
Home > Other > Duality > Page 21
Duality Page 21

by Heather Atkinson

  “They wouldn’t like my snoring.”

  Ryan smiled. “Can’t say I didn’t try.”

  “Are you done with the trying now?”

  “Yes, completely.”

  “Good, let’s get this bloody job finished then.”

  They headed outside, approaching the dog cautiously. It was a highly trained animal but it had been subjected to abuse and neglect, so they weren’t sure whether it was going to be in a friendly mood. However when Battler put his hand out to the dog, who Ryan had been told was called Rory, he nuzzled his hand, sensing these men weren’t going to hurt him.

  “Good dog,” said Battler, freeing his lead from the stake and kneeling before him to give him a stroke. He took some dog treats out of his pocket and tipped the bag into his hand. The dog wolfed them up, indicating he’d been starved. “I should go back in there and break Mammo’s other hand and knee.”

  “You and me both,” said Ryan.

  They hurried through the garden, Battler holding the dog on the lead and back across the road. The dog happily jumped into the back seat, delighted to be away from that house.

  “You don’t think he’ll crap on my upholstery, do you?” said Battler as he started the engine.

  “Doubtful, he’s been properly trained. However you don’t know what damage that fat cretin has caused him.”

  “So he’s going back to yours then?” said Battler as he drove them home.

  “Mine? Don’t I have enough animals with all the horses, chickens, donkeys and now that ginger menace?”

  “Then one more won’t make any difference and I can’t have him in my flat, pets aren’t allowed and you set this job up. He’ll have to go back with you, there’s no choice.”

  “Fine,” sighed Ryan. “I’m starting to feel like Noah.”

  “You got a boat as well?”

  “I don’t sail,” he said with distaste.

  “Lucky you’re not Noah or you wouldn’t have let any animals on your bloody ark in case they made a mess.”

  Ryan couldn’t help but smile at that. “Very well, I’ll prove I’m not the anally retentive person you think I am. I’ll take Rory back with me and return him to Cedric in the morning.”

  “There you go and you never know, you might actually start to like animals.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  Both men went quiet, exhausted by their night’s work. Ryan pulled a face. “The dog smells.”

  Battler smiled and shook his head.

  Rachel was waiting up for Ryan when he arrived home. Jules had gone to bed over an hour ago but their talk had left her worried and she wouldn’t rest until he was home safe.

  Ryan entered by the back way so as not to track mud through the house, the dog on the lead.

  “What are you still doing up?” he said when he found Rachel at the breakfast bar, nursing a fresh hot chocolate.

  “Waiting for you. I was worried,” she said, getting up off her stool to kneel before the dog and pet him. “Bless him, he looks so cold and miserable. I bought in some dog food for him.”

  “The bastard had him tied to a stake in the garden with no food or shelter,” said Ryan, gratefully relinquishing the dog to Rachel’s much more expert care. “Why were you worried anyway?”

  “No reason.”

  Ryan’s eyebrow arched. “Rachel, there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “It’s nothing really. Jules got me thinking about what we’re doing.”

  “She’s been sticking her nose in again. Typical.”

  “She’s worried we’ll get into trouble.”

  He smiled and gently took her by the shoulders. “Don’t let her get to you, we’re fine.”

  “Everything went okay tonight, didn’t it?”

  Her eyes were begging him to say yes but he could never lie to her. “Mammo and his friends did attempt to put up some sort of resistance but it was rather pathetic.”

  “Oh Christ.”

  “It was nothing,” he hastened to assure her.

  “Tell me the truth - did you enjoy it?”

  “Well, not the violence so much, I’m not an animal but I do enjoy fighting for the underdog, setting things right.”

  “And the danger and excitement. Jules said we’re addicted to it and I think she’s right.”

  “She most certainly is not.”

  “Course she is Ryan. Look at the two of us, we came here to live the quiet life and we’re just as involved with the criminal world as ever.”

