Mix'n Business With Pleasure

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Mix'n Business With Pleasure Page 10

by Hadley Raydeen

  “You asked me to call you, Gregory. What do you want?”

  “Oh, yes. I thought maybe we should reconnect on my original instructions of this deal with Werries’ Digital Media. It has come to my attention you may be a bit…sidetracked.”

  “What in the hell gave you that impression? I know what you want done and I ensured you I would do it. What is the problem?”

  “The problem is you are distracted.”

  There is no way Sara could have gotten to Gregory this quickly. It had only been… He looked at the clock on the panel. Hell, it had been 30 minutes. That was plenty of time for Greg to get his update from his whore minion. He tried to sway his stepfather anyway.

  “Distracted? What on earth would be distracting me?”

  “Not ‘what’, son. Whom.”

  He winced. “I’m not exactly sure what you are talking about.”

  “Oh, let’s not play coy, Jax. You know, I know you were out to dinner this evening with the lovely Miss Bevin Thomas. The very same that is an executive at the company I’m asking you to infiltrate and take over. Hell, you’re at her house right now.”

  Jaxon looked up at her house and noticed her bedroom light was on. He was sure she was inside getting dressed for bed. An image of that dress falling from her curvy figure, pooling at her feet caused an instant reaction in him. He would love to help Bevin out of that dress. He bit back a groan and focused his attention back on the road ahead of him and kicked the car in drive.

  “I’m a grown ass man, Gregory. I’m not sure why my whereabouts are cause for concern or any of your business for that matter.”

  “Normally, I would agree with that. But if I feel like my plans are going to get fucked up because a grown ass man can’t keep it in his goddamn pants, then, yes that is a cause for concern, and every bit of my business!” Gregory’s raised voice boomed through Jaxon’s sports car. He quickly started his ride and pulled away from Bevin’s house, stopping at a red light down the street, he slid a hand through his hair.

  “Look, your deal will go fine. Russell thinks I’m there to help them with the new space. He has no idea anything else is going on. I promise you.”

  “I don’t give a shit about Werries. Small fish to fry. That company will be mine. It’s his second I’m keeping my eye on. And now to find out my stepson has a little boy crush on her?”

  ““It’s not like that.” Jaxon tried to remain calm. Since when was Bevin Gregory’s focus? He thought this whole thing was about getting Russell’s company.

  “Oh, it’s not like what? Tell me, Jaxon. What is your end game with Bevin Thomas? How are you going to explain wining her and fucking her and then ripping her world out from under her?” Gregory asked.

  “I… I’m not going to do that.” Jaxon hesitated.

  “Oh, you aren’t? Because my plan calls for you to get in there and get this deal done. Not go in and fall for her. If you let the appendage between your legs cloud your judgement and your business sense, you are going to have a hard time dropping the hammer.”

  “I can get this job done and have a little fun while I’m doing it.”

  “So what, you are using her?” He laughed bitterly. “Jaxon, Jaxon, who knew you had it in you? That is so not your style at all.”

  He wasn’t using Bevin at all, but if that is what he had to make Gregory believe, then so be it.

  “Yea, well, you have to do what you have to do right?” Jaxon hated the words the minute he said them and Sara’s mention of him being more like Gregory than he knew killed him.

  “Look, boy. You said you can do this. Let me see that you can. If you need me to send in a life raft to save your love struck ass from drowning, let me know.”

  “I’ll be fine, Gregory. Give Mother my best, will you?” He hung up before another snarky comment could be slung through his speakers.

  There was no way he wanted to pull Bevin into any family bullshit. And if he didn’t watch himself and play this right, that is exactly what would happen.

  After he left her house, she’d drained the glass of wine and poured another. She dressed for bed and sat thinking about everything that happened that night and what he’d said while the late show watched her. She finally dozed off with him on her mind, despite her need to forget him. She didn’t want to get too far down a path with him and get hurt. She wouldn’t allow it to happen, not again. Her heart couldn’t take it a second time. Something wasn’t right about the ‘Sara situation’ and she wasn’t’ sure she wanted to find out what that something was.

  The next morning she woke late and could barely drag herself from bed. By the time she reached the office, she was already ten minutes late for a meeting with Russell on the progress of the new facility and an update on her meeting with Jaxon. It didn’t help matters that the very thought of him had her flustered. She needed to stop thinking about him and everything that had transpired between them the night before. The fact she couldn’t get how commanding and delicious his lips felt against hers off her mind was not helping matters at all.

  Taking a deep breath she headed in to meet with Russell. When she flew past the receptionist, she tried to stop her.

  “Oh Bevin, he is in there already with…” She didn’t wait to hear the answer before she pushed through the conference room door.


  “Bevin, good morning. How nice to see you.”

  She glared at Jaxon. His face beamed with mischievous sexiness. She turned to her boss.

  “I’m sorry I’m late.” She didn’t acknowledge the ‘good morning’ or that Jaxon was even in the room, though his presence was very hard to ignore. She pulled a plush leather chair from under the table and took a seat across from Russell and slid a file across the table to him.

