Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance Page 5

by Emma Dean

  The top was a vest and that was all. Roxy grinned and laced up the front. There was a new pair of boots in the bottom of the box. They looked exactly like the ones she wore every day but custom-made and flawless. They felt like clouds on her feet. Roxy loved how they laced all the way up to her knees.

  Roxy rolled her shoulders back and decided it was too cold to wear just the vest with a slice of skin showing on her midriff. It took only a moment to take it off and slip on a black silk, see-through blouse with billowing sleeves cuffed to her wrists. The vest went over the blouse and Roxy grabbed her shreve and simulcast and tucked them both in her back pocket.

  Varan’s estate wasn’t far, but far enough. She’d barely make it on time, but the engines were done and she could relax after she’d finished installing it the next day. Roxy frowned as she remembered she also had to attend Princess Adelina’s wedding – as in, part of the wedding. She was still furious at being sucked into such ridiculous frivolity.

  She had to wear a dress by all the gods.

  Roxy still didn’t know exactly how Adelina had gotten her to agree to such nonsense. The female had a way with words and smiles that confused and tantalized her. It was annoying as all hells, but despite her intense dislike for legitimate royals, the girl was still Lina.

  They’d never been friends per se when Lina had just been the jewel thief, but they’d gotten along well enough. Varan had always favored her despite her declining every offer to join his inner court.

  Roxy smiled as she remembered how irked he’d been, and then made her way down the street. It was nearing midnight. No doubt the party had already started without her. Once the announcement was over she could make her rounds and then leave.

  That last engine wouldn’t install itself.

  “Roxy, late as usual,” Finn teased as she bounced up the steps to Varan’s front door. The guard melted out of the shadows and kept pace with her. “I like the new outfit.”

  Roxy glared at him. If all the males in the universe could stop making a pass at her this instant it couldn’t be soon enough. “I’m not interested in you, Finn. Never was.”

  The male just grinned and opened the front door for her, ignoring the other two guards. “I have time to wait around.”

  “Unless you plan on growing a pair of tits it’s never happening,” she tossed back.

  His blink of surprise shouldn’t have been as satisfying as it was.

  Roxy stepped into the familiar house, the one she’d been living in for the past seven cycles. The old prince’s house hadn’t been enough for her adopted brother. After he’d made his mark he’d bought something he could move the rest of his family into.

  Varan’s mother had taken Roxy in when she’d only been four cycles old. She didn’t know her biological parents or who they might have been. She only remembered the streets of Stella di Draga and then the small, worn home of Varan’s family.

  She looked up at the glittering decorations; the silk and colored lighting seemed to sway with the pulsing music that slithered through the house. Drums pounded, violins wailed, and an unearthly voice sang about wars and victories long forgotten.

  Varan was five cycles older than her. When he’d become prince she’d been ten. A cycle later they’d moved into this place. A cycle after that his sister, Philomena, had been raped and murdered, and then dumped on his front porch as a challenge to his rule.

  Not many knew the majority of the eyeballs in his collection were from the weeks that followed. There were bodies to match somewhere.

  Roxy pushed aside a beaded curtain and entered the main hall where Varan liked to do all his entertaining. Plush velvet couches were everywhere with enough space in the center for writhing bodies to twist and turn with the music. She was surprised to see Lina dancing with the courtesan, but she supposed she shouldn’t have been.

  One had to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to see those two loved each other. It was unfortunate they were not mates, or mated. Whatever the blasted term was. But Roxy didn’t think it would cause problems. Varan was head over heels for the princess. He would do anything for her, including share.

  She wove through the crowd, careful not to touch anyone. The usual rogues and thieves and Justices were there. Everyone from the Jeweler’s Guild to the Spymaster’s Guild and beyond. There were a few off-duty assassins as well, but Roxy picked out the lesser nobles and wealthy merchants for the eyesores they were.

