Josephine Stein

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by Danny E. Allen

  Josephine Stein

  By Danny E. Allen

  Copyright 2013 Danny E. Allen

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  ‘Check with me again tomorrow, Flo…’ ...'I can’t understand that lady, she’s as unsure as a wayward-'dynamo'’... ...'Okay, Jo, you want me to look-in on your aunt Ethel, pay your Deli bill, and pick up your sinus-medicines?’… 'If you will, and be gentle with her the poor-dear.’ ‘I’ve got deadlines to meet’. …Ms. Stein, didn’t just necessarily have ‘deadlines’ except those which resided-in her head. Yet what had resided-in her-head, was quite sequential. She was a graduate of Harvard at 19, went into writing and never looked-back. By 23, she’d received the Pulitzer, Booker, BOTM-Special and a reverence of other author-achievements… She was adored by critics, and being a regular-author on the Bestseller’s Lists… …While young, she began traveling-abroad... In a 'Vagabond'-style, romanticism... Yet she rarely spent time without learning, enjoying and writing about many things she’d experienced...

  Her-mind worked within, what was to be an adamantly, ‘simple’ complexity... All who knew her, realized she was industrious in-all she did. At a very young-age, her professor-mother and engineer-father watched; as she learned, they guided her in all her-talents. From rocket-scientist to cosmetic-surgeon, they humored her. ...She read 'Cosmopolitan' and ‘Mad’ magazines...and at 6, she became a regular-visitor to the adult-section of the local-library. Her mother, would have dreams about her daughter; that when she awoke, she couldn’t fully-understand. ...They only wanted the ‘best’ for her. The two, became ‘brave’ as their daughter went-out into the world.

  ...One-day, her mother awakened from 'dreams'-of ‘fire’ that she had, occasionally. Her-father, his daughter's devotee left home, due to his growing conflict with his-wife, over the dreams. She was alone at home, with her talented-daughter... And she came to realize that after talking with a child-counselor, he telling her that everything was ‘okay’. ...Her father, Samuel Kosset Stein came to terms, and they never spoke of it, again. The trust between the two flourished and grew. They stood behind their only-child. She improved as well. They decided that being her parents, was to be with a sense-of competence, responsibility, and support. That she would be better-off letting her find her own way... Superimposed upon the gentle-love, was the respect for what she would become. So as her character grew so was her very-capable support and love. This would be a cultivated-‘maxim’ by any recourse. That it just seemed to be the way with her as to what would be a developing-devotee. ...As she went to the kitchen to make herself a bagel and waterkrispe sandwich she came to realize that after that evening's work... She’d fall asleep and dream. Not just any ‘dream’ but one-totally in ‘another-world’... One, she knew, one-day, she would ‘not’ come back from. She seat at her writing-desk. Thinking-on how things had went several days earlier. …How she’d been walking with her pet English Terrier in the dim-light of an overcast-evening.

  Seeing the shining-lights of the street-lamps, and those in-doors through their-windows. Walking-up the stairs of her lower-Manhattan Brownstone. She’d lived there seven-years or so, since she bought it from a good-friend for $855,000, a-‘steal’. Back then, she was just-prospering off several newly sold book-deals. Her editor said, she was a full-fledged ‘author’ and that she should move to the city, from Schinecdity. She liked where she lived, then. But her editor, was very convincing. Several homes, and $62 million-plus later, she owned a home on both coasts, one in Chicago and a bungalow on Key West. Then, she open the door, were her-maid was awaiting. How she had been working from the previous-weekend. For which there might be a future deadline. That was, then... Now she had just awakened. As her good-friend, Brad Fellows a neighbor gave a vibrant and loud ‘Hello’. It was Brad’s way of getting attention.

  He was an only-child, enamored by his wealthy-father… His father, was a New York-executive who made it for life with a stock-deal. By that time, Brad was just a baby. He grew up with a ‘Silver Spoon’ in his mouth. Going to the best schools, and given anything he needed. To what was a ‘farce’ that he became adamantly, a Freewheeler; but also adorned with technical ability... So he had advantages going to MIT, getting a doctorate in Computer Sciences, and now the executive-liasson for a computer contracting company based in New Jersey. But he found it much more suitable to just loaf-around, and spend his Daddy’s money. With his all-present boyish-immaturity and winsome tact he came to know Josephine. He suggested she watch out when walking alone in the Big City. And that would she like to go out for a night-cap that night? ...As the lights were turned-on by the maid, she came out of her meditation.

  She looked up, and it was ‘lightless’ sometime between lunch and bedtime she’d began the final few-chapters of her awaited-book in the Simon Wynchyme-series. It had real-promise to break once again the Bestsellers ‘20,000,000-sold’-division. Elated, as she was in its potential and finesse she startlingly, realized it was bedtime. She had turned-on the light but fell into a trance. Trances these days were better than sleep. Although few knew it but sleeping was an unspeakable, instance. From midnight till seven, she was not to be disturbed. So as she climbed the stairs to her Master-bedroom the last of the

  day was fulfilled. The air was stiff as she climbed into bed. And then she had laid-there. As she gazed-out the window… She could see the stars between the trees. Then the sense came over her. Brad Fellows, was presenting himself in her memory... He’d always been a good and exciting-friend, spontaneous and fun. Not caught-up with things, and not unrooted in anything.

  In theory, Josephine was talented with many abilities, an excellent crossword puzzler, a sense of analytic-ability and a safe-central spirit by utter acceptance... Like Einstein, and Ghandi, with M.L.K. thrown-in.. Yet compassion sometimes held-to being, problems. Her feelings had to find an 'outlet'. This was in the utter-ability to perceive of, in what could be a ‘superstition’. It was her Falstaff to understand simple-appeasing and to avoid-it. But somehow with family, friends and work, she perservered. Jewish-people had a way of doing that. And the hereditary-intelligence, helped also. Brad had often told her, her beauty was the only thing rivaling her-heart… ‘Josey, you’re a work-of-art…’ Said Brad, one day on the street as they walked Porgy, her dog. Brad always dressed-casual; even at his uncle’s funeral. He wore a Sak’s sun-suit. He-reminded her of Tom Wolfe, whom she felt was ‘grand’. They had regular ‘tifts’ in-public. But Brad was not one to impose. Besides, he loathed cramp-spaces. He’d walk 20-blocks to avoid the subway. But his wealth kept him 'happy' to walk.

  Although Jewish people had a natural inclination for superstition... Josephine was an established heretic/nonconformer. Which made for what was an advanced hibition and an endowed-intellect that came to be, both set and resolved in an utter-instillment. She was a dutiful-intellectual, adorning and adopting the Arts; without inconsistency, and with a relish... ...Devouring, embracing and engaging in all its illuminary-accents to squarely, advance and articulate form. Graduating with a Doctorate of Fine Arts. Within her youth, high-IQ, and incentiveness she came to bare-through the forms like a 'hot'-knife through butter; she joined her-professors in what was a deep-understanding, and appreciation. Now she was older, she was an award-winning, connoisseur and cosmopolitan and consummate-writer... ...With 28-fiction and nonfiction novels in professional mystifying-form. Due to her now overcome study of the form in a 'religion'-of the Arts.

  So she was popular as a break-through genre-author. Her
books took it to another-design. She’d found her niche. What became vibrantly, accepted and fantastically, enjoyed. She was both rich and happy. Yet for now, was one-thing, as most intelligent taskmaster had in common… Lack of proper-sleep. She’d pay 'big-money’ to sleep, blissfully. Her energies were too-high. She read technical-books about the ‘psychology of sleep'. Of how people sometimes took ‘Witch-doctor medicine’ to get over it. Although, she took no time in taking this to heart. But like so many ‘savants’ she too, suffered as an individual. Sleep, had a way of subdividing her-existence. Perhaps that’s why she never married, carrying the talisman of workaholic, determination and in an individuality. Each were severed-alms of loneliness. From so many accolades, she remained a onely-independent; easing the world's problems at her own sacrifice... But she never held it against anyone so she had many friends, devotees and fans which ended, in an uncertain, sense... ...She’d read many psychological self-help books from holistic-meditation to vegan diets and mindful-exercises. Each was a superficial 'play' on new-designs.

  ...But she had to admit, they helped a-bit. Each giving impetus to be superior, over the aches and pains of life. As she laid-there in her expensive feather-bed with its canopy-frame and at times, a tenuously, cooled-room... Already, her mind wondered over the day's events. Like a secretary she identified, understood and acknowledge each thought and emotional-leveling; and levering the terms of life that day... She fell asleep, still thinking. What happen while sleeping was essentially, all her own. Josephine didn’t know depression, life was too short to not think of a zealousness of life… Her precocious-reality as a child helped to instill-in her a ‘Midas’-relativity. But even then, sleep was a personally, religious-experience. Her mother and father always slept through the night. So even though her mental-energies ran-on, she soon saw the ‘sacredness of night’.. Only on holidays and the weekend was she allowed to stay up.

  But by 18,on her own, she celebrated the night-life of living in New York. Night-caps, parties and events, allowed her to fulfill her last-vestige of night-time excitement... Never using drugs eventually, her partying-fell with the death and vanishing of one-time friends… But she did learn from and enjoy-it in a rather superficial-subjection. In what was a ‘wisdom’, she matured. So their terms changed, and what was affiliated, was the very personal-terms of insomniacal-revelation... As the years came and went, the aging-realities resolved themselves, and she had learned from them. It was a practical-proceival, one that a very capable-individual could find an awareness. A 'lesson' of life, taken well. But there was something symptomatic which went ‘deep’, but she’d come to accept it well. This was a simple, yet certain-‘reality’.

  Most people had habits like anyone, she had idiosyncratic-tendencies. She had a way-of coming to terms with that reality. Being very perceptive and profound-all seemed to fall into place... And the many instances, factors and fortunes of human-character could easily be seen congealed in- the Jewish-sector. Though, her family were not orthodox-Jews, they still carried its integrals. Many of her other friends allowed her to be herself and thus officiately, be acquainted in a self-proving provision. She was an unusual but devoted-companion. Especially with the diligent-qualms in what was a causal-custom. Popularity, power and profit allowed her to have so many friends. Who’d now come before, and had gone... An anonymous-‘reality’ that proved valuable. A fortuity that she had come into much inner-mitigation. An energy and resolve to advance and afford by assertive-ideas and intentions. She became a prime-mover especially with diligent-qualms in causes and customs... As well, she became a ‘prime-mover’ by martaring and merging with, all those that came to be accompanying her. ...There was alot which was in sway in her 'logic'... Graduating, working and networking-on social-inclemental-terms. There was little left for immargin. But as life always tends to be, one had to own-up to facilitative-terms.

  ‘Ms. Stein, we need you in the office, tomorrow.’ ...’The Chief is looking-over galleys and we need your input...’ They knew she hated preparatory-work. She liked the ‘bare-bones’ of writing, due to the hard-fought rules of writing. As for most people writing is romantic. Yet as she matured the work was best kept ideally, tangential and equational... The inclemental-issues of success and popularly, assertiveness of fame, fans and fortune; left something to-be desired. She sometimes ‘wished’ for other things. But with the many efficiencies of ‘time’ and temperament, the incentive was ‘good’. Galleys were like little-‘mirrors’ to a writer’s success and sacredness. If it was 'right', you were rich; if it was off a ‘little’ the blemish was ‘huge’. Editors would meet with you and discuss your entire-career. She read as a ploy Mark Twain, Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, in their careers; and learned something about the relationships of writers. And in this potential staved-off untold, ‘nightmares’.

  So as she prepped to see her head-editor at Pemberton Group, the national conglomerate which folded rival-book companies like tooth-picks. She’d evolved a relationship with them; many of her best-editors had been there. Yet her superiors were not friends and even though character was not integrity, money came with being a mogul. Emerging was an editorial-regime, in regiment. So as her writing impacted, as imposed. She swung into what was a convictive order. In what was an idea and implication. So as the publishing-board found what was ‘oil’, in her ‘ouvre’. And the ‘essence’ by what was an iron-clad arrangement. And thus in a firm fruition, by what was in the idiomatic-form. It was 10 am, when she got out of the Limo at Pemberton’s headquarters on 85th Street. The escort had arrived at 9:15 am. ...Being one of the group’s ‘best’-resources... She was very well taken care of. Hughe Samuelson was her direct-contact. The ‘handler’ of her-whilms but fortunately, one of her best business-acquaintances. He was a honest-friend fortunate enough to be a competent editorial-assistant.

  Hughe was waiting at the building’s Pavillion to converse with her. He was a quiet man, unreactive but sensible. He was 57, a borne-book editor reading all sorts of text in his sparetime. And worthy of a maxim of literary-knowledge... Being very intelligent he worked for the ‘best’. He was not a big Bestseller reader, he did enjoy the enterprise of writing epithesis. He was a literature-engineer that had fed his mind in an ‘easy’-job. Josephine’s intellect didn’t match his, she was more of a free-spirit... That her talent and background was ‘worthy’ of acknowledgement. Which went from pre WWII journalists to world wide competence in nearly all forms of the Arts... There was much that preceded her. Yet she didn’t take her skills for granted. ‘Miss Stein’, said the lead-editor. ‘Thank you for taking time-out from your busy schedule’. ...He was short and ‘stout’, with a trimmed-beard and thick eyeglasses. She noticed that his breath smelled like a Cuban cigar. He smiled and the browning of his teeth proved two-things.

  -That he took his habits, seriously. And that he thought reverently about what self-sentimentality meant. She shook his hand, and smiled. From then on they got along well. She realized his life would probably, end in a decade or so... So she didn’t want to violate a leader’s competence. In the contrary, they both lived for the moment and by their own terms. As he filled her in, she understood that he was ‘frugal’ in his signs and sensations. She agreed, utmostly, in his tentatives by venture and versatility... ...She realized her emboss on this work might prove-worthy of the editor’s contentions. Besides, she had better things to do... He’d give it his ‘best’, due to her personal-position on the subject.

  By 2 pm, she wanted to be shopping with her aunt at Tiffany’s. Her nursing-home aunt, a patient, devoted and aged matriarch, was delighted by everyone she met. Her niece was guided by her father’s oldest sister... Till then, she had to carry on business. Upon reaching the street... She quickly, entered the Limousine. The skyscrapers gave her vertigo, rather like many in the Stein’s German-Jewish villagers heritage. From a century ago they were Shtel small v
illagers whom were not big ‘ascenders’ of their culture... And it still resided in the blood. She’d seen and heard of many identities-of and about Jews... The grandness of the Rothschilds to the Holocaust to Israel to the rise and ability of Jewish capabilities and competences. A free-ranging reign of the highest accolades of the western world. She knew she was in good company. But she was only a simple-writer, adorned in a capacity with ability for which no one could entreat.

  The money earned, was an input in centuries of ability and education accomplishments, as well as being accommodated in her own. But the ‘regency’ to act-as those, was for her an art of succinct ‘ageal’. ...Dependable and dissertational, were in the allume of a human-doctrine... In the sophistication of an assertive-sentiment. She came to realize that as an articulate and artist, she understood the relevances were under 'thickened-terms'. Implicate, impressive and imposing there was much in the intricacy of Josephine Stein. Like most Jewish persons she identified with their virtues. And as a Jew, she had their ideological inundations. Other than that she fared fairly, well. Josephine realized there was a deep-spirit in life and living. But many of her ethnicity chose to live by arduosity and finity. She came to the understanding that she was chosen like many of her kind.

  After a nurtured-childhood of which she was to do as she willed. College, skills and adeptitude meant you were responsible for both your devotions and dutiful decorum. Although, her hand was held by a caring-father and an accepting-mother; the ‘plots’ in life proved defining and definite that’s why she chose and came to be incense in creativity. Although, there were marginal in the deep-seated objectives and obsessions. ...Of paramores and obstenity, tended to reprove rather than outright ‘deny’... What was in the Jewish heritage was mentality and mindset, which was filled with severence and propriety. The mind of thought and imagination endured in spatial-worlds pitted against itself... So one vocalism was the sustained-reverance to oneself, accordingly. But passion was the unsettled residing under multiple realms. So it was a coathe-ability, to be creationary and espoused.

  It was a responsible and intrinsic-reality. Josephine was to starkly, empathic in the tentatives, terms and trials of the self and self-convocation. And issue was the foment of factors, of the instances and utterstances, acting and enacting of a Jew-woman’s life. As she rode the streets of New York to her Brownstone... She observed the climate and incursions of her adopted home which was enticed and interested in many of its facets. She was known to disappear in its many cosms; then reappearing at night, to get home to bed. On these excursions she visited the MOMA and private-museums, and pondered the creativity as mind of artist of all kinds. Yet there was something else she observed with intensity the many visions of artist and art. There were secrets she held that with maturing, manifestation; inordinated an entrance in what was an innateness and incedings. That she thought dominated in treatise a privilege of talent, by which she herself had had.

  She especially, enjoyed the strange-aptitudes of ‘mythic’-artists. Of there vivid-illustrations and moving-symbolism. It meant more to her then anyone knew. Arriving home, her pet met her at the door then her maid, who’d prepped an afternoon-meal of Salmon Croquet and Spinach salad. With her very mind there was more to her fascination than what was an embracing. The mind has a way of finding-embrace of dennable temptation. She was not exactly, engrossed by form, function or emulation. Most art enthusiast find there own definings, yet superlative was as effective to envaluate self-virtuality. Their defacto-in a redeeming and interpretation enculcated by the vision, virtues and for her, a 'virtual' deep-seatedness beneath her deepest-core... Jews were notorious for subjugate-renown, so was what was a youthful-progeny, had became a fluidic and superfluous conscientiousness, adornment. It came ‘easy’, with intrepid and incipidious-allegory. It became a pride, and pretense for her and her-meticulations.

  But there was a ‘bigger’-secret of sustaining, sensual and indepth realization... Of a relative-order for which she both, beheld and retained in a greater-reverence. She arrived and ate before retiring to her den to rearrange her scores of work, reedits and reworked-manuscripts. She was looking-forward to her-time with friends to enjoy companionship in the order-of an acceptance, confunction and entertainment. She had several complexities fed by her-acquaintances. A shy-person, she appreciated others as she accomplished being a novelist. Her friends were as her-work fascinating and engaging. She loved titillating her mind with the knowledge, considerations and understandings about others. She didn’t just revel in her relationships, she was gorging in every-facet. As sure as she built and fed a friendship, she understood they would not last ‘forever’. Like so much of a once ‘shy’ and precocious-innocence, and family’s benevolent-relative that she took no one for granted.

  She was a passionate and compassionate women, both driving and admonishing as both a Jew and utterly, talented-individual. Which she’d became aware of as a character of her reality. She knew others would reinforce this relevance and reverence of which she could do little about. So as she matured she had seen success, and realized this great-responsibility, she knew life and living were short. After fundamental success, she knew it was a good rationale and philosophy to share and be supportive in all things. With her first book-sale she donated 70% to charity and friends who’d been there when she needed them... And in this new resolution she grew as a writer. Knowing it was more than about her. So as she met with friends the following day. A warm late October morning, the night before had had transitive-things that occured. Which in its world, was a trival, tribulation of a kind only she knew.

  The morning began with the sun coming into her den in which she was wide-awake and writing the framework of creative-book ideas. Sarah Parrs was a dear friend, a Systems Analyst with a large agency on the 18th floor of the Empire State Building. An intrepid worker, she was on the hot-list to being the lead-SA. ...A superior-attitude as mentality, Josephine met her at a fish-market in lower-Manhattan. She was ingratiated-in her emotions, thoughts and conclusions. It was like watching a war-scene on an old TV set. And then there was Charlotte King, a hair-dresser. Which she was once a customer on a trip to the style-district she had went to on a-chance... Although she no longer saw her due to her upward mobility, now owning her own shop uptown. They stayed together as friends, enjoying each other’s company and she had a way of turning a conversation into a deeper-understanding of relationships and life.

  And the last: Jean Hale who loved french food...would order Eggs Benedict, yogurt and toast with Marmalade. She was young and an inspirational. Although she was an underling, clothing-apparel manager. She could spot exquisite clothing a mile-away. ...But that said each contributed to a masterful-conversation. Not exactly, ‘Sex in the City’, more like JFK with his official executive-team. They were genuine and that’s how their world revolved and life evolved. It was a genuine determination for all. By 10:30 am, the plates were cleaned and taken away and a nice warm-toddie replaced them. A couple of them asked for a small liqueur-individually, but Josephine enjoyed Green tea with milk. Each spoke about the day they’d retire to do something else; but there was really, little-interest, because they could retire tomorrow...

  ‘Okay, ladies. I’ve gotten a Bon Vivant, waiting for individual-consort’...said Charlotte... ‘That must be amazing’, said Jean. ‘Yeah, I’ve got an entire-floor to investigate for e-mail violations, when all they wanted was to find compassionate’, said Sarah. And Josey, as she was called, concluded-itinerary of her many social-roots... And it was settled then by making for compliance, in an eminent and atoning-perspectus. But in the last sixteen hours the fundaments of instances and social-austerity was by an affiliation and self-fortitude... There were certainty, sensuousness and suffering-ideal and inordinate to their choices, channels and chances... As she conveyed and received girl-club logic she was dated with an intuitive-intimacy, and interring by the many idioms, id
eals and innatenesses what were in-focused, fostering and inner-fortuity. Revelry of a personified-pretext. An adopting, intricate and enticing of what was an itinerate-prefix. And leaving with an economic-entendre of a murger of matricians’ minds... From provocative to profundity, it meant a durable-enormity of a gorgeous feminine-world.

  With her friends there was no agenda; no, on-the-surface conundrum of imperical-assuage. Just for the understanding and aim, of that which you were not alone, by definition. As each began their ‘last-tete’ they bid ‘farewell’. And that they would be back to together soon. There were mutual-assonances to the portrait and reliance on the pertinents of life; in the world and a heartfelt, recision to find a ‘hearth’; in what was an erring-society. It was a revering of fortune, self-design and delivery. In an ultimate credo to suriving in a certain-sufficiency. She was ready to focus-on her ‘art’; the transfeasance, which gave order and aptness to ‘life’. There was ‘vision’ to her creativity which few knew... That in the catacombes of her mind, in a conscious and unconscious-creedance. ...Of what was a deep-depicting. And for a dimensional-satisfaction that she accepted and deferrently, was entitled.

  There was ‘magic’ of a mystical-kind. An subordinate-collusion which fell on old and ancient otherworldly, impossible conceptions... Which were not all a ‘poetic-license’... Since ancient times Hebrews were articulate with ‘vivid’-seeings and abject-sights up to the present. The many potential-abilities of their culture that often purported and predicted-in the emulated-manifestation of what was a virtual-in agency. This being, as she kept them to herself and used it to understand in a symbolism. In this, a fulfilling-understanding was the ‘infuse’ that went with a diffusion. Over the years, she learned to accept and delineate in a defintion and underscore, it made apt the illusion of ‘time’ and testament. While she went to the stationery-store, pet shop, and electronics retailer before going home to meet with her agent, order her groceries, and straighten her den for tomorrow’s publicity and media-interviews. For each she wanted to look her ‘best’. It was to be the very technical-division of declarative and disclaiming, of the ‘virtues’ of depicting her and her-work.

  There was much to be active about...Josephine loved her personal written job. It both fulfilled her role as independent creative-artist, and the need for self-restitution; with work therein was having no complications... Josephine learned only that her mind and mental proclivities gave-forth success and originating from a stern and intelligent father, and loving mother. That work, ambition and commitment to something, larger than yourself proved worth the goal. Her heritage relied on the age-old enduring-precepts. As she went through her activity, virtues and intentions realizing that the ideals of life were mostly, instantaneous and ultimately, irrevocable... So over years, she primed herself, and strengthened her talents, purposes and friendships on the order of a deepen-insight and understanding... It was a childhood-inception.

  After meeting with the media on the debut of her latest book, she was interviewed politely, engagingly, and with cooperation. And all the interviewers, left with all they required. The next day she was all over TV, radio and in the newspapers. She had a good image and could understand all the factors oriented and officiated to the terms. That night she fell into deep-slumber. Her dreams were an intimate and rich-dimension. When she awoke, she told no one about them. Much of her imagination was a flourishing in her-dreams. Yet her dreams went further in an ultimate ‘reality’. Which wasn’t shared with anyone. The next day, she awakened to the sounds and smells of her maid who was making eggs and toast over-easy. She realized the night before that she knew she had to ‘run the gauntlet’, with all her responsibilities. Though, she enjoyed her home better than going-on vacation or sabbatical. The museums, parks and cafes was more than enjoyable than hiatus and work, they were utter ‘pleasures’.

  And that passionate-nature proved quite valuable. But there was more to life. And fortunately, it was her ‘idea’. ...The dreams which privately, she’d read all about. But felt as the creative-release was a treasure and defining-dimension. Something she never gave creedance to a technical relevance. From instance to instrumentality, she wanted nothing to do with. The only true-technician was the theorist, Albert Einstein. A true Jewish scholar, but ultimately, a truth technical ‘artist’... He, as well, had special dreams forted by dedication and self-virtue... In what was an immaculate, fortitude. This, she could really, appreciate. She ate while watching morning-TV. The phone rang at 8:15 am. It was her agent, informing her of the good job she’d done typically... And to tell her that it would be 153th, on the Bestseller’s list.

  The quixotic Bestseller’s list was her favorite act of procrastination. Another thing she had to ignore. If she wasn’t sure of her capabilities, she’d say that the hardwork was a thorough-waste of time. Like her friends, she was a partaker of work, even when it seemed it was perhaps just a ‘form’. But her skills, everyone knew, was envisions and artifices, which in New York was typical-Josephine; a social-elite but a very-sober one. She didn’t mind that she was spending too much time, alone. Reinforced by her parents, aunt and subjective friends, her time was her own. A self-devotee, who revelled in her solitude. Some of the people who knew her thought it made her a very unique writer. She simply insisted that it was a truly, convention of careful-consideration...

  The many things she did most to ignore, or was kept private... But she wanted to believe she was an intense, objectified and incentived-writer. Which she’d worked into her life very well. This, she didn’t take, unseriously. As the day went on the day-light faded into clouds and rain. The Manhattan shoreline was full of tugboats and ships, downtown traffic slowed on 9th Street, and Josephine was in her den. She keep a TV and computer there it they sat as get-to items in emergencies. She had the internet. But if she couldn’t call, she went by word-of-mouth... Efficiency and effectiveness, were fortend-facts. Which she felt they were a certain-‘duplicity’. She sat at her desk, a heavy Mahogany six-drawer den-desk, which was worth a small-fortune. Her chair, was a leather swivel chair meant for executive businessmen, a lush red fleuret carpet kept her feet warm on New York’s typical winter days.

  Knowing this, the central-air was installed, 7 years ago.. Which to older-buildings meant it wouldn’t be ‘cheap’ to operate. The HVAC company wanted money upfront but she haggled it down by 8%. As the rain on a Wednesday fell, most of the afternoon was derived by nature.. She was hard at work and progressing in the facets of a dubitable mass-market writer. As she penned the sketches of the continualty of her book, things were doing very well... Which she knew she should not take for granted. The power of the mind is its exquisite mental capabilities. The wiser mind was to prepare for the unexpected. It came natural to the Jewish mind. Intellect, was the ‘broad-stroke’ of virtuousness. And determination, was the virtue of empowerment. And as well-‘human’ discipline was more a poetic-judgment...

  The den room warmed after the weather began to cool. Later on, was the beginning of the cooler season. The city was emerged-in the ‘macrocosm’ of a delible-function. The refuse-collector arrived at 8 am, the three newspapers came soon after, and Brad came with the early Times, carrying a gallon of chocolate milk and a baker’s dozen. He loved the morning in the Big City. When he was in college at 20, after all night-partying he’d awake more vibrant than ever, unlike his friends. Who were hung-over from alcoholic attrition... He was a ‘jock’ then and now, he awakened at 6, jogged a mile, drank a cup of expresso instead of heavy-dark coffee; and now realized, he had a lot to accomplish in his life... He was an admirer of Steve Jobs, and Steve Forbes. He liked the name:‘Steve’. So much, he wanted to have a son with the name.

  Unlike his dear friend, he aspired and dreamed. Which she admired but saw little purpose. She often told him that dreams were for ‘books’. But he would inject, ‘you’d be out of business if there wasn’t’... So the
dreamer and admirer sat at the kitchen-table enjoying each other’s company. Brad had once seen a therapist suggested by someone, it came to very-little. So he became a professional-Bon Vivant, with the money to back it. He was not a total plesbian, his company he bought with his family’s money became a first-class computer company, but only after he turned over the helm... He always inferred that it was his ideas which only came into full-fruition after his departure. He had many chances to be married. He had a high school girlfriend, whom he still corresponded. But being a wife and mother of 4, didn’t make for manly, affection.

  But as times evolved, the many ideas of he and her became conclusive for times of companionship and fellowship in the ‘Big Chill’, so as they took advantage of each others appeals, sitting and enjoying there revolving of life; they set about their individual functions, and bid farewell. Josephine, was now alone, in the late morning... While they’d spent time together she continued the objective of her-workload. Much like her friend they had good mutual tasking-skills... Back in 1999, she’d became a fantastic one to hand in academic work, write and tend to friends she’d made in the school of the Arts, all over the city she even put in time as a director at the Midtown theater. Her niche had developed and devised with timing and diligence. Effectivity, was the scope of her life. And as a result, she was a defining-image of talent, impact, and skill-three very-special qualities. By afternoon she was baking a cake for a young friend, who lived down the block...

  As she put in the cake and watched it rise, she thought of an image which came only with sleep and creativity. The book was the Sea Thrown, a vivid tale of bright-skies, deep-oceans ‘green’ with ocean-‘red’, with golden shines the rising warm-baking. In what was this dream-image she saw blue flying creatures with bright pink-eyes... ...There were men with white flowing beards and long hair, as she slept the creatures would come closer and screech her name. She’d look down and see herself, dressed in ancient war-maiden attire her hair was long, to her chest. Before she could awake as if she wanted to awake at all, breathed in the air, it was exquisite like a berry-wine and the finest-wine all in one. ...Then, the images would fly-off. There was ‘danger’ she was aware of, but there was strength and courage, and somehow she realized it was a place meant for her alone.

  ...It went-through all her dreams, that she was the heroine that in this place ‘reality’ was her own. She’d once read that ‘dreams’, or the fortune, or misfortune-of the dreamer; and that one was symbolicly, speaking to the ‘reality’ of oneself. Other books-detailed that one’s rightful self could only live in dreams, and that it was a reality between ‘mind’ and mystery. Many of her books often played-out upon this ‘vantage’. ...Imperil, imposing and imperative lived in all her books, yet its conscience reality wasn’t 'close' to what she perceived about her dreams... So as the cake bell rang, she removed it and began to apply the frosting. It was a white-cake. The kind, a friend in school taught her to bake, she’d rarely, had such things in a Jewish-household. Friends opened her eyes, and enlightened her to other things in life... It was a more, ‘menial’-labor; it was good for the soul. As much as work now, it was ‘cerebral’...

  She didn’t hold any ideas about her life... She was very fortunate, yet she knew very-little about the way life should be. Her life had always been ‘copesitic’. She had few emotions or fragility about anything in life. But not much love went into what she had become. But in her many blossomings, she accepted and understood what became her life. It unfolded, rather than transitioned. She had no preconceived-notion or ideal, in what the future would become. She was in-charge of her destiny, an obligation and objective ‘cold and clear’... You couldn’t see the outcome but could see the purpose in life. She was not fragile, or in any way mentally, lacking; but was motivationally, patent with a conviction, self-attitude and imposition which in whole, would make the ‘impetus’ of a life.

  She was ‘special’ rather she realized or not; but it was, a realistic-intrinsicness. Electrified by attitude and atonement, then instead to evolve, was more an adventure into determinatonal-understanding... Affectually, ordinating and making ‘consistent’, one can envision a self-reality. So the vision of what was work and relegation, automated the self-priority of an intention. So impact and importance of vocation was an engineering. Josephine never wanted to be a 'snob', ‘know-it-all’ or ‘smarty’, she was too busy making her way in life. It was nothing more than an enterprise. She may not have been a more loving or affectionate, but loved what she was doing. Rarely, embarrassed or emotional, she succeeded and overcame through the facets of sophisticated-intentions. More a philosophy of incentive, for which academia was-implied.

  ...The joys of life was a personal-thing and no matter how they looked at it she proved her ‘resolve’ and ability. Empowerment, that consigned to the influences of ‘time’. On the other side, the result proved an incentive of provening. And though simplicity and logic served its purpose. As life went, she was very competent. The ‘edict’ of writing, proved and prevailed... She loved the ‘Arts’ and her fans, and the many friends who’d came along. Josephine talked with Brad all morning over donuts and expresso. -...‘If you think the President is going to give-in to the over-wrought GOP you must be living in a ‘cave’...' It was true, Josephine was a bit of a recluse, and he knew it. He had a strange sense of conviction and humor, which for the most part, Josephine enjoyed. ‘Brad, you probably know the answer to that’. ‘After all, I’m a confirmed Libertarian and ‘simple-liberal.’... ‘I only want a just society, economy and government’. ‘So as usual, let’s avoid politics.’... ‘...Brad, you have a way of confirming negative-posturings...’ It was a good conversation; one of many, by Brad and Josephine. One thing which neither wanted to infuse was the thought-of marriage. Although both of their-families and friends believed they should find someone. Each was stubbornly, independent.

  In fact, their individual mind-set kept them as friends, in good stead. But as with good-relationships, their mutual resolve helped them to 'fuse' a protective and loving-companionship. It was intimate, yet independent. Brad, eventually spoke about his present professional-talks, and Jospehine spoke on hers. The broadstrokes of interests, intentions and ideas; which sat deep within them both, was as they prepared for the day... With each others support they enjoyed breakfast, and then, the conversation. ...‘Okay, Brad catch you next time.’ ‘You know it, Josey.’ Brad walked out onto the porch, kissed her on the cheek and off he went. While they were conversing she worked on her signing and speaking itinerary. Which she loved. There were points, ideas, and expansive-interests, which were given a ‘structure’. She was read-up upon all sorts of profiles, images and talented ideas, by the media, interests groups and fans with incentives about her favorite-authors...

  She as usual, was perceptive like a ‘hawk’ looking for ‘prey’. With her talent from creativity, imagination for ideas and intellectual-cognition. She was rolling-out, into a full appeasing. It was a propounding compilation, which she came enjoy immensely. Purported to effectively, objectivity and articulately in public attention; or in exercising public-resounding profundity. Which was ‘par for the course’, for Josephine. As with her mental competence, consideration and composure she knitted her ideas and impressions-together. And now, she was engineering together and improving the intentions of her obligations. She was in the best shape and time of her life. She understood that life was not always going to be the same. She’d probably grow ‘old’, her fans would drop-off, friends would move-on, family, fortune and future was an unknown. So she knew and realized, it would not last ‘forever’.

  ...How would she change; was she going to always be a ‘book-binder’, a celebrity and wealthy? She had more money than she knew what to do with. She had to think about tomorrow. She was a very creative-artist, but where was it leading? Being alone invited anxieties, fears and phobias; and being a imaginative w
omen there was alot which had ‘exposed’, itself... There was more to this although, through which, she led-on... After a quick shower, and collecting of a papers, and dressing she was ready to see her agent about the upcoming agenda. The next six weeks would be full of signings, tours and talks; ending in a quick vacation in the Bahamas, were she’d study for her next book-fair in Canada. A book had a fast life-span, by October of the next year it would be number 2,100 on NYBS list or being covered by talk-shows as a ‘phenome’.

  Josephine knew all the tricks and trams, which she reveled in. Apart from being time-consuming, it was a wonderful time. Before leaving she wanted to visit the high-quality museums and the theaters, to meet with old college-mates. Most were very successful but some had become derelict-artist; due to substance-abuse, fame and talent, having differing, affectations by differing-individuals... Their eventual recovery was a wonderful thing to observe. She stayed acquainted, to make sure no one fell-through the ‘cracks’. But selfishly and narcissisticly, she enjoyed their work... And the visual-arts had a way of recognizing and registering, in new-images. There was a suggestive-intensity to her-vision, and their-images... It was like feeding a ‘symbolism’ of the hidden and once, 'alive'... There was an envisage of the articulation, with an intense-availing, and conjuring-up. Which with her talents, became alive, vivid and deep. There were spatial-colors and imagery, alive, at first-sight. She only spent sixty-minutes with each. By the return, she’d been in another-world.

  ...She arrived home informed, fulfilled and tired... She was glad to be home. Walking up her porch-stairs, and unlocked the door. Only she, her secretary, and housemaid had entry. It was installed with the lastest state of the art security, and many building amenities. She was too tired to turn-on the TV in her master-suite but she did turn-on the house music system to easy-listening. It was HD stereo. It was soft-rock which she’d come to like. The lights went on around 6 pm. That was were things of mental-capacity endeared itself... ...Arriving home the next day from a questioning by explicit R&D and PR agents, she was put through her paces. Yet they knew she was on top of her-game. The theories, technicals and terms were formed, fulfilled and fostered. Implicit to terms, and tentatives of contentions, conferrings, and confirmations.

  It was a sunny-day in the metropolis. It shined through the windows of the agent’s skyscraper office. Then, she was taking notes about future strategies. She was in her element. Radgetted-ideas, images, concepts; intentions and implications were flying, left to right... Impressions, expressions and concertions were launched, flew and were grounded for other ideas... Her purpose in all this was the gratification-materialized and stated, in surmounting. It was all they could do to objectify and authenticate; in relatives, -produced. After this production-session was over the interpretations, had been reached and posted. Josephine wore her reading-glasses which her sight once 18x19, with age was myopic to a small degree. She had carried her milieu-briefcase. Which after college became a ‘worthy’ and subjective accessory. In fact, her first agent decided it was up to him to make his newest associate; ‘look’ the part. He brought her clothes from the best clothing, shoes from an Italian-shop, cosmetics from Max Factor, and to set it all off, a professional women’s luggage, with all the latest gadgets and placades.

  After he had been terminated, and the fifth and sixth-Bestseller, everyone came to realize, she was already, a ‘Work of Art’, all to herself. She got rid of everything but the attache, in fond memory of what it all meant. She professionally, took all her resigning, cumulative statements into individual folders, and bid a ‘good day’, to her co-assignors. An eviduciary account, and autonomy as to being a very practical, and pragmatic. ...Through the influences of capability and the affluences of a commandment. It was a ‘tertiary’-corporate relevance. They were impressed, and she was factoring-in completion. The consummate and effectual-concertion, both established over years and actualized into an ‘exquisite’-representation... No one was left, as unassigned. Her agent wanted her to throw a completion and awarding-party. She only wanted to go home after a long day. It was a totally, encumbering transaction.

  Her agent for six-years, he had learned to honor Josephine’s ways. After all she was an ‘icon’ of expertise and importance. She left no money on the table. She could have been a ‘savant’; but she was more integritied, than just that. She served her-abilities and aptitude to her work, and no one was to stand in her way. Learning early-on, while a third-grader with awareness and understanding, that proved mature at issues and opportunities. By 38 little, got passed Josey which in her growth was the advances of intellect to be wise and analytical. There were 'hobbies' to the active-mind, which Josephine-possessed. A heavy-deduction and induction, by the instances and ideas, coming to facilitate, the posturings and pontifications of an elaborate, self-engineering. She forged her dubitable-talents, with a superficial-timing... ...As she worked on the simple contract-‘codes’, ordinal-provisions, and feduciary faculties the actual contentions, were being followed-through... ...It went on, by 4 pm she was on her way home... While the publisher’s analysts, brokers, and lead-extropolaters had caught up...

  In bed, as on her way home, she was beginning to fall asleep thinking of her friends, book-formats, and hypercritical-delineations of present and pass-works. And if her aide was looking after aunt Ethel... She remarked to herself that people were always the most unpredictable, yet simplest atoners; and then was in a deep slumber... The room was cool and quiet, as rain began to fall in a soft-spray. The cool-rainy night made for good sleep. The night swept along, with dawn arriving with a pleasant-glow. The birds began to call, pidgeons flew after a damp-bath and street-cleaners, were coming along the curb. The housekeeper had learnt to make breakfast early on sunny-days. Sarah Hermez was a immigrant working on a green-card from Venezuela. She lived with her sister who came to America, 20 years ago. They were getting by. Sara loved working for Josephine because she treated everyone well.

