Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance Page 7

by Emma Dean

  Veri had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing. Males could be so blind when they wanted to be. Adelina had shown them all what they’d wanted to see for cycles and no one had questioned it. She’d become invisible, and that camouflage had allowed her the life she’d wanted.

  She did feel sorry for Asher. The princess was the best dissembler she’d ever met. His ignorance wasn’t his fault.

  It was impressive really that the princess had never been caught. It seemed Alpha had found out at some point, but that was a mighty fine track record. And somehow Adelina had convinced Alpha to keep it quiet for the most part. If he hadn’t tried to get her back he never would have breathed a word, of that Veri was sure.

  “Why are you upset? If the people love her even more – which I honestly didn’t think was possible – why are you angry about it?”

  Asher whirled around and glared at her. He may be dense where Adelina was concerned but he was far too attuned to Veri. “This is no laughing matter.”

  “Of course not, my prince.” She still couldn’t help her smile. “But it makes her marriage to the prince of thieves all the more romantic though, does it not?”

  Asher sighed and slumped onto the bed. Veri sat down delicately next to him, trying not to wrinkle her dress.

  “Yes, it does,” he admitted. “But I’m ashamed. I’ve prided myself on knowing everything there is to know. I’ve trained to see what isn’t there, to hear what isn’t said, and then trained even harder as a warrior. The Assassin’s Guild has helped me become who I am, and yet I still missed the signs.”

  “Everyone did,” Veri reassured him, taking one of his hands in hers. “She’s very, very skilled at hiding what she doesn’t want seen.”

  “Did you know?” Asher asked, finally looking into her eyes. The dark Draga purple seemed so dull compared to the life she usually saw there.

  “No, my love. But I did know there was something she was hiding, I just didn’t know what.”

  “How could you tell?”

  Veri gave him a playful grin and tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. “Because I do it every time I have to leave my home. It’s like slipping on a mask. But with you…it was the first time I wanted to take it off.” She wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his shoulder. “Why do her genetics frighten you?”

  Another massive sigh from her prince. “What if the people find out that she was created in a tube?”

  “Was she though? Or did they do the alterations after the natural implantation?”

  Asher cocked his head at that and then a wide smile broke out and it altered his entire face. Her prince was so incredibly beautiful. He kissed the top of her head and tapped her nose. “It doesn’t matter, because if anyone finds out that is what we are telling them. That father agreed to Elara’s genetics being added because of the love she and my mother have together. You are truly a wonder, Veri.”

  She bit his finger gently and then stood. “I’m glad I could be of assistance. But we don’t have much time before the wedding, and I’m supposed to go assist your sister soon.”

  “Before you go, I have something for you.” Asher stood and pulled a little black box out of his pocket.

  Veri went to the mirror and made sure her hair was still in place and that her makeup was perfect. “You spoil me, principe.”

  One of his large, warm hands slid up her spine and the other held out the box. Veri took it and Asher pulled her against him, kissing her neck in a way that made heat pool between her legs and her brain leave her body.

  “You’re distracting me,” she muttered opening the box.

  Then she saw what was inside. The dangling earrings were a perfect match to the necklace wrapped around her throat. The aquamarines were just as flawless and blue as her eyes. “I love them,” she whispered.

  “Good, then wear them and think of me.”

  She turned in his arms to face him, staring up into his eyes as she put on the earrings. “It’ll be hard to forget as you will be the one escorting me down the aisle.”

  “A bit prophetic don’t you think?” Asher asked, leaning forward with that vicious grin of his she loved so much.

  “Is it?” she asked playfully, raising an eyebrow in question.

  Her prince didn’t bother to reply. Instead he traced the curve of her eyebrow. “I will never get used to how gorgeous you are, or the intensity of your blue hair.”

  Veri bumped him with her hip. “Hm, sounds like something that might take a lifetime to achieve.”

