Shadow Wolf

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Shadow Wolf Page 4

by Sable Grey

  * * * *

  Dean smiled as Murphy led Paul Goldman into the room. Perched on crutches and moving slowly, Goldman looked as if he should still be in the hospital. Dean sensed the pain every step brought the man.

  “Can’t let you have all the fun,” Goldman offered in explanation before easing down into one of the chairs.

  “It’s damned good to see you.”

  “Any ideas on who it is?”

  Dean shook his head. “None.” He sat across from Goldman, noting that Murphy remained. “I think he’s after Belinda. The bastard is like a snake. He strikes then retreats back into the darkness. But he’s going to slip up sometime.”

  “And when he does?”

  “I’m ripping his fucking throat out.”

  Goldman stared at him for several long moments. “You’ve slept with her.”

  Dean blinked then glanced up at Murphy who didn’t even attempt to pretend he wasn’t listening. “I suppose they gave you enough drugs to tranquillise a horse.”

  “I can see a change on you.”

  Of course, he could. They’d worked side by side for nine years. Dean shifted uncomfortably.

  “It’s written all over your face. You’ve never been good at hiding your emotions.”

  “What’s your point?” Dean didn’t hide his irritation.

  “Don’t you think it might appear suspicious that you’re fucking the widow of a man you were paid to protect? Now, he’s dead, and you’re here.” Goldman held up a hand before Dean could speak. “We both know you and John were friends. If anyone else argued with him the way you did, we’d have been dumped on our ass. But, Dean, you’ve got to know that this might look bad.”

  “He didn’t love her.”

  “No, he didn’t.”

  Dean glanced at Murphy and then leant forward and lowered his voice. “I do.”

  “All the more reason…”

  “You don’t understand.” Dean shook his head. “And I can’t make you. But I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks. To hell with them. I love the woman, and I’ll worry about the rest later. Right now, my sole focus is making sure that sick fuck out there doesn’t get to her before I get to him.”

  “You know I’ll follow you to hell and back. I’ll keep your secrets. But it’s like you always told us. Don’t let your emotions get in the way of doing your job.”

  Keep his secrets. Goldman knew them now. Dean had wondered what would be said about what had happened and how long it would take Goldman to say it. When John’s car had exploded, Goldman had been hurled backwards just like Dean. But he’d not lost consciousness right away. Dean had shifted midair before he landed next to Goldman, and Goldman’s eyes had been open just for a few moments.

  “John was my friend. I loved him like a brother. And if I could go back and change what happened, I would,” Dean murmured. “Even if it meant not having her in my life.”

  He glanced up when Goldman nodded. I’ve seen how you look at her.

  “But you and I both know how he was,” Dean continued. “And as long as there is breath in my body, she will never feel alone like he left her again.”

  That night it took him hours to finally fall asleep, but his peace was short lived. It was the smell that brought him fully wake, and he sat up. Beside him, Belinda stirred slightly but didn’t wake. The house was quiet. He couldn’t trust his ears though. He could trust his nose. Burned feathers. Instantly, the face came back to him. Mid-twenties male, almost white-blond hair, brilliant blue eyes. Fuck! The bastard had been right there in the hotel. And now, he was here. The scent was strong. If he wasn’t in the house, he was close.

  Dean reached for his clothes and quickly pulled them on. Just as he reached for the door, the house shook and an explosion sounded from outside. He turned and leapt to the window to find the guard house on fire.

  “What’s happening?” Belinda cried out from behind him as he dashed for the door.

  “He’s here.”

  Chapter Six

  Belinda paced her bedroom. It had been fifteen minutes, and still Dean hadn’t returned. Fear had long begun to fill her chest when she heard a sound that stopped her in her tracks. It was a slow drag of metal scraping metal and it was coming from her closet. She couldn’t move, paralysed with fear, as she listened to the hangers slide across the rod. She couldn’t scream when the door started to open.

  Dean! He’s here! she screamed inside, but no words would form in her throat. All that came out was a whimper. And then she saw him, knew it was him instantly. He smiled as he stepped out and closed the closet door behind him. How long had he been there waiting?

