Mix'n Business With Pleasure

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Mix'n Business With Pleasure Page 23

by Hadley Raydeen

  “You’re so wet, baby.”

  “You see what you do to me?”

  A sly smile moved across his face as he slowly pulled his fingers from her and pressed them back in again. He kept up the tortuous movements causing her delicious torment. Slowly moving her hips against his hand, she met his probing; needing to feel more of him. “Jaxon.” His name barely escaped her lips.

  “Yes, Bevin. Tell me.” His fingers never stopping rhythm.

  “I need you inside of me. I need to feel you.”

  Chapter 34

  He wouldn’t make her wait for it. Bevin could have anything she wanted, she only had to ask. He removed his hand from her wet heat. Making sure her gaze was locked on his, he stuck the two glazed fingers in his mouth and made sure she knew he liked it. “You are delicious. I think I need to taste that a little more, later.”

  “Later?” Her question sounded seductive and tempting. “You are gonna make me wait to feel you work your magic on me?”

  “Yes, Bevin. I’m not spending the night alone. I need to fall asleep inside of you.” He slid inside of her slow and steady. Her whimper was all he needed. “Yes, I needed this.”

  “I need you, Jaxon.”

  He moved in her deeper. She clung to him, whispering incoherently in his ear. In between her moans and gasps of pleasure, he could make out sighs of ‘Oh, God’ and ‘please don’t stop’.

  He wouldn’t dream of it, not now. He needed her just as much as she needed him. He hadn’t realized how much he missed her until he held her in his arms again. He hadn’t expected their first time together, after being apart, would be in the back of his work vehicle, but desperate times call for desperate measures. He wanted her any way he could get her. He couldn’t get enough.

  “I’m gonna come.” She arched her back, pressing into him.

  “Come for me, babe. I’m right there with you.”

  She wrapped her leg around his waist, opening more to him. He plunged into her, not able to hold himself back. She shouted out her release as he came moments after. “Oh my God, Jaxon.”

  He rolled away, but brought her with him not able to be far from her long. She lay trembling in his arms despite the warmth of the car. Slow jams played in the background. Their breathing was shallow at first, but came at a steadier pace and he felt her body calm down, and their breathing sync. He kissed her shoulder once and then twice and she snuggled closer. “I missed you.” She spoke first.

  He closed his eyes and drank in the scent of her, always tropical and exotic to his senses. He missed her as well. She fit so well against him. He stroked her arms and the curve of her hip. He wanted this every night. He needed her. “I missed you more,” he finally spoke.

  She smiled needing to hear his words of confirmation. She kissed his arm and turned her body slightly to face him. She searched his gaze as best she could in the dim light and shadows. “We should get out of here. We can go back to my place. Have dinner with me tonight and stay the weekend.”

  “That sounds perfect. As long as I get to spend more time with you, I’m good.” He sat up and fixed his clothes. He helped her find panties and a shoe that had been kicked to the very back of the SUV. Her cheeks warmed as he handed her the items. “Ever think you’d be in the back of vehicle with me like this?” He chuckled.

  “Not at all,” she admitted, “but I didn’t mind it at all.” She slipped the shoe back on as he opened the door crawling out of the large SUV.

  Before he shut the door, he looked at her. “I don’t mind any time I get to spend with you, Bevin. I’m hoping for more time actually.” He shut the door before she could speak. She watched him round the vehicle to her side. He opened the door, offering his hand. “Here, let me help you. I’m sure getting out of this thing in a business suit isn’t going to be the easiest.”

  She allowed him to take her hand as she swung her legs around and climbed out. Looking up at him, she gave her answer to his questions. “I’m hoping for more time, too, sweetheart.” A smile slowly crept across his face and she felt her own smile mimicking his. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 35

  Bevin stirred as the first light of day leaked through her curtains. Yawning and stretching, she reached for the man that had spent the weekend with her, never missing the opportunity to tell her how he cared about her and needed her in his life. “You are so beautiful, Bevin. I am falling more in love with every day.” She smiled at the thought of his words before they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms. She needed to feel him again. His embrace was the most comforting thing to her. But she wasn’t in his arms this morning. She turned, feeling the cool sheets next to her. “Jaxon?” she called out, thinking maybe he was in the adjoining bathroom, but she heard no response. She looked at the bedside table and the clock. “Damn it. I’m going to be late in the office. I wonder why he didn’t wake me up?” She picked up her cell phone on the bedside table sliding her finger against the screen. She immediately saw the message from him.

  Jaxon: Good Morning, beautiful. I’m sorry I had to leave you so early. I had to get over to one of the jobsites this morning. I made coffee downstairs and I will hit you up as soon as I finish up there. I love you, baby.

  She quickly messaged him back: Good Morning, handsome. I’m sorry I missed you this morning. You know you are best part of waking up. Thanks for the coffee. I wish you were here to share it with me. I love you more. Xoxo

  She placed her phone on the table and entered her bathroom to get ready for the work day with thoughts of him on her mind. If someone would have told her a year ago she would wake up sending sexy morning texts to a man that had stolen her heart in the most unconventional way, she would have called that person crazy. She didn’t bring work home and she sure didn’t bring home to work. Jaxon hadn’t cared though. He went after what he wanted, breaking down every wall she had put up. Now she needed him in her life. As the spray from the shower hit her body, she thought about their time together and their time apart. She thought of how she wanted every part of him and wanted to explore what they could have. He hadn’t mentioned the proposal again. She was anxious to know if he would bring it up again, but she didn’t want to push it. Stepping from the shower, she wrapped a bath sheet around her body, deciding to get her coffee before she got ready for work. She had some time to think on her situation with Jaxon. Maybe she would suggest dinner that night, or some other such romantic setting. She descended the steps of her home smelling the fresh Arabica brew filling the air. He was too sweet, making her coffee before he left for work. She smiled thinking about the first pot she had made him that first morning they met. Rounding the corner, she caught sight of the man on her mind standing in her kitchen leaning casually against her counter. He sipped from one of her rather large mugs. “Morning, sunshine.” He winked at her. “Do you want coffee?”

