Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight Page 17

by Daniel Fife

  "We should probably join the others," said Chris, tightening his shoulder strap.

  Danny, Doug, Matt, Alonso, Chris, and Anthony made their way downstairs to the common hall to join the other squires.

  Whispers of excitement and curiosity filled the hall as the group of squires waited with a growing sense of eagerness. Calador, ever calm, stood at the front, waiting for the full complement of squires to assemble.

  Danny and the others found two free couches and sat down, everyone except for Doug, he remained standing with a wide-eyed expression on his face.

  "She's stunning," he said, eyes fixed upon Briza.

  Danny turned and followed his friend's gaze, finding Briza standing on the last step of the staircase that led to the girls' side of the barracks. Dressed in the robes of her new station, she cut a lean stunning figure. With her lithe hand placed upon the pommel of the slender rapier at her side, she descended the last step with a graceful elegance. Danny could see why Doug was so smitten with her.

  "You should be aware that, even from this distance, she can hear you, Squire Garrett," said Calador from the front of the group, his mouth warping in a sharp smile.

  Doug's silent admiration switched to embarrassment as Briza's deep emerald eyes turned in his direction. Breaking contact, Doug took his seat on the couch, his face turning a rosy shade of red.

  "That is everyone," said Calador a few moments later. "Please, follow me." He turned and exited the barracks.

  Calador led the group of squires through the winding roads of the city toward the towering spires of the castle that loomed over the island like a distant mountain. The closer they came to the sizable structure, the more aware Danny became of its immense size. After a decent amount of walking, they arrived at the gates. Two large doors, at least twenty feet high and four feet thick, swung outward in greeting. The gates appeared to be the only way in or out of a fifty-foot wall that ran the length of the castle.

  On the ramparts, Danny could see the reflective sheen of armor. Knights of the Light walked the wall in a constant vigil and stood at sturdy attention at the base of the gates.

  Stepping forward, Calador bowed, placing the folded fist of his right hand to his chest, he said, "For the Light."

  The Knights of the Light mimicked the hand motion and said, "For the Light." With that, they ushered Calador, as well as the squires, through the gates.

  Beyond the mighty wall was a luscious courtyard of green grass. A single, wide, white brick road carved a path through the lawn with detailed statues of knights past, posing, bowed in respect, creating a corridor of pointed swords.

  Calador led the group through the hall of heroes toward the towering structure of the castle. Twin golden doors greeted them, propped open with two Knights of the Light standing at rigid attention, one on either side.

  "Good evening, Calador," said an echoing voice from somewhere within the inner keep of the castle.

  Danny watched as Calador's ears perked up at the sound of his name, a small smile crossed his face.

  "Good evening, Alamber," said Calador, as a slender man exited the golden doors and entered into the fading light of the day.

  His hair was a rusty red; he sported a long beard of the same color, tied up at the base with a sliver of blue cloth. Descending the few steps that led up to the doorway, his bright orange robes fluttered out beneath him.

  "Ah, these must be the first-years," eyeing each squire one at a time.

  As Alamber glanced closely at Danny, he noticed a striking series of scars that ran downward across the left side of the man's face, from eyebrow to cheek and one eye a milky white. The other unusual feature of the man were his ears, which poked out beyond his hair and came to exaggerated points, the ears of an Elf. However, he lacked the striking bone structure that marked Calador and Briza as Elvin.

  "Greetings, Squires, I am Alamber Ordvack Halfelvin, Head Wizard of the Light and professor of the magical defense courses."

  "You're a Half-Elf?" Doug asked, though his expression betrayed the fact that it wasn't his intention to make the comment vocal.

  "I am, my young squire," said Alamber with a smile. "However, such discussions must wait for another time. The King of the Light is expecting you."

  "Of course," said Calador.

  "If you would all please follow me," said Alamber.

  "Of course," said Calador once again.

  With that, Alamber pivoted on the balls of his feet, swiveling around in an about-face, adding, "This way, please."

  Calador, along with all the squires, followed behind.