  He looked at it and nodded, then back at her.

  “Jaxon was just updating me on the progress of the building right now. You haven’t missed much.” Russell stopped and looked her, cocking his head to the side. She knew her expression was tight and her lack of sleep evident. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, perfectly fine,” she said through clenched teeth and tight lips. “I think Jaxon and I have a few more specs to go over before we can start breaking ground. Once we go over those things, we really can get this project going. I’m excited to say we have made a lot of progress and I can’t wait to see this through to completion.” She finally turned her attention to Jaxon who regarded her with a smirk.

  He raised a brow and looked at her. “I am excited to get this project rolling as well. We agreed by the end of the week, we will be able to start. Isn’t that right, Bevin?”

  She narrowed her eyes. They hadn’t discussed when they would start, but she had to paint a perfect picture for her boss, who continued to watch their conversation back and forth with interest.

  “That is right,” she agreed with the devil at the table.

  “I would actually like to take you to dinner tonight, Bevin We could discuss this further in detail.”

  Her mouth fell agape, staring at Jaxon as if he had two heads. After last night’s debacle, why on earth would he want to attempt dinner again so soon? But he sat at the head of the table like he owned the world. It surprised her Russell allowed him in his seat.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think that is possible. If you check with our admin, she will give you my schedule and when I have free office time. I’m sure I will be available sometime this week.” She saw the corner of his mouth twitch. Her cell buzzed and she checked the message. Her eyes widened and her heart fluttered. A mix of shock, excitement…hurt. Oh my God… Robert. She hadn’t heard from him in so long…years maybe. She may have received a Christmas card last year… Why would he reach out now? She picked up her phone and quickly read his message.

  I need to see you. I miss you, Bevin. I’m so sorry for everything. Please, it’s important. Let’s do lunch.

  She didn’t have the time to react the way she needed to that message. Not with two sets of eyes on her. One with
more interest than the other. No, she would take time to think on this later. But for now she replied quickly. I’ll call in a bit.

  He watched her sitting across the table looking mouthwatering. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and loosen the messy knot at her neck. He didn’t know if she felt the same, but he had a hell of a night trying to sleep. His mind stayed on her. Yes, he had told Gregory he would land this deal and he planned to do it, but he wouldn’t do it through Bevin. He wouldn’t use her like that. It was Russell’s company, he’d have to deal with him.

  After not getting any sleep and laying out a plan, he decided to forget sleep and get a jog in before their early meeting. He was showered and dressed and at the old Werries’ building well before the eight AM start. He didn’t notice her car in the lot. He beat her there. Good, maybe he could get Russell alone for a few minutes. By the time he finally got the man in the conference room and started down the path to the plan, Bevin arrived. It would have to wait.

  She wasn’t happy to see him. It was so evident on her beautiful face. Damn, just when he thought he’d made steps forward, he was so many steps back. He’d have to work on a plan for both Russell and her now.

  But he liked that fire in her eyes. It motivated him and he would get her to turn that disdain for him into something more. He bet she would be just as passionate in bed as she was in this boardroom. The way she responded to his kiss the night before showed promise. We would be so hot together if you’d just gave me the opportunity. I’m going to have to work for this one. But damned if I don’t welcome the challenge.

  She looked up from her phone, her cheeks flush. He watched as her gaze darted from him, to Russell, and then back again after the notification sounded on her phone. He wondered who the message was from. She didn’t have a steady boyfriend. He made sure to find that out before he’d even spoken to her. However, the person that sent the message made her excited and then… sad, almost? He wanted to know whose ass he needed to kick. He didn’t like competition. He had never played well in the sandbox. I’m hoping that it’s a ‘girl’ friend. He cleared his throat and she looked back at him, briefly, before averting her gaze again.

  “I’m sorry. Just needed to mute the notifications on my phone. Where were we?” She cleared her throat.

  Neither of them listened as her boss droned on and on about God knows what. He could only think about getting her alone. Maybe revisit kissing her, or something else. Images of her scantily clad on the boardroom table caused a grin to creep across his face. It also caused the situation below the table and behind his pants to become uncomfortable.

  Getting her alone seemed challenging today. She already blew him off for dinner. He didn’t want to settle for lunch again. You may think you can brush me off, sexy, but you are mistaken. We are going to have this do-over.

  Finally, when the meeting was over, he stood and shook Russell’s hand assuring him they would have some updates for him very soon. He had taken great notes and he’d be sure to incorporate his ideas in the project. Once he figured the man was satisfied, he waited for Werries to leave the room and caught her arm before she walked out of the conference room behind him.

  “Where is the fire? Why the hurry, beautiful?” he breathed against her ear.

  “I have things I need to work on today, Mr. Stewart. I don’t have time for this.” She shuffled her arm from his grasp and turned toward the door.

