to visit her, and paid some kid to make sure the fireplace is always going.” White ducked his head. “I got a red-eye to go take care of her myself.”

  “Good man.” Madeline held up a package wrapped in brown paper. “I made her a shawl with nice thick wool. In the Cobra colors. It should help.”

  “Thank you, Miss Madeline. She’ll love it.” White hugged Madeline again, blinking fast. “I gotta go change, but…you’re an awesome lady.”

  Tim couldn’t stop smiling. He agreed.

  But it was time for the boy to go. If he shed a single tear, Madeline would be petting on him all night. And Tim was feeling a little greedy with her time. He’d figured she’d already be at the airport, ready to hop on the plane that would bring her to her connecting flight in Montreal. Then nonstop to London.

  Madeline patted White’s cheek, saying goodbye before the boy disappeared into the locker room. Then she turned to Tim, who didn’t hesitate before pulling her into his arms.

  “I hope you’re not usually as grumpy as I saw you out there, because I might regret the decision that brought me here.” Madeline’s lips quirked, telling him she was teasing. “What are your plans for the summer?”

  Plans? He inhaled deeply, letting it out slow so he could choose his words carefully. Summer would be busy for her. He shrugged. “I’ll probably go see my parents. My mother’s looking forward to meeting you when you have the time.”

  “That shouldn’t be too difficult, since this is my last flight.” She grinned at him when he stared at her. “Are you really that surprised? I’ve been doing this for twelve years, Tim. For the first time I have a beautiful house, a home I love. And a different kind of family. One that’s a little easier to deal with than my own right now.”

  “You can’t be talking about the team? I’ll admit, some of those boys need a mother in the worst way, but—”

  “Yes, I mean the team. And you.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a key on a Dartmouth Cobras keychain. “I’ll be gone for about a week. I’m hoping you’ll be waiting for me when I come back.”

  He wet his lips as he took the key. “Waiting for you?”

  “You hate your apartment, Tim.”


  She bit her bottom lip. “Was this a mistake? Maybe it’s too soon—I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “I don’t.” He laughed, swallowing hard as he gazed into her hopeful eyes. Suddenly, all the frustration from his crazy life, the emptiness within from missing her so damn much, faded away. She would still leave him, but only for a little while. Then she’d be his, in every part of his life. “I’ll be there, Madeline. Even if you decide you want to keep flying, keep seeing the world, I will be there when you come home.”

  Her eyes glistened with unshed tears that spilled down her cheeks when she closed her eyes as he kissed her. “So you’ll wait for me?”

  There was so much he could say, but at that moment, only one word felt right. So he whispered it against her lips. “Always.”

  The End

  Visit the Dartmouth Cobras

  About the Author

  Tell you about me? Hmm, well, there’s not much to say. I love hockey and cars and my kids…not in that order of course! Lol! When I’m not writing—which isn’t often—I’m usually watching a game or a car show while networking. Going out with my kids is my only downtime. I get to clear my head and forget everything.

  As for when and why I first started writing, I guess I thought I’d get extra cookies if I was quiet for a while—that’s how young I was. I used to bring my grandmother barely legible pages filled with tales of evil unicorns. She told me then that I would be a famous author.

  I hope one day to prove her right.

  For more of my work, please visit:

  You can also find me on Facebook, and Twitter.

  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  The Dartmouth Cobras

  Blind Pass (The Dartmouth Cobras #0.5)

  Game Misconduct (The Dartmouth Cobras #1) FREE

  Defensive Zone (The Dartmouth Cobras #2)

  Breakaway (The Dartmouth Cobras #3)

  Offside (The Dartmouth Cobras #4)

  Delayed Penalty (The Dartmouth Cobras #5)

  Iron Cross (The Dartmouth Cobras #6)


  Deadly Captive

  Collateral Damage

  The End – Coming 2015

  Rosemary Entwined

  Rosemary & Mistletoe

  The Trip FREE

  Solid Education

  Out of Left Field

  (Deadlines & Diamonds)

  Morgan Kearns


  Out of Left Field

  When a shoulder injury takes Left Fielder, Matthias Xavier out of the game, it’s Dr. Frankie Holden’s job to get him back on the diamond. His rehab turns out to be more than either of them bargained for, and when she promises to help him face his scarred past, neither of them are prepared for the fireworks that come Out of Left Field and threaten to scorch them both.