  “We are not. It’s completely different. We’re not making money from this and we’re doing good, for once.”

  “And we like it. We’re adrenaline junkies.”

  “Better this than flinging ourselves out of planes or jumping off bridges attached to a piece of string. At least this way we’re doing something useful, we’re helping people.”

  “I know but I can’t help worrying that it’ll backfire on us one day.”

  “It won’t, we’re far too careful.”

  “You said they tried to fight back tonight.”

  “Yes but they were no match for Battler and myself.”

  “I’m not so sure we’re doing the right thing anymore. Yes, we’re helping other people but what about us?”

  “We’ll be fine, there’s no one around here capable of taking us on. If it’s really worrying you we can stop.”

  “But I like helping people, we’ve done a lot of good around here.”

  “So we’ll keep on doing it?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. It’s not just the risk of getting hurt I’m worried about. If the police get wind of this we’ll get nicked too. What would happen to the kids if we both got arrested?”

  “That wouldn’t happen, we’re far too rich and we have several police officers on the payroll. Besides, most of them already know what we get up to and they have no objections, we’re taking some of the burden off them. And look at this poor little fella,” said Ryan, gesturing to the dog, who was still wolfing down the food Rachel had put down for him. “If it hadn’t been for us he’d probably have ended up freezing or starving to death because that cretin wasn’t looking after him.”

  “Yes, you and Battler did good today,” she said, picking up a blanket and wrapping it around the dog, who was still shivering. “Poor boy. We’ll have you back home tomorrow, to Cedric.”

  At the mention of his owner’s name the dog’s head snapped up.

  “I’m sure he’s smiling,” said Rachel, petting him.

  At that moment Teddy stalked into the room rather regally. When he saw Rory he released a loud hiss, leapt three foot into the air then turned and attempted to run, claws slipping on the tiled floor. Ryan released a bellow of laughter as Teddy finally gained purchase and dashed out of the room, fur standing on end and tail fluffed up.

  “Oh Rory,” grinned Ryan. “You might be smelly but you’re a good boy.”

  Once Rory’s hunger was sated he lay on the rug Rachel had put down for him and fell asleep.

  “I think he’ll be fine there until morning,” said Rachel, yawning. “There’s only four hours left until then anyway.”

  The two of them headed upstairs to bed, passing Teddy cowering beneath the telephone table in the hallway, outrage in his eyes.

  Rachel found her eyes closing as she slid beneath the sheets but she forced them to stay open to watch Ryan undress. She liked to admire him and revel in the fact that he was all hers. When he removed his jumper her eyes widened but not for the usual reason.

  “What the hell is that on your back?”

  Ryan glanced in the mirror and was dismayed to see a large bruise there. “It was a baseball bat.”

  “Jesus Ryan.”

  “I’m fine, fortunately I was wearing thick clothes that absorbed most of the impact.”

  “Bloody hell, this is exactly what Jules was talking about and that bruise is on your back, which meant you were hit from behind.”

  “They were a bunch of no-necks
. Honestly,” he said, perching beside her on the edge of the bed and taking her hands. “Battler and I had everything under perfect control the entire time.”

  “Obviously not or you wouldn’t have that bruise.”

  “I’m home and I’m fine.” He kissed her. “Stop worrying.”

  “I can’t because I know now for sure that you are addicted to the excitement. Normal life would be too dull for you.”

  “No it wouldn’t,” he frowned. “You and the children are all I need.” This talk was making him uncomfortable and he prayed it wasn’t the start of a rift in their solid marriage.

  “That’s not true and don’t deny it,” she said when he opened his mouth to reply. “I know it’s not because I feel the same.”

  This threw him. “You do?”

  She nodded. “When those men - correction, little boys - walked into the restaurant I knew exactly what they were there for, even though I didn’t recognise them. I could feel it coming off them and I felt…alive. I really wanted the fight because, to be honest, I enjoy it. I don’t mean I like hurting people, I like the adrenaline rush and fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves.”

