Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1)

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Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1) Page 16

by Trish Williford

  "Our kids?" I questioned with a smile.

  His lips twitched at the corners. "You said you loved me. Who else would you be having children with?"

  I was feeling a bit giddy. "True."

  "Besides, between your beauty and my kick ass baseball skills, it would be a waste to not reproduce. We'd be doing the world a disservice, actually."

  That made me laugh loudly. "Oh, well, we can't disappoint the world."

  "Exactly. I'm glad you agree." He rolled onto his side and pulled me against him. "Besides, I'm confident that this is forever. You and me."

  "I couldn't agree more."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: Carson

  Thank you to everything that is holy for skimpy pieces of cloth that leave little to the imagination.

  I'm very well acquainted with what lies beneath Melody's swimsuit, but having it covered slightly is a huge fucking tease. Between her bikini and the way her ass bounces as she walks while wearing said bikini, I've been hard for the last hour. I would love to see the headlines if a pic was taken with me flying full staff;

  Lawrence leaves nothing to the imagination while on vacation.

  Carson pops wood like a thirteen year old boy.

  Fangirl is one lucky lady.

  We've spent a majority of the day on the beach, soaking up the hot sun and cooling off in the water. Most people have deserted the beach for dinner, leaving Mel and I alone as far as the eye can see. I'm floating in the ocean, watching Melody reapply sunscreen to her already tanned skin. She's always happy at home, but seeing her here...she absolutely glows. She finishes rubbing the lotion in and walks into the water, letting the waves splash against her as she makes her way to the sandbar where I'm hanging out. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist when she reaches me. Her green eyes widen slightly when she feels the hardness under my shorts.

  "Thinking about something particularly naughty, Mr. Lawrence?"

  "Seeing you in that bikini is enough to bring me to my damn knees." I growl in her ear. I kiss a trail down to her collar bone, goosebumps covering her exposed body. Through her top, her nipples are hard, now pressing against my chest. She grinded her hips against mine once, catching me the hell off guard. "Is this what you want? Right here?"

  She did it again before unwrapping her legs from me. "I want more." She untied my swim trunks and pulled out my cock, smoothing her hand down its length a few times.

  “Baby, I don’t have a condom.” I warned.

  She continued to pump her hand. “I’m on the pill. Are you okay with it?”

  “Am I okay with feeling you bare? Abso-fucking-lutly.”

  The water was so clear that I could see her move her bottoms to the side and press me against her entrance. I picked her up by her ass and sank her down on my dick easily.

  "Fucking hell." I breathed out. She didn't waste any time, already picking up a decent pace. I quickly scanned the beach, and there was still no one in sight. I kissed her hard while I thrust into her, capturing each of her moans in my mouth. I tightened my fingers around her hips, trying like hell to hold off my orgasm. She whimpered slightly, the usual sign she was only a few strokes away. When she spasmed around me, I slammed into her two more times before letting go.

  We stood like that for a while, me still inside of her and her arms and legs wrapped around me. “No more condoms.” She announced. “That was too damn good.”

  “Agreed.” I kissed her. She nuzzled her face into my neck, and I swear at this very moment, nothing could ruin this. I closed my eyes and let myself feel everything. This connection I have with her is stronger than I ever thought was humanly possible. She is my today, my tomorrow, and my future. I never want to see a day where she is not in it. This girl is everything.

  Melody kissed my neck before bringing her face to mine, running her fingers through my wet hair. "We should go in and clean up for dinner."

  I frowned at the thought. "That means I have to pull out of you."

  She giggled, her muscles clamping down on me and awakening my cock again. She must have felt it jerk, her eyes growing wide and slightly dark. "You're insatiable."

  "Always with you, baby. I love you."

  "I love you, too." She kissed me, but not nearly long enough. "Tell you what. Let's go inside and shower, then we can be like this for the rest of the night after we eat. I'm starving."

  My white flag was being raised in surrender. Hungry Melody was not a pleasant Melody. "Deal." I withdrew my now hard cock from her with a sigh as she laughed at my disappointment. I was tying my shorts up when I noticed a huge dark shadow behind Mel, moving in our direction. Then another.

  Holy fuck, there are two huge ass sharks coming our way. I picked Melody up and threw her over my shoulder and ran as fast as I could to shore, all the while she was screaming in protest and smacking my back.

  "Carson, what the hell is going on with you? Put me down!"

  Once my feet reached the wet sand, I dropped to my knees and put her on the ground maybe not so gently. "Ouch! What the fuck, Carson?"

  I turned back to the ocean and pointed to the two shadows slowly moving to the area we just occupied. "I saw two huge ass sharks." I said, still slightly out of breath.

  Her eyes narrowed in on the water, a look of realization, then surprise coming over her face. "Oh my God! Come on!" She stood and ran back into the water, to which I was quickly up and dragging her back onto the sand.