  “At long last.” He sent her a boyish grin. “I knew you would wait for me. Mother said you would. And here you are.” He reached forward and grasped her hands as if they were close friends, giving them a squeeze.

  “I didn’t like you taking up with that guard. But I know why you did it.” He lifted a hand to her cheek. “He’ll be to blame for all this while you and I start our lives together.”

  “What…what do you want?”

  He tilted his head, the corners of his lips lifting. “You, of course. You didn’t think I would come. You thought I’d abandoned you?” He suddenly pulled her into an embrace. “Never, my love. I know you’ve been waiting for me a long time, but that’s behind us now.”

  Finally, Belinda found her strength and pushed him away from her. “You’re crazy!” She saw the shock in his face followed quickly with irritation.

  “I forgive you for what you’ve done with the guard, Belinda. I forgive you. As I said, we’ll start fresh now…together. Mother and I have been patient. Mother more so than I. She just kept telling me, ‘Gabriel, be patient’ and now I’m thankful I listened her." He waved his hand as if indicating someone beside him, but there was no one there. Belinda began to realise just how deluded this man was.

  “What happened to your mother?”

  He winced slightly. “It was an accident. I was being bad. I didn’t mean to push her so hard. She fell down the stairs like a ragdoll.” He shook his head then smiled. “But she’s forgiven me, and now, we can all be together at long last.”

  Belinda backed away from him, trying to step towards the door, but he moved lightning fast, grasping her hand again.

  “Where are you going? We can’t leave just yet. There’s still the business of that guard. He’ll get in our way if he’s not taken care of.”

  “Like you took care of John?” Her voice shook, but he beamed and nodded.


  Her fear heightened, and the vision came to her fast. It was Dean, lying dead on the ground. Heartache tore through her.

  “That’s not what I want.”

  His smile faded. “What?”

  “I don’t want him harmed.”

  “He’ll get in our way.”

  Belinda shook her hand. “I won’t be with you if you hurt him.”

  Frantic madness flickered behind his eyes. He turned his head for a moment then shook it. “No, Mother!”

  Gabriel. That’s what he’d said his name was.

  “Gabriel?” His head snapped around when she said his name. “Don’t you understand? We can’t be together if you hurt him.”

  He shook his head, and his hands started to tremble. “I can’t do it, Mother!” He turned his head again. “I just can’t.”

  “Can’t what?”

  He looked at Belinda again and heaved a breath. “Mother thinks your guard has brainwashed you. She thinks you should be reminded of our love.” He pulled her forward then touched her cheek.

  “But you know, don’t you? You care for me, not him.”

  Belinda wet her lips and nodded. Anything to keep him from flipping out just long enough for Dean to come back. And then what? Would Gabriel kill Dean?

  Her hand was suddenly jerked against the front of Gabriel’s pants. She tried to pull away, but he held her there, rubbing himself against her. His other hand grasped her free ha
nd and pulled it to join the other.

  “I’ve waited so long for you, Belinda,” he spoke softly. “You feel so good. I don’t think I can wait.” His hips thrust forward once before he pushed her down to the bed.

  “No, we should wait,” Belinda protested.

  “I don’t want to wait anymore.” He worked the button of his trousers. “I won’t.”

  Belinda desperately tried to think, but fear made it difficult for her to breathe. “No, Gabriel. It must be special.”

  “It will be.” He pushed down his trousers then his underwear. He brought her hand to his cock and groaned as he ground against her fingers.

  “What does your mother say?”

  He stilled then released her hand. As he backed away, Belinda breathed out. If she could just get to the door, she thought. She could scream. They would hear her.

  “Mother says you’ve become a temptress, a vessel of the devil. She says your guard must be dealt with, and you must be cleansed before she can come into your body, before we can all be together.” Tears welled in his eyes. “Why did you try to bring me into your evilness?”

  He stepped forward and touched her cheek, and in the next moment, the back of his hand snapped her head to the side and left a sting on her cheek.

