The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)

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The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel) Page 10

by Denise Avery

  Unable to resist it anymore Parker held Claire down with one hand and broke free of her legs’ embrace, maneuvering on top of his bride. She happily reached down and helped to free him of his white shirt, dexterously undoing the buttons as quickly as possible. Parker hurried to undo the pants of his suit and kicking off the garment let his hard cock out to play as it must. It was Claire’s turn to admire the body of her husband. Parker was all rippling muscles, hard bunches on rock-hard flesh that a girl could grab onto while she was being rode into oblivion. She let her hands brush down against Parker’s abs and was about to take his dick into her hands when he caught her by the wrist.

  “What is it?” She asked confused by his pausing in the middle of their foreplay.

  Parker looked down at her seriously. It was clearly taking a lot of effort on his part not to drive his cock straight into her waiting wet pussy. He leveled his eyes at Claire and said. “After what happened earlier... I don’t know what to do.”

  Claire was completely speechless. Here was Parker, king of the world, lord of finance, keeper of her heart, at a loss as to how to proceed with making love to her? Over the course of their entire relationship Claire had always been the submissive protégé, learning the ways of love from her more experienced teacher. Could it possibly be that the tables had finally turned? Was Parker asking her for advice as to how they should continue? She was utterly flummoxed.

  “Well, what is it about before that’s bothering you?” Claire asked, finding it very difficult to focus on their conversation while Parker’s quivering member hung so close to her pussy.

  “It’s just that... I’m afraid our relationship is not as balanced as it could be.” Parker said with the effort of not sinking straight into her causing his forehead to bead up with sweat. “I can’t hurt you Claire and the fact that you were in a moment’s peril earlier this evening... I don’t know how to get over that.”

  “Well, perhaps if you knew that I was still in control of every minute of the whole shebang you’d feel better?” Claire suggested.

  “Yeah... yeah, I think that would help.”

  “So... how do we...”

  Parker’s eyes lit up. “Tell me what to do.” He said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.” He gasped. “Tell me what you want me to do, give instructions, take the reins, it’s the only way I’ll feel better.”

  “You want me... to command you?”

  “More than anything darling so hurry up and get started before I explode. What should I do Claire?”

  “Um...” Claire uttered. It was not the sort of thing she was used to. Sure she’d broken down a lot of sexual boundaries within herself since meeting Parker, but this was different. This seemed to fly in the face of the basic tenets of their relationship. Claire had always been the submissive partner with Parker far more dominant. Would it work to switch things around like this? Claire took a deep breath, only one way to find out she thought.

  “I want you to pin me down by the shoulders.” Claire said softly, trying to find her footing within this new dynamic.

  Parker obeyed holding her firmly against the soft carpet. From her restrained position Claire wrapped her hands around the throbbing organ between his legs. He groaned while rearing his head back in pleasure as she worked her hands up and down the length of his cock.

  “Does that feel good?” She asked

  “Oh... yes...” He moaned.

  “Tell me how good it feels.”

  “It feels.. like I could cum... on the spot...”

  “Not yet.” Claire said. “I want to keep you right at the edge for as long as you can stand it, then I’ll tell you when you can cum.

  I think I could get used to this thought Claire turning herself on with this new reclamation of her voice. She knocked Parker’s hand away leaving him to support himself while positioning her mouth to cock level beneath him. Lying on her back she took its tip between her lips and gently slid her tongue against the rim of the head. Parker arched his back forcing his cock further into Claire’s mouth. She sucked on his dick and took his balls in her hands to stroke the sensitive orbs. She caressed his nuts and let one hand stray to his perineum, running her fingers along the strip of skin that led to his anus.

  “Claire!” He gasped from somewhere above her. She grinned at her ability to surprise him and slipped out from beneath his arm.