  Asher slipped his hands into his pockets as she headed toward the door. “Perhaps.” The smoldering look he gave her made it difficult to breathe.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Veri said as she left. “Then tomorrow we’ll leave for war.”

  They were headed for the front lines where her hunting skills would finally come in handy.

  Tonight Veri would dance and drink and celebrate, but then she’d change her dress for armor and hunt those monsters down before they could reach her people. Nothing and no one would ever hurt them, or Asher. She’d make damn sure of it.

  Chapter Six


  Pedranus Suite

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  After everything she’d seen and heard the last few days she wasn’t surprised to see Adelina had yet another plan. What the purpose was of telling the commoners her true identity was beyond her, but it made Joslynn smile. She liked the new boldness in the sweetest princess.

  It was so different from the shy young girl she’d been for so long. The Adelina who’d come to her family seat during the Royal Tour a little more than six months ago was like day to this new night. She’d blushed at every compliment; every glance and look from her guard, and honestly Joslynn hadn’t thought there was anything about Adelina that would allow them to become close friends.

  When Joslynn had arrived on Draga Terra for the Choosing Ball and all the events that had originally been planned, she hadn’t expected to see a female so changed. At first she’d thought it had been the end of Adelina’s relationship with Alpha, but she knew it was Nadyah. The courtesan had coaxed the princess to bloom and shine.

  The love they so clearly felt for each other had given the princess courage, and Joslynn loved Nadyah for that alone though the courtesan was a beautiful soul by herself.

  Everything that had happened since she’d arrived had set them all in a vastly different direction than originally planned. Joslynn could never have predicted any of it. And what she regretted most of all was her ignorance. She’d read the texts on their genetic history, what it had done for them, but she’d been naïve and thought it nothing more than a fanciful tale – until she’d seen it firsthand.

  She and Adelina had a long way to go before they could make it back to where they’d once been, but she was determined to fix her mistake. The rift between them was entirely her own fault, and Joslynn hated herself for it.

  “Are you all right?” Sirus asked, frowning in concern.

  Joslynn smiled at him through the mirror and tapped the bags under her eyes. With all the evacuation plans, the packing, and the knowledge that soon she’d be sending warriors to their deaths, it had made it difficult to sleep.

  She’d been so tired lately, and it was no wonder with all the stress.

  “I’m fine, love. A little makeup will make these disappear and no one will be the wiser.” The makeup box clicked over her face and Joslynn was pleased to see the flawless result. “What do you think of the vid from the thieves’ court?”

  Sirus sighed and set the small plate of food on the vanity for her. “At least eat something.”

  Joslynn picked at it, choosing the berries. None of it really looked appetizing though.

  “The vid was a calculated move,” Sirus said. “It makes sense after everything she showed us. I still cannot believe you asked a princess to make your ring.”

  He looked good in his white dress uniform, the gold
and medals standing out and making him look fierce. Joslynn was so happy to have him back. She wasn’t looking forward to having to be apart again.

  Her sad sigh brought Sirus to one knee. He took one hand and held it gently. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

  Joslynn shook her head. “I’m not ready to leave you, for us to be apart again with no idea if the other is alive or not.”

  Sirus pressed a kiss to her palm and slipped a box into it. “I know we ran out of time to say our vows before we both leave, we aren’t royalty after all, but I do want to swear an oath to you before we have to go our separate ways.”

  Joslynn opened the box and saw the exquisite rings Adelina had made with Sirus’s note tucked in. She read her fiancé’s words and tears ran down her cheeks. Joslynn covered her mouth and tried not to get too worked up, but Sirus was so kind and tender and romantic. It was difficult not to throw her arms around him and weep with happiness.

  “Joslynn,” Sirus said, taking the ring with the large diamond and slipping it onto her ring finger. “I swear my life and loyalty to you. Every day until the day I die I will strive to make you happier than the day before. My body will be your shield, and my heart yours to do with as you wish. Whatever you need from me, I will gladly give.”

