My Broken Angel

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My Broken Angel Page 11

by Heather D'Agostino

  When I came home that afternoon, fully prepared to tell Alex about the baby, I was surprised to find his car in the driveway. He’d told me he was going to be late, but then again he was always doing things out of the blue. His knack for pulling off romantic gestures is part of why I fell in love with him.

  I pushed open the door, and heard giggling coming from down the hall. If I’d been thinking straight, I would have stopped and turned around immediately. My curiosity won out though, and I shuffled down the hall in search of him.

  “Alex?” I called as I pushed open the door to our bedroom, and froze. There, right in front of me was something I thought I’d never witness in my own home. Alex was bare-ass naked, hovering over what looked like his secretary. He at least had the audacity to look embarrassed, but that whore just smirked at me. She waved her manicured nails as she grinned and lifted up on her elbows, “Could you close the door? We weren’t finished.”

  I dropped my purse in shock before my feet started to move. It was like a bad movie in slow motion. Alex scrambled off the bed, but fell as his feet tangled in the sheet. “Ang, wait!” he called as I grabbed the contents that had spilled out of my purse, and rushed to get out of there. I needed to be away from him before I did something I’d regret.

  “I need to go,” I mumbled as I prepared to leave.

  “No! Wait!” he yelled as he hobbled after me with the bed sheet gripped around his waist. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Not what I think?” I screamed. “I think you’re fucking that tramp behind my back! That’s what I think!” I glowered as I squared my shoulders in front of him. He didn’t answer right away, so I grabbed the suitcase that was sitting by the door that I’d packed the week before for my trip home. I wasn’t supposed to leave for another two days, but I didn’t plan to stay here another minute. “No answer?” I mocked. “Fuck you, Alex! We’re done!” I yanked open the door and stormed out, leaving him standing there. I heard Stephanie, or whatever her name was, calling him back to bed, and I couldn’t help the roll that my stomach did hearing her voice. How could he do it? How could he be with another woman in OUR bed no less? I was through with him. “It’s ok, baby,” I caressed my still flat stomach. “Momma’s going to take care of you, and your uncle will, too.”

  I cranked my car, tore out of the driveway, and headed to the airport. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but Cole would help me figure it out. I’d tell him about the baby, and what Alex did, and he’d help me.

  As soon as I pulled up at the airport, I texted Ally. We hadn’t talked to each other in a month, and hadn’t seen one another in over a year. I felt guilty for it, but I knew we were good enough friends that we could pick back up as if we’d never parted.

  Angie: Coming home. I miss you.

  Before I could climb out of the car, she messaged me back.

  Ally: Cole’s been hurt. Call me.

  Dialing her number as I raced into the airport terminal, I glanced around one last time. “Goodbye, California,” I murmured as I slapped my boarding pass on the counter. “I need to change this flight to today. I’ll pay whatever it costs.”

  “Right away, Miss,” the young woman smiled at me, gave me my new boarding pass, and directed me toward security. Ally picked up on the third ring, and began filling me in on what had happened to my brother. Some psycho had stabbed him, and he was in the hospital. She hadn’t called me because my rock-headed brother had told her not to. He hadn’t even let her come to see him. She’d found out from Wes. I shook my head when I disconnected the call, silently thanking the universe for this twisted move in sending me home.

  As I made my way down to my gate, my phone buzzed. Thinking it was Ally calling me back, I smiled, but then made eye contact with the screen. Alex’s smiling face was looking back at me as the phone buzzed in my hand. “Screw you, Alex,” I growled as I rejected the call. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this betrayed except maybe the time I’d caught Wes with that blonde. What was it about me and men? Why did they try to take advantage of me, and why was I so easily duped? Never again. Never again would I go through this. Never.

  Chapter 14

  Present Day

  Angela- Age 23

  “I need to talk to him,” I mumbled as I stood and began shuffling toward the room I’d been staying in at Cole’s.

