Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight Page 12

by Daniel Fife

  Upon closer inspection, Danny noticed that the boy was well-muscled with skin tanned to a golden brown. His deep blue eyes regarded Sabrina excitedly as he dropped his bag and hugged her. Danny became jealous instantly.

  "You know this guy?"

  Holding Sabrina at length, Rogen turned toward Danny, "Who are the newbs?"

  "Newbs!" repeated Danny in a raised tone, wondering if he'd just been insulted.

  "Friends," said Sabrina with a smile, pulling away from Rogen's embrace. "This is Danny Firoth, and behind him, Doug Garrett, Matt Mickler, Alonso Martinez and Chris Greene."

  "What are you doing with a bunch of first-years?"

  "They are my friends," said Sabrina again, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance at having to repeat herself.

  "Okay," conceded Rogen, scratching his head. "Well, are you coming?" He motioned toward the Radiance.

  "I am going to make sure they get on properly," said Sabrina.

  Rogen shrugged, "Okay. I guess I'll see you when you board." With that, he turned and walked off toward the awaiting ship.

  "Who was that?"

  "We were both first-year squires together. I met Rogen at the Academy last year. He is not the brightest of the lot but he's got decent technique with a sword and he is a good friend."

  "Last year?" repeated Danny, something he seemed to be doing a lot lately.

  "Yes," said Sabrina matter-of-factly, "this will be my second year at the Academy."

  Danny was dumbfounded. He stared at her in disbelief. He felt betrayed as well as stupid. "Why didn't you tell me that you had already attended the Academy?"

  "You never asked me," she said simply.

  Dumbstruck again, Danny kept his words to himself, they wouldn't have been pleasant spoken aloud.

  "So, you've already been through your first year at the Academy of Illumination?" Matt repeated.

  "Yes," said Sabrina in a sharp tone, getting annoyed, having to repeat herself.

  "What's it like?" pressed Matt.

  "Challenging," said Sabrina. Matt was clearly waiting to hear more but she refused to go into detail.

  "…How?" Danny asked, still stuck on the previous subject.

  "…How what?" Sabrina inquired, confused by the sudden shift in topic.

  "How'd you get into the school? You would've been too young. You're the same age as us," Danny added.

  "No, I am not the same age as you, I am a half-blood Dragonic, and as such, I age much faster than Humans. If I were a pureblood Dragonic, I would practically be an adult by now."

  "Then how old are you?"

  "I am half a year away from my tenth birthday."

  "You're only nine and a half years old?" Matt asked, adjusting the thick lenses of his glasses, in light of the shocking realization.

  Danny's jaw dropped, he shook his head. This whole time, he'd assumed that Sabrina was about the same age as himself . . . but to be so much younger? Danny nearly fainted. However, he felt a steadying hand on his right shoulder. He turned to find Chris standing next to him.

  Chris's expression was empathetic, acknowledging Danny's inner struggle. However, it vanished as Chris turned to regard the Radiance. "Perhaps we should get on board."

  Danny followed Chris's gaze and noticed that the line to board had dwindled to but a few, as if to emphasize his friend's words further, a large golden bell rang out atop the highest mast, signaling the ship's final preparations for departure.

  "Chris is right, let’s get moving," said Sabrina with a momentary smile. She turned and headed toward the ship. Unfazed by Sabrina's age difference, Doug and Alonso followed behind her. Before Danny could do the same, Chris's hand lingered and squeezed, holding him in place.

  "You should tell her how you feel about her, man."

  "Easier said than done," said Danny, turning to regard his closest friend.

  "The hard things always are and it’s usually worth the struggle." He gave Danny’s shoulder one final squeeze before moving toward the others.

  Danny lingered for a moment before he followed in his friend's footsteps. He felt unsure of the events unfolding around him. Last in the line, he stopped before a man with a scraggly-looking beard, the man held a worn clipboard with a yellowed parchment. His friends had already passed this particular checkpoint and waited for him on the boarding plank. The man wore a white uniform with the symbol of Light stitched on the upper left chest, marking him as part of the crew.

  "Name," said the man in a rough voice.

  "Danny Firoth."

