Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight Page 20

by Daniel Fife

  Anthony's face revealed his annoyance. However, proven right before his very eyes, he couldn't deny the facts. Defeated, he retrieved his sheath and exited the dueling circle.


  A series of hands lifted into the air. However, before Sir Syndil could call upon anyone, Chris took it upon himself to enter the circle.

  "I'll go, Sir Syndil," he said in a composed manner.

  "Very well," Sir Syndil said, indicating the opposite triangle.

  With the soft song of metal sliding against metal, Chris freed the bastardsword from behind his back.

  With a flow of movement, Sir Syndil finished his salute and said, "For the Light."

  Chris mimicked the gesture as best he could, "For the Light."

  "You may begin whenever you are ready," encouraged Sir Syndil.

  Hefting the heavy sword before him, Chris paused as if to probe his opponent for a weakness, while Sir Syndil stared on with interest. Perhaps finding what he sought, Chris leveled the blade at his waist, took a surging step forward and arced an attack toward the base of Sir Syndil's legs. The biceps of his arms bulged with power, showing the strength of his swing as he attacked without restraint. Perhaps anticipating Sir Syndil's quick retreat, Chris allowed the weight of the blade to carry him full circle as he spun on his toes and unleashed another fierce attack. The bastardsword hissed as it cut through the air, leveled right at Sir Syndil's upper chest.

  With a speed that awed everyone, Sir Syndil countered the move by ducking and angling his own blade upward, deflecting the larger sword skyward.

  Knocked off-balance, Chris would've fallen if not for Sir Syndil's steady hand beneath his arm. "Good," Sir Syndil said with a widening smile. "I believe I have seen enough, Squire. Your technique is rudimentary, and you are quite headstrong. However, you have a natural talent that will serve you well. I see a bright future ahead of you."

  "Thank you, Sir Syndil," Chris said after steadying himself.

  "Please, rejoin the others."

  Sheathing his sword, Chris did just that.


  Shoving his way past two other squires, Alonso stepped into the circle with his blade at the ready, the serrated edge of the longsword hovering threateningly in front of him.

  "So be it," said Sir Syndil with a gracious quality, as he went through the motions of his salute. "For the Light."

  As soon as he finished, Alonso bolted forward, his longsword leading the way in a sideways slash. Quick as lightning, Sir Syndil whipped his own sword in an upward arc, catching Alonso's blade just above the hilt with a clang. Alonso's grip fumbled as the vibration forced the sword from his hand and sent the blade tumbling end-over-end in the air. Alonso nearly tripped but he caught himself just in time. On his knees, he was about to stand back up when his own blade descended in front of him, sticking point first into the stone.

  Gulping down some courage, he stood up, pulled his sword from the floor and said, "I thought you said you would only react defensively."

  "And so I did, my young squire," said Sir Syndil. "However, you attacked me without waiting for my command to begin."

  "Fine," said Alonso, returning to the opposite triangle. "Tell me when to begin."

  "I am afraid I have already seen all that I need to, Squire."

  "What? You tricked me."

  "I did no such thing, Squire. You are hot-headed and your technique is close to non-existent. However, your true weakness is in your inability to discern the world around you from the reality you have conjured within your mind. You make excuses for your faults instead of acknowledging them. If you wish to master the blade, you must first master yourself."

  "Whatever, I don't have to listen to this!" Alonso said, giving Sir Syndil his back.

  "And yet again, you have just proven my point, Squire."

  Alonso lingered mid-step, as if to ponder the Elf's words. However, he resumed his trudging step back into the circle of squires.

  "I believe I have room for another within the dueling circle," said Sir Syndil.

  A multitude of hands ascended into the air, including Danny, as he felt the need to try his luck.

  Sir Syndil scanned the group with a smile. However, when he saw Danny's hand in the air, his expression seemed to widen as he singled Danny out. "Squire Firoth, if you would be so kind as to join me within the dueling circle."

  Danny felt a sudden pang within his chest at the mention of his name. His breathing quickened, he felt his stomach drop. He was nervous.

