Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3) Page 7

by Holla Dean

  She still didn’t say anything but she nodded her head again.

  “Eve,” Stephen spoke firmly. “Do you know why you are getting spanked tonight?”

  “Yes,” she finally said. “Because I’m a bad girl, because I swore and was disrespectful.”

  “All right, then. Let’s get this done. Please take your jeans off and lay across my lap.”

  Oh god! He was really going to spank her again. How embarrassing to have to take her jeans off and then lay across his lap! But she did it. She stood up without looking at him and unbuttoned her jeans, lowered the zipper, and pulled them down. She stepped out of them and then lay across his lap. Her panties were still on.

  While she was removing her jeans, Stephen slipped the paddle out of his night stand and half hid it behind him. He didn’t want to scare her by letting her see it, but tonight she was getting her first spanking with the paddle after the warm-up spanking.

  Stephen rubbed her bottom through the panties. He didn’t say anything else, and after several seconds of rubbing her, he began to spank her with his hand. The spanks were not too hard at first, but as he continued they became harder. He alternated between cheeks, first the left and then the right.

  At first Eve thought it wasn’t so bad. But with each successive spank, his hand came down harder and sharper. This time, Eve remembered to count. When she got to ten, he paused, rubbed her bottom for a few seconds, and then resumed for ten more smacks. She was begging him to stop at spank number twelve.

  “Ok, Stephen! That’s enough. I’m sorry! Please, stop!”

  Finally, when she had counted twenty spanks, he stopped and rubbed her some more. She tried to get up, but he held her down.

  “Let me up, Stephen.”

  He slipped his hand under the waistband of her panties and pulled them halfway down her thighs.

  “We’re not done yet, Eve.”

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing!? Let me up!”

  Instead of answering, Stephen brought his hand down very hard across her ass. Then he reached behind him for the paddle and began spanking her already very red ass with it.

  Eve screamed. “You fucking bastard! You fucking, sadistic son of a bitch! How dare you hit me with that fucking paddle!”

  Stephen had planned to spank her only ten times with the paddle. But now, with her new tirade, he added five spanks for each time she said ‘fucking.’

  She was sobbing loudly after the tenth strike with the paddle.

  “The next five are for calling me a fucking bastard.”

  He struck her five more times.

  “The next five are for calling me a fucking, sadistic son of a bitch.”

  He spanked her five more times.

  “And the next five are for saying how dare I hit you with the fucking paddle.”

  He spanked her five very hard final times.

  When he was done, he pulled her into his arms and lay down on the bed with her, stroking her hair, whispering soothing words to her.

  “It’s all over, honey. I love you. Let’s put this behind us now and move on.”

  Eve just sobbed and sobbed. She couldn’t speak. Her bottom was on fire, she was exhausted.

  Stephen held her close and continued to comfort her. He hoped he hadn’t gone too far, but he could not allow her to continue to misbehave while she was being punished. He felt that had to be corrected immediately.

  As Eve’s sobs slowed down, she finally ended up clinging to Stephen, taking his shirt in her fists and crying on his chest. He kept rubbing her back, whispering how much he loved her, until finally, Eve fell asleep.

  When Eve woke up in the morning she found herself spooned against Stephen, her ass nestled up against his groin. She could feel his hard shaft pressing into the crack of her buttocks, and she knew her pussy was wet. Her ass was still stinging from last night’s spanking and she felt like she should be mad at Stephen.

  But instead of being mad, she felt good. She felt free of all the tension that had been building up. Eve realized she had been walking on eggshells, constantly worrying about doing something that was going to earn her butt another blistering paddling. But if she was honest with herself, she had to admit that Stephen only spanked her when she needed it. This was actually the first spanking since they had begun the month long trial. He gave her plenty of warnings before he took his hand to her butt. And now she felt loose, free of all that worry about doing something that would end up with her butt sore and red. It felt like she had a fresh new beginning.