  They never quite belonged. It didn’t matter what they wore. Every single one of them looked uncomfortable and stood out like a sore thumb, at least to her. It made Lina’s performance all the more impressive. How had she done it? It would bother Roxy for the rest of her life.

  “Varan,” she purred, wrapping her arms around his middle. “I appreciate the present.”

  Her brother in all but blood turned with those golden brows raised and twinkling emerald eyes. “Whatever are you talking about?”

  Roxy stepped back and arched a brow right back at him. “This.” She gestured to the outfit and Varan grinned before returning the kiss of greeting.

  “It wasn’t me, pet.”

  She frowned and wondered who else would have the gold for such items…and the measurements…Roxy whipped her gaze to the dance floor and found Lina smirking at her.

  “You’re welcome,” she mouthed.

  That was why she’d never seen it. Lina was one of them through and through no matter how much royal Draga blood she possessed. There was a sass and complete disregard for authority that reminded Roxy of herself, though she would never admit it. It had to be those courtesan genes.

  “Fantastic,” she muttered. Now she had to thank someone she barely even liked. But she no longer despised the princess. Watching her sweat that morning as she hauled parts and equipment around had been satisfying, and eased some of Roxy’s sharp dislike for royalty in general.

  She pushed through the dancers and halted before Adelina. The princess stopped dancing, but Nadyah didn’t let her go. The courtesan’s hands trailed over the princess’s waist and then lower. Roxy had to avert her eyes. It reminded her of how long it had been since the last time she’d been intimate with anyone.

  “I appreciate the gift,” she stated, looking back into those royal eyes she knew weren’t actually gold.

  “I appreciate you. You did more than I asked for and this.” Adelina ran a hand through her hair, the bracelet glittering in the low light and flames from Varan’s ridiculous torches. “I’m sending you the funds and materials to make the tech for yourself and a few others.” The princess glanced at Nadyah, and Roxy wished someone would look at her like that.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared. Roxy had gotten along just fine on her own. Varan was the only human in the universe she would admit to needing in her life, and he was about to be taken away from her. She didn’t need anybody.

  “Master Calix won’t be available,” she stated.

  Adelina grabbed Roxy before she could protest and pulled her into a crushing hug. “I will make them. After all, he’s the one who taught me everything I know.” The gentle, chaste kiss on her cheek made Roxy blush. It was incredibly difficult to hate the female. “Now go find some pretty thing and enjoy your night.”

  Roxy wouldn’t ask how she knew. Draga royals were a species of their own. Before she left for the buffet table she squeezed Adelina’s hand. She wasn’t the best at conveying positive emotions, and physical contact still made her uncomfortable after so many cycles on the streets, but the princess had earned it. Roxy nodded and left the dance floor, immediately grabbing a drink and downing it.

  “Careful darling, don’t want to get drunk before you’re presented to your future court.” Varan slid up beside her and popped a strawberry into his mouth, but he watched her closely, always the older brother.

  “Mind your own damn business.”

  “Testy are we?”

  “I don’t like her.”

  Varan poked Roxy in the ribs hard enough to bruise. “D
on’t lie.”

  “Fine,” she snapped. “I do like her, but I hate that she’s taking you away. This was never how it was supposed to go.”

  Varan leaned against the wall next to the buffet table and watched his bride dance with her courtesan. The heat and adoration in his eyes made her feel ashamed. Roxy wanted his happiness as badly as she wanted her own. To deny him such a thing because it inconvenienced her was beyond selfish.

  “I highly doubt my future wife will want to remain confined in the palace for the rest of our lives. After all, this is her home as well.” Varan ate another strawberry and the juice ran down his chin like blood.

  Roxy knew he belonged with her. They were two sides of the same coin. Both were vicious, territorial, punishing, yet kind and loyal. There couldn’t be a better combination. She only wished they could be the ones to rule and not Giselle, the little twat.

  Elle had been a fantastic warrior, and Giselle a soldier, but a ruler? Never. And it showed. Even Raena would have been better. Perhaps it was best they were at war after all. At the very least Giselle would be able to guide them through battle competently.

