Three Times the Fun: A Reverse Harem Thanksgiving Love Story

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Three Times the Fun: A Reverse Harem Thanksgiving Love Story Page 19

by Blythe Reid

  But the moment that burning sensation finally blasted over my body, I pulled tautly and wailed out into the room.

  “Yes! Yes! Yeees…”

  Nick was the first to cum. He slid down my throat just before it trapped him there and his cum poured down into my stomach. I moaned around his dick, causing him to quiver as his hand tightened in my hair.

  Jesse was the second one to cum. His long dick shoved deep into me. So deep I could feel him in my stomach. His hot cum spurted so hard it started shooting out from between my legs, dripping down my skin and landing on his own stomach.

  Jacob pounded my ass a few more times before he finally came, but once he did, I had to collapse onto Jesse. Jesse wrapped his arms around me while Jacob’s cock throbbed, throbbing against my already-stretched walls as his cum filled my asshole. I moaned as he groaned loudly and collapsed on top of me. All four of us all laid down on Nick’s mattress, exhausted.

  I could feel their cum leaking from every single part of my body as I laid there staring at a spinning ceiling.

  For awhile, there was nothing but silence. It was the first time neither of us had to scramble to get our clothes on, and we simply basked in it. I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt their hands beginning to massage my limbs, and I allowed the sensation to sweep me away.

  “I wanna keep doing this,” I said.

  For a moment, I didn’t think I said it out loud. They kept their hands on me, but no one answered. But when I opened my eyes, I could see they were all looking at one another.

  And I started to worry.

  “Just the four of us,” I said.

  “I think,” Nick said, “so long as we can hide this from your father, I’m down.”

  “Me, too,” Jacob said.

  “Anything to keep this exquisite body close to mine,” Jesse said, grinning.

  I smiled the biggest smile I had in years, and for the first time in my life, I no longer felt alone.


  “You are so fucking lucky, you know that?” Bailey asked.

  “I suppose I am,” I said, grinning.

  “And they are all magnificent specimens of the male form.”

  “Some big words for a farmer’s daughter,” I said, winking.

  “Those rock-hard bodies require those big words, trust me.”

  Bailey and I were talking in the main room when I heard the back door open. Soon, the three guys were filtering into the room, all of them staring at me as Bailey grinned widely.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure?” she asked.


  “Sorry to interrupt,” Jesse said, “but we were wondering if we could borrow Claire from you for a second.”

  “Oh, I bet you do,” Bailey said, grinning. “I’ll catch you tomorrow, Claire.

  “Love you, girl.”

  I embraced Bailey and ushered her to the door before I turned a quizzical stare onto the guys. They all just stood there shuffling, fiddling with their hands. Jiggling their legs. Not making eye contact. I was starting to get worried. Had something happened to my father? Was something wrong on the farm?

  Had there been an accident?

  “Could you meet us at the guesthouse in fifteen minutes?” Jacob asked. “There’s something we’d like to tell you.”

  “Is everything all right with my father?” I asked.

  “Oh, holy shit. Yes. No. Your dad’s fine,” Nick said.

  “We just wanna talk to you,” Jesse said.

  I nodded, and they left, and I was beginning to worry about something else. I went into the downstairs bathroom and tried to make myself look a bit more presentable. I splashed some water in my face and took my hair down from its bun. I resituated my tits and put on some lip-gloss. Then, I went out to my truck, cranked it up, and started driving towards the guesthouse.

  A sinking feeling settled in my gut as I pulled up in front and walked on in.

  “So, you guys are worrying me,” I said as I entered the guesthouse. “What’s going on?”

  “Come here,” Jesse said.

  I closed the door and walked over to where he was. I sat in between him and Nick as Jacob pulled up a chair. Jacob took my hands between his massive, calloused palms, and I could feel all three of them with their eyes on me.

  “I love you, Claire.”

  I almost thought I didn’t hear him right.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I love you,” Jacob said. “I love the way you smile, and the way you walk. I love the way you shiver at my touch, and I sure as hell love the way you look pressed against my body. I love how attentive you are to my needs, making sure we’ve got enough food and alcohol up here to keep us content. And I love how big your heart is. To fit all of us in there.”

  I felt tears cresting my eyes as he released my hands. But they didn’t even hit my lap before Jesse took one and Nick took the other.

  “I love you, Claire,” Jesse said.

  I whipped my gaze over to him as a tear wafted down my cheek.

  “I love the way you tease us. How you’re always so open with sex. I love the way your body curls into us after a mindblowing orgasm. I love the way you own yourself. You command your own life and take charge of your own destiny. But I love the way you love and respect your father. Family’s important to you, just like it is to me.”

  He brought my hand to his lips to kiss, and that’s when I heard Nick’s voice graze my ears.

  “I love you, Claire.”

  I turned my wet gaze over to him as I drew in a shuddering breath.

  “I love the way you look. The way you act. The way you hold yourself. I love the way you grin when you know you can get something you want. I love the way you surprise us every single day with something new about yourself. I love learning about you and holding you. I love the way your skin feels against mine. How your skin marks so easily underneath my teeth. But most of all? I love that you love me, too. I can see it in your eyes every time you look at me.”