  With a swipe of his hand, he made a check mark on the bottom part of the paper. "Okay, you're the last to board," he said, looking up, smiling, showing a series of missing teeth.

  Danny couldn't help but stare.

  "Well, get on with it, Squire, get on board," shooing Danny up the gangplank.

  Danny raced up the ramp to join his friends as they boarded the Radiance.

  "All crew and passengers accounted for, Captain!" the man yelled from the dock.

  "All hands, prepare to cast off!" the captain boomed in response.

  Danny turned toward the sound of the echoing voice.

  Standing at the helm, behind a large wooden steering wheel, was a man dressed like the other crew, but with some unsubtle differences. He wore a tall sweeping hat accented with silver trim, and a series of silver tassels draped on his shoulders, signifying the rank of captain. But the most eye-catching piece of equipment he possessed was an ivory-hilted blade strapped to his side, the pommel was carved to resemble the head of a great white shark.

  "That is Sir Rodrick Hemlin, captain of the Radiance," said Sabrina as she followed Danny's gaze.

  "He's a Knight of the Light?" Danny asked.


  "Cast off!" Captain Rodrick yelled, stepping to the side of the boat to investigate the progress of his crew.

  Many more commands followed, most of which Danny didn't understand. The boat began to rock back and forth with a soft sway and the crew fell into a standard practiced rhythm, pulling a rope taut here and wrapping one around there.

  "We should get out of their way," said Sabrina. She began to move toward the bow, the foremost part of the ship.

  Danny followed, moving between the busy crew. Once at the bow, he noticed that most of the first and second-year squires had gathered in this area.

  "Most of the senior squires are in the passenger quarters below decks," explained Sabrina as if reading Danny's thoughts. "I suppose after once or twice, casting off is not as exciting to them, but it's my favorite part."

  Before Danny could ask why, he felt the Radiance lurch beneath him.

  "Hoist sail!" Captain Rodrick yelled, his voice was clear and crisp despite his position aft, the back of the ship. The sails unfurled, draping downward, flapping in a strong breeze. The crew went to work, pulling the sails taut, catching the power of the wind. The fabric of the sails ballooned outward, causing the ship to creak from the pressure of the jerk as the Radiance took on a quick forward motion.

  The deck groaned beneath Danny's feet as the ship bounded forward, forcing him to place a steadying foot behind him. Combined with a mist of seawater, the air smelled salty and pure as it whipped past his face. It was an exhilarating feeling, almost as if he was flying. However, due to his recent experience with flight atop a dragon, Danny had to admit that this experience fell short, but it was amazing, nonetheless.

  "I can see why you like it," conceded Danny, turning toward Sabrina.

  "It gets better," said Sabrina, her smile widening as the ship swayed back and forth. They passed the towering cruise ships, navigated the dockyard and then angled out to sea.

  Puzzled by her comment, Danny decided to wait and see.

  "What do you mean, it gets better?" Alonso asked, unwilling to wait.

  "You are about to find out," said Sabrina cryptically, turning away.

  Danny followed her gaze as a man in flowing white robes with the symbol of Light stitched boldly across his ch
est in black thread crossed the deck, heading toward him. Despite the sway of the ship, the man appeared to be sure-footed. His hood was folded over his head, hiding his features. He stopped before Danny and said, "Excuse me, Squire." His voice was deep and commanding, but polite.

  Danny jumped aside, clearing a path.

  The robed man nodded his thanks and moved forward; everyone else parted before him.

  "Who's that?" Alonso asked in a whisper, once he was sure the mysterious man was out of earshot.

  Taking his eyes off the robed man, Danny turned toward Sabrina, also curious.

  "He is a Navi."

  "What's a Navi?" Matt asked.

  "You are about to find out," said Sabrina, pointing to where the Navi had stopped.

  Climbing up a pair of steps, the Navi moved to the farthest end of the bow, a pointed perch that hung over the edge of the ocean. Shuffling his robes beneath him, he sat down cross-legged, rested his closed fists on the tops of his knees and began to chant in a language Danny didn't recognize.

  "What's he doing?" Alonso asked.

  "Just watch," Sabrina said, her tone hinting at her annoyance with Alonso’s constant questions.

  Alonso waited a little and said, "I don't see anything."