  “You really think a princess will come here after her true identity has been announced?” Roxy asked. The normally sharp edge to her words was gone. If Adelina would still attend the thieves’ court even after all knew…there was something intensely respectful about that.

  “I don’t think anything could stop her,” Varan smirked. “She’s been coming for five cycles. It doesn’t appear to be a fleeting flirtation.”

  “Talking about me?” Adelina—Lina asked.

  She didn’t touch Varan as everyone knew he was engaged, but the look in her eyes – the desire and love…Roxy breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t just an arranged marriage for them. The love wasn’t one-sided. At least her brother had that.

  Because Adelina would protect him, she would kill for him. Roxy knew – she’d seen it the night she’d punished Varan for his stupidity, she’d seen it when she’d punished Hayden on the livestream. Roxy grinned. The princess would disembowel anyone if she thought they were a threat to him or her family.

  And somehow now Roxy was a part of that family. It made her shiver in appreciation.

  “I’m always talking about you,” Varan teased Adelina.

  His fingers twitched, but he didn’t reach for her. Roxy admired his self-control. But her brother didn’t hide his look of appreciation. His emerald eyes travelled from the toes of Adelina’s knee-high boots and over the tight leather pants that were a twin to Roxy’s own. But the princess wore a loose, see-through purple blouse. The small leather harness over it was all that covered her breasts.

  Roxy could see why Varan was so taken with her. She’d never admit it, but she’d had half a mind to take Lina to her own bed over the cycles.

  “Are you ready for the announcement?” Varan asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Adelina admitted. Nadyah pulled the princess close and squeezed.

  “You, Rox?”

  She shrugged and gave him her best cocky grin. “I was born ready.”

  His smile widened, showing sharp canines. “Perfect, come ladies.” Varan held out his hand, but this time it was for Roxy.

  It irked her, but this was all a show. Varan loved his dramatic ensembles. Roxy took it and tossed her hair over her shoulder. It was now or never.

  “Courtesans, thieves, rogues, and assassins! And of course our most honored guests from the guilds,” Varan boomed, winking at the various Justices and lesser nobles. “I have a few announcements for you on the eve of my wedding.”

  Nadyah and Adelina stayed hidden among the circle of guests, but Varan had dragged Roxy out to the center of the dance floor as the music eased to silence. The utter stillness as they all focused on them made her tense.

  Everyone knew something was afoot. After the announcement of Varan’s marriage to an actual royal the thieves’ court had been abuzz with gossip and speculations.

  “The first is that I will be stepping down as prince after I return from robbing the dragons blind.”

  There were shouts and cheers at that but Adelina glared at Varan. Roxy smiled as she remembered the princess’s threat.

  “My nomination for the next ruler of this court is my beloved adopted sister, Roxy!” Varan lifted her hand in the air as though she were a prized fighter. And because of him she was, but they’d have to do some serious training on the trip or she could lose. Thankfully Felix was submissive and would never challenge her or she’d be screwed.

  There were more shouts and cheers but Roxy noted the eyes that gleamed with anticipation and greed. There would be many challengers for the throne.

  “In my absence Felix will keep things running and make sure all you lot stay in line,” Varan said, his smile playful. But the predatory gleam in his eyes warned them all he’d take eyes without mercy if they didn’t behave.

  Then Varan stepped away from Roxy which was her cue. She bent one knee and kissed her prince’s knuckles, silently swearing her fealty as she had a thousand times before. Then she melted into the crowd. Finding Felix was bloody easy as he was an entire head taller than literally everyone else, even Varan.

  “I hope you win,” Felix murmured. “I’ll make sure to mention you’re my favorite.”

  Roxy bumped him with her shoulder in silent thanks. He was definitely a keeper. Felix as Second was more valuable than a handful of gems and jewels.

  “The second announcement,” Varan continued with that signature smirk of his. “Is actually something I’ve been dying to share since I found out myself.”

