Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance Page 3

by Emma Dean

  Nadyah pulled the privacy screen into place and Gwendoline pushed Adelina gently behind it. “It was made to your specifications, Princess,” the older woman reassured. “Mistress Nadyah did have a few suggestions I took into consideration.”

  Adelina nodded and peeled off the dress she currently wore. Then she stepped into the wedding gown. The soft spidersilk felt like a dream against her skin, but Adelina couldn’t help feeling sad and wistful. This was something both Raena and Giselle should have been a part of.

  Nadyah arranged the trailing skirts and lace and silk while Gwendoline tightened the corset bodice. It pushed up her breasts and held them nicely. The beautiful off-the-shoulder sleeves completed the picture, but they were useless when it came to holding up the dress. No, the corset and boning held the dress up and framed her small waist. Adelina hadn’t looked in a mirror yet because she wanted to see her mothers’ reactions first, and then decide for herself.

  Tears lined Nadyah’s eyes and her courtesan kissed her cheek. “You look absolutely stunning,” she whispered in Adelina’s ear. “Amora, the goddess of love, could not hold a candle to you.”

  Adelina blushed. A pleasant warmth filled her all the way to her toes and fingers. Then she took a deep breath and stepped out.

  Both Adele and Elara cried instantly, jumping to their feet so they could hug her, touch the gown, kiss her cheek…and then they both froze.

  “When did you get that done?” Adele demanded, her eyes glued to the golden mark between Adelina’s breasts, obvious thanks to the deep cut down the front that she’d requested.

  “The Master Sealer did it for me,” Adelina told her. “As well as the piece on my back that I designed based on Asher’s.”

  When she turned to face the mirror and inspect the dress, Adelina watched her mothers share a look. They didn’t say anything though, as Elara must have sensed Adelina had no interest in discussing her decision.

  “It’s a new time, and a new future is before us that we didn’t plan,” Adelina murmured, adjusting her breasts in the corset while Nadyah tightened the laces just a bit more. “This is who I am and I want them all to know.”

  Elara nodded and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “The pieces are stunning. The Master Sealer’s best work I believe.”

  Adele was too drenched in tradition and protocol. She gritted her teeth but nodded. “It suits you, sweetheart. And the varying shades of pink in the gown make your skin glow. It is almost red in places.” Adele adjusted a bit of the skirt and smiled ruefully. “It’s a brilliant design.”

  She let them fuss and talk and adjust the dress. Adelina didn’t have anything to say or to add. The dress was absolute perfection. As she stared in the mirror she studied the females in her life and couldn’t help but notice the grief that drenched Adele.

  “Mother?” Adelina asked, watching her through the mirror.

  It was as though her voice and unspoken question shattered the illusion. Tears ran like rivers down her mother’s cheeks and her smile was apologetic. “I can’t help but think how your father should be here to walk you down the aisle.”

  Another tradition that was as broken as her family. Adelina squared her shoulders and ignored the urge to weep. She couldn’t afford to think about her father missing out on this of all things. He used to speak of it as though it would be the best moment of his life. Adelina only hoped the Three-Faced Goddess would allow his soul to witness the event.

  It wasn’t just her father either, it was Raena as well. The tragedy of their early deaths cast a shadow over the happy event, and it made Adelina feel ashamed. Ashamed and guilty that she was happy when her sister was the one who should be in her place, marrying Alock. Adelina was chagrined that her sister had been sent to the goddess long before she was due and still she found such love and happiness with Varan.

  Then there was the war. Was a wedding really appropriate after such events? It wasn’t like it had been with the coming-of-age party and the Games and the Choosing Ball that would never happen. War had been a far off concern, a blip on the radar. Now they’d been betrayed by Treon and their alliance with the Neprijat and then those monsters had slaughtered so many on Seprilles.

  A formal declaration of love and a public union seemed crass after so much death.