  “On your back.” She commanded, and Parker obliged rolling on top of the downy comforter. His cock rose like a tent pole before her, and Claire who was on her knees smiled over the situation. With excruciatingly slow movements she crawled toward her husband. His breathing becoming rapid as her wet pussy rubbed against his shivering cock when she lowered herself onto him. Her slick open slit tantalized him, his hands dug into the carpet in unbearable anticipation. Claire smiled down at him and let her fingers close around his nipples. He let out a little gasp as she pinched them and watched his eyes grow wider.

  “I love you.” He gasped. Claire laid a hand over his mouth.

  “I know.” She grinned. “Now lay your thumb right against my clit.”

  He did so eager to please her. She shivered as he pressed against the pleasure center that hooked up her entire body to his. He let his fingers play against the folds and lips of her pussy while rubbing her clit, stroking her through the oncoming torrent of mind blowing pleasure. She grew wetter and wetter until balancing on the edge of orgasm, and knowing exactly what would knock her over that edge. When Parker’s rubbing reached a fever pitch she impaled herself upon his cock, the sudden thrill of penetration and the glorious tenderness of her clit made her cum hard against the stiff member of her husband.

  She rode out her orgasm bucking wildly against Parker’s cock. She dug her hands into his chest and rode the waves of pleasure until she could barely speak. Parker’s face was contorted with ecstasy and Claire laughed out loud.

  “You wanna cum?” She asked. Parker nodded vigorously while digging his fingers into her ass.

  “Well then,... cum.”

  Parker thrust wildly into Claire and came with the force of a hurricane. He gushed, filling her with flowing, crashing waves of semen. She hung on for dear life as his seed dispersed, filling her, completing her in that moment. She tightened her pussy around his shooting cock and set him off anew. They writhed together as the last of his cum flowed into her before collapsing into a heap.

  Claire moved her head from Parker’s chest and smiled up at him.

  “Feeling better?” She asked.

  He looked down at her stunned, and nodded dumbly. Claire laughed and slugged him playfully on the shoulder. “Does that mean I’m allowed to take the reins whenever I want?”

  “Whenever... the hell... you want.” he moaned.

  “Did I surprise you?” She asked feigning innocence.

  “Just a little.” He replied. “Where the hell did you learn that?”

  “Where do you think?” She asked looking at him pointedly.

  “Fair enough.” He laughed.“Fair enough.”

  “Look it’s getting light out, does that mean it’s time to get going?” She asked.

  “I suppose so.” He responded.

  “Alright.” Claire smiled, “The open road won’t know what hit it.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7

  * * * * *

  A sharp knock on the door of Claire and Parker’s post-nuptial suite woke the bride from half party exhaustion, half sexual coma slumber. She rolled over onto her side squinting at the red digits of the bedside clock. It was hardly eight o’clock; they had not called it a night much longer than three hours ago. Grumpy, and only wanting to stay curled up against her husband she slowly extracted herself from the sprawling king bed; desperate not to disturb Parker (who was a surprisingly light sleeper).

  Fumbling in the semi-darkness she put on her bridal night silky kimono, and made her way to the door cursing ‘whoever’ had the audacity to show up this early. She tried to co
llect her unwarranted annoyance thinking it was probably housekeeping or the like.

  “Yes? Yes who is it?”

  “Room service.”A voice replied from the other side.

  Claire looked back toward Parker thinking what a thoughtful man, he must have arranged this last night. Parker knew his new bride was always famished after a marathon night of love-making; given last night’s activities she could eat a horse. She turned the doorknob eager to see what feast her husband had taken pains to order.

  Once the door eased open a knobby figure knocked against her, dragging what seemed to be a squirming sack of potatoes. She felt a sharp elbow dig into her upper arm and yelped in pain. Confused, she stared into the dimness of the suite; the color drained from her face. Standing right smack in the middle of the honeymoon suite was Cheryl, Parker’s ex-wife and her-former employer. The woman, who’d always been startlingly thin, seemed to have eroded even further since the divorce. She was ridiculously dolled up for so early in the morning, and Claire realized the sack of potatoes was Parker’s young son Christopher.

