Dealer (A Tim Burr Thriller Book 3)

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Dealer (A Tim Burr Thriller Book 3) Page 9

by Nicholas E Watkins

  The intensity became too much and the sodomising male tensed and groaned loudly as he came in her arsehole. Benedict nearly came, but managed to control himself. He wanted to just lick the cum from her. He needed to wait until the second man had discharged his load into her mouth before he moved in to kiss and lick her.

  The first man, having filled her arse with semen bent down and rummaged in the pile of clothes he had discarded. Benedict was unclear what was happening, or how it happened, but almost instantly there was a knife to Mimi’s throat. The scene was frozen. Her mouth was still latched onto the other’s cock. Her head was pulled back by her hair and the knife was pressed against the side of her neck. The knife was professional black, serrated and diamond sharp, a hunters or a killer’s knife.

  The sight of the knife stopped Benedict’s masturbation immediately. He froze, one hand holding his now flaccid penis. The sight of the knife had the opposite effect on the individual Mimi was sucking off. He fucked her mouth vigorously and ejaculated. The semen dribbled from the side of her mouth, as he withdrew his penis.

  He walked over to Benedict, his penis still semi erect, dripping saliva and the remains of the ejaculate. He now realised, as the man approached, how toned and muscled he actually was. He also saw the total lack of emotion in the man. Too late he realised that these two men were not the usual fuck partners that entertained him and his wife. They were trained killers, probably ex Special Forces in someone’s army.

  “Where is the Driver?” The accent clearly betrayed whose army’s Special Forces, the Russians.

  “I don’t know, please don’t hurt my wife,” he pleaded, his eyes fixed on the knife at the neck and his sperm covered wife.

  “Your slut wife will not be with you much longer if you don’t tell us where to find the piece of shit who owes the money to my bosses.”

  The silence seemed to last for hours as Benedict sat there looking at Lesta’s and the Baltic banks official debt recovery agents. He had no answers. He wanted his money as well, but it was clear that the Driver had not only vanished with his, but also the Russians money. “Please,” he said.

  Randyjim6552 just stared at him unmoving. “I ask you one last time. Where is the Driver?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He moved his hand in signal to Tomcock85 and Mimi screamed. The knife was drawn across her throat and the scream subsided into a gurgle and a choke before silence, apart from the sound of Benedict’s own wail of anguish. He tried to rise from his chair, but the retraining arms were too powerful. The knife was used in a sawing action to completely sever the head. The naked man carrying the head dripping in blood and semen, deposited it in Benedict’s lap onto his now shrivelled penis.

  Randyjim6552 took the knife from Mimi’s killer and held it to Benedict’s neck. Tomcock85 made his way to the bathroom to shower and wash Mimi’s blood from his body.

  “We will be back, you have a week to find the Driver, or you had better find some where to run and hide where we can’t find you.”

  Both dressed, they left the apartment. Hambros Benedict was completely in shock. He knew that the police would be unable to trace the DNA of these men. They would match it to previous murders, but they would never be able to apprehend them and they would never be extradited from Russia, or they would claim diplomatic immunity. No amount of evidence would make any difference. The Russians always harboured their own.

  In any case, these men, were just tools, the real culprit was the Driver. Benedict now felt such hatred to this man he had treated as a son, that he would gladly have handed him over to anyone capable of torturing and killing him.

  Chapter 23

  “I do,” said Tim.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” said the Registrar.

  Tim kissed Jackie and the guests all applauded. They sat beaming as they signed the Register, the photographer took countless shots until he was happy with the results.

  “That was close,” said Tim. “Stiles forgot the button holes and in the end we ended up having to run here from the car park. I only just beat you through the door.”

  “Well, was it worth the running?” Jackie asked.

  “I’ll find out tonight.”

  “You might not, if you are not nice to my Mum.”

  The guest lined up and despite the official warning about the throwing of confetti, they were picking bits off each other as they sat in the back of the wedding car heading to the reception.

