Blue Love

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Blue Love Page 21

by Mj Fields

  “Yes, but there’s more dad, I kiss him a lot and I like it,” she said obnoxiously. Her dad looked at her confused.

  “And when I wanted to go out with my friends he was pissed and we brought him dinner and Sadi’s head popped out of the water she was giving him a blow job,” Tessa screeched.

  “Is that true Luke?” John asked.

  “Yes sir, the night I came home and found my mom on the floor I called the ambulance, Sadi’s cousin is on the ambulance squad, they took Mom to the hospital. When I came home I smoked pot and sat in the hot tub, I woke up to your daughter’s sweet voice and Sadi coming up from out of the water, I assume Sadi’s cousin called her,” Luke said.

  “Must have been a rough night Luke I am sorry. You shouldn’t be smoking that stuff,” John said.

  Tessa looked at the floor, “Oh and he went to his dad’s and had sex with Leah when he tells me he loves me,” Tessa quit while you’re ahead, Luke thought and laughed. “It’s not funny asshole.”

  “Luke is that true?” John asked.

  “No sir, I had sex with her a year or so ago, she happens to now be my sisters babysitter, she got wet while helping them shower, she asked for a shirt to change into, Audri insisted she stay being the first overnight they had with my father alone since they spilt, I gave her mine. I fell asleep thinking of Tessa, I woke up to someone kissing me. I stopped it as soon as I realized it was her and not Tessa. Apparently my ass hit the phone and called Tessa when she was trying to get me to do her again, meaning like we had last year and I said no,” Luke said looking down.

  “Tessa do you have any other questions you need answered?” her father asked.

  “Yes! Were you drunk or high?” Tessa snapped.

  “I had a few drinks with my dad at the country club and he drove us home,” he said, “that’s probably why it took me a few minutes to wake up,” Luke said looking at her.

  “Well maybe you have a problem with alcohol,” Tessa yelled at him and hiccupped.

  Everyone laughed and she put her face on Jade’s shoulder and cried.

  “Luke I think you’ve turned away more than I have had in a year,” John said and laughed.

  “Dad that’s not funny” Tessa yelled at him.

  “Luke thank you for not taking Tessa up on her offer, I trust you can handle it, not under this roof do you understand?” John asked.

  “Yes sir,” Luke said.

  “Girls why are you drinking?” John asked, he was exhausted and really didn’t want to do this but knew he had to.

  “Cause Tessa was sad and wanted to Uncle John,” Tessa glared up at her “And we wanted to also, we stayed here no one drove, we won’t do it again,” Jade said giving him puppy dog eyes.

  Tommy smiled at her, damn she is hot he thought.

  “Why where you in the hot tub naked?” John asked and the boys burst out laughing, “Boys enough,” he said and they were quiet.

  “Well Mr. Ross nudity isn’t really that bad unless it’s for sex that’s not between husband and wife,” Becca said.

  “Really Rebecca,” he asked.

  “Well Jade had a point, we weren’t born with clothes on,” Becca said quietly.

  They all laughed. “Alex I am done with this for tonight, can you make sure everyone stays clothed and doesn’t drink anymore and stays put,” John asked as he walked towards his room, “and your sister keeps her breasts covered.”


  They all laughed except Tessa, she stood up and went to the bathroom. When she came out the TV was on and they were all watching TV. Alex looked at Tessa and shook his head. The only place left to sit was next to Luke. She chose to sit on the floor pouting. Luke stood up and picked her up and sat her next to him. She let him.

  “Are we okay?” Luke asked.

  “You’re a freaken hero and I am a whore,” Tessa said pouting.

  Luke laughed, “I think we know better than that, where is your phone?” he asked.

  “In the kitchen on the counter why?” Tessa asked.

  “Audri is going to call you,” he said, “just in case you don’t believe the Leah thing she knows about it and I want to tell you, Audri likes you a lot,” Luke said and smiled.

  Chewy came in and dropped her bathing suit bottom on his lap.

  “That’s my boy,” Luke giggled.