  After a trek down a long corridor and up a set of stairs, Alamber led them through a set of ivory double doors. The room beyond opened up into a vast hall with an arched ceiling. On the opposite side of the room was a high-backed throne, upon it sat a man with a beard as white as freshly fallen snow. He wore a suit of ornate armor, his heavy plate mail as white as ivory. Around his brow, he wore a crown that glowed with a soft white light. Whether it sparkled in the reflected balls of dancing light that hovered just below the ceiling or from magic, Danny couldn't be certain. His right hand was placed upon the armrest of the white throne and his left hand rested on the hilt of a golden sword, its details difficult to decipher from the distance.

  A few individuals familiar to Danny sat on both sides of the throne, behind an elongated table covered with a white tablecloth, accented in silver embroidery. However, there were many that he didn't recognize. Danny recognized Sir Syndil Tribolari, Sir Bartlett Firebeard and Mathis Deandrow from the group.

  The room contained nine large circular tables, each with the middle section missing in order to allow seats to be placed inside the ring as well as on the outside. Three sets of tables, descending in size, but similar in shape, were placed within each of the nine larger, allowing for ample seating. Each table appeared to represent one of the eight armies, leaving the last table, which rested in the immediate middle of the room, reserved for the first-years, or so Danny assumed.

  Unconcerned with such matters at that moment, Danny found what he sought, the round set of tables marked with the dark red robes of Dragon Army. Searching the faces, he locked his gaze on the familiar features of Sabrina. She sat along the outer ring of the largest table; she smiled back at him in greeting.

  "Your table is the one in the middle. Please be seated so that we may begin," said Alamber, ushering them forward.

  Danny's stare lingered for a few seconds longer before he moved toward his assigned table and found a seat in the second to largest ring, next to Chris and Doug. He watched as Alamber bowed, excused himself, and found his seat beside the throne, joining the other heads of the Light.

  The once-soft static of whispering died down to a still silence as the King of the Light stirred. Pushing himself up, he paced forward. With the confidence of an experienced warrior, he stepped up to a white marble podium. Placing his right hand on the stand, leaving his left hand to rest upon the hilt of the Bonded at his side, he scanned the room from left to right.

  Danny could feel the weight of his eyes as the intense gaze of the king swept over him and continued on to the other side of the room.

  "Good evening, Squires!" the king said in a boisterous voice that echoed throughout the room.

  "Good evening," said the gathered squires as one in a half-hearted reply.

  "By the Light, that will not do," grumbled the king. "I said, good evening!"

  The answer echoed in a chorus of voices that surpassed the first attempt. "Good evening!"

  "Much better, for those of you that do not know me," focusing his eyes on the first-year squires, "I am Sir Koltair Rillinan Voran, King of the Light. For those of you that do know me, I welcome you back to the Island of White Rock to continue your training to become knighted members of the Light. Starting from left to right, I will introduce you to your professors for this year.

  "First, we have Sir Fredrick Ferdessa, he will be the acting physical trainer," said King Koltair, po
inting to a large man at the end of the elongated table.

  Sir Fredrick stood up to his full height of over seven feet and nodded in the direction of the first-years. His shoulders were broad and stocky, made to look larger by the heavy metal plates of his armor. At his side was a huge, emerald-hilted greatsword that was nearly as tall as him.

  "Great, even here we have to freaking participate in P.E.," grumbled Matt under his breath.

  "I have a feeling that we won't be playing baseball or basketball, man," said Chris in the same hushed tone.

  "Thank you, Sir Fredrick," said the king, the larger man slumped back into his chair. "Teaching techniques, once again, will be Sir Syndil Tribolari," continued the king, extending his arm in the Elf's direction.

  Sir Syndil scooted his chair out from beneath him and stood up. Danny found it odd to see Sir Syndil wearing something other than the silver business suit that he'd originally met the Elf clothed in. He now sported an ornate suit of silver armor with subtle blue veins. With a curt bow, the slender Elf sat back in his seat.

  "Still filling the role of the expert on the History of the Light, Sir William Torjan," said the king.

