Quarterback Baby Daddy (A Secret Baby Sports Romance)

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Quarterback Baby Daddy (A Secret Baby Sports Romance) Page 47

by Claire Adams

  Renée spun toward me suddenly, pointing the gun right at me and cocking it. I could hear the click, and I imagined that I could hear the echo of it even. My blood ran cold, and I couldn’t quit sobbing.

  “Please,” I whispered, even though I knew there was no reasoning with her. “Please, please, please.”

  As scared as I was, none of this was a surprise. I knew that my luck had turned sour the night that I'd slept with Andrew. I couldn't regret having Emma in my life, but she definitely hadn't been planned. And then there had been everything with work and my apartment, and now here I was, set to lose the most important thing of all. It should be a relief at this point, but I couldn't stop thinking of Andrew and Emma. I couldn't stop picturing them grieving.

  I wondered what Renée really thought was going to happen after this. If she killed me, there would be no hiding the evidence. She had made her plan clear enough over the phone call, and I was sure that, being a preeminent businessman, Andrew had some sort of feature in place to record his incoming calls. She wasn't going to be able to kill me and then pretend like nothing had ever happened. She wasn't going to be able to marry Andrew, not in this lifetime.

  But of course, she wasn't thinking clearly. I could see that in the way that she disarmed the gun and spun away, doing a little twirl, like she was imagining Andrew spinning her on some dance floor. Maybe she was imagining their wedding. It was almost sad, seeing her like this.

  No matter how sad it was, I was still terrified. I couldn't think of how Andrew was going to manage to save me, not when Renée was so intent on killing me, not when she had expressly forbidden him from getting the police involved.

  Even if he showed up himself, I didn't think that she was going to let me go. In fact, his presence, as much as I would welcome it, would probably goad her into finally killing me, just so that she wouldn't have to watch us together again.

  “Renée?” I asked cautiously, not wanting to ruin her trance but knowing that I had to distract her before her thoughts turned deadly again. “I don't even know that much about you and Andrew. How did the two of you meet?”

  I hoped the question was innocuous, but enough that she'd prattle on for a while, telling me about their relationship in excruciating detail. If I could just buy myself enough time, I might find a chance to get out of this mess.

  Renée's eyes grew dreamy, and she smiled, hugging the gun to her breast. “We had just started high school at the time,” she said. “And we were at this big Christmas party that one of the neighbors used to host every year. I don't know why his family had never been there before. Probably because of his parents.” She frowned, looking momentarily like herself again. But she quickly slipped back into the dream world.

  “He was so handsome, as I'm sure you can imagine. He didn't have the muscles like he has today, but he was always a soccer player growing up. So he was definitely fit. And he was dressed in this sexy, fitted green suit. He was the most handsome guy I'd ever seen. And I decided right then that he was going to be mine.”

  “But what about everything between then and now?” I asked, frowning. “All the other girls that he dated?”

  “He didn't date,” Renée snapped. “I was fine with him sleeping around with other women. I know men. I knew he was just trying to get it all out of his system so that later, he could devote himself to me. And that's exactly what happened.”

  She shrugged. “I focused on my career while I waited for him. I opened a fashion line, and then I opened a makeup line to go with it. They were nowhere near as successful as Orinoco, of course, but we can't all be as brilliant as Andrew when it comes to business!” She sighed and went back to her dancing.

  I paused, wondering if I should interrupt her again. But I was thinking over what she'd said as well. She'd wanted him for a really long time now. I had to think that Andrew must have realized how crazy she was. How had she managed to go all these years without anyone realizing how deep her obsession with Andrew really was?

  Had Andrew set me up for this, knowing that Renée would get jealous and try to knock me out of the picture? Maybe that was his plan for getting Emma out of my custody and into his.

  I felt bad the moment I thought it. That was ridiculous. Andrew would never do that. If for no other reason than it was an absurdly complicated plan.

  I smiled a little to myself. If I ever got to see him again, I'd have to make sure and tell him about that momentary lack of trust. That probably made up for his lack of trust, when he'd accused me of being nothing more than a con-artist. I supposed we were even now.

  “What are you smiling about, you dumb bitch?” Renée snarled, lunging towards me.

  Before she could reach me, though, there was a flash of light and a simultaneous loud bang, which both blinded and deafened me. It was a good half minute before I recovered my senses enough to see what was going on.

  The next thing I knew, Renée was on the ground, being restrained with zip-ties by armed men dressed in neat, gray-and-black uniforms. I gaped at them.

  “Police?” I asked. “How did you manage to find me so quickly? And how did you manage to sneak up on us like that?”

  “They're not police,” Andrew said, striding into the warehouse behind me. I jerked my neck around, continuing to gape.

  “Well, they're definitely not businessmen,” I said faintly.

  His lips quirked into a smile at that, as he knelt down to start undoing my ties. “No, they're definitely not businessmen,” he agreed. “They're part of a security company that I have on call. They're trained in this sort of situation, hence being able to sneak up on you guys and ensure that they get the target without putting you in any more danger.”

  He rubbed at my hands, trying to get feeling back into them before he moved on to untying my legs. “We're going to need to get some cream to put on that rope burn,” he said.

