Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight Page 29

by Daniel Fife

"It was ruled an accident, allowing Squire Tribolari to continue his training and eventually become Sir Syndil, a Knight of the Light, while Calador devoted his life to serving the Light despite his losses." Rolling the single piece of parchment up and secreting it back into the fold of his robes, Matt added, "The archives were quite vague."

  "Is it not amazing how the single most defining moment of one's life can be summed up with but a few words," said Calador, his head tilted up as if he was staring at something unknown on the ceiling. "To those that penned the archives, it was simply a small matter of record. However, to me, it is the ending and the beginning of two separate lives."

  "If I was you, I would've gotten revenge on him long ago," said Alonso.

  Calador's head snapped downward, as if to meet the eyes of Alonso directly. "You misunderstand me, Squire Martinez, it is not revenge I seek. I have made my peace with what happened long ago." Then, after turning his blunted gaze on everyone in turn, as if he could see, he continued. "All of you must understand that Sir Syndil has taken a great deal of interest in your friend, Danny. His focus knows no bounds, and he will not stop until he has gotten what he wants. His attention is dangerous and I know this first hand; I was once the center of his interest. Whatever it is he wants from your friend, Sir Syndil will stop at nothing to gain it.

  "'Tis not a grudge I hold against him. I carry no hatred in my heart for Sir Syndil. I simply refuse to allow a similar tragedy to befall Squire Firoth. It is my duty, as your caretaker, to look after you any way I see fit."

  Danny was taken aback by Calador's openness. His words had been calm, without fierce emotion, yet there was sincerity in them as well.

  "We've found nothing condemning in Sir Syndil's movements, Calador," explained Chris in light of the sustained silence.

  "Nor would you, Squire Greene, as I said in the beginning, he has been aware of your intrusions, of that you can be certain."

  "Then why wouldn't he just come forward and confront us like you have?" Anthony asked.

  "…Because that would ruin his advantage."

  "What advantage?"

  Calador cleared his throat. "If Sir Syndil knows you are following him, he will continue to make his movements inconspicuous. He will allow you to see what he wants you to see."

  "I see," said Anthony, as if lost in thought.

  "Duh," antagonized Alonso.

  "Shut up!" Anthony said, his voice growing into a growl.

  "Why don't you make me," said Alonso in a similar tone.

  "Perhaps, we should settle this in a duel," said Anthony, his hand inching toward the rounded head of the hilt upon his back.

  "That's enough, you two!" Chris intervened, before the argument could go any further. "We're all tired," he explained, "and we've just learned that our time has been wasted. However, fighting among ourselves isn't going to solve anything."

  "What will you do now?" Calador asked Danny.

  Danny still had one piece of information that might prove helpful, the object he’d discovered in Sir Syndil's classroom. However, he didn't trust Calador completely and he was reluctant to tell the Elf everything until he'd exhausted all of his other resources.

  "I don't know," said Danny after a moment, not necessarily a lie, "but we will let you know when we've decided."

  "You still do not trust me," said Calador, as if reading Danny's thoughts.

  "No, I don't," said Danny honestly. "I trust those I see around me because they're my friends. They’re squires, like me. If I need your help, I'll come to you."

  "You play a dangerous game, Mageknight," said Calador, causing Danny to shift in his seat. It was the first-time anyone had referred to him as the prophesied warrior. "I shall allow you to keep your secret, for the time being, but know this… should it serve in your best interest and protect you from Sir Syndil's ambitions, I will reveal your true identity to the King of the Light." With that said, Calador bowed with a flexible elegance and added, "I wish you all a gentle night of respite, the seventh bell is nearly upon us," he departed.

  "I'm sorry, we messed up," said Doug again, once he was sure Calador was out of earshot.

  "You and Briza have nothing to be sorry for," said Danny. "Calador is obviously skilled at what he does."

  "Shall I attempt to follow him on my own?" Briza asked.


  "What about following Sir Syndil?" Anthony asked.