  At the sound of his name, Sir William, using his black-hilted blade as a crutch, groaned as he struggled to his feet. With a long greying beard and wizened blue eyes, the old man produced a slight smile before slumping back into his chair.

  "Thank you, Sir William," said the king. "You have been with us for some time now. Your historic wisdom is most appreciated." After waiting for the old man to seat himself, the king continued. "Next, we have Sir Bartlett Firebeard, Master of the Forge and Keeper of the Bonded, and Mathis Deandrow, the resident Master of the Stitch and Tailor to the Light."

  Danny's eyes flashed to the squat Dwarf who waddled out of his chair and held his warhammer high above his head in acknowledgment, followed by the slender tailor who produced a low bow.

  "You both do the Light a great honor," imparted the king, motioning for both to sit. "Now, on my right, I would like to introduce you to Lady Gwinn Wellington. She will be taking over the instruction of hand-to-hand combat. Some of the more senior squires may remember her, she was a squire one-year past. Despite her youth, she is now a Knight of the Light; those of you that do remember her may recall her exceptional skills in the unarmed arts."

  With the elegance of a dancer, which reminded Danny all too well of Briza, Lady Guinn stood at the mention of her name. In white robes, she had the toned build of a warrior, yet she retained the shapely form of her femininity. Stern-faced, she placed her left hand on her hip and her right hand on the slender pommel of a dark-hilted dagger.

  "It is a pleasure to have you with us, Lady Guinn," said the king, turning in her direction.

  Lady Guinn responded with a slight bow, causing her long brown hair to dip in front of her icy blue eyes. After slipping her unruly hair back behind her ears, she took to her seat.

  "Next, we have Sir Ranald Buttle, one of the foremost experts on the Shadow realm and the continuing professor of Shadow lore."

  Sir Ranald stood up by placing a steadying hand upon the table in front of him. With sandy blond hair and piercing green eyes, he swept his right arm across his stomach in a low bow, shuffling his white robes to the side, nearly touching his head to the table. The movement caused a glimmer of light to reflect off the golden hilt of the longsword at his side. Just as quickly as he stood, he reclaimed his seat.

  "Thank you, Sir Ranald, your studies and your knowledge are invaluable." After pausing, the king continued. "Keeping with the subject of the Shadows, may I introduce Sir Keargrow Pain, he will be continuing his instruction of the defensive arts against the Shadows."

  Danny took in a deep breath as the man named Sir Pain took to his feet. Nearly seven feet tall, Keargrow Pain had a face full of scars and jet-black eyes. He wore a suit of black plate mail and held a large bastardsword colored to match. He was the most intimidating sight Danny had ever seen.

  "He's a Knight of the Light?" Matt questioned in a low tone, verbalizing Danny's thoughts.

  "Looks more like a serial killer to me," added Alonso in the same whispered voice.

  "Thank you, Sir Keargrow," said the king, motioning the larger man back into his seat. "Next to Sir Keargrow we have Sir Filix Grorgan, he will be instructing you in the lore of the Dark, and his brother, Sir Rilix Grorgan, will be overseeing your studies in the lore of the Grey."

  Both men stood at the exact instant. They were twins, with matching shortswords as well. Both men sported long black hair and matching goatees. The only difference in their appearance seemed to be their eyes. Sir Filix's left eye was a light blue, while his right eye looked to be a dark green. However, the colors of his twin's eyes were reversed. After waiting but a moment, as if the movement had been practiced beforehand, both brothers gathered their white robes beneath them and sat down.

  "Next, Sir James Wallen, professor of strategy and war."

  A squat man of middle years stood and smiled. His hair was short, brown and thinning. Adjusting a set of squared bifocals with his left hand, he allowed his right to rest on the golden hilt of a shortsword at his side. After a slight twitch of the neck, he cleared his throat and produced a curt nod before slumping back down.

  "Lastly, I would like to introduce Alamber Ordvack Halfelvin, head wizard and professor of the magical arts of defense."

  Alamber stood, using a thick oak staff that had a glowing bauble entwined within the wood to assist him. Taking a slight bow, he folded the orange robes beneath him and sat back down.