  Everyone laughed. “Tessa you believe me don’t you?”

  “Yes” she said “I just feel like an ass and I am loa…ded.”

  “I would have thought the same thing Tessa; I just wish you had asked me,” Luke said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your Mom?” she asked and her eyes showed hurt.

  “I didn’t want you to pity me, I wanted you to love me for me not because I was a cause,” Luke said.

  She hugged him, and they noticed everyone was watching them. “We all have things that we could do without in our lives right guys?”

  “I do, my mom is a junky,” Jade said and laughed.

  “I was almost raped by two different foster kids,” Becca blurted out and they all gasped.

  “My Dad shot my mom and then himself, in front of me,” Phoebe said and laughed. They all looked at her, “Please don’t tell anyone it’s rather embarrassing,” she said.

  Alex looked at her and pulled her onto his lap and hugged her.

  “My family is a train wreck right now, and I am no better,” she said and laughed.

  Everyone looked at Tommy, “I have a huge penis,” they all laughed when they saw Jade gasp and her eyes bulging out of her head.

  “He’s not joking Jade unbelievably well endowed,” Luke said and Alex agreed.

  “How do you guys know, you hang out naked together? Gross,” as soon as Tessa said that she wished she hadn’t.

  “This coming from the streaker, I bet it was your idea,” Luke said.

  “It was,” the girls all said at once.

  “I love your curiosity” Luke whispered in her ear.

  “I love you,” Tessa said.

  Luke kissed her.

  “No hands man,” Alex reminded him; he raised them in the air.

  Chewy whined and she stood to take him out. “Come with me,” she said taking his hand.

  “Be good,” Alex scowled at Tessa.

  “Maybe they don’t want to be,” Phoebe said looking at Alex. “Maybe I don’t want to be,” she said and kissed him. He slowly kissed her back, he put his hand on her back and pulled her closer to him and he kissed her gently and softly, trying to make her forget about what she had lived.


  They walked outside and Tessa turned and jumped on Luke wrapping her legs and arms around him. He sat on the bench and kissed her, she kissed him deeply and they stopped for a minute, “Tessa, we need to talk about things better,” he said breathing deeply.

  “Not now please, I have missed your lips, your arms, your eyes, God I want you now,” Tessa said and kissed him unable to control herself, they kissed hard and their tongues swiftly met one another’s, she could feel him beneath her and she wanted him. She stood and pulled his shirt off, “God you are gorgeous,” she said and sat back on him, she bit his lip and kissed every inch of his face and moved to his neck and chest. He moaned and she looked up at him and he looked like he was in pain. She moved back up to his mouth.

  He stopped her and picked her up off him. “Tessa baby, no drunk sex with you and not here.” She stomped her foot and he laughed, “That’s twice I have seen that move tonight, I kind of like it,” he said and smiled, “Tessa Ross?” he asked, “Will you be my girlfriend now and forever.”

  “Lucas Links, promise to never shatter me again, third time would not be a charm,” she scowled.

  “I won’t Tessa, ever,” Luke promised.

  “Then yes, forever,” she said and smiled.

  She thought of Toby and her smile went away.

  “What’s wrong Tessa?” he asked rubbing his fingers slowly up and down her arm.

  “Toby,” Tessa said quietly.
  “He is a good guy,” Luke said, Tessa looked at him, she was shocked, “What I am not stupid,” he said and laughed.

  “I just feel awful, he has never done anything to me, but show me kindness,” she said, “and then there is you,” she said.

  “What?” he asked looking guilty.

  “Well Luke, you really didn’t do anything either except not communicate with me and the stuff with your Mom I am so sorry,” tears started forming in her eyes, “I’m a bitch,” she said.

  He laughed, “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “You’re drunk Tessa, and you’re kind of funny,” Luke said trying not to laugh anymore.

  “You’re stoned so probably everything is funny,” she said and they both laughed. “What is my dad thinking letting you stay here?” Tessa asked and laughed.