  Tim had no parents or siblings and Jackie was also an only child, so the reception line just consisted of the two of them and Jackie’s parents. “Mr Routledge, I wonder if you could do me a favour while I think of it?” said Tim.

  “Call me Dad” he said. “Just joking you can call me Sir,” he laughed.

  “The postman was trying to deliver a packet that needed signing for when we dashed out. Would you pick it up from the sorting office while we are away, so they don’t return it to the sender for non-collection?”

  “Will do”

  Stiles’ speech as best man was less than complementary, but better than most. Her Father welcomed him formally to the family. Daniel, Jackie’s son, a boy of ten gave him a big hug, it really touched him being called him Dad, before being sick, having eaten too many sweets that were in bowls on the guest tables. He recovered soon enough and was demonstrating his dancing ability when the DJ started the music.

  Jackie and Tim did mingling and wedding present thanking duties before opening the dancing with the first waltz, or more accurately, in Tim’s case, a sort of zombie shuffle.

  “Lovely wedding” said Elaine, “This is my son Nicky.”

  Shaking his hand, Tim asked “Was your husband not well enough to come?”

  “No, I am afraid he will only get steadily worse.”

  “I am so sorry,” said Jackie.

  “Please don’t be, we have had a good life together and I have a lovely son,” she ruffled his hair playfully despite the fact that Nicky was in his thirties. It lightened the awkwardness that falls on any discussion centred on terminal illness.

  Cake cut, bouquet tossed and goodbyes said they settled back for the drive to the airport hotel. Jackie pulled her shoes off. “That’s better. I really don’t know how Elaine can walk in the shoes she had on?”

  Tim laughed, “She does like her shoes. To be fair to Elaine the ones she had on today would be considered sensible, compared to the usual footwear she has in the office. She has about twenty pairs of designer shoes in the bottom of her office cabinet, just in case.”

  “Just in case of what?”

  “Not sure really, just in case she needs a pair that she can’t walk in I suppose.”

  The car pulled up at the hotel and the Driver opened the door for them. While he collected the luggage from the boot, they made their way to the desk. The girl behind the counter cocked her head and waited.

  “I’ll do it,” said Jackie.

  “Room for Mr and Mrs Burr” she said with a giggle. The girl looked somewhat puzzled at the enthusiastic way Jackie and announced themselves.

  “Just married today,” said Tim by way of explanation.

  “Right,” said the girl, totally disinterested and in a monotone continued. “Room eighteen, lifts are to the left, do you want breakfast?” She handed them the plastic key.

  “Cheery soul,” said Jackie as they struggled into their room with the luggage.

  “Well not everyone can appreciate how wonderful I am,” said Tim “and I think I was very nice to your Mum and Dad, don’t you?”

  “You were and you will get your reward, just let me give Daniel a ring to say good night and then you can fuck me stupid.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He took her in his arms and kissed her slowly. “I do love you so much,” he said.

  They awoke, tired with a lack of sleep and took a taxi to the airport. “Next, the wonders of ancient Egypt and the Nile,” he said as their checked in their luggage.

  Chapter 24

; Randyjim6552 and tomcock85 bordered the Lady Heloise in Monte Carlo’s marina. The luxury yacht owned by Sokolov Yerik was an eye turner, even for the boating elite in Monaco. The sea was clear, calm and the crisp, cool morning air intensified the blue, of the waters along the Cote D’Azure. She was bound for Alexander in Egypt where Yerik was due to join her on board. Randyjim6552 and tomcock85 were just part of the group of ex Special Forces thugs that Yerik had on board, as well as the actual seamen and allied staff, comprising cleaners, cooks and maids. In effect the yacht was a floating luxury hotel that could be hired out for thousands of dollars a day, or was ready as a base for Yerik anywhere, she was needed.

