Avarice: A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure

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Avarice: A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure Page 5

by Jeffrey Thorne

  I scowled. Fuck, Saeya was messing with my head. Damn that woman, who did she think she was? She was acting all innocent in front of Braeya, when she’s something else entirely on the inside.

  I shook my head. I was beginning to come to the realization that this was really another world, and not just some virtual game that I had found myself unlucky enough to wind up in.

  Someone placed an arm over my shoulder, and I came face to face with a player, this time around, a human-elf hybrid.

  “Hey man, you interested in buying some V-Pop tickets?”

  I frowned.

  “What the hell is V-Pop?”

  He seemed taken aback, before shaking his head.

  “You don’t know? What, have you been living under a rock? V-Pop or, Virtual Pop. Peeps who had been aspiring singers back in the old world got this cool idea see? So they got that they could be popular as hell here see?”

  Oh no. He had to be joking, there had to be a line drawn somewhere. Dark-Elf Pimps I could handle, crazy Elf-chicks I could deal, but Pop singers inside a virtual fantasy?

  “See man, these chicks, working tirelessly to master their singing skills, take to the center stage! They’ve got tons of outfits, from full on full-body spandex, to sexy nurse outfits and everything in between man!”

  I resisted the urge to grimace as I listened to him. Sexualized Pop singers? The nightmare was getting worse.

  “So in time, entire concerts began getting sold out see? Their tickets became classified as rare items, cause of the totally legit benefits gotten from listening to a V-Pop concert.”

  I blinked at that. “Benefits? What freaking benefits would there be?”

  “You can gain increased Health regeneration for a week see? Not to mention this really cool special buff which multiplies your luck stat by itself, meaning that you would have higher chances at finding even rarer loot see?”

  That was… brilliant. A twisted way to make people listen to their music, offering potentially lifesaving buffs out in exchange would make even someone like me, who was primarily interested in getting stronger and slaying monsters so I could beat the guardians actually go to the concerts.

  “Wait… why are you offering these tickets for sale if they’re so rare?”

  The player waved his hand at me.

  “I need the cash more see, I uh, ran into a bit of trouble with the Sea Claws see? So I’m selling them to uh, cover up some debts you dig?”

  I shook my head. “Thanks for the offer but, I can’t help you out. I don’t have the credits to spare.”

  He cursed underneath his breath. “Shit. Alright, but if you’re still interested later, you can find me around here, just ask around for Vin. At least, before the Sea Claws come for me anyway.”

  I watched as Vin stalked away into the crowd, probably looking for someone else to give his sales pitch to.

  This world was truly, truly weird, it was confusing, but it seemed to have its perks and appeals as well. I could actually see myself getting used to this lifestyle, however odd it was.

  I frowned as I stared around the establishment, wondering what was supposed to be my next step. I had my Elfblood Dagger for now, but would it be good enough to use as a weapon? Maybe I’d invest in some armor for now, and then I’d focus on getting a long range weapon later. The last thing I wanted was to be caught off guard by an arrow or a bullet again. I wondered if that was why Ayla wore a bulletproof vest as her shirt?”

  “Yo man, I’m in desperate need for some cash, I’ll sell you this vintage condition Sensual Novel for even the littlest of credits man!”

  I frowned, Vin was back again, shoving a small book in my face with a look of desperation crossing his eyes.

  “Why the hell would I want to buy this?”

  “It’s a freaking skill book man, and it works like freaking Viagra! You read it to the end, and you’ll be able to do anything you read inside of it man!”

  My eyes dashed over to the cover. Birthday Adventure it was called, and I glance back at Vin.

  “No shit?”

  He shook his head.

  “No shit man. Hell, when you’re reading this stuff you get transported into the body of the guy see? You could get to live the story see?”

  I knew that there was the possibility that he was either lying or bluffing or pulling my leg, or maybe he was just a conman. Hell, I could not imagine anyone not buying the book if that was the case, or maybe the players here had no need of it because they’ve all read it already?

  “Alright, how much?”

  “Three hundred creds men.”

  I winced, that was pretty much everything I had on me. I really, really hoped this guy was not a conman.

  You have lost 300 Credits!

  Your Credit Balance is 0

  You have purchased a skill book!

  “Thanks man! I won’t forget this, see?”

  I shook my head as I watched him scurry off over to another aspect of the bar, and I stared at the book in my hand.

  “This feels ridiculous.”

  You have gotten an interactive Sensual Book. Would you like to read it?

  I shrugged. “Why not, it’s not like this day can get any weirder.”

  The world spun as I found myself suddenly standing in the midst of a large, vivid crowd, with pop music blaring loudly in the background.

  “So, Sinbad how’re enjoying your birthday?”

  Birthday? My birthday wasn’t for months, and I turned to look at the person who had addressed me. Named Persia, she had to yell over the heavy strumming of guitar and the screaming of several hundred fans. She was an elf was dressed in what could only be considered as a cross between an attractive belly-dancers attire and a pair of chainmail armor. The outfit which easily showed off the flat and tanned stomach she possessed, and accentuated her large, voluptuous breasts somehow also possessed extremely high defensive stats, stats that were way out of place for something so skimpy. There was a long piece of cloth that functioned somewhat as a skirt, covering her front and back, but still leaving a lot of her creamy legs exposed.