  "There is no need to be shy, Squire," encouraged Sir Syndil, indicating the opposite triangle in the circle. "Please."

  Danny left the safety of the other squires and stepped into the dueling circle.

  As soon as Danny stood within the opposing triangle, Sir Syndil whipped his sword to his chest and then twisted it downward in the familiar salute, "For the Light."

  Danny pulled his longsword from the scabbard with a smooth movement, causing a soft ring as the blade slid free. Twisting the blade upward, he returned the salute in a rudimentary fashion and said, "For the Light."

  "You may begin whenever you are ready, Squire."

  Nodding, Danny leveled his body into an offensive stance, angling the sword behind him just as Sir Syndil had shown him. Pausing, he examined his opponent's stance, unsure of how to begin. Sir Syndil was a master of the blade as well as a Knight of the Light and if Danny were to stand any chance at all, he would need that strange power located somewhere within himself, it had only shown itself twice. Concentrating, he tried to will the ability into being, however, the ghostly form that would predict Sir Syndil's movements failed to appear.

  "Is everything alright, Squire?"

  "Yes," Danny lied, as he realized that, up until this point, the power had only come to him while he was defending himself. However, in this case, he was the attacker.

  Could my power be used in reverse? Danny thought, unsure of the answer. Deciding that the best way to find out was to try it, he pointed his forward foot and pushed off with his back foot. Dropping his blade low so that it scraped against the dark stone of the floor, he angled the attack upward and carved a direct line through the air, centered at Sir Syndil's chest. Just before the impact, the familiar flicker of an image broke away from Sir Syndil's body and dodged to the right. A split-second later, Sir Syndil followed.

  There, thought Danny, pivoting on his left foot, spinning. Changing the momentum of his sword, he pulled it around his body and slashed at the phantom image, knowing that it indicated where Sir Syndil would end his movement. I have him.

  Danny witnessed a clear expression of surprise on Sir Syndil's face. However, faster than Danny ever considered possible, the Elf broke through the image of himself and brought his own blade up to block. The two swords rang out as they collided, causing a jarring sensation to travel up Danny's sword arm and weaken his grip. Slipping from his fingers, the longsword twirled longways through the air before embedding itself into the stone of the circle. Danny stumbled backward and fell flat on his back.

  "Intriguing," said Sir Syndil, taking two steps forward, offering Danny his left hand.

  Taking advantage of the gesture, Danny stood up with Sir Syndil's help. "Thank you, Sir Syndil," said Danny, testing his right hand for injuries by opening and closing it. "You're incredibly fast."

  "And you are incredibly unpredictable," said Sir Syndil with a sweeping smile.

  "So, how did I do?"

  "…Quite well, Squire Firoth. However, I feel that my critique of your ability is best suited for a more private setting. If you would, please, exit the circle and stay after class so that we may discuss it at length, yes?"

  "Yes, Sir Syndil," said Danny, his tone relaying the uncertainty of the request.

  However, whether Sir Syndil understood Danny's confusion or simply ignored it, he didn't acknowledge either one as he said, "Next."

  "What was that all about, man?" Chris questioned in a whisper as Danny took a seated position beside

  "I'm not exactly sure."

  "You almost had him. I saw it. How'd you do that?"

  "Maybe that's what he wants to talk to me about."

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  Chapter 18 - Mastering the Hidden Power Within

  ismissing the final squire from the dueling circle, Sir Syndil nodded with approval. "All of you have done well this first day. Many of you have shown great promise, others will have to work twice as hard. Do not be discouraged. With the proper guidance and dedication, any gap can be closed. Now, I must bid you all good day. Please, return to the barracks for lunch."

  Not waiting for the Elf to change his mind, most of the squires moved toward the exit, exhausted from their first day of training, yet it was only halfway over.

  "I'll meet up with you guys later," Danny said as Chris, Alonso, Matt, Doug and Anthony lingered at the doorway.