  But the royal line had to continue. The very real possibility of more royal deaths required the next generation to start as quickly as possible, though Adelina had no intention to start a family just yet. Not when there was so much that was still unknown.

  There was a traitor among them, she knew it.

  Adelina watched her mothers regain their composure and she wondered if there was a way she could help Adele, even if she was unable to do anything for anyone else at the moment. The possible Drakesthai alliance was little more than smoke and ash and desperate hope.

  She cleared her throat. “I would be honored if you and Elara would walk me down the aisle. Together.”

  The smile on Elara’s face was worth every bit of heartache. It would be the first moment in her life she could take her place as one of Adelina’s actual parents. No one would know the true meaning behind her presence, but Elara would.

  “You truly want that?” Elara asked, glancing at Adele as if this request might not be real.

  “If Adele agrees,” Adelina said, glancing at Nadyah.

  Her courtesan kept her head down but there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Adelina had kept the majority of her emotions at arm’s length to get through the next few days. If it wasn’t positive she ignored it. Once they were in space she could mourn properly. So instead of letting tears fall that she knew would never stop, she blinked them back and smiled.

  Because this entire wedding…it was Raena’s dream wedding. Adelina had switched out a few details here and there but every touch reminded her of her eldest sister, from the silverware to the rosanera bouquet.

  It was…difficult not to see her sister everywhere, not when the bath in her suite was still stained with blood. Adelina wanted to rip out the whole thing and burn it clean. It made her small bit of relief and happiness abhorrent when she let the thoughts of Raena seep in.

  “We would be proud to walk you down the aisle,” Adele murmured. Her mother couldn’t hide the pleased smile on her face.

  At least Adelina had been able to give them that after so much grief and tragedy.

  “The food is being prepared and will be ready by tomorrow,” Nadyah said, adjusting one more fold of fabric and then stepping back. “The ballroom is set up for the reception. The ragna have been left alone and are still up as you asked. The temple outside is being decorated now. Everything will be perfect. There is also no sign of rain.”

  Adelina pulled Nadyah forward and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s not the Summer Solstice, but it will be a day to remember regardless. Hopefully it eases some of our people’s worry and fear. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.” And she made sure Nadyah knew she didn’t just mean the wedding. The trip to the Hai Galaxy would have been impossible without her assistance.

  The door chimed and Nadyah went to answer while Gwendoline checked the hem of the dress. Adelina glanced over her shoulder when she heard Nadyah’s voice rise in protest.

  “No, you can’t come in yet. Stay right there. Don’t you dare try to peek!” Nadyah shut the door so quickly she nearly snapped off Varan’s finger.

  Adelina smiled and stepped behind the screen once more. It took a few minutes for Gwendoline and Nadyah to remove the dress without ruining it, but once she was free of it Adelina felt like she could breathe again.

  As she stepped back into her grey mourning gown she felt her anxiety and nerves flare at the sudden thought of how permanent and unending marriage was. Her hands froze halfway to her neck and she couldn’t move as she wondered if this was the right choice.

  Yes, she loved Varan. And he seemed to love her. But war was waging on their borders and Varan had an entire court of his own to look after. How would they make th
is work and bring their two worlds together?

  “Lina?” his warm voice filled the room. Nadyah must have let him in after Gwendoline had stuffed the dress into a black bag to preserve it.

  Quickly she hooked the back of her dress around her neck and adjusted it. Her concerns were groundless. Varan was an efficient male who never did anything without thinking it through first. No doubt he’d already come up with some plan before he’d ever officially danced with her at her coming-of-age party.

  Adelina stepped out from behind the privacy screen and crossed the room gracefully. She held out her hands and Varan took them with a smile. She kissed his cheek and when Adelina stepped back she fixed the golden hair that had been ruffled by the tailor.

  “How did your fitting go?” she asked, leading him to the couch so they could sit beside each other.

  “As well as can be expected. I might even end up prettier than you,” he teased.