  Claire looked back and forth between the shriveled woman and eight-year-old boy completely lost for words. She tugged the sides of her kimono more securely as Cheryl’s brow darkened stormily. The older woman took her time, raking her eyes over the room taking in every item of luxury and beauty. Aghast, a sneer split her face in two when she let out a condescending ‘tsk, tsk’ in Claire’s direction.

  “How odd, this is much bigger than the room Parker and I stayed on our wedding night. Of course, we weren’t rich then; you see I fell for Parker the man not his wallet.” She said loudly without regard of her sleeping ex.

  “What are you doing here?” Claire hissed, offended by the womans audacity.

  Cheryl grabbed the boy by the wrist and gave him a little shake.“It’s Parker’s weekend for Christopher so I thought I’d be a dear and drop him off.” Cheryl said smugly.

  “Drop him off, at our hotel room the night after our wedding?” Claire said completely dumbfounded.

  “Well, I picked him up from the party last night, to which incidentally, I was not invited. So I thought it would be less hassle for everyone if I simply shuttled him over here. I’m only trying to make things easier for everyone.”

  “Clearly,” Claire muttered while shooting daggers at her nemesis.

  “Nice robe makes you look like a geisha, or maybe a call girl, in a good way, of course.” She smirked.

  “Cheryl, I’m going to need you to—”

  “Excuse me; you do not call me Cheryl, my name is Mrs. Bennett.” She stormed dropping her frivolous tone.

  “Actually Cheryl I’m Mrs. Bennett now, and I need you to get the hell out of our room.” Claire replied with a steely voice.

  Cheryl widened her eyes melodramatically and clapped her hands over Christopher’s ears, “You poor thing, what a mean girl your daddy has married. What a horrible, rotten, bitchy step mom you’ve been dealt. Good thing she will never be your real mother, that’s me Christopher. She will never love you nearly as much as I do, and neither will your fa—”

  “What is going on, here?” Parker’s voice rumbled across the room. He had been woken by the harpy screeching of his ex-wife and lumbered across the room with only a white sheet shrouding his manhood. He took in the scene unfolding with a shocked, quizzical expression. His bride was cornered against the door by his ex-wife bearing down and dragging his overwhelmed son behind her. This madness needed to end. Now.

  “Parker.” Cheryl started in a saccharine voice. “I was just telling your child bride that—”

  “How dare you come here?” Parker said evenly. “How dare you muddy this day for me and Claire? How dare you lampoon yourself in front of our son? Don’t you know what an impressionable age he’s at?”

  “What’s ‘lampoon’ mean?” Christopher asked in a bright, inquisitive voice.

  “Never mind.” Parker said clapping him on the shoulder and hugging him away from Cheryl. “Care to explain this?”

  “It’s your weekend with Christopher, so here he is.” She said simply.

  Parker stared coldly and Claire thought for a moment he might actually rip her head off. Looking beleaguered he threw on the clothes nearest to him trying not to expose any of his naughtier bits. He looked sympathetically at Claire and Christopher standing helplessly by.

  “I’m going to go have a talk with Cheryl, if you could stay here with Christopher that would be fantastic.”

  “Stay here...?” Claire stuttered.

  She and Christopher had never actually spent any one-on-one time together since the whole wedding thing had gotten underway. In fact, the last time Claire has spent any time with a kid period had been ten years ago with her little cousin. And that run-in had resulted in a fractured wrist for her cousin and a stern talking-to for Claire. She wasn’t fantastic with kids and she’d really been hoping for a soft landing with the step-mom thing. But no dice as Parker had already stalked out of the room with Cheryl trailing like a simpering little poodle. Claire had to restrain herself from chucking the nearest glass ornament straight into the back of her bitchy fucking head.