  "Are you fucking crazy? SHARKS, Melody! Big teeth that eat limbs and shit! Jaws? Hello?"

  She was trying like hell to break free from my hold, screaming something about man tees or some shit.

  This girl has lost her goddamn mind. Is it possible this ocean water has some type of alien species living inside that takes over the bodies of beautiful girls? Oh shit, what if I pushed it inside of her while fucking her in the ocean? Is her insanity my fault?

  Melody's slippery body squirmed out of my hold and ran back to the ocean, chasing down the dark shadows in the water.

  "Fuck it. This bitch is crazy." I mumbled to myself, preparing to watch Melody get eaten alive.

  "Carson! Come on!" She yelled from over her shoulder. "They're not sharks! They're manatees!"

  "What the fuck is a man tee?"

  She stopped running once she realized she wouldn't be able to catch up with the huge ass man tee sharks or whatever the fuck those things were. She turned around and put her hands on her hips. "MANATEE! They're only the cutest and most gentle mammal in the world! It's endangered, so we can't touch them, but holy fuck they are the cutest things in the world!"

  I was still confused as hell. "So...it's a gentle shark?"

  She sighed heavily. "No. Forget about sharks, they are nothing like those toothy bastards. Say it with me. Manatee."

  "Manatee." I repeated.

  "Good. We like manatees. Manatees are sweethearts. I know a spot where we may see some in the morning."

  "Am I supposed to be excited about this?" Because I'm not. Those things are fucking huge. Like, eat me huge.

  She walked past me and smacked my arm. "If you want to be inside of me tonight, you better be."

  I looked down at my shorts and sighed. "I know buddy, I'll pretend to like manatees for you."


  Pretending to like manatees is beneficial as fuck. Just saying.

  Today is our last full day in Captiva, and we're trying to enjoy it to the fullest before heading back to the real world. When we get to the airport tomorrow morning, we'll be flying opposite ways. I'll be joining the team in Kansas City for a three game series and she'll be heading back to Baltimore. I've been spoiled these past few days, living in a Carson and Melody only bubble. I wish it could continue, that we never had to leave this paradise, but the game is waiting. I'm halfway through the season, which means I'm that much closer to being able to have the offseason with Mel here. In the last few days I've grown to see the magic that is Captiva and why Melody is so smitten with it. I definitely see this is
land being a vital part of our future.

  Yesterday we kayaked in the area of the island where Mel says manatees usually come in, but she was heartbroken to see they didn't show. I, on the other hand, was silently thankful that they decided to hide. I like to think that we have a mutual understanding of one another. They don't want to see me, I don't want to see them. They can give all the manatee love to Mel and that would make me a happy man. As long as they don’t eat her.

  After dinner, Melody and I took a long drive on the golf cart of the entire island. She held onto my arm while I drove, and I rested my hand on the inside of her bare thigh. Neither of us said much, but enjoyed the comfortable silence in each other's company. Sometimes words weren't needed, just like right now. We sat for a while at the airstrip, watching dolphins jumping on the sound side. Once the sunset, we stopped by The Shack to grab a bottle of wine for the evening, then started back to the house.

  "When do you plan to come back here?" I asked her.

  "I usually come back a week or so after the last game of the season. That includes post season games if you all make it to the playoffs."

  "Can I come back with you?" I asked as I pulled into the garage, putting the cart in park.

  She smiled warmly. "You're welcome anytime."

  "No, I mean...can I stay here with you during the off season? As in not visit, but stay with you the whole time. These past few days have been amazing, and I don't want to know what time off is like without you. Or this. This is all I want, you and me. You are all I want."

  "Stay with me, as in live together during the off season?"

  “Yes.” I slipped my hand into hers. "And I was hoping when it's time to go back to Baltimore for the regular season you'd move in with me. This would give you time to take care of your place before the season ends."

  She looked down at our tangled fingers, and I could feel hers shaking between mine. "You really want to live together? Are you sure?"

  I lifted her chin to look at me. "I'm positive. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have suggested it. Take time to think about it, there's no rush. I don't want you to do something you're not ready for."

  She shook her head slightly, unshed tears brimming her eyes. "I am ready. I want that too."

  "Then why do you look like you're going to cry?"

  "Because everything has been going so right for me, and that doesn't happen in my life. There is always something that comes along and knocks me off my feet. I'm just waiting for the ball to drop."

  I pulled her onto my lap. "Baby, I'm a catcher for a professional baseball team. It's kind of my job to keep that from happening." She rolled her eyes and tried to move from my lap, but I grabbed her hips tightly. "Nothing bad is going to happen. I know you've had some horrible moments in your life, I can't imagine the losses you've been through. But believe me when I tell you, there is absolutely nothing that is going to stop us from being together. I promised I won't let that happen to you. To us. Our ball will always be in play."