  Ryan was so relieved he laughed. He also loved how black her eyes had gone after getting that off her chest.

  “What’s so funny?” she said.

  “I thought this was something that was going to come between us but now I realise we’re even more alike than we originally thought. We’re not like other people, we need more and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “There is if we get nicked. At least jumping out of planes with a bit of canvas strapped to your back doesn’t get you arrested.”

  “But it’s not half as exciting.”

  Her mischievous smile made his heart thud. “True,” she said.

  “Do you feel better?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  “Fabulous,” he said, kissing her. He hoped for more but realised that wasn’t going to happen when she yawned and rubbed her eyes. But, to be fair, it was three in the morning.

  Instead they curled up together, Ryan wrapping himself around her, holding her close, both able to fall asleep contentedly now they were back together.

  Mikey and Jez watched Toni walk around the fire engine, frowning.

  “I don’t understand, how is this supposed to help us?” she said. “I mean, I’m all for firemen, especially naked ones with big choppers but I don’t see how this can help us crush the shite out of Malc and Tam.”

  “No one questions someone in uniform,” said Jez. “Everyone automatically does what they say without question. That could be very useful.”

  Toni’s eyes gleamed with cunning. “You have had a good idea, haven’t you.”

  “Everything still works,” interjected Mikey. “Even the water. Could make a very convincing display.”

  Toni glanced at Caesar, who nodded. “I think it’s a good idea,” he said.

  “So do I,” she said thoughtfully. “Alright, I’ll hear you out.”

  When Mikey had finished explaining the plan they’d worked out she threw back her head and laughed.

  “I fucking love it,” she said, delighted. “That pair of silly, treacherous bastards are living on borrowed time. Soon I will have their eyes,” she said, drawing two glasses cases from her coat pocket.

  Mikey’s eyes flicked down to them. “Are they made of gold?”

  “Oh yes. I wanted something special for those wallopers. Now we just need to find a way to lure out Malc, he’s been keeping a low profile. I think it’s time we paid Mr MacBride another visit.”

  “Oh great,” sighed Mikey.


  Rory’s tail wagged like crazy as Ryan pulled up outside the ground floor flat Cedric lived in, realising he was finally home. Rachel had bathed him and groomed his coat that morning so hopefully Cedric wouldn’t realise just how badly he’d been treated.

  When Ryan knocked a quivering voice called back, “who is it?” Obviously the poor man was terrified Mammo was going to return.

  “My name’s Ryan Law. Harold asked me to get Rory back for you and I have him with me.”

  There was the frantic sound of the door being unlocked and anger surged through Ryan at the sight of Cedric’s bruised face. It was a special type of coward who could beat up a blind man.

  “Rory?” he said to the air.

  In response the dog barked and Cedric’s face lit up. “Rory.”

  He knelt down, reaching out and the dog placed his face in his hands.

  “Rory,” he rasped, sightless eyes filling with tears. “Are you okay?”

  “He’s fine,” assured Ryan, placing the leash in his hand gratefully.

  “So he didn’t hurt him?”

  “No,” replied Ryan, deciding he didn’t need to know the truth.

  “Will Mammo come back for him?”

  “I can safely say he’ll never bother you again.”

  “But my debt…”

  “Is written off. Please don’t worry about it any longer.”

  “I was so stupid to borrow off him but I got desperate. My benefits have been cut because they say I can work but I can’t…I didn’t know what else to do. Then when Rory was taken from me…”

  Ryan shifted from foot to foot, growing increasingly uncomfortable as the man started to cry. “It’s alright, Rory’s back now and Mammo won’t bother you ever again.”

  The man nodded and smiled, wiping away his tears. “I don’t know how to thank you. Harold said you could help but I didn’t think anyone could stand up to Mammo.”

  “He’s just a bully and like all bullies he caved in when someone confronted him. Don’t think about him for another moment, please.”