  In her work, good-bosses were hard to come by. Either you were over-worked or under-paid. Now her sister was getting married to a rich American-Latino who owned a construction business. She was glad that she would be happy. She didn’t give a thought to herself. Their parents taught them the duty of hard-work. ...’Judia’, was also a hardworker who took work seriously. The two sisters adored and respected one another... So they knew not to ask anything but love from the other, she was proud. As she stopped folding towels for the morning-bath and began placing plates and saucers on a clothe-table. Josephine didn’t ask for much, assuming how wealthy she was... She paid transportation, healthcare, her retirement, and for the process for her to work legally, in the U.S.

  She met Sarah at a Mexican Cafe selling Burritos, week after week. Her service was impeccable. After a long conversation after work she hired her on... She took well to house-matroning. She was going to move into her own apartment, when Josephine offered her an apartment near the Brownstone. And now she could come and go without difficulty... As opportunity and time passed, it was only typical that she’d want to do so, also. So on weekends, she attended computer science studies at NYCU. She was doing well. The morning sunshine invigorated Josephine to rise and go to the kitchen and eat. There was expresso, honey and biscuits, oatmeal and fruit. She ate slowly, as a necessary thinker tended to. Josephine didn’t talk much before 7 am, it was a code of hers. When a noise was ‘let’ into the house conversation could begin. Josephine’s character was one of sincere criticalism but deep understanding, by what was the imperceiving of others...

  ...Self-understood it was that she had a ‘defined’ way of encountering others... It was subjectively, ‘pale’ but a realizable-composing. Josephine was a deep-relative reactionary about ‘valuable’-things. From the intensity of things to the exactitudes of facilitations there was a convivial of confesson and convocation. Josephine’s attitudes went fairly deep, like her sleep.
By Monday morning she was to go to a college presentation on Art at Columbia University. How the imagination and creativity could be a mental and fundamental way of life. After that, the tour would begin for the Spring season... On the friday after she planned to begin her tour which would take her across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Ending in Florida with a signing and Book-sellers club meeting and convention. Many of them she knew times before. They were old friends, they kept track of her and her works, and were impressed and understanding, about all she did. Then on the following, Wednesday. She’d be at her publisher’s convention ending in Waco, Texas.

  She was not a big-fan of the West, but was a good ‘crowd-pleaser’ and ‘people-meeter’.. Her parents had taken her to visit others all over the world to know family and their lifestyle,and to care for others whom were less fortunate or more. ...Who knows a relationship or companionship, or a view of the world, would occur. Her career had made a fortune and her friends proved valuable-attributes and insightful-experiences. There was purpose to life, and she, with help from others, gained much. There was a psychological-resolve to her many designs and attributes. A designation, carefully planned by institution, to who was Josephine Stein. A precis of refining and exaction; collectively, instilled and installed in an inflexion... Which challenged the recourse and automation to the distilling of role-comported, and recognitive, each day, hour and minute in the activation to being a recollective-person... Her ‘sagas’ were human, habitual, and homaging by vision and mission.

  A presence of arcing professed-work and dignity. A pronouncing, precision that provided, and proffered in the actively, judging-challenges. Defuse and parallel, her very consciousness being in endemic-multiple ‘worlds’. The giant-role of perfection...adduces to voice and vocal of a human-action. A choice of her innate and objective. What led to its own was a predominate, self-provision. In every artist and every work of art; the precious precision to being in obligative and precious-contentions... Yet Jewish-people tended to be ‘schrewd’, Josephine was no different. The scale, scope and scheme of things tended to play-out on life’s stage. She knew of many of her ethnicity, both successful and not. ...Whose hopes and dreams never panned-out, their life-lessons were dishardening. But also, the all too human edict, both predisposed and allowed in an overcoming. As she and others made their destiny, they created a ‘dynasty’, which only meant so much...

  Life was temporary and ethereal, yet it was life. After coming home that day she had all her travel supplies laid-out by Sarah. All she needed to do was to expect tickets, itinerary-schedules and the call and pick-up by her assistant. ‘Okay, Brad, I’ll see you when I get back’... ‘...Lunch at Tiffany’s?’ ‘Sure.’ ‘And you take care of your business. Don’t want it going under...’ ‘Okay, see you soon, bye.’ She hanged up. She knew Brad’s elderly mother would keep an eye on him. That was one thing they both shared: family and love. She packed and was out the door when the assistant showed up in a Limosine. A long Limosine with six doors, her agent had her travel in style. Although, only uptown she had a BMW, from six years earlier. She didn’t especially, like driving, taxis did the job just as well. She only drove to visit her father in Connecticutt. There he lived in retirement. A once engineering-teacher, he had a pension, and at 84, had a senior Condo. He always had genuine words of advice, suggestions and words of support.

  She told her friends that she would be on tour for ten days, so they shouldn’t expect the luncheon with her. Every once in a while, she liked getting away form New York, The hectic life only went so far. She was a genuine New Yorker but her eyes, ears and mind needed to rest. Cooped-up in a Brownstone didn’t always make for a solemn solace. There was the long leisurely, walks through Central Park, occasional strolls through Times Square and along the outer shore but each had its ‘limits’. She fell asleep on the drive into LaGuardia but awoke on the plane, taxying along the runway. Many of the passengers where vacationers and families on visits. She was in the executive-class. She was familiar with the whole bit. From trips to Qatar and China to Bolivia and Poland, she had a close tie with the travel business. In addition she had friends, acquaintances and family of all kinds across the globe. She remembered one solemn trip to Rome to visit the Vatican with her close friend with the ashes of her Italian Grand-father; his last wish. Josephine was a good friend and an even bigger sleeper. She studied sleep; books and her own. But it was a solemn process going back to ancient times from Buddhism to Judaism.

  She was fortunate to read and discover-far and wide what differing and similar societies thought of sleep... Many thought her dreams were probably a source of her creativity. Like perhaps Nicodemus or the Buddha, an astute higher-calling of consciousness. But Josephine was endowed with both conscious and unconscious adeptness. While she napped the plane flew into LAX with ease and a calm descent. The bell of final disembark came-on, and everyone departed. She entered the main sky-Captain’s corridor and was picked up by an associate. The associate had worked as the liasson for wealthy travelers. Josephine was familiar with them. There were many across the country and over-seas... She introduced herself and instructed her in the present schedule. She would be taken to a Ritzy hotel allowed to unwind and eat and in the morning be instructed on her next move.

  Josephine was like Clark Howard, she knew the least expensive and best way to travel. She knew she had to be, efficient and accomplished in everything from route to the meeting-hall to the best after-work dining in China town. Josephine knew, with a flair. She was always entertained by the way her escorts faces filled with astonishment, at what and how much she knew. She always took her assistants in stride. By the second day, they’d be in-sync. Then, they could really get down to business. It was a little-job to get everyone on the same plan, but she realized it went with being a ‘people-person’. At her senior year in college. She realize she was setting the curb, to her classmates. And though a ‘secret’, she came to the realization that her ‘economical’ gift of ability was something to be dished-out, with benevolence and kindness. That night having a cocktail, and a Haddock-filet with Mayonnaise, Apple pie and aged Red wine. After dinner she watched TV news, and fell asleep.

  Her dreams, were again deep and profound. A magnificent theater of mental replenish, and awakening. Which she traveled the impeccably and vividly, brilliant... There was the most excellent-colors, the brightness like a summer’s day, the striking images and forceful-sensations. The keen-strokes of impressions, of the truest Rembrandt, Matisse and Monet. The awe-striking dynamism and perceptive-vision. But what was the poignant-to-nocturn, was the actual interaction, activity and storyline; to an imagination as true as the author of immensely, famous-creation... Josephine awoke to the phone-ringing and her associate asking how her trip went, and what she might need to know, on-the-run. It was her prose in a portent providence of the ‘real’-world. A devotee as well as designee to Ms. Josephine...Judy Abbott was a fundamental ‘gift’ to the written-world. She worked, rectified and ratified Josephine’s fondest concerns... She was excelling, in a causative, kind-of-way...

  ...‘Ms. Josephine, you’ll need to stay several hours after the intro and wait to be taken to the media-conference... Josephine listened, carefully, gleening the priorities. Which she subdivided, but knew the best-analysis couldn’t predict or plan for what would happen but she was on-the-ball. ‘Now, your next-role provides for your ‘questions and answers’, and please, observe the audience. As they are the higher-eschelon and tended to be ‘wealthy’’. ...That her ‘appeal’, ‘correctness’ and ‘image’ needed to be close to ‘perfect’... After rambling-on, making assertions, and assisting in the ‘rare’-territory of iconic-influences. ...Josephine took note of the prime-control alludings, reassured her she knew what she was doing; and objectively, expressed her understanding and ratification. Of what was needed. Her publisher’s assistant, back home, was anxious because of the discipline and
distance in what was needed. Austerity, was a prime-mover in publisher’s material. Josephine knew, her second-tier editor, put her upto it...

  After all the ramifications, self-assurances and substantiations, each played a rudimentary part. Even though her work was an abiding with the ‘best’; the divvying up of circumstance, still played a ‘role’... Breakfast the next-morning was Kippers and Chips brought to her at exactly, after her bath time. As specified she was to get anything she wanted, go anywhere and travel extensively, outside of work-time... And Josephine knew to follow up and fulfill all those stipulations. It was the O.C., Los Angeles, California-and all that went along with it... She, her publisher, and the fans who loved her, knew she deserved it. She had both professional and personal sightseeing destinations and visits-prepped, and readied... Her next tour-site was the Beverly Hills’s Hilton at the large meeting room for he higher-tiered book-dealers, contract delivers and the Press. In their first read and appearance of her newest novel. Novel reading was a 850,000 audience-business. And authors were to take themselves seriously, if they were to be the best, and not a one-time deal.

  Most, excellent authors knew they needed to be the ‘real thing’... This was a method of ‘art’, not science. Most imperceptibly, an author needed to be the most strongly, grasped informing, function and follow-through. And this present-author, required the determination and drive to fulfill the deepest-consistency, consideration and concession... Although one didn’t want to become a secular 'slave', she did want to intend to the tasks. Much for Josephine was a mental-mission and the emerging magnitude, it was both copesitic and enduringly, capricious to fulfill magnitude. So with the newly, free-time she took a taxi down to the beach... ...Walking the boardwalk, then went for a swim. She expected a routine of her-time. While there she emailed, called and visited some old friends in town. By 1:30 pm, she was at the hotel-reading. Lunch before was Roast beef with a strawberry wine cooler. Now, she was on the elevator to the first-floor to catch the Limo. ...The sun had been warm at the beach.

  California weather was typically, nice. She’d watch from her ride, the palm-trees, the street activity and city-sites go by. She was taken to the staging-area, from a private entrance. And again, her associate quizzed her. Her books were vibrant, and telling an art-form she flourished at... Her personal artistic commandment was thought to ‘rival’ Steven King and Agatha Christie... It was quite excelling; her words, ideas and expressions idealized the form. The series, were of a certain-magnitude and manifest; that you were engrossed by a second page. She was offfered guest-shots on TV talk-shows, opinion-pieces on political, literary and Art programs... And given a sure-footing in the field so well, she was a dominant-force of style. Her principle-diligence in writing, in education, and in creative-drive all were the fulfilling of an selfly, enigma... With a feel for scholarliness, and a dynamic-pretense for the principled, and pragmatic. Her personal refinement was very, ‘hyperbolic’.

  She could accomplish, as much as she wanted. ...In a procession by provening and protocol, with both intensity and focus, in the tentative-agile of a manifest-work... Literary aplomb, tended to achieve, and account in appeal to as a form. Her personal-‘adroit’ expanded and compounded, in a declaration. By what was an exposition of her-display of in definitive-work. With a great-objective and atoning-‘atom’; she exacted and drew from in true-diligence of a competent-confirmatory. ...The ‘form’, formativity and ‘fortitude’ were there before she took-off on a writing-career. It all came together early, and expanded, swiftly. Her ‘intense’ and driven intellectual-exposition proved to be ‘genius’, and absolvingly, competent. She had already the knowledge, wisdom and skill to subordinate the mastery of talent. She proved an ‘asset’ to the form, beginning and gaining-abilities and capabilities; with ‘zeal’ of accomplishment. By 8 pm, the questions, speeches and camera-shots were over. She had time to get to her hotel, relax and chat with associates and go-over her next-scheduling. By ten, she was asleep. The warm-night was offset by the hotel's cooling-system.

  The hotel had impeccable-service. Josephine loved ‘Ritzy’-establishments something she acquired with gained publicity. She was very well-known as an author. As the night went on her bed-rest went into dreaming. The once orange, red, and yellow-sunset over the ocean, became the dramatic cragged skies, deep magenta blustering-clouds and the fantastically, cool winds and cliffs, upon which was the fortresses of some ‘unknown’-Retreat... If it could be called that. It was a magnificent-sight, undescribable, a dimension for which she had ‘no words’. She did not try to understand, but she was subjected to the feeling that she was ‘supposed’ to be there. Her conscious was not nearly, as deep, or discharging... Semantically, empathic and subjectionable were only to her 'self'-mental activities. Now, she had a corporation-conglomerate, and icon behind her...

  If she could try to illustrate and understand. Just what, through a feasability, was in her accomplishments. It would take a careful, self-relevence. Over the years, she gleaned and illustrated a coathe-understanding, in her work, mechanics and able to be self-fulfilling... It was, as she had attained the regency, presently, in a careful-concession. The Arts, as learned and attained-as contentions of one’s teachers, tools and ‘tenets’, had been allowed and reinforced in the private-mastery, and its meaning. As the human, social and illustrative-envision, were made available and attained. There-in was a ‘vocal’ of learning, training and knowledge... And now, it was the new-reverences in abilities and attainments...she was actuating in her form, by definitive-terms. She had a morning-autograph and book-reading that morning. And planned to call her-family and friends back home, and tell them how she was getting along. They loved her being a celebrity, and enjoyed her take-on things. From TV-interviews, to radio-conversations, she was on many channels. And she loved, in how one realizes, and was fortunate; she and they, were...

  Josephine with her ‘uncommon-sense’, knew to take it all, in stride. As they all knew, she’d take it. She was not a ‘superficial’-person. Her professional seriousness, went as ‘deep’ or deeper than that. But also realizing, it was needed to be given substantial-‘leeway’... Because her very-role of as a people-person, required that she needed to personalize her very rare, ‘aptitude’. Her-friends and family moved ground in personality; aided her-sense of a very worthy-‘trust’... When she became a ‘worthy’ author, a former-teacher and friend. They gave advice to her about her ‘very’ public-image. Not only would people be impressed, but expected of her a certain tender-diligence. That would ‘guide’ the masses in a ‘lesson’, atoning for the human-passages of self-comport. ...That she would be the ‘gatekeeper’, and ‘role-model’ like no-other. And that power and ‘gravity’ would endure for the majority of her career.

  She’d discussed this new-found networking, before its full fruition. Now adorned and adopted, she was crowned with this absolving, reverence. It was also a ‘ratification’ accepted and ascended-to... She watched every ‘venue’, researched many avenues, and learned the implication of causes and a criticalities in much like her career... And now, redeemed and devoted, she was to give of herself to her fans and its functional the realm of literature... By 8 am on the third day, she was reenergized after phone-conversations, back-home in New York. Her friends were again talking of relishing-work and activities... Relatives discussed other family, aches and pains, and both duties and dispair of things. Brad was on his-way to Central Park and planned his own trip to Silicon Valley as an executive-part of his business. ‘...I’m going to get the ‘V.I.P. treatment’, also Josephine’... Josephine, bidded love and farewell, and began her day’s mission. She loved the publishing arts, but like most, came to comply, as a veteran of industry-vocation... It was a hard-fought, reality. Like a Chess-game and Marathon all in one. But if one carefully was driven, accountably; it wasn’t surmountable. In fact, as all her associates, came to
know; she was effectively, ‘a natural’...

  ...And so as she illustrated in the worthy-speeches, interviews and discussions; that she was quite the asset to her publisher’s ‘bottom-line’. She was an acquaintance of the top CEO of her firm. They went to lunch every once in a-while. And the best editors in her business had a familiar and learning experience with her. She was willing, and worthy. So she became an integral-constituent of the form... As she came to the studio to do an interview and promoted her book, she gave insighful, interesting and valuable-facts, and opinions on her work, herself and her ideas. Radio-shows in L.A. were eclectic, fashionable and varied so she was kept on her toes.

  But after several interviews, a public-radio show and a publicity-commitee with other authors. She was reverent, refined and revealing to the investigators, publicizers and in otherwise recognition. Provided by their imminent time, together. Importing and impacting, the very active roles of media and journalism. She’d studied well and answered every question, inferring and interesting; with vibrant answers, she was an astute and a instituent-inquiree... The mindset of manuscripts, was always set and counterset by intelligence, empathy and worthy, self-invoking. As she worked her way through the pantheon of express and impress, she ‘ticked’ like a ‘watch’... That became the reason why her inquirer, media and her-fans, approved. After travelling to seven other states and eight-further interviews, she was well on her way to expanding, expound, and literating the alms of her tales; conscribed to the due-diligence and eminence of the forte’, fortitude and fostering-of her work, in-promotion.

  After ten days of derivative, design and author's revealing and deriving, in what was the developing of a writer’s work; in a protocol. She was easing into the ‘geometry’ of work and design. She was having a great time. ...As she said in her speeches, she couldn’t have done it without her friends... Which was as most other authors, was unabashingly, true... She was competent, but without the forces of self-fortune; she would have never come to a fruition. Upon the time at her vacation’s end, she was relaxed, rested and satisfied. It was good to return home. The flight into LaGuardia was in the evening. It was quiet at the airport. All the travels were subdued, as in the evening-air... There was expected rain, so her associate pulled-up to the curb, and off they went. Sarah talked as Josephine began to doze-off. She endured, her associate realized; she was tired and remained silent until they arrived.

  She’d prepared for her return by giving instructions to not phone until next Monday. It was a 'work-out'. She would travel again till Spring. When she opened the door to her Brownstone, mail sat stacked on her greeting-table. Her maid had arrived at 6 am and had sat out nuts and fruit. As she went to her den to see her email...she turned on the radio. The 40” TV was then turned to MSNBC to watch the news and any mention of her interviews... And with time, her book appeared. ..She was dressed in a sequined-gown at the California Authors Convention, one of her favorite designers had designed the dress. Her agent suggested she get done-up, her friends, went all-over town looking for a dress-designer-she liked. It was an ‘artist thing’. Great artist only had taste, if shown it. Debbie Skaggs was an up and coming designer in the Jewish tailoring sector of town... ...A tailor had allowed her to open a designer store and his appreciation proved pivotal.

  It took several months, for design, style; and fitting and production. It gave acclaim to her business. Being able to open her own shop. Josephine gave her a good fee and tip, over $75,000 and $5,600... The girls doted over her all through the process. It was purely, an emotional experience, and that which was as a brilliant artist, was 'pain-staking'. As friends, staff and acquaintances all affirmed her need for a special-dress for a special-occasion. Her friends were a good-influence on her. Her once adamant, objectified attaining-reality had to be brought down to earth, or onto the earth... The influence, and affluence that went along with her accomplishments, and ‘skills’; were an instilling of refinement and underscore. It was a establishing of provening, and of an imminent protocol. An enigmatic lesson of elaborate fortitude. Luckily, her father taught, demonstrated and trained-her. Sculpted her into a durable, self-complicity. If not for her father and loving mother the engagement of commanding self-control was forthwith idealized and in an affirming, festooned.

  ...Like many forceful Jews, they made their way in society and came to atomize their success. ...In what was a 'fortitude', fortune and what was in, as a founding. Of the self-instilling, empowerment of the Jewish-society. In what had become an amalgamated ethnic-'motif'... By hundreds of generations of ardent, articulate, and affirming social-impactual(s). An articulation making for a fulfilling-by an articulation. It was a multiplicity in ‘overture’ and overcoming. Through 'precepts', paradygms, principles and perditions, she was reinforced and confirmed-by what was an incensed, discipline by a fundament, and affixative. And with the ‘pride’ of devotion, appeal of the heart, and redemption, vociferously, redeemed in the ‘duty’ and determination, of the self, and being... It was an elemental-assertion of the ‘will’, in who and what assimilation; in what was an adoption and conviction. In a long-line of persons, personifications and perserverings. In this insistent-bond, it proved to be a provocation, and prevailing.

  And now she was in the ‘thick’ of it all. Josephine understood her fate, in many areas and two-realms. She had an independent-decency. One that went ‘deep’ into the Semitic creed. Being independent, self-empowered and critically, intelligent; was a skill she was affessed and composed. Luckily, like many who were talented and competent, and she acted with a determined-capacity. Her major-incentive, had been an ascended and energy to be complying and in-command. She was now in her latter-30s. And the great achievements she achieved were lauded by so many. But she kept a level-head. And remained a caring, considerate, and individually, impactual. After 15-years of work, accomplishments and adornments, she’d found her life’s satisfaction.

  ...As she matured, and also becoming manifested; by what was so many energies-attaining and attained, she still-felt a 'drive', and inspiration. In what was a privilege, and excitement of the imagination. A practice and protocol to ‘enjoy as a ‘challenge’ and a choice. As a single-woman, it was her own time; she was professive of what was to be in new-freedoms and fortitudes. Perhaps, with the many new-arenas in female-fortune; she both being done-with, by advantage; and brought-forth in as a ‘virtue’. The world for Josephine, and women in general, had advanced; and now, they’d reached the age-of-empowerment. As most women, they’d understood that they had attained greater-intentions, in all they did And Josephine was not going to let them down. She was talented and gifted, but also very valued and of a certain contention. Which had proved a ‘worthy’-implication. There was no ‘ideas’, but intrication, proven by skill and determination. An idiomatic-encompassing, intention; though, engendered was still implicitly, self-evocative. In, as a guide, incurring sophistication, she was guided and followed by what was revealed to be a encompassing of self-division.

  As the times came along the enticing-and engrossing-energies, had come to be realized as Josephine’s fate. But much of the self-direction was full of perspective and definition. She’d experienced those that had been exposed and understood in many of the world’s differing-works of Art, of all kinds. Art was the creative side, the ‘science’. So Josephine’s very motivating mind worked. It had liked most great writer’s been a 'good-fit' for her ability. She’d read about artists’ great duties and pecularities that went with that being. Though, she never saw herself as this, she did recognize that one’s freedom was ‘great’ with the grandness of a 'gratuity', in the form.

  So before jumping-into the fine-arts she realized that devotion was with commitment and not some super-imposed inaneness. It was that so much 'simplicity' was, in an independent-advocation; given to the ‘laws’ of proving-virtue. ...Which was with ‘skill’ the multiplicity; in what one could a
ttain, was an advantage of self-venue. ...Where work, competence and capacity were great-ventures in self and self-‘mystery’... Josephine had proved, actuated and advanced, in a self-fortitude... There was little she needed to do, to exert in any sort of a convocation... It was the 'spirit' that proved defining in the form. And Josephine both understood and was expressive in the great-volumes; by what was an intimate-convocation...

  ...As she began reading, she noticed that there were a number of associates wanting to congratulate, request an interview, and just acknowledging their-approval. She, of course, was being visited by the reading of the associate-editor who expressed the appreciate for the tour; and give plausible-deadlines for her next-scheduled book-assignments. Somewhere, a distant-associate was excited about the work... And then familiar-fans, and fan book-clubs... And then there was the publicity-proctors... ...From legitimate to liberal-provocateurs wanting to prove a ‘point’, by exacting-on the 'popular'.

  Some of them were quite engaged, while others were deemed of a reasoned-deliberation... Then, after all these, she set about concentrate on friends whom she had not seen in awhile which typically, ‘made her day’... She was brought a small-meal to continue working, which her-maid knew she’d need. It was 1 pm, when she came home from walking her dog. Usually she’d walk him in the evening, but the new publicity probably would make her ‘famous’ but not usually on her block. They were use to, and most exonerating, in keeping those in a New York neighborhood safe. It was a regular-thing with New Yorkers' fame... After allowing her pet to go to his-bed to rest, she decided she’d go visit her aunt and catch-up, on the arts. Some of the New Yorker-elite were die-hard patrons. But she was a familial, and devout about her-‘consistency’ of it...

  There were many ‘intricacies’, to its manifold-design. Like her-friends they adored New York and all it was about. There in the many burroughs were the worlds of human artful-engineering that all but deemed and redeemed, a world. New York changed people's lives and provocations, in its many dimensions, designs and definitions... An inordinate-sum of values and virtues... So Josephine was simply, a patron. But as well, a commited and diligent-connoisseur of the divine and displaying that became human-ingenuity, which in a most ‘essency’ filled to redemption, by a ‘defining’... As her-mind in an artifice; there was a 'soul' for-all of it. And what you missed, was the failed-intercourse of conferring; yet life went-on, complied-in, and was in an inspiration. So in all, they knew they were entitled, and also grandly, entrusted with the justness and ‘jewels’ of a great-'empire' of the world.

  The sun was going-down on the westward sun-room...when she’d gotten a call from aunt Ethel. Aunt Ethel was in her 90’s, she was her father’s oldest-sister... They had all come from Baltimore, Maryland in the 50’s. Their father was a school-principal for 40 years before dying of heart-disease in ’62. Her younger-sister and brother moved west being a concertist and teacher, respectively. They had been one happy family. ...Her aunt was the first to leave and moved to New York. She adored her sister and brothers but had a falling out so she moved to the ‘Big City’. She, like her niece was no ‘dummy’. She became a secretary moving-up the ranks to manager then retiring in ’78. She once was engaged to marry. Mark Apers was his name, but he went to Vietnam as a Private in ’62 and was never heard from again. She never wanted anyone else.

  Now, in her old-age, she was in the winter of her life. And all she had was a caring niece and the spritely, things she said... Josephine remembered when she was a child on visits to the senior-home. But it had always became a joyous occasion. Josephine enjoyed her aunt’s personality. It had been a number of times, when young, that she interacted with her. She was one to expound on female-independence and self-empowerment. She lived all her life as a ‘second-class citizen’; now, as an individual woman who’d been out in the world; her-father had revelled-in and endorsed both of them. Besides, it had been her devoted-duty that had been appreciated while growing-up. They shared a devotion to accomplishment and duty. And by time she reached her teen years, she had an impeccable sense of worthfulness.

  While she gave-back devotion and owing, that was the least she could do. She knew her aunt was in her waning years... Her father was home-set; and other relatives were far away, now she was all she had. Her mother had died in ’91 from Cancer. They were not as close as her aunt. Sarah Stein had faded after Josephine would 19 years old. So with her schooling and work she’d been thankful for a wise and present aunt. As the years past, Josephine had became a writer-famous and wealthy. Her aunt remained independent and objectified, and full-of energy.

  So their equal-harmonizing, was something to behold. And Josephine knew it. Her aunt answered the phone after speaking with an attendant. She’d been out-doors on the patio. They’d spoke of how the weather was ‘nice’. Ethel then began speaking about how her and her brothers went fishing. Her mind was an album of people, places and things. Yet Josephine knew she needed to stay on task and not get distracted. She had only so much time. She asked about Josephine, and how she was doing and how she felt. She promised to visit before the end of the month. Josephine wondered if she could bring her home to live one day. She thought it could be the least she could. But she realized with her schedule, it was too much of a burden.

  So it was on the weekend of April third that she make it to the home in New Jersey. The sun was getting hot. So as Josephine thought this a good time to start vegatable gardening, the yard she had had a nice patch of land out back. Where a 9x12’ section could hold plants. She had learned it from Ethel, long ago. Josephine was not a over-zealous child, so she had time to learn. Which in the last year of high school, at 12... She needed a kind guide which could offer learning, in self-improvement... Josephine, along with her intellectual acumen, was a great judge of character and intention. And an investment in self and time, had bridged the gap between work residance. In the many periods onward, it improved with her independent-aunt, exacting practical and self-virtuous-worthiness. This, over the years, was an invaluable and unforgettable-tool, to be proficient.

  That evening she went out and began plotting the ground. Where to put in sod or where to place vegetables in the garden. The last rays of sun had fell over the building. The lights had been turned on by her maid who’d began prepping supper. She also made an evening snack on the den counter because she informed her, she might be up till ten. After deciding on the garden, she cleaned up and sat down to a dinner of baked Chicken and rice with Red wine. After a cup of coffee, she wanted to deal with and began cleaning-up loose-ends, as part of her-work. And there was bills and processing-papers which couldn’t wait. It was all being taken care of by morning she had fell to sleep, and had booked everything that needed completion...

  In the 7-hours of sleep, she was outside of worldly, terms. There was the ‘new’-reality, that had come and gone in ‘imagery’...beyond Van Gogh and Rembrandt; more real than any sci-fi or movie cinematics... No feeling, emotions or thoughts had ever existed that she ever known like it. ...A dark crimson sky with crags of bright-yellow. ...Blue-dragons with yellow glowing back-crests. Dark black-soil on rocky crags on which she sat... Below flourished phosphorescent blue-liquid with white foam... It all was so ‘surreal’. An entitlety and intensity, abreast, and overt. She wore, in this other-dimension, a black, white and blood-red-smock... Her hair was a beautifully wicked flowing quauf. In this ‘enigmatic existence’ was a super-genuine exquisiteness... The plausible exigenetic pervayence which was ‘beyond’, expression... In this, deep-transmutation she felt a part of; in being a natural-part, of a definitively, powerful-explicitness... In a purview-prognostication that could not be abjured, or evoked... In an intrinsic-'idolatry' unfathomed by enamorant-energies...

  In all her discipline and talent, her power of correction, duty and deriving-essence and intention, feeling and emotion; having no equal... She’d never seen such ‘in
tensities’. It was a preeminence, she’d come to accept in her-slumber. It was once precipitious, profound and preambled... But now, after full-maturing and enduring; the ‘presence’ only exacted... It had all become ‘status quo’.... But not one iota, less heightened... Redeeming and duplicity, had a way of being acceptance. But one’s self-account can accept a ‘breach’; and with time, prove a certain-perfection. She had with time annotated in the ‘mastery’, of night's sleep... What could not be taken from her ‘dreams’, was a 'solid' form. There were literally, thousands of mystical-books about it... ...Millions of ideal-imageries, by which human-thought had been depicted, invention and ideal invitations, to enjoy the high-art and mission that human draft that could be in such envisioning... Yet unlike any, hers 'reactualized'-itself, with a deep and powerful-motif. From insensing to ideology, that was both perceptive and passive...

  She lived her life to a fullest-fortitude. From psychology to biology to philosophy, there were many conception in what she went-through... And she, who’d one-time or another was in full-‘relative’, but as each, there were immaculate-perceptions that weighed heavier upon the depiction and deliberation of this-aspect. There were medical-tests, psychiatric studies and mental relegations being proven and explained; but there was no provision to the depth and breadth of human experiences... Devised, in what was, she believed, an obliging-art... She’d heard about the many ‘burdens’, the artist experienced by the justification and genuine-incentive of the form. It reminded her of the virtue of resolve, of the deriving of the artistic-comprising... Her mother and father were both unrevealing of the ‘shadows’ and meanings of what was the delivering and apprising of the compelling-compilations of her life.

  Engaging in the affirming and involition, of her and things they didn’t understand; they were careful not to denote the many implicative-complications... She was a gifted-child, but one had to invest in the practical-reverence, and instilling of devoted deferring for which any child’s reality, intervened... As the dreams, which never subsided; but like any power to come to be grasped, and engagedly, encountered; with a vendication of the very distinctive-‘powers’-of durable-acceptance... As the articulous gravitated toward a proving-providence and self-provision the waking-hours were spent tolerating, and deliberating in a ‘prefix’ in self-priority. It was an ‘adventure’ of a single-minded, ‘clarity’ in a-convocation by what was a bridge-of-collusion. There were many ‘definings’ and many pontifications on both the ideal and interpretative by what could be... There were many dynamic-extollings, proctorings the profferings of a personal-digest.

  And so, she developed in a-secret sequence. From the presence of refining to a fragrance of indemnity she held within... ...The grasp of enmity and complexity, which she felt was hers alone. Being Jewish and a developed comprehensive self-conceptuality; she proved as promisingly, positively, and pridefully... There was no reactual or redimension, it was the two ‘faces’ of time. Night and day, that carried her into the next. She gave as her mental-energies to infect the others; but sensed in the devising by predicate-consummation. It had been an ‘enterprise’ of potential and impactual predeliction. She was fulfilled by each obligatory-consequence. There were ancient-stories of Jewish-detail about other dimensions; of foreign-worlds, exacted on special people of God’s creation and chosen-fulfillment... Religion, was the story of an ultimate-dimension and utter other-world extolling... ...By what was to become a central-pact of a self-vision, and virtue.

  So what was the 'reason' for her seemingly, ‘endless’-dreams; of a great 'other-existence'. Her background was one not to ask but be pious and unquestioning. Her great-ability with the skills of Art was one of the ‘great’ powers of human history; were now under the same relation of the creative-mind, at sleep. She rested even in a naturally, innate and unknown-reliance and subconscious-exception... It was both a presided-overt and passive-perception which fulfilled a purpose. But the human intention has always been one of inquisitiveness, of knowing all but one’s sacred-devotion which was to not to reveal the course-of-God... She was proud and expounded by her personal-resound. An implication of greater experience that was proving the diligence of heart and mind; and she felt honored and intentional to an attribute to what was a 'true-gift’.

  So as she awoke it was a clear April-morning. There was no work, as it was a Saturday. The streets were quiet. She stepped out onto the walk-up. The sun was rising behind the houses. The maid had just arrived and was getting breakfast made. The coffee was quawfing from room to room. She went to the bedroom upstairs, where the bed had been made. She showered, put on some make up and dressed. The TV in her den, was ‘on’; she wore her jogging-suit to relax. She planned to eat, walk the dog, and go out to begin on her garden... Brad had left a message dated the evening-before. Josephine had been tired, but she knew he had a way of being ‘impractical’. But he just happen to be a good, and dependable-friend. She kept up with Brad, because he was like a ‘brother’ she never had; and she was like the sister, whom he loved very much.

  ...They tended to share theories-of ‘life’, from reverence to relegation. He realized she needed him, and she also to him. But as well, she knew he was utterly, predictable. It came to be an ‘oratory’-of affection; a sense of unpredictability, and love which neither wanted to live without. And neither needed it any other-way. As she went taking care of the ground in the rear-plot. Brad showed up in his ‘Powder-blue’ suit. It was a Spring polyester design. The kind which were likely throw-backs to the 80’s. But he looked impeccable. His hair was well-groomed, and he’d cleaned himself up very well. Smelling of ‘Obsession’, and wearing a pair of brown-loafers. He was never a car-driver after an accident in ’92. A friend and he, were out partying late, when the friend ran into a pole killing him, instantly. Brad had a broken leg and three cracked-ribs. It took him a year to recover.

  He still drank, but not drive... His father decided he needed a Chauffer, indefinitely. He didn’t question his authoritarian-father. They were wealthy enough... Josephine had began setting the dirt as her friend conversed on his-time without her, and detailed what was up for the day... ‘So, Josey, you goin’ to be around this week?’ ...’Or are you goin’ to leave me alone, and lonely?’ ‘Well, Brad, I don’t have plans but what do you have in-mind?’ ‘Ah, well.’ ...I have to be in Washington for a board-meeting.’ ‘...Dad, said: If I’m going to be a future-CEO, I need the ‘experience’.’ Josephine chose not to take it further. She knew he only had a choice to be caring, or be confirmed... That was usual, in the terms of being an ‘only-child’. ‘I hope you don’t ‘mind’?’ She tried to end his-pressing, and to affirm his other-concerns. They chatted in what was this time his busy schedule.

  Occasionally he and Josephine made childish choices, only because leading two lives-divided and converged as ‘true’ as ever. By 11 am, she had plotted all the garden. What still remained, was flower-potting and full-watering. The fresh-air of morning was growing heavy, with heat. The maid had turned the house from ‘heating’ to cooling. On Saturday, she walked her dog down to the Delicateussen, on 38th Street. Then she’d walk over to the Cafe, to talk with a friend who had given her ‘special’-recipes for her maid after trying it, there. That’s when she ran across a familiar local street-vendor. A diehard Mets fan, whose Canolies were ‘exquisite’... Then, on the way back to the Walk-up, to hand-over her food-goods, and take the Terrier to his-personal area to eat and drink. ...Brad was wild, once; and now he understood and was mature and became a self-molded taskmaster... Although, he had grown, he still, once in a while; he felt what was the ‘aging’-spirit of being ‘young and free’. He lived in a Condo, on the lower-East-end. His father still watched-over him, in a ‘guardian’-position.

  Josephine only had the backing of her parents, who were not ‘wealthy’. Their sternness came, early. Which meant maturing came, sooner. So she underst
ood that Brad, was younger and she had to be ‘patient’. She sent Brad off with a polite reinforcement. Josephine truly respected her friends, in what was an early-maturity. It was not just that she was more mature but her idyllic-perceptions of things meant she had a deeper-understanding. And she chose not to impose what was an overtly, practical-intervention, advice or drowl-opinion. She just simplistically, gave knowledgeable, information to others. By 3 pm, she was reading both books and papers; from literary to informative, to professional. She read material like a ‘seive’... Her I.Q. and reading-speed where about the same. So in her den were books she read several dozen-times. She began reading at just over two years of age... Then, her-world was ‘new’, and now at her 30s, she’d became a ‘Sage’... Whose chosen-‘skill’ was writing.

  From all that she had become to be knowledgeable... Writing, was the most-independent and the least-reactive. She’d read-on all the writers of great representation, popularity and talent, but she realized there was still, more out there. The tethered-world of artistic writers were like ‘ships’ at the harbor. And the seas was literature’s immenseness... But if she could confine, or define it all. And that was the grand real-scheme and commitment, she knew. There was no-‘promise’ or pride to it all. It was the ‘license’ to reveal, one’s own ‘brilliance’ on travels-beyond anything before... Josephine was very self-mature and with many years of mental-prowess, she fitted like a ‘glove’ creating written-works. By 4:30 pm, she was watching her TV on cable; ‘Law & Order’ was-on. She loved a good-mystery, though ‘cliffhangers’, the writers of the series were ‘lucky’ to have a job.

  She was once asked to writer for a new ‘medical-thriller’, which was just simply, ingenuous. But it was a ‘hit’, she realized this, as a lesson that ‘quality’ was not necessarily, ‘popular’. And so sophistication, was still on an order-of-concision; yet having ‘fun’ was, in a word: ‘gold’ to the genera... Back then she had ten books, still-on the ‘Bestseller’s List’, and fans were disappointed; in that action, but still followed an affirmed-devotion to an incentived, writer. While TV lasted about three-years then cancelled. It was the reality of the imaginary, which in any sense turn-out to be an implicit-design... Now, more experienced, she decided her persona-designs, which like Shakespeare, Conan Doyle and Poe; were infinite-consonants... In which the writing experience was surmised as a subsequent ideal by which the form has proven itself in an accountability...

  It was a talent-lesson, an opening of her very intelligent-mentality to the art of commercialism. Which went into seven new-paperbacks, in three-series which proved practical and worthy. The sun was going down in the western-sky, when she closed-out the day. Her maid had left snacks out for her and gave her dog free-run of the downstairs. Locked all doors, she’d made sure to listen at the weather-report on the cable TV in the voyeur and it said it would rain by morning. By 6 pm, her friends arrived to ask if she wanted to go out on the town for awhile. She agreed, and went to get ready. Her friends were known for spontaneity. The foursome went down to lower Manhattan to eat at an Italian restaurant. They tried their ‘best’ Roast-Chicken, pasta, salad and White wine. Then they headed to Grenwich Village to several ‘hot-spots’... They partied till 11 pm, then they headed home. They all went-in for coffee, and talked for an hour. Then by midnight, they headed home. It was a grand time. Josephine loved the outing with the girls and she’d more than once, was recognized by paparazzi. It meant more publicity.