  “I don’t know but I am grateful, hey and you get to do my laundry, and cook for me, it’ll be like being married but without the sex,” Luke said and laughed.

  “No by the sound of my Dad tonight it’s exactly like being married,” they both laughed. She straddled his lap and hugged him; “I love you Lucas Links,” she said and fell asleep. He rubbed her back and hugged her kissing her head and breathing her sweet scent. He loved her, he needed her and it scared the hell out of him.


  Luke carried her in and sat down and laughed, “Looks like the girls all had too much to drink.”

  “I would say, Jade begged me to show her,” Tommy laughed.

  “Did you?” Luke asked.

  Tommy’s face turned red, “She kind of wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “What did she say?” Alex asked.

  “She said, we’ll make that work and then she smiled,” he laughed.

  Chapter 18

  John walked out of his room, what the hell was he thinking, he asked himself. He went in the kitchen and started breakfast.

  “Good morning Daddy,” Tessa said and looked ashamed.

  “Tessa, you have church today actually all of you do, wake them up, everyone needs to get ready,” John said avoiding eye contact.

  “Daddy I am sorry,” Tessa said trying to get him to look at her.

  “Oh no Tessa Ross, that look’s not going to work,” she walked towards him and hugged him, “Okay that may help.”

  She took the spatula and started cooking, “Fine just don’t do it again!” John snapped.

  He heard the kids laugh in the other room, he shook his head. They all walked out, “Good morning John.”

  None of them could keep their eyes off one another, and John just shook his head.

  Jade and Tessa’s kids were scheduled to sing and they had promised a pizza party, “Tessa we’ll get the pizza, go get your kids ready,” Luke said laughing.


  The kids sang This Little Light Of Mine and did awesome, Kendall and Jake where the loudest, everyone clapped and laughed. The boys brought the pizza and the kids made them stay and sing with them, Tessa laughed as she watched Luke. Even the little girls seemed to be smitten with him.

  “Sing with me,” Tessa asked smiling, he laughed. She sat and smiled at him. He looked confused and laughed uncomfortably, which made her laugh.


  After the kids were all picked up Tessa took Luke to get some clothes from his house. “Come help me?” he asked.

  “Sure,” Tessa smiled as she got out of the truck.

  “Hey Tessa, why where you looking at me so weird at the church?” Luke asked as she was walking out of his closet with some clothes in his hand.

  “Did it make your feel uncomfortable?” Tessa smiled.

  “Yes kind of weird, what’s going on?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know there’s just something about you that’s different,” Tessa said.

  “Ok,” Luke said looking confused.

  “Two days ago I was a wreck, and today you’re living with us,” she said softly and handed him some clothes.

  “You okay with that?” he asked smiling at her as he looked up from his bag.

  “I don’t know it’s going to be weird, don’t you think?” Tessa asked walking back into his closet.

  “A little bit especially because I think everything you do is hot, even the foot stomping thing last night…” he began.

  “Twice,” they said at the same time and laughed.

  She looked up at him and smiled, his eyes, damn those green eyes showed everything, every emotion when he let them.

  He looked at her and ran his hands nervously through his hair and she looked away.

  “You going to miss this big bed?” she asked, “I mean my house isn’t like this.”

  “Tessa are you going to miss this big bed,” Luke asked picking her up and throwing her in it.

  She laughed and he jumped on her. “Nice,” she said.

  Tessa kissed him and he kissed her back. There was something different in the way his kiss felt now, it was soft and gentle and more playful, she laughed.

  “Something funny Tessa?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said and laughed harder.

  He sat up and looked at her and smiled, “Your being silly.”

  “Sorry,” she said “I just feel different, you kiss me differently now,” she said and laughed.

  “How so?” he asked looking embarrassed.

  “It’s sweeter,” Tessa said and smiled looking down.

  “Oh,” he scowled.

  “Not to ruin the moment but it is nice, like you are less guarded, or you’re not in a hurry,” Tessa said trying to make him less uncomfortable.

  “Ok, weird but okay,” Luke said looking confused still.