  "Thank you, all," said King Koltair as he swept his gaze from left to right. "Squires," after a slight pause for thought, "you are the next generation of knights. Soon you will inherit the honor and the glory of our tradition, but, more importantly, you will inherit the war that has raged on for countless generations. You must train hard, hone your skills and sharpen your blades. Be forewarned, times grow difficult as our enemies swell with strength. However, with hard training, a Bonded in your hands and a little luck, you will all persevere. But first we shall feast," finished the king. The last syllable of his booming voice echoed throughout the great hall. With two loud claps, he signaled an army of servants. With steaming piles of food trays and practiced precision, the attendants attacked the tables, setting them with roasted pork, chicken and turkey, rolls of fresh bread, mashed potatoes, corn, all sorts of desserts and more.

  Realizing just how famished he was, Danny helped himself and ate his fill. By the time Danny saw to his final bites, the king had reclaimed his position at the podium and signaled for silence.

  Once he had the complete attention of everyone, King Koltair began, "Now that your bellies are full, I suggest that you all get a good night's rest, on the morrow you begin your training. Work hard, my squires and may the Light always shine upon you."

  With that, the king turned and disappeared through a side doorway, retreating from the roar of cheers that resonated into a crescendo behind him.

  The other squires began to disperse as Danny placed one last morsel of chicken into his mouth and gulped it down. "You think I could talk to Sabrina?" he asked no one in particular.

  "I don't see why not, man," said Chris between bites, his plate still half-full. He and Anthony seemed to be locked in a battle of consumption.

  "I'll be right back," said Danny, excusing himself, navigating beyond the circular tables. Walking toward the set of tables distinguished by a collection of red-robed squires, Danny sought out Sabrina. He found her sitting in the same spot as before, in a deep discussion with Rogen. Danny sighed at the sight of the blond-haired boy; he was about to yell out Sabrina's name when a swirl of red robes suddenly blocked his line of sight.

  "What do ya think yer doing, newb?" said the mass of robes, with a heavy Scottish accent.

  Danny peered up and found that the bulk of robes had a flat face with dark red hair, brown eyes and a series of large red freckles.

  "I'm going to talk to my friend,"
said Danny, with more authority than he felt.

  "I dunna think so," said the red-haired boy. "Dis here is Dragon Army. It's not a place for newbs. So go back to ya own kind."

  Danny's heart began to beat faster as he clenched his hands into fists, turning his knuckles white. His body temperature skyrocketed and his breathing quickened. Deciding against any rash judgment, he pushed his anger down and attempted to walk around the larger boy.

  "What… ya did na hear me, then?" the boy asked, stepping in front of Danny, cutting off his path once again.

  "Please stand aside," said Danny, barely keeping his anger in check.

  "I dunna think so, lad, you'd best be turning round and going back to yer own table," said the boy, refusing to budge.

  Making one last-ditch effort to keep the peace, Danny broke to his right in an attempt to walk around the boy once again. However, the larger boy stepped back into Danny's path again.

  "Ya don't seem ta understand, newb. I'm not gonna give ya a choice dis time. Ya got till the count o three to turn back round."

  Danny clenched his fists tighter as the boy started the count, "One..."

  "...Two," the boy narrowed his gaze.

  Danny's heart began to beat even faster, threatening to burst right through his ribcage. His body grew hot, his anger swelled.

  "Three," stepping forward as time slowed to a crawl.

  Danny watched, amazed as a translucent phantom flowed out of the boy's body, stepped forward and shoved its ghostly hands right through Danny's chest. The familiar vision filled Danny with a small satisfaction as time resumed and the larger boy surged forward in the now familiar movement. Anticipating the push, Danny dodged to the right and kicked with his left leg, catching the boy's right foot as he attempted to step out. Missing his step, the boy lurched forward and fell flat on his face.

  Getting up faster than Danny ever would've expected, the boy's right hand shot to the blue-hilted blade at his side, the pommel fashioned into a twisting tornado. "Ya gonna pay for dat, newb."

  "Stop it, Lieutenant Rigil!" a melodic voice yelled. Danny recognized Sabrina's voice.


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