  Stephen’s hand stroked her belly and worked its way up to her breasts. She wiggled her butt against his cock, feeling it working its way deeper between her cheeks. She moaned and rolled over to face Stephen, smiled shyly at him as he stroked her face and said, “I love you, Eve. I love you more than I can say.”

  Eve nibbled on one of his nipples and worked her way down his chest, his hard flat abdomen, spreading little kisses everywhere until she reached his cock. She licked it like a popsicle, looking up at him with a wicked grin. She ran her tongue along the rim of the head, teasing him, and then she moved lower to his balls. Eve gently massaged his balls and then carefully took one of them into her mouth and softly sucked.

  Stephen was about to explode. “Eve, stop, I want to be inside your pussy. Come here.”

  She released his balls and licked her way up his shaft and then took his cock deep into her mouth. She sucked hard, all the while fondling his balls. She felt the throbbing that signaled he was about to come, and relaxed her throat muscles, taking him in as far she could.

  Suddenly, Stephen stiffened and he shouted out as his cock spurted cum into Eve’s throat. She swallowed, almost gagged, but was able to control it. It was the first time in all their years together that Stephen had come in her mouth. Always he had pulled out and finished by fucking her pussy.

  She slithered up his body, kissing and licking as she went, until she reached his neck. “I love you, Stephen, I love you more than anything.”

  His hand was between her legs now and she spread them wider. He slipped two fingers into her pussy and drew circles around her clit with his thumb. He sucked on her breast, and she moaned. Stephen moved down the length of her torso until his head was between her legs. With his fingers, he opened her pussy lips and licked the length of her slit. He sucked on her clit, and then licked her more, until she was writhing under him, begging for more.

  “Stephen, please, fuck me. I want your cock inside my pussy. Please, fuck me now.”

  Stephen paid no attention to her pleas; he continued his loving ministrations until Eve exploded in shock waves of ecstasy. And then he lifted her hips and drove his cock into her cunt, hard and fast, making her come again, feeling her contractions squeezing his cock until he too exploded, spilling himself into her.

  Exhausted, they fell asleep still joined together, and didn’t wake up again for another hour. They showered together and had hot shower sex before going in the kitchen for breakfast.

  Eve remembered to take her down pillow with her. Her ass had taken a serious spanking last night and she wasn’t looking forward to the days of being reminded of her punishment every time she sat down.

  But for some reason beyond her understanding, she felt good, she felt loved. Boy, had she ever been loved this morning! She giggled to herself at the memory of how good the sex had been this morning.

  They had no plans for the day and lazed it away with floating in the pool, drinking margaritas. Neither one mentioned the severe spanking Eve had endured the night before. It was done, in the past; there was no need to further discuss it.

  Monday and Tuesday of the second week in their trial period went smoothly. Stephen had given Eve one or two reminders concerning her language or sarcastic remarks, but nothing that required a spanking.

  Eve was still sitting on her down pillow and on Wednesday had just put it on her chair in the kitchen. She was planning to make oatmeal for breakfast and as she flipped open the pour top lid of
the container and began to shake out the proper amount, the whole lid fell off, spilling oatmeal on the counter and down on the floor.

  “Shit!” Eve muttered. “Now I have to clean up this whole fucking mess! Goddamnit, how did the fucking lid get on here so loosely?”

  She stopped, took a few calming breaths, thankful that Stephen was still in the bedroom and hadn’t heard her outburst.

  “Eve! Come here, please.”

  Oh shit! It was Stephen and from the tone of his voice he must have heard everything. Was it going to be a warning or was she in for a trip to the bedroom for something more serious?”

  Eve turned around and saw Stephen standing just inside the kitchen with a disapproving frown on his fast. He raised his brow at her, “I said please come here.”

  She took a deep breath and walked over to him. “I’m sorry, Stephen, just look at the mess…” That was all she managed to get out before he put his left arm behind her back, and then bent her over so she was tucked under his left arm. With his right hand he opened the kitchen drawer and pulled out a wooden spoon.