  Lina stepped into the empty circle and took Varan’s outstretched hand.

  “For the past five cycles Lina has been one of my best jewel thieves. She’s been loyal and true and always paid her dues.” The two of them grinned at each other and Roxy saw that spark again. The bit of Adelina that loved these games, the bit that made her one of them. The same bit that made her torture a traitor, play with him like a cat with a mouse.

  “But Lina isn’t just some jewel thief who’s turned down an inner circle position for cycles.” Varan’s grin widened with anticipation and Lina tapped a ring.

  The disguise rippled off her body, leaving the princess standing before them with her midnight hair, vibrant amethyst eyes, and the gold tattoos all could clearly see. The blouse hid nothing and Roxy couldn’t help but grin at the choice. There was even a golden crown nestled among her curls, the same one they’d all seen on the livestream at her coming-of-age party.

  The collective gasp was enough to bring Nadyah a few steps closer. The courtesan hadn’t liked the plan, but Adelina was a force of nature when she wanted to be.

  “Lina happens to be my future wife, the beloved Princess of Draga. Our love managed to carry over from one court to another.”

  Adelina swept a bow that both mocked and impressed. They all knew her. But no one quite knew what to do and the silence went on a tad too long.

  Roxy shoved Felix forward. “Do something,” she hissed.

  Without hesitation her future Second took the two steps to stand before his prince and princess…because until the next ruler of the thieves’ court was crowned, Adelina was also the Princess of Thieves and not just the Draga Galaxy.

  Felix went down on one knee and took Adelina’s hand, the one with the gold mark. He kissed her knuckles and then finally looked up, but only briefly. She was far too dominant for him. “Princess, it is an honor to fully know you. You’ve always served us well and I am sure with Prince Varan you will continue to do so.”

  The pair nodded in tandem, a tender smile on Adelina’s face as she helped the big brute to stand. “Felix, you’ve always been like family.” She had to stand on her tip-toes to kiss both of his cheeks and the massive male actually blushed. “Feel free to visit the palace if you wish. We will make sure to attend court here as much as possible.”

  “My Princess of Thieves,” Varan declared. Then he pulled her into his
arms and dipped her so low her hair brushed against the floor.

  Roxy blushed at the way they stared at each other. And when he kissed her it was one of those moments that would be burned into her memory forever. One that she would look back on and say, ‘There, that was when I knew the galaxy would change.’

  The rogues and thieves and assassins came up to swear fealty to their new princess, some of them were even going on the trip to the Hai Galaxy. They all looked relieved to know a royal was one of them. That the trip wouldn’t be as strange and isolating as they’d originally thought.

  Roxy turned and grabbed another glass of wine. Perhaps she’d been wrong about the royals. She shook her head and carefully made her way through the crowd as the music started up again.

  “You are the one who wants to rule us next?” a sultry voice asked. Somehow it filtered through the rising music and all the voices as they chattered.

  Roxy glanced over her shoulder to see an unparalleled beauty. Not even a courtesan could compare. The female was vaguely familiar, but not overly so.

  “And you are?” Roxy asked.

  “Your entertainment for the night,” she murmured, stepping forward and taking Roxy’s glass of wine. She downed it without once breaking eye contact.

  Roxy grinned as the feral beast within stretched lazily. “You sure you know how to play?”

  A servant with a tray passed and the female slipped the empty glass on the platter and snagged two more so seamlessly the servant didn’t even pause. “I hear you like to tie and gag your partners. But I promise, I know how to beg.”

  Roxy’s heart rate ratcheted up as she took the wine offered, drowning in those pale blue eyes – such a contrast to the brown hair and dusky skin. “I’ve never had someone beg before. If you do it poorly, am I allowed to punish you?”

  “With vengeance.” The stranger took another step forward so they shared air, her fingertips a phantom over Roxy’s hips, her waist, the underside of her breasts. “But I promise you won’t need to…unless you ask me nicely.”


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