  Praises for OUT OF LEFT FIELD:

  “The dialogue in this book is a perfect example of what romance is all about.”

  ~Nichole Severn, author of Bleed for Me

  “…a story that comes to life in the palm of your hand and characters that work their way into your heart…”

  ~Linda Boulanger, author of To Dance with the Enemy

  Praises for MORGAN KEARNS:

  “I could read Morgan Kearns all day and never tire of it.”

  ~Deena Remiel, author of Trinity

  “Whatever Morgan puts in ink I will read.”

  ~Good Choice Reading

  Praises for IN IT TO WIN IT:

  “If sweet and romance had a baby, this book would be the finished product.”

  ~Romance Novel Junkies

  “…a gigantic 10.”

  ~skyla11377 book reviews

  Praises for FADE TO BLACK:

  “…a rollercoaster ride full of sensations.”

  ~Coffee Time Romance

  “…an amazingly powerful love story…”

  ~Book Crazy

  Out of Left Field is a work of fiction. The characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any similarities to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2012 Morgan Kearns

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means without the written consent of the author, except for brief quotations used in critical articles or reviews.

  Cover art by Char Adles

  ISBN: 1-4750-7583-9

  EAN13: 978-1475075830

  Join the Team:

  To Xavier: When you stepped up to the plate, I had no idea you were such an amazing guy. I’ll happily wear “Xavier” on my back.


  —because I couldn’t do it without you!

  Thank you to everyone who has ever picked up one of my books! You make what I do possible.

  To my go-to reviewers; Wanda & Raquel: Thanks for reading my work and sharing your opinion.

  For making sure all the I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed, thanks to Dawn, Dawn & Kristi.

  To Natascha: Thanks for busting out your fine-toothed comb. I’m thankful for you!

  To Siobhan: You have a knack for making me laugh when I need it. Thank you!

  Because a book is judged by its cover, I must thank Jimmy & Char for giving me an awesome one!

  Everybody needs cheerleaders. I’ve got four of the greatest out there … and they’ve never read my books! Thanks to my kids for eating lots of corn dogs. Mommy loves you!

  Happiness really is being married to your best friend. To my husband; thanks for loving me, supporting me, and being my shoulder to cry on. I love you!

  Chapter One

  Snap, crackle, pop.

  Matthias Xavier enjoyed that particular combination of sound when it came from a cereal bowl, but coming from his shoulder … not so much.

  He ground his teeth, closed his eyes, and pushed the weight bar toward the sky. Focusing on the burn in his pecs, he relished the subtle pain telling him the exercise accomplished something. The pain in his shoulder accomplished nothing, except an assload of ache he’d sure as hell pay for tonight.

  He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide his weakness for much longer, but exposing himself meant … well, exposing himself. He learned a long time ago someone was always ready, willing, and able to use any vulnerability against him.

  He blew a breath out through gritted teeth, making a half-whistle noise. He huffed and puffed, but not from exertion as he set the bar in the cradle. He groaned and barely won the battle to keep from rubbing his shoulder. “I think that’s enough for now.”

  From his position at Xavier’s head, his coach and best friend, Grayson Pierce, lifted a dark brow. “You didn’t finish the rep. You okay?”

  No. “Totally.”

  Skepticism shone in Grayson’s eyes, but he didn’t question further. Thank heaven. Xavier knew all about denial. His shoulder, though, yelled with all the bells and whistles of a freakin’ marching band.


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