  The Lady Heloise was needed off the coast of Egypt to welcome a prisoner on board. Events had moved quickly over the last few days for the three Russian oligarchs and their money laundering Baltic Bank and not for the good. Jackie Burr’s friend and Finance Director of the Baltic Bank, had come into possession of documents revealing the true owners of the operation. The papers proved categorically that the assets of the bank were, ultimately, owned by the rich and not so good Russian elite.

  Tensions had begun between the Americans and the Russians over the Crimea and the recent escalation in Syria of Russian support for the Assad regime had intensifies the tension between the two Countries. The US were out to cause as much economic damage as they could. If the CIA came into possession of the documents, they would have the ability to track down and seize the wealth of some of the most prominent citizens of that Country. Yerik, Nikhil and Lesta would overnight become the least popular men on the Planet, with the Russians and, consequently, their time left on the Planet would in turn be very short lived.

  Yerik could hardly believe how things had gone from bad to worse, to even worse in such a short period of time. First, the Driver had stolen over a hundred and seventy five million from them. Then incrementing paper work, with their true names plastered all over, it had been stolen and sent to some auditor woman in England. They had tracked her down and found she had been married and was on honeymoon in Egypt. To make matters worse, her husband worked for British intelligence. They had burgled their home in the hope of finding the papers, but had found nothing.

  He marvelled at the extent of the ability of his, so called, highly trained security staff, to compound a fuck up, by even greater fuck ups. In a desperate attempt to recover the papers he had sent his best man to London to abduct this woman’s son, Daniel, in an attempt to force her to return the file. That had been, an almighty balls up, resulting in his men being shot on the streets of London by an armed response unit. They failed to abduct the boy, shot the Grandparents, at whose house he was staying, while his Mother was on honeymoon and got themselves killed in the process.

  Yerik knew he had one last roll of the dice. He had sent a team to Egypt to abduct this bloody woman and force her to reveal where she had the documents housed. He knew that she was the accountant in charge of the audit, a role her friend the Finance Director of the Baltic bank, Maurice Lee, had secured for her. He knew she did not have time to take the papers to the offices of the Accountancy Practice, because they would have either arrived on the day before, or the day of her wedding.

  As Yerik packed in readiness of his flight to Cairo and subsequent transfer to the Lady Heloise, Tim and Jackie had just received the terrible news that her Parents had been attacked in a home invasion. Their Nile cruise boat was moored in Luxor and arrangements had been hastily made to fly them back to the UK

  “I’ll make my way to the taxi,” Jackie called to Tim, who was dealing with a few last minutes details aboard the boat with George, who had been so helpful to them when the news had reached them. She just wanted to get back home to her son, Daniel and to see her Mum and Dad in hospital. She walked slowly up the gangplank, distracted by her thoughts and failed to notice Yerik’s men as they walked towards her. Tim was still in conversation with George and was, also, distracted.

  The next few seconds were a blur. She was aware of the men appearing, being half carried and half dragged to a waiting car. The fear brought on a rush of adrenaline, things seemed to move in slow motion as her heightened senses, caused by the fear response, recorded every minute detail of the events.

  She opened her mouth to scream but a hand was placed firmly across it covering both her mouth and nose. She feared she was suffocating as she was hauled into the car. There were a number of passer-by’s and drivers of the horse drawn carriages that plied their trade along the mooring site of all the Nile cruisers, but despite her desperate struggling, not a single one made any attempt to help her. They were indifferent to the plight of a woman. Their cultural norm had conditioned them to the extent that it was acceptable for an errant woman to be restrained or disciplined by her husband. They were certainly not involving themselves in the plight of a brazen western woman, so the kidnappers acted without any danger of intervention.

  She bit the hand that was covering her mouth and screamed as it was withdrawn. The crowd merely watched. She saw Tim react and give chase, then the black of unconsciousness as she was punched and driven off.

