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Duality Page 5

by Heather Atkinson

  “Course you do, it’s a huge decision. Take all the time you need.” He placed a gentle hand on her abdomen. “Well, not too much.”

  “I can’t believe you want to marry me.”

  “Why? You know I’ve been in love with you for ages.”

  “I know but I never thought you’d want to go that far. Being married will make it a lot harder for us to split up.”

  “Why would we split up?”

  “When I inevitably drive you round the bend.”

  “No doubt you will but it won’t make me divorce you.”

  “You say that now but…”

  He took her face in his hands. “If you let fear of failure stop you from doing something then you’ll never be truly happy.”

  “Where’d you read that, in a fortune cookie?” Her expression softened. “I’m so afraid of messing up your life.”

  “I want you Jules, I need you. Marry me.”

  Jules wanted to shout yes and leap into his arms but she couldn’t, she had to look at it from all angles, consider every possibility. “I need time to think.”

  He tried not to look disappointed. “Alright.”

  “I’ve got my first scan tomorrow. Would you…” She trailed off, not used to asking anyone for anything, she’d been self-sufficient for so long but this was so far out of her comfort zone that she needed someone to lean on and here was Jax being the answer to her prayers. But asking for help didn’t come easily to her.

  “Would you like me to come with you?”

  “Yes please,” she smiled, relieved he knew her so well.

  “Of course I will.”

  “Thanks. Jesus, I feel like such a fish out of water here.”

  “You’re not the first woman to feel like that.”

  Her hormones kicking off again, she went from emotional to horny. “Well, if we’re going out in the morning perhaps you should stay here tonight?” she purred, sliding her hands across his chest and down his stomach.

  “Should you be doing that in your condition?”

  “I’m pregnant not dead.”

  “In that case, how could I refuse?” he said, leaning in for a kiss. “But nice and gentle. None of our usual athletics.”


  “What’s wrong?” he said when her smile dropped.

  “Bloody morning sickness,” she replied, rushing for the bathroom.


  Ryan scowled at Detective Inspector Ashley Boyle, who was no closer to finding the men who had attacked Rachel than he had been the night before.

  “We found Mrs Harper’s car burnt out in a field, which unfortunately destroyed all evidence,” he continued, shifting uncomfortably as Ryan’s scowl deepened. “We’ve contacted a unit specialising in gang crime to see if they can give us any background as to who might have done this.”

  Ryan looked to Rachel and noted her stony look. Clearly she was thinking the same thing as himself - that this specialist crime unit was more likely to have information on themselves than the attackers.

  “So basically, you’ve done nothing,” said Ryan coldly.

  “That’s unfair Ryan. We’re still working on it, we just need some time.”

  “And if they decide to exact retribution in the meantime?”

  “Not very likely. Research indicates most people who take part in these gang initiations are aged late teens to early twenties, inexperienced and often scared. They won’t be back.”

  “I beg to differ. They are young, stupid and pumped full of drugs and aggression. They may see this as a challenge, the ultimate way to prove themselves.”

  “I highly doubt it.”

  “With all due respect Ashley, what do you know?”

  “I’m only a detective inspector,” he blustered.

  “Yes, so I’ve heard,” he replied with a disdainful arch of the eyebrow.

  “Just what is that supposed to mean?”

  “Please you two,” said Rachel. “This is not helping.”

  “Sorry,” said Ashley. “But I resent the implication that my team and I are lazy and incompetent.”

  “That’s not what Ryan meant, is it Ryan?”

  Noting how black her eyes had gone, he thought he’d better agree. “Of course not. After everything we’ve been through I just want this resolving as soon as possible, especially with the hearing tomorrow.”

  It worked. Ashley’s eyes filled with sympathy. “Of course, but it’s only a sentencing hearing, Brian Crossly and Gerard Kerrell have already pleaded guilty. Eddie Cope was going to plead not guilty and take it to trial, until the other two gave such damning evidence against him.”

  Ryan’s lips curled into a smile. His friends incarcerated in the prison system had persuaded them to do that.

  “In my opinion though,” continued Ashley, “I think they’re going to introduce some sort of plea to try and reduce their sentences.”

  “In my experience things never go as you expect,” said Ryan. “Nasty surprises have a habit of cropping up and I want to ensure that they get exactly what they deserve. Has Crossly’s jaw healed yet by the way?”

  The ice in Ryan’s eyes unnerved Ashley. He was well aware that Ryan had turned the tables on his captors by gouging out one of Brian’s eyes and forcing him to eat it before breaking his jaw and that intimidated Ashley. Not many people could get the better of a serial killer. “Getting there, he’s able to chew his food now.”

  “Shame,” said Ryan.

  “Yes, well, I’d better be off,” said Ashley, getting to his feet. “Oh, I almost forgot. Rachel, Mrs Harper asked me to pass on her apologies. She feels terrible for losing it when she realised who you were. You saved her and her child and she’s very grateful. She said if there’s anything she can do for you just let her know.”

  “An apology to Rachel’s face rather than through a third party would be a good start,” sniffed Ryan. “Coward.”