  Adelina couldn’t help but laugh as she took the tea Nadyah had fixed. Varan was always so attuned to her. He knew without her ever having to say anything when she was sad or anxious or angry. He just knew. Then somehow he said something perfect to snap her out of it. It was a true gift.

  “Perhaps you will,” she acceded, sipping the iced tea as Nadyah handed Varan his.

  It was strange to see him in the royal study spending time with her family as one of them – to have Nadyah serve him. But Nadyah wasn’t a servant; she was Adelina’s courtesan and lady-in-waiting. So she made her own tea and then sat in Adelina’s usual spot.

  Adele asked Varan about anything other than his work as a thief and Elara’s eyes gleamed with curiosity, but she didn’t ask the real questions. It was fluff talk that Adelina normally hated, but for once she enjoyed watching and listening. Varan fit in so seamlessly.

  When she looked to Nadyah her courtesan smiled and nodded. She saw it too. Somehow, through all the chaos and fear something good and wonderful had come out of it all.

  “I ran into Giselle on the way up,” Varan said when there was a break in the conversation. “She mentioned a war council?”

  Adelina sighed and set her tea down. “Yes, would you like to come?”

  The predatory twinkle in his eye made her grin. “I would be delighted.”

  “Then walk with me outside for a bit before the meeting starts. I have a few things I’d like to ask you.” Like why he’d shared the vid to the pirates without speaking to her about it first.

  To his credit Varan looked wary. He stood and held out a hand. Adelina took it, but only because others were watching. She kissed both of her mothers on the cheek and then gave Nadyah a nod on her way out.

  Her courtesan knew why she wanted to talk to her fiancé alone, and she would be at the war council also, hidden where she could do the most good. After weeks together the two of them knew the other so well they hardly had to speak. Part of it was the courtesan genes and part was familiarity. Mistress Jael was the real genius. Her pairings were impeccable.

  “Come Varan, let me show you the private royal gardens.” Her smile was sharp and the nails on her upturned hand were just a titch longer than normal.

  To his credit Varan didn’t balk or hesitate. He took her hand and tucked her arm under his. “As you wish, my love.”

  Chapter Three


  Royal Gardens

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  “How dare you?” Adelina demanded.

  The second they were outside in the private gardens she’d ripped out of his grasp. The gentle gurgling of the fountains was a sharp contrast to her anger. Adelina crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Varan. Her nails ached to feel skin rend, but violence wasn’t the answer here. Not this time.

  “Darling, I’m not even sure why you’re angry,” Varan said, holding his hands up in surrender.

  “Don’t pretend as if you don’t know. The vid of our offer to the pirates is everywhere! You were the only one with a copy.” Adelina narrowed her eyes and dared him to try and deny it again.

  To her surprise he closed the distance between them and gripped her biceps hard. Suddenly he had her pressed up against a marble pillar. The stone at her back was cool despite the summer heat. “Yes,” he hissed, getting in her face. “Giselle threatened you that night in your father’s rooms. She hurt you. I will not allow for my wife to be harmed,” he spat.

  “I am not your wife yet,” Adelina stated, but the sting was gone from her words. Her anger and annoyance vanished as the predator and warrior Varan hid so well beneath his charm came out for all to see. Perhaps it had been a mistake to tell him what Giselle had said during her vigil at her father’s bedside. But no, he was going to be her husband in a day. They had to be honest with each other.

  “Semantics,” Varan growled. “You are mine and I refuse to let her tarnish your reputation. She has hurt you enough. This vid? The people adore it. They love you even more, if that were even possible. They love how you put your life and name on the line for them.”

  His passionate words made her blood boil with desire. Adelina breathed hard as he pressed his face into her neck and then bit down. Varan didn’t break her skin or bruise, but it was enough she felt the sharp canines. Instantly she went limp and submitted to his dominance.

  Varan felt her relax and it settled his wolf. He kissed the slight sting on her neck and pulled her in close. He breathed deep and sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you,” he murmured into her hair. “I was so furious I wasn’t thinking.”