  Cedric held out his hand. “Thank you. It seems a poor word for what you’ve done for me but thank you. This has made me realise that I can cope with anything thrown at me, as long as I have Rory.”

  “You’re very welcome,” said Ryan, shaking his hand. “Right, I’ll leave you to it.”

  Ryan walked away from that house feeling very pleased with himself. If he’d needed any proof that he and Rachel were doing the right thing he’d just got it. He was perfectly sure that without their intervention that man would have ended up taking his own life and his dog would have died cold and starving, tied to a stake. Ryan smiled as he imagined Cedric’s reaction when he discovered the envelope stuffed full of money tucked into Rory’s collar. A man like that had his pride and would have refused it had Ryan offered it him. It felt wonderful doing some good. He hoped it went some way to making up for all the bad he’d done.

  When Jules’s mobile phone rang she was surprised to see it was Mikey’s number.

  “Hello,” she smiled, pleased.

  “Hello,” he replied. “I was just wondering how you’re doing?”

  “I’m good thanks. Actually, Devon’s quite fun.”

  “What, the men?”

  The jealousy in his tone made her smile. “Actually I haven’t been with any men thank you,” she replied. Well, it was the truth but he didn’t need to know about Sabine. “I’m enjoying time with my family, that’s what I meant and me and Rach beat up a bunch of tossers who came for her in her restaurant.”

  “What?” he yelled down the line.

  “Relax, it’s okay. They didn’t lay a finger on us, bunch of big girls in frilly knickers they were.”

  “Why did they attack you?”

  She explained about Rachel’s original run-in with the gang on that lonely country road. “I thought you would have heard about it, it made all the papers.”

  “Probably because I’m incognito at the moment.”

  “Oh Christ, what have you done? Can I not leave you alone for five minutes?”

  “I’ve not done anything. I’m in Glasgow with Jez.”

  “Glasgow? McVay territory? Are you crazy?”

  “We’re helping Toni out. Uncle Tam’s trying to take over the family and we’re backing her up.”

/>   “Can’t she manage on her own?”

  “Half the family are for Tam, half for her. She doesn’t want anyone to find out we’re here yet so we’re camped out in the suite of a hotel she owns.”

  “Please tell me you took back-up?” she demanded, screwing her eyes shut and shaking her head.

  “We’ve got Mark and Shane.”

  “Shane?” she exclaimed. “Are you fucking serious? He’s just a kid.”

  “Declan and Grant have stayed behind in Manchester to keep an eye on things.”

  “You should have left Shane and taken Grant.”

  “Declan’s not a strong leader, he needs Grant’s back-up.”

  “I don’t like this Mikey. Want me to come up there?”

  “No I do not. You stay in Devon and take it easy and you shouldn’t be fighting in your condition.”

  “It was no problem, they didn’t get near me. It was actually quite funny.”

  “I don’t believe this. You’re supposed to be relaxing and living a healthy lifestyle.”

  “Stop fussing, I’m fine. I’m more worried about you.”

  “I’m fine too.”

  “Toni’s a sly cow, she might use you to do her dirty work then try and bump you off.”

  “She won’t, she needs us. This is proving that and our deal rakes in a ton of money, she wouldn’t give up that.”

  “Makes sense but still, watch your back. I don’t trust her an inch.”

  “Me neither but we’ve got it under control, don’t worry about it.”

  “At least you’ve got Mark with you.”

  “Me and Jez aren’t exactly helpless you know.”

  “And you’re not invincible either.”

  “I wish I hadn’t bloody mentioned it now.”

  “So do I, I’ll only worry.”

  “You will?”

  “Course. This might surprise you but I do have normal human feelings,” she snapped.

  “Alright, calm down.”

  “Why do people always say that? It just pisses me off even more.”

  “So…have you made a decision about Jackson’s offer?”

  “Are you prying Mikey Maguire?”



  “Because I want you to be happy.”


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