  She bent down and kissed me, salty tears on her lips. "I love you Carson." She whispered.

  "I love you, baby." I hugged her before picking her up and moving into the house. "Come on, go relax in the tub for a bit. I'll bring you a glass of wine."

  She smiled. "You really are the best boyfriend in the world."

  I winked at her and kissed her forehead. "I know."

  Chapter Thirty: Melody

  His words played on a continuous loop in my head as I soaked in the tub.

  Our ball will always be in play.

  This man. Seriously, there isn't any way he could possibly be more perfect for me. I can't believe I'm about to say these words, but...

  Thank you God for letting me get hit in the face with that ball.

  It's really funny how things work out. If I would have been told three months ago while I was laying in that hospital bed that the man who caused the most embarrassing moment of my life would steal my heart, I would have given you a matching bump between the eyes.

  I couldn't help but to think of my parents. They would have loved him. My dad would have had a massive man crush on him, and my mom would have probably told me if I screwed up she'd keep him and get rid of me. I could picture Carson and Dad sitting together talking baseball while Mom and I watch them grinning. Mom and Dad would have adored him. Although I'm sad that they never got the chance to meet the man who has stolen my heart, I have a strong feeling they're watching and still approve.

  I quickly swatted the happy tears from my eyes and stepped out of the tub. I wrapped a towel around me as Carson knocked softly on the door before peeking in. "Hey, are you finished?"

  "Yeah, I was going to crawl in bed with you and watch TV."

  "I'm going to sit on the deck for a bit, want to join me?"

  I smiled that he loved the beauty of this place as much as I did. "Sure. I'll throw some clothes on and be right out."

  After dressing I walked out onto the deck and felt the air escape my lungs. "Carson..."

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me against his chest. "I’ve never seen so many stars in my entire life. The night sky is so clear without city lights. I thought we could enjoy it all and sleep under the stars tonight."

  A mattress was sitting in the middle of the deck with an abundance of pillows and blankets strewn across it. Pillar candles were lit all around us, making things look much more romantic. I rose on my tiptoes and kissed him, refusing to stop anytime in the near future. Sensing my need, he picked me up without breaking our lips and laid us down on the bed. Clothes were carefully shed. Inches of skin were thoroughly kissed. Gasps and moans were swallowed into the night's sky. Carson and I connected in a deeper, more intimate way than ever before, leaving him seared on my heart and soul forever. Tonight only confirmed that there will never be another person in this life that I could ever love more than him.


  While waiting for our ferry back to the mainland to board, Carson and I walked hand in hand along the dock, searching for manatees. “I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but I think I scared them off.”

  I didn’t take my eyes from the water. “You’re happy they’re not here. You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  “They’re huge shark-like creatures that will probably-“

  “THERE’S ONE!” I cut him off and ran to the edge of the dock. I bent down and watched the manatee float to the surface, its adorable nose breaking through the water. “It’s so damn cute!”

  Carson squatted beside me and chuckled. “It kind of is cute up close.”

  A second manatee swam up, a much smaller one, and brushed against the larger one. “Aww, it’s a baby Carson!”

  The larger manatee’s head was completely out of the water now, just a few feet away. “I think she wants you to pet her.” Carson said.

  “I can’t, it’s illegal. They are endangered.”

  He scanned the dock and nudged me. “There is only a little girl and her dad outside of the Shack. When is the next time you’ll be able to pet a manatee? Just reach down really quick.”

  Fuck it.

  I lowered my hand close to the manatee, and its nose grazed my fingertips.

  “Mel, look here.”

  Carson had his phone pointed at me and he snapped a few pictures of me petting the manatee.

  “Here, give me the phone, I’ll take a picture of you with it.” I offered. Surprisingly, he handed me his phone and lowered his hand towards the water. The baby manatee came to the surface and brushed against Carson’s hand, a huge smile coming across his face.

  “They’re not so bad, huh?” I grinned.

  He stood up and wiped his hands on his shorts. “I guess not. They are cute.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. “I don’t want to go home.”

  He kissed the top of my head and hugged me back. “I know, baby. But we’ll be back soon.”

  “I will, but if you misbehave, I’ll leave your ass in Baltimore.” I sai
d playfully.

  “No you won’t.”

  “Awfully cocky, aren’t we?”

  “Yes. Because I have pictures of you breaking the law, Miss Carrick. You don’t want to be arrested, do you?”

  I smacked his arm and he turn and ran down the dock towards the ferry. “I’m going to kick your ass, Carson!”

  He suddenly stopped and I plowed right into his chest, his arms wrapping around my middle to steady me. “I needed something to blackmail you with so you’ll keep me around forever.”


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