  Belinda screamed, but long cool fingers wrapped around her throat choking off the sound. “Don’t do that, love. Don’t.”

  She hit at him then tried to pull away his hand, but he squeezed harder as tears fell down over her cheeks. She tried to gasp for air, but his fingers allowed none to fill her lungs. Again she hit at him. Dean, help me.

  “Belinda?” Dean shouted moments before the door slammed open. Gabriel released her, and a moment later, as she dragged air into her body, Dean slung him across the room. Behind him, Murphy drew his gun.

  “He was in the closet the whole time.” Belinda managed to sputter between gasps.

  The room suddenly grew warm. And then warmer.

  “You betrayed us!” Gabriel screamed, a sound filled with madness. The temperature heightened.

  “He’s going to set it afire,” Belinda whispered as she realised what was happening.

  A low growl started deep in Dean’s chest. His shoulders thrust forward, and he crouched as his eyes yellowed. It wasn’t like in the movies with bones popping and a long drawn out scene. In moments, Dean’s skin was replaced with fur, and his muscles stretched his large form into that of the wolf. His clothes tore and fell to the side. It was him. It was the shadow wolf of her dreams.

  “Holy Mother of God.” Murphy staggered backwards, his gun dropping from his hands as he stared.

  The hair on Dean’s back stood up straight, and he bared his teeth. When Gabriel took a step forward, Dean lunged, his teeth tearing into Gabriel’s neck. The force in which he hit sent them both backwards, flames shooting up around them as they both went tumbling through the glass of the bedroom window. Belinda screamed and leapt to her feet, rushing forward just as they hit the ground. Instantly, the flames were gone.

  She waited, but neither of them moved. Behind her, Murphy’s steps brought her spinning around, and she followed him downstairs and out the door. Still, they remained as they were when they’d fallen. Blood trickled from the corner of Gabriel’s mouth, his neck torn open, and smoke curling up from both of them.

  “Is he?” A sob rose in her throat as she stared at the wolf that lay still on the ground. A hand touched her shoulder, and she turned to find Paul standing there, leaned on his crutches. She turned her face into his shoulder.

  “He’s alive.” At Paul’s statement, she turned and looked back at the wolf. His leg moved. Then again. Then he opened his eyes and stood, shaking.

  “What in the hell?” Murphy jumped back when the wolf growled at him. Then as smoothly as he’d transformed into the wolf, he shifted back into a man. Belinda rushed forward and embraced him.

  “In my vision, you were dead. I thought…”

  “Yeah, he didn’t expect me, did he?” Dean kissed her temple. “Water. I need some water.”

  “You might consider some clothes, too,” Paul suggested.

  “What just happened?” Murphy stared at Gabriel, and Belinda smiled.

  “Gabriel was in my room, he tried to kill me. You and my security guard stopped him. He jumped out the window only moments after confessing to the murder of my husband.” She tilted her head. “Shall I make a call to the President to confirm it for you?”

  Dean’s hand tightened on her shoulder. “Give him a break, Belinda.”

  “And what do I get if I do?” She looked up at Dean. “You?”

  “You’ve got me anyway.” He smiled then and lowered his mouth to hers.

  “Naked as the day he was born,” Paul chimed, and Dean’s deep laughter vibrated against her lips.

  “And I am yours,” she whispered.


  About the Author

  Sable Grey resides in the deep south of the United States with her wonderful husband, three very spoiled dog, and three crazy cats. She spends her time writing, designing cover art, watching movies, and reading.

  With favourite authors like Stephen King, Piers Anthony, and Iris Johansen, it's no mystery where the inspiration to write tales of love, adventure, and mystery come from. An avid reader and storyteller at a young age, Sable began writing small stories as a child for her mother. However, it wasn't until she was well in to her twenties that she realised that her calling was sharing her stories with a larger audience than just family members and friends.

  Now, Sable is dedicated to her craft and to bringing her readers quality fiction with unforgettable characters. For her, writing a story means writing a story meant to touch the mind, body, heart, and soul.

  Email: [email protected]

  Sable loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

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