  That Sunday, Josephine awoke with a mild hang-over. The girls had a way of celebrating. None were married but spent their time working. They were successes... One thing they all were commited-to was ‘women-power’. Being married wasn’t everything. In their over night ‘girl-fest’, they simply supported the ‘joys’ of conjoined-convention. They all were subjective to men, but objective to motive in which to have a relationship... It was becoming a way-of-life for many accomplished-females. It was just another ‘trend’ which, with time, would subside... It was 1 am, the night had become anointed-solemn. The grandfather clock’ ticked in the stairway hall. The street-lights were bright on the solitude of the drive-lanes. A cat sat in a window lodging and listening. Her terrier had made his rounds of the second floor and was resting in his bed. Up the steps and down the hall, the air was warm. The queen-size bed and master-bedroom were quietly still. Josephine layed asleep in deep unconsciousness. Within her subconscious the theater was erupting within collusion, allusion and illusion as far as she knew.

  ...It was an immense ‘imagery’-feel, sound and sight. Sitting along a wind-swept coast. The exponential dimension in dynamic-composition; and exposed an perceptive arduousness. The sea, with an bright-blue glow, was crashing with a new white-foam. Then, off in the distance, winged-creatures flew as she watch from the craggy-cliffs... It was 7 am, when she re-envisioned the bell-rang, while in bed with its comfortable warmth. The maid knocked lightly, open her-door and whispered that breakfast was 'ready'. She reached the first-floor and smelled the eggs and turkey-bacon cooking. She decided to turn-on her computer and glanced over the Sunday Times and walked into the kitchen, followed by her bounding terrier. She tasted the bacon not fully awake. Her pet licked at her foot. She gave him a piece of meat. The world was right again. She saw her dream-world vanish and memory-returned. The promise of time re-objectified itself.

  The rules of perceptions are history, cognizance and their plausible-terms... And the many, many alludings to both figments and fantastic-facets by what we come to perceive... The many provisions and precursors in logic that call for an eminence and judgment which create and call for a deep-impression. Josephine had both flourished-in, an educative-understanding in the many idioms of logic and deliberations. There was only personal-subjugation. From which technicals and treatises by which one could adjudge with a simplicity and complexity-of provocational-instilling. They were all-'mantras' of a prefixed-motivity... She discovered that human-understanding, was limited by time, trial, and testament. In the many aspects, avenues and availings; promoted and deemed in a construction. She had read widely, but human exponences were all being pervaded by time. It was all ‘romantic’, but very truly, an immaculate-expository... In what was ‘trusted’ at best. So her true-virtue, emulated in practice and skill; that could be a ‘magnus’ in a preposition.

  She was, in a word, commited to her-work and fans. She knew she was gradating by what was an import, and what might be important. She had decided with all her hard-work was to continue to idealize the mastering of 'form'. Was it impossible, or too implausible a convention? She was only an artist, and truth was, only a feted-reality. She read of people who sacrificed in the self-duty to find a truth. She could have written several librairies of itinerary ‘axioms’ on human-edict; toward thinking and perceptions... But she realized she was only, a writer... That the circumstances were innately, perverse. That great men and women, lived and died, over the simplicity of mental-expression... There needn’t be a servitude to ‘mortal’-mission. Her background had a history of such ‘myth-makers’... And now the peremptive-cause, was too much.

  Now, as she was enjoying her resting, she thought-to call her aunt. She had made sure to take care of her needs. It was a good time, to listen to a 'senior'. ‘Josephine, how are you, dear? ‘I’m doing great.’ ‘...I’m a writer.’ Ethel began the ‘five-step’-inquisition, about what she was doing... Her mind was still fairly, sharp... She knew she was in a condition. But knowing the family’s pride, that Jewish people were tough-and accepted life’s contentions. But ‘sorrow’, never came into the situation. It was an engaging and positive-interaction. They had a good-time. She promised-to visit, during the Summer and take her to the seashore. Josephine took notes about her aunt. Knowing her needs, she made sure the nursing-home were taking appropriate-care... There were an ‘epidemic’ of careless, nursing-facilities. She paid $22,000 a month for the ‘top-of
-the-line’ care. She’d meet with the head-manager and question him on any concerns.

  ...He was a former-business executive, who wanted to care for people like his-parents. The money wasn’t important to either of them. He’d personally, hand-picked his staff; who were 'triple-A' appointed. She read all about their history, precepts and provisions called-for... He knew how she felt and more, what her aunt deserved; beyond, anything-else. She would spend the day with her, on each of their upcoming-visits. She’d sent in an professional-clinical-aide on occasion, to see any differences in treatment, if she could not find any. And she would be more ‘thorough’, then she was... After all, that was what money and management, were good-for... They had shown an affection for her ‘money’ which she wanted used for the betterment of her loving-aunt. She was emotional about her last-relative, Ethel, who was ‘earthy’ and down-to-earth; she’d learnt to live this long by learning the basics of life and getting-by... If not for her going-out on her own, perhaps her sister and brother would have never spread their-wings.

  ..Ethel Margret Stein lived her life in the later 40’s when the war was on and patrioticism, duty and courage were important aspects. At 21, she went to both nursing and secretary school in New Jersey... By the age of 25, she was a manager of a small daycare business for busy working women whose husbands had died in the war. By 52, she had joined one of the first state pediatric hospitals in Newark. Never married, she moved to New York state to retire in ’63. By the age of 56, she had investments in stock which were worth $265,000 in 60’s money. She lived in a large home until it was demolished by real estate developers. Now she had high-upkeep, in one of the most senior prestigious homes in the state. Aged, and no one to depend upon, with a long life Josephine took up-the-slack. And as a true-relative enjoyed the matured-personality of a Stein-family matriarch. And Josephine was not going to let her down. She had great responibility but there was no issue, about Ethel.

  Josephine showed up on a warm-day in May... She told them she would be visiting and to tell Ethel to await her visit. ‘Josephine, is that you?’ Josephine was one of several next of kin, who mostly stayed away. For parental death, loss and forgottenness, Josephine was the last to continue the family relationship. Josephine didn’t need money, discipline or demurring. She understood what a truly dedicated woman was about. She shared, identified and empathized with her close-kin. Both brought inspiration, assuredness and spontaneity. There both mentality and personality to each understanding of the world. Their conversation began in late-morning and went into the night... Both in incentive and endurance had brought joy to them. Ethel had wisdom, teaching and practicality; while Josephine brought acceptance, youthful-grace and kind-innocence, to bridge the generation-gap. Important to it all, was a conventional-caring, that neither wanted to do without.

  She arrived, home after a walk-along the park at the nursing-home with Ethel. And being attentive to all her concerns she took a taxi back to New York. She was all talked out... She told the maid to walk ‘Porgy’ after dinner, while she ate dinner in bed. Next morning she was up for a walk with Porgy along neighborhood streets. The English Terrier enjoyed time in the fresh-air. The warming of late Spring meant she wanted to be home-early. It was a Sunday. In late May, there were new itinerate-deadlines. Her latest-book was winding-down. It was a wonderful-life for the work... Each writing, from rough-draft to last-galley to final-ads and credits were a lesson in ‘growth’. She was in a perfective soliloquy about each work... Self-sustaining terms to finish the item. To put-out in strained, expressive; being of an entity, character and essence... Writers will, at times, be always divided over, in what, who and how the ‘designs’ and technical dimensions in order and ode. Yet, being feed in one’s deepest-inspirations.

  Love of writing, and being an author, can divide and subdivide on-issues. ...But in the end, one’s devotion becomes the courage to allow it out-into the world. It is that final-‘love’ to reveal to the world and accept its final-essence and watch it brightly, ‘glow’ as a star. ...And all that is put into-it, deserving what had just been an idea. ...In what is the context of creation... In a stroke of purpose, one learns that human-ingenuity, is ‘the world’... ...Their conversation, began in late-morning, and went-on, into the night... Both in incentive and endurance, had brought ‘joy’ to them both... Ethel had wisdom, teaching and practicality; while Josephine brought acceptance, youthful grace and kind-innocence, to bridge the generation-gap. Important to it all was a conventional-caring, that neither, waned to do with-out.

  She arrived home after a walk-along the Park at the nursing-home with Ethel. And being attentive to all her concerns she took a taxi-back to New York. She was all talked-out... She told the maid to walk ‘Porgy’ and after dinner, while she ate dinner in bed. Next morning she was up for a walk with her dog along the neighborhood streets. The English-Terrier enjoyed time in the fresh-air. The warming of late Spring means she wanted to be home early. It was a Sunday. In late May, there were new itinerate-deadlines. Her last book was winding-down. It was a wonderful-life for the desire to be ‘focal’ as the vocal of promise and pride. By September, there would be the post-board for her next work. She was working on it first back-in March. She’d been chomping at the bit to see it fully-fledged... The ideas, images and impressions for which her vast mentality was to evoke text, story and standard... Her fans would be actualized into the fresh and vital first, and final-dimensions. Which was served and supported by the literary-wanting...

  The ‘virtuality’ of what writing and creative literature has created goes back to the first writings on of hieroglyphs, to the super-fabricated books, ebooks and epublishing. ...Which made human-material, beyond ‘matter’... Josephine realized her times were changing. And she had to keep abreast of the terms. There were few ‘ideals’ left from the past. Like the last turn of the century, there were things to be left behind in innovative-factors. She was growing less in-control. In the sense that she had been well received and now it was her job to stay ahead of the curb. And being a ‘genius’ at youth she was still active in the ‘progessive’ of mental-terms. She’d give it all that she had. Perhaps, there would be other, less perceptive-individuals, yet if she could stay ‘wise’ and not be a ‘wonder’, the best was yet to be. She was maturing in success. Her mind was still vivid, full of all the careful and concise-thoughts and deductions. And she knew that masterful confunction in agility, refining and concertion, were opportune, redemptive, decisive and accurate in convocations; that having been the heightened order of things.

  Her learning, from actuation to accomplishing and atoning in the many pertinences were still only 'tools', which evolved and became resolute in the personal-pretext that had been proven as a talent, and that had defined an ‘apogee’ of her mind and maturing... She once met the edges of youthful-wonder; availing unknown-perceptions, and the idealized intentions of all the sophisticated-addendums which had been a processed-'life'. Reflecting a precis, against an ill-conceived, condescension. ...'Books', were her wealthy-reward. They had always been a ‘treatise’ of truthful trans-condition. That the choices to advocate-conceptualization by what was and is for her; a presence of a rewarding-perfusion... It had never been a ‘tacit’-perfection, but the life-long intricacy to prove and make, an ‘easy and simple’ prevail. Which came to idiomaticize the logic, literacy and liturgy of a vocal-masterful, hard-working and a ratificating-mind.

  ...Deciding in context, in what was values, terms and treatise of the postering of life’s presences. When the genial-processes convened in choice and deemed-in conjecture. She understood the discipline and many digest of the world of learnedness, sciences and ‘terrificness’ of Art... It was like the fantasy of human evolvement... In what was the testament to human endeavor in the mysticism of a virtual-perfection. Although only the perceptive and interpretative could fully, enjoy. The point for her was as growing up, the placid-d
ecisions an active-mind and an inceptive, natural-convention. Which laid the groundwork of a provisional-form... Her aunt was in a considerate-diffusion and consummate defusion in what was an autonomy of being a self-chosen. She was ‘rare’. And now she’d reached a point of lesser-deeming. It was a reverence of a consummate-reality. ...That many didn’t have a chance to reach, and she was resigned in its arcing-path.

  She thought on the themes to her latest-book... ...Which was still in its rudimentary-stages... It was an ‘assertive’, goal... Life had seemed a simple-complicity, which it had transitioned into... She was and had a right to be ‘proud’. A devising, developing and self-deriving that which her present-work; a manuscript, was in a self-regarded ‘synthesis’. She had been careful and diligent all her life. From the days, when her parents gently, encouraged and guided her into a firm-assertiveness. Her great undertaking and partaking in the definition in what she could become. Of an intention, and not issue. The free-range implicit, to explore and imply by a caring, and concerned-affixative that allowed her to 'flourish'... As she did from 'trial' to terms to tentatives... A free running profactoral that now proved and established itself. The coming of age as now being driven-in what was the precepts and priory in the deductive, as well as the impression in an expressive-magnitude. That as she would return to her manuscript, she would be a part of the grand-‘majestic’ of a human-endeavor.

  She gained what was a love and liberation that once was in its ‘infancy’, and for her it was in no-other form. She was doing the commandment in her personal offering so proven and advantaged... Her mature craft, spanning 23-years. And now, she was to present the outline of her-'latest'... Every writer wants her work to be better than the last... She was excited. The many activities, factors and considerations are determinant, challenging and emphatic that were now all, up-in-the-air. The sun came-out on a late-Spring day, in the Big City. As she traveled to meet at lunch with friends. Before the Summer’s work and vacations started. The girls had wanted to go on vacation to Rio De Janeiro for a two-week event. Each had plans on what to do and see... They were exemplary in the image of success, ability and mindset. They were liberated-women, and they didn’t care who knew it. Welding the heaviest-weight of both wealth and power, they did exactly what they wanted, when they-wanted.

  Josephine, in a sisterhood, kept the table clear of any sentiment, immargin and servering-dystopia... ...Being both a mental and social-‘specter’ of the group. They bounced ideas, impressions and motives off her, for interpretative-sake. Their firm-friendship, being an intimate-relationship, and in experiences that both evoked and consummated each’s sisterliness... Rather than anyone being a dysporia, like in depression. Yet there was rarely, any such thing... In what was a concerted, and affirming effort; they supported each other through thick and thin, and learned life’s little-lessons, together. It was a ‘homonym’ of human-sorts. ...Each contributed a special-significance to eaches ideas by self-perspective. In a valued-determination, which unfolded into a life, and become a treasuring-propriety. No one was careless or inconsiderate each understood the importance of a friend.

  As sure as she was commited to her writing. She came to be the same to her dear-friends’ relationships. With all the depiction and portrayals of life’s paths had evolved in a culminate-conviction. It was a living, breathing-thing. And each gained from it, as given it thought. Josephine had been one of the last to join, and one of the best-members. With her talents of conscience and consideration. She became the realized-‘brain’. So as the book, trip, and group were a concertive-contention. But she was still a single-woman, who could do as she pleased. She’d always proven her sincerety and confidence to all who knew her. An edict-arbitration, in all she did. Everyone knew her commitments. In seriousness and comporting. In life: 'single', in assurety and sophistication that had guided her down many roads. And with the careful-compassion and confidence of others, her self-security went beyond a relegation. People, person and things were reverberated and actuated. But at its personal-epithesis, she became more than any one-attribute.

  She went downstairs to her den to readdress the many terms of the latest manuscript. Like her life, the work was a play on themes, impressions and theories... Her much refined, consecutive-dimensions. Her excited-delineations and issues, which were 'plays'-on ideas and words; the deeply set vintages and visions, envisioned by her in the mode and mentality. The promises, long ago. She had contemplations and extemperates to be in guise, and reguiding; the precepts and pressures ultimately, those that preseminate to afford and forge-ahead. ...It was a play-on words, philosopy and careful, and consistent-concepts. Which proved the value of ‘verse’...and venerate-provocation, and as prosing-‘prowess’. The ‘true-joy’ and satisfaction to endure-in adaptive-engagements by what was a true-satisfaction... The ‘ins and outs’, of her vesticular-form, the precision and pronounced-dimension and design... Being expended, ‘set’, and ‘reset’ to fulfill a structural-goal.

  With all the ‘plexy’, and pervaying of the ‘channels’ and ‘checks’. ...All while conveying the incentives and ideas in a ‘ploy’ of self, and facts. In her-den, was her place of a secular-masterpiece crafting. Where there was the saved-production, and terms... And the creditive-provisions and provocations, in ideas... Incentive, to mete-in the mental, and with the material. By what was a ‘permutation’ of mission, mastery and personal-manifest. A perfecting-purdition, given to a produced-factoral and factoring. Her great-predomination and perdue-factoring which was working-on ‘all-cylinders’. An even-ideal of perfusive-predication being materialized, and morphed... A resolute ‘perfectionism’ which had been in the talented-skills in what would be as much opportunity in the form, as possible. This project, in inception by what was being completed having been appointed... In the defined and determined by the pliary of confunction, concision and devising. It was a concoction of meticulous-milieu...for which only a few could fully-partake, and understand. She was infused with a true-crafting dynamism. One that ran counterposed to things of a self-venue. While she wrote, the minting-energies proved-worthy and consistent by a person of reticent-character.

  ...Of what was the practice-principles of men and women proven of ableness, perception and prowess. Josephine realized from her youth that her best-talent and capability was that ran deep and compliantly, composed. She realized that one’s self-vocation, required a conferring-objective and inward-complicity... A 'forte'' and fortitude relying-on one’s significant-responsibility; she was rarely of suspect in her maturing in skills and craft. So it became a ‘rule-ratifier' and a reliable rudimentary. As she followed her directive in life she accumulated in what proved to be worthwhile. So as she carried-out her work and duty in what would be the prefix of what was important; produced-itself. As she grew refined, in the amelioration and actuality, that she was of the rightful-relevance by a talented-individual. One-she was grateful and devoted to.

  From interests, to ideas, to incentive the words were put-on paper. As the many images and interpretations that where in a natural-'focus'; an implying-imposition, to agentry and being what was to be abregative. Her powers, were now printed-on paper, computer and in poised-projection. With all the comprehension of how it was self-deeming... As the material of her-work became a product, she was meeting her necessary, obligations. The faring-practice and principle; prevailed in resounding indominance... The promise of a perfecting and presiding... The procuring of design, which had been the ‘premise’ of hopes and dreams, to produce the necessary-'perfection' by what was a proffering. As the work took shape, the venerate perfection became ‘real’. Her mind worked with a process and provisionary. By a mission in propriety. In an essence of encompassing, which by what was heart, habit and homage could be proven as a personal-promulgation. ...The many intricacies in function, form and focus; from years of perfections and provisions that was in an 'repute' of an objec

  Her work and audience professed of a presence and perfection, having become a precept and predominance to be directorially-confessed and in an advocation by its proditiousness of age, acumen and actuation...which was resolved in an actuality, and advocacy. A proportionately, conjectural by defining and division, in an oding and operative being-aware and understood. ...Her green-eyes, were set-on the computer-screen. The legar of text-flowed and kissed an ocular-opening, with a dance. The white-background and black-letters spewed and transversed-in a fluidic-realism. A siloloquy-of actions, motions and grooves from which was vivified in an individuality. A private-dance of thought and reasons, which were a concrete-rationalization of writing’s aplomb... The 'atomic'-aspirations of words to impress of the prospective-properties, by a conception...

  Writing since the age of two, it had been a reliant-relativity. Of a mentality that was successfully, provocative for which came very, easily. The ‘pride and promise’-of expressive-thinking... What became the ‘alchemy’-of digest-to voice, and envision. The derivative and dichotic-relativism, made real and rational. Most children realize a learning-‘curse’ early-on. But Josephine was a grand-scholastic from birth...never needing encouragement or guidance for her thoughts and reasonings were always to be implicit. So it became an adventure in full self-avocation. An interest-initiative, that would become 'vivid' and exponential. A private pronouncement eventually, operon to the personality and interests of its expounder. The many-explicit 'channels' were running with the self-emote of the expressor...convoking and conveying in expository-enamorance. The 'advent', was quickly being constructed and bridged in a profound-proficiency. She was careful, in what she had become. By thoughts and theories, she was ahead of the game. But as in most of life as she was oracling the next manuscript, one had to bely in a ‘code’ of effectives; for which self, desire and design meant everything.

  Although, with ability she came to prove one’s inhibition, by commense could be actualized in both accent and exception. So she went on to contribute as now, to the adamant-virtues; which for adept-incentive could lead to as an actualized-intent. The active-feed of written-impetus was forging ahead from precept to impression that went-forth to forego in a human-predicate. A versed-promise of perfective-provision, expounding, and 'zeroing'-in on the ‘muscle’ and ‘motif’ of articulate propounding. A dimension and perfection-objectified and indemnified into a processed, progression. It was as though, with a device, was done with an accurate-accessing.

  In what was an itinerary of inception, that the pure-‘reality’ of-said; by one-person’s profile and promise, delivered as a confession-fortuned. ...And a deeper commanding-perception...originating now, in the concise-conferrence of vitality-in the now imparting-individual. A prominent-order that is being fulfilled by expression of an intensive-art. The influences on her were being as congealed as her many influences in her-life... As she eased-into the job at hand, her working-skills were in 'full'-activity. The many alphabetical expressions rose, fell and expanded into thoughts, and idioms. A full-furthering of concepts and contentions, exacted-on the screen and with a little-time advances into its first full-'birth'. And the many berths of her talent which went on in fulfilling-focus. Once wrent-from a colliding-focus of the mind she drove on contentiously; with other thoughts in a festooned-competence. Like most artful-animals, she chose her better-part of self-persona and self-proficient. She spent two-thirds of the day expediting the rightful-‘keys’ of her fulfilling-gift.

  Whether if it was reverence or resolve, she carried-forth and rendered in effluence in the many skills and acknowledging-terms of her many considerations. As she assailed and asserted her work, it would have to be ended for a time. As just the work mogrified into written-essence and product of effort, as the concentrate, became ‘concrete’. ...And the ebbs and flows of what was exposition, in work and wherewithal. The burnt-screen pixels which formed lettering fused-on the monitor. The readful delineation was birthed and set in an evolved focal-firmament. The justifying-‘crystals’ of fingers to keyboard...den’s warmth on a Fall-evening, in the safe abode of hardwork and success. The rich-reward of self and sophistication of work, duty, design and deriving; which was implicit to what was a carved-'resolution'.

  ...Her brown-hair, was set up in a bun after styling by her good Salonist. She sat-in pajamas, night-coat and warm Nordstrom house-shoes. ...It was late-afternoon the traffic, which was rarely, heavy went quiet enough to hear pidgeons cooing on the roof-tops. Her light was-on, and the quiet would help her-sleep. ...The air was tempid, as she made a basic-compounding of her work. As her instructor-head once advised her she knew the standards and stipulations of being in what was creative inner-workings. It was like the ‘license’ to be deliberately, literate... From the ‘sophistry’ in semantics to the sating of standards in English and other languages. From Old English, Greek, Latin, Hebrew e.g. which fostered the humanity of wise-honing and the worthy-rightfulness of a ratifying. She was an elocution of her refining-definition. While she sat: artist, in her ‘gift’ to the world, it came set-in a material-remuneration.

  After all was said the framing of the 'beauty', broadcast and benefacting of the form, she had settled-in to atoning, in the finite magnitude of her-work. And this valued-affixative was by the ‘thince’ of the pragmatic-essentials which she reached an Aria-of allusion and exogeneousness... An import and effort brought to a centrigrade to an expound and careful-recision exactuated in a affirmed veterate-design. As both, a prime-'self', and reality’s poster-board in self-amulation. ...A display of drive and determination in what was both being endured, and idealized... In a ‘symphonic’-underscore in work and purpose integrated-in Josephine’s written-work pretext, as artist. And she had the intellectual-vibrance to perform, exactingly. As the tailoring of her-workmanship became material, she was making structure to the feasibility-of design and significance. Fortunately, she both took her work seriously by succeeding, sincerity, and sanctimoniousness.

  There was a perfecting, taking charge and definitive-to what was the discharge by display and decisive. And as such, there were emerging a mounting-metastasis in her-form and fashion... There was manifest, magnitude, and meaning to the fortuity of many facets, by what had emoted-in convocation and articulation. An ‘image’ of the now, affirmative in facilitation and confirmation. By that evening at 8 pm, she’d be set in form and composition... It was a deeded-art. Many had wondered, as she pushed save on her computer and set up for the next-day’s activity... Unlike many authors, she had form and personality. A working and performing-author. Not caught-on relatives or dual-realities... An affirmative writer, also asserting and reaffixing in her-form. Rather redeemingly, she had time to adjust as certain, and reinvest in her art... Being a women of broad dual-brain ability. And their juncture, was connotated to an asssuring, recognizing-reverence. Many of the texts, on learning how to embrace, were read and reread-on a selfly, temperance.

  ...She was a work in-progress. As many focused-artist, there was always works, realities and reverencs to be ascertained and understood to be self-improved upon. In this world, there was no such thing as assimilation; one had to enjoy, and be gratified in one’s form. So ‘duty’, deed and dedication were a few of the bases to one’s bestowings. As she released her transfixing-from the screen, and put-away log-books, idea writing pads, and other story-joggers... Her art, had been honed into a vivid-transcription of past, present and ethereal-future ideas... In it all, was the animate-supposition of things; she acquited, understood and interpreted as artistically, useful. Being an ‘aggressive-worker’, and was quite in apposition to being a creationist...

  She’d seen many ‘motifs’, fundaments, and fashioned-facets, to her artful-process. There was a work-of human-expression, and she was only certified-in such a small area. But she kept her-mind, heart and eyes, open to its many prospects. She realized, that one had to be open and focu
sed to the many sides of being an artisan. Like Luke Skywalker and Yoda, one had to be open to the many factors of life... Even though one might think she’d mastered one, there was still a ‘universe’ to be aware. Her teachings were only the beginning of a form. To be a 'Master-One, one had to see within each and all that existed to fulfill the role of ‘Master’. The Masters, were only the start. And her-life could only accept a subjection-in self and design. And so one took subject, to objectifying dimension of the simple-confession. That through ‘honor’, subjection, and acceptance one could live in a delible-harmony to fulfill... The infinite story themes went-on, and the ever interpretation followed its true-meticulation... A motivation to be ‘adept’ and adorned in-vision and a volition. ...A promise and pretense, provocative and provision, to the enamored-skills...

  The grand-'medium' which was the conscience and convocation of what art was, as, and would become had been a civil-celebration of an ancient-recognition and resolution... The power to out-span time, and temptation. An essence of effort, and expression, Josephine had such resolve, and the absolve-in performance and plexy by what was proven-perception. As she locked the den for the night, the hall was lit for her climbing-up the stairs to the second-floor. She was tired, and wondered what the night and next-day would bring. By 9:34 pm, she was sound-asleep. The clock in the first floor hall ticked, her pet-Terrier seemed to hear ‘something’, and got up and went to the front-door... ...The crickets-chirped their mid-Spring songs, and the street-lights beamed on an empty street. The moon was full...then, the sound of an ocean hitting the rocky-shore. The colors of crimson and green outer-waves flowed. The skies were night-‘gold’, the sun if it was the ‘sun’;glowed a fantastic, ‘white-gold’...

  ...The tide was tumultuously, impressive; a titanic-wave after wave, of intensity like Manet and other Renaissance-order of images; but living and breathing-compounding with arcing-contentious of colors, hues and deep-richness. A fantastic-oracle by sight, sound and motion; sitting-deep within the crevices of her-mind. A ‘tyrannical’-explosion, observed by one-individual... ...Not drugs or brain-science could-fully, attain... An unfolding, monolithic-vision that was fashioned-by her-mind. She couldn’t be sure if it was, any and at all, certain. But she enjoyed this essence, and entitle in what was human-incursion; by the accord of men, women and children, beings, who accounted-for the due-diligence of a self-fact... Down-through the many centuries, and epoches, eras and millenia the human-legacy of impression-vividified by the impressions, and intellect... Creating-sagas, immortally setting itself, on otological-expressions and theories; yet human-aspirations, still proved-worthy of its mysterious-fortune...

  As the hours blended, from nightfall to morning-an entire existence could be lived... An anointed-intrinsic energy empowering, the lowest-ester and greatest-‘entity’, a conscience-of a perception... ...An utter-evoking of alter-dimension, incentivized by awareness, and an operon to engrasp the mighty-'fissions', to be ‘open’... In all her life, she was known for intellectual-performances, and prowess and ever since then, she’d gained illumination-easily understood and emphatic; to be conceptual, and skilled-in intelligence. It was life, a ‘gift’ from God; but insodoing, she had to allow herself to inceive-in the meniatude-of experience, predicative by a new-ability and talent. ...She was blessed, by being empowered in life-long education and entitlety; by a dedicated-self and assurety... An essential-‘enterprise’ by provision, with which responsibility and encouragement were to objectify and emphasize in perfuse-course... Josephine, was of such an ‘orthodoxy’ and spirit.

  It was a ‘monologue’ of self, which proved to be ‘progressive’... A vitalized, self-commission, which for the human-condition, espoused and became exponential in a popularity... What flowed through her brain in the night-cycle, was ‘pure’; like purifying function of a biological-entity. In a what was a precipice and principle, of the natural-order of things. The great-scheme of life-bestowing in the ‘legend’ of humanity. ...A prefix of overture, oracle and ovation, allotting along a human-edict. A persistent and employ of a point and action. Of the earned esoteric by living design, plotting along the timeline of presence, prosound and perservering; in a human logic’s compendium. As the many palladines, were passed and surpassed-on humanness both in bestowal and benefactions that were raised in availing. Which came to be independent, as group and order, a implicit-briliance was invoked, perceived and hopefully, passed-on... In the dubitable-perception and preside that increased the power and preciousness-of ‘heart’ and homage; incited and impacted through-time... So like an ‘epic-tale’, her life was a stoic-story of veritable-illustration. And her skills were attained, as master-tools of knowledge... It was neither implausible nor totally, kinestetic but the incredible-duty of aplomb, that had been centered-upon her life.

  ...In a ‘mission’ of endeavor that was motivated-forwardly. From the simple-complicities of self and state. An honorable, impassive and interjecting-state fathomed and forwarded, in transformative-devising... As a decorum of affect and affectation being the hope and illusion of self-intent. Just as the many parables of a ‘lot’ and difficulty, experienced by many. It was the ‘many’-dawdle to influence and affix as a transallocation of enigmatic-defense. Insight to the individual to be activating and obviating, about time and temperance. A fulfilling-actual and adamancy, channeled and taken-charge; to be bringforth, and be obligate. Terms and times are immediate, and understandable to arduate by-inflexion to be accounted. An ever-important concession in one’s talent, and the participation of recognition, and resigned.

  What was an ardor, and complexity served and suited, to her and her-ability, and interests... So her ‘usefulness’ was a strategic-reliance on her nominative-aptitude. ...Where others were consigned to be a dependent, and competent anomaly; she mastered the many instances and interests, for which most could not ‘rise’ to a certain-virtuality. By emboss and impact, there was an objective-‘wisdom’ for which resolve and commandment-relied on innate-comprising... ...In what was an edifice, to form and function. When, before, she was in an ‘envelope’ of auspicion. That allowed her-own thoughts, expressions, and the empowered-terms that had come full-circle... In childhood she began in an infusive-understanding by what was in the relevances in what become a self-factoral consumption. That would be a ‘precocious’ consigning to the essentials and esoterics; which proved valuable, and in what was an adaptation. In duly-operative principle, she alloted and infused her-superior refining, that was to pass into full-‘apparentcy’. Much of the ‘esteem’ of force and drive-in her 'Feminine Mystique', proved assailing, and unconsigning. ...By what was an ‘advent’ of inward-discipline, which proved a fortunate-adducting.

  ...As she began to awake from the deep-‘throes’ of an alter-existence. She was fading into the awareness of a down. It had served her completely to be of an acumen in all that came to be a competent-illumination. From the presence of conscience, and for almost, as long, and propitious; the subconsciousness of what was a framing-relegation. And each resonated in the thoughts, feelings and actions. And with a waking-dawn, things settled into a ratifying-reality. Positively, she never questioned or made a quandary of what was true or false... She felt belonging to ‘both’ but not beholding to either within her personal-conscience. There were many formulaics in life, living as what was as legitimacy, to stall. It was a long-story, from fountain to fortune, to founding; an illustrative-illumination to a refuted extent in exoneration... A proctored-precipice, to adjoin and adjust into the affording and affectives of a sophisticate-alluding. An earning-allocation by what was honor and inhibiting, that was by which were in ‘equal’; was then art and ordination to ascend and translocated in a self-division.

  In what in the innocence of youth, the formativity of young-maturity, and the resign of recognition and reputation; which was the expedition of what was self and succinct-ability... One rising-above, in the atuning; to on
e’s reality and its inanimate-conclusion, into what became a life. A thread-of portrayal, and perception emanating by what is a ‘presence’ of precision in its vital and virtual; a preliminaton, of ought and exception to deem and decide by what was answer and action. A pre-emanated, awareness and ‘focus’ of hostling with lessons, which could only be understood in personal, purpose and pride. She was coming to be fully awake, when the door-bell rang. Sarah answered, being there at 6 am to prepare breakfast. Josephine went to see if it was a delivery of new-specs, or other confirmation-documents... She received every Monday, and sometimes when things were running-behind, on Saturdays and Sundays. It was for these, on the editorial-board, which acted as a ‘commandment’-of things.

  Tearing the package wrapper open it was a box-like object, there was a Teekee from Hawaii. -‘Sorry, I couldn’t be there Jo, but here is a memento of my esteem. Love, Brad.’- It was Brad’s way of saying ‘Hi, and Bye’ at the same time. Although a ‘freewheel’, he went where his duties took him. He was in Belgrade one year and sent back Turkish Vogka, he received as a gift from a worker. His CEOship took him places around the world. He traveled where his job ensued. Yet being homesick he’d be back at home the next week. She, although a traveler, was only typically, known for ‘kosher’-travels. So, for all her friends, she was most times the anchoring-in New York City. She planned to place it in her den were she kept her memorabilia. Then, she went to clean-up for the day. ...Showering, putting on make up and perfume, and putting on a nice-dress for the day’s activities...

  ...Seeing her scheduling-book, she had three-tasks, four-activities, and several ‘to-do’ events... Each were categorized by timing, value and importance. It was her first-day back-during the week. She was known for keeping a ‘killer’-schedule, and being able to take on roles, out-of-the-blue. She had, by memory, all the places, activities, and ‘maps’; to alter her plans at any time. This became a valuable-asset to workers and friends-alike. And she understood her availibility was necessarily, a treasured importance. Sarah had packed a lunch and Josephine was out to the taxi by 8:30 am. Her superior-deliberative-skills defined her broad-calculative criticality. Everything came ‘easy’, with vitality, and vocality greatly, admonishing in an assertive-security. Her friends, and coworkers she actualized in great-detail. She had her itinerary, in concerns and commitments. It was Monday, the ‘manic’-day of the week. From the start of work, to the emphasis on origination. The ‘best’-day to endeavor, and the last day to finalize. In the worker’s energy that evolved, into accomplishment or acceptance; that one needed to continue-in duties...

  In the normal-implications to assert and ascertain; by what was progress in the initial, self-fortuity. Either-way, it fell into routine of ‘psyche’; or was realized into self-central motivation... At any-rate, one could move-forward and prove self in-virtue. In what was a careful and complicit-program. Josephine, was one of these. And she was not lost-on commiting and confidence. And further, her self-ability, stood-out in intensive-efforts. The many elements, of a focused, vocal, and competent-individual; made for a effective and contentious, ‘dutymaster’. Consummate and deliberate, self-standards helped officiate and incentive the mode to be a developing augment. ...In what intention, implication and implement-all are ‘sculpting-tools’ for a meticulous-mind. It was, that she embraced the many relatives to employment and mission; it was, that skills and schemes come easy with objective, and understanding.

  As a fantasy-literary-author, in the New York City area; applied-in the fiction-paperbacks and as a ‘star’ of writing, she’d resonated in the ‘grooves’ of publishing's perfunction in the contentive vitalisms, and focused-framings of the field. In it, the many statutes of the ‘fantasy’-forms... Most authors learn that reliability, and regency, are, by capability, a ‘ride’ or by self-evocative, a design. Yet Josephine had an official-‘zeal’. For what, as she encountered the form; was the multiplicity of force and vocal, inasmuch as most people. In fact, as she went to the seventh-floor to inquire as to the tentatives of her project, propriety and precepts; soon to either resolve or to be mediated in her work... She was fully-‘conclusive’, by exaction and design... ...So by recollective and by what was a conclusive-deeming actuated in what was to be a discourse, and definitive-decision. The floor on which she arrived, was a ‘collective’ floor-level. Where most highly, proficient individuals were implaced and carried-on in their solicitations. And yet, she’d known the many microcosms from decades-earlier; and their once ‘newness’. In a ‘scan’ of the level that she had taken brought it all into a memorable affixing and affiliation... The designs registered, transfixed, and resonated into a deductively, active-thought pattern. Like a ‘Terminator’, she became analytical, comprehensive and computation, over the entire-area...

  ...There were lights, with the old-style of phosphorescent bulbs; newly, updated artificial feeling probably used as a second-thought and to protect the image of the company. Which meant they had left-over managerialship, in their personnel. In the first-line of sight was the second-range staff. Which she already knew were there as both arrangement of incentive, and agealing... And the four individuals in her meeting were determinate-workers not bosses but influenced, corporate tactical-staff. And she made intuition, as more intuitive-inceptions, appeared; this was all perceptive, which she would come to ignore. But the influences was calmly, ‘answering’. She wasn’t one to be improprietary. But the early morning tended to ignite disciplinary-observations. As she strolled to the CIO-office, she had come to understand; that she was to function not with affable relegation but with the ‘virgin’, reverence-of ‘pithy’, illumination... And so, in the idea of suspected-idiomaticism; she left all that behind, in what was a decentrality.

  There were many particles to be aware, in the larger digest of professional-elicitation. ...From the responsibility of workmanship and craft; to facilitations and faculties-of-impart, and precipitous-impart... Josephine knew it, in the aligning of artist, to agency, to authorialship and accomodation; it was required by everyone in the accountable-business, to be attainable. From the once hopes and dreams of a forging and foster; to a presemination of idea, intent, image and item; everyone was to do their-part. It was in the commercial-field, so publicity, profit and provision had to follow-through. So as she sat waiting for the rationale, to be asserted in the next-big thing. And what she was atoning to what would be the whiddling-down to her common-value and wealth-of-talent. It was a common-tangle of an arena of tenuatives, voicings, visions and communication-virtues which were molded and wrapped around new-images. Josephine once thought she’d make a good Ad-man; but the precautionary tale went deep. It was better and wiser to be one’s own maker.

  It was better to cede-to a ‘simplicity’, rather than wonder of creativity... Her magnitude of efficacy and finality; two-pitches in self-design and dimension that were more congruent to her mentality and intentions. There was the judgmental-justice to her opinion in operative; which in the order of things proved to be ‘harmonic’. In all instances of the factors of what it meant to be a published author, was always the grand fathoming of what was utter recreating. From child of 4, to the mature-reserve of pretentious adult. She’d enjoyed, toiled and grew in ‘acumen’ and took shape with a self-virtual. No one could tell, or espouse, what would become of her; but the duly-tacit proved an inward-‘treasure’. As much as she’d written in books, she found gratification in their materialization.

  And her prodigiousness, whether by intrinsic or duplicit; it was a ‘weight’ of worthiness. And as her apparent creative-agile, it contribute to the life and understanding innate and with a ‘sharing’-symbolicism in others who’d gained from her-work. This bifarcated, benefit-validated the endearing and dubitable in a coherent-compassion. And there wasn’t much else to life than that. She’d given an initial-conversion of what her opinion of the last two-years, and on what she was working-on. Her pas
t views on what was, and was not valued from personal ascore or professional-recoup and then the future project still in its 'infancy'. What were the proprietary, consideration as to be deduced. As in any case, she was both focal and at the focal-point of what was being attended to. Her high-intellect and attained-propensity for scale was what made her vital... She was there to illuminate the 'facets' and fixatives, to the bridgework of the deeming by the form.

  By 11 am, the three were having coffee after the conference. They let her know that as much was given to her, much was expected in what was an accord of functionality... She was being presound in all her skills... It was both a declassing and itinerate-schematic to the future... Over time, she was the touch-point and tangent at the ground of a central-goal. Which in all its variousness was a note to how effective and on-target her works had become. There was much astuteness, consideration and convocation to her accomplished and devotion to tasks had again proved-determinate. Her emotion rarely came into play. The relationship, she’d developed with her publishing-firm had been a blossoming of self-awareness and reality. An ‘only-child’, she had matured to understand that no one gave you anything and that life was what you made it... It was a maturing lesson which proved invaluable. Her family, friends and fortunately, coworkers were close. Her editor happened to be a friend of her aunt when he was young he recognized her last name and inquired about a long ago teacher. She reintroduced them and he from then on, took her under his wing.