  The tears wouldn’t stop as she smiled and took his face in her hands. “I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, to earn your trust and respect every day, and to make you fall in love with me over and over.” She kissed him softly then and felt something settle into place between them. Something strong and unbreakable.

  Their oaths may not have been witnessed by anyone but the Three-Faced Goddess, if she happened to be looking, but the universe was aware and had bound their two souls together tightly. Joslynn felt the pull in her chest, the incredible awareness of him suddenly amplified.

  “May the goddess witness,” they murmured together.

  Joslynn pulled away and pecked him on the cheek. Then she wiped her face clean and straightened the folds of the dress she’d meant to wear to the coronation, but had to replace with a mourning gown. It was nice to be able to use it after all.

  “You are my whole world, Sirus. Stay alive for me?” The words sounded cavalier as she stood, but only because she couldn’t afford to cry anymore. They had a royal wedding to attend after all.

  “I will do my best, Lady.” Sirus stood as well and readjusted his jacket. “You are going to see Adelina before we find our seats?”

  Joslynn nodded and took the box out of one of her trunks. “I have a wedding gift for her and I don’t want it lost among all the others. But perhaps I should just drop it off instead.”

  They weren’t really friends – not as they once were, but she knew she had to keep trying, to keep working at fixing what she’d broken. Joslynn didn’t want to mar Adelina’s happy moment by reminding her how those around her had failed her – Joslynn worst of all.

  Sirus paused before offering her his arm. His expression thoughtful and yet somehow still concerned. “You should take it to her, perhaps ask if you can see her. The worst she can say is no, and we both know she won’t refuse you. The princess is too kind for such pettiness.”

  She sighed and placed her hand over his. “I should. I wish I hadn’t reacted the way I did when I saw her wolf.”

  Sirus shook his head and led her out of the rooms. “I have to say even I was disturbed when I saw Giselle on the battlefield. The royals are so much more feral in comparison to us. We’ve forgotten during peacetime that they were created to protect us with claws and teeth. It seems pretty civilization has dulled us all.”

  Joslynn looked up in surprise, still a bit startled to see Sirus with two fully functioning eyes instead of one. “You were? Even after everything you’ve seen during your patrols?”

  Sirus nodded and led her down the hall. The entire palace was in happy chaos. Servants, nobles, courtiers, and endless guests flitted about ignoring Joslynn and Sirus as they headed towards the royal dressing rooms on the ground floor.

  “In the heat of battle she ripped out a Treon traitor’s throat with her teeth after he’d disarmed her. It’s wise to remember the royals are never truly unarmed. Even sweet Adelina can rip someone’s face off with barely a thought. We’re all lucky they have such perfect control.”

  Joslynn nodded as she tried to put each piece of knowledge into place. Everyone was told the stories, but leaving their barbarous ways over the last few generations had hidden the truth. People started to forget.

  Even the most dominant among them had bloodlust, but nothing like the power the royals had – the ability to simply shut off their emotions so they could make the best decision for all involved. It seemed to be both a blessing and a curse in Joslynn’s eyes.

  They stopped outside the dressing room for royal females. Guards stood at the doors and Joslynn hesitated. Sirus didn’t question her; he simply let her take her time.

  Joslynn squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Please let Princess Adelina or Mistress Nadyah know I have something for the bride.”

  The guard on the right tapped his implant and muttered a few words. Moments later Nadyah poked her head out of the dressing room. When she saw Joslynn she paused. “Would you like to give it to her yourself?” Nadyah asked a little sharply, as though she hoped Joslynn would say no.

  “If that’s all right,” she said, keeping her eyes down out of deference and respect.

  Nadyah sighed through her nose but opened the door wider and stepped aside. “Lord Sirus will have to wait here.”

  “Of course,” her fiancé said with a slight bow. “Take as long as necessary, Joslynn.”