  “That’s alright,” said Rachel. “She was petrified last night. Tell her thank you Ashley.”

  “I will.”

  Ashley got to his feet, eager to be away from Ryan’s disapproval. “Sorry I have to leave so soon but I’ve got a lot on my plate.”

  “That’s alright,” said Rachel pleasantly. “Thank you for coming.”

  “You’re very welcome. I’ll keep you updated on our progress.” He ignored Ryan’s cynical snort. “I’ll see myself out.”

  “That was a bit rude,” said Rachel when he’d gone.

  “The man is a fool who couldn’t detect his way out of a one-way street.”

  “I know you don’t like police but that’s a bit harsh, he’s a good officer.”

  “Oh yes? If that’s true then where was he when I was kidnapped by Crossly and Kerrell? If you hadn’t taken it upon yourselves to find me I could well be dead now.”

  Rachel didn’t even want to think about that. “Alright, maybe you have a point.”

  “Of course I do.” He kissed her. “And now I’m sorry but unfortunately I have to leave you for a short while.”

  “You do?” she said, disappointed.

  “A problem’s come up at The Lighthouse that needs sorting out.”

  “What problem?”

  “Something to do with a delivery but as the problem involves money it requires one of us to deal with it. I’ll be back soon then you’ll have my undivided attention for the rest of the day.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll probably have a nap anyway, I’m knackered,” she yawned.

  He kissed her again. “Back soon.”

  Ryan left, feeling angry. He should be with his wife not sorting out stupid little problems.

  The Lighthouse was one of many restaurants they owned in the area, only a ten minute drive from their home, so fortunately he didn’t have far to go.

  He walked into the restaurant to find Emily, one of their waitresses, bustling about setting tables for the lunchtime service.

  She straightened up and gave him her best smile. “Hello Ryan

  “Hello err…Emily. I had a call, something about a problem with a delivery?”

  “Yes, I’ll show you,” she said, beckoning him enticingly with her finger.

  Emily was absolutely crazy about Ryan, even before she’d started working here. Every time a job had come up at a business they owned she’d applied for it and finally she’d struck gold when Rachel herself had taken her on as head waitress, giving her responsibility and a good wage. When the manager wasn’t here she was in charge and Emily was relishing it at the moment because the manager was off sick and the Laws were trusting her to run things, which she was perfectly able to do. It was all over the town about Rachel being attacked last night and Emily had spotted her chance to be alone with Ryan. Rightly assuming Rachel wouldn’t be up to coming out to deal with petty problems Ryan was here and she finally had him all to herself.

  Emily was aching with excitement as she led him through the back to the store room. She stopped before the new delivery of fruit and veg, still piled up in crates. “They’ve not sent us enough.”

  Ryan sighed. “So? Just ring them up and tell them.”

  “I tried but they said they wouldn’t because an account is outstanding and until it’s paid up we’re only on the bare necessities.” Their supplier didn’t dare cut them off completely, not when the Laws were their best customers.

  “How did that happen?” demanded Ryan. “We have never missed paying an account.”

  “To be honest, Jason has been letting things slide around here,” she said, deciding to use this opportunity to badmouth the manager. “He’s not been well and he’s all over the place. I hate to say it but I don’t think he can cope anymore.” It wasn’t true, Emily herself had sabotaged payment to the supplier and not just that one but their wine and meat suppliers too. Jason didn’t really understand the online payment system so he left it to her, which he wouldn’t ever dare tell the Laws because it was supposed to be his job, so she was confident she wouldn’t be found out.

  Ryan sighed in annoyance. “I’ll call the supplier and get them paid up. Where’s the number?”

  “This way,” she said, leading the way to the office, swaying her backside for all she was worth. She was a very attractive woman and she knew it. At twenty three she was thirteen years younger than Rachel and she thought Ryan was probably getting bored, longing for a younger model but when she glanced back over her shoulder he just seemed distracted instead of being mesmerised by her behind.

  When they walked into the office she bent right over the desk to reach the little black book Jason kept that listed the contact details of all their suppliers, aching to feel the press of Ryan’s red hot body against her own but there was nothing. Annoyed, she snatched up the book and flicked through it to the veg supplier. “There,” she said, holding it out to him, sticking her chest out for all she was worth.

  “Thanks,” he said, taking it from her with barely a glance in her direction. He sat at the desk to make the call.

  Emily stood watching him, mesmerised. Yes, he was in his forties and almost twice her age but he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. Plus he was dangerous, she knew all about his history in Manchester. He’d even served time in prison, which excited her unbearably. His criminal background had convinced her he’d be more than willing to cheat on his wife, despite how it was rumoured he only had eyes for Rachel. And it was looking like the rumours were true, for once. He hardly seemed to notice she was alive.

  Ryan paid the account over the phone then hung up. “Is that it?”

  Emily felt a bit nervous, he didn’t seem to appreciate being dragged down here. “Yes, thanks for sorting that out. If my duties extended to payments I could have sorted it out for you so you wouldn’t have had to leave Rachel today. How is she by the way?”

  He sighed. “You know what happened last night?”