  And once teachers, were worthy guides to her future. They remained close acquaintances. Definingly, they recognized her talent and ability. Once she was out in the real world she had met people all along the way. Although, she was very talented many told her it was who you knew who proved your success. Embased in all this, she assailed, performed and proved a versatile-individual. It explained many of the social ethics that many could not underscore. She ascended into 'stellar' ability and was keeping the lesson alive for others, as she was given. And so talent and extol were virtues succeeding conundrum-incurred and understood. With her true competence she proved worthy of the benefaction. Over 18 years, she had a great score of intimates who came and went. It was a solo-journey of people in and out of her life. A redemptive milestone lived with worth. And imbibing of souls and the solitary, injured and offset; of the many intuitives of career and caring.

  The coffee was 'good' and the convening, wasn’t all about work. Many of her fellow-professionals just loved a creative-mind and wanted to be close to those who were. Some were fortunate enough to be young, creative and idealizing; and grew to be great workers with others. They loved the critical mind, and with affirm and refining they became good complicit-idealist. Many had understood that their job was crucial. There were many times their opinion and interests, which proved very worthy and a professional in resolution to guide-work into a product with, without the least bit of obstacle. For this, they were allowed an opinion, and paid, accordingly. Now with the lunch-hour was approaching, she took a taxi to the park to eat. Central was only 10 minutes away. The conversation with her associates kept her abreast of everything on the P.R.-side and on any news coming down the pike. She learned early, in that if you didn’t open yourself up to any and all factors of work from questionable to exacting; you might be caught off-guard... Many an unaware writer, lost-out; due to self-revering and the door of opportunity closing behind them.

  She sat on a bench, beneath a Sycamore and began to unwrap her sandwich, pickles and yogurt. It became warm as the midday Sun broke through and shined between the foliage. The park-patrons jogged, walked, strolled and enjoyed the mid-Fall umbrage... She enjoyed the city’s demographic profile. Though, it was bustling, it had the defiantly self-rectified embellish that took men to greatness and validated the self-perserverance that might the town could endow and endure. The winds picked up and the sun went behind the clouds. She walked to a cab-station and went about doing the rest of her duties. By 2, she was at the Deli to meet with and old friend who loved Pastrami sandwiches for a brunch... She knew, he being a former construction-worker, Reg Temerson, would have been looking over the latest building ground-work and would have talked to some of his former co-workers whom were now, supervisors.

  Once a road-worker, he came to know and understand many of the working of the streets and buildings from Times Square to Wall Street... He was a friend of the Arts and an avid-reader... They met at a book-signing in Lower Manhattan. He lived on his pension and savings with his elderly mother in a small apartment in the Bronx. He was an avid Art patron from plays to Museums to concerts, he was a devotee... And in his many hours of free time, he read books. Till he became an aficiando of sorts, she had met all sorts of avid readers but he stood-out in his patriotism and reflections, mentally. He had even an astute recognition if the inner-workings of the ‘mechanics’ of each's form. He was as knowledgable of each design and detail that he taught her things. But this greatest talent was at how sequential writers can be.

  ...‘And they followed the force of Hemingway; knew the redesigns of the last 75-years and went into the cadence of Andy Warhol and Foster Wallace; with his talent and poeticism... ‘I enjoy each author's ideas and ethics of form and formidity, from Broadway acts to 19th century Art to 17th century’s renewal, each went on to further the precepts and acclaims'... ...He had once disclaimed in a typical conversation which never seem to go on long enough. He was a wonder at it and at recollection. He was a big man about six foot, stout with heavy arms, legs big enough to support easily, his 289 pound-frame...he’d always been a large person.... Married twice but had always seem to lose his affection to other men. That was one of the reason he became a devoted delineater. He’d simply lost interest in 'obvious' beauty. Beginning with his career at 18, as a laborer then brick-layer then site supervisor all the way to department-manager each day, it became the way to becoming a ‘whiz’ at reassession and an analytical, till he retired with a $3.8 million retirement fund, an eight-room house worth $720,000 and several SUVs.

  ...His commitment returned to the broad significance of litterature. He had read all the major authors-fully; magazines which having seemed only fantasy and self-advocacy and continue reading on all the old and new authors; by time and trade.. He came to understand each life and concepts and visualized there written works. He was at the window seat of Salm’s Deli. He recognized her instantly. She entered as the smell of seasoned-beef 'hit' her directly in the nose. He was eating his usual, with a cold soda. Never being a ‘drinker’, food was his ‘handicap’. He had a sandwich every afternoon, when he was in Manhattan. Now, almost 64, he stayed home except for his life-long comportment to 'work'... Like most-older hardworkers they tided with what they did all their-life. As if it was an impossibility to end something, so once being dependent-upon.

  They talked and conversed, she told him that her newest-book was still high on the 'Best-sellers’ List' and what her representation had been to acclaim her position as a leading attainer and exactor in the company. He looked deeply, into her eyes. He read as well and explained, the importance of what and how people reacted; and how New York made you a severant person, if you loose your way... He smiled and his big blue-eyes sparkled. His life had not been easy, but his true-spirit now, revolved around the simple subsistence of such things. But he had soften over the years, but never-fully losing the ‘sting’ of multiple divorce or the once ‘weight’ of hardwork. But his infection smile burned away any misanthropy. She knew as he talked, it went into the power of words, the deans of art and the actuality of friendship; they had a good-conversation. He gave advice on the temperate side to her job. He truly loved books, reading and artistry. Informing her of the newest shows to come; particularly, the New Yorker, and the deeper-scale of dramatized, rereleased works and movies-of and by authors... He loosened up like the old friend he was. She had asked about what he’d been upto; and he was glad to share it...

His mother was doing well, after a colonoscopy; and that the doctor wanted her to make sure to take her medicines and eat well. He finished his meal and as they left he offered her a ride in his new Escalade... ‘It’s a ‘beast’ but I get around pretty well...’ They rode across town to her Brownstone-neighborhood. ‘Good-day, Ms. Stein,’ he said, and he then, rode off. She’d finished her major-duties and successfully handled everything. The ride home included stops at several stores. Josephine had a ‘knack’ for finishing and atoning for odd-duties with friends, it was New York everyone, had things to do. He was glad to assist. Reg, would make it back home with ease in a first-class vehicle. She’d often, wondered to herself why didn’t she use her aging Mercedes sitting on an escort lot uptown. But the reality for her had been to be set-in her ways. After there was a multitude of diversion and affectationx in living in New York City. But things couldn't sit-still, long enough, to turn an ignition, finding a parking-spot and change oil in course of a day, week or month... It was an ‘in-touch’ thing.

  Entering the house, she having packed-up her meal, called to Sarah... She walk-in and then went to change for a night at home. She’d bath after dinner. In her evening home-attire, she looked at her email, glanced at letters and decided to phone some friends after hearing her answering-machine. It was the girls-together, wanting to go out and to call them back. Her aunt’s nursing-home, with a report; to call, and some important reschedules; which had influxed with her return-home... She wrote down important information and made a schedule to call. And there was a call from her agent an early itinerary implied on a new book-reference... ...’Give me the low-down, and also meet at the new-focus group at the firm in two-weeks’... And there awarenesses and invites of extol and esteem, to which she gave patronage...

  There were appointments to iron-out and 'stats', in incidentals. She didn’t have a regular-secretary... She had an assistant who worked specifically for her. They, knowing how 'moody' she can be; they both settled on a ‘cream-of-the-crop’-assistant... ...And one-time English teacher who very much enjoyed the enterprise. She was 54, an awarded worker who’d once thought to become a writer herself. Yet she soon felt her ‘greatest-endowing’; her competence was in her ingenuity and agility at the process. She in a proven inspiration had taken to the job in-'Spades'... She had her running-on 'all-cylinders'... The many plausibilities of form and forte, were in 'true'-function... It was a rudimentary-reality; as Josephine, was fond of, and admired her. She was the professional ‘aunt’, she never had. And with each of their accomplished-work it was a coopt of sorts. Much civility was inspired by Ms. Perkins, as she was known. She had 'fire and brimstone'... She put energy into all she did. With agility and confunction, she eased into the position for which there was both limited-time, and order.

  Her entire team admired her. She was an ‘asset’ beyond-measure. And many a time her fellow-business associates wanted to hire her away, but luckily her devotion was to those to which she had been dependable, and honorable. They became not only fast-friends but each others advocate. There was much to be done and ‘Deb’; as she was known, was a stupendous aide. Impactually, they both became astounding good-natured companions. Individuality became an underscore and oracle, of their mutual-respect, duty and pride. It became an personal-prerequisite of an assertive-concertion. And now she left a message that she most likely, knew she’d get... She was succinct and innovative, with a strict-hote; which helped her-guide any-contention. Offering semantic-skills to inordinate-any ideas. She knew what was reticence, and what she 'best' was impacted, to do. It was Deb, who alerted her to consider to be in retinue about family, business and personal-activity. Josephine would assigningly, take care of it, in a reserve... By 6 pm, she had responded to important-acts and issues. It was a totally resourceful relationship. She worked on certain-terms, which not many employees could abide-by.

  Josephine acted-on her own terms in all she did, with her maturing, competence and development she became, on a very basis-an assertive professional; not letting the dull-points of prognostics take-hold. She lived-in one of the best ‘self-devotion’-centers in the entire-world... In all her helpful, articulate and essential people she knew, Deb was as ‘one’ of the lessons of impeccability. ...She was at supper on October 26th, enjoying Beef Casserole with Red wine and fresh-baked bread; Sarah was an excellent sous-Chef. As much as Josephine knew about writing, she knew of care-taking and household-duties... The rest of the week was to relegate to her newest-contentions, attend to any tentatives, and secure an approach on any intentions... It was Fall. It was closing in on the end of the year... The final and resigning-contentions and many would be the beginning to be locked-in from the 'cold'. New York City, was always active...It was the year end entertainment and Art entitlement season.

  The cool and cloudy-days would need to be brightened by a little theater, shows and Art expedition from around the world; the Winter-harbingers would be coming into full-expression. The Spring, would be being prepared for, exciting motivations to fill the late part of a solemn year's end. It was a new-definition in the effort to outdo the season... In the Bigotry every event had its attainers. From riding the subways to taxis to boats on the Hudson, there was a reason for every season. And how exciting, it all-was. But one could 'tire' of excitement, and there was a place for that also. It payed well not to be superstitious or superficial. There was a taste for everything... The Brownstone was a 'placid'-abode, as the fall leaves fell from the Sycamores; and traffic which was sparce with neighborhood temperatures, but not downtown. She lived in central-New York where the eloquent and wealthy-presided. ...The bankers, business-persons, magnates and their heirs, lived in residential-solitude, but not for from the 'action'.

  Each tended to stay to themselves with socializing, being a private and upscale-activity. This time of year, was the year-end celebrations... ...The boss's retirement, a rewards-parties for promotions and success-celebrations, for the firm... Significant, yet subdued each represented life, for the successful and endowed;implying in personal and social-significance while living close-to work. But New York policy was to give-comfort with eloquence to all its most 'loyal'-patrons. It was an 'equation' of policy and privacy which existed since its start as a small Dutch city... ...As the municipality thrived, public and private it seemed, were considered and resolved; socialites, policy-makers, and public officals met at least monthly to officiate-concerns... ...With private-responsibilities were held in high-regard. Josephine kept upon this, as her-fame was seen as 'power' in the community. She, being a celebrity, spoke for many; yet the wealthy, still spoke 'loud'.

  October, was the time-of harvest and being set-in, for the year. Parties, were to keep the heart-vibrant and alive. Many were expert scene-grabbers. At home wives making the most of home-economics. And extravagance, was a rule-of-thumb. Patricia Madison, was the wife of a parking-lot mogul. She was enjoying the home-life as mother of six children and an avid-philantropist... Much like Josephine, she was requested-upon many times, to be a part of a drive-celebration, or a meeting... They'd crossed-path several times. They were not close, but assisted each other, on occasion. 'Pat', knew the ins-and-outs of commitments... She'd married her husband at 17, when he went-off to the Navy. After 8 years, the purchase of three thought-insignificant city properties; and with growth and progress, they became very wealthy. So wealthy, she liked to throw employees' wives Fall-vigils, from cooking to child-care and measuring-up to any concerns...

  And Josephine joined-in, whensoever she could. But work, which had began to build, was crucial for the coming late-Fall... She was an actively-dedicated individual who without previous-responsibility was committed to her-career. But Pat taught Josephine about self-consideration and casual-implications; which, even for the rich, had its atoning... So with events, and assertive-easements she was ensued to understand that one's ideal-work; and for the most-part, accounted in a missi
on; that made for a doable, 'down-time'. Pat was probably, out; living-down the block, in a three-story. Her kids were all in private-schools and she took care of them first-writing them, working and resolving situations which propped-up. She was a good wealthy-mother and wife. After all the Fall-activities, she and her husband would set off to the Bahamas for six weeks to their Condo and be back by Spring. What could she say, it was a wonderful life. But Josephine was a happy-worker, and unmarried; she did what was important to her...

  Her placidness was adorned to the technicals and theories of work and in this-incentive. She, associates and coworkers were deep in work and relevances... To make a potential to reach an end-product. She was 'made' for a formative-fortitude; and at any time of year she was doing what she loved. It was a technical-fact of life. And each knew it. Her work was just beginning to be forged. She decided that her present-work would be the work that reflected-on 'greater' terms. By week's end she'd have ventured further into new vivid-ideas. Her past-items, which spanned 18-years, were quite creative, entransing and deliberate. The work, spelled an exciting-work of the mind. Each encompassed grand themes-sought and fulfilled. Many were impressed, by the imaginative, idealic and how identifiable, her work was... As many of her long-time fellow-artist, students and teacher. She'd begun with a deep-skill and incredible-talent, and a determined-creative agility. She, was more than talented, but when she earned graduated-abilities; she earned-worth and avail... Her-story and accounting, was one for the books. As sure as she thought one-day, she'd prove her impressive literary-ability.

  She'd read many authors, with a directive-arrest in competence and comprehension... Reading first at the age of three, she was a 'whiz'-genius by six, and graduating Cum Laude, at 15... Much of the time after that, was assuring her of what she intended to do. It, the path of 'personal-vision', was in the essence and incentive, was the vocal in a prolicit-dimension. It was a journey by emerging, and insistent-understanding. A pretense of what was a plausibility. ...An enduring-philosophy of the 'Self'. A manifestation and admission that was in, as an 'evolving'. A philosophical-predicate proven, and pronounced. In what was a dubitable-lesson by wisdom. In her-life, it had always been a self-determination and self-understanding, which had been by a personal-effort... And in that redeeming-induction; it would lead to the success and intention enacted in a vocal of what was 'self-production'. In what was by an availing-employ. ...Many authors fall-onto what is a private-judgement, yet in all she did, was in answering definitive-questions.

  The first work was the most-resolute, and the last that was impeccable. ...And the line of assertive-intention. She was accommodating in all its interlocution... That the interpretative-instance had always been the self-expressive proofing that was allured and alluding to its 'best'-impressions... That the value of one's talent, once demonstrated and illuminated, she went-out into the world and enacted in a complicit-understanding... That one could home-in on what was a personal-propensity... A personal-awakening and awareness that proved-worthy and envalued. A 'precis'-of talent and learning which had been an assertive-thematic through-out her life. The idea and intention, had been a learning-experience. Both an infectious, conundrum; idealized and accented-by Josephine, and all the different-factors setting-out on in a young-girl's life... It was a voyage and revealing-journey relevant in chances and challenges. And how, with the many statuses and standards, she'd been able to be allayed into a vision of her-work.

  She'd always been honest, and with age, she'd been a superlative-artist; with all of this, she'd been a truly 'stand-out', genius. And she now, had been imperative, to her form. And now it was prevalent, and a pervasion; in what was an implement, intention and artful-articulation... In New York City, there were few basic-artist, if there was, they wouldn't stay that way. ...The early morning-on that Wednesday was over-cast and Windy, a day to stay home if you could. The sun brighten the morning sky over the city. On the streets the bustle of life went on. The 'age' of life and times had, for the living in the region, been a surmounting of what was impulse and encouragement. Citizens were mostly innervated, by self-vitality; in a converse-requiem, to a self-passionate life... In the many consummate virtues-idolized by a networking of time, testament and 'temerity' that was a 'versatility' deeded-in a place and culture...

  The air was full of the odor-of sentiment and assertion, in the many versifications-vitaled, and entitled in-vociferation idled, and an initiation of times and 'trials'. The avenues-of the many burroughs and street-blocks, were extenuated and extolled-by proving and providence-in the 'auras' of designs and alms, amid the affective-presence and in ever-present aspects. The eventual-propriety to an essence and extrinsic, to the investment-of tided-according, in impute and eviterate-extemperance; proctored in a presence. And in what was of the paved city streets, the generations of brick and mortar and the steel and stone which form the perspicacity and inspiration of a society, culture and world... What in 400 year-pride the vital-aspirations, imprinted with price and 'posterity'-prevailed and prefixed... The streets, expanded-passed the home of Josephine Stein the highly, accomplished-author; who proved her-achievements; in, as a typical residential-address; was 'wet' with early-morning rain... The most of a morning, had come and evaporated; and now the 'freshness' of the dawn, grew thick with daylight-energy... Although, the day would be 'cool'; and being outside, was less than comfortable... It was New York, which attested to many flamboyant weathering-things.

  Many who lived there, had came enticed by the role and richness of what was an emphatic-contention. There was the 'smell' of heating-oil, street asphalt-access and automobile-exhaust... Yet with some dispora, there was a grand-vision; to what it meant to exist, live and 'be' a citizen of 'Gotham'. What was for the 'ideal', and in image-of 'sacred-ground'; and once one succeeds, it; the valley-of-treasure... The world of being in conquest, reveled-in. The residential-'rise' of homes, from the Ritz and wealth and terse and timely, tradition and a critical-transformation... It was a worthwhile-transit, along the drives and lanes; employed and impingent to a preserving, in the passage-of-'times'. The many great-pretenses, presonerations, and courage; that expressed itself in what was a 'dull-morning'... And Josephine had been one, to be resolved in such experiences. The technical-experience of thought and action, was one of idea and perception; and in the many terms and incidents, were in a deepest infliction; by the plot and employ of human-endeavor. The rear outside wall of the Brownstone glowed with the minimal-light reflected through, from the clouds and sky.

  Implicated, in idea and instance, was her-maturation. In calculative of a design... Although she reach intellectual-experience, early; the lattice-work of learning, assailing and skills were settled on the subtle living, understanding which in ever-thoughtful theoretics and theorems; which, with time, that could actuate; in duration of time, period and stage... It had been a recuperative-trial, that landed her with a full self-education. The voyages, and vallies-acclimated in what was for youth, a precious-presiding. And now, 38, seeing the best of her-years; as she was delving into her-personal manuscript-library and research, in an extensive reserve, and reclusive ideas... A preservational-protocol, that she'd done, in-applied resimulation... She was careful and confident, as she 'berth' a new-tome; that would perhaps be seen by a multitude, and made a genuine-'treasure'. As the mental-'cogs' were turning, pidgeons sat on the den's window. A 'light' blue-opaque and brownish-tan ones, they seemed both careful and interested, in the occupant; Josephine, had enjoyed the housing Pavillion which had been interesting in its incidentals.

  And so the impossible-of 'writing', was in being coordinated. Employing the multiple mental-capacity to be engineered and incentivized... It was a world-away, by a grand-scheme, forceful-language and expressive-imagination. A 'monolithic'-vision and literate-extension made into a presence, presiding, and progressing. In the many human-agilities, to move-forward. To impact and explore, the much so
ught after discipline of a written-display. A dissertation by enacting and arrival to the 'teology' and terms of inner-treatise of mind and thought. The 'elantra', and eloquence in precepts, conception and careful-concentration. The jogging-'symphony' of a mentality. The parallels, provings and provisions in which 'intent' and intensity in being-objective, overt and ovationally-displayed and spelled-out in context. ..A download of auspicion, aria and incense by advocation. There were 'thoughts' which were proposed, adjudged and conceived. As Josephine espoused, along which she was regulating to tasks, at hand.

  She sat with her windowed-friends, the warmth of her den and the attributes of home and homage. October in New York was the burgeoning season of celebrations, good-spirits and just civil-hostling, to endure the coming docile-season... An infinite-discerning with a dictating, devising and developing. In the town's neighborhood and home-apprising in the tenables of life and work. An intercession, was to be proposed and in evidence of further-consideration and cause, to exact and imply, with eventual-evidence. The attaining-discipline and lessons of work and willing... The precisional-infinitive to produce and prevail, obligingly; and to be operative by concisiveness-prototyped, proctored, prosounded and perceived in the magnitude, manifest and meticulating by conferring. It was the accurate-tool of diligence, which is a profaction-optioned and revealed.

  The winds, and clouds blew across the sky, and on earth; people went-on about their lives;carrying-on, in extense and in a-private-propagation. In an 'allied'-prominence preferred and proactive. The neighborhoods were calm, the evenings would be placid and the credible, effectual and precisional a-presiding. In what perogative was to be taken and attained, by advantage; in the sanctum-of self-situation and security. The present-'priorities' would 'progress' and divulge; in the elements of a time and with what was the existential-'perfective', allumed by design, emerging and pressing, through the times in thought, place and a perception. The days for Ms. Stein would be 'vivid', as at challenges and chances; which would be an account of credible-impressing derived, developed and acceptably, actualized in-time... She would conferringly, be active in time and place. It was a doable-reality. The work, willfulness and worthiness had each-proven itself. By the end of the week there would be precipitation, as would be the reasonings and attitudes. Josephine was a refined-arbitrator in skills and design.... She was by situation and resign, a self-advocated person... Fully-realized in duty, and cause. ...Along with an artistic-excellence, there was personal-earning that developed, grew, and refined itself. Youthful-exception, proved ever-'vital' in her increasing, ability and competence. As she relegated the terms and traits of her latest book-manuscript. She was fully, alert to the necessary-venues in what it would be to proceed.

  She was at home, when a dear-friend rang the doorbell. 'Hey, Josey. Great to see you, did you miss me?' It was Brad Fellows, in casual-attire with a gift and flowers. Brad really, appreciated Josephine for all he was worth. Some thought that the only reason he did not marry was because of his dear friend, whom he cared for deeply. Josephine, didn't really, care. She knew he had his own-life... She was not one to 'fiddle'-around. Her superior and superlative-intellect never played-with being serious. Perhaps Brad's show of civility, did serve a temporamental-purpose; which Josephine had need of frivolously. Her life, had always been sheltered and cultured. With all her determined skills and scope, being an only-child and being a disciplined-intellectual; left her without. Love, caring and devotion to another had perhaps, lagged-behind. But with intellectual-understanding, she could support or deny-on her own terms, implementals or incremental-reclusions; which were perhaps inept-circumstances, but like all human beings, life was 'short'. Her love was her career, friends and families... A young Jewish-women had only so much time to 'enjoy'. And any way, her aunt of 92-years, never married.

  Her deceased-mother, had only enough-time for her and her needs; and the tentatives of her technical-skills, which were time-consuming; and a husband, who also enjoyed-work and family. All three were devoted, rather-in talent or family. Much went-into a serving-life. The wonder and reward in being a worker, no matter how time-consuming, and ratified; in the acceptance of terms. That was probably, why in heritage and herald, duty and discipline; proved so successive, and gratifying... It, with time, proved an invaluable authentic-reality. The much heralded-drama and saga of relationships, in the time of women's liberation just proved too, overwhelming. And Brad was a friend for however long it lasted. She was in a servitude-for life. He was ultimately, a dear-heart. ...Brad had much to talk about. He was much into himself, which usually settled-down to cordial-encumberance. She sat and enjoyed, the new fondness and profundity of a returning-friend... He tried his best to extrapolate, in times and testaments; of which he could not 'reinvent' the wheel.

  With her nodding-silence and support Brad's rant; in convening, had many tenuatives of his travels, she hoping he'd gained on his revelry,in times and trials... '...And so, did you miss me?' Josephine was speechless and spurred-on, she was supported by the 'tides' of a long-gone amd returning-friend. She showered him with gregious self-avail... '...I knew you couldn't live without me!' Along with the talent of writing was the visionary-skill of social-drama... They went onto speak and converse intimately, sentimentally, and sensibly... Their mutual-acceptance and understanding again prevailed. It was an availing, that reinforced an affection in what was a 'worthy', warding... 'Yeah, Josey... When you left, I felt 'lonely'; so the firm needed a Rep. down-South, so I volunteered...' 'So I took the executive-jet down and spent two-weeks at the beach'... 'Got myself a tan, and enjoyed the new-tools to the business... I missed you, Josey.' 'Did you enjoy the tour?' Josey answered, who had work to do... And explaining what was in work and waylay, was too, time-consuming... She gave him the preliminaries, some fond memory of cities and then expressed what was the result of it all...

  They shared a cup of Green tea and they made arrangements to meet on Monday to enjoy a walk through Central Park... 'Okay, Josey. Call me if you need anything, and I'll see you Monday-6 am 'sharp''. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and off he went. She went and got her Terrier from his bed and went back to her den. The text of the focal-points of her next-book were sitting in specs. Her mind went back to the development of the literations. The ideas, images and instances effectively, making a stature of design and discernment. An order and obviating, in instance and articulation... She was motivated to compile, define and delineate the trials and tenets of her new-visionary ideas. It was two nights ago that a serious dream had simmered in her brain. The subconscious cause flowed, ebbed and branded in her mind. A mental-mastering of her thoughts and perceptions. It was a bold ramification on thematics and theories. On a grand scale an almost certain-psycheic sentiment...

  In what was the brights of sky, oceans and surfaces the scales of land, air and water... By what was the stupendous state and standard stimulus. A scope of price and provisions ordinated as a conscious cognitive-price... It was a deep-'dreams' of taunts and terms. ...And import and imposition, agealed and ogled, spansed and touch, felt and feeled, in the intense idiomatic of time and space. A deep abiding-expanse to be in a vivid and vital-discerning reality. A significant vortex, virtue and venue-idealized and extirpated by ascore... It was a fantasy-impression, an endowed expression, in what was a proctored proliferation; instilled and pretensed... It was like a convocation and precis, to be affectuate to, and displayed as a vitalized, vivifying-explication. In the 12-hours since her next night's sleep she was invoked to expedite in a conversion, attaining both ideal and was prominently, preeminent. An devolving-predominance and perfective-prelude, an incite and interest disposed and in deliberation. An emphatic-diligence, availing and obviousness...

  In a sense-of predeliction, in objectified and obvious-'innovation'... In the presence of perceptive, by what proved a dispense of a credible-notability. An oracling of dimension and digest,
in a sensing-depth. Though, she never spoke of the redeeming of the mind. It was the fate and fixative of time, and mental-acuity. This grand and advancive-advantage, as the dimensions of time and space. A sensation-dogmatic filtrating and infiltrating the mind... An 'adjule' of a design-duplicity in mental atoning into 'Art' and sensational-epithis, human margin, and imaginary plexus. Thursday evening, was turning 'cool' as the sun fell-out over the public-street. In the New York private-neighborhood. Of evident and epithesis, was the operatively voiding and advantageous; and as eloquently, 'oding' in an intact, arcing as an actual 'refined' and as defining-defacto. A rational, permuting-vector and brought to a broad-division. ...As she primed her posting, in the enlisting-disclaiming, and in a commiseurate. By what incentively, and esoterically, was provocating, disclosing devoted-decision in the enamorate, and creative-order of things.

  In what was an impacting, and imparting of issues; in the field that were mostly, itinerate... When it was in a division which had been laid-out, and rides depicting, in her talent. It was the 'target' and hope to be in 'profile', the definite-respective of voice and vision. The private and perceptive-exaction, of defining-explicit, and expectation. In which was ideal, and conveying by conviction and being imminently, authentic and 'terrific'... The preliminary advantage conferring, and depositing; by 'integrity' and 'innovation'... Impinging by what was an implication... In the passage of time, the illustration and allusion; were touched and passed on. ...In what was a literary-vivification of art and articulation. It was the focus and foment of a design and self-style. Many writers function-adroitly or colloquially, in mastery. Josephine, was the former of these... The 'thick' and thinness of what was by technique and terminology. The forward and fashion of her form, spotted and a sagacious to the 'fineness' and finity of her skills... An inspired, creationist-ordered and ordained to the fact...

  And so in a deliberate and derivative-form, a follow-through was captured, had many heros and many followers... A 'genius' of self-design; formative and faceted to a self-focal in factoral. And as such, she was a 'mighty', and refined author. In by an insignate incentive, her virtues for this were enterprising; and enigmaed to fortune, and factual... Great authors, writer and the literary powerful had given-forth an influence; and their fans in their energies, inertia and imagination; helped her to 'dream'-bigger, and espouse more. As she drew-together the 'elantra' and luminence of the voyage into refining and a fortuity of newly-existence that animated-itself. A terrific-existentially, and exacted in a careful-conundrum. A trying-transmogrification of 'grade' and gratuity, to be what is the adducting and actuality-in result and replicit. It was a 'poetic-license' of literality... The efficacy to flourish and being founded in the deliberance, by dissertation.

  The 'manifest', and method of an incipidient, relegation. The impactual-progressive, of a defining and defined-deliberation... An underscoring, effort encompassed in the endolence of affix and fabrication. The cool-evening turned into a even cooler and windy-night. By 9 pm, Josephine was in bed, fast asleep. It would be the weekend before you knew it... An endolent-equation to writing had lead to the conception into 'darkness' and then into an existence. Working had always been a displaying commiseuration. By what was a needed and necessary remuneration. In what was a 'pact' with illusion... An insistent, intentional-ovation to an elegeic-evident; making plausable and proving to test, temptation and of teaching... An orchestral of determinate-expressives with an officiation which was a dynamically, uni-dimensional ethic... And with the furrowing of talent that night came; beyond written fantasy and 'dreams'... The dark comfort of night turned into the magnificence of slumber. Into the theater of great hues of colored-lights. The luminscences of clouds and sea, the imaginary stemming of winds and surf. The screams of flighted creatures, and then her-story, begins...

  A distilled-quiet of what was calm night was gradually, erupted with a gentle tone of a whisper. A warlock, or what she thought was a 'warlock', had been describing in detail, some strange serious incident to her; who happened to be right-beside her. It was an ephemeral-interaction. She breathed-deeper as her essence, and what was his requantifying and exhume, in what was a new reverent-'reality'. By what was a remonstration-of 'fact' to fallacy. An irreverent-impression and a reversionary-consumption. An easily, enacted insistence in an oracled-conjunction... An expression-of an experience-within-experience, essence within an essence; a deliberation within a deliberation... An objective within a subjection; within her imaginary-heart, she felt deserving and into associative. What was the purposes, meanings and ideas of these-images... What was this 'illusion' within the fabric of night's subconscience. She wanted to say something to either prove or exact something with this 'alter'-reality.

  Out of no where, she began to realize to understand what the warlock was saying and realized her role, understanding a little of the reality of when, where, what and how of this self-hidden existence. She'd once remembered something not there, of a consciousness and duly conscience. But like her past dreams they slipped away dissolving into oblivion as they had came. Yet each time it returned like her spirit was sent there to this other presence. But with each relevence the exception of realism and the acceptance of its rejuvenated presence. There had been many 'nonsequitors' to the renewed juxtapositioning of time and place... Sort of a ratification and rationale to be restricted to... A counter-presence to be agreed to by policy, and locked in and away from, with what was a 'consciousness'. The quiet unknown-speaker became more clear like it was a knowledge. From childhood to adult in mere moments, and then the knowingly, a final-'knowing'. Then in knowing a flood of perception and proponence... The foreign language and all the other mysterious realnesses; hers with blunt-force. And time slowed down.

  There was what seemed like years of what was coming-'next'. Like a saga played out in to a 'major'-lot of time. It was a major time, she knew but along with effortless acceptance came the big dull-acceptance of the reality of what 'was'. ...A deterring of account in the unnerving-discipline of distinction and derivation. A properness and property of a deep and ultimate sensation. A sort of sleeping-'vortex', deeply set-in conscience and existence. There was a certain-'vivicry' in the context of her subconscience. No one knew how complex or material her sleep was. It was a dominant recourse of all her senses. Like a religious disciple, visionary; or a denoter of God. She wasn't all-so religious or devoted, but was blessed, with mental-competence. Something she nor anyone else could fully-understand. Josephine was never taken to persons of authority over, either her competence or capacity; she was just considered blessed. And hopefully, not an 'omen'. She'd spent her whole-life interpreting the instance and essence of her mind. It was, for sure, a responsibility and 'power'.

  Her development incentivized the central-component and capability of her-talent and skill... ...A 'musical-score' of rudimentary-ablings that went into a time of awakenedness, and an incessant combinant-'virtue', into a night's slumber. It was perhaps, the constant-working of her mind which made for the adaptive and adorning, of time and place... It was an inevitability, and the self-'cure' of the dimensions of her-mind... Which continued on inceptive, and interceptional... An input of meaning, an output of perception, and a presence... A representation of possession and prevalence, by the natural personal-proving and a provocation in its energetics. Like a 'tool' and 'treasure', transcendental in divulging and developing, in its display... It was a deriving and dispensation; one of mental-orient, and of an oracle. What could be seen as an over-development, was transformed and transferred in what was an intensive-vocal. ...By what probably, turned-out to be an invariantly, careless-precursor to an 'omen'.

  As the air turned heavy, with the rising dawn, Josephine awoke from sleep and everything that was there went into a nonexistence. An once perceptual-providence had left as a 'phantom'. A new-incurment, which saturated the contentions-of darkness. A pervasion-of 'hote' and act-in t
he summation by 'dark'-to dawn. An inspiration or implication, as much sympatical, and sympathetic. As the dawn rolled in, came the brightening of a enlightened-sky. It was a mirror image and mirror-scheme; like an H.G. Wells novel, yet this was no fantastic 'time-machine' but a portal in her mind. She never touched or relied on the realism of what was 'form'. She was more, an essence of an idea. Perhaps, too 'pure', to be commanding. It was possible the self-intent proved to focus and refocus on a completed-idea. An idealizing, preeminence-provoked or chosen, without an exception. An idiomatic-prehensile, that made for a eminent professed-deduction. It had began early in her life, so she thought of how emanate and fragrant the ever-present reality that was. The dawn was formed, of dark and light; a fusion of cloud forms, and semi-lighted spaces.

  The heat came-on in the house, as Josephine was showering. Sarah had just come through the front-door and went to the kitchen to prepare Friday's breakfast. She had a Friday scheme of things. From an early breakfast to a walk upto Central Park and to visit the girls at Tiffany's. Then a visit to the office, to see if anything 'interesting' was going on. She was always invited to come in and ask any questions. They knew she had an active mind. And being so she interjected new vibrance into major aspects. Dependable, deriving and deliberative, she helped to advance any situations or concerns... Her-dynamic devotion, helped realign any unknown difficulties Being a holder of Phd. in the Arts at 19 and a half, she donated experience, talent, skill and scope to the rationale of the writing-experience... To their-advantage, her life's devotion, proved a rewarding acquisition. The many theories of human-logic and technicals of work, were thus derivative by an accounting accomplishment of an efforgence. In what her-official publishers realized she gave a benefit, and enjoyed. After which she took a taxi back home for a nightcap with Brad, and inquire as to the observed-'tenets' of her present work. Which everyone was awaiting. With her-in what was all-natural and correspondingly, copesitic.

  Her life had been an adventure and she had true, profound understanding from all she had contact. In interests and endowments, she came to collect, infuse and make a definitive to the artistry and focus by what was an assertiveness, and ascertainment... It was a perpetual-prominent and proficient, productive-procuring. When looking from the many times and calling, she fulfilled her role quite definitely, and in a dependent-development. An appose-in civility and attaining. It was a lesson in liberal-liturgy. With all the education achieved over a life-time, she represented essential and intact incorporate-complicity in an energy and understanding done-with an 'intensity'. And when she arrived home awaiting Brad, after a small-dinner and a relaxing-evening sitting by the dining-room table set by the street-window. The night had began with the coming in of cool-breezes setting against her street-facing wall. The lights became brighter and day-'darker'... It had turned into a fine-end of the week. Brad showed up a 6:15 pm. He'd brought a bottle of his favorite Brandy, 'I wanted to kick-off the weekend with a 'bang''...

  So they talked into the night. It was a relaxing and conversating time. In the many influences of time and space. Josephine had made good. She hadn't been one ever to not console or have an extolling of things... The 'impact' and 'gravity' of the much valued, and much proclived, availance of choices and challenges. Which was an abiding and hardwork... A central-design, dynamic-composed and expounded in self-defining discipline; by what was an expediting of self-'rules' and 'choices'... That, as in all things was fundamental and fulfilling as a vocal. Although her career had never been a vocation that was begun and actualized in self-fortune. An implicit to a venture into self-hood and self-virtue to a 'tact' of her concerted, contention. Which, though not a diversion or devoiding; held to the intellectual and academic-assenting. That lead to the proving of accomplishing, self-guising. Thus her life was full and fortunate. She was an inspiration and her potential crossed a 'yaw' of sensations... A comprehensive-ingenuity plied and plexed in a centered-comprising, division and succinct-commission.

  As the clock in the hall tolled 10 pm, she finished her last contention of the day at work with her manuscript. A posed-passion to be further in a conquest, and finesse. A resultant-finesse of acuity and aptitude that as she went to bed, apported at the creative-idiom and incense that which proved and prevailed-in intent. The book would be a stacking-inclemental, in a 'curative' to the enticing-of the mind. She knew the schedule and scale of the result of her-purpose. An incalculable-incursion, so stating and standard. An 'objective'-assertion, that being designed and desired, was consigning to consideration-efforted and earning. A 'defacto', connotation which was to factor and fortune in active-earning, and 'artful'-articulation. An intra-specific digest, and dispensation, was to be of idyll and intiative. The night and her book, would await her. Saturday, would be a self-procuring day. There was a consortium of epithema-making for the fully, function design of things... An inclination of effective and divectural of implements and technicals, eventual and effidently, simplied, and designed in self-afford. In what was an inclination of what was factual and a determination.

  ...What lay in the dark now, was able to take-over and portraying, itself. A presided pre-effective resolution by what was irredeeming and an ordinational-plexy... A mental 'assymmetry' played-out in the dominion of her-mind. The void-reopened and instantly, she was beyond this world and its reality. In a preamble of proconceived, admissives. That was in a depth discharge of the 'effects' in subtlety. Her face behaved as if it felt a deep spray of the ocean; the depth of space and air, and the self-implicity, of mental reorder and structure... A 'redemption' of personal-ode and essence... She gained conscience with which there were rocky-cliffs, skies, oceans, sun, air, and there intensities. In what was an arcane and archaic, enforced-'epic'. And in this ardor, the flaming made-majesty, emerging and articulate-in what was a certified-'motif'. She was again in a hidden-area. This-time, with the voice of an old man with a white-beard beside her... He stood-over a fire, his face lit by it. The illustration was something she thought her conscience could 'never' create. Yet it was there, like a movie a grand epic, yet she read and learned of cinematography; this was no 'film'.

  The man and she were alone in a cavernous cave, then she understood what he was saying! She didn't feel surprised but more congealed to her interaction of things. In an astonishingly, absolute power she perceived, participated and was fully, cognizant of their role in things. But this world was totally, outside of... It was an avowal and very exciting to be fully acknowledging of what was occuring. It was a role and recognition, which evaded her and was fully manifest in this 'other-world'. The cave, man and fire indelibly, represented a moving 'emotional-reality'... That was just it, all she could only and barely conceive in what was a 'terseness'-of emotion. It was a broad-'sweep' of feeling; more embedded, to that alter-existence; but also as a hope in whatever it was, it was a 'hope'-transpiring and committed,as a transduction. For which she and this, elaborate-conscience; for which as far as she knew, was hers alone. Only thing about this ultimate alternate cognizance it showed no knowledge of any connection to this one... She could have been considered a 'transmortal', but it was still a 'mystery'...