  However, before Alonso could say anything else, the Navi's chanting stopped. His hands parted, releasing a swirl of wind that expanded into a twisting tornado around him. The tunnel of air caused the Navi's robes to flutter out as the churning wind ascended into the sky and disappeared.

  "That's it?" Alonso questioned.

  "Find something to brace yourselves against!" Sabrina yelled as she wrapped her slender arm around the foremast.

  Danny had spent more than enough time around Sabrina to know that it was generally a good idea to do as she said. He rushed forward and gripped the railing. Looking around, he noticed that others were doing the same, including Matt, Chris and Doug. Alonso, however, refused to budge, he stood still, with his arms crossed over his chest.

  "All hands trim the boat to the bow and brace yourselves!" the captain yelled from the rear, most of the crew went toward the front of the ship and grabbed handfuls of railing or rigging.

  Alonso suddenly thought better of his judgment as he ran for the railing. However, he was too late, the wind picked up in earnest, gusting from somewhere behind the ship. The sails stretched forward and flapped in the gushing flurry of air, pushing the ship faster and faster. Danny, gripping the railing tight enough to turn his knuckles white, watched helplessly as Alonso faltered and tumbled backward, the ship bounding out from under him. Flailing across the deck, Alonso stopped dead in the air when Sabrina caught his right arm at the wrist in an iron grip and hauled him back to safety.

  The Radiance leveled off as she reached her peak speed. The wind kept pace, filling the sails with gusts of endless air.

  "Trim the sails!" The crew jumped into action, removing all the slack from the rigging.

  "Thanks," said Alonso in an unconvincing tone, rubbing his wrist where Sabrina had gripped him hard.

  "That was epic," said Matt. "How'd he do that?"

  "A Navi is a navigational wizard," said Sabrina. "But his main purpose will be revealed once we reach White Rock Island."

  "And what purpose is that?" Matt asked, his interest piqued as he fiddled with his glasses.

  "Why, The Eye of Darkness, Squire," said a deep voice from behind.

  Matt turned to find the Navi standing behind him, the Navi's white hood still pulled over his head, hiding his features. Matt's face paled as the Navi placed a heavy hand upon his shoulder.

  "Why didn't someone tell me that he was standing right behind me?"

  A soft chuckle escaped the confines of the Navi's hood. He pulled back the heavy white cloth, revealing an inviting smile and bold blue eyes. "I am not one to be feared, Squire," said the Navi, scratching his short brown hair. "It is the Eye you should be worried about."

  "But I thought the Eye of Darkness was somewhere on White Rock Island and guarded by Knights of the Light," said Danny.

  "And so it is, Squire," said the Navi, turning his head in Danny's direction. "However, the Eye's evil cannot be contained to the island alone. The terrible power of the Eye is the cause of a storm that has raged around the island for hundreds of years. When it is time, it will be my responsibility to protect this vessel from the worst the storm has to unleash."

  "So, the Eye of Darkness is the reason the Bermuda Triangle is known for causing ships and airplanes to come up missing," mused Matt, more a claim than a question.

  "Indeed it is, Squire," confirmed the Navi. "Those without the proper protections, which I will provide, can become quite lost within the raging storm of the Eye. The Eye is both a curse and a blessing for those of us of the Light. It protects the location of White Rock Island, our home. However, it is a stain on this world, a blight that threatens to wipe out everything that is good."

  "Why not destroy it?" Doug asked.

  "Many have tried, my young squire, all have failed," shuffling in Doug's direction. "Wizards of all talents have studied it to no avail, and knights have wielded Bondeds of great power against it, only to fail in their attempt."

  "So why keep fighting?" Alonso asked.

  With an expression of shock, the Navi turned on Alonso. "What a strange question for an aspiring Knight of the Light. We fight, because we must, my young squire, for that is the price of the Light. If we do not fight, who will?"

  Alonso shrugged in response.

  "Be wary of those musing, Squire, for it is thoughts like those that have caused stronger knights than you to turn away from the Light." Dropping his intense gaze, the Navi sighed and said, "You are still young, Squire and experience is not on your side. You are a first-year, correct?"

  Alonso nodded affirmatively.