  “No, you don’t,” Cole shook his head. “You need to leave him be.”

  I scowled as I froze and turned toward my brother. “He didn’t do that. I know him. He couldn’t have.”

  “You haven’t been around for years, Ang. You don’t know this Wes. You know the one we grew up with, the one that protected us. You don’t know the jaded one. He may be my best friend, but he’s changed. That bitch changed him, and he’s never really gotten back what he lost.” Cole ran his hands through his hair before turning to stare out the window.

  The weather outside seemed to fit the mood inside. It was gray and rainy, and looked ready to storm any minute. The city was just waking up, and it felt as if the bottom was going to drop any minute, both literally and figuratively. Ignoring my brother, I made my way into my room¸ dressed in a pair sweat pants and a t-shirt, grabbed a jacket, and made my way back into the living room.

  “I don’t think you should go,” Maddie glanced between the two of us, and I watched my brother slowly shake his head in agreement. Knowing that I’d pay for this later, but seeing it as an easy escape, I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse. “Well, I think I should,” I tipped my head in his direction before slipping out the door.

  “Damn it, Ang! I said no!” he yelled from the doorway as I ran down the stairs and out onto the street. I hopped in the first cab I saw and rambled off the address to McKay’s. I wasn’t sure if Wes would go there, but I really didn’t know where else to look. If anything, someone there hopefully could at least give me his address.

  When the cab pulled up, I asked the driver to wait as I ran inside. My brain was spinning in different directions, and I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to say when I found him. I was hurt that he was hiding stuff from me, but most of all I was angry. There was so much unsaid between us. After years of being pissed at each other, these last couple of weeks had been brutal. Every time I thought we were making progress, he’d say something to piss me off. At first, I thought he was just trying to push me away, but now I think there has to be more.

  When I walked up to the front desk of McKay’s, the girl standing there glanced up me. She scanned my body in confusion. I’m sure I looked nothing like the gym bunnies that came to work out in the mornings. After all, I was dressed in the most unappealing outfit that’s out there for women.

  “Can I help you?” she wrinkled her forehead.

  “Maybe,” I chewed my lip. “I’m looking for Wes. Is he here?”

  “Why?” she tipped her head.

  “I’m an old friend. If he isn’t here, can you tell me where he might be?” I tried again.

  “Nice try,” she smirked. “Wes doesn’t have any female friends, at least not ones that he hangs out with more than once. I’m sure whatever you think you have with him is strictly one-sided.”

  “No, you don’t understand,” I blurted just as she waved some guy over from the back.

  “Can you show…” her voice drifted off when the muscle head appeared.


  “Walker,” I growled. “Cole’s sister.” I crossed my hands over my chest. “And I’m not going anywhere until you let me talk to Wes.”

  “Feisty,” the muscle head grinned, “I like it.”

  I rolled my eyes, “It’s kinda important. Can you just tell me where he is?”

  “Hasn’t been in today,” the now helpful receptionist mumbled. “You should try his apartment.”

  “And where’s that?” I tapped my foot as I blew out an annoyed breath.

  “3228 Park Street. He lives in the penthouse,” Miss Helpful droned on. “Some friend you are. Don’t even know where
he lives.”

  “Thanks,” I turned to make my way back out to the cab. Wes had really moved up in the world. I guess he’d had more money than Cole or I ever knew about, or the gym was doing really well.

  “You can’t get in,” the girl called after me. “He has a doorman, and he doesn’t let anyone up.”

  I waved her off knowing that I could probably sweet talk my way up to his place. Either the doorman would cave, or Wes himself.


  Wes- Age 28

  “Thanks man,” I sighed, before disconnecting the call. Cole had called me as soon as she left. She was looking for me, and he wanted to make sure that I knew she was resourceful enough that she’d eventually find me. “Fuuuuccck!” I bellowed as I threw my phone as hard as I could against the wall of my living room. I’d been pacing around like a caged animal since I’d gotten home. A bottle of Jack sat on the counter in my kitchen mocking me. I’d been telling myself since I placed it there that I wasn’t going to do this again. The last time my life had begun to spiral, I’d let alcohol numb me. Today, I was determined to not go back there.