  It was an awe-conspiring experience from the many assignings and derisionary interactions, it had always been greater for one to accept the 'influences' from this world. What occured were 'lessons' and liturgy... By what became an esoteric-assimilation that everyone toward her fed-into. She often wondered why it had to be that way. From the love, affections and guidances of a stern father, to the allowances, facets and frugality of the ways-of life by her mother... But rarely, was it self-serving or 'astute'. There was reverence to standard and station. ...That no matter what the recourse one was to be grateful and accepting. That the powers that be are tempered and reliant on an independent-rationale. That no matter how aware or objective one was to be appreciative, of what one has... And her parents, friends, teachers and associates,
respected that about her... She carried this in her-heart. And that as reverent and responsive, she still couldn't fully, be deducive. ...But with hope, honor, 'duty' and development one needed a certain self-determination, in devotion. Although, with a certain exceptionalism, she could only 'accept' so much.

  As a world-apart, her earthly conscience-wit was a full-fulcrum of skillful-acumen; it was as separate as anything. So she considered it totally a world apart. But being with an artistic-impressariousness nothing was outside-of a 'use'. Now older, as her-dreams were facetively, far-flung she tried to grasp as much as possible, and devise as a reticent-understanding of existential-relatives that was existing in her subconscience. Both were 'superior-forces' in designs, thoughts and meanings... In a 'doable'-digest of equal-nascence... An indolent thought-'nexus' affirmed and conformed-to in her mind. Her motivations had always been implicit and explicit; defined by ordinal, and implication. In an ever-defining explication, given to an assonance presounded or suspected as what was deliberated by tasks and instilling-diligence. ...By what was a 'necessary'-imparting, exposed by presence and composed by thought, in what would deliver a true-'virtual'-virtue in a preeminent-devising. What was being led was her devotion to her-ability in the promise of what was a proprietary inward-'projection'. What was to be diverted against by what was defection and devotion.

  Was it 'farce' or fabrication-agealed to a selfish-understanding? In what was a self-'theory' by art, authenticity and self-authority, in her world-alone. ...If she was to endure-in the future long ago, she had to accept, relate and be refined to the terms of her most objectified-life. In what was an inherent-precept and most endowed-conception... A movement and impression, defined by her 'brain'... The world, universe and presence was now in another realm. Invested in time-by a plexing and a profound-pronouncing. The material that was her-brain and its powers, were be ungulated in then exacting-ethereal; by a 'dual'-existence. A precise-burgeoning style, fulfilling; a dynamic-intention to the 'bode' of dwelling in a 'maxim' of the over-night. It was the bloom of earthly, presence and an enactual-presiding; perpetuated, in the alliance-of thought and estranged-'edifice'... It was an adavantage by self, and sophistication. The murgering-cycle of life and location, faceted to the deans and dins of facts, focuses and fixations. It was as mental, as individual; and as apparent, as an impinging. Suited to the denisons and deliverances of instance and order, apportioned to the laws-of mind and state.

  If anything, it was a dependable-incentive of a nightly-preoccupation. The Moon migrated above the Western horizon, till down below the East and then Dawn. The cool-tempid overnight grew into a moisture ladened, Morn. The 'esters' of awakening gave way to bright and enlivening-daylight. Then, the thick and thin of a late-October Monday gave arise to donned, and determined-aliveness. In what was a oviate of life, and vividity. It was a new-day of being charged, and challenged. It was a day to take-hold and announce in duty and device,by what was an import and imposing. As the rejuvenated-'reality' came into play, she integrated into all her-senses. She felt very-rested and ready for activity. Monday, was the second from last-one of the month. Priniciply, she knew what to do, and how to do it. Her reciprocity was always, avant-guarde. She was a creative-specialist, earning a minor in Art Specialty; from the fiction of thought, to the emergence and the actuality of personification... ...There, process helped to both establish and estimate the conducives of a formulaic-design. It was more than an interstitial-contention. As she went to begin her day, she had her first-initiatives to carry-on her daily-actions.

  Engaged and infused, with an ardent-facetiveness; articular and abregate, to factors and fervorings; to the potent-eludings in processes and ambulate-inceptions. A convolition of intentives and preluding-progressings, in a preparatory profactoring. She was also to promulgate to a division, and applying; acting to prove, along a discordant-affective facilitative to take-on a morning deferring to the dividing and composing of efforts and effects. Josephine knew her-abilities, and drew focus in her talents by ideas and 'astute'-advantage. A relative-idealism in speculative-confunction... A deriving-intent and instance, prevailing and provocational to the prosound of according, conditions. By what was a devining-perfective; for her, was an audacious, provening. An activeness in prolific-posturing. This new day would again be ratified into a 'masterpiece'. And pursuit with exception, in a professive-standing. By definition, her 'skills' were as contentious, as her conscience... In a deliberative, sustenance and in a corporeal-character. So whatever was imparted was just. She had many excellent and exceptional-ways of processing being technical, methodical and transcendential-terms, relationships and meanings. In fact, she'd become a worthy metathetical-interpreter. But still, her-passion by in Art and its many confunctions. But thus also what could have been at a superficial-encumber far from it, as she excelled. She was compounded by the many 'silohuettes' of 'charges' and dauntings.

  As well Josephine had been set in the 'staples' of a fascinating and fixative lifestyle. ...Intro-statics, were the many eludings in many concerns of life and living-outcome. The literary-work she did was obstinate to the incidents-of time and place. In the infatic, designs of her disciplines, were the official-'factuals'; procured and presided-over, which sufficed and deserved; that were stepping-stones of times and trials, transfixed and passed-over... A compassionate enablence in her case, was the very essence of success and survival. As most 'strong' and intelligent-women went they had competence in their make-up. ...From left-brain simulation to focused forces at work, consigning and state... It was a 'domination' of the issues, in decisive-destiny and place. An allegorical-assertion for which an 'entity'; was in intent, and an intricacy. A categorical-instillment proven and prefixed to what was intention and intensity. A private and compunctive-'dynamism', forming in designate-discharge and proving-fortune. There were so many culminations and aptitudes providing themselves as worthy contention, adaptness and in access to being in what was an addendum. ...By what was an 'affectation' of incorporation of oneself and a careful-concertion. If ever there had been sequence-after 'consequence'; a woman could perservere and surpass-on a greater scale...

  She'd proven in what was a 'pertinent'-calling and consideration; and with time, trade and testament her personal-discretion had become a vital-determination, and discipline. And so a purpose and attitude, it had become both an officiation, and rule of thumb. As a personal and professional-expert of art, artistry and form; by the meaning, and manifest of potent-dreams became a personal-motif to all her-life and legacy. She'd heard of 'determiners' and 'dreamers', believing in their alter-dimensions as ultimate-'tools' to both be expunged and utilized. But most never panned-out. But somehow her discipline, confirmative-duties, elaborate-comprehensions and perhaps, a natural and endowed-talent was not only established and exacted but was in this 'astute'-requiem. She was never confused or astounded by this duly-role; but absorbed it purposefully, and penetratingly. ...Like 'Spock' on Star Trek or DATA on Next Generation, it was a wonderful, and great-grantedness. It ran-in her-blood and heritage but she had never-fully, coordinated it. It was private and intimate as well as interesting. In what was a provided, and proctored be beguiled. And as the days, months and years-passed she'd developed an assessing of what was her night-time 'visions'...

  Her work was most-important, but she knew, her life carried-on. And that of affirmative-prostrate and developed-'immunity', led to what was a careful-'mantle' to the who, what and why that she was, and could-be. Careless-'foreboding', and careful-'disorder', were not in her 'make-up'. Born-in the mid 70s, in a time of intellectual and fostering-freedoms and the climaxing-in the Arts and Sciences... By what was sort of a female-ordinal in the Biblical-chapteral-sense: Deuteronomy, which lead to success and convictional-standard... Along with women's liberation, independence and success, it became an honest-oracle to be enticed. So as the Arts proved a vibrant and virtued-
setting so too, did motivation and self-instilling were to prove in a wider-station and status. The 'vibrancy' of all of the 'humanities', regaled, and prevailed by what was a popular-'autonomy'... And so as the creditive-function of life and liberty, had both matured and magnified. So she acceded and attained-in as a durable-expressive. And the many provalities, advanced and enterprised-on as an excelling-proctor.

  As the many women, workers, artists, and civil-conventions grew so the activeness of the progenitors of professional-pretense and price, by what was one that Josephine knew all too well. An emosocial and liberate-sophistication being idylled-in transactual and by theme and demurring, seeing and securing a self-'sanctity'. By what was a factoral of preliminary-perfunction and imminent-protocol... In what was to be a pro-'coefficient', of time and tasks. Her personal-visions, as her virtues were intimate-enigmatics in institution by a talented, skillful and courageous-woman. And those certain-conceptualizations; authored and admissive, proving a female-'valor' since the very age of 'Sarah'. With her career, came the 'monolith' of an artifice, to be assounded and resided in by a deeper convocativeness; that portrayed what was an instituent-commitment and a code and discourse that evoked a definitive-'flame' of a concision. The many-ploys and placatudes, provisionals and visions; in what were sought after 'challenges' which broughforth thought and predicated and perfective provisions. Just as all of this came into full-play and drive; a self-dedication was brought-into full-levering. Each tended to apprise and supplicate, in a requisite order. It fitted-in what could have seemed a 'fugue' of intent and incentive. She happen to fall into the sensation that foreshadowed and foretold-of a comprehensive past.

  ...Doable and durable, by which sensing age, sensation actuated a seemingly, 'pithy' and subjective-science. Computative and envisionary, it played for a fortuity-'old-hand'. What she'd grew to adapt and understand, was the kinestetic-'fusion' of thought and staturing. The known, 'oughts' for a furthering-mind; and being of an affording in that, as subsequent discipline. It was as many of the Greats, their lives and the perpetuation of a dynamic-scheme. Josephine's life was more a feminine-monasticism, from childhood-on. A quintessential 'enrobing'-of empowering, of plight and terms. An efficacity donned in a time and space. Her superior-complex was simply a reflection of both situation and sophisticated-'simplesse'. On the order of sage and sense. A benign and cordial, proving in the indomitable-force of a concertion and modern contamnation. In this her many behaviorals, conjugations, and consummate-conjectures; or using the more-exact, and active-amulation. An 'amazing-tale', if fully-'detailed' and objectively, explicative; sardonically proving the worthy-'explicits'; due-on devising-charges, and transitions.

  ...By what was a pro-requiem-'transition' almost an unflaggable encumbrance and scheme. A remonstrable-assession and come to be a 'co-meaning' for which human-thought and social-theory, innovated in a life. It was the careful, and configuration-of an 'acute' and accountable-term, to which was proved 'worthy', in what was a conciseness. As she grew her left-brain consolidation answered, and was of venue to achieve and conceive; by a veritable intention and focus. An anomaly of personal austerity. An academic, vocalized and accentuated-propriety. As a venture-in supposition and assertive-centrality. Josephine was an 'savant' of scholarly, art and empowered in intellectual affirmative, by the jurisprudence of vocational-venerateness... It was a diligent-effort and effective. ...A providential-'evolving', by which divulged in a tenable-compliant oracle and fashioned a recognition; in a contributive and intelligent-officialism. The grand order of masterful work and the deep-pantheon of development and devising that proved in what was a candid incentivize completion. By what was a dissertation of sorts from childhood, to cause, to caring and concertion; an enuring of channels; which were as great, a personal-visit on a private-decora.

  Over the years the differing channels and challenges were to fit and deepen, in derived dependability, which in the utterstance and conveying-convention; all ordered the 'present day'-presence of a remarkable-individual. ...The divisable-insisting of being worthwhile; will and work, tended to congeal and take on a full-manifest. Josephine mostly came to achieve self-virtue in all the adamants and articulations refined, relevant and rightfully in reverberational. A private mental-plethora expressed and defined by a liberate-conferring displayed and delineated-in choice, and charter. It was an encompassing-capacity with a significant arcing-zeal. It was a subjectively, accented, association for which personal, applied, and expressive-goals; that proved quietly, asssailing. ...A duly-provocational, assertation-evolving and revolving-in a denison-'cloud' of adjulation and implicative-incensing. What was a private-assigning and accordant-accomplishing. And all this was the great inspiration to make Josephine, as a person of creative-ascension to attain-value in an accomplishment by orient and fostering. A pro-enlistment in prevail and protocol. Which an assonance revealed, refined and reverberated in a personal-choice of a incorporative consistence.

  In what was an enchanted saga, a fascinating reality, and a proceeding-success... A 'policy' of convellance and conviction, by what was a life-long standard. A burgeoning-integration of life and living; maturing into private-perception, and perspective... A transition of intimate art and style, in a confirmative-objective. What was a prodigious-assigning, by the hereditary, heritage, honor, and hope which went through out her-life. The promise and predeliction all-told and advancing, in advocating. It was a premise so original, and authenticating. The wind-blew from West to East along the lower-Manhattan burrough... A strong breeze and cool frigidness signaling the on-set of inclement-weather. The schools in the area were in session. It was a time of work and duty, a staunch and complicit local-determination by the great metropolis. Most of the city, was to be pitted in indulges and confirmations... From banks and stocks, to Arts and clothing it was the dutiful policy to be in confirmational. But for most New Yorkers, it was a conferring and consecutive time... As the most active, wealthy and virtuous community in the world it was wholely, a united and unique place. And it seemed every one played their role. From the cooled-waters of the harbors, to the excited and chilly Times Square to the structural-cosms of Wall Street to the many businesses, offerings and patronics; it was still the 'Big Apple'.

  By 9 am, it was overcast, with rain expected. Being on the Eastern coast one typically, had to muddle through harsh-weather. An accented-anomaly needed to be aspired against. This high-refining and low-prefix was a built-in nativeness. A proven resolve, against the parsimonious selfish-conscript. As the sun poked through to give a shine on the street... Josephine was off to coelesce-with friends at the theater. Her actor friend were beginning a new-season for the mid-Fall. Devotee, director and writer under her-belt she was quite familiar with the scene. She was famous, a donater, and good-friend. Mike Linstack was the coordinator for the New York Troupe of the Metro theatre, a 56 member organization. Josephine was quite respected, and provided her-expertise. Every since being a girl when her father took her to her first-show... She loved it. Her theatrical interstition proved invaluable. She donated a deep-talent to what was contributed with love and respect. One Jason Avenue, the 260-seat amphitheater sat with a large marquee and regular patrons twice a day, four times on weekends...

  The clouds stayed a bright-gray as the cab pulled up, the lights outside were bright with the name of the present show on it. 'Huck Finn', was in a bright black and white background. Most everyone has heard of the book but by theater-live made for a wonderful-entertainment... It was a loyal-devotion and highly, patroned reality. But both worked and the audience loved it. As Josephine walked behind the stage everyone was active. With acting-energy,and accomplish were always present. A punctuality, was always 'constant'... Everyone wanted to be a core-believer. 'Hi, Josephine.' 'Hello, Ms. Stein.' 'Hello, Dame Stein. said the three supervisor associates, they were well aware of their job. And understood that their role and goal was essential and that t
hey would be the custodians of high duty. Actors and those behind the scenes carried the great 'mantle' and mission to underscore dutiful accomplishment. They knew they had to be impeccable, and they tended to enjoy every moment. This endowed and endured them to talent and tasks. Josephine recognized that much energy and excitement was involved to make a play more authentic.

  It was like a living, breathing-creature, that if not nurtured or feed it would fade away; but also the great hope and dreams of being a 'star' and being involved in something stupendous. All had an incentive to be commited and ventured-forth to make a grand experience. A redeeming, if sensation and caveat, to do your best. From the time of Shakespeare to the age of 'Cats', it was a grand inner-stance. And the parable, of prudition proved an inspiring infliction a time to pursue, perform and provide in the deemings of perfective theatrics... By the theme, theoretics and thoroughness was the focus and vocal of deeding and design... A designated, efficiency was the extrinsics and intrinsics of the afferent, affair. Of the emotional-affair and license for project and pervaying which humanly, is the objective of so many accountable-works. A line of purpose and decency that for occupation proved worthy, important and valuable. The walls of the halls of the theater were set with pictures of the people, plays, projects and professionals that came and went. The proctored-commission of many favors and facts, festoons and faults, providences and perpetuations... It a fantastic embarking of the ephemeral causes and callings.

  The darkness of the halls were hallowed-ground, and a stage of foresworn and 'sweat'... The great-founding of symphonic-posings of account and determination. A defining dedication of devotion by the plates of earnestness, ordinate-impeccability-fulfilled, and chosen. A course of people, vocation-item, objective, and confessed in a personal design of human-incursion. The heart and life of people, fortune, potential... Where as the promise of dependability in the honor of making edipice, as duty in a life. What was a living, and living-enterprise. Josephine understood compunction of a finite-compendium; in considerate and the collective-cause. By what was a decorum of acting and essential-consideration. She went to thhe 'Pow Wow room' in the rear of the building. Everyone went there before set-up and after the show to receive feedback and shared personal reaction to its outcome. It was a family of performers and staff, who really enjoyed the work. It was a wonderful time. That saw people come and go, but each contributed. There were several individuals sat drinking coffee which was constantly available and chairs which weren't easy to find.

  Josephine was one of those who played the role of 'guider' and 'benefactor'. An 'endower' as well as friend... They smiled as they began a conversation, which simply went along with the job. Men, women and children all had differing perspectives to their role but what was a conscensus was that it was worth it. From roles, reading and renditions their-corroberation proved a world-worthy of reaffirmations. A dutiful-alliance which changed lives as well as succeed in professionalism. She understood it all, and as a mentor she felt the most resolving-spirit. By what was an imperative of wisdom and instance. A proven 'back-bone' that could watch over the others and supplant in entreating of cause and consummation. In what is a practical-principle. The morning turned into a temperate afternoon. Outside, inside in the warm-offices and back-halls everyone was busy with central-casting, script and scenery preparation. Josephine had a fine-time; eventually, the tenets and terms of the position. Eventually, everyone was preoccupied with the future-play... Denoting her advice on anything, and assisting in the funds with the finance-manager; she was no longer needed.

  She planned a meeting with the board and was dedicated to deliver a social tentative which for all, was much needed. Out the door by 3 pm, she wanted to watch the run through but it would have taken too long. She enjoyed her time there. The taxi arrived and she rode off to visit a close friend; as an associate-manager at MOMA... A young New York native of Brooklyn, who'd spent the last six-years after college working her way into the museum scene... She had the causative-parables now she wanted to see how fortunate the textual-side lived. Paula Davidson was 28, and a life-time aficiando of art. While young Paula attended her art class at 7 years old, by 9 she had her personified works all-over school, on the web and eventually at famous venues, she was what people call a 'virtuoso' an astoundingly, sufficient artist... That's why Josephine and Paula were good-friends-unassuming and flatly, hardworking. From the typical flambe' of artistic accounting to the self-vocal, in self-focus and personal-works... Now, like Josephine, she was settlled, in the maturing desires of a personal-consensus. Moving-up to the third-highest shared-duties at a renown-institution. A professional self-vocality to be under-scored and engendered...

  She found her friend observing the setting of African Art for the new museum spectacle. MOMA was renowned for leading edge concertations. By their clearly, obvious-talent it came easy to perform an certifying, equating to their-chargings. 'Hey, Josey. How are you, this fine Fall-windy day?' Josephine spoke-on the day. As she went around the art-halls observing and speculating. 'Hey, I read your latest work, excellent-drama and in a series, can't wait for your next-reverance...' Josephine was pleased to find a composed artist could find time to adulate an unessential magnus. Then, discussed the 'liturgy' of self and conformation. As surely, as their diligent-achievement and responsibilities it was a confunction of succinct and sincere, accomplishments. An activity latent-compliance, for which each estowed the refinding and vigilance; that they both very well, enjoyed. The particular-points, it was a relishing and reverent-time. They eventually, ended up in the staff lounge talking-over coffee and donuts. 'Well, you see Josey, many of our endowers are great aficiandos, they play a pivotal-role in how the arts are gathered in our time.' 'Some are world jet-setters who want to see the best of our works and would spend great-loads of money... New York is one of the greatest pantheons to world cultures'...

  She went-on about the circumstances and relevances, established here in the city. And that the work was very challenging. '...It's like being a master-artist, and scholar for posterity all the more'... Then, they went into personal-conditions... Her husband of three-years was going abroad to work as a construction-adviser and that they wanted to start a family but it would have to wait... They were wealthy but work in their time couldn't be certain... They'd saved sufficient-funds but New York had an impressing amount of cost to live there... Already they'd moved to New Jersey and commuted every weekday. But she did say she loved her job. There was much turn-over but she affirmed she'd work for 'peanuts' if she had to and was able. The Arts were fugue like automations full of monetary and monogamous devotions. By which the public and private resolve suspended the sustaining requiem of endowing the culture with a sustenance and superbness that fed the world.

  It was as typical contention. Popularity also swayed with an elicitive declarative, so that the artistic virtues and human condition could be rewardedly, served. So in a typical relegation the human condition often awarded itself with the works of a conducive ramification. Both coddled the code of instituence and hoped for the best of both worlds... By five pm, before the evening show, they transported away and bidded farewell. They'd see each other about town and the city of great endowment and the grand consistent of the Empire. There were many perfective and proquotient images of the individual premises of the city. A social grand arena for hopes, dreams and residing. In an itinerate beat on amalgamation for which, in citizenry; proved and exacted in the prolicity and provening, accepted and expounded. Josephine loved New York, work and scale of its public-scheme. And the New Yorker ascription, was well into tow. There was much energy and purposeful-exaction which meant that sturdy and accountable excision, was one lived and abided by. A native, understood the element and essence of resonating wherewithal assounded by experience and extolling.

  There was many afformings, and foundations which proved and accentuate, in the universal-destiny of a people
proctored and purposed in living, local and locality. A deserving, to be deserving, to be acclaimed and understood as the cursory human-element. A proprietary provision, Josephine knew well, in what was a dedicated omniessence. That her friends incentive for the promise and pride that the world knew and came to understand. She returned home after a long day... It was worth it. A prevail in who she knew, which came to be vocally, elicitated... Everyone had to pull their own 'weight' but it was the prevalent priory for which New Yorkers proved their worth. There was more to the famous tenets of the city; New Yorkers have profound assonance that could not be found anywhere else. And each person lived a self-invocative life for which a citizen was retentively, assoundingly and espousingly, resounded. The ride back to Manhattan was at dusk, and the October-Moon rose. The city's people on the street were active for the coming night-life. As the day-light business closed and night excitement was unfolding for all to enjoy. Josephine used to go out on the town but youth and provocation, died away...

  ...She was centered in work, conferrence and confiding; the vying and encompassing that was pervasive and proffering toward a course of life. Being instilled, sophisticated and successfully, devoted had made for a 'happy-life'... Above all, she loved her work and lifestyle. As she emerged as author, literalist and being commited in incentivism, she grew more so. Her work, a convincing-recompense, and the 'vivid and grand'-exogenesis of life, time and place; allowed her to live a fully-endowed life. As an inflexion of 'price' and pride; which could be attained in grandest-vision. Josephine had really, culminated in what was the joy and promise of a injuved-life. As many famous-people, she could look back-on her life and recount the dimensions and designs by an unfolding in precious-provision, that spelled-out the procuring, that had been a vestige of the terms of her-talent. When she was more objective, and connotated; to an augment of the main dissiduousness and denoted-aspirations; accepted, accomplished and interjected; made the time-spanse, discord and overcoming, in what became a discipline. The inner-workings, networking and hardwork came to pass; and lessons, relegations, and rewards which were mile-stones in the fascinating Plutarch-of millions in time and testament. In the allegory of meeting; met and commuting, in a living which had passed...

  A substantive, and a code, in a 'vividity'; that prevailed and gave to self-attaining, prognostication of what was prime, and professional. Life was 'hard' in the 'Big City', but it was genuine and correspondent. As times passed, and presence proved-noteworthy; and as the subjugated-consigning, which were virtualized; one was confirmed-in surmising, and the Arts; which were avowed in the ordinate-missive, 'motif'. So the factors, which made for a residing-citizen went a long-way to be a self-versatility. It was more than 'rights' and reason; but thought and focus, virtue and function, foster and foundation... It was an anthem, to live for. And all the 'rigors' and frugalities, lived-up to that point... But upon the 'cornerstone' to all this, and the 300-year espousal on the age-old designs, was the spirit of resolution, survival and commitment-instilled, in its framework, of which each individual proved to weigh itself upon the citizen. That made the world a remonstrative-place... It was a place for the 'seed-bed' of an humanity and all its regalia...

  ...All races and creeds, fleurished and expressed in the design of self-resolve to exist, and as many 'stewards' of mankind. A megalopolis, engendered and devoted in-mission. That, among others, could assert self-being, and purpose. Josephine saw the many stories, sagas and legacies; making-up an advanced-society. ...A precious, causal-'flask'; for, in being of congenial-joys, sorrows, and understandings... It endowed her to live her life despite the offsets and look deeper in a sense, and subjectivity. She came to realize that the 'joys' of any place was the imposing and self-imposing of living-together. She'd seen the grand specifics of self and others; the times and trials of society and culture, then the 'display'-of all, to impress in a whole. It was a designating admission, for all true do-well(s) seem to understand. In her 20-years of work, hope, desire and joys-all which sat on everyone there, and installed the 'greater values'-of most anyone.

  Josephine's attitude had always been resilient, counter-according and an effective-feasibility. A 'pragmatic', by life and terms. So as she became knowledgable, she came to know her part in this 'grand-scheme'. There was much technical-instillment to her education, maturing and comprehension which broadened to help to cement her dedication in the world... An order of learning, wisdom and earning which came to be fortified and eventually, a tangent-in. An especial-asserting and sentiment, embellished in who she had became. So her story was as an embellishing; to let take-shape and be divulge, which for her was availingly, accepted. A renewed-transportation, animated by a converging-acceptance into a distinctive dignity, embossed... It played a big-influence on a young women from Schindectity. Her both private and public-incentive, grew-out of this. It was true; if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere... It became a portage on society... Her natural intellect, resolve, and an earthiness proved greatly, ordinal. And so her perceptive attitude gradated and advanced, accordingly. There was little chance to diverge or defy the wanting-diligences of life... It was enduring and in sophisticate terms, which with her consigning was worthy of her-lifestyle.

  Many of her-talents, fortitudes and 'mainstays' were centered-on her many accolades as 'focus' in generate-ideas and instillings; that composed, as comforted in diligence as consolidations provided, decided and emulated to the many forces experienced through-out her youth, and agility. She understood that a living lifestyle-prosounds and proffers in an self-emerging, progress; affirming in affiliate-dimension. In what were the maturational-provisions in an affective-reserve. It became a science, assertive-rule and ratification. An emergent reliance and relegation convened and advocated by choice and chances, which transitioned by a transformation. She often realized that the many sentiments, that she and other people had about New York were sophistic and trans-ordinal... That one could be temperant by the ideas and instances of the theater-of human-macrocosm... That the many perceptions were in the fortunate, focal and facilitated-avenues, by what was one's own ideas and intentions, in what was an involition.

  As she came home, she went about her work, and became involvably, within what was a relationary affect in things that had, would and was worthwhile. As the sun-dialed across the sky, and in the work, play and life went-on; the life of Ms. Josephine was in broadened bases, the representation of her many driven-determinations; being advanced and achieved-upon... The many completions and oracled obligings, were graduated and actuated by what was the defining of a summation by what was there and what could be proven. The many stories of her life, were imported and imparted to entreat the presence of time. In the last-weeks of October passed into November, and mid-Fall became pre-winter, as all the leaves fell off the trees. Fall breezes became icy-rain. Josephine was at work harbored in her house. The sun had seemed to remain hidden and New York was running on its own energies and sequences. The New York shore was forming its 'icy' waters, Wall Street-waiting on the final-quarter home and abroad, and the many other burroughs had their bustling stages, some being more than others. The civil-society ranged and was codified by its established due-diligence, of self and fate... And Josephine was asleep within the realm of an 'alter-reality' of her mind.

  ...The hall sat within the craggy-rocks of a cliff. Flames glowed on the walls of the mysterious realm... Clear-water poured from a fountain, The differing throwns were gathered in entry ways seated in the rooms... A man conversed in long-flowing gowns. The words they enunciated were not 'clear'... Until she became fully, conscious in this alter-place. She was now within a culmination; with all her body and mind... The deep-breath came then the worlds-of here and there, met... It was total-unconsciousness. She felt, heard, smelled and tasted and saw all that was there. Like an 'envelope' in time and place, releasing her into an existence. A powerful resound, in utter-existence. T
hough, she could not connect the two-they were there. She seemed to sit and speak knowing what think and say, but in 'this'-world could not perceive, or 'say'. They understood, responded and communicated, perfectly. There was even emotions, with their speech and spoken words. Which are by intentions and attitudes as well. A resigning-imperative fully, fellowshipped and in utter-guidance. The interactions, were validated and imparting...

  They ate a meal and while eating she began to fade and blur, and then within what seemed like 40-minutes, she began to lose sight, sound and orientation. Then her sound came into the present. She could hear music she'd left-on, activity in the kitchen and pidgeons on the Pidgeon stoop. It was 5:35 am, a Tuesday. Rising from her bed, the air was cool. The early-morning was still 'dark'. She again took a deep breath. The many facilitations and affiliations were dropped and recompelled in a definite-dimension. The utility and premise-by what was ardency and fervor of the tales of two different-worlds. The implication, which faulted and verified in a fact; were the articles of wonder and authenticity. What could have been the many renderings of time and space-unreal and real? But how was true-reality, could not be 'both'. The theoretic-references, and relevancies could not exists without the other or its emulation. The emanation-of time, channels and unconscious-charters, were otologically-impossible. Was it a memory or was it a dream or what was she, in the state of mental-'delusion'? A perfect launch into a sensient of co-sobriety... and vantaged, rescale.

  In all of the life-skills she came to use and understand, 'dreams' had the widest scope. Without dreams there'd be no imagination, creativity, or even joys and hopes. But did it go that 'deep'. Or was it the phalanx of an 'austerity'? It was a great-theory, among theories... Einstein once believed it was true; that, and the great-sages, geniuses and leaders once thought so, as well... Was it terminal-vision, or contemplation in ideas? No one could be 'certain', nor be certified. Through-it all, she realized, she could be one of these. For whatever reason, she was endowed and privileged, to be competant. Like all her accomplishments, it was an instinctual-adornment. There was an innovation and not novelty, which fortunately, was for the 'best'... Amendingly, everyone in her life supported and knew how truly-vocal were her many obstinates. From a beneficent father, to her-friends, to classmates and fellow-workers, they walked with a true-'fervor'-to actuate the true-terms, that were of her self-congealing. In return, she proved of 'worthy-value', to all. And with all the 'pomp' and pageantry, she accorded in as her best. The Hunter's Moon of harvest gave way to the November's late-Fall, and then late-season snow. With rain, snow and typical Noreasters; every once in a while, everyone had their climatic-hands' filled.

  Dutiful and determinate each New Yorker assailed and prevailed in their worth. The 'common-sense', worthiness of Man and weather, were proven and exceptionalized. A diffident-factoring in the causal of an emaculate-culture. It went from being a citizen, from extensity to prudence, to meditation; it was both, a pretension and pride. Revolving in a society of transpossession... It build character, as well as an endurance; which New York could not live without... So it was a 'diversity', coddled in all who were local and as a legitimacy to those authentic, in commited-residue, in compliance and patronage. It was no wonder the New York life, was a lesson in implicity. And as the dawn, went way into a firm-morning; the active, were in 'full-swing'. She was out at the downtown market buying produce. ...Scallion's Outdoor Market, circa 1849... A poor Norwegian immigrant open for eight dollars, to the wealthy New York crowds. No one knew what happened to him but the name-stuck.

  Now it was world-famous, and one of the most popular exquisite fresh-food sites in the city. Mayors, Commissioners, mobsters went there on occasion to eat... Josephine had always loved gourmet cuisine. A child of basic-meals fron an untalented Cook-mother... Her father took them out to dinner often. Before long she knew all the good-foods available and worthy of the palate. She let the maid do the cooking not having time to do so. The cooled-outside air blew, chilling the pavement which was 'wet', almost iced. The rain that morning, had began to run off, and dry... The roads would eventually, warm and dry as well. The snow-trucks traveled passed occasionally, practicing and readying for the perhaps, fast approach of snow... The market was still full of patrons perhaps readying for being shut-ins... The real-healthful connoisseurs and food-opportunist, were there for the close-out. Music from the oldies played, butchers were busy at the produce stand, which were full; and fish-matrons were laying-out the latest-catch.

  By 12-noon Josephine was in a Cab heading for home and the kitchen; and any calls or respites, were being referred, or rescheduled. She was as implementing tasks for which she enjoyed and set for future-duties, ahead. After the dinner meal, she eased into her den-chair and turned on the computer, phone-answer-machine and music to waylay any cogent attachments. With her books,were the calling and calculations of evident and exactual enlistments to what were today's confiding and incentived implications... A portrayal of a cause of good-writer, worker and residant. A subtle, redemption decided in differential-commote and completing. The works, relegations, and fortunate-recombriences which were as the redefinites proving in a relationary-comport... From her many itineraries, and the actual travails which make for consolidate-standard. From the passive-duties of tasks and goals, to the conviction and ratified-rules to bring to a desired-outcome, and production. A facetive of determinates in what were the rendering of goals. There was more to her passive-thoughts and commanding-goals. Each factor offered and obviate, in a challenge and chosen, conciting. It was truly-rewarding, and exciting to make progress and reach an assertive-goal. With an attitude like hers; duty, culture and command were easily, relayed-by encompassing and enterprising-vocality...

  The energies and incensed-toll for which times and testament were better with age, and experience; and recompensed by pro-factoral and proficiency. Her-guises, in life tended to engage and provide wherewithal, in rightful-residing. In what was a 'plethora'-of 'mission' and mastery. Like her father, she gained great-knowledge and believe in the due-diligence of self-vying sophistication. This attaining-target, imputed of ideology and cogitation, in what was self-investing. By what is the prelimination, and a self-fulfilling, allegory to choices and ideas. The many essentials and esteemed-prevalent and profactored-in all the denisons of choice, and valor. The much smarter-precisions of worthiness and choices, relegating in the pre-varient compellings, which defined and invited in representative-choice. Men and women of all callings expircated-in of a convivial chance; which human-virtues and values, tended to provide for and reprove, the relevant-realities of deductive and impactual, decision-making. The fresh-groceries were passed to Sarah for her kitchen detail. The warming of the day brought the sun's out-line enough to allow school-children to play on the school-yard... The reprieve of the Northeast state tended to come and go quickly, but was enjoyed, all the more.

  The garden was all but a memory except for cool-weather vegetation. Which were reaching the zenith... The radio music piped in. It was computer-operated, bringing in great band-width, it pronounced that the present La Nina was almost over, and until then the Jetstream would bring great-precipitation and rough-weather. The invitation for bad-conditions, were kept within arm's reach... It was a beguiling contention. And those in it were used to it. A dubitable-circumstance for which the city and its people, were conjoinedly taken to 'task'. There were a multitude of ways New York's residents took on obstacles and all came to understand it was the New York-'condition'... You could be a penthouse recluse or a street-homeless person, each lived in New York because they love it, impeccably. From the devotee of the Arts to the deep complex of commerce to all the officialism of a world renown culture; to its world-central perspective... ...A 'local' of location, for what-ever that entailed.

  By 3 pm, the skies were filling with darkened clouds. Josephine had plowed through the official, crucial and superficial-
work for which terms and tentatives, pro-officiated the indeeming in confirmatives. The many virtuals and repundates making up duties, factors and enactives proving worthy addendums. In an inceptive-devising ,divisional-proofing, and proffering in recalcitrant task. In what was a personal, professional goal. It was the ins and outs of self-chartering and acting, in fulfilling of chance... The efficiencies and effectivenesses of Josephine Stein were a learned-ability, in potential. As a dynamic role of order and understanding. From the private to professional, to public she had to be rolling on 'all-wheels'... One thing she wasn't, was extravagant, procrastinate or dependent; she had the intelligence to ride and control, her individual relative to an approving point. It was natural-skill and independent-derivation... As the weather man finished his announcement, she was reading the day's notes, referrals, announcements and personal-protocols... In the many redemptions, clauses and venues, of itinerates were decided and moved-ahead. In what was allegories of assertiveness, ascension.

  By evening, she was hungry for steak, potatoes and Chablis-wine... After taking her dog on a walk at dusk and then returning in to the living-room to watch her favorite cable-TV show... The next day would essentially, be a 'surprise'... It would be a Wednesday, and other certain-contentives might, or might not arise. ...From the weather-conditions to the encumbering-situations of want, work and willingness... What she motivationally, felt was an innate-joy and justification to be attain and be dedicated to. It would be a determined, conversed and avowal to be addressed, and being stressed. It was what all her life, she'd come to achieve. A profoundness pressently, attained. The price and professional-conundrums, spelled-out in many things, would be accomplished. As she spelled out provisions and precipitations; in the vantage and venture, of her-composed and competent-world of successful-relevance. A conveying and predominate and presiding, prevalence that would be defined and derived... In what self-virtue and self-venerate cause was the installing officiate and indemnate-accords. An invoking and poised-performance, and polymetry; by which the resignings and affirmings, were in an appealing, love and deliberation.

  In an active-'axiom' to be fortuned and facilitated; in the plying of sufficing, self-recourse... In a 'freedom', will and postulate defining for the purpose of as cause... One could impact one's visual-guidings, and pursue a personal-value and reward. Josephine lived to be 38, a brash-single mature women who'd reach a feminine mystique. The teacher in an advanced-career, a reacher-of promise and sought 'prosperity'. In '12, she was suited to the new-realm. Although, she was not the first, but was a reverent and unrecalcitrant 'conqueror' and being concurring towards the rising social-tides... In a New-Age culture, propriety and priority. Though, no single woman was responsible, the private-will to reach gender-goals, was nonspecializing, nor unspecific. With all the powers of purpose and promise a 'goal' promised of legitimate, powerful and portent-potentialization, no longer just idealized. In what, for Josephine, was the permanant practice of self-vocation... What became a venture of utter-volition, amalgamated by motive and ultimately, mission... In an inveritable-admission; enacted and defying by pretext in a colluding of the disingenuous of one-culture and class. What became a pretense, priority of personal-vision, and private potential-equity.

  And so, as the steps-'up'; the prizes achieved, and the prominences prevailed, to a great gender-achievement-proven and precise. She acceded-to the dimension of a presonerate-perfection, assessed. Josephine, was working on technical perimeters, into the night. A dynamic-prevalence, in perfecting. While ideas were being pervayed, the personal-pretense-were subverted, and reguided. And her personal-output projective that was resolved and pronounced... The scale that was in a pretensed-invention to install in an utter-contention. As she sat in her night-gown at the blue-screen embracing and impolating-conjectures for duties; which life was full of advent and virtual-venues... And what was 'privilege' and 'adeptitude', in what was a pronounced-perception. In a proprietary, provocation as to 'ideals', and incentive. As her-eyes, thoughts and mind-worked she was issuing, exacting, and enacting; by-provision, product, and protocol, of the moment. A very-talented cogitating, verging and being vigiled-in what was a careful-'preminition'. And odd allegory present, perfecting, and pretext; in the folds of venuity... The preaminence, to be bode and be beset. In a projective-force that advanced, processed, and intentively, contacted.

  In the 'vortex' of a mindset-'vividity', by what was a powerful-data composing-of time, terms and temerity of a virtuous-vision... Entailing and extenuating, by a personal-proctor and the perfecting-preeminence to all, and its conditions. The 'terse', and tension to her calling-credit... In a vancive and interpretative-protocol. The work, was awarding to its imminent-persistence. In all, Josephine's personal-work and reinterate proditiousness, was fully-confessed. The deliberate-confirmative that were belied and elicitating. By what was the inceded-power, protocol, and pretense to advance-forth. And to forge a new-'entity', endowing and concerted by-complicity. In this new serious-conciting, her deeds, and influences which were conversive, and of an intent. There were many women who benefited, in the exchange of caring and consideration; affectual and essential in venition... From which Josephine exonerated a detailed-conciliation; 'ideal' and of improvising as a definite impeccability afforded, refined and in deposition. An enlightening pervasion to be redemptive and as an oracled endeavor. A prosylating defection brought into full-residence and its convention.