  "It would seem that would be a waste of time as well," Chris said in Danny's stead.

  Doug scooted closer, "So, what do we do now?"

  Danny looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, especially Calador. "I found something in Sir Syndil's classroom," he began, once he was satisfied that his words could be heard by no one else.

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  Chapter 29 - Research

  othing!" Alonso said, slamming the heavy tome shut with a loud thud, heaving it down on the table before him.

  "…Shh!" the librarian commanded with his pointer finger pressed against his lips, he was a slender Elf with long, silvery hair.

  "Did he just shush me?" Alonso asked, on the verge of anger.

  "Be quiet and have some respect, man," insisted Chris, pulling his eyes up from a hefty book of his own.

  "We've been at this for hours, for what?" Alonso's tone turned defiant, in hushed words. "There's nothing in these old books about the object Danny described. We've spent four long days in this library searching for some information on some kind of evil snow globe."

  "Keep your voice down," Briza scolded.

  "Oh great, now the other Elf is telling me what to do," said Alonso, his tone growing strained with frustration. "It's Sunday and we should be resting, not studying," he added to further his point.

  "For once, I agree with him," added Matt, placing another heavy book upon the table.

  "On which subject? His blatant disrespect toward Elves or that this is a waste of time?" Doug asked.

  "The evil snow globe. If we haven't found anything on it by now, I don't think we ever will," said Matt.

  "I'm hungry," was all Anthony had to add on the subject.

  Before anyone else could comment, the first of twelve sharp chimes signaled the noon hour.

  Danny sighed as the twelfth ring echoed through the library, allowing the tone to cease before he spoke. "I appreciate the dedication that all of you have given this. You're all true friends." Danny paused in order to allow the sincerity of his words to sink in before continuing, "I'm going to meet Sabrina down at the beach to tell her what has happened, as well as what we've discovered. With any luck, she'll be another pair of eyes to help in the search. Get yourselves some lunch and we'll meet back here at the tone of the tenth bell."

  "Oh, thanks for your permission, Mageknight," said Alonso sarcastically.

  "Or don't return if you don't like it," said Danny, slamming his hand down flat on the table with a heavy thud. The past four days of research, in addition to his training, were taking their toll on Danny's mood. "I asked for your help and you volunteered it. Help, or don't help, it's still your choice," he said, in a hushed but angry tone.

  "I…" began Alonso, silenced by a heavy hand upon his shoulder as Chris stepped up behind him.

  "He'll be back," assured Chris. "I think we could all use a break. We'll be here when you return, Danny."

  "I'm sorry for losing it," explained Danny, running his fingers through his short brown hair, taking a calming breath. "If we haven't found anything by late tonight, I'll ask Calador for his help."

  "Sounds like a good plan, man."

  With that, Danny bid his friends goodbye with a wave of his hand and a nod of the head, he turned around and made a controlled dash for the library exit. Once outside, he felt somewhat better, the noonday sun bathed him in a bright amber light. Greeted by the salty sea air, he took a long slow breath deep into his lungs and released it in a sigh.

  The past four days proved to be frustrating, to say the least, as they poured through piles of books w
ith nothing to show for it. Additionally, he had to continue to pretend to trust Sir Syndil as he trained under the Elf. Danny was mentally and physically exhausted. Walking toward the edge of the island, with the promise of Sabrina's company, Danny felt better instantly. Simply thinking about her tended to make his step lighter and the world brighter. Moreover, he was glad just to be beyond the stuffy confines of the library.

  Nearing the overhang of the rocky cliffs, the air grew saturated with salt, Danny could taste it on his tongue; the familiar sound of waves crashing speeded his approach. Stopping at the edge, he peered down, comforted by the rhythmic flash of Sabrina's pink-colored blade as it reflected in the sunlight. Descending the steep stone steps, he kept his gaze leveled upon her, mesmerized by the sheer grace of her movements.

  Stopping a safe distance from her, well out of sword range, Danny stood and watched Sabrina, content to wait until she was finished.