  "You sure?" Matt asked, holding his right arm, an injury he'd received due to his inexperience with the blade.

  Both Doug and Matt had entered the dueling circle as two of the last squires to volunteer. Matt had bruised his arm by overextending and losing his balance. It was no fault of Sir Syndil's. Both tested poorly. However, Sir Syndil had said that they showed promise, a common critique for most of the squires present.

  "We'll save you a seat, man," said Chris.

  Danny nodded and saw them off. Once the room was cleared, he turned to find Sir Syndil eyeing him.

  "I am impressed, Squire Firoth." Danny was about to speak when Sir Syndil held up his hand, commanding silence. After a moment, he said, "The ability you told me about when we first met, you were able to use it in the dueling circle, were you not?"


  "Then you have mastered it?"


  "I see," said Sir Syndil, massaging the point of his chin. "And have you told anyone else about it?" he asked, after another few seconds of consideration.

  "No, Sir Syndil. I felt that I should listen to what you said. I haven't told anyone."

  "Yesterday, after the banquet with the king, defending against Squire Rigil, you used the ability then as well, yes?"


  "Has it manifested during any other instance?"


  "Have you attempted to call upon this power and not be able to use it?"

  "Yes, I've tried before but it only seems to happen when I get into a fight."

  "I see. So, currently, you are unable to use it outside of combative environments, yes?"

  "I suppose so, or, rather, yes. I can only use it whenever I have to protect myself."

  "However, this day, you used it while on the offensive. How did you manage that?"

  "I'm not really sure yet," said Danny, dropping his gaze.

  "Do not be ashamed, Danny," said Sir Syndil, placing a steadying hand on Danny's shoulder. "I believe I can help you."

  "Really?" Danny asked, his voice jumping up an octave.

  "Yes," said Sir Syndil, keeping his own voice calm and even.


  "Before you can control this power of yours, you must first be able to control yourself. Tell me, what is the only part of your body that you have complete control of?"

  After pondering the question for a short time, Danny said, "My mind?"

  "A good answer, but no," said Sir Syndil with a sweeping smile. "The mind is a mysterious machine, partly within one's control, but also working independently of one's own consciousness. There is no way of freely controlling it completely. Try again."

  Danny took a deep breath, unsure of the correct answer. After a second breath, it suddenly hit him, as he forced the air from his mouth. "My breathing," he said triumphantly.

  "Indeed," said Sir Syndil, his smile widening. "With every breath you take, you sustain your life. With breathing comes the choice between life and death, as well as the key to control. Breathing comes naturally to us and is an automated response. However, if we wish, we are able to assume control at any time."

  "What must I do?"

  "Simple," said Sir Syndil, readjusting his body, removing his hand from Danny's shoulder. "First and foremost, you must close your eyes and relax. Allow your body to find comfort in any position. Let the tension drain from your limbs like the trickling of a waterfall."

  Danny did as the tall Elf instructed and repositioned his feet beneath him. Sagging his shoulders, he realized how tense his body had been as the tightness in his muscles melted away.

  "Good, now, breathe," instructed Sir Syndil, taking in a deep breath to model the behavior he wished Danny to mimic. "…Long deep breaths."

  Danny allowed his chest to rise and fall in an elongated rhythm, forcing larger breaths in and out.

  "No, Danny," said Sir Syndil. "Breathe in through your diaphragm, like this," he said, holding his right hand at the base of his abdomen for emphasis. "If you do it just right, you can feel it rise and fall."

  Again, Danny mimicked his teacher, taking deeper breaths. He held his right hand at the base of his belly and felt the rhythmic pulse of life.

  "Good," said Sir Syndil, "in and out. Concentrate on your breathing and take the time to feel the difference between this relaxed state and the tense feelings that beguile you. Excellent, just like that… breathe in and out."

  Danny felt calm and focused. His mind felt free and the air tasted crisper and cleaner.

  "How do you feel now, Danny?"

  "This is amazing."

  "Good, now open your eyes."