  Chapter 25

  “Listen to this,” said Jeff Stiles, deputy head of MI5. He was sat in Elaine Wilkins’ office in Thames House, MI5 Headquarters. Tim had returned from Luxor several days ago and the Service had devoted a great deal of its resources to establishing the facts behind his wife’s abduction and the attack on her family. The fact that there were two dead Russians, killed following the home invasion of his parents in-law, who both were known to work for a well known Russian oligarch called Sokolov Yerik, made life a lot easier in putting them on the right track.

  They had asked and received help from agencies around the globe in tracking Yerik’s movements. It was easily established that he was on his luxury, billion dollar yacht, the Lady Heloise, bobbing around the Med. The fact that his henchmen had tried to abduct Jackie’s son in London and that now she had been taken in Egypt convinced them that she was being held on the Yacht.

  “What is it?” asked Elaine.

  “A recording of a phone call Tim has just had from his wife.”

  He pressed the play button and they sat in silence as the conversation played out. They were watching and monitoring Tim’s every move and conversation. Elaine had decided that they would make all efforts in the protection of one of their own. She was treating this as a direct attack on MI5. She realised that Tim would be in a highly emotional state and his judgment would be impaired. So he was closely watched for his own sake. She did not want a further tragedy on her hands, owing to Tim’s closeness to the situation.

  “Tim is that you?”

  “Jackie, are you alright?” Tim’s concern was plain to hear in his voice, a mixture of relief and fear for her wellbeing.

  “I’m fine. Is Daniel safe and my Mum and Dad?”

  “They are safe and protected at all times. No one will get to them now. Your Mum has been shot but she is on the mend.”

  “What about Dad, tell me?”

  “He is alive, but suffered a stroke. I am sorry, it is a case of wait and see, but he is in no imminent danger.”

  Jackie could be heard taking a deep intake of breath and stifling back sobs. “Don’t worry,” said Tim, “it will be ok. I know what they want.”

  A male voice heavily accented came on the line. “Mr Burr, you need to listen carefully.”

  “Mr Yerik…” Tim interrupted.

  “You know who I am?”

  “I have your file and its gives me not only your details, but the details of all the other scumbags who are involved as well. It didn’t take a genius to link the dead pieces of shit we shot in London back to you. You should also know that MI6 and the Navy are also tracking your boat as you fuck about in the Med. If anything happens to my wife they will blow your tiny boat out of the water and say you were a human trafficker smuggling people from Libya. So be very careful what you say next.”

  There was a silence. Yerik was clearly shaken by wh
at he had heard. “I see,” he said slowly. “You obviously have the file that links my friends and me to our banking operation.”

  “I have the file. You couldn’t find it when you burgled our home because it was in the boot of my Father in law’s car. He had picked it up from the Post Office sorting office while we were on honeymoon. He had forgotten all about it.”

  “What have you done with it Mr Burr?”

  “It is safe. If anything happens to me it will be sent to the Americans, they will have a field day seizing all your assets Worldwide and the assets of all your cronies. I don’t give much hope of your living to a ripe old age when they find out you were the arsehole that lost them their grubby fortunes. Do you?”

  “I think your analysis of my predicament is totally accurate and I might add I would appreciate if you didn’t get yourself killed before we can make a trade. You are going to trade are you not?”

  “My wife for the original documentation, where and when?” said Tim

  “I will text the GPS coordinates and the time. Say goodbye to your wife.”

  Jackie came on the phone. “Be careful, I love you.”

  “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Love you too.”

  The phone went silent. Stiles handed the coordinates to Elaine., “Crete by Souda Bay.”

  “Where is Tim now? She asked.

  “He is being held in an interview room in the basement. After he received the phone call he went to a depository where he had hidden the file. I had him picked up and brought back here. He had his passport and e-ticket for Crete on him.” Stiles pushed the file across the table to Elaine.

  She studied the file for a few moments. “The CIA would kill for this. It is proof, positive of the ownership of all the loot these Russians have stashed outside of Russia. They could really ramp up the pressure on the Kremlin if they seized this lot.”


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