  For a few more minutes, Sabrina twirled, slashed and parried in a deadly dance with her Bonded, fighting some unseen foe. Finally, with a wide arc that traced the midsection of her stomach, she whipped the blade before her, leveling the rose-colored brand with her eyes. Peering past the naked steel of her Bonded, her gaze narrowed upon Danny, a smile swept across her face.

  Danny took the first step forward, returning the smile. "Your bladework is perfect."

  "I know," she said, as she slipped her Bonded back into the ornate sheath at her side.

  "I have something I need to tell you," both said in perfect harmony, they laughed together.

  Danny's expression turned stern. Sabrina seemed to be in such a good mood, suddenly he wanted nothing to do with the news he was about to tell her.

  "You first," she said calmly, as if sensing the reluctance in him.

  Danny faked a smile. "No, you first, mine can wait."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, you go first."

  Too excited to argue, Sabrina took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. "Dragon Army is in the semi-finals. We defeated Griffon Army last week, if we win against Phoenix Army this week, I will be dueling in the finals. You should have seen it. I iced four squires of Griffon Army and almost got one of their lieutenants."


  "Oh, it's a term used when you land a killing blow against an opponent in a duel, locking their armor."

  "I see." Danny was well aware of Dragon Army's prowess in the Great Dome. It was rumored that they would take the Chalice of Light for the third year in a row.

  "Promise me you will attend the final duel if Dragon Army makes it past the semi-finals?"

  "I promise."

  Sabrina beamed at the response. "Oh, what did you want to tell me?"

  Danny hesitated. Seeing her so excited, in such a good mood, in contrast to her usual stern self, he couldn't burden her with his news concerning Sir Syndil or the fact that he might actually be the Mageknight. Strengthening his resolve with a quick deep breath, faking the second smile of the day, he decided not to tell her.

  "It was nothing," he lied.

  "You are holding something back," said Sabrina, squinting, clearly unconvinced.

  "It was only about Doug and Briza," said Danny, lying for the second time, faking a smile for the third. "Those two seem to be getting closer, Doug has been talking about visiting the Elvin capital," he added, that wasn't a lie.

  "…Oh really?" Sabrina asked, her curiosity outweighing her ability to see through Danny's false display of emotion.

  "…So, Phoenix Army, huh?" Danny asked, changing the subject to keep the focus away from himself. For the rest of the afternoon, he kept his burdens to himself, unwilling to dampen Sabrina's good mood. They talked until the sun had fallen well beyond the rim of the toiling black clouds above. As the final streaks of sunlight touched them, Danny bid Sabrina goodbye and trudged back to the library.

  He was in a better mood by then, Sabrina always had that effect on him. But the closer he got to the library, the worse his outlook became. Climbing the ivory stairs, his irritation grew with every step. Entering the ornate building, Danny found all of his friends sitting at the same table they'd shared previously, hard at work with piles of old books circling the table.

  Looking up, they all showed the same confused expression.

  "Where's Sabrina?" Chris asked, verbalizing the thought of everyone present.

  Danny shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't tell her."

  "…Why not?"

  "She seemed so happy and she already has too much to do. Dragon Army is entering the semi-finals and they will be training for the finals if they win. I just couldn't do it."

  "And, what, you don't think we have other things we could be doing?" Alonso asked, raising his voice, standing.

  "Shh!" the librarian repeated for the second time that day, placing a single slender finger to his lips.

  "Did that Elf just shush me again!?" Alonso said, turning, as if to confront the tall librarian.

  "Oh, no, you don't," said Chris, grabbing Alonso by the shoulders, forcing him back down into his chair.

  Alonso struggled for a short time before giving in to Chris's superior strength, content to sit quietly with his arms crossed.

  "Danny is right," said Chris in a hushed tone. "Sabrina is a second-year and she has different obligations. Any help she could've provided would've been welcome, but limited and perhaps even harmful if the other squires of Dragon Army became curious about her time away."