  “How are you so calm about this?” I asked.

  Andrew glanced up at me, and for the briefest moment, his mask fell away, and I could see exactly how terrified he had been. He grunted and looked back down. “This is all adrenaline,” he told me. “When I heard that you were in danger, I had to put away my feelings and do whatever I could to fix the situation.”

  “Emma?” I asked.

  “Just as safe and unharmed as Renée said,” Andrew confirmed. “I was on my way there when the security guys called and said they had located you. I drove over here instead, but Janice called me as I was driving and confirmed that they're all right. Shaken, but all right.”

  “That makes three of us,” I said.

  “Four of us,” Andrew corrected, pulling me tightly into his arms. He kissed my hair. “The police are on their way over here now, and this time, Renée is going to go to prison for a long time. And I am never letting either you or Emma out of my sight again.”

  “Going to be doing a lot of work from home, are you?” I teased, even though I was still trying to stop shaking.

  “If that's what it takes,” Andrew growled. “I'll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe. Don't you forget that.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I absently traced patterns on Lexi's skin as we lay in bed together. I still hated taking calls like this when I would much rather be tracing my tongue over every inch of her body, but sometimes they were necessary.

  Fortunately, this call was quickly wrapping up. “Thanks for the information,” I finally said. Then, I hung up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Lexi asked, sounding sleepy.

  I snuggled down under the blankets, pulling her back into my arms and folding my body around hers. “That was the district attorney,” I told her.

  “Uh oh,” Lexi said, turning so that she could face me. “You don't sound happy.”

  “Somehow, Renée and her lawyers have managed to secure a pretty decent plea bargain,” I said. “Despite the fact that Renée has multiple felony charges against her.” I rolled my eyes.

  Lexi swallowed audibl
y. “So, she's going to walk?” she asked.

  “Oh no,” I said, shaking my head emphatically. “Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that. She'll serve at least five years in prison still, with ten years of probation after that. She's not going to be able to come after either of us anytime soon. And I imagine that by the time she's out of prison, she'll have moved on to something else.”

  Lexi didn't look fully convinced about that last bit, but she didn't seem too upset. “I'm just happy that it's finally over,” she admitted.

  “I know that the trial was difficult for you,” I said, twisting my fingers together with hers and squeezing lightly. “But you handled it all so well. I'm proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” she said shyly, ducking her head with a smile. “I do still think that the security measures you installed were a little excessive.”

  “I take care of my family,” I reminded her. “I talked to security experts about what we needed.”

  “Those guys just wanted to sell you something,” Lexi maintained.

  “Not just something,” I said, grinning at her. “A whole host of somethings. A gate, multiple cameras, and multiple security guards. No one is ever going to be able to get in here again without my permission.” We both laughed, but I sobered quickly, the memory of that fateful phone call still too fresh in my memory. “I am never going to let you or Emma get hurt again.”

  “Or Janice,” Lexi teased. I had rapidly realized that joking was her way of getting through the emotional trauma, and I appreciated it.

  I smiled at her. “Or Janice,” I agreed. “Or that new puppy that we were thinking of getting Emma for her birthday.” Lexi giggled.

  “You know,” I told her. “When Renée had you at gunpoint, that’s the worst I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I don't think I could ever live without you. I know that we still have our fights and that we're maybe not the most perfect family, but I need you in my life. You and Emma are my life. You're what makes it worth getting out of bed in the morning.”

  I expected Lexi to make some quip about me and my admittedly still over-the-top work habits, but instead, she looked serious, too. “I was terrified when I was there in that warehouse,” she said. “But I just kept thinking that if I could stall her for long enough, that you would be there, and you would make sure that everything was all right. I knew that you were going to protect me.”

  “Of course, I was going to protect you,” I told her, leaning in to kiss her gently.

  “You've really changed,” she commented. “Ever since Emma and I came here. At first, you were so distant. I didn't think you were ever going to warm up to me. I watched you interact with Emma, and I could tell that you were growing fonder of her, but I didn't think you were ever going to even be friends with me, let alone something more than friends.”

  “I would have still saved you in the warehouse,” I joked.

  She laughed, but I could tell she was still trying to get together the words for whatever she was trying to say. “At this point, I can't picture my life without you, either,” she said finally. “You've really become the guy who I always hoped that I would meet. I can tell how much you care about Emma and how much you care about me.”

  I took a deep breath, thinking of the box that I had stored in the top drawer of the bedside table. I had wanted to save it for one of our date-nights, to propose to her someplace romantic. Maybe after a good meal and a good bottle of wine. But something about this felt right. Just being there in bed with her, curled up together. Like we belonged together.

  I rolled away from her, my mind made up.

  “Hey,” I said to her, rolling back over and putting the box in between us. “Lexi, believe it when I say, I can't picture my life without you and Emma in it. And I know that I've made a lot of mistakes and that it's sometimes hard to believe that I really want you here. I also know that you really want to get your life together before we move this any further along. But I want you to know that I'm committed to this, one hundred percent. You may want to hold off on accepting this ring, but Lexi, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Lexi stared at me for a long moment, her hand over her mouth. “You're the one who's always been afraid of commitment,” she finally joked, but her voice sounded garbled, as though she was having a difficult time getting the words out.