  When I passed by the large glass window that looked over the city, I heard it. A light knock on my door. “I know you’re in there,” she called before knocking harder. “I’m going stand out here and yell at your door if you don’t let me in.”

  “Go away, Angel. I don’t want you here!” I yelled from across the room.

  “No!” she screamed back as she pounded harder.

  I paused as anger boiled inside me. Why the hell did she still make me feel like this? It’d been years since we’d even really talked. I was stupid to think that I could play bodyguard to her these last few weeks and not feel anything. I’d fought the feelings for so long, and finally buried them when Vicki breezed in. Now, it was like I was right back where it all started. I was eighteen and telling myself she was forbidden all over again.

  “What do you want Angel?” I stormed over to the door and yanked it open.

  She pushed her way inside before spinning to face me. “Why?”

  “By all means, come in,” I rolled my eyes as I snapped sarcastically. “Why what?” I groaned as I let my head drop back. I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds as I waited for her to answer.

  “Why did you beat up Richard? Why are you following me around?” she waved her arms in the air as she stared at me. “I’m a big girl; I can take care of myself.”

  I closed the door and slowly made my way over to stand in front of her. As mad as I was now, I couldn’t help but smile as I saw her standing there. She was so angry, but so beautiful at the same time. Her face lacked makeup, and her hair was in disarray. It was as if she’d just thrown herself together to come over and find me. Gone was the sweet caring woman who had placed ice on my jaw an hour ago, and in her place was a pissed off one.

  “Because,” I seethed as I stepped closer, causing her to quickly step back.

  “Because why?” her eyes narrowed as her body trembled. I wasn’t sure if it was from the anger or the electricity that seemed to be zinging between us. Every volley she sent my way, I was right there to send it back. Her back was ramrod straight and her shoulders squared as if she was ready to fight me.

  “Because I care!” I lowered my voice as I fisted my hands beside me to keep from touching her. My knuckles still hurt like a bitch, and as I ground my teeth together, my jaw throbbed.

  “Why?” she pushed against my chest. “You haven’t cared for years! Why now?” she went to shove me away, but I grabbed her wrist when she lifted her arm.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Angel? I’ve always cared.” My face contorted in confusion as she tugged her hand, trying to free it from my grasp.

  She sputtered for a second before the words flew out and slapped me in the face. “I saw you!”

  “Huh?” my head snapped back.

  “That night. I saw you. You were with HER! You were smiling, and flirting, and letting her touch you! I saw it!” her voice climbed to a shrill as tears welled in her eyes.

  “What night?” I shook my head. It had been so long that I wasn’t sure what she was even talking about, and then it dawned on me. “The night you left?” I bellowed as I stepped back, releasing her.

  “You were with her!” she screamed again. “I wasn’t going to let you make a fool of me. I’m never doing that again,” she shook her head. “I don’t know why I came,” she muttered as her head tipped down, and she stared at her feet.

  I stood there frozen for a moment until she moved toward the door. Then I reached for her, “Wait! Just wait.”

  She turned, lifted her eyes to meet mine, and a single tear slipped down her cheek. Seeing her like this was about to break me. “What you saw,” I tugged her closer, “was not what you thought it was.” I stepped up until our bodies were almost touching. She looked up at me and blinked, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips. “I pushed her away. I came looking for you,” the words came out as a strangled whisper. “If you would have waited, you would have known. I loved you back then.” I squeezed my eyes shut as I forced the words past my lips, “I still do.”

  Before I could say anything else, she rose up on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth to mine. I stiffened at first, not sure how to react, but when her arms wrapped around my neck and a sigh escaped her, it unleashed something inside me.