  The door closed and Claire was left with Christopher staring at each other at a loss for words. Christopher was an adorable little kid, clearly having the benefit of his dad’s genes rather than his mother’s. He was a good foot shorter than Claire, and sported a hoodie for some team or other; Claire was hopeless with sports. His bright blue eyes looked up at Claire expecting her to begin the conversation. Her mind fumbled around with a dozen conversation starters, none of which seemed appropriate for the little guy. What could she lead with? ‘Hey that mom of yours is a real bitch’ or ‘Your dad is pretty fucking fantastic in the sack’. Not so much.

  “So you’re my step mom now huh.” He said.

  Claire stared at him open-mouthed, she was unbelievably relieved that he had started the conversation, and a little embarrassed that he had to pick up the slack for her.

  “That’s right.” Claire squeaked wishing she had thrown on some addition to her thin kimono.

  “How old are you?” Christopher asked innocently.

  “I’m twenty-two; I’ll be twenty three in a month.”


  “How old are you?”

  “I’m eight; does that mean that you’re closer to my age than dad’s?”

  “You... uh... must like math?” Claire said lamely.

  “Tons, I’m sorry my mom was mean to you, she’s just sad that’s all. Can I watch TV?”

  “Oh... uh... sure.” Claire sputtered completely at a loss before this mature little boy.

  With a mother like Cheryl she’d expected him to be dreadfully irritating. But it seemed the responsibility of dealing with a mess of a mother and a distant father had grown him up pretty quickly. Claire couldn’t decide whether such facts made her happy or infinitely sad.

  Christopher rushed toward the TV set and quickly began to scroll through the channels. Claire sat beside him on the sofa trying to forget she and Parker had fucked on it and other surfaces only hours earlier. He finally found a show he was content to watch and settled down into the cushions. To Claire’s great surprise he nuzzled up against her side as they watched. She was so moved by his demonstration of warmth that she didn’t even pause to wonder if she was ready to be a step mom. She accepted the fact for what it was and moved forward.

  To be honest she was having a much harder time with the fact Parker and Cheryl had disappeared somewhere together. She didn’t trust that woman nearly as far as she could throw her (which was probably quite a distance, since Cheryl probably weighed as much as a wiffle ball). Knowing that woman she was probably using the heat of the moment to spark something back into a relationship that had long since been extinguished. The mere thought of Cheryl trying to seduce Parker sent Claire’s blood boiling. When the door finally opened she was stunned to find she’d dug little half moons into her palms after clenching nails into her fists for w
ell over an hour.

  Parker sulked back in looking spent; Cheryl was nowhere to be seen. Claire exchanged heavy glances with him, but kept mum with Christopher in the room. Typically, it was this kind of scenario that led to a rollicking roll in the hay however, things were already different. Ah parenthood, Claire thought, who knew?

  “Where’s Mom?” He asked standing on the couch cushions to see his dad better.

  “Mom went home.” Parker said trying to avoid Claire’s gaze.

  “Oh... So what do I do?” Christopher asked.

  “I, uh... I guess you hang out with us buddy.” Parker said straining to smile.

  “Cool!” Christopher cried jumping up and down. “I like Claire she’s pretty and lets me watch TV even if it’s not Baby Einstein.”

  “I try.” Claire said, staring hard at Parker.

  “Christopher, why don’t you run down to the vending machines and get us some snacks OK? I think I saw those cheese things you like so much.” Dad said.

  Like a flash Christopher raced out of the room leaving Parker and Claire staring at each other across the room. Claire’s anger had built considerably for the sixty minutes Parker and Cheryl had been having it out. Now their honeymoon was about to be ruined because of Cheryl’s selfish bullshit? This simply would not fly.

  “I don’t know what to tell you babe.” Parker said apologetically. “She’s right I am supposed to have him this weekend. I thought she’d give me a break, given it’s our wedding and all, but you know how spiteful Cheryl is. She can’t pass up an opportunity to get back at me, no matter how cold-hearted or cruel to Christopher it might be. Do you forgive me?”

  “I will.” Claire said coldly. “If you promise me that this deferential thing you have for Cheryl stops now.”


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