  “Me, too,” Jacob said.

  “And I as well,” Jesse said.

  I was shaking. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. These men. These wonderful, beautiful men that I’d grown so quickly to love… loved me in return.

  “I love you, Nick,” I said breathlessly.

  “And I love you, Jacob,” I said with more confidence.

  “And I love you, Jesse,” I said.

  Jesse’s fingertips reached up to wipe the tears from my face as he smiled brightly.

  “I love how you’re always so delicate with me, Jesse. And you, Jacob. I love how strong and commanding you are. You just… take what you want while still making sure I’m all right. And Nick. You. You’re just so… confident. And bold. Debonair, but with a respectable twist.”

  They all smiled broadly as I continued to ramble on.

  “The way you guys look at me. The way you guys touch me. The way it’s so easy for us to talk with one another and just… just be together. I love it all. Every single part of it.”

  “We feel the exact same way,” Jacob said.

  “One hundred percent,” Nick said.

  “So… now the question stands,” Jesse said.

  “What question?” I asked.

  “Who are you going to pick?”

  I whipped my head over to Jacob as my entire world deflated. They expected me to choose? After everything we’d just admitted to one another.

  “Wait a second… what?” I asked.

  “Who are you going to be with?” Jesse asked.

  “Why can’t I be with all of you? You said it yourself, my heart’s big enough to fit all of you. What’s wrong with that?”

  “I mean, it’s not practical, right?” Nick asked. “You can’t possibly go between the three of us all the time.”

  “But I have been. Why can’t that just continue? You all love me, right?”

  “Well, yeah,” Jesse said.

  “And I love each of you. Wholly and completely. Why isn’t that eno
ugh?” I asked.

  I wanted to know. I wanted to know why loving them was not enough. Why being with the three of them and attending to their every need wasn’t enough. I wasn’t ready to let any of them go. I couldn’t.

  I simply couldn’t.

  I didn’t realize I was shaking until Jacob scooped me up and set me on his lap.

  “Calm down. It’s all right. Hey. Deep breaths.”

  “I love you guys so much. Please don’t make me choose. We could make this work. Just like we have been for the past couple of weeks. I love you all so much. I can’t… I can’t have one of you without the other two. I just can’t. Please don’t make me do it.”

  I felt helpless. Alone. Stranded. Just like I did when my fiancé left. Just like I did when my mother died.

  “I think she’s got a valid point,” Jesse said.

  “And I can’t honestly tell you I’m crazy about monogamy anyway, after all the shit my ex put me through with that professor,” Nick said.

  “It would be convenient. If one of us fell short in an area, there would be two others to make up for it,” Jacob said.

  “And the sex,” Jesse said.

  “Holy hell, the sex,” Nick said.

  “So… are we all in agreement?” Jacob asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I think we are,” Jesse said, grinning.

  “Agreement to what?” I asked.

  “I think the four of us could make this work,” Nick said, smiling.

  “The four of us? Really?”

  I looked up into Jacob’s eyes as he smiled down at me. Jesse got up and kissed my cheek while Nick went to my feet and began rubbing my legs.

  “Yeah, Claire. The four of us,” Jacob said.

  I cried tears of happiness in his arms as they all held me tightly in the middle of the guesthouse. I knew there would be bumps and things to figure out-- not to mention keeping this from my father-- but I knew we could work it out.

  We could work it out because we loved one another.

  “Thank you so much,” I said, whispering.

  “Anything for you, Claire,” Jacob said.

  “Anything for you.”


  One Year Later

  Thanksgiving came and went again, and my father was completely clueless. The boys and I were going strong for an entire year, and my father had absolutely no idea. I had just gotten done cleaning up after the massive meal Bailey, and I cooked that morning, and the guys had gone back up to the guesthouse to take a nap. I decided to give them some time to rest. After all, they were working hard at the ranch, so my father wouldn’t replace them.

  But after a couple of hours, I snuck over to the guesthouse and slowly crept in.

  There was a snowstorm raging outside. It was coming down so harshly you couldn’t even see the house from the guesthouse. I crept down the dark hallway and into Nick’s room, and I smiled when I saw him naked in his bed. I peeled the covers back, looking at his cock that seemed to just be growing at the presence of me.

  I was so eager to have him that I wrapped my mouth right around it.

  I sucked him off until he woke up. His body was shaking and darting, and the way he moaned in his sleep was incredible. I slid my pants off, ripping off my panties just as Nick’s eyes opened, and the moment he spotted me I crawled up his body and sank my wet pussy onto his dick.

  His hands automatically flew to my hips, and I rode him. I rode him until his hips bucked up into me and we came together in a beautiful torrid swirl of passion and lust. I dropped down onto him and kissed him ferociously, murmuring how much I loved him as he wrapped his long, languid arms around me.

  But I soon pulled myself from his grasp, smiling as his cum dripped down the inside of my thighs.

  Nick followed me into Jesse’s room as I did the same thing. I pulled the covers back and slid his long cock back as far as it would go. I sucked him hard, hollowing out my cheeks as his hands sleepily migrated to my hair. He didn’t open his eyes for awhile, and I could see Nick stroking his rising cock to the sight, but the moment Jesse opened his eyes I rushed up his body and sank my pussy down onto his delicious dick.