  “That's true,” I agreed. “But this time, it seems easy. I've never wanted anything like I want this.” I paused. “I'm not asking you to marry me tomorrow. I know that we're still settling in together, and I know that we haven't really known each other all that long. However, I really think that you and I could be something special, and I don't want to spend another day without you.”

  “I would be so glad to be your wife,” she finally said, reaching out to hold my hand. “Andrew, I would be so glad. You make me just as happy. I never thought that I could have this in a relationship, especially not once I had Emma. I thought I had too much baggage. But I love every moment that I spend with you, and I can't imagine giving that up. And it's not just about me. I know that you'll make a great daddy for Emma. You already do. We are the luckiest girls in the world.”

  I smiled at her, pleased to hear her accept my proposal. “There is just one thing,” I told her. “One condition to the proposal.”

  “Oh, really?” Lexi asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  I nodded sternly. “You're going to have to earn it. I think I've had my fill of gold diggers in this lifetime.”

  Lexi burst out laughing. “Deal!” she said. “I'll start by announcing that I'll be going to work on Monday at Katherine's office, working as an administrative assistant.”

  “What?” I asked, surprised to hear that. “You didn't tell me that you had actually decided to interview there.”

  “Katherine coerced me last weekend into just dropping by and checking out the work that they do,” she told me. “I don't know. I felt moved by it. I really wanted to take part. Plus, they need an accountant. You should see their books. They're abysmal. I think I can help them get everything organized and turned around, though.”

  I kissed her gently, jostling the ring box as I did so. I tapped on the top of the box. “So, that was a yes, then?” I asked her, just to hear her say it again.

  “Yes,” Lexi said firmly. “I would be honored to become your wife.”

  “Good,” I said. I reached out and opened the box, revealing the big, vintage-style ring that I'd selected with Katherine's help.

  “Oh, Andrew, it's gorgeous,” Lexi said, looking almost as though she might cry.

  “If you don't like it, I bought the full buyer's insurance, and we can exchange it,” I told her nervously. “Katherine helped me pick it out. Emma, too, but I think Emma would have been just as happy if I'd gotten you a cheap plastic ring from a dispenser instead of this.”

  She laughed, but the sound was strangled by emotion. I took that as a good sign.

  Slowly, I removed the ring from the box and caught her hand, sliding the ring easily onto her third finger. It fit perfectly, just like it was meant to be.

  Not that I believed in that sort of thing.

  Lexi stared breathlessly down at the ring for a moment, watching the way it reflected the light. Then, she gave an almost animalistic growl and pounced at me, rolling me onto my back and straddling my hips. She bent down to kiss me heatedly; no holds barred. Her tongue snaked into my mouth, and her hands slid down my sides. She rocked down against me, her mons burning with desire where it contacted with my member. I could feel myself rapidly hardening, and when she pulled away, Lexi was smirking.

  “I guess I'd better start earning it now, shouldn't I?”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  No matter how many times Andrew and I had sex, it always seemed novel. Whether it was because of the positions that we got into or because of some new trick of his, he always found the fastest way to work me towards my climax.

  My eyelids slipped shut as we continued to kiss. Despit
e the fact that we had already had sex and my orgasm wasn't that far in the past, I couldn't help melting into the delicious friction as I rocked against him, careful not to let him slip inside just yet.

  I wanted this to last.

  Andrew used the perfect amount of pressure in our kiss, dragging his mouth across mine and drawing my bottom lip in between his teeth. When he nipped lightly at it, I couldn't help but mewl at the sensation. Prickles of pleasure stoked the fire between my legs. Andrew seemed pleased by that reaction, repeating the action and then following up by trailing searing kisses all down the column of my throat.

  I melted against him. My body fell slack against his muscular form as his deft fingers came up to tweak my left nipple. I could feel his hard cock pressing insistently into the hollow of my hip, and I knew it was time to go further.

  I brought my hands down and gave his manhood a couple firm strokes, even though I knew that he was well ready to enter me. Then, I lifted my hips, positioned myself over his lance, and sat down onto him, letting out a wanton moan as his head dragged along skin that was still slightly oversensitive.

  I sat there for a long moment, unable to move, caught up in the sensation of him there inside of me. I whimpered with want, and he kissed along my jawline and came back to my mouth, plunging his tongue inside and exploring every inch of it. He kissed me until I was breathless and practically shaking with the need for more.

  All the while, he plunged deep inside of my folds, showing me pleasures that I had never before experienced. He used his heels to leverage against the bed, thrusting up into me with wild abandon. The only thing that kept me in place were his strong hands on my hips. The only thing that kept me grounded was the feel of his warm body between my knees. I clung to him, digging my fingers into his muscles, already feeling like I might orgasm, even though we'd barely just begun.

  His talented mouth moved southward, and he flicked the tip of his tongue against the nub of my breast, sucking at the tender skin there until the nipple stood pert and flushed. Then, he moved over to the other breast, giving it the same treatment.


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