  "Thanks, man," said Danny.

  "So, what do we do now?" Matt asked.

  Danny sighed. "Any luck with the archives?"

  All eyes dropped to the table in frustration, except for Briza. "The object you described is not within the text," she said. "Either it is something that has never been encountered in the history of the Light or it is so old that it pre-dates the records. If there is any information to be found about what you saw, we will not find it here."

  "If that's the case, then we'll have to talk to someone who was around before the creation of the Light," observed Matt, huffing on the lenses of his glasses, wiping them clean with the sleeve of his robe.

  "Briza has been telling me about the elders of the Elvin capital," said Doug, his pitch jumping a range or two in excitement. "Some of the Elves have lived well over two hundred years. Perhaps one of them could help us."

  "It is true. Our recorded history predates the founding of the Light," Briza added.

  "But we have no way of contacting them," Matt pointed out.

  "Maybe we don't but we know someone who might," said Danny.

  "…Who?" Chris asked.

  "Calador," Danny said, as he closed the heavy book in front of him.

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  Chapter 30 - Describing a Dark Object

  ate the next afternoon, after a tiring day of training, Danny sought out Calador. He found the Elf discussing various subjects with a small group of squires. While waiting for the Elf to finish his conversation, Danny found a soft seat on the edge of a nearby sofa.

  He had decided to meet with Calador alone, giving the rest of his friends a well-deserved rest. Chris, of course, wanted to come, too; he was ever the faithful friend, but Danny demanded that he take time to relax.

  "What if he can't help us?" a familiar voice asked from behind. Danny felt the backside of the couch slouch with the weight of another.

  Danny turned to find Chris sitting next to him with his arms crossed. "I thought I told you to get some rest."

  "It's not in my nature to listen to, or obey, any of your commands, Squire Firoth," Chris said with a smile.

  Danny returned the smile. "Thanks, Squire Greene."

  "Besides, Alonso and Anthony are already asleep, Doug is with Briza and Matt is studying. You didn't answer my question."

  Danny dropped his eyes for a moment of thought. "I don't know."

  The answer must have sufficed, Chris waited in silence as Calador finished his conversation with the group of squires and sent them on
their way.

  "How can I be of service, Squires Firoth and Greene?" Calador asked, turning toward them.

  "How does he do that?" Danny whispered to himself more than anyone else.

  "The same way you look at me now with your own two eyes," said Calador, standing, moving within striking distance of Chris and Danny. "It is a natural ability, it has taken the place of my eyes."

  "Sometimes, I think you can see well beyond what anyone else can, just by using your ears."

  "That is a strange statement coming from one that can use the Ghostsight, Mageknight."

  Danny flinched at the title, he was still rankled by the label of a prophesied hero.

  "What can I do for you two?"

  "We need your help."

  Calador nodded in acknowledgment. "Come, let us retire to a more suitable place to talk." The Elf swiveled ever-so-slightly on the heel of his foot and gracefully about-faced. Without looking back, he set off at a steady pace, walking toward the large oak door inlaid with silver that marked his personal quarters.

  Danny and Chris looked at each other for an instant, before shrugging; they bounded off to follow in the blind Elf's footsteps.

  Stopping in front of his door, Calador turned the knob and opened the door inward, bidding Chris and Danny to enter, hand outstretched.

  Danny and Chris passed through the threshold of Calador's quarters, noting the attributes of the small room.

  In the far-right corner rested a medium-sized bed, blue sheets and heavy brown blanket made up, tucked beneath the mattress without a single wrinkle. At the foot of the bed sat a large footlocker, secured with a silver latch. Arranged against the far wall, next to the bed, was a small desk, barren of the normal supplies one might see, an ink and quill or even parchment, a short stool was the only defining attribute. The white brick walls lacked any furnishings, giving the entire room a very plain look.

  "Please, make yourselves at home," said Calador as he shut the door behind them and walked to the middle of the room.

  "How are we to do that?" Danny asked, looking around the stark room.


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