  Jesse gripped my hips so hard he left marks behind. He growled as he fucked me hard, and it didn’t take more than a minute to have both of us lost to orgasm. My name dripped from his lips as my hands pressed into his chest, and I could feel the love we had for one another radiating between us.

  I dropped to his body, heaving for breath from my efforts as he stroked his hands through my hair.

  When I could peel myself from him, we all made our way to Jacob’s room. Nick and Jesse stood in the corner, their cocks growing and pounding as I wrapped my lips around Jacob’s cock. His eyes were instantly awake, and for a split second, I thought I’d scared him. But the moment his eyes looked down to me, his hand wrapped solidly into my hair, and he began thrusting down my throat.

  I finally peeled him from my mouth and raced up his body, his hands all too eager to descend me onto his dick as I rode him into oblivion.

  I cupped my tits and tweaked my nipples while Jacob growled at the sight. His hands were all over me before he raised up, burying his face into my tits.

  The moment we came together I saw stars bursting in my vision and my body went so weak Jacob had to catch me in his strong, chiseled, pulsing arms.

  I rested against Jacob’s broad chest as the other guys climbed onto the bed, then we all hunkered down underneath the covers while the snowstorm raged outside.

  “What a hell of a way to wake up from a nap,” Jesse said.

  “I could get used to that kind of treatment,” Nick said, smirking.

  “We’ve had that kind of treatment for a year,” Jacob said.

  “And it’s been a fabulous year, hasn’t it?” I asked.

  I could hear them all agreeing with me as we all laid there in bed. My eyes were already drooping as the wind howled against the windows. I had left a note for my father, telling him I was heading back to my house to make sure everything was prepped for the snow. That bought me a few hours I could spend with the guys before I had to be back here to take care of things.

  “I’m glad you convinced us,” Jacob said.

  “Yeah. To keep it the four of us,” Nick said.

  “It’s the best decision I’ve ever made with my life,” Jesse said.

  “I love you guys so much,” I said as my eyes fluttered closed. “So, so much.”

  They all pressed kisses to various parts of my body. Jacob held me to his chest while Jesse cloaked my back, and I felt Nick slide between my legs before he laid his head on my stomach. They surrounded me. Strong arms and legs that kept me safe and secure. We all fell asleep on that Thanksgiving afternoon with the snow swirling around the house outside.

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face, dreaming of the years to come. I didn’t know if we would grow old together, or if any of us would make a family. I didn’t know if children would be in the picture or if we would ever tell my father. All I knew was that I finally had the love I was looking for.

  I just had to find it in three men instead of one.

  The Professor’s Forbidden Virgin

  I glance up during a lecture to find her staring at me. Her lust palatable, her body primed for the right man to teach her a thing or two, but no…

  It’s wrong. Forbidden. I’m 13 years older than her.

  I could lose everything if I give into the deep desire I have to put her on her knees, bend her over my desk, spank her tight, young ass.

  And yet, she’s all I think about. It’s almost become a naughty daydream that consumes me.

  She whispers my name and bats her eyelashes and teases the fuck out of me. How much is a man supposed to take before he caves in?

  I’m at my limit, and my forbidden little virgin is about to learn a lesson not taught in the classroom.

  Be careful what you wish for… you just might get it.


  Isobelr />
  I sat at the back of the class, watching Professor Hutson as he paced back and forth in front of the class, talking about the subconscious or something. I wasn’t really paying attention. How could I, when the world’s hottest man was standing in front of me, spewing knowledge like some sexy Apollo.

  And yeah, so he was more than a decade older than I was. But that was what made him so attractive. Not to mention his devilishly good looks. Gray eyes that were so intense it made my mouth water and sandy hair, the man carried himself with pride. I was willing to guess he was ex-military, too, judging by the way he moved and how meticulously he arranged his office.

  Which was just fine by me. He could order me around any day.

  I was a Teacher’s Assistant to Professor Alec Hutson which meant I was lucky enough to see him a hell of a lot more than all the students taking his classes. He taught New Psychology at Honor’s level. Talk about someone who could fuck your mind. I wished he would fuck my body.

  I’d had a thing for him since I’d moved to LA to study full time. I’d done part-time studies until now, staying close to my brother and his MC club, working in their bike parts store. It had been time for a change, though and here I was.

  I wasn’t like other students. I didn’t date college guys that got wasted at sorority parties, rotated through the girls like it was a sport and couldn’t tell the difference between compliment and complement. No, thank you. I preferred older guys. Always had. It set me aside from my friends. I guess that was why I was still a virgin. My brother, vice president of the MC back home, was much older than me and I’d spent time around older men my whole life. Maybe that was what had messed me up, gotten me used to men who had already developed brains compared to the guys around here that had very little on their minds other than alcohol and girls.

  I watched Professor Hutson pace around, talking about daydreaming and subconscious desires. How apt. I wanted him. I could just imagine him taking me over his desk in his office, or up on the podium, right where he was lecturing now.


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