  Adelina stroked his back and just held him. “I understand, Varan. Next time though, talk to me beforehand so I am not taken by surprise?”

  He nodded and then took a step back. “Will you do something for me?”

  Adelina didn’t agree or deny, unsure what he could possibly need from her.

  “I’ve decided I’m renouncing my throne as the Prince of Thieves once we return from the Hai Galaxy.” Varan turned away from her and stepped into the cool shade of the temple. He studied every statue of every god and goddess. “Roxy has agreed to take my place. Though she said something about the title of ‘queen’ instead of ‘princess.’ She will fight every challenger when the time comes, and win.”

  Adelina trailed after him, enjoying the respite from the heat, but his words made her heart pound as she considered all the possibilities and implications of Roxy being Queen of Thieves. Something about it felt right and true, and also terrifying.

  “I’m going to announce this tonight at the party I’m holding at my personal estate.” Varan turned to her then. “My request and wish is that you attend the party with me.”

  Adelina took his outstretched hand without hesitation. “Of course.”

  “As Lina.”

  At that she hesitated. “Why?”

  Varan tugged her forward and then let her go as a game. He slipped his hands in his pockets and smiled that charming, cocky smile of his. “You don’t have a statue of Ladra.”

  Adelina grinned at that. She took another step closer and trailed her nails down his arms. “I will have one commissioned for your wedding present. Now tell me, why do you wish for me to be disguised at your party?”

  He bent down without touching her, their noses only a breath apart. “I want you to reveal yourself as the Princess Adelina. Then I will tell them of our secret love story and how I couldn’t resist you. How you’ve always put your people before everything. You serve the Crown, but you never forgot the rest of us.”

  Her sharp inhale was loud in the silence, the birds and fountains fading away as she realized what he meant. “You want my reputation to grow among the people, to challenge Giselle?”

  “Yes.” His grin was feral and wolf-like.

  Her nails went up and over his shoulders and met the bare skin of his neck. They were sharp, but she was ever so careful. “I won’t take my sister’s throne.”

  Varan turned his head ever so slightly and brushed his lips against her cheek. �
�I’m not asking you to take it from her. I’m asking you to make yourself invincible. Giselle is unstable as queen. She knows it’s an ill-fitting title and she doesn’t like what you are. If she decides to tell the galaxy about your parentage…”

  Adelina looked up in surprise as sudden understanding dawned on her. “It won’t matter because of what I’ve done to serve them.”

  He nodded and cupped her cheek tenderly. “There are no laws against what you are, but you are also a royal. The people hold sway over your life. If William and Asher are unaware I would tell them. It’s best to hear it from the source rather than from an outsider. And if they feel as Giselle does, it would be best to get ahead of the problem. The people will need the royal family united as things become more dire.”

  Adelina blinked and pressed her palms flat against his throat, the pad of her thumb caressed his Adam’s apple. So much trust and love for him to allow her such an intimate and vulnerable touch.

  “You do so much for me, protect me in ways I never would have thought I needed. Is it because you love me?” Her heart was his, yet she felt so frightened of the future. Adelina was only twenty cycles old and the only relationship she’d ever had, had not been a relationship at all. And Alpha had only been hers for one solar day. Then there was the issue that she and Varan had never had the opportunity for an actual courtship. “We’ve never spent time together like couples do, how can you be so sure?”

  “Because I know you, I’ve seen all of you.” Varan took his hands out of his pockets and pulled her hands from his neck. He placed a kiss in one and tugged her into his arms. “I know you better than any of the cula’ting people in this palace.” Then he grinned. “Except perhaps Nadyah.”

  Then he kissed her soft and sweet. Adelina melted into his arms and breathed in his spicy scent – like cinnamon. He’d settled that small, niggling doubt somehow and he’d never once asked her why. “You’re too good to me,” she murmured.


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