  Select a Response:

  A. Do you not see me screaming in joy?

  B. Worst Birthday Ever, this music sucks.

  C. Not at all, I need you sucking me off first.

  My eyes widened as I realized what this was. A dating simulation, inside of a skill book, in a role playing virtual reality world. There was no doubt in my mind that I was either high as hell, or this was hell.

  Reluctantly, I went for the first option, because I knew early on that being a dick did not play out well.

  “Do you not see me screaming in joy?” I asked, light-heartedly as my face was contorted into one of laughter. “How did you get tickets for the concert? They’re insanely rare!”

  “Well it’s not every day my boyfriend celebrates the day of his birth. So I splurged a little.”

  So, in this dating simulation she was already my girlfriend?

  Select a Response:

  A. Aw, you shouldn’t have.

  B. You shouldn’t have bothered, it’s not worth it.

  C. [Kiss Her.]

  Really? I could skip the lovey-dovey romance and go straight for the action? By all means, I did not hesitate in picking option C.

  I grabbed the girl into a hug before placing a kiss on her lips. Gods, the taste and texture was so convincing she felt real, as real as any girl I had ever kissed in my entire life, and she was one hell of a kisser as well. She returned it with equal fervor, and for a whole second I had almost forgotten that we were in a crowd, only to be reminded by the sound of cat calls and whistles.

  She separated from me, blushing heavily and clearly suddenly self-conscious of herself being in the spotlight.

  Select a Response:

  A. You’re the best girlfriend ever.

  B. There’s time before the main act, let’s go somewhere private.

  C. [Put it in.]

  Put it in? Put what in? I shook my head. The
first and second options were definitely out, so I picked option B.

  “We’ve still got like twenty-five minutes left before the main act comes on stage right?”

  She slowly nodded her head. “Yeah.”

  “Good. Come with me.”


  The young woman let herself be dragged through the crowd, trailing directly behind me as I somehow instinctively navigated away from the masses, away from the people and the music, until I reached a spot behind the massive constructed steel stage that was far enough from security officials. It was slightly dark, and surrounded by steel beams, but it was the most remote location I had ‘conveniently’ found.

  “Sinbad? What’s wrong why are we-”

  Persia was cut short as I pressed my mouth press against hers, my body brought her body closer to hers, wrapping my left arm around her slender waist and my right around her neck. My tongue found its way into her mouth, and before she knew it, it had interlocked with hers, rolling and gently sucking on hers.

  Whatever initial resistance she put up was slowly fading as I sucked on her upper lip, nibbled on her lower lip, and had my tongue dance with hers as my hands slowly began working round her body.

  It was magical, almost, and I knew what to do before I did, knew how to please her and where to touch that would send her whimpering as static transferred from my fingers to her body, and I soaked up this information like a dry sponge on a puddle of water.

  “S-Sinbad…” she managed to say in-between my kisses, letting out a soft moan “S-stop, we can’t do this in public… someone might see us.”

  Select A Response:

  A. You’re right, I don’t want to give anyone a show.

  B. I don’t care, it’s my birthday.

  C. Don’t act as if you wouldn’t like that you skanky bitch.

  Why in the world were dating simulations considered hard by some people? These options seemed like common sense to me, and even though I knew that option A would be the right one, option B had so much more possibilities.

  “I don’t care,” I said, continuing my ministrations as I unhooked the girl’s bra “It’s my birthday isn’t it? Don’t you want to enjoy it with me?”

  Persia’s face flushed a brilliant red as my right hand snuck underneath her thin fabric of cloth, all the while I nibbled on her neck and traced gentle kisses up her chin.

  Rather than respond in words, Persia claimed my lips, her tongue passionately capturing mine as we continued to kiss, our hands began exploring each other’s body. I ensured that ministrations continued in a hypnotic pattern, as I grabbed onto Sun’s breasts and twisted, turned, and groped, and it brought me no small amount of pleasure as the girl moaned into my mouth. My hand then finally snuck its way into Sun’s skirt, my fingers pressing, rubbing and stroking her sensitive parts through her wet panties.

  “Oh go-” the woman let out a muffled moan as two nimble fingers had invaded her and began thrusting, dancing, turning and spinning “S-Sinbad, you’re… g-getting all my s-sensitive spots!”

  “Don’t you like it?”

  “O-of course I do, but you know… I’m-”

  Select a Response:

  A. A screamer?

  B. An easy woman to please?

  C. A horny bitch?

  I rolled my eyes as I went for the first option.

  “A screamer?”

  The girl bashed me playfully.

  “Very vocal with my pleasures.”

  I definitely had no problem with that, and though it might be a little bit shallow, hearing her scream in pleasure would be an indication of how good I was, and it only served to turn me on even further.

  Select a Response:

  A. That’s what I like best about you.

  B. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.

  C. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle [Lie].

  I let a small grin escape from my lips as I noticed the options, before I turned back to the girl.

  “Don’t worry… I’ll be sure to be… gentle.”