  “Well, good morning. Coffee sounds great, please.” She watched him move with ease around her kitchen, opening her cabinet and pulling out a matching mug. He poured steaming coffee for her garnished with cream, just like she liked it. “This is a pleasant surprise. Your text said you were at work.”

  “I did leave to go to work. But then I thought I’d rather be here with you. I can go in later after you go to work.” He handed her the cup of coffee. She blew on it and took a sip before setting it on the center island.

  “Have you been down here all this time? I feel bad. You should have come back up, babe.”

  “It’s okay. I was giving you time to get showered and ready. Didn’t know you’d come down in that though. That is one added bonus.” His gaze ran over her body, and a grin crossed his face.

  She blushed, looking down at the large bath towel. “If I knew a sexy man would be standing in my kitchen when I came down, I may have rethought my attire.”

  He set his mug down on the counter and closed the distance between them. “You look delicious in whatever you wear, or don�
�t wear.” He tugged at the opening of her towel bringing her to him. He softly kissed her lips and she immediately returned the need that met her there. She needed it and him more than anything right now. She moaned against him, wanting more. She opened her lips as his tongue found its way in. He pressed a hand into the small of her back, bringing her closer to him. He broke the kiss and looked at her.

  “What, Jax?” she asked, searching his eyes. “Why did you stop?”

  “I love you.” He kissed her again, this time it was a soft peck.

  “I love you, too.”

  He stepped away from her, taking her hands. He slowly dropped to his knee in her kitchen. “Jaxon, what are you doing?”

  “You know what I’m doing, Bevin. We haven’t known each as long as some couples, but you know a good thing when it happens. I know we are taking this slow, and I respect that, but I wanted to ask you the right way, and give you my promise. I have fallen for you. I’ve known I wanted you from the minute I first laid eyes on you. You mean the world to me.” He rubbed a thumb over her hand and dipped his other hand in his pocket, pulling out a black box from his pocket. Bevin’s heart pounded a mile a minute in her chest. She could feel her knees trembling and she willed them not to buckle. He looked up at her flipping open the box with his thumb. “I love you, Bevin Thomas. I can’t promise I’ll be the best husband in the world, but I sure as hell will try my damndest to be the best husband for you, if you will be my wife.”

  She wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “Yes,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure if he heard her so she shook her head to confirm her answer. The smile he rewarded her with, warmed her heart as he slid the ring on her finger.

  “We can get this sized for you, babe. It was my grandmother’s. She told me to give it to the woman that stole my heart.”

  “I did that to you?”

  He stood and gathered her into his arms. “Like a smooth criminal.”


  One Year Later

  “For the first dance, we will have Mr. and Mrs. Jaxon Stewart come to the floor.” The DJ turned on another smooth jazz classic. Jaxon took her hand and helped her to her feet. Allowing her gown to fall into place with the help of her matron of honor, Pam, he led her to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms.

  “You are beautiful, baby,” Jaxon said closely to her ear. He kissed her cheek. “If all these people weren’t here, I’d have you out of this dress.”

  Bevin giggled, loving the feel of his warm breath next to her skin. “There will be time for that, I promise.”

  “We have the rest of our lives, babe.” He captured her chin between his fingers, guiding her face up. He met her lips, kissing her.

  They barely noticed the sound of pictures being snapped around them, and the romantic music playing as they swayed in each other’s arms. “I never thought I would find this,” she admitted. “Who knew a work project would lead to my happily-ever-after.”

  The song ended and a more upbeat song started to play. Jaxon continued holding her, looking into her eyes. “You are my forever.”

  She felt her cheeks warm as he kissed her again.

  “Hey, break it up you two,” her brother said coming toward them. “Congrats, Sis.” He kissed her cheek and shook his new brother’s hand. “You take care of her, Jaxon, or you will deal with me.”

  “You have my word. I will treat her nothing short of a queen,” Jaxon vowed.

  Later that evening they lay in bed in their honeymoon suite and Jaxon pulled her into his arms. “Hello, Mrs. Stewart,” he said against her ear.

  “Mmm,” she sighed, sedate after lovemaking. She turned in his arms. Facing him, she kissed his mouth lightly nibbling at the lower plumpness of his lips. “What on earth have you done to me, you sexy man?”

  “You haven’t even experienced, yet, what I want to do to you, and with you.”

  She pulled back from him looking into his eyes. She saw love, lust, and forever. “I want all of you, Jaxon. I love you.”

  “You are my everything, Bevin. I will always love you.”

  “Forever?” She whispered

  “My forever belongs to you, babe.”

  About the Author

  Hadley Raydeen lives in a suburb outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. By day she works as a Human Resources professional. In her spare time, she loves to edit and write. Hadley has edited for a number of years as a content and line editor for three different publishing houses. She released a few books back in 2013 through e-publishers and has come back and reestablished as an Indie author writing as the Phoenix Pen.

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  Also by Hadley Raydeen

  Closer Than a Brother

  Simply Amazing (Book 1 Simply Series)

  Rekindled Desire (Book 1 Desire Series )




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