  “We need to talk, Bevin. I gave you space last night, but damn it, it’s a new day and we need to get this right. There are some things I have to tell you—”

  “Yes, you are right, we do need to get some things right. But not what you think we need to talk about.” She spun around to face him head on. “We should spend more time coming up with solid plans for this project. Next time, I’d prefer not lying to my boss about what these little meetings are we’ve been having. You know, since we are breaking ground next week and all.” She threw his deadline promise up in his face. She kept her voice low, not wanting to call to her boss’s attention that they were still having discussion in conference room. “He thinks we are professionals and working on this project, which is what we should be doing. I don’t have time for any other…” She waved her hand between the two of them. “..extracurricular activity. This has to stop. Now Russell is on his way out of town and I would like to give him a clear, precise answer on where these plans are going. I would like his mind at ease that I can handle this project.” She spoke so quickly and through clenched teeth, she stopped to take a breath. He regarded her with amusement, trying to ease the tension between them and he knew it was making her more flustered and irritated. He wanted to kiss it away, but he liked this feisty side of her.

  “Why won’t you have dinner with me tonight? Let’s make up for last night and the way it ended.”

  “Did you not hear one word I just said? That isn’t a good idea.”


  “We had dinner last night. We had lunch yesterday, too. They both ended sorta shitty, so I’m sorta done. That was plenty!”

  “So what? You only eat one day a week? Today’s a new day. Dinner could be amazing tonight and you would be missing out,” he argued.

  “I have plans tonight.” She shook her head.

  His mind went to the one thing nagging the hell out of him since it happened. The damn text message she received during the meeting. He raised a brow and slid a hand in his pocket. “Really, plans?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “A date?”

  He watched her caramel toned skin take on a reddish hue. He had struck a nerve and it could only mean he was right. She cleared her throat before answering.

  “An acquaintance. Now, as I was saying before, check with the front desk for a meeting time, during my office hours. Please schedule a meeting and we can discuss the plans. Other than that, Mr. Stewart, there is nothing more for us to talk about.” She turned on her heels and walked out of the room.

  Chapter 11

  “She shut her office door and walked over to her window. Kicking off the high heel pumps wreaking havoc on her feet, she scrolled over the screen again, rereading Robert’s message. It had been so long since she’d last seen him and even then it hadn’t been on the best of terms. He told her he couldn’t be with her. Told her she was spoiled. There were too many issues with them being together. He proceeded to belittle her and… She closed her eyes and bit back a sob trying to force its way up her throat and escape past her lips. There was no way she’d allow a short message from him to cause her pain…again. She was better than this.

  There was no way she should be conversing with the enemy anyway, but there was always something about him that drew her in… She couldn’t help herself.

  Robert originally tried to fund Werries’ Digital her senior year of college. Russell was still trying to get his startup off the ground. A rather wealthy, shrewd business man, Robert was like a shark in the water, offering up capital for a large percentage and equity in Russell’s ‘baby’. Her boss turned down the ridiculous offer and Robert thereby dumped Bevin, crushing her heart. That, amongst other things ended their affair, but that was a tale for another time. She didn’t want to go back down memory lane. He was picking at her fragile emotions already, by just contacting her. She didn’t have to see him or work with him directly anymore. Not like in college when he worked closely with Russell. Their paths collided quite a bit back then. She closed her eyes and pushed back the memories.

  Against her better judgement, she hit the call button under his name in her contacts. After all this time, she couldn’t bring herself to delete his number from her personal list. He answered on the third ring.

  “Bevin… Hello, how are you?” His deep voice vibrated in her ear. She allowed it to seep in, but it didn’t move her the way it used to. She used to touch herself as he said dirty things to her. His lust filled words brought her to the edge of reason many nights. She moaned his name and asked him not to stop. Yes, talk dirty to me, Robe
rt. He used to tell her how he wanted to feel her walls close around him. She’d suck him into her wetness and… The memories came back so vividly. She couldn’t go down that road anymore… especially now, when she couldn’t get him out of her thoughts. Closing her eyes, all she could see were Jaxon’s deep blue temptations. How could she let go of one distraction, just to pick up another? She had to stop this. “I’m…well.” She hesitated, her voice not sounding as authoritative as she’d prefer, but continued the conversation nonetheless. “Sorry, I wasn’t able to talk earlier, I was in a meeting, but I got your text. What can I do for you?”

  She knew exactly what she could do for him. She’d done it more than once in college. And he’d returned the favor, in his office, in his car, over the phone. Christ, they had done it in a public bathroom on campus.

  “I’m sorry for the short notice and cryptic texts, but yes, I need to see you. I would like to get together for dinner, maybe, if you are free. You know I miss you, sexy.”

  “Really? You’ve got to be kidding me.” She stared at her phone like in disbelief.

  “C’mon, Bev, you know what you mean to me, beautiful. Do you miss me?”

  She hated when people asked that question. If I missed you, I would have said it. You don’t have to ask. She avoided the question. “What do you want, Robert? Why a dinner? Just tell me over the phone.”

  “Come on, baby. I need to see you. I have some things to say and it will be better in person. We could go to that Italian place you always loved.”


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