  Danny began to slowly open his eyes, but quickly went wide-eyed as the ghostly image of a longsword passed harmlessly through his head. Anticipating the attack, Danny dodged to the right and drew his own blade with a ring of steel just as Sir Syndil's sword swished through the spot in which he'd just been standing.

  Sir Syndil's phantom image took two steps to the rear and then vanished as the Elf followed in the predicted path.

  "Are you insane!?" Danny yelled, holding his sword defensively in front of him.

  "Insanity is a relative term, Squire Firoth; there are varying degrees of sanity."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Danny asked, his sword still leveled at Sir Syndil.

  "Simply put, Squire Firoth, it means that since receiving the gift of sight, you have entered into a world that you do not fully understand." Dropping his arms, Sir Syndil allowed the tip of his blade to rest on the floor in a display of harmless intention. "If you had not received the gift of sight, what would you have done this summer?"

  Danny shrugged, reluctant to let his guard down. "I don't know, sleep in and play video games, I guess."

  "However, you did indeed receive the gift of sight and now you are training to be a Knight of the Light. Instead of choosing to battle digitized monsters on a screen, you have chosen to battle real ones with a blade. I assure you, there are no reset buttons or additional lives in real-life, Squire Firoth. The Shadows are immensely powerful creatures and if you want to survive, your training must match their brutality and hostility."

  The sword grew heavy in Danny's hands as the tip sank downward. He wondered if he'd ignored the seriousness of his choice to become a Knight of the Light.

  Sir Syndil took a slow step forward. "I tell you this not to discourage you, Danny, but to strengthen your resolve. You made your choice, now you must train to live up to it. At the end of this year, you will be given another choice, to continue your training or return to a life of normalcy. However, this choice is a lie, the gift of sight cannot be reversed. The Shadows will seek you out regardless."

  Danny looked up, matching Sir Syndil's intense gaze. "How did you know I'd see your attack and dodge it?"

  A wide smile replaced Sir Syndil's neutral expression, "I did not know."

  "Then you could've killed me!"

  "Abilities that are destined for battle must be forged in battle, Danny. If you are unable to master this part of yourself, death is certain in any case, by my hand or the Shadows, it matters not."

sp; "You assume too much."

  "Perhaps, but I base my assumptions on a combined experience that ranges in the hundreds of years." Sir Syndil's expression softened. "I would not ask you to do anything I thought you incapable of. Besides, if I truly wished your life, I could just as easily take it as stop myself," he said, just before bounding forward in a lunge. Quicker than Danny's Human eyes could follow, Sir Syndil's blade flickered through the air without even the faintest of sounds.

  Unprepared for the attack, Danny watched helplessly as the tip of the Elf's sword stopped within inches of his nose. Shocked, Danny stood still as a statue.

  Sir Syndil's smile widened slightly. "You see, Squire Firoth, if you had failed to dodge the attack, I could have stopped it at any time." Lowering his sword and taking a retreating step, he added, "Over a hundred years' worth of swordplay gives me a good deal of control."

  "You could've just said that in the first place."

  "True experience is the only way to learn. When you told your friends about your encounter with the Shadow at school, do you really believe they truly understood the desperation you felt or the gravity of the situation?"

  "No," said Danny. Since discovering that he wasn't the only one with the gift of sight, Danny felt that almost everyone, except for Chris, treated the knowledge as well as the current training more like a vacation than anything else.

  "And if they were to face a Shadow right now, do you think they would be as prepared as you would be, having already faced one?"

  "No." Danny shook his head.

  "Then do you understand why I could not simply tell you what to do? I had to allow you to learn it on your own."

  "Yes, I understand, Sir Syndil." However, he felt the slightest hint of distrust for the Elf. Although his words made sense and seemed logical, there was something about Sir Syndil that bothered Danny.

  "Tell me, Squire Firoth, what kind of man was your father?"

  Danny hesitated, wondering why Sir Syndil would be asking about his father. "…My father?"

  "A swordsman's potential can often be measured by the lineage he comes from."


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