  “Yeah, everyone does. It’s impossible to keep a secret around here.”

  “Wonderful,” he said sarcastically, getting to his feet. “I’ve got to get back to her, I shouldn’t have left her in the first place.”

  “Sorry but I didn’t know what else to do,” she said.

  He hesitated on his way out the door. “It’s not your fault, Jason left you no choice.”

  Then he was gone.

  Emily was disappointed she hadn’t got the hot and heavy session on the desk that she’d envisaged but it was still a step forward. Jason was on his way out and then she would be in charge here, allowing her to get even closer to Ryan Law.

  She returned to the restaurant floor, watching as Ryan got back in his car and drove off.

  “One day,” she told herself.

  She frowned when a middle-aged, overweight man in an expensive suit pushed the door open.

  “I’m sorry, we’re closed,” she told him.

  “I’m not here for food,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  Something about the man made her nervous and she wished Ryan hadn’t gone. “What do you want?”

  “Relax my dear,” the man smiled smoothly. “My name is Valentine Halliday.”

  He said it as though it should mean something. “And?”

  “You don’t know who I am?”

  She shrugged. “Should I?”

  “I’m a businessman, powerful, rich and I’m a local councillor.”

  He said it as though she should be impressed but after meeting Ryan Law very few men could impress her now. “So?”

  “I’m looking for someone to work for me.”

  “I already have a job.”

  “And this doesn’t require you to quit. You can do both and I pay very well.”

  “Doing what?” she said, afraid the dirty old perv was going to have her on stage dancing around a pole.

  “I need you to gather information for me.”

  “What information?”

  “About your employers.”

  “Ryan and Rachel?” she said with surprise.

  “Yes, them,” he replied with distaste.

  “Why, do you want to hurt them?”

  “Not them exactly, more Rachel.”


  He was getting a little fed up of her repeating everything he said but this girl was perfect for his purposes. She didn’t know it but her crush on Ryan Law was famous. In fact only the Laws themselves didn’t know about it because they were so wrapped up in each other, a weakness he was going to expose to his advantage. He wanted to hurt both Ryan and Rachel and he was going to use this silly girl’s feelings to do it. “You don’t need to know why. In fact it’s better if you don’t.”

  “You’re not going to hurt Ryan, are you?”

  “No, I like Ryan,” he said jovially. “It’s just Rachel.”

  Emily’s lips curled into a cruel smile. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to keep an eye out, let me know if you learn anything interesting.”

  “That’s it?” she said, both disappointed and relieved.

  “That’s it.” He delved into his suit jacket and pulled out a wad of notes, which he dumped on one of the tables. “A gift, to say thank you for your assistance.”

  Emily snatched it up, wide-eyed. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome my dear.” He handed her his card. “You can contact me on this number.” He let his eyes roam up and down her again. “Anytime.”

  She didn’t even notice, she was so astounded by the amount of money she was holding. “Yeah, no worries,”

  “Thank you Emily. I’ll see myself out,” he said, leaving her standing there, still gaping at all the cash. It didn’t even occur to her to ask how he knew her name.

  Jules anxiously picked at her fingernails as she waited to go in for her very first scan. Jackson, sitting beside her, patted her hands.

  “Calm down,” he said. “You’ll make yourself sick again.”

  She grimaced. “Urgh, I can’t take any more of that.”

  “Why are you so jittery?”
r />   “It’s the stupid doctor, he’s got me all worried. What if something’s wrong with it? I was smoking and drinking before I found out I was pregnant.”

  “Everything will be fine, you’re healthy,” he said, taking her hand. “Think positive.”

  For once Jules was relieved to have someone to lean on and she gripped onto his hand.

  “Jules Maguire?” said a gentle voice.

  A nurse with a kind face peeked her head into the waiting room.

  “Yes?” she replied, for once sounding timid.

  “Would you like to come through?”

  Jules swallowed hard and looked to Jackson, who took her hand and gently urged her to her feet. She clutched onto him as they walked into the small scan room.

  “Don’t look so scared,” smiled the nurse. “I don’t bite. Would you like to lie down?”

  Her calm manner went a long way to putting Jules at her ease, the efficient way she worked reassuring her that she had done this many times before.

  “Is everything okay?” Jules anxiously asked as she ran the scanner over her belly, which was shiny with gel.

  “Yep, everything looks fine,” replied the nurse, her eyes on the screen. She pointed to the centre of it. “There’s your baby.”

  “That little blob?” said Jules, squinting to see. “Looks like a peanut.”

  “I can assure you it’s not a peanut,” replied the nurse with a smile. “And it appears to have settled in nicely.”

  Jules released a shaky breath. “Thank God for that.”

  “You were worried?” said the nurse.

  “My GP said because of my age there could be complications.”

  “There is an increased risk but you’ve no health problems. It’s all looking good.”

  “See, told you,” said Jackson, planting a kiss on her lips.

  “Aww, look at Daddy, he’s all excited,” smiled the nurse before turning her attention back to the screen.

  Jackson looked to Jules, wondering if he should set the record straight but Jules shook her head and smiled. “Yes he is.”


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