  "Then, you have much to learn, my first-year squire. I look forward to seeing whether or not your opinion has swayed after your training. However, right now, I have duties elsewhere that I must tend to. If you will excuse me."

  "Wait, sir, what's your name?" Danny asked to the Navi's back.

  "You may call me Nicholi Ormstead, Navi to the Radiance and Wizard of the Light. My young squires, your names are?"

  "My name is Danny Firoth."

  "Matt Mickler," fiddling with his glasses.

  "Alonso Martinez," in a rough voice, annoyed that the wizard called him out.

  "Doug Garrett," the wizard eyed him with a single raised eyebrow.

  "Chris Greene," inserted Chris when he felt it was his cue.

  "And I am Sabrina Drake."

  "I see, Sir Tyramear's daughter, your father is a powerful knight, my dear."

  "I know," maintaining pride in her voice.

  "I would expect great things from the daughter of such strong Dragonic blood," said Nicholi with a smile. "I look forward to learning of your progress, Squire Drake. Good day, squires. Nicholi bowed, gathered his hood back over his head, and headed aft.

  "What was that all about, man?" Chris asked, shoulder-checking Alonso in the side.

  "What?" Alonso inquired, rubbing his bruised arm.

  "Why would you say something like that?"

  "What did I say?"

  "Why keep fighting? Are you serious?"

  Danny noticed that the conversation was beginning to draw a crowd, consisting of first- and second-year squires, a few third-years seemed to be in the mix, sporting Bondeds upon their backs or strapped to their hips.

  "It is a long swim back to shore if you are not here to fight," said a deep British voice from somewhere within the crowd.

  Danny watched the gathered squires part as a single figure stepped forward. His eyes were piercing and electric blue. He wore a set of long flowing robes, dark-red in color, similar to that of the Navi, but slightly different. A white band with the symbol of Light on it encircled his right arm at the bicep, sewed into the fabric of the robe and a single piece of plate mail hung over his left shoulder with the intricate des
ign of a dragon inscribed upon it. Poking out from his back was the hilt of a sword. Forged into the form of a claw with four talons, the pommel of the blade looked like it had been cut from a solid piece of ruby. It glowed and sparkled in the shimmering light of the noonday sun.

  "And who're you?" commanded Alonso, he had never been singled out so blatantly.

  "I am Squire Vyce Ven Lasko, Captain of Dragon Army." keeping his cool, stepping within an arm's length of Alonso. "We are at war, first-year," he continued, not giving Alonso a chance to answer. "The last thing the Order of Light needs is a coward in the ranks."

  Alonso's hands curled inward as he snarled in response to the insult. Angling his right fist behind him, he readied to strike.

  The red-headed, icy blue-eyed squire stood still, his expression stern. Alonso's threatening posture was of little concern to him.

  Before Alonso could lash out, Sabrina rushed between the two, shoving Alonso backward. "That would be a mistake."

  "You would be wise to listen to your friend," instructed Vyce calmly.

  Alonso bucked forward, only to be stopped by Sabrina's strong grip. When brawn failed, Alonso turned to his mouth. However, before he could get himself into further trouble, Sabrina stopped him there as well, covering his mouth with her hand.

  "Enough," she commanded.

  By no choice of his own, Alonso was forced into compliance.

  Vyce never smiled and if he found Alonso's situation funny, he didn't show it. "I see. Your courage is limited to situations in which you know you will not have to fight. However, I assure you that the legions of the Dark and the creatures of the Shadow will not show you any mercy."

  Alonso struggled against his restraint and attempted to say something through his muffle, those attempts were thwarted by the confining embrace of Sabrina as well.

  "Should you complete the first year of your training and return for your second, you can find me in the Great Dome." The fiery-haired boy turned, walked across the deck and descended into the bowels of the ship.

  Sabrina released him and asked, "Are you mad?"

  "Who the hell was that?" Alonso's fists remained balled up in rage.

  "He told you who he was." However, Alonso's features failed to recognize her meaning, she added, "He is the Captain of Dragon Army and a third-year squire. The shoulder plate inscribed with the dragon marks him as such. Vyce Venn Lasko was the first second-year squire to become the captain of an army and he is the last person you want as an enemy."


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