  He said, “I don’t think this requires a discussion or an explanation.”

  Then he lifted her skirt, and delivered ten very sharply stinging smacks to her still pink ass with the wooden spoon.

  Stephen let her up, put the spoon on the table and held her close, rubbing her back. “I love you, honey.”

  “I know,” she answered. “I love you, too.” This quick spanking had not brought tears to her eyes. She knew she had earned it and oddly, it too seemed to give her a feeling of release. Just like the heavy duty spanking she’d had last weekend.

  “Come on, babe. I’ll help you clean up the mess.” Stephen went to get the broom and dustpan while Eve cleaned the counter.

  Instead of oatmeal, they had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Stephen gave Eve a goodbye kiss that made her knees week and she wanted to drag him to the bedroom for some of that fantastic sex. But he was running late due to the oatmeal clean up, so she let him go.

  Eve made it through the rest of the week and the weekend without any upsets. Two weeks of the trial period were over and she’d had only one really bad spanking and the quick spanking in the kitchen with the wooden spoon. She could do this; there were only two weeks and two days left until the thirty days was up.

  With each passing day of only a few warnings, and no spankings, she felt more and more confident. Stephen was more loving and more attentive towards her than ever before. She had the feeling of being cherished. And Stephen somehow seemed more…manly. That’s the only word she could come with. He just struck her as so much more manly and in control.

  The third week of the trial period passed quietly and on Friday, Eve had to drive up to Phoenix again to meet with the magazine photo editor. She called Stephen to let him know that she was leaving for Phoenix and told him she’d call him again to let him know when she got there.

  After the meeting Eve had lunch with the editor and then drove to nearby Scottsdale to do a little shopping. It was about three o’clock when she called Stephen to tell him she was on her way and should be home in just over two hours or so.

  Once she got through all the congestion of the city and was on the interstate heading for Tucson, she cranked up her radio and hit the gas pedal. There was nothing she liked more than driving fast on a long stretch of highway.

  Eve was singing along with her radio, doing nearly ninety miles an hour, when suddenly she realized she was coming up very quickly on the car in front of her. She hit the brakes hard, but it was obvious she was not going to be able to stop in time, so she swerved onto the shoulder of the road just in the nick of time, barely missing the rear corner of the car in front of her.

  She came to complete stop, her heart in her throat, glad to be alive, glad she had avoided an accident. She glanced up in her rear view mirror and saw the flashing red and blue lights of the highway patrol car that had just stopped behind her. Shit, she was probably going to be getting a ticket.

  Eve rolled down her window as the officer approached. He was an older man, tall, still fit and good looking in his highway patrol uniform. She guessed him to be about fifty-five to sixty years old. He had a kind face, but also a very stern look that reminded her of Stephen when he was giving her the last warning before he’d have to spank her.

  “Young lady, if you were my daughter or my wife, I’d haul you out of that car, put you over my knee, and tan your hide good! Now give me your license and registration.”

  “Uh, what did I do, sir? I avoided the accident, nothing happened.” Eve asked as she handed over the requested documents.

  “What did you do?” He asked in disbelief. “Do you have any idea how fast you were driving?” He asked, still speaking in that scary authoritative way.

  “Well, I might have been going a little over the speed limit. But I believe I was driving safely.” Eve answered, remaining polite, still hoping he’d let her off with a warning.

  “A little over the speed limit? Young lady, you were driving ninety-three miles an hour for the last thirty miles and I’ve had my lights on trying to pull you over. But you had your radio on so loud that you had no idea that I was behind you. Which means you never looked in your rear-view mirror. You were not paying attention or you would have realized you were coming up to some slow moving traffic. You were speeding excessively and driving recklessly. I am going to have to give you a citation.”