  Blatant lies.

  My hands blurred as though they had been possessed by an incarnate of lust, and I began fingering her faster, harder and more passionately than ever before.

  “OH MY G-” Persia had taken to using her two hands to cover her mouth, even going as far as biting her lip as well, as she was no doubt feeling my three fingers inside her, stirring and stimulating all parts of her womanhood. She began panting and gasping, as I increased the rate at which my phalanges thrust in and out and in and out and –

  There was a clang of movement that echoed loudly, and I found myself stopping my impromptu make out session as I heard a bustle of movement and swore. Cockblockers even here?

  Select a Response:

  A. Who’s there? [Investigate]

  B. Come out or die!

  C. I’m sure it’s nothing, now where were we?

  “Who’s there?!” I asked, genuinely angry at the interruption, while Persia panted slightly before she also let out what I guessed was an annoyed growl.

  I rapidly moved to where he had heard the noise from, his eyes burning in anger, only for them to instantly soften up in surprise at finding the voyeur.


  Before I could question it, I found the world around me shift as there a long line of text appeared in my vision, indicating a perspective shift.


  Syl was a V-Pop star.

  Despite this fact, the glamorous life of a V-Pop star was filled with its own troubles and tribulations, and she had decided to take a walk in order to calm her mind before she had to go perform on stage.

  Her outfit was designed for sensuality, consisting of a leather mini-skirt that stopped above her thighs, with a matching pair of boots and a simple tank top, and she had drawn attention, even from people who didn’t recognize her as the final act of the entire concert. So she had decided to walk around behind the stage, only to have stumbled upon something she never imagined herself witnessing.

  “S-stop, we can’t do this in public… someone might see us.”

  She had seen them of course, and her first instinct had been to simply walk away, but curiosity demanded to be fulfilled and she had found herself hiding behind a large metal pillar as she watched on.

  She told herself that she only wanted to know the people brazen enough to make out in such a place, and she let herself believe that as she indulged in voyeurism.

  The girl was quite the screamer, and before she knew it, Syl found herself getting caught up in her voice. She was, euphemistically, sexually liberal, hence, the both the voices, the panting and the passion of it all had gotten to her.

  Before she knew it, Syl let her right hand go over to her chest, right over her left breast, where she imagined the warmth of touch. She slowly caressed it, picturing herself staring at the intense gaze of the young man, and ever so slightly, her left hand loitered down, slowly trailing against her thigh, visualizing the feeling of her waist grinding against either of the two lovers. Her right hand traced over her breast, and her right hand delicately wandered lower, until it reached a certain sensitive spot on her own anatomy where she imagined fingers furiously pumping into.

  Abruptly, she stopped, realizing that she was about to masturbate to two strangers making out, and realizing how if such an act got out, her music career would be over.

  However, she had made more noise than she had expected.

  “Who’s there?!”

  Syl froze. Swearing silently to herself, and hoping that the lovers were too deep in passion to investigate.



  Of all the possible outcomes I could have imagined, I had to give props to these sensual novel guys for a rather intriguing plot twist. So, caught by a famous celebrity whilst making out at her own concert? Wait, on second thought that was not surprising at all, I had been expecting something more extraordinary than this. Though I would admit, the concept of a celebrity so
mehow getting off to me having sex, was doubly appealing...

  I shook my head. I needed to get a grip… this was not even real.

  I stared at her for a minute, and I caught her eyes stare at the massive bulge in my pants, before she sharply averted her gaze due to the awkwardness of the entire scenario.

  “Who is- oh my god!”

  Persia seemed to be in a much greater state of shock, which I suppose was expected considering she might actually care or know about who this celebrity figure was in this imaginary world.

  Syl rose, from her hidden position, trying to regain some dignity, but I would say she was failing horrendously with how utterly flushed her face was.

  Syl bit her lower lip, “I’m sorry!” she blurted out “For spying on you, two, having a private moment and I was – I’m sorry. Can you just forget about the whole thing? I’ll grant you free tickets to all my concerts and shows and do anything if you promise not to tell anyone.”

  The silence seemed to stretch on longer, as I stared blankly. Free tickets? The offer would have had more merit if this wasn’t inside of a freaking book.

  “I’m a huge fan of your work” Persia said, attempting to kill the awkwardness in the air.

  I however, had other ideas in my head. Maybe it was because I had effectively been blue balled for the second freaking time, and because I was still raging hard, but at that moment, I was willing to take my chances and say that this was going in the direction I expected.

  Select a Response:

  A. Hell no. We want money for our silence.

  B. You know, you could have simply joined us if you wanted to.

  C. Get on those knees and SUCK MAH DICK!

  I shook my head at the responses. You’d have to be an utter troll to not know which was supposed to be the correct one.

  “You know, you could have simply joined us if you wanted to.”

  “Sinbad!” Persia hissed at me, elbowing me in the ribs. “Forgive my boyfriend, he says the stupidest things-”

  “She did say she’d do anything if we didn’t tell anyone. Why not let her join us? The more the merrier.”

  “Excuse me one, second.” Persia grabbed my arm and took me a few steps away before she hissed into my ear “I am not comfortable with this!”


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