  I lifted my arms around his neck, and his arms banded around my waist. I couldn’t help the moan that escaped, and he used the moment to slip his tongue past my lips. I all but melted against him as my knees went weak. It had been so long since I’d been wrapped in these arm, so long since he’d said anything sweet to me, so long since I’d felt his heartbeat pound under my palm.

  “Say it again,” I begged as I broke the kiss.

  “I love you, Angel,” his eyes bore into mine then he cupped my cheek and slanted his head to connect our mouths once again. He slowly walked me backward before turning, and lowering himself onto the couch. He pulled me down on top of him so I was straddling his lap before he began trailing kisses down the side of my neck. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve tried… for years I’ve tried to forget you, to tell myself that you’ll never be mine, that you’re untouchable, but I just can’t. I can’t forget you, Angel. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, and no woman has ever compared to you,” he growled as he nipped at my ear.

  “Wes?” I murmured against his lips.

  “What, baby?” his lips trailed along jaw.

  “Why didn’t you try to find me? Why’d you stay with her?” the tears were back, and he pulled away from me and sighed.

  “I thought it was what you wanted,” he huffed. “I thought you wanted me to leave you alone. You left. You told Cole not give out your number. I thought you were playing me, that you didn’t really want whatever we had, that it was a game for you.”

  I shook my head as I bit my lip. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he pecked my lips, “but we do have to tell your brother. I’m not into sneaking around, and he needs to know.”

  “He’s gonna kill ya. You know that, right?” I laughed humorlessly.

  “Probably,” Wes groaned. “Maddie will help. We didn’t have her last time. Cole won’t blow if she’s around,” he snickered.

  “But the baby,” I bit the inside of my mouth while I stared down at my small baby bump.

  “Will be loved,” Wes finished the sentence before I could.

  My mouth dropped open as I studied him looking for a reaction, “It doesn’t bother you that I’ve got another man’s child inside me?”

  “It doesn’t matter whose baby it is. It’s part of you,” the corner of his mouth curved up at as he stared at me.

  “I’m really sorry,” I murmured as I traced the black and blue bruise that was forming on his cheek from his fight with Richard.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s done,” he brushed it of
f as he wiped the tears from my cheeks.

  “So where do we go from here?” I leaned forward and dropped my head to his chest. “What does all this mean?”

  “I don’t know,” he tightened his hold on me. “I do know that I’m never letting you go again. I’m done with the games, Angel. This is our second chance, and I’m not going to blow it.”

  Chapter 15


  We spent most of the day cuddled on the couch watching TV. We’d avoided any deep conversation, and as Wes shifted to face me, I sucked in a breath. I prepared to hear him ask me to leave. We hadn’t discussed the pace of this relationship, if you really could call it that, yet. Evening was approaching, and as much as I wanted to stay, I didn’t want to assume anything.

  “Do you still like pineapple on your pizza?” Wes’ fingers danced on my knee where his hand was resting.

  “Huh?” I blinked a few times.

  “Pizza? I thought I’d order some,” he glanced around as he mumbled. “I don’t really have much to cook here.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I pulled my legs back from where they were draped across his lap and began to stand up.

  “Where are you going?” his mouth turned down in confusion.

  “Home,” I mumbled.

  “I don’t think so,” he grabbed my wrist and pulled so that I fell across his lap. “I just got you here. I don’t plan on letting you leave anytime soon,” his smile widened as he wrapped his arms around me.

  “As tempting as that sounds,” I swallowed, “I don’t have any of my things here.”

  “Who says you need anything,” his eyes dilated as he shifted and lowered me until my back pressed into the cushions. “I’ve got everything you need right here,” he crawled in a cat like motion until he was hovering over me. “I like having you here.” He lowered himself until we were almost touching, and his hands slid up my sides. Right when he reached my ribs, he paused, smirked, and then dug his fingers in, tickling me.


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