  “Ok, so it’s not like you’re in a rush or like you want to tear my clothes off and bend me over the bed right now, kind of kissing. It’s like you can enjoy it and well I don’t know,” Tessa’s face turned red and she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow and screamed into it.

  “I have to tell you Tessa I absolutely want to tear your clothes off and bend you over the bed, maybe it’s you. Maybe you’re less guarded, maybe you trust me a little more, you’re more relaxed also,” Luke said, “Maybe you finally believe me when I say I love you,” he said quietly as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Her phone rang and it was her father, “Your Mom will be here in an hour Tessa, you need to be here as well,” John said.

  “I will, we will,” she said and smiled and hung up, “That was Dad,” she said and sat up, “Mom’s coming over.”

  “Oh boy,” Luke said looking down and grabbing his bags.

  She forced herself to look at him, “Ok so you know how Jade and Tommy have their six month rule?”

  “Ya I hear his countdown almost daily,” Luke laughed.

  “I think we should pick a date. That way there is no pressure but we know it’s going to happen on that date?” Tessa said.

  “Ok,” he said and giggled, “How about tomorrow?”

  She laughed, “Ok tomorrow it is,” his jaw dropped, “No seriously let’s pick a date.”

  “How do you just pick a date Tessa?” he asked joking, “How will that be at all romantic or spontaneous? You know the stuff you girls like.”

  “Oh, okay,” she said, “Well we better get going Mom will be at the house soon.”

  Tessa started to stand and he knew that he had upset her. He grabbed her and pulled her onto him. “What’s an acceptable amount of time Tessa Ross?” he asked trying not to smile.

  “I don’t know,” Tessa scowled and looked away.

  “Do you need this date?” Luke asked more seriously.

  “Yes actually I think I do,” she said still annoyed. She wasn’t sure why, maybe it was because she needed to know it wouldn’t happen too soon or maybe she needed to know that it would happen someday.

  “Okay,” he said grabbing her face and turning it back to him, “Your mind is racing, what are you thinking, honestly I want to know.”

  “Well, lots of things like,
maybe I need to know because I am concerned you won’t be able to wait that long for me?” Tessa said. “Or that you actually want me,” she said and her face turned a brighter shade of red.

  “How can you think I don’t want you?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know?” she pouted, “Maybe because I have offered it up, on a silver platter as you said, and you turn me down.”

  “Well you were drunk baby, I don’t want you to hate me?” Luke said.

  “What if I said I want you now?” she asked and looked down.

  “I would kiss you like this,” Luke said as he gently took her face and kissed her cheek and moved down her neck and up to her ear. He softly sucked her earlobe for just a second and moved down her neck across her collar bone and up the other side of her neck to her ear. “And then I would lay you down on my bed,” Luke whispered and gently put her down on the pillow. Luke straddled her and pulled his shirt over his head and bent down and kissed her, “Your shirt would be next,” he whispered as he took his finger and traced the imaginary line between her breasts down to her belly button and started to slowly untuck it with his fingers.

  She did not want him to stop, her heart was racing, “Lucas,” she finally breathed. “My Mom,” she said as she grabbed his hand.

  “And then I would hear that,” he said sounding frustrated and he laughed deeply, “Yes we need to pick a date this is going to kill me,” he said as he fell onto her and groaned.

  She laughed and kissed him. They got up and grabbed his bags and walked out to the truck. She drove.

  “Okay any idea?” Tessa asked pulling out of the driveway.

  “I have a question?” Luke said.

  “What’s that?” Tessa asked smiling.

  “I think we have the kissing thing down pat, wouldn’t you say, it was two months Friday Tessa?” Luke said.

  “I know,” she grinned, “I really like kissing you.”

  “Me too baby, there are other things that I want to do to you,” he said in a huskier voice.

  “Like what,” Tessa asked feeling her heart beat faster and she swallowed hard.

  “Your tits baby, they are the most perfect I have ever seen,” Luke said softly.

  “Sorry no go, I already offered and you turned them down, they are kind of mad at you,” she said and laughed.


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