  By what was a broadened-prospect of the scale and scope of devising, in a life. She became a true scholar skilled and talented. Extolled as to the personal vision and by self-demand and diligence. By what is the vitalization of individual accord. A true-dependability and demand, effectively, given consigning and committing to... A circumscribing-delineation of drive and duty by an achiever. In what is the assessed provision-of chance and choice. By what could be a configurative dimension. To exact diminishing over one's destiny and with time and terms, accomplishing in an assertive-logic. Her pride and hope, proved 'instrumental', enlodging and sophisticate, in transitory. A 'polyglot' of gain and efficiency, in the interplay of a sated-exchange. From a parable of social agenda to the 'paramores' of self and proven-satisfaction. The many goals imposed, impressed and perfecting by posturing. In the many schemes of life and legitimacy. By what is the co-efficiencies by promoting-commandment, and in its infusion. That a women could account for the many vocals in an impressing... A self, in the accordant capacity of reaching one's evidential-goal.

  The actuals by story and stage, of a versive and axial-command and culture. The private, and provocational to invest and affect, to a precipice and principle; adduced and aligned in a profactiona-elaboration. The convergence, and professional-vacuum to be brought into an assigning-proficiency. It was the once 'graded'-potential; and the now, personal-concision that was her life, given passage through differing-epoches. By what she found consolidating, and consequential. In a promoting-prosound that an imputative impact conjured-up in the aspects of life, and living. A comprising-projection, eventuating in designs and ideas. Though nothing, perfect or ideal. The many infinites casted aside and truly, proven virtual that affixed and brought to a prefix. The image of a women like Josephine Stein, was as a life-story in the movies, but also the affiliated deeming-details, for which times and cult become evan. She already, consolidated the designs and disciplines in her life. The many 'passions', proving to be referring of Cardinal-rules and conformity for which was alluding, but not anything-special.

  But specialness, had little true value; to her, and her career. She rather say she had talent and the skill to use it... By, what through time, terms and temptations were more proven than idealized... More idealizing had more to do with philosophy and accountability; which was by any circumstance. She understood and came to promote, with skill. And this like many rules, and exceptons in skills one's true-talent proved, reproved and availed by which was withstood
and underscored in identified-talent; which often meant a certain factoral-intensity. The forced and remit, of the officiation by what was ardent and concerting by patent. A, by-design, implication that she observed, by implement. In what was a time-span of a sentiment of consequence; for which design was decided by institutional, in-framing. The structured, anthem and enthused; espoused and established by a figure-head of faculty, function and framework. In the 'ordinals' of disciplinary cause; creative and corroberative... A fast and fundamental corrollary in-extending, and expounding... In all it was a paratheses of human-learning, lesson and involvement. By what would dispel luminary terms. ...The many semesters, learning-scopes, and indemnities, which alloted in a central-donning.

  A sensing of self-paraplexy, but also the 'alight' of a dutiful, self-enlightenment. A situational 'terra-firma', through which all self-entailing, had by entitlement-passed. The infective, and decisive-vision; implaced by leaders, applied by professors and put to purpose by students; who were in a highly, stimulate lifestyle. Rather studious or stressed it was a cultural social-addendum. By an auspicious, academic-sage; as scholastics, and its statures. The human-passage Josephine had proven, and totally was an exponent. There was much astuteness and impeccable, exoneration and resilience; by those provided with talent and resound in the learning-skills. The impetus but not impetuation to all the faculties and formatives; presounding and persuade by the science-'starts' of human-kind. It was a vital and ascored-compliment. Which those involved were both privilege and personifying, in explication. And each, as Josephine foretold; of purposes and entailings of in self-expression. What was of one's work and one's own benefaction. The distinct embrace and destined-impact, each individual aspired to. Their inspiration, their many focal-points and personal-actions, activities and motivations proved and prevailed; in what was a digest of personal discipline-on one's own.

  ...So theatrics by drama and saga as well as a self-display and determination, that either lived or died by the emulation of an self-attaining. But it was a selfish attachment to dutiful terms; by which one reached in a donning. What discipline, defined and what Josephine virtuous and personal-exacting; and in exacting, was as she prepared for bed... Her a.c. kicked-in by 9 pm, as the autumn-winds grew stronger. The dead-leaves flew onto the house, pidgeons disturbed by it cooed, and dust on the street-blew into the air. She slept soundly, that night. The radio broadcasted in-coming rain and snow, by Wednesday. And the vacuous weather, made one dream. An astounding weather was rarely, feared by the occupants.. Only when doubt could be proven was the hard-embraced city; would they be moved. Josephine had been a somewhat hardy citizen. She'd seen bad-winters, hot-summers, sea-storms, Western-storm fronts, and rolling seaboard weather. Except for air-flight and snowed-ins everyone took most harsh weather in stride. From the public schools to the city administration, the populous had to go on... New York was an immaculate macrocosm. So even though it was an adventure, it was somehow an oracle and originating...

  New York, like Josephine was the image of perservering and embellish. They stood for duty, determination and zeal for which no-one averted. At 8 years-old, she was caught in a winter storm in Halifax, Nova Scotia in a trip to visit her father's Canadian cousin. Coming from Denmark to work on the docks... He, not being wealthy, was promised a 'rich' but hard-life... He lived on a hill in a new 8-room home where there were native-people once making their fortune, and now he was building his wealth. A solemn rain-storm began to fall upon their arrival. Natives knew to be alert and vigilant in their harsh-part of the world. It was foretold that the Kiss-of-Death was the warm-rain in November. While her father talked in the kitchen, Josephine played with the local children. Then while she sat playing with a soccer-ball, the other children went inside quickly and their parents shut the shutters and closed the window-shades. There was quiet all but the far-of clouds were churning about 20-miles out to sea. She stood there looking at it then her father's cousin ran out and grabbed Josephine with her father awaiting, discerningly...

  Within minutes the winds picked-up to a solemn-wail and heavy rain fell in great torrents and squalls. It lasted about 2-hours and then a light-snowfall began... Until then Josephine had never realized the great-weight of what Mother Nature could unleash. She understood the imperative, that drew home; what this meant, and could create... That night Nova Scotian TV announed the coming and going of a simple Northern squall. No mention of the personal inundation of size and intensity. Then she listened to what her father and his cousin, conversed about. ...'Well, that's how it is in the Canadian-Northeast...' 'We 'locals' are usually, 'avant guarde' about about such things.' They laughed and went back to drinking tea and discussing friends and family... And now, that entity meant the entirety of what could be a social aversion; like crime, culture and customs... From the stewarding of local-society, to the culture of valuation in commerce and culture; it all meant as well, 'New York'.

  Josephine was not an 'Infidel' in the major 'natural-laws' of what was greater-New York... The 'culture' had a way of dominating, the insufferable and alluding... Defused and defiant, New Yorker's code and custom tended to be vitally, vociferous; from the inceding of concerns and considerations to the insistences and ideas' intentional and exercized in the many fittings, fortunes and vocations... The many influences, which had been in-grained and confirmed were a lesson of consigning and convincing, and as well were ideas by purposes and purportings. And what became 'finesse' and refining, was brought to an instilling...that ideas, images and impressions were indemnatively by course, recourse and discourse-fulfilled. A tacit concision-evident and esteeming by ideas and insensed protocol. The 'provident' and 'affective' given to idiom and diffective, so admirative and elocutional. In all of America, no other place endeared with the universal-guises of a motivation-loquacious, and severance. And the reality of which proved and prevailed. Arduous civility, in designs and redeeming, went-on to prove and perservere in many recursive-indemnities. The many natural and embased local promitories evinced and defined themselves to being a citizen, worker and famous celebrity. All had the self-central guiding, of bestowal and fate. A furtiveness, that the ardent-provening and patriating; that with hope, promise and pride-guided one's success into an embodening.

  What each proved in living, or lifestyle that commendment, concerting or conciting the presiding of living-with an accordance, that was by a 'vision' of deriving and faith. In what was a preseminate-'press', perception and prodigious-protocol. And the eventual 'evolving', precis and persistence by which made for a divulging-'incentive' and prelay. What by interests and ideas became enforcing, congealing and directing of-impetus... Though not a simple 'reality', it was one that 'stuck'. New York and Josephine, were equal-parts 'processes' and progenitor. It was a truly, vitalizing and reaffirming experience. So many seekers, soughters and searchers came to New York to fulfill a 'dream'. But the harshness of both climate and concerns, proved to be on-terms of 'unwillingness'. Thus antiquated and abregated, by subjective-terms... Which saw most people divide and subdivide, accordingly. The dimensions and delvings, becoming arduously, too much.

  Better to assize one's held-reigns upon things than seek 'equals'... ...But after all, the great city experiences were more a visit than a way-of-life. Suitable and subjugate were the very 'human'-experiences, which tended to divulge upon intensive-matters. But if one gets the intimate-images 'right', one could indulge one's tomorrows, there. Family, fortune and friendship-endured. Josephine and the many did so, to the interest of Gotham. As Josephine awoke on a Friday morning, to the ease of morning-showers, of a cold-day marked by a warming after, which many realized would 'not last. The 'certain-to' and a successive sobriety came suddenly and rarely, lasted but a day. It was a time of perserverance and conferring. Sarah was cooking pancakes, and had sat-out bakery-donuts, she bought on-sale near her apartment. ...Her dog was running about the house frolicking, meeting Josephine at
the top of the stairs. She heard the sound of a Pop song through the musack system, and noticing the sun peering through the large entry-way window. The rain had come to a gentle-end. The clouds once dark and menacing fell-away, and the sky fell-into place. With a deep-ocean blue being miles from the shore. Birds were actively, flying to and fro from building to building.

  The birds, were singing at each other with urgency as if knowing the weather would not last. The clouds had left the New York-skyline and the shine grew and glistened. The cakes were eaten fast due to her morning appetite, and smelling so aromatic. She packed along several donuts, to share with anyone or to eat in the park. Much had been written on the basic scopes of her present-manuscript... Like many writers her creativity lay in the logic at hand... As many artists, it was guilded, abased, and filling-out what was the 'flesh', fundaments and structure of an affirmature. The truing-virtues of a living breathing context of literate-work inter-framed, beamed and cornerstoned to give 'life' and 'vividity' to her lucid-tale. A construction of images, ideas, themes and thoughts, and plural-castings of the terminance of what was interesting-virtues; until, the basic ground-work was becoming 'firm', and fastidious. It was an ascore-of doable-terms. Now, in the winds of conformity, what was a vista, was becoming born and vivifying.

  In her impression, the story was being coordinated. The many ovations making for a 'thrilling'-storyline. In her promised-passions of timing and terms by trials and trades. She wanted some of her best-'muse' to look it over, and get some wise-advice and even interesting-stories by cordial 'ole friends'. She needed some down-time before actuating further designs, or dimensions. Books-written or stowed had a way of coming to 'life', from the 'Bible' to 'Moby Dick' to 'Farewell to Arms'...they all, would become an appreciatively, and transformative text... The differing-genres, wording and portrayals are all of 'gest' and genuative conferring to author, market and creative-ageal. How sensible and 'symmetrical'; each being suggested, and surmised. As they fulfill a personal-design, and are proved-'worthy'. What was 'years'-of yearnings in a propensity and affirmation, sometimes in one's youth; that must nearly, always be an artificially, affirming-achievement and sophistication. An author, is a seperate-'muse' who is arbitrating and are in an articulation setforth on menial, educational, philosophical and supervisionary-atonement. Her writing was nonetheless. It was an interstitial-effort yet adoptive, and worth the effort.

  The margin of being an 'artist', was a stature of both grand-ephemeral and collusive-agealing... In what was a cordial and proven 'factoring', faceting and aggrandizing by one-frugal and adaptative artist. In what has proven to be 'sacrosanct', and above-board accountable accomplishing. From the influences of technique, talent and teaching; it's a long scale of learning, which makes for a great and worthy-writer... Yet opportunity plays a big-part of it. From idealizing to emoting, into the path-forms, and proves-worthy of gift, ability, lucrative-potential and galant-production. For one to be delivered-to the 'masses', in what fore-stood as a virtuous 'fact', and redeeming-anomaly. The many factorals being aligned, and advocated. The ideas and interests,that are gained and granted... Josephine understood all of this in the growth and maturing of her life. It was fantastic-experience, from her early days till after her future career. To the final concepts of her first finalized, book-contract. Things looked up and had gotten better.

  In what was an embellish by self-design. It was a path divvied-up and dinting of intention and understanding. At no time, was there a 'feudalism', muted-faculty or enhanced insensientcy that idealized and incentived there was much 'implicity' and assertive in a virtuous impact. There was a certain-'gift' to this 'core'. From which intention prove 'idyllic'. In what was a proffering, and perfection. The idea of a self-franchise that gave and proved 'essential'-in studies in the New England area. In all of America, no place was there an instilling, self-vocal institution, and a motivated concerting-dissertation as an 'idea'. The pulse-point, perceptions presented, taught and infused by a central determinate-factoring. The adoptive-concepts, the decision-'confirmed', and by the complexes and adamant-plexuses; by which a very-smart and precocious young-girl could fulfill the instilling-in an accountable-'destiny'. She remembered many of these 'prefixed', and ingenue-attitudes that allowed her to understand, and affix in diligent-admissiveness. ...Of men and women who were charged with this coathe-understanding, and ability. ...And all the assertive-conundrums and implicits-divulged, confessed and imparted.

  And so fortune, and competence were-congealed and committed. In the conferring-compact, graduated and professed; by a deriving-duty and determining-drive. It was both, consistent and confirming in a self-satisfaction. By what was an affirming-proctor, allowed in the 'burgeoning'-desire of Josephine Stein-fully, a facilitated devotee. ...In what was a favoring and fervored-'focus', in the implying of principles and promises. A predicate-exoneration: objective and operative. Investing-in what was the entailing-treatise, 'trial' and 'trust'. And what for many were the basic college-terms, proved a 'virtue' and by what were mighty-term from which were a 'congealing' and convexing. ...By what was a personal-decision and activity, it was the great-choice and conviction of stance; or the 'privilege' and privy of abasing, and what was a fruition-protocol. And in transitive and transformative that was by right and respite; in that, for the designs and dimensions-were imparting and ultimately, important. Many graduates 'understood' that they would take their-'place', alongside and of what was as much a provision and protocol-promised and perpetuated.

  By a 'developmental'-dedication exacted and then understood. It was a 'journey' of decision, ellition and determination; in what was a conviction of an imminent-enamoring. Which proved to compel, and instill as a 'centrality' to what was an educational-'goal'. The imposition and conviction, to follow one's goals with what were 'potent'-pragmatics. The scale and scholarly, 'prothesis'; vivified and endorsed, in ideas and professional-prevailing although, not preemptive; it was vitally, preeminent. The dialing-up and discharge contemperate and convocating and-consumptive to a student, 'status' and stridence. In the intercession, by what was an creditative-'critique'; the careful-'orifice' to venture and be advisant; to proved the resound in a personal-avail. Over-time, the studious adjunct and prelicitation, improved and dispelled at the careful-conviction of providence, and realifying... Many women being of the tacit-sex, so far proved valuable, worthy and very-concise. Although, now a classroom-force, over the last-decades, they have prove themselves to being-in and of coathe and venerateness... And the private-envalued, and confessed to be given liturgical-expression-insensed, and of a 'gravity'. And Josephine was one of these, in a self-enteprise-accurate and availing. And so an orchestrated-concensus, which proved to being an overture, and being imminent.

  By the 'idioms' of principles, that had defined and guided her career; that all those interacted-with by what was an accounted, acknowledged and being scaled; in an 'adventure' of the vocal of what was a significant, self-advent. ...The many vibrant and incentived-oracles; that revitalized the public and private-motivations to succeed, assert and supply in what was 'endemic'-cause. That's what people, purpose and pride benefited in the capacitive-cause. A converting, coveting-in an objective-supplementation. In an objective culture and fluency. A projective causeway, in vectoral-underscore. Locale, liberal and categorical-investments; investing and conversive; instituting from the committed and categorical-vitality; being implemented to reside and implicit, by impact and expansive composition. And thus, the termity which was passed and achieved, the many focalities and facets, adorned and adopted to virtue and vision. A proven, consolate and commitment in the decided and confirmative conjoined. This dedicated enlist, devise protocol and attain, associatedly changed lives and deliberateness. That a young-student could assize and reach an indomitable-scale and be progressive on the talents, they had.

  And so Josephine experienced and changed, perceived and understood, transiti
oned and impacted. A defining-attrition, to be availed-in the decision and ideas of oneself... A prefixing-protocol in the joys and pertinences of sophisticate-prototype, 'type' and technical. With the worthiness of Will and a resigning-redemption that the attaining underscore-implied and redeemed. By what in the dynamic skilling of a posturous academia. The adequate and completed-conjecture of Art and theme, being in an age-old college as well in an ardently, 'worthy'-world, and in the proficiency of an engaging-entitlety. ...One could be confesed, confirmed and convoked as a residing and redeeming dimension-achieved... The many engineering-extollings by which competence of a presiding, were to be a concomitant advancement. The duplicities of 'pride', prospects and perspectives by which were understood, and were adventured-into by the many admirative-ways and causes, from a concession-resolved by what is an installing... A proving and parallel, that with time-forged in an enuring and by context. It was a 'deep' romantic-contention, and an 'infatic'-undertaking... All who passed-on in as an 'entity', mainly cohering to instance and understanding. In what was a provocative-incentive to participate and pass-on; in purpose, proficiency and professive-form.

  There were as many 'proprieties'. ..As inventions to why the people-students came to be inspired to live in the New England-area, and take up life. It was one of the first cultural cities on the continent, and Josephine was fused to her purpose at-hand. With all its incentives and applications... Writing, just happened to be a heralded Art-form as well as a commercial-one. In fact commercial-art had been with this area at the first. But Josephine was fully taken with a 'skill', form and fortune. She was in a community of cultural-complicities, engendered and engineered, that were enforcing and emphatic to what were personal-terms. Just as her-family understood her-role in being intelligent, that intelligence ascored and skilled to be a successfully, articulate and socially, sophisticate-purpose. As Josephine began her-prose for the morning on a November day. ...The sun rose, the winds blew 'hush' and everyone in the neighborhood were taken to and understood the coming Winter-conditions. A cool New England morning usually lead to a temperature fall-off by night-fall. Most heads-of-houses, began preparing for the early onset of Winter. The Winters, were adamant and infusive; that you didn't know if it was a storm or 'chill'; which made for an event. People in Maine knew being the last-state North that they were the 'butt' of the area. Being a eastern-Seaboard scale, it hit-dead-on; either passed either swiftly, or with-'force'.

  Josephine tended to believe it was a riotous-experience. But typically, by day's end in the 'thrall' of Winter's tempest she was mostly, 'snug' in her bed. A thoroughly, withstanding weather's advance would eventually, fall-upon city. And she knew until night that she'd be occupied by ordinal-instance or instances. It was mostly insignificant, and though inordinate was a native-reality, and espousal. By what was a predicate 'law-of-chance' and circumstance. By that coming-evening, she'd have work in-hand, and into her donning-slumber. In what was a 'feting' function-of ideas and images, but one consolidating in a befitting. There would be 'portrayals' and portages-of avowals; in times 'fitting', engrossing and of 'gravity', and a fortune of redemption-offered by her-'dreams'. And, in her dreams sat a privileged mastery-of times. The hope was set-by an reserved-atoning. ...The streetlights were burning, as the trees were swaying with over-night lilting. Stark and cold-darkness settled over the area. The city that never sleeps, was now paused by a swath of self-ired, ingenuity. In a silent-peril of lonely, solitude which could have been easily felt; but within the far-off unconscious of Josephine's night, was day. A light 'lit-up' within her unawakened-eyes lightening of sunlight, phase-in and out and finally, ablazed the vision of a seeing-unconsciousness...

  ...The sky was 'inflamed' with brightness, silohuettes of objects; filled the fully-lit 'sky', clouds, sea and winds came into full-focus. And the presence of a new-day existed in the parabole of her-brain. An igniting, exacted by the inhale of a new-perception. The 'gails', gravity and grossness-of a 'new-realm', was fully expelled. The vivid-terms and tangents-exploded into a full-bloom. Then, she saw-it in an extemporance. ...The stallid surfaces and sophistications-'oughted' and owed-into of a new-'times'. It was an Aragonic-extamination; profactioned and installed, with what was her 'full'-instilling. She was a tall, lilting-haired woman. A woman, in a new-reality; a transposed and dynamized, transcoordinated-indeed, and of an 'evolution'. What had no real-time, was of a new-relative. What afforded no-presence, or in a pretaculture. The extrinsicity and being imminently, of thought-processes; and adjuring, there was much in this night's sleep; and life-essence, purgative and plausing. There were interpretative-terms to each. A coalesce and collander-of an oracle and conventional-axiom. Pervasion of an Aragon, and of practical-asterisk. Palentary of instance and understanding, by what could be proven and what was to be prevailed.

  ...As New York-ecstatics passed-time from minute to hour, the world of 'warding', were pervaded and proven. In what seemed 'like' years, the seconds of morning, arrived on-time. The sweep of a second, was broken by the return; with a mental-'propulsion', the consciousness of a dreamer-reapertured, into a renewed-conscience. With her final-cast, into this world a deep-inhale brought her into this 'life'... As she opened her-eyes, eight hours had passed in the span-of contemplative-moment. The many picturesque-sights, unveiled and disappeared. She had memories of another-existence, and a profound impression of two-dimension. With all this, she kept its truest-evidence ;in her 'unsure' rationale. Where any two-relationships can live-divided and unsure of the other and the mutual bona fides and virtual purposes. Fortunately, her-mind had great-logic and spatial agility. Where she could adopt it, on her terms... As the warm a.c. warmed the house, Sarah just arrived for an early-jump on the weekend. As well the radio broadcasts snow-fall by Sunday morning, ending by Tuesday... Her mind had already heard, and was preparing Josephine for the inclement-contentions.

  As her mind was meticulating, refracturing and focusing in thought, impressions and images. She infused a technical-mystique to harbor and pinpoint, in exact structure to this majesty of six-senses and a subjective-sensation. There was ideas, motivation and magnitude to it all. There was an enigmatic 'opulence'; in a succinct superlative. An advanced imagery with advanced, mental-skills. Josephine went to breakfast hungry for sustenance. As she ate her meal the personal-evidence was useful, in this day long harboring and habitual by the subjection of self-assured, subliminal. It had become a serious-routine in a wonderment. An interwoven complexity of thought and mind. The mental-derivation and skilling; being privateer in one's personal state. While life went on, day and night tranversed back and forth. In what was an illuminence of connectivity. It was an activity of self, sophistication and superlative exercised, in conjecture. A copulate-effective, to understand and fulfill by an exonerate goal. Josephine had always been smart, talented and intuitive but now she was focusing, 'on-all-cylinders'... She was as a computing-device as well as in a deliberate-cloud of mind and body. Much went into a furtive impressionary-design, and a fertile, cognitive-mission.

  It became a private-project, by a hidden misssion to discover and achieve. She deserved and examined her-log of what her memories, images and impressions were, and were not. Siting and guising as-significance and 'sentiment', the broad-scope and finest-details using an objective-stance and emotional-diligence. What was an impart amd imputation by the obliging and ordinal-influences of dreaming-intent... What was to most, an odd and unusual-impact assigned in, and being associative... She came to the understanding that one had to utilize and emphasize, in the style of a perfectionary-understanding. The influential-factors arrived at, and then dispersed in eventual, duplicity and 'sheen'... From the moment of a mental-intiative, to the final-substantiation; observed and impressed. The parody and permusing, of expressive-talent and duly-development. Each essence of thought and feeling, bared witness, fortuned and founded... A devising-development of what is entity
and encounterment. An intention-of intensity-unopened and allowed to 'exist'. A subparity to allow and understand, in all its infinite-incursion. Being in an abase of refracture and virtual-refining. A self-cause to allow imagination to become an incentive.

  The documented-implications, insights and intricacies-observed, understood and defined... But as any true-student and pontificator; the theories, and ideas rose-and-fell as time went by. That it all was just 'fallacy'; was just too ordinal and ingrained into the long-history of mankind... A practicality and period, that often played a deep and resounding role in how one was to become aware in factored-fallacy. The emotions of times, trials and testament that went 'too deep'... How over the centuries dreams, like imagination, was cordoned-off from the theoretical, hypothetical and factual. But like many theorist and people of technical-nature, they had to drop certain-terms for other-ones... Josephine was not a Phd. of 'Dreams', or even 'thought'; but was a very intelligent and deep perceiving-person. Early on, she came to an 'individualistic'-understanding that life's experience prevailed upon an inquisitive, subjective-chance. That the many instances, were contemplatively, rolled-into 'one'. But as typical contending that one's proprietary-emotions, conflicted upon personal-terms.

  ...So while young, her perception-intending or 'idyllic', poised and counterpoised upon definite and indefinite, chances. In what was a creditory-elaboration and as well as esoteric-advances. If taken in a fulfilling-'circle', it would have still been more 'energy' to offset in derivings, and dimensions. ...A deriving-intensity of a proven and presound, which could not other wise be reached... To 'embellish' on such-terms and tentatives, that would take a life time of the very brightest and most brilliant. She came to this realization early in her artistic-acumen's self-transition. There were many deliberative-'contests'. ...Which was ultimately, below the necessary-tenets of cause and purpose. The 'great' and growth-impetus was fully deduced to be one of too high an order. 'Proof' and profession-contentionally, had to be decided upon. After much careful exacting and conferring the 'Operon'-law of chance and charter proved too great, and a technocratic choice. There were far too many charters in what was an conferrant-conviction and convocation. What became a writerable alliance that was mostly, foretold. Josephine was nothing if not an accordant-pragmatic. The instilling-institute of time and culture solidified in an insensed understanding and interpretation... A preemptary and conveying set-upon portent-choices and channels; prognosticated by 'point' and priory... If there was one-thing Josephine, and many who 'knew' and were related to her, was that she was too, schrewd and of an apt-penchant in personal-perceptiveness.

  She had once, wanted to know things that were challenges, and choices in which one could avail in a naivete but she soon realized youth, premonition and pride were injuved by utter-relevancy of trials, and what was relative tremendous... So she came along, as 'dreams', deriving and duty that were affixed and transposed. And thus, an 'embark' that was set and begun in a truing-avocation; for what was in this world, there were few-'keys' into any other. And so, as she advanced in age from the early years-of innocence and wonder to the present consolidate-years of acknowledging and instilling; she came to an eventual-extenuate and didactic, in a focal-instilling. From the eventuality-of 'scholaring', to what was the privileged and essential-agnostics; for which through-out being convinced and prevailed in an intricate-meaning... Her scholarliness, educative-effectiveness, and the fuller self-understanding of an intrinsic that was transmuted and 'trans-actuated' that proved and was provided for by a trying 'intrepidity', and a trained-trans-actuation.

  From the classes of 'historical'-expanding in eras, epochs and periods one could empathize and understood that the pretense, and parables of a grading and reality; by 'material' which was in a self-evocative in 'virtue' and 'value'. She was a living, breathing-being which opened into a new-'theater' to 'overture' and approach. It was of a classing-trying, of the past and the 'self-made' conventions in what was to be operate and situated by the now life-long lesson of living, working and dreaming. The largely, but not ultimately a talisman-of mind, spirit and body; in new and intimate-ways and accomplishing. Josephine, didn't really have a 'muse', about her self-function. From dutiful and determined strides, to the emphatic-studiousness of literature and liberal-declarative that she was in a definite-intention... All faculty-work came at a self-destined, incentive. So, she never came to realize any otherness, or being integral involving the very impart, by others. She just understood, comprehended and comprised in a diligent-'motif'. With this independence came the intention resolution by what were impressing and incensing... A edifying-interest and innateness that like so many highly, impending authorities, it worked well to improve and engender in one's form...

  In this stead, she was a 'visionary', and not in a 'vigil'; that could attain and attempt-in what is a precursionary-pride and perfection... In her-love and motivation, things tended to fall 'on-lines' of art-form, expression and a force of a resounding-exposition. The highly, explicate-devotion and expedition, found its way in a profound-'divecta'. The promise and hope of a self-virtual, prime and order. ...In the many availings and avenues, professed and expounding in deliberative, affectives. ...As a determined-explication there was nothing more than entity and will, to this severance. The implicative-contention innate in self-essence, by what was a concertion of time and place that was all through life. Her father once told her that one's self was what made the terms of existence present and worthwhile. Though, being 12 years old, the time she was understanding of its meaning. A directive-meaning, composed and juxtaposition to her-talent and aptitude at the time. Neverfully, being an adventure or 'open'... She was self-secure to pursue her passions in life. A pertinent-vogue in effort, intention and understanding.

  In a 'vortex' of premise and mission, she was able to expand in interpretative-commoting... A private-dimension and design, a self prevalence and privilege, devised and defined. What emerged was a focal that was elaborate, but an existential-providence. In what was a great ageal presided, promoted and provided-for. An emulgated convention of self, idea and intensive. A personified-division imparted and composed. The immense-entitlety, to be proquotient and concurred; in a young-lady's life... She was 'worthy' of an impart and virtuoso in its compelling. An inordinate-'sum' exacted by simple and superb, knowing and individual-premise, exonerating and exactual, to a proving self-plane. The 'whilst', extrinsicity abated and embarked upon by both venue, and chance. A tentative-plexy advanced and in avant guarde, designed to be true, and a treatise-travailed upon with opportunity and purpose. Effectively, a guide, an exception and venerable-value, one that only she knew. And in this molded, complexity she sought and found-deeming, and duty.

  There was no 'maelstrom' to her complicity or commandment of things... A principle-conception congealed and effectingly, 'self-versatile'-affixed... A virtuoso, discerned and affixed in experience, exposing, and expertise. As a definite-expending that became a growing-evolution and predication; in a vehement 'vitality', which proved a greater-exertiveness; gathered by time, and granted by resolve. It, the acumen and accomodated in a true-factor and function; devising and affectively, allowing intellect in a conferrred-caveat... A self-'truing' convention, given to the powers of proposing, and preposition... It was a life long-story, a sagacy of self-consigning, and self-conferring... A 'scheme', Josephine came to be composed and the many vocal-facetives; which became a self-central pragmatism and active-provocation. A 'span' of private-transformation, marked by inception and connotation. An ever-present understanding, fortuned by propagative and purposeful-permutation. An ever insightful-fleurish and fluency, as personal provality and propounding-an inward perceptive-conquest in what was a convening voyage. She knew all-was a indemnity, proctored in self-priority. That the venture that was life came and went, proved and gave penitence; to the ever-profound, ever predominate, 'flash' of implementative course, recourse and

  The personal-vigilance made for deriving, a drive and an assertive-delineation as a story and stoicism of self-fortune, in what was an understood-'scheme'. A dependable histrionic-pluralized by vision and incentivized, by an ordination. Her ever greatened-circle, scale and scheme; perceived and brought to an authority perfected, improvised and entailed-by act and exact-enaction; developed and divulged-in intrinsic intellectualization... A competent, and composite-routine in the timeline of attempt, assertiveness and ascertainment; in a distinction of sophistication. It was a self-enterprise, and now a personal-conviction of perception, thought and conception. Which had once layed before her, in the inceding of time, space and presiding; Josephine was one of a 'private club'. Of those prefixed on the edge of an ultimate-'mentality'. An alchemy of past perceptiveness. People that sought deeper-interpretation as of the Renaissance and Classicism, by today's writers in today's self-vocalization, and tomorrow's vantaged, and advancive-thinking. A consortium, initialized today by dedicated thinking-squads, adorned with conscensus and careful-complying.

  A new realm of a material mental-devination. ...Of what many scientists and artists contend with as a higher 'parallel'-plane. Josephine quite-fully, felt incentivized to assess these greater-virtues, through-out her-life... That she nurtured this 'budding', personal-burgeoning by which it was impressed upon a maximed-logic of what was a ratifying, and understanding. A 'proximation' and proxy-of her perceiving and practicality. She, as an independent-thinker, came to her-own assertions; that the associated-vectors, with time existed in her own-substance. Women tend to follow and comply to an inherent-detail, in their own absconding. She, in attitude and attaining-objective was on her own meritorious-conviction. Her broad-scaping, and expansive-mind which pertained to many things. Her competative-art, focal-art, literary, social and atmost; 'form' and experience, were advocative on many grounds that each, with maturity, and adeptness lended to her career, cause and competance... It was both, a calling and commitment, and a personal-effectivity that went a long-way in congealing-itself.

  It was more than a talent, intellect, skill or aptitude; it became an accent, and way of life; which had brought her to this-point. A didactic and thorough, officiation-deeded and commanding the self-accordant, visionary perspective; enactually, prefaced in a disaffection. What proved to be an abreast-corollory, by a formitivity; decisive and conjugation. And how, what was a prodigious, objective-'infinity', to the elypsis of prime and expounding, utter-place. It was not a terminal-understanding, but a vibrant-deep and vital-instilling. One of genuine, quixotic-imperical; by which many of her implyings and ethics-revolved... It was not only apprising, but by self-division. The challenges and choices, the theories and technicals, the utility and abundance; forms, which her discourses had been evolved. Many could see that many of her oracles and extensities had resolved. Like the actuated-charters which were concessions onto which she found her own 'middle-ground'. And as an 'artifice' that the self-apparents, proved 'valiant'. And as such her exploration and expertise, justified her envaluableness. A precipitous vantage and vendication for imminent-sanction and stature, as a 'wholesome'-deliberation.

  ...To prescribe to this 'proper'-tandem and propitiation, are an energizing-expectation; that overcame past reverent-clauses and onto present ovatious-contention. Creating an arena of professive-convocation almost fully, comprehensive and endolent by a women 'mete' in youth unto the future. ...All the 'milestones'-proactive, learning-virtues, and the enrouted, full-forming explicits which became Josephine's private inward-orchestration and grasped bonaventure and abiding-vector; which now, as she resided-on her coming snow-day that the weather meant and reverberate; an annotated single-proactive-'peace' and 'form'. It became an establishing of semantic-conversion of 'self and certainty'. And that long-journey, being given treasured coveting; in its accomplishments, and further-fortitude. But along the way, excelling self-virtue that was 'sated', gained and dimensionalized. ...The cool-Sunday was brightened by a far-off, lilting sun and dim-cloud-banks. ...The city went an adheringly, and insistently. Her-choice of the day's activity was professed, accomodated and devotedly, diversed...

  The lisps of sun's path only deseminated in a vocation by the 'locals'... The grand-scheme, so ordinate of great-buildings, thorough-fares; lanes, streets and waters were circulating with activity. The spansive-priorities of people and traffic, went sanctimoniously, onward. There was rejuvenation in their processions, which were instigated by fact and fortune. A purported-preliminary gauged and afforded. Ultimately, a population ventured that was individually, expected. The cool-winds flowed and were frigided, as the airy-proctors of a broadcasting urban-pantheon into which was a pervading but optimized-citizenry, corvairing and flew within an incensed-coolness... A perversed, and assoundedly, pressed-on in what were impingent-winds. People would 'withstand', drive-on, and be provoked to a natural-understanding of a presence and conspiring-devotedness and integumental. But for most, that would accept and keep-on, 'keepin'-on'. ...New Yorkers, were virtuosos, as devotees, and denoters of precipitation howeverso incurred-in their prospiring. There were probably answers and adventures to every aspect, and nearly every-individual.. Yet most would endure and endear in a cooperation that was a convocation.

  The 'many-priceless', only gave an encountered-gain; and a fully-fostered 'vocality' primed and confessed, by what would be portrayed by an endowing, behaste. An imposing of ultimate-practicality, by the condition of a city's culture. And that the pride and propriety advanced and opened in a-contention. By what was a proponent-conviction... The weekend by region, would see commercial-business prove to be purveying-residents carrying-on, and all-those patriating, accepting and understanding in what were a visiting-admissive. And so, to underscore the present-events at hand, were amidst a working-concertion, evidence and confession; meeting the concentrative and convergent-tool of a compilation in a contented-consistency. In what became an essential 'focus'... As her art and over-sight unveiled, and her compellation of duty and purpose by all the perimeters, were held-in divesting; the many 'vigils' were being applied and functualized. She worked, withstood a gratuity, and in a vastness to operate; in a deliberation and decision. In what was a plot by precept and utter-conceptuality. Her work was in a factoral of being acknowledger and of skill, proving that consolidation was ascended and followed-through. A focused-author, incentivized in a coordinate-'prothesis'.

  From writer to famous-literalist and very intelligent, intellectual she pursued in assessing the many articles by an articular-ascension... To account and perform, in a capable 'acuity'. Her many 'roots' of assize and judgement, were effesiances of her in a deeper-protocol. A longer-permit in presence and passing-on, a definitive-coefficient and agility-adoptiveness to a production and adaption, she followed he own true-magnitude. She was an excelling-author and a practical genius, provocative in the designs and deemings in a critically, thinking-career... Her refined in a constitution, being connoted to what was a broad-basis. ...A transfixed-'worker' with competence in her field and vision. A life-long relevance, to be attain and attest... The baring-ideas and implications, intensified; by agency and order. A procarient regency to resolve and be astutely involved... ...The mid-days activities were pertained to what was a 'revision' as she devised-in venture and an emergence... The plural instigation of form, and what was a careful-fruition. An eloquently, transversed and extrapolated design by what was a precis in 'precious' goal. -...The winds blew droplets of early-rain upon the window-pane as her heating-a.c. turned on...

  The broadcast on the radio predicted snow in 36-hours. It was an average November day. As she finished the middle section of the manuscript. She was working on some of the theme, impressions and cliff-hangers... Josephine thought back on 2012... It was a better year, a time of success and accomplishment. An exciting and especially prevalent time. An almost fabulous fortune. With Saturday almost here and Monday not
far-off. She would be overworked or inimitized... She, like many of her ethnicity, had hallowed and as a well 'angst' about many things. But with certain diligence was a witsome that was in the course of a cause, and clarity; in what was for most were personal-trials; in working-traits by what was a conceptualized-habit and effective-scope... What in a range of things mattered, arranged and exacted in new-scope. ...The many conspirings, to provide intensives to tasks. Her Terrier came into the room looking for her warming hands. He'd been out on the backyard and now was tired and chilled. He had a way of presenting his cold-nose to anything Josephine had to do with. This time he jumped into her lap. Which she and he felt was hospitable.

  ...The many composings and courted-installings, proved to be a successive basis. She was working on her latest installment in the Wynchyme Detective Series. A much hallowed, as the 'The Grey' and 'Hungered Games'-sagas. Wynchyme was adored and exacted as a perennial, premium and portent-across age-group, 'favorite'. A presumptive-design, if one was very rational but humbled by its preferences. It all started-back when she'd came off her third major-success as author and credible writer. Not yet a celebrity, but holding her own. A promised Premetheus project by her one-time publisher and editor Sam Halton Books, Inc., (a small Conneticutt boutique book publisher...). Her mother warned her once that she should not take the 'easiest' route but stick to the high-road. This didn't immediately reach home until in her lower-Teen years. When she had to decide about personal adult-situations in college and her life choices... Then, as many things she paid especial attention-to what rang-'truer'; then, she realized 'adulthood' meant more than the 'obvious'. Her superior-intellect, though very-well grasped, had tentative-exceptions... And a pride, which for many people involved-themselves, was more of a false-hope, then duly-'honor'...

  As she examine her many texts, and thematic-writings, schemes; the felt-'confidents', and seriously, expositing and conferrings; that the real-aspect, was in a full-exaction in the reach of storyline, and un-stigmatized-referendum of a portrayal and pace. She remembered, as she commanded and extended the 'rise', worth and revision of a strident-devination. In what was the cognitive-commissives, were poured-over in prescient-conveying, residual. In what was the laureling-tact and arriving, devination. The origination and guiding-points; reflexed, was dispelled and provided; in what were even temporate-terms. ...What was by the guising-of terms she was inclement in consequence by the 'deeds' and dial-up in officiation. With her many talents, skills and apparent, relative-scope much was to come 'easy' and extrapolated. As she 'minted', amended and surmounted by a relevant-declarative that the providing-scripts were instigated and asserted as the description-unfolded, was founded and fabricated, by an enduring of causes and creations... An ardent and commited-impolation that was faceted by 'time', and what became an 'attaining'. ...Josephine, with her dog sat until the sun edged into brightness in the Eastern-window. The house was warm, readying for the night. The calling winds, blew hushly through the open-spaces of the neighborhood. Sarah was baking Blueberry Muffins, Turkey salad and putting-out breakfast for Sunday. She'd be home on Sunday afternoon, to go to the movies with her-Romeo...

  Josephine would wing-it, for the rest of the weekend. She'd stay home for the day. ...Perhaps, Brad would show-up for a 'chat'. Brad, was a 'good-thing', she thought. ...She would close-out the day and watch movies till ten... She loved writing and life, in general. The night's sleep would be good. And the many cardinal-odes to an unconscious, subconscious and mental-powers would be expressed, and be portrayed... Sleep would be a resting-enaction. Developing and delivering, a creative and meaningful-intention that which was a private-goal. As she knew the 'worthiness' and 'refinement' of self, assertion, and excision; in the many knowing-contexts, comportings and in a 'composition' by a conferrence... The night, went from cool-to 'icy'. The night-moisture froze on window-seals. The moon was occluded by passing-clouds. It was a night of deep-sleep. The streets, were quiet and calm. A semi-starlit evening. Saturday night, and the night-life was not being wasted... Uptown Cafes, markets and restaurants were doing good business... Those, up and about, were being entertained by night-life from Manhattan to Brooklyn to Greenwiche Village no one was disappointed.

  Fall would end in a month... Travelers to New York would slow until the Christmas season. 30 Rockefeller would be delivering the Christmas pine tree in a week... The Macy's Day Parade was being ready for the next few weeks. And the Fine Arts scene was warming up for the Winter 'Playbill' escapades. It was a great time to be a New Yorker. It was probably, true that some were New York aficiandos, both enjoying and working there out of self-satisfaction. A mutual-exaction many who visited could identify with. While central New York City had its quiet neighborhoods where the basic resident could live in quiet residance. Most understood, that advantage of city-life, had its requaints... It was a high-order interest,a value-more a way-of-life. Josephine slept peacefully, within her redeeming-abode. Wealthy, like Agatha Christie in New York, empowered like a Facebook executive, and free-ranging like Earnest Hemingway, life was 'good'.

  She spent the remaining-days of decision and dimension relaxing and working-on her-work and being resigned in duties at hand. Though, her world was relevant, standing in a self-regiment was accepted and understood and was in an especial-'affirm'-of determination and drive. She was an impeccable worker, but not just for gratification but true-form and focus... A regimental-impart that which came from 'detail', determination and design. The 'interstitial'-engagement, which was resolute, and given an integrity... In what was a recombinant-'resilience'... In what was at the 'soul', and what was at many former-assailing artists understood, to be attained. The 'joys' of study and a duty of learning-all while forging a life, out of being in New York. But ultimately, what was a maturing-engineering, that was formed and focused; in a self-transformation... New York was a 'Mt. Olympus' to what turned out to be rightfully, oracled. A 'laurel'-achieved, adventurous and composing; attained in a venture from which much in learned achieved and ascendingly, accomplish. The added confunction of gaining-success to an invoked-consigning.

  She and her friends would endure through another Winter. That is the 'liberty' to invoke, place and propriety-of ideas, and interests. A romantic and personal-renaissance, for anyone coming to be a residentially, accomplished and a career in the 'Big Apple'. Some lived there by 'logic', others liberty and freedom and others, deeding in a development and devotion. There was probably, also thousands of 'profiles' to the reason for living here... Few were living in a staunch, 'imperative' for which there had began sometimes as denisons in a true-life. Yet, being ones, that were to be a 'subjective'-individual; one could ever realize, that some would, and be 'lost'... Life was hard at times, and the many 'faults' and defaming by the aspect of city-life for many, which would have not otherwise would have happened. But it was a life-story of Josephine and New York. And so the incentive, and the inside, promulgating and prospering-life; here, was the 'essence' of a self-vision. Fate, fortune and overcoming were self-implying, 'factors' being impacting, or to be outdone...

  Snow, would begin to fall in predawn. The air would become stiff, with coldness. The building's warmth would be diverged in an outside-actuality... A probability, proportion and purposeful-prognostication, in weather that would be large-flakes blanketing the cooled-earth. Up in the atmos, the moisture latent-clouds coming from the West would deepen, and meeting the Eastern-chill would create frozen-precipitation and an 'atmospheric' frigidity. But the predictions would still be below-expectations... In what was the 'regional'-proportions. As the meteorologists would change the forecast from night-snow to 3 to 6 inches by Wednesday. New Yorkers tended to take it all in stride and self-diligence. The western-part of New York in the mountains was seeing 10-inches of snow by Monday. It was the typical early-November inclements. Once the snow-fell, the city streets would be a wondrously, white; till dawn when snow-truc
ks would clear the lanes and put down salt. This orchestrated snow-removal was exact; due to tradition and trade... Kids, like children everywhere, would go out and play. And adults, would feel the normal frustration of driving to work in-it.

  It might be declared a 'Snow-Day' and the typical workers could stay home and a skeleton-crew would go in to work. A casual-sport of duty, and propriety. It was the challenge, chosen and inspired in New York's reality. In what was a certain-purpose and proponent... An incurring-relevance and reverement... Since its early-days, in the spirit of the Empire state had always been one of overcoming, enduring and a 'gaining your-stripes'... A certain-reserve that plied the 'still' of the city, the lifestyle and living environment; and the self-resolution, resilience to enact the facade of a perservering, condition and resided-contentiousness. It was a both-learning and willing-crime for all presiding-there. As certifying-theme to which all the world, could be envious. So as the weather became a striving, everyone gave in to their own vocality to the season, time, purpose and purportment. A code of perservering but provident, in persistence. And what would become a vitalized urban-palace to the meaning and motif, in its many quarters.

  Regardless of terms of endearment, or person, and policy; the accord was socially, 'that'-in image and idea... The evident-cause to live, as in one's choice in the city; they believed-in, with an entire-magnitude by what was a demographic-Dominion. ...By what was a definition of 'style' and stance; status and deference; proving a policy of a people, place and profile. A defining-diffidence, proving worthy of priority and perspective, principly and propensively, by provocation to a cause and in confirmative by what was the precisive to an allay. An augmentation-to profess, and avail. The entire-prospective and virtual-validation originating and oracled, by price and presence... The snow began to melt by Tuesday-afternoon... When everyone was back to work. There were five people conversing on Josephine's walk-up, they were discussing the weather, work and the occupant... Who was by job-a senior assistant, an associate and Josephine's private-assistant... They had all shown up to see Josephine for provisional-information, itinerary, and a run-through... One wanted a meeting, the other two were there for confirmation; they-all wanted her on-confirmation, in a thought and deduction. It was a bottle-neck for which a definement by Josephine-herself could only, decide.

  ...'Ms. Stein, would be sure to find an answer to your project-prospectus.' ...'We've covered such things before.' '...Yes, I've seen her do so'... Said the associate-assistant. Her assistant knew though, Ms. Stein worked at her own pace; she rarely, if ever, left an instance-out, she was there to bring up anything that might have changed or needed to be. Her 'fresh' senior assistant was 'new' to the job. Being transfered from another department in Editing. He was given the purpose of run-through with one of their best writers. A former-TV journalism editor he had to prove himself and be worthy of his assignment. There was a story to the three being there at once. One unifying-motivation. The two assistants had put in a long-day, with appointments, carry-overs and standing in for others on their duty board. There were two men and a women. She was the most on the 'ballast', this early afternoon. She realized the time and scheduling protocol knowing that Josephine would be desirous of her-'objectivity'...

  ...The other two-were hardworking, over-zealous, duty-masters whom were looking out for their job. For knowing the values of Ms. Josephine, they wanted to get the job 'done' very seriously, and at any cost. Then, all arrived at this point luckily or unexpectantly. Josephine had some reprogramming to do with the two; and an appreciation for the commitment to work by her all-critical assistant. She was cordial, kind and considerate also knowing the men's ill-certain, ill-considerate 'reality'. She realized it would take more than understanding to make them right. She conversed politely, as they stood and one rang the bell. Sarah opened the door and from then on everyone was for themselves. The maid immediately, realized Josephine had company; to let them come-in to see her, everyone recognized that the maid was quite courteous and attentive. But she was also 'well' aware that she'd better stick around for escorting-out. Josephine met with the three in the sunroom. Each putforth their reason for her attention and Josephine immediately understood with a purpose.

  And then her assistant who sat back in the room and awaited her enlistment. After hearing what the parties had to say she'd detailed her response and action and then made perfectly, clear that each be enacting in what she and they, wanted to accomplish. There was no inkling of dry-wit or encumbering humor but a defining-directive, seriousness. The sun was going-down on this late-Fall day as they drove-off, with her assistant delineating any concerns further in her next-goals and assignments... The assistant was glad to hear that she was in the further designs of her awaited-book. She was excited, as Josephine could be. Her enthusiasm and rigor were attributes; she was worthy of her five-figure pay. They were all done within an hour. The winds began to pick-up and the dull mid-day clouds were moving in... The weather was taking a change for the worst. Late-evening Wednesday was cloudy and wet. The 'nuts and bolts' to the piecework of writing had arrived in a pericentric on a pre-wintery day.

  Most temperate zones and upper East-coast-dwellers were used to harsh changes in the weather each season. They had to prepare on a moment's notice. And having an abode that had to weather the changes at a moment's notice. Noreasters, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, downpours and the like had to be expected, without question. But, barring these, one-lived in utter, ignorant-'bliss'. And life had to afforded a temporary, trepidaton 'at best'... Josephine had a basement 'safe-zone' reinforced and logically, stowed with items of survival and a withstanding. The maid knew about bad-weather and was taught what to do if worst-cases scenario, occured. She'd seen really bad-weather in Texas and Oklahoma so she took her active-role very, seriously. But city-life went on in a steaded-resolve. In the Winter of 2010, the snow was 22-inches high, by time it all fell. People were instructed to stay home for three-days. So as they were prepared, they made a few days of it. Sarah stayed in the guest-bedroom, and with the full-storage basement; they had all they needed.

  ...Her co-workers were in touch with her even in bad-weather due to their close-work... Josephine was upto speed by time every-one was just getting out of the snow. Her assistant had actually, just been back to work when Josephine showed up with her next assignment. ...Before a Limo could escort her to work, a taxi had been there with their compensatory ubiquitousness. Bad-weather and storms, were not an assimile to what life was like as a citizen, worker or celeb... Far from it, the daily-life was often confunctions of time and effort. Some days 'valiant-effort'; others, staved-off disaster... But what many locals understood was that one's role in life is only subjugated by an 'imminent'-subversion... That in the many burroughs, locales and blocks; there was a consummate-perservering and causal-preservation that endured and resurrected itself during times of trouble.

  As the Brownstones gave way to commercial-districts; given way to the glitzy area of penthouses, restaurants and Firm-buildings, each contributed to their personal-way of life. Though, some had quite personifying, ways of survival. Each guided by their personal-'Muse' of which human affairs and social allegory instilled, proving self-worth and adaption. In what was a pedagogic-intent, incentive, cooptive-assertion and resolve. A pretensed-'pinnacle' of personal-view, and social-judgement. New York in its many personal-views proved in amalgamation and determinative-based in every-culture of the world. As the passage of time, in the country and world it became the vision of the 'meltin-pot' of American-culture... ...The 'Omni-city' to the United States and the social-pervaying against doubt, and duplicity. Josephine returned to work on the next Monday, when the snows were cleared. She saw to those many purposes and designs in a city which infiltrated the country and which burgeoned before the world. The specific-needs of the tentatives of the firm, its dimensions and deliberates were fulfilled and underscored... Her-con
tentions made for a consequential, prime-moment for those new to the arena and as a commissive, in which there was a provening, and protocol docent and determinative which were drawn-together for a worker's provision, which was a 'lesson' to be dispelled.

  It was a perceptive-diligence for which she, in a commercial contact, had to be brought to the forefront for an understanding. A perceptive inception through which those 'worth' their weight would find valuableness; their 'better', or to have a better-exception to a rule. By what was an implicitly, vital-vision of instance and anomaly, proprietarily in-precept and protocol. A permissive-inturring, confessed and afforded to situation of terms and tasks. In the many financial, social and emotional-tenets; which sometimes go to their-head. It took her-attache, to guide the previous protocol, and to the augment of the new editorial-staff, 'who' in for instance, insistence-relayed; and then gathered a better-understanding of what was an interpretation. She commented to the present-'lead' that in their job had possibly, needed redirection. 'And I'd appreciated a 'heads-up' before there assigning to my 'standards''... ...In theory, time and culture rarely, redeemed themselves but scale and scope, but proved the mission of purpose, and propriety... She'd proven her ageal earning her present day business-relationship. A scope and scale that was imminently, proven and prevailed in an arnate-instilling.

  By time she was done, Josephine had both established and attained in provisions; and atoned for any 'absences' in her work. The first-galleys were implaced and the concepts and provisions, were ordained. And her-implicity was being given an actuation... The manifestation of a new-book to be done by Spring, were highlighted by the firm in the typical 'money-making' itinerary. The many posts of her craft, gave the necessary-terms they were looking-for. Her-editor was quite enthralled reading the first salient-pages of the manuscript. He couldn't take his eyes away. By time her and the managing-editor were done with their talk, the friend was into the 50-page conscription... He looked-up at the two bidding farewell with the conversation and the two noticing the production-editor already setting-up specs. Josephine was on the way out when the editor expressing his-amazement at her work like a masterpiece. After she left, the call went-out to expose the text to intinerate fellow-conscribers...

  By time Josephine arrived home, there were messages from departments in the firm's requisition. To send their lead-copy as soon as she was done. It seemed her latest creation which congealed ideas, imagining and impressions from her subconscious were indeed an impressive gilding... Her professional and talented expertise had in art-form manifested and materialized itself... The dominant prefixing had proven-itself... ...Devising and devotion, had come to annotated itself... It had taken a life-time of conditioning and objective skills, an 'opulence' to avail and be in certain-obligaton... The injuvenation that was a piece-work 'joy' for Ms. Josephine. ...The many tacits and tangents-agealed and confessed of a deriving and drive. An associative-project, allowed to expand on its supplicate-terms. She layed down a broad-work of a writing literary-pinion. It was a lesson in oblong-literature that few today could enlist and express. The very-human and very-civil, self-sophisticated digest, that were 'bold', and a devotionalism... ...As Agatha Christie, penned 'Murder She wrote', Charles Dickens; 'Nicholas Nickelby' and F. Scott Fitzgerald: 'Grapes of Wrath'; they too, were felled with the gloriousness of self-contraction; but each came to meet differing-lives and lifestyles. Josephine knew this, that were proven, and provoked-abilities and potential.

  But Josephine stood-fast in her own 'aura' and affection... The many stances of authors, patrolling the earth over-time from Plato to DesCartes to Hemingway to Patchett were vivid-authors placed on to the plane against time and mankind... Their eloquent-words extolling; the pretext and pretense, of utter-regalia of form and acceding of a duly dominate-design... The law and a 'lucidity' by which acted to form a destiny and definition of the theme. ...Men and women, composing the liberateness and conforming of dimension; played-out in the realm of a perceptive-reality. What was the arcing-precepts, vantaged and vigiled; by vitalized virtuousness. The age-old ancient-devision made persona-great and instilled, as an authority among Man's productivity.

  Josephine realized early-on, she sat among the more easier-admonished. ...A productivity proving-ground of right and might... The assimulative, personal-redemption; providing for a 'price', and prevalence. As modern-day mankind, followed in devotee-footsteps to devotion and 'greatness'. An enigmatic, emporium on society and history. Away from the ill-fortune of delusion and elision. ...The outer-reach of emergence and artification; the many times of 'fruit' and fortitudinal-'fruition'. The calling and causality, by privacy and proof, chosen among-peers... And promoted by 'precis' and providence... A protocosm to enterprise, provide and be of denison-sorts; promulgated by challenge and chance. The charter and chosen-enaction, ardored and invested. That was an instigated-investment by choice and chance in the vivicry, imprinted-in others. A propagated perception invested in time and trial. What became a profundate and permuse, in evocation by an idea, and emulation. The instance and entitlety, for which that overting-experience and delivered posterity, achieved a valid advancement, but also potential and perceptual providence.

  That, still, didn't make mankind beyond any practical-revision. Most great-men and women all came against 'obstacles' of many kinds. In an emo-social 'reality' that was, that ability and talent. Some times it came down to prevalence, and an ultimate-'proctor'. The advantage sometimes came to fall-'short'. And the true-efforting being the hope and 'passion' of those being of impute in a virtue and vigilance, in what was as the greatest-provision which tended to be a 'purity' and practiced 'belief'. Which for many the intense ingenues they profess of a predicate-pretention and protocol. That the many lessons of times, life and lateral-proved the necessary-pantheon and colliseum of what was an adaptive-thought, theory and technocracy; which advanced the world and anointed the way for those to come. As Josephine-realized and came to recognized that fame and flamboyance, came and went but the self-plausable 'vision'-of aptitude and elition; by a provision in-terms, came to out-spanned those 'times' and again, 'precursors'. Both sexes and assertions had to prove and prevail, against a 'simplicity' of past and pedanticism. In an obvious, fear-invoking contention, and an eventual-confining.

  What in 'prime-time' is lilting and comes to 'die on the vine'. An irredeeming, protocol and predisposition by others and in what are inordinances. By what was an ill-vital commanding of in-difference. In the many 'super'-imposing, pre-somberances; from the 'vivid', vital and vocal, which comes to pass. So there are many-principles and impacts by which have fleurished, in ages and 'realities'. By what will both, be a 'science' and a subjection... In what 'evolved', grew, and was reverberated. Thus, through a-time, in memorium was the 'handing-down' from one artistic-edifice to the next both 'proving' and reproving-division and devising; being paralleled and proven... The instilling-of an individualization and incentive decided and availed, in a greater-axiom of a 'maturity', and prevailing. A long-theme purported and compounded by the very-essence of populous-contingents. The historic-saga: personal and emotional by which going forward prove to be valuable and worthwhile.

  In a 'vortex'-of time, and propriety. The reliances and relegations, conjured-up and understood... Josephine, sat in the latest-standard, at that status. A today's stipulation to be enjured, and in a 'finality'-idealized. A relative-assurance prevailed-through time and testament. The 'mortal-reality', in 'duty' and deriving. In an adulation, devining and devotion-being estered, and objectified. An annalled, congealing-persona, and for Josephine, being profactioned. A journey and passage through time and temperance. The assizing and sophistication, attrition and attaining by which the drama, devotion and devising, that was proving the 'weight' of personal-extollings. From differing-people of a tempered-exaction exacted and expounded, by foster and fame, fault and failure through time and testament. The many 'stellar'-styl
es, standards and stipulations which was offered, incentived and overtured-by singles, groups and times... The 'ovations' by which came and concerted-in tell-tale designs and divestings... A neutrally, decreed availing by which perception and purpose-provoked and provided; in the story of divulging, deduction and an imminent-clause.

  ...Politics, drama, saga and an utter social-storyline had eventualized the outcome of an artist's life. From a life-story, ability, promise and potential which were infatuated in certain-pretext and provision. In the 'justice' and judgement by times and people as well as one's psyche. In what was an ordinal-surpass in the raised-competence and engaged civil-discipline objectified and ordered, to the model-processed, progressed, and assimilated over-time. And the many formae-for which careful-concern and concerted-consortium, grew and proved-itself. The many societal, political and economical-changes and originations that had come and went. The demographic-changes and resolutions, which perservered and evolved into a certainty. The many 'identities', tariffs, visions and emotions, promoting and diverting in single and multiple-points-of view to prove virtuous, and valued. The overwhelming-protocol which were advanced and enriched. The learning and modernizing-carved by which was decided and succumbed to artist and form, alike.

  The mental-role, Josephine played in the materializing of what today was a most provident-'form'... So in this universal-conundrum. She, in finality, had grasped the greater-goal of the latest precepts of humanity, and in an ultimate and innate 'hubris'. The kind of intrinsic, perfection-inertia that makes one 'great' and dominant; and as well, unparalleled and pronounced in the imminent-intensives of an human-protocol... A protocol, advancing and interstitial. The many concisions elevated and attained, the prescience of vantage and vitality taken to a proving, sacrosanct. The many-arrivals and ordinals-of choice and challenges that proflagrate and present themselves, were now beings leveled toward her, and her-work. By what was the accolades of commercialism, and its conferrings... In what was an elaborate-scheme of what was institute, identity and accomplish that had pushed her into a certain personality, attitude, and reality...

  Josephine had provided what was a single-'milestone'. For which she was accountably, understood on a crucial-path to an essential and official-affiliation, and as of purpose and meaning. Many had now, caught-on to the private-'ability' of Ms. Stein, and her many commercial-books. By what she gave-forth in, in all the extensivities; so bountiful and abounding by pretext and pronouncing. A private-preeminence and prehaste, by what was 'devotee' and diligence, of private and perfected cause and a committed, concurring. A centralizing, co-effective in, as delible and a digest of assertion and sophisticate-sentiment, as contentions-offered. Her re-arnifying 'energies' and intentions were to avail, and in what was an intended, pragmatic-'surfacing'. By what was a skillful-calculation that would affect a denison-popularship. In the establishing of the severant-terms and 'times', to come-above in what was an importing and empowering; by what was to be invested, and as well, designed as development. A conferred-precision and an enamored-prosound that availed by what was a determined-drive in what was dutiful and exacting-skills. For which was to be a deriving, in what had become cause and consistency. An ad mentum of people, thought and what was in an extensive-proclivity. By what was to be achieved, and made accountable. What was to be 'ideal' and an 'artism'. ...A proquotient by refining-actuated, attained, and assigned.

  Into by 'cost' of pervaying and prolicity, in an active-conversion, of being 'cited'-terms and tidings, given to accorded-terms. A tentative-competence, allaying of distinctive-component cause, and consisting. A very well thought-out, concerting and technical-construct, being of the many 'focals', factors and foundings for which were given to a careful, and concise confiding; upon a determination, and detail. ...Along the private-laws and private-exonerations; now, exposed to the world and its ways. This, being a public-venturing and venue, of a populous-perogative and pronouncing; giving to a proving-objective in choice, channel and imminent-charter. And so, in the fulfilling of faculties and of 'prime terms'. Which once received by the public, if found valuable; advances and emerges into a larger arena. A proliferated-recourse, that is taken place. Promotion, advertising and criticizing taken from many vantage-points, were to take place. And the modern public-opinion expounds and expands upon public-thinking. An unconditional, pervaying, occurs. In what was a broad-vision, or an authentic-profile occurs, and author, authority and authenticity grows, and are greatened.

  And a book is treasured, and transformed to a posterious-abiding. People in society proves in an approval, and things from money to iconic-manifest makes intentional and an 'ideal'; granted by impressions and provenings... In what may be the tantamount-process allowing for a precipitous-prevail. ...Proving 'acumen' in presiding popular-energy... In these days of fast-tracks, viral and highly volatile public-awareness; many forms to be aware and a fan, in their instant-awareness. In all this, a certified-ingenue is forcefully, able to be created. Producing great-men and women, powerful-masters and icons; and giving-forth in an entreaty of a vocal and vision. A quib pro quo of esteem and establishing by which is so profaction, in terms of items and implications. The many sated-earnings, of recourses and propriety, perceptions and variety from which are given to be a proven and given perfection. The deducive-profile, by which is donned-in the program of the many-scales and themes-which are progenitored and projected. The cause and recourse being in how it became dynamic and 'original', by what in the formative-'code' could be.

  Creating a redeeming-'stature' of a prevalent discourse through which was the very human-reverence of purpose, time and place. Over milleniums, established in incentive and oracle. The possessive-focal and 'fusion', being-edified in rules and enlistments. Becoming assailed-in principles and precipices, being certain and central. A rule and ramification-idyllic and inframed by pride, a pervaying and purpose... By what was instilling, engendered and esssence in proving-'power', preciseness and purporting-intentful and actualized. These many purposeful-ordinances, present and pre-dated in skill and style. Through-out the stories, sagas and ventures in time. The 'grand-prize' of scope and schematics graduating form and fortune, in a procreating and pedantic alluding... The proporting and calling by which many rise to the occasion but few ascend to be compelling. The great-articular meanings, and enterprises; from which an ardently, intensiveness and wisdom by which many are appointed and fewer are proven worthy. The result of eons of concise constructionism, pluralizing human-instance and forming a development and social-devising.

  Over time, stridence and struggles are in the en par deliverance, division and deriving leading to the present-day 'opuses'. Of one-Josephine Stein, in an impart and composing-on a computer-screen evolving, employing or at exposition; in a 'pliary' of portioned-time and testament... In what was a treaty of traversing, captured in tribute of the very presence in an edict of entrenching of commercial, colloquial and compensatory-objectve-attained, attributed and in-filled, today... What was working in her mind was the corporeal sense, logic and instilling. By which weighed enigmatically, on the precept, and a 'legacy' of literature. An imposing, literariness of availing and self-validating venture. As her significant, vantage-point unrolled many of her prime-centered roles and passions... The crossing-line of convergence and vigil, which authenticated and surpassed in resolve and reticence. The large facets of work and wordsome in amulation, intent and understanding. Moded, motif and manufactured to the ways of a virtuous-vision.

  The words, become a working commandment, and majesty. This fluid-manifest was, on specific occasions, an assertion; where personal encoda was to practice and have pretense. An infused, didactic; which she was bestowed. As she specified by the talent and toil to be a literalist she comprised the duty and definition of art, artisan and the agealed. She was fulfilling a practical goal. Of meaning and magnificence in true tradition. As she worked she was the professional of style and p
ractice; for which many were thankful. Although, her life had many pinions and proctors; the vitals of proof where thus, made. She ranked 'high' in all the feasibility and fortune. So, as she carried through and 'rang home' the project-perfect of stance, style and statement, were benounced... A potential and private-apprising, decided and divulged in inward-revealing. What was a 'reflection' of a person-centered on stating and stimulation; in an incensed, artistic-stance and striving, self-vying. Thus, the very-articulate and outstanding-officiation in talent and theory, were being proven, from mind to material. Her advancive-objectivity, went a long-way in turning-out her work as composite-masterpiece.

  Time would pass, as past became present-duty; became 'deed', and forging became fortuity; on all the many days, weeks and months; schedules, calendars and activities; personal and social-goals were 'complex' in a denisoned-'relative'... A prospect, became potential purpose, and a 'propriety'-in venture or focus... Josephine was well into her work, a manuscript of an indubitable, actuality. The foment of focality, and vision in the utter-attainment of a virtue and conversion. The executing and establishing carrying-on in individual-impact. An approach and apprising, that became an enterprise. As the trees blew West to East the skies flowed with grey heavy-clouds, as the sun peered through then went back behind the clouds as people below continued-on. A late Fall continuum progressing in the deeds of a dormant-season... The birds flew, distressed in the windy-gales of autumn trees which blew erratic, to both an impulse of time and temperature. The grand-father-clock chimed 5 pm, the maid opened the kitchen door to put-out the garbage with the dog following, full of energy.

  The grand-'joys' and innovations of time and chance, being invoked and innovated in a precept 'prime-order', eventuated by time, trial and test... A conviction of thought and method, sealed in a lit-room on the first-floor. The wind-blew over the windows without penetrating, the warmed-room; where Josephine sat, just before-dinner; interworked in all her mental-duties, at hand... The Moon, sat behind the darkening-clouds and sky. Some were to go out-doors, to a regular-stint; as a Cook at a hotel, a night-manager at a restaurant, a taxi-driver and policemen, across the city. ...Their jobs were to accept and function well-in the harshest-of times. The many-principles and proxies, the terms and talents, the provocations and pronouncements; asserted by choice and challenge, which made for the 'evander', and entailed-investment... The city, was still in innervated-instillings. The Moon, would come out after the clouds dissipated, and stars were bright as solemn nocturn-availed. Making for an incensed-opus. By ten, Josephine would be in her other-world, plotting the terms of the motives of an alter-perception. The rise of earth to opposition would invent time, place and feeling; as present as night is to day.

  As the precepts of prior-knowledge went into a deep-realm of vividity, opulence, and agility; the slumber, became nonexistent and optimately, non sequitor. A 'god' had evinced a new-region of an expounded-aire. A private-division and develop in empowered-extrinsicity from a rejuved-plane... An opus-aggrandisement was given a portal into a 'new-world'. A flight-apexed on the reconnaissance of inertia of moments and diffused of existence, understanding and operatics; a fluency, and omen-filiament in the ovation of compunctual-reprisal, and the reprise-in all premise, and understanding... The aligning-extrapolating from consciousness to object-redimension. Ordered, affixed and astute so to the veritude of all human-description. The sky-beamed and glowed, with atoned-conviction. And broad and pale-sun, shown in ultimate-fusion. A deep-brightness by which existence was allowed to be of virgin, genuine and pure. A nectar puring-'shine' that was there by some unknown provident-god. Yet here, there was no God in admonishment. A division into no where, but also the prelay-of a virtual prelaminence...

  The story of that unconscious, 'conversion' and what was a coveting, prevailing and perdition; procured, and attained as or being of kind and accommodation... More than a 'flair', flash-pan 'prism' or a personalized, predilection; antiquating in a deprived-essence. The strident-existence conflagrated by presence; appearing as real as reality. Imparting perception of exacting time and place, space and time; never seen, and never seeing... A proctor of purportment from its nearest-comparison. An outsized-imperative of nonexistence in mind, not body. A superbly, supernatent arrival given to one creedance: Josephine Stein, in sleep. ...Greater than any originality, further then presence, and point-of-view. A deeding-premise, carried-over in establishment; no vision, thought, perception or imagination in creativity, motivation, redeeming, or devotion... It was all a parting from real in the relegation of conscience. The blank white sky gave way to burning heat of its 'sun'. A heating, broader then earth, but it did not burn her skin.

  It felt as comfortable as the furnish at home, if not more so. Its flacid sun being adored by an inordinal burn. As she looked-away, the winds began to blow. Not a November heavy-chill but an auspicious California-like breeze. She looked adorned as the realm and saw a 'darkness' beneath the sight. A somewhat menacing darkness but subtle, disturbing as if accepted and understood. She felt a grabbing-acceptance and certain heeding that was a successful-acknowledge of a worthiness. A contention of profaction-incensed and understood... The great-majestic menace was engulphed by a teeming in-between of light and dark. And still she was not afraid, in a deeply, spiritual 'ode' came upon her in diligence and depiction... There was a story to what she imbued. A private vantaging. A comprehension of image, impression and ideas in the accordance of detail. A personal, innate and self-composing; open to the irreality of a new-world. In her deepest sanctum, a private-dimension, as if a reverence to God and man. In all she read about it, it wasn't exact but a indepth-contention... That in, the deification was the 'promise' of a self-virtue.

  A 'proving-ground' of an intensely, perceiving 'edict', relying only on the instance of inward-vision. A wide-open coherency that in unconsciousness had its own double-conscience... She'd read about the many themes, and standards of dreams, repose of sleep and recourse of this-world. The mandolation of private, personified and perverted-testaments of preconditioned thoughts, which proved to be allusions, time and illustrations of an empowerment. An importation of foster, faculty and affordance. For which purpose and mental-property are composed and met in a staunch 'ideal' and complicity. What was a focal-arbitration of a vigiled-force and fortunate-founding... On a premise of human conception, in what could be considered a calling of one's own concession. Human thought had always been benefited and portrayed as a bestowal of human-commandment. Of 'aspirers' and relevant synchopants, it their utter-confirming. Broad and wide-subception, donned and in many times adored, as 'gifts' from the gods. A duly provocation of soul and s social-sobriety. The great-apprising of individual and incentived-virtuality, that were so people could go farther and reach further against perfused-obstacles.

  In the many 'sagas' and 'dramas', given creed and ultimately, virtue. The struggles and obstacles suffered and overcome by the due-diligence of what became searching, deliberateness, philosophy and academics... The imprint along a broad-spectrum of thought and theory. The many presonerations pondered, ordered and made authentic among people and ultimately, a purpose. A warrant, then traveled and held against travail. A crossing of a 'cravast', entailed in a-honing discipline. That was advanced, insured and understood. A per due-understanding of self and one's comprising, exacted from the stranding-'lost', and troubles of fate and fortune. ...An utter, un-impuning brought into 'fact' and fulfillment. A great-fulcrum of expended dream-logic and advancement; taken into account and impart, to what was a professive vision. What was trivial become a renewing-skill. ...What became a 'vision' in-bed, and an exceptionalism of ultimate-peace and resolve.

  A 'presidential'-logic to aid all mankind. ...An alluding and investing in things greater than now, or oneself... The great stoicism of a derived-mastery and talent, being attained and affirmed. What the Greek and Roman authorities came from, where Buddha became inv
est as a conscience, and were the Saints, previewed much of their-callings and conceptions... And what many generation later availed and evinced in self-motivation... In so many ways human-advancement and conscience came as imagination and perception came to reinforce skills and talents; killing prey, avoiding predators and understanding Mother Nature. This, a premise and promise of a due-diligence. Becoming a brain-empowering, being outwitting all the world's obstacles. The finite-limitations and instruction of the basics, becoming acumen and achieving. Josephine understood, after much study, self-intepretation and a careful comprehension, identified in what was a circumspect; and what was inanely, and abjuringly as an 'understood'-affirm by what was a fulfilling-circumstance...

  ...And so, a deliberate of circumstance was ultimately the dreamers, derivers, divulgers and devotees; implying the fission of imminent, mental-imprinting of thought, propriety and profession; which is the basic-root, of endeavor in times and institutions... And the enlistment of composing depicting as 'skills'; that was once scope, was to be enlarged and espoused... By what would become fortune and fortunateness explicit and of importance. Men's and women's lives made for an adoptive-personal, emotional, and social-diligence, imparting-humanity and making an ordinal-prosounded and pervayed; as the awakening of human temptation and tone... What became a story of advancements, trials and testaments endured, involved and instilled... What mankind understood and endured as a provocational-visionary. What came-out was the vital-institute of people over centuries and ages, and defined-in a social-element. The central and surreal-manifestation called to terms the liturgy and legitimacy of popular-account. In what would become forcefulness and virtue. The instituences and prevalences, guided and accorded; the human, stood at a verge of human-impression and expression; finatized by incentives and assurances.

  ...An operon-sentiment of birth and divulging by 'proofs', projections, intentives and vocals; to the promise of provision. A dutiful-implication incurred and encountered to be imparted and made 'integral', in a investing and divesting self-incorporation. What would be called an 'idea', and an interpretative, instigation. A careful and commanding, interstitial and proven prosperings and perceivings... By what was a purporting, purpose was conceiving-potential. The lighting-'tumult' and a self-proving of it all condensed, mixed, and dissolve... The grand-'admix' became as 'rain'; what was a tossing, vying compounding-mist, and cool-wind spray... Then her other-mind told her to go into shelter in a passageway. Among what was the differing-entrances. Just as she did the misty-wind became flames of fire and ignition... It seemed the crag, storm and sun reacted-in an atmospheric, fiery-contraction. She walked down the passage with the smell of burning-dirt, rain-water and sweet-air.

  She came to a once more large-hall of a proven self-design. The ceilings were high for the strange-rector of the place. It was obvious, the presence of a 'void' in what was perniciousness; by some, being bestowed with an utter-prevalence. A newly, grand presiding in a presounding, prosounding. She tried to understand, to prove exactly what she was seeing and what was enacted and consistent... What was this 'perception' and profound-implacing; by which was the nonpresence of proxy and preexaction. A where and when, was the consummate-confirming in the terms of perfecting-correspondence. She did know how her in-filling to terms that were as a 'milieued'-motif; by what was the 'sense', and thinking originalizing this place. The mirrored 'nonworld', existing outside its possibly, real world. Was her-mind acting in a subsequent world. Like in a time-machine within the recesses of her-mind. She was powerfully, impressed by a moving-in the prism of their 'minds'... The almost full-construction of her mind, that was given granting, ideally. As deductive-recourse, she understood in two-worlds.

  As the many instances of learning, understanding, comprehension and deduction, occured alongside these 'dreams'. Easily, equaling-by an unconscious. Her alter-essency, which became a brain/mental mirror-image. It was a long story for which mind and mentality, were apposing... A 'maniply', by which what had been formed as a caring-childhood, now and in an incensed-understanding. A precocious-child with intelligent-means. Which with order and adjunct made for success and eventually, self-sophistication. She'd taken up art but her sense was as function, as focused. As it was with many people over-time with intelligence. ...As she sat chatting at the table, which sat in the center of the room... She couldn't understand how so visual it was. She wanted to remember and transfix a 'judgement'. Idea, or scope of what she was seeing and feeling, she wonder how it could be 'her mind' was unpurposefully, doing things she could not understand. What was its purpose and propriety? How had her mind created such vancive-sights, and thoughts of meaning. A grand-infusion among all she could fully, demonstrate. ...That was as the all-fixation of a sleeping-brain.

  She had never told anyone, or how, as she slept; she presided beyond a living presence. When she was young, she saw many fictitious sights; a land as this; so now it was a mythical resound in expound and exceptionalism. A mental-regaling, giving her what was an provisional-exuding. A pretanatural, investment in a nonthinking-time. She could not interpret or compound, as a comprehension or legitimate order, to it all. While young, she was entertained by this non-present fun and fostering. It was a delight and also the precepts for an other-worldly existence. She wasn't a fantasizer, for her, it was a sustenant dream. ...As girls grow imagination reinforces the 'dialed-up' terms in choices, development and devotion of a developing-mind. Then, her mind was innocent and full of childlike wonderment. A scope and scale, to be excited and influenced-by. She'd wondered why, as a child, she was different; but her parents were genuinely, protective and nurturing like the 'gods' of Greek-history: Zeus and Athens, a world of donning and duplicity.

  She had never 'wondered', why; she never felt or was impressed by the need to be social-incurring, or ultimately, recalcitrant. It had always been an investment of the mind as to not be magnifying but imminently, manifest. A resound in the purpose of self-certainty, and in a 'sophistication'... An adornment, by what was a personal-cause. The preceding, and protocol-vested and preclused, by flow of life and living. The grooming-of a child in determination and dutiful; derived in impending, on citing 'certainty'; imbibed and deliberate by-all, involved. And the great internment of time and trusted-development... Josephine's father was a devotee, semi-orthodox Jew; and having an 'open-mind' to things of learning, scholarliness and commitment... That was how, she came to terms with her life. A preclusion, no matter how large or grandiose, had befallen Josephine in innocence or naivete. In this predicate self-amassing, which went into foretold outer-illusion and forestalled, in enamorate-conspiracy. In what was a bequeath of imprinting. A deposition transmute, that was with so an actual, exacting; by parallel-peremptory. The allayed-acceptance of what might have been in an encapsulating and perdition of inordination. What should have seemed a solace and superlative perhaps, could have become a preponderance...

  What was probably, a 'paradox' of permission; that vantaged in a challenge and enamor of a 'choice'. Josephine often wondered what with an exception was the specific reason she was given a full-striving incentive... What was the thoughts behind the necessary infliction that could have been ordained, overtime? Was it an imposition or opposing, was there an unlet of cause, and confusion? Only the mystery of the past would know for sure. It was all enamorant somehow. Was it a simple-refute of the past, looking-forward to the 'future'? In all her investments, traits and contentions in life; she'd been quailed by the mentailty of a somewhat 'kosher' and indebted-mother and father... ...A calculative-regression and unknowing 'fallacy', by fault and blame. An impingent-assertion so filiamentatious; adorned and adopted, in an assail of cogent, and test. Her-life, which could have been bountifully, innocent, or an unblemished-resolution and restraint; which could not be untried.

  ...This parental-decision and heartful-distentions were active-tones through-out her life. But now she came to the realizatio
n that an adult-person with all her provenings, was still enjoined to testament of duty and determination. An inferring-of what was a 'counter-plexy' which was at its beginning was supported and congealed. An approach of self-discipline to act within the mentality of maturing, and mental-collusion of family=affirming and the refining for the future. A preagitated-venue, vocal, vibrancy and reverberation. And as a wonderment and 'joy' of childhood, could have been commute to perhaps, a lesser-fixation. But now, the premise of childhood being a remit of personification, and passion. She, in this preclusion had proved her-value of what overbaringly and in a prelude to self-virtuousness. The effortless cause to verge-ahead in talent, skill and art... The artist, and her-muse were a dogmatic insistence; inferiorated, out of possible-recession; and this, so much compounding making for a carthage of dreams, impressions and thoughts, merging-forward into time.

  What was a 'dream' beyond time and perception was there in, what was arranged in schemes and personal-scale. And a conciliation, constraint and correspondence that she fulfilled in its dependent-allegory. To fend for herself, and defend the 'acumen' of form and function. An archetype-privilege, that instill a proper-propitiation and procuring by its investment, the mind can uncover a certain mentality, in corroberated and a deepen-drive; that can chose to adhere to an activity can conspire and gain 'agility'... And now with all the perfective, artistic, life-long intelligence and commited educative-diligence she'd comply to the 'other-side' of mental-complicity... In an investment of divulgence beyond time, and beyond-existence. In the ideas of accomplish, recognition and reputation. Josephine, had reached a granted mid-point with care and consideration. Scaling by a story-influxed, and what had become fluent, she came to understand, how the inside and out of studies, learning and teachings, which were gained and vitalized. In a definite-impetus, which gains in virtue. And like much of development, one proves the value of what was exposed.

  By what was a sojourning by careful design and exacting-resignment... She was as other greatly, intelligent-people. She understood that maybe what was expanding-provocation and control; by seeing, with instinct and instance; the roots and roles of a learning subjugation... Like a intuitive prolapsis of purposeful-predication there was much to be achieved. A procorient-vigil, to prove and be exact and expunged... By what is a preamble of pro-conviction and perceiving. Now, the inert-vision of graduate, worker and artist, by which she found her-way. It had been a project of professive-purpose and identity; which refined and was in a focal, like no other time. And the grand romantic-identity of academics and deriving scale, and brought to a eveterate-scheme. But working-schemes, by which have careful guiding. ...From her engineer father, and his many conundrums; fascinated and fulfilled. He and all his calling, allowed Josephine to grow in mind and spirit, by which was personally endowed, and instilled; personal and subjective-expertise. She loved her father dearly, but she knew she had to go 'beyond' him; and use the many ascensions to reach for something that was all her own.

  And with this avaricious-understanding she advanced in-scope to find her own. In what came to be a story-of focality and scale; in a self-understanding. In what was a skilled providential, which was by all intensive-purposes adorned in a definition, imposition and confirming-talent. By what was a prevalent, personal mental-'wind', to traverse and avail in a perception and prosound. And so with the many expoundings and selfly, avail; she'd proven her directive-skill. As night became day, and Fall became the tenets of early-Winter Dawn, would come and the implicits of morning were revirtualized in a reality and recognition. The storms of another-world would give way to solemn, situated and certain-being. All-thought except for too daunting a memory; which would see the reanimation and vanishing of what existed over-night, in the being of sleep. And now the readmissions of a serial of time, trial and testament. Through-out her growing-years, she understood and perceived the many precedents of all her-life.

  But each underscored the premise of thought; which while asleep, had no limitations. In fact all consciousness grew astute; so did sleep, proved to be overwhelmingly, pervasive... Sleep and alertness were obstensibly, 'opposites'. The very energy, was juxtapositioned; to certainty and purpose. It was neither beguiling nor emotionally, provocative. It was more of a pattern of sated-'worthiness', weighing heavily on the prolicits of 'purpose' and compelling, in all she had knowledgeably, did. As morning came, and night dissipated; the rejuvenation reordered-themselves. She never really went into it, in detail. Probably, it became a 'virtue'-preceded, dulicity... There was much to the understanding of what and how one's most inner-detail that she had acted and attained. Perhaps as she learned as an innocent and perceptive-youth one's inner-visions were one's own... Although, she didn't know it but her parents realized she was superstitiously, touched. In all, a particularly, special individual. Jewish rules said they were beyond necessary 'rule'. But not knowing unconsciously, fulfilled her young role and was given the 'blessing' of her parents. Not all her kin, knew this or simply, scaufed-it off.

  So like a simple-genius with a good-heart and curing-mind; writing and literature, were a 'best harmonious'-perfection. It was not hard for Josephine to engineer her life. From the ignominious skills of self-talent to individual and auspicious, intelligence; at a rising academic-domination... It was as an accord, a professive-conjugation of terms. One done all alone; a veracitive, moment from which maturity and mentality, gained focus. A virtual and frugal-vantage that allowed a goal and purpose, through-out her life. But with planning her missive-terms, proved virtuous, and profound. A temptuous 'galantry' of fate and foundation, attained and adorned... And, with the advancing-achievement; an intention was resound and self-recompense, fulfilled in its endearing-goal...

  As the cool-morning glowed with a crescent-shaped sunrise the winds out of the Northwest and the icy-cool surfaces of the outdoors; the Brownstone's heat came-on. It was November 11, the coming Thanksgiving-season, was a time of celebration, family and togetherness. Many of her-friends and acquaintances would be having parties. Office-parties, invites and get-togethers would be occuring, soon... As most famous-celebs, she'd want to celebrate alone, or with friends. The cold-season, would mean 'snow', inclement travels and snowed-in days. A true provocating-time. But the better-individuals would come through, in living-color. Some came to be adorned with prodigious, social-in reverence. They functioned, with the 'best' of perserverences. Josephine was typically, one of them. The over-storyline, was one of overcoming and adventure. The mindset to beseech and avail, in-times of promise and courage... But now, as in any saga, she had to confront emosocial-'demons'. Ones of lament and a largesse, proving the understanding and acceptance of the proving-ground of personal-endeavors. Her compunction was always to be a deposit in the efficiency of self-terms.

  She achieved abundantly, and appointedly, in the very quantifying cultural-skills. In a past, she had withheld, memories of. Where the past had all but faded the self-origination had proven to be pronounced and prevailed. By what was an emotion of terms and suggestive-termity... The contentious-impressions, which became proflagrate and sullenly, contemptuous. The veritable-enterprising, eviterated by chances and personal-challenges; impacting and importing to what, for early-maturity, proved a cogent-interpretation and understanding. ...But as well-comprehending, well-understanding and well-sophistication she came to be understood. The prime-mover of of root-purposes and guising, which for sensibility and centrality; proved invaluable and ingenius; carefully were both circumspect and introspection, to all which appeared... Which became an perspective of vivid-espousing. The many enactions availed and ventured into, had become an accurate attempt to procure and proceed, in a factual and talent. By what was a thematica, which were pillars to the establishing of form and formative-elicitation.

  From the fulfillment of stat, to the framing of personal-scope and skill; by the fashion and design. By what was by any means confunctional and comp
oundingly, elaborate. The many terminances and chances, advanced and availed in helping to prove and relegate in concertion, and eventually, conviction of mentality, and motivation. And as the heating-a.c. warmed the house, Josephine was in the shower preparing for breakfast. She tended to take long hot showers and enjoyed bath-soaps of the expensive-variety. The bathroom smelled of Lavendar and Rose, with Coconut and Jasmine, she had many perfumes, oils, and soaps, shampoos, conditioners and lotions from some of the most-expensive boutiques and shops... In fact, Sarah went on Sprees for her, on fridays. She enjoyed the shopping aspects and acquired a sophistication to it all. Her adeptness grew from her mother's teaching her to be a 'proper' young-lady. Empowered by the insistence and insight of an employer who enjoyed and considered her a worthy worker. As they grew closer...

  The full-structure of her instruction congealed into being a person of indubitability. The vying and convoying; propelled and made for a performance in-magnitude. The critical-formation of established stature; and accomplished, merged and commited, to a human-vitality perfecting and making proving, essentialism; by what was a resounding, promulgation. In what was a precise-redemption of Art and Academia. In what was a provality, as student, and resourceful-excelling and atmost, self-absolvingly, assertive and associative to so professively, be profound... What began processed and established, in the proving diligence of work and pronouncing. All the exertion coming out of the 'blooming'-progressives, given and learned. There was an 'easiness', account and endeavor to her achievements. ...An inframing of vying and focus, for which person and character, conferred in an accountable proceival, were a reformative-vocal which was as provident, as a preditiousness... For a highly, intelligent mind; it became a practice in assession as a prime-order, in convergence. The many reservings that went into the apprisance of heart and soul.

  Her many lessons, so well consigned; proved in a learning, behaste; that ensemble the inertness in the programming of an educative context. A grasp and hold of a 'vision' and versatility. The arraigning-orifices by the vivid-visual, in students of thought. The cognition and deduction a framework and finitization; by the proexactual intellect proven and made providential. A ramification-reconfigurated, in an intent and understanding by; that began to 'build' in a true consolidation, in what was a resonation into a recombinant-form... By what was a precedential, awakening. Her education, skills, and talents were now fully-apparent. The many insistences, that were being attained, granted and proven. And the maturing-point of focus, was to comply and command; and was a forted-intuitive that was now in an answer, to the many derivings of conciliatory-concomitance. ...In her field, focus and framework; was imposed and interjected. The many sensing-faculties inferred through terse-and-tact. Proximated by time, tenure and testament by the profaction-'penitence' of self and subjugation. The arrow-speed of thinking, tangency and careful consolidated demeanings...

  The ardent and profiting-vision, which contoured into a reputative-mind. By what was enaction and motivation-incurred. The practice and preeminence come to be actual, proven and understood. She had an exemplary-skill and terminal-accomodate to ability, to use all that was an other-command to take full-utility and adeptness, to use. As she fully, realized this in the perpunctive and confunction of her adeptness and affirmative she came to the self-insight of 'who', 'what','when' and 'why' of its purpose and ultimate-proficiency... It was the murger and manifestation-of transition and transferrence; by which propriety and resound, proved a logical construction of ideas and images as an intent. The raising and building by what was her personal-project and prospect in growth and gain. A self-structure, formed and fabricated, in idea and motive. The formation by impression and instigating, inner-mapping. A fastidious plan to allot and allow, the pillar of individual expression of purpose and dimension. The objective and ordinal of innate encompassing. The self-design of virtue, vocation and a sophisticate self-validity.

  What for ill-certainty and illustrious-sentiment were followed and given fulfilling-instrumentality. As she was an acute and accurate-writers; she was esteemed and focused in all that came before... A devising, proven corporal, and empowering. The edges, encouraging and expectation final and vital. And this formed compelling was idealized and understood but also a sublime, in an interpretative incentive; by which for its long path and deep scheme; confirmed and commanded, composed a defining and determination-intrinsic and inceptionalized... A life long-crafting and refining, that was to be understood and prepared in an insistent and essential precedent; which could lead to an exacting amount of 'intensity', perfection and imminent, preparative-provision. What lead to a proffered, prevalence; attained, and in a personal-perfection and proctor. She followed the 'rule' and contention to be guided in an assertion to be both incentive and propagative-compound in a mode and magnitude, for which she came-out 'advanced', advisant and in adeptitude, in what was promise, 'pride' and potential-predition.

  That self-provision, in-depth understanding and self-advocative protocol, was an inside privilege. In which astuteness, could lead to its own-calling. The precursionary base and steps to progress and attempt in perservering 'clarity' and cause; given to pertain and perceive by one's advantage and availing that laid upon the redemption of the roots and rules of intent and understanding. This opportunity, prove that purpose and purport could be assounded and asserted by the careful convergence of self, and a consummation... As a 'fabric', 'focus' and as framework affirmed, formed and confirmed; in the many assessively, improved-attainings and entitlements. The voyage-by living and learning, procured and followed in its accountful-dimension. Josephine was a both, purposeful and proponent in-guising. She took a full-'extowal' to make the creative-base, bridge-work and building into being an 'effectivity'-procuring to be deemed, and designed; in what was as much 'acumen', and incentive instance. A instructive-production that are of a 'vocal', 'valence' and virtue; which made for an assuring, and insuring-competence.

  As famous, fortunate, focused-fortuity, and fortitudinal-facilitator that she found, formed and function-in duty and design. In an admirative, and enormity of spanse and espousal, by a presence and prevalent-'protocol'. In what was her today's manifest; in a beneficence, deriving and deliverance which compelled by a competence in an 'original', explication. In the many accedings, and virtues by which there was operative, and given-to an 'obliging'... What was admittedly, an 'arisal' of times into terms, impetus and impact by defining and division. As her-mind proved expediantly, exacting so it was the affective of development, deed and deriving. It was a maturing and understanding; what was an eventual-commmandment and empowerment. The many 'struts and beams' of growth, education, and maturity; that were both, an assigned and what had given to a self-envision that gave to a 'concrete'; to her-talent and sophistication. A 'portal' to be an instituent, and a 'proto-caste' of an engineered, expounded, and provided-expertise... Her work today, was ascendingly, vivid and instilling. A collective-protocol, adoptive and was 'actualized'. There had never been a reason, for a careless-complement or an endearing-complication. It was better to assail and adapt, it being of a pose and position, as by 'tale', and determination.

  ...To what had became an natural-'evoking', and practicing-devotion; intricate, and comprising; which was to be consolidated; by what was to become a consideration. A provocative in an entitling, and self-supplanting; to effectively, explicate 'price' and a conjugate-intention. So it, as a predicated-investing, as the work of 'perception', presence and practice; in the true versatility of a redeeming-practice, as a presentation of a voyaging in a conveying by her-ability. It had been both, a life and liturgical-lesson; providing-for and proving, in the definitive and decorum; perceived and prevailed-in vitalism and virtuality, very-well captured by design and demeaning... A travel, rised and struggled; positioned and scored, in a point-of-view, to progress and by personal-provision... It was a 'true story' of time, trial and triumph; propensive, in practicuum; an
d propounding, idealic and instrumental, endowed. It was a story of potential and price derived, dependent and devised-in servile-objective plot. The transcendental-traversing, instilling, and intellectual-program; and given to self-vocal potential; demonstrated-to be conversed, and learning as conversive...

  With the present-calling of a full-comprehensive; validated and valued; a compelling, competance was now fully-active, and in accordance. Being mentally, proficient and objectively-focused, in what was a formative-modality. The remittive-talent, and as enterprise, was in an abundant-recourse. As she composed-in knowing-knowledge-ratifier to a due-diligence; was actual and of articular-emphasis in what was an investment. In her contiguous-learning, skill, and talent; she became imposingly, structured. The delineate-design, from child to adult, was an institution of in-laying and scholarly, compiling, by intellectual ability.. From enamoring to articulation, and instilling-foster each were understood, and implied. It was an instinctual-intellect that revolve as resolved. An implication-stewarded and realized; made to be cognizant and complied; a surmounted-implicit strengthened and arisen by compunction and advising. That no one else could have a 'body', 'path' and propriety-emergent and artific. As the lessons-of-life and provisions, being as edifying, pervasive and personal. From the 'games' which taught rules to the test, which proved 'perfection' of the expression of talent, in refining-skill that tranced in culminating-of art, and intention.

  And so the dimensions and allowances, which were in the 'portents', admissions and images; the proverbial-intent, and instances; prevailed and were proven-to terms, complicit and as a comprehending; had formed 'brick and mortar' to the very human-imputations of burgeoning, a budding and commandment; of thought, theory and a technical... -As she ate breakfast, slowly at the kitchen-table thinking on the latest-entries, the day's agenda, and planning party-jumps with her closest-friends... What was her inner-compatibility to the issues and instances, at hand. It was again a lesson-of goals and engagements. The preparatory, presentation and prolog; to attempt, attain and advance in role and relegation... Josephine understood her-place in life; for objectives, and others to be completed. Her family, friends and fans needed her. ...And what had once, seemed an 'unknown' promise; became an accomodation of appointments. She could have liked being totally in-charge of her living-conditions and contentions; there was more excitement and encounter, being a valued-'entity' by others.

  She'd read as a youth, of many famous-people who became lauded-individuals; in caring for others and making strivings to venture into their hopes and dreams; and her guiding-stint in the proven-lessons of deliberation and attitude; to project others into the 'light' of a manifest-skillful-deliberation. An along-the-way, practicing and preaching, in a devotion to make others a bit more obliging, and effective. For a lesson, it proved quite-invaluable. The many distances, which were divulged and developed, was a 'hope-chest' full of purposes and proprietaries, advancing a bit of mankind and exploring the many frailties of one's fortune and framework. For a celebrity book-author, she welded a lot of authority, power and assurety; which she felt was not far from an instilling-'truth', in some ways in others she felt a purported-identity to be able to cross-lines of what was an intimate-redeeming. The toast was lightly, buttered with a dash of Cinnamon; the eggs were over-easy, and the turkey breakfast filet was well done with Pepper and Oregano. She was done by 8:30 am.

  Calls came-in by 7:45 am, and by the time she was to be reached, to have checked all the forms of correspondence that had 26-'hits'; which she would answer before her 10:30 am conference-meeting at the firm... The business was to announce the new-itinerary for the coming-year... It was 'investment-time', the Board and Trustees were to be given provisions in the coming-contract; it was an important time of year. And a holiday-season, it seemed everyone was into something. All the devoteeswere after their own terms and tidings... By a Limo, which had taken her around. She'd met with the incoming editorial-board and was eased into a conference hall-chair in the meeting arena. ...Her seat was along the aisle; where those of diligent-importance could be considerate, and imperative to their very competent-Heads... There was Paul Carson, CEO and assistant Chairman, hired two-years ago for a 'fresh' outlook on things... A former Securities lawyer, the firm had began to seek a better goal for the future. ...He was tall, blonde and had regular short-hair, wore Brookes Brothers suits, and on weekends played Polo and Golf. A very tender salary for the next six years... A line of eight-men sat on stage. Everyone knew them which meant they made their rounds, or their business was everyone's business...

  Josephine glanced around the arena, to spot new and old faces. She had a very good-memory and fact-check, competence. She was rarely, excited about the terms, given in life. Once having become an adoring-air, she learnt duty and devotion went beyond certainty and sophistication. And knew, she was more, concerned with touch-points then being 'touchy'. By twelve, the meeting was complete. The seven-member-panel, had went into detail and went-over the new concepts and goals of what the future would hold. From diligence to deliverance; all 821-members, had been exemplified. The managers, supervisors organization-Heads and the regeants, were discussing small-talk with their 'underlings'... But everyone was keying-in to the soon-to-be, holiday-season.

  The afternoon began as a brunch, discussion, planning, and scheduling with the girls... It was both an exciting and hardworking time of year. All four, loved each other dearly, they were close. But life for each, called them to personal-terms. Work, family and responsibilities had already prearranged their situations; obligated by differing instances and understandings. All being purported-into a concerted, intent. By the end of lunch, they decided that they would set aside one day to be together, before going their way until next year. From Winter in the Adirondacks to Christmas on the Florida Beach, each had plans and purposes to stand in for. There was no question, they were committed on all sides. Winsome, and work meant toll and tolerances; but also reunions, relaxing and reverence... Their-choices were theirs, all their own; and they loved-it. ...'Josephine, it seems we have times to 'share', and times to 'bare'...'See you, next year'...-All the girls in their selfly, stature-understood. They decided to take one of the girl's Limos home or back to work... They'd idealized their-work, and went fastidiously, on into their-life. By time of their next meeting, they'd be preparing to go-away, close-out duties, or tended to friends and family... By 9 pm, she'd be at home, tired and ready for bed. The 'cool-winds' blew through the city's Bowery. Street vendors were selling hot-food and outdoor-Cafes were serving seasonal meals...

  ...Sarah, would have a hot-dinner waiting with Wine to top-off the evening. It was all 'relative' and ratifying. Rumenating in course and pretext, was her growing-items, which was the fulcrum of being worker, ward, writer, and friend. She needed her mind to rest. It was a compensatory time. Being her own best-engineer, she understood which energy and intensity, was needed to define objectively; and operate her deeded consortium in development, and as in an exacting endeavor. ...It was an indigeneous-relationship...ordered by time and entreat of personal-privilege and perservering, that she was not alone-in. What was potentially, an elaborate consistency; as in New York, it stood for the social value of community, and incensed integrity; which was the way in New York City. As the days leading-'pomp' and circumstance, the spies of time and terms the New York culture put-on a 'show'. ...Macy's parade, or a Christmas decor at Tiffanies and many other logments and holiday liturgical-assumptions; she and friends alike-concertedly, communed, collected and celebrated, the seasons and sessions...

  Josephine spent most of her time on-holiday at home; enjoying the solitude, solace and solemn instillment... It was as many people of importance, they reveled in isolation or took-up loose ends of work, goals or tasks... There was no imperative, to do anything. But people of duty and consideration, were to be tended to on idealized-times and margins... But then there was the advantage of down
-time, opportunity and deriving. There were books on the subject. But also being human, one took to a renewing of old-ties. It was an 'Art', to the times of revelry and reverberation... Every one knew Josephine would be there if they needed her. What she would do was partially, up-in-the-air; and devotedly involved in her job. But she realized all 'work' and 'no play', was not a good thing. She thought maybe she'd read-up on a good-book, the newspaper, or advantage-taking, informative-reading from differing-sources... It would be a time-value, or an informative and educative-thing, by any terms.

  Then there would be a 'fun', revealing and reverent-text; to make new-openings to be revelled, being eye-opening, and provocative... Then there was crosswords, which her-intellect was enthralled by a time consuming-intent... The mind of Josephine Stein, was a wondrous-thing. ...It was always, working. An active-mentality, which with timing, and terms; usually, were obliged and objectified. It needed to work on what was consistent-terms. But a human 'higher-sense' had its way of finding ways to function and be-active... So Josephine either had to use it, or had things she wanted to do... If not, it would go off on a 'tangent'... Which tended to find a way of expression. So some importality, was in order. What she was subjugated to, was a structure-identity, that allowed a structuring. Before and after college, she understood the 'enactive mind'; that had to be potentially, kept 'sharp'. But also, was a play-on something intellectual; that would find its own-reverence. And over time her maturing, understood that one's subjective-reality needed an active-governing. ...Focus, maturity and fortuity, were to be given an 'exaction'.

  So as holidays, came and went, self-vying meant self-cause and incurring; which was a very serious, inner-sanctum. But by time she came to understand, and be instilled was in the 'deep-roots' of a sensing, self-civility. Which was the informative, 'high-art' of life and times. Celebration, was ultimately, what you made it. ...As the times and engagings, which with others and alone; one can find a 'mid-zone' for self and social-propagation. She followed that rule, and the many 'sensibilities' of self and other's situations that had been assized, and suited... But as a very indubitable-writer, on what was a dream-career job. Many people would want to be a famous-writer. ...And have their work adored and given devoted, admonishing. But with the event, essentially encompasses what one had to value in the self-virtue, of course and resolve. ...The years of worthiness, work and willingness had came to a venerate, self-centered revelation. The 'integrity', she'd matured and become experienced, and had proved relevant and reliable.

  ...A working-author, a competent-artist, and an ardent-celebrity she knew, had responsibillity and obligation that was like a 'science'. The many themes, availed and afforded-by operative and overt, obstensibility. So with the purpose and purport of timing, and age; which were still, glorified and wise-commitments. It was both, a learning joy and division... So the newly, consolidation; by idea and 'sport', were being proven by incensed-order, obligation-refound and refined. As she made her home-up for the season, listened on to holiday-lore on Musack; deriding, in parties, and preparing meals; for in and out-sowing and topping-off, late-night caps; with surprise or party-hopping friends, neighbors and acquaintances... It was a sublime-time of the year. A time to 'shift' focus and rely-on affirming-resolve. Snow, would fall, the city would be one-big-ornament. Everyone would be in a festive-mood. Gifts, gatherings, gratuity and graciousness would-be in the heart.

  And this-implication, concertion and its prolixity; was a granted-adjulation. The celebration of 'Thanks', the hope and joy of giving; and the announcement of the new-year; meant a jovial wonderment. Adults, would reunite, be appreciative, by what they had and now the thanks, and children; would enjoy the hope, 'joy' and wonder of innocence, and giving. And all this, was a private consummate-revelry of people, and place. New York, had been a place of 'majesty', and magnificence. On the order of popularity, place and propriety. It showed the diligent, and deliberation of others. Some made it, an 'art'. Friends at the firm, had made it a consummate-science... ...With early-decoration, meals-of extravagance; brought to the work-place. Fruits, nuts and cakes of all sorts, delivered from home... Drinks and Spirits, given-out to be tasted and drank, at leisure. ...Seasonal-fare, for all... A passionate-coordination of 'simplesse', largesse and deep-emoting. Men and women, employees and employers; charities and society, made for a vivid-instilling. There were books, magazines, papers, movies, plays and music all for this extremely, grand, time of year.

  As a conjectural-event and enlisting, a time exacted and instilled; the vocal of a interpersonal-function. As time of pertinences, and providences. The donations, deeds and devotions; which prefixed to the who and what, was an essential-prevalence. Along with personification and exoneration, that was the infective-commercialism of a 'cavalcade' of incentives. Being-in the business, Josephine understood and accepted; with a bit of chagrin, the importance of a business 'bottom-line'. From confunctional-'profit' to personal-promotion, which was by the ideas of everything; from books for gifts, to past book-tomes for repromotion; the Ad Department, 'adored' this time of year... She had already, be given the 'fill-in' attention; on all sorts of money-making chores; from presents for that special-someone, to all the subjection at deeding; and development of imminent-cause.

  In all, it made her wonder, and be in-wonder; of all the simple, and in a sophistication; which were dimensions of causes and conferrings. It was contentiously, as strategic as the college-arts and writing, which she never fully-realized. And the holiday and so on, that ever seemed to be inordinately, hopeful. But it all, seemed pervasive as persuasive; as the staunch propriety of working-writing... It was the 'sparing-guilts' of pars and proportions... It taught her a lesson, of warded-liberateness. The many facets and furtives, to being a proportion of, and applied... There was design, and delineation in purpose, and promise. In what was a perjugative-permutation. But after all-selling, buying and promotion were incensely, judicious and abjuring; that was as someone's plan for 'portent' purchase and monetary-'purport'. It was at that time, a well-thought out hyperbole; which was a transactional-inference... But 'minds' tended to reorder on their own reticular terms... It meant a cavalcade-of-commotions; for which was, all humanity, and humaneness. From the constituent compensation's utter, convolition... ...The 'thrill', and understanding of a profiting, and in an utter-essency.

  There was a story, to all the intricacies and availances; which in an incense, and forging; interate the challenges and 'chances'; by what should be allaying, and deep-understanding; or conviction, and duly-implication... What could have been a solemn time and devoted-deriving. ...There was a concertion, by which all celebratory, reverences instilled and inordinated by charter and chancing. But after the financial-assertion, and complicit; there were purposes and precepts, of good-ole fashion love, joy and hope... The childhood-tradition, life-long caring, and conferring instillment that had been carried-on for centuries... But today's resound, was in a 'novation', for today. Which has gone-on for two-thousand-years. ...By what was an admirable, 'certainty'. The investment in others proved and pervaded; being an adoption in being improved, and impacted; by diligence and devotion. And a solemn-endearing and devotion; understood, supported and supplanted. A comforting extolling, by gracious-tidings...

  And so the dynamism of the Calendar; and final casting off of New York holidays, it was a resounding time. A time of 'heritage' and heralding-assounded, asserted and demeaned in popular, private and personal-reclamation. It was a time of deep-feeling, and besides no other period does both to honor and hope seemed so 'dutiful'. Work, was still a part of wholesomeness. And thus, its a prevailing of 'voice' and vocality. Where people of importance could be dutiful in work and craft. One can be as intensed, as intentful. Although, the streets of New York city are filled with exoneratingly, expressive detail and decorum, up in the every-day high-rise; normal traffic, and utterly perpetual duty-men; work were 'everyday'-acti
vities. The 'institute' of hallowed-days, and revelry had been with New York since the great city arrived on this-shore... And the tradition of festival, founding and fortunateness have made for an 'astonishing'-display of deeding. The process had been as great as the 'promise'...

  And everyday life is still, deemed as assured, to carry on and be composed. The conciliation and conferring-'atuned' and obligated, by life's long-exceptions... A proverbial-incentive to be an avowal-of 'peace', and devotion; adapted and adorned to promise, past and pride; that would come to be a proven-time of a treatise. New York city's immense, perpetuity has overtly been carried to the four-corners of the world... And its patronism, and availance-by reverence and resolute-recognition; ascented, assailed and accomodated in all that that implied. And thus, the subsequent-ageal has always been the 'cause' and concertation, of the ordinal and opus to be comforted... As any modern-city by the due-diligence, conferred and configurated; was in time, and personal-entreat... The pervasive-attitudes and acceptances, in an assimilated-abundance; to be assured, and by of an avowal. The great-pronouncement of the city, to be a season-of revival is as well by a long-vision innate. The pride and invoice, in time and place; and the presiding and preeminence, being an encoda of the city. State, stature and story-evinced; by the 'many' and the 'few', over-time.

  She was in that tradition and trade a vivid concordance endowed to its citizens, and prosounding in equal sentiment and saga. In what was an instilling-'inspiration', provided and proven. As the time of occupancy, residing and as stating-stature involved and availed in an intent and as an incentive over time. A precious proponence that prevailed in-promise and pride. A residential-convocation, adopted and adorned, to status and standard-by what was an essential-actuality that was as much of a residing. A proportionately, promulgation conjected, and aspised. It was a 'root' of insular, but abregative, in an intention and obligation, by which the sum of its 'parts' were greater than its 'whole'... An omnibus of perfusion and benefaction. An overlayed-skill and scope, to proceed and profess. A commendation-of a 'providence', of ploy and personification. An 'idiomatic'-illustriousness and convocation, by which 'pride' and purpose, are in a summation. By what could be seen as obstrucation and opportunity, in its many facets, times and places...

  Over the contests and construcations, which have become infused in a residing, redemption and consensus-avocation. The public-laws, and private-incentive pervaded and prospered in context, device and development. An abjuring-injection becoming converging and conviction, in an all-total of 'trials' and diversity... Fall into Winter would again, be marked by all the sardonic of fortune, and fate... The time-passages transformed a city, state and country; and the harshness, depths and deprivations; which became times of excellence, inception and overcoming; paralleled by few others. As the world's cultures answered and developed, a recourse was stood and was projected, in-time and in an evading constituent and institutional. On into arduous and fertile-assonance among a culture and its people. A perversity, by what the many causes and callings, repeat-addendum to a people... The heavy rains of the East-coast, the clouds; and then ice and snow, the indubitable Nor'easters which tended to devastate and had to be prepared for. The many human sagas of persevering and persistence-eventuated and prevailed.

  But what everyone knew would pass, and the plight, pretension and display; would again, be pressed-on and through... Through-all the caveats of time, insinuation and place; each was used as a 'social' and 'individual'-template; invested and brought to embroach, the interconnectedness of people, places and times. An ever-precariousness of idea-ventures... By which proving a redeeming overcoming, for which 'price' had been proven-worthy. Josephine's dreams, would appear; along with its imposing-'manifest'. A deposited-convergence and conveying; ported to an operative-contesting of a fullness, and time... The great-construct of ideas, pendulum by order and in context of the mind. A 'wavelength'-broadcast of the re-engineering thought, and senses... A protagonist-profundity, eased-into by night and expounded-by inductive, mental-activity. ...By what could have being-redemptive-convective, against any-time, or place. The imagining-contention of an 'Aragonic'-conferring, Josephine, wasn't going to let get away... ...From the practice-of dissertation; to the prognosing by an impassioned contention; it, was all to be taken advantage-of between thought and prethought, and allowed herself to be dictated.

  She got comfortable, let the unconscious fully-blossom and instill itself; by the veritable-precepts of a mind. She'd read books about dreams and dreamers; on thoughts and thinking, transes and theories, on creativity, and images... ...On the intensity-of the art of forte and focus; vintage and venturing, into what was a verging-vocal. ...A promissory-avenue, and its advantages brought into a preliminary-representative of voiding and placate-times. The work of night and day continued. As the dawns became over-cast, the rains became 'icy' and the city fell into deep-inclement... ...As the 'atoms' of people, city and home withstood the dimensions of weather's passage; and an acclimation; a 'yaw' of a continuum prognosed and in a new re-solidification... ...Festivities came and went as aspects and properties-availed and reconstituted, and a transferring of deed and consideration advanced, accounted and assailed-as workers worked, and dreamers dreamed... There terra nova-ingenue being processed-in... As the dark-night blew-clouds in a coiffered-contention and as the night-air swirled in innate-ill-redeeming.

  ...November's Thanksgiving was again, one of the times of enigmatic-bestowal, prospering and a profiting-time. There were attributes and availing from which cared-for and loved-ones, again, consented in renewed-times. An affective-deeming and demeaning from sensation, sentiment and subjective-all was met with transaction and extolling... What was a judgment and justice to deriving and determinate causes concurring, and coming to causation to the times, and its terms... The coming-'dormancy' in weather and warrant proved to be enacting and concurring, by definition. ...A dispersion-edict and insurrection, repletion-devoted and comported. The venue-terms and talents of attrition and intricacies proven as an additional ad hoc within its time. With a 'duly', extemporaneousness-inferring in a frivolity of times and patience, by the intricacy of the exceptional as a totality-of journeying and juncture... A conflict to call and be called, by the 'context' and conveying conducive to proliferation as by instance and instilling...

  By what was the many terms, and treatises; for which dynamics and genial-'uniformity' were precursored and in deferring was defining and conforming; in a decidual to a certain-afformative. ...In what was the deciminal-logic in which was impetuated, by that log, literal and elocutionary; to the 'Bona Ventures' of an inferring and thought. ...Great people do great things from the professive, convent of timing and terms...extrapolated to ordinately, extent and overture... An incurring and order contributing to a 'tenet' and ordinant-propragative-convention and conversion... What was an inversion of a transcordant-evolution... And thus the many gests and jubilations were ired and ironed into a true-form. From all the proportments, ageals and influences to the causes and character-known by the constituted City, affixed and instilled... By the pride, and price substantiated by a people, a time and celebrated-actuated and anointed to all. Many people have come to be affected and be granted; by an affluence presided, projected and preseminated in accord, accountability and in an accounting.

  The many significant conversions, adequate and aplombed, to personal social-partaking... Though, preeminent and prehesitant, provident and conveying; being present and popularly, improvising-self in all the roots as well as the living-corpus of individual proctored-apprising. It was an locale institution-of which most took part. From Brooklyn to Manhattan to Queens and beyond, New York City was a pictorial of imminent places. Josephine was both a child and self-charter upon the many 'horizons' of cultural and pretext. She enjoyed every bit of it... And within both vision and envisage, she and the society she had gravated to prove worthy and invaluable. An imported-pretens
e for many areas of choice and chosenness. Therefore, an evident-sentiment was inevitably, realized. The many essencies, assizing and articulating, were reproved and proved to be it; the self-promising, amd self-comprising... A fantastic-dream within a dream, that which the many forged, a basis for all. It was a residential make-up, culminated and congealed over time, as a socio-personal instilling...

  So 'providence' as a worker, citizen, occupant and resider; had confluenced into a complete-progenitor. Josephine became an immaculate-resolver, practiced and pretexted-in, over tasks, treatises and terms, transitioned overtime... Truly, reveling in most perspectives of contentions, conditions and motivationals in a complying. She was someone to be proud, and she was proud of her locale. New York City, was a 'pie' to be eaten 'meaty'-slice after slice... And the unique-fullness of interactions, involvements and intrinsics; was by postulation, rationale and reasonable, by ideas and ideolotry. By what made one's existence 'affable', and oracling in an affectatiousness. Like many intelligent-aspirers, she added, in the self-context and contingents; to experience all the personal-expectancies; made over a life of posturing and academic-pluralisms... The private-prevailing exposed-in life and living; complied and learnedly, gained and put in place. A personal compliment that now, was the institute of the social-reasons and ratifiers, for which reliance, romanticism and regency were putforth and given promotion, over-time. A creta-cultural, amalgam given reprise and composure, in the everyday effort of time and convinced-conviction.

  ...The theoried-choices of convening, convergence and advocation-essence to trial, trenchant and travail, for which in terms allowed the building of care, compunction and character. Josephine's life, as many, was a recluse, it seemed a devotionist tended to concentrate on work and Art, too much to a perfectionism, skill, as enigmatic-scope. A certain-sophistication, allowing to context and proven in self-exacting success and perfection. A cycle of place and energeticism, calculative and committed to. The instance of virtuoso-interpretude focused and fabricated by commandment, commisseuration and self-concision... The inspiration and adaptation were infectiously, lead to transforming and focal-transmutation, intensive and ideatific. As much a place about self-centeredness as certain, self-expression in a place to be loved. So as aspiration, as inspiration, was a homage that had been successfully, acknowledged.

  A proving and providing provocation to be established and be evocative. It was an urban-adventure and social-study that was to be endeavored. The many touch-points concertions and lessons were both venturous and avant guarde; in learning, and instilling... From the definition of allure and attaining, to the division of self-vocation ad consigning; which were always a redeeming and self-redimension. The relevant regency and assertive auspice evolved and became an insistence of utter-'cote' and consideration. From the provident 'rich', to entailing socially, wealthy; to the placating-native and all those in interstition which adoptively, fall-between, it was consummate popular-convocation. Whether what time of year, to what fashion-season to the insense and entertainment of Broadway, Media or other implements or encalcations that were all-native, and noted.

  An Arabesque, calculative commensed, and a conquest-engineered; and energized by all circumstances which vied for being a local-resolve. It, being as enterprise and effort, decided and resided-over in the New York City coda... She would enjoy the many coelesces of the City; and further take part in reverence, resolve and restitution; she and they, were now a part of it, all. It was a reputation of absolve, by all who lived there. The reliance and revolving, were terms of scope and scheme-pronounced and presided over. By profit and purpose the consistence move-on. From the self-vocation, virtue and veneration it was her story, from what was the design-of times and trials... The effect as well as the effort, was a romantic, resourced and resident, order of things. A formal prelaying of individual; imminent and impacting-orient for which set itself within personal, civil-terms. The original oracled and oriented by which people and purpose were set into their own.

  It was a life-long commandment by which the turn-out of a life to the eventual outcome of certain self-propriety. Everyone reached their own level of logment-entitled and implicated. On her own, a former New Jersey-native and an authentic and famous intellectual, she'd reached her own best 'altitude'. And now she was enjoying it, with work and all. As a certain-relevance, instilled and exonerated. Her own veracity, was as many contended and cordial, and with the new turn of time; a further refining fundament implicit and installed. By the third-week of November, she had special-appointments, meals and parties set for the giving of 'thanks'. It was a status quo, conundrum; one of trials, tradition and careful tredation. Though, she knew what to do, how to do it and what to expect as when as a child, uptil reaching to today; the reverence and reality of her present social-calling; one understood the rules, recipes and representation; which had to be carried-out.

  A Cornucopia in recompense and recourse, which was avowed, envisioned and evaded; through out this grand-season. There were memories, mementos and mergerings which instilled new-traditions. The young, old and intentional, are met with expectation expedition and eventual, resolving-experience. She, and many friends like her, understood and were committed to a conferring; by what was the duty and zeal of cause and unselfly, core. A brand new novel and innovation come into new terms and times. An adamant cause and declaration in inviting, skills and apt options. It was a personifying time of year. But like most party collaberators, one to be taken in stride, or with virtualizing. In any case, self-preparation had the 'best' agiled-addendum. It was quite the advocative, personalized and by propensity. An attitude and adjulation from this time till the coming, commence of a new year; when everything resumed in the work which continued-on, unabated. Josephine could have sold-out and paid for everything from catering to decoration to concerto music; which would have possibly, made a dent in her personal advanced bank account.

  But Josephine was an astute worker in all she did. Her motivation worked like her mind. But like reverent reality, everything didn't turn-out, as it seemed. So with much courage as concertion she, and the many who knew her, went assertively and subsequently, on. It was like the throtting for a personal 'masterpiece'; for which