  The officer spoke firmly throughout his lecture, making Eve feel small, foolish, careless, and extremely guilty. He reminded her of an older version of Stephen with his tone of voice and laying all her sins out, making sure she understand all the crimes she had committed. She took a look at his ring finger and saw the wedding band. Then Eve remembered his initial remark that if she belonged to him, he’d tan her hide. Does he tan his wife’s hide? Does he spank his wife, like Stephen spanks me? She had a feeling he just might.

  “Are you listening to me, young lady?” The officer brought her attention back to him.

  “Yes, sir. I am. You’re right; I was not driving like I should have been. I’m sorry.”

  “Wait here, I’ll write up your citation and be right back.” He strode to his car and left Eve alone to think about what Stephen would have to say about this. This would surely earn her another super heavy duty spanking.

  The officer came back, returned her license and registration. Then he handed her two citations. One for speeding, and Eve saw he had given her a break and written that she had only been driving eighty-nine miles per hour. That would give her a two hundred dollar break on the fine. It was two hundred fifty dollars as it was. The second citation was for reckless driving and it also had a fine of two hundred fifty dollars. Five hundred dollars! Holy shit!

  The officer was giving her another lecture. “I would really like to be able not to give you the reckless driving citation, but considering that you never even saw or heard my siren trying to pull you over, I can’t in good conscience do that. I can only hope this will serve as a reminder to keep you driving safely in the future.”

  Eve would swear this guy was related to Stephen. He had the firm, stern tone down just right. Not to mention the disapproving frown.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sure it will.” Eve responded.

  “I see by the ring on your finger that you’re married. Is that right?”

  “Yes sir, I am.” Eve wondered why he wanted to know.

  “When you get home tonight, young lady, I want you to tell your husband that he needs to take you in hand.”

  “Uh…I believe he’s already done that, sir.” Eve said. She had the feeling this officer was talking about domestic discipline.

  “Then tell him he needs to use a firmer hand. You’re free to go, drive safely, and obey the speed limits. Have a nice day.”

  “I will, sir. Thank you; you have a nice day, too.” Eve wondered what the hell she was thanking him for. A five hundred dollar ticket? And after his remark about Stephen using
a firmer hand, Eve was positive this officer and his wife were practicing domestic discipline.

  Her cell phone rang and she picked it up before pulling back out on the freeway. It was Stephen, asking how much further till she got home. She told him the traffic was heavy, with a major slow down, but she should be home within the hour.

  She put her blinker on to signal she wanted to enter the freeway, and noticed the highway patrol officer was still behind her. He must be waiting for her to get back on the road. She slowly picked up speed and then moved into the lane when she was almost at the speed limit. Eve clicked on her cruise control, set it at the limit, and drove cautiously. She did not even turn her radio on again. She had a lot of thinking to do about how she was going to explain this to Stephen.

  It was almost six o’clock when she finally made it back to Tucson. She called Stephen and asked him what he’d like for dinner. It was too late for her to cook and she just wanted to get some take-out.

  “Do whatever’s easiest for you, honey.” He said. “I sure wouldn’t object if you wanted to get off the healthy track for the night and just stop at one of the fast food places. A big juicy hamburger sounds good to me.”

  “Ok, that sounds good. I’m really tired and hamburgers do sound good. I’ll even go for fries. See you soon.”

  Stephen was in the living room watching TV when she got home and he came into the kitchen to meet her. He gave her a luscious kiss that hinted at wonderful things happening later, but she knew there’d be no sex tonight. She knew she was in serious trouble.

  Stephen could tell something was wrong. Eve looked worried. Yeah, she was tired, but there was something more. “What’s wrong, honey?”

  “I’m just tired and hungry. Let’s eat.”

  She got out some paper plates to make clean up easy and they sat down and ate. Stephen did most of the talking and he did notice that Eve was much quieter than usual. She didn’t really do justice to her dinner either. She managed to eat most of her hamburger, but she had only a few fries. Stephen wondered if she was feeling sick.


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