  Joslynn took the step into the dressing room and waited for Nadyah to close the door as she took it all in. The room was tucked away, nearly invisible in the palace if one didn’t know what to look for. It was strategically placed for any necessary wardrobe changes for events and the like, or simply a room to rest in where no one else had access.

  Despite its architectural camouflage the windows were massive and one-way. They could all see the temple in the main courtyard was set up, the sacred black roses everywhere, and the guests finding their seats. Most of them were filled and assigned, but due to the nature of the event people stood where they could so they could watch, all the royal guards on high alert.

  The light in the room showed off the blood-red carpet, the velvet drapes, and gold trim. Adelina stood before three massive mirrors on a slight pedestal as someone fussed with the wedding gown and another checked her hair. Joslynn had never seen someone look quite so happy before.

  The smile on the princess’s face was bright enough to light the world and cast away all the darkness.

  “Lady Joslynn, what a lovely surprise,” Veri said, standing from the couch. The look on her face was sharp and the way she angled her body to put herself between Joslynn and Adelina…

  Joslynn smiled and bobbed a small curtsey. “It’s a pleasure to see you, Lady Veri. The princess is lucky to have friends such as you.” And she meant it. Having Veri’s loyalty was a thousand times better than having her as an enemy. It didn’t matter if Joslynn liked her or not, the female was an effective warrior.

  “Joslynn! It’s good to see you!” Adelina called. The female tugging on the dress scolded the princess but she ignored her. “Come here so I don’t have to shout.”

  Relieved her visit was welcome, Joslynn made a wide berth around Veri and smiled briefly at Roxy who eyed her with disdain. The redhead drank a glass of champagne while Veri proceeded to ask a thousand questions of the commoner.

  It was strange because Roxy didn’t seem to mind so much.

  “I came to give you this,” Joslynn said when she reached the bottom of the small platform. The dress in varying shades of pink was really quite gorgeous and the creamy pink lace set off the darker, red-pink on the bodice.

  A masterpiece of a gown.

  Adelina took the box from Joslynn and opened it carefully. Her ey
es twinkled when she saw what was inside. “Oh, these are lovely.” She took the diamond bangles out of the box and instantly slipped them on. They matched the simple diamond jewelry Adelina wore and Joslynn was glad she’d chosen correctly.

  “It’s good luck to wear a gift on your wedding day,” Joslynn said, folding her hands in front of her. “I’m glad it’s suitable.”

  Adelina’s expression grew serious as she inspected Joslynn from head to toe. “You look beautiful as always.”

  The awkward silence between them made Joslynn sad. They were both aware of the chasm still before them and only time could close it. “I hope that one day you’ll be able to attend my own wedding.” It was a carefully worded statement. An invitation and a plea for hope that they’d all be there when it finally occurred.

  “Of course.” Adelina stepped down once the ladies finished fussing and took Joslynn’s hands in her own. The princess kissed each of her cheeks and thanked her again. “We’ll get there, Jos. It just takes time.”

  “I know.” And she did. Nothing was ever immediate, especially repairs. “And I plan to be here for as long as it takes. You look absolutely stunning. Varan is a lucky male.” Then she kissed Adelina’s cheeks as the princess had done for her.

  They were closing the gap between them and that made Joslynn happier than she’d thought possible.

  But she knew as she studied the changed princess that the times ahead wouldn’t be easy. With the king and Raena’s passing it set so much into a precarious state, not to mention the war itself. The royal family that came out the other side of this war would not be the same who came to visit her on the Royal Tour all those months ago.

  It would be a metamorphosis – for good or for bad was yet to be seen. Joslynn only hoped they would still recognize the kind-hearted princess when all was said and done. The sweet, tender female was one she didn’t think the galaxy could afford to lose.

  When the doors burst open to admit the Queen Mother and Elara with Giselle following behind, Joslynn made her exit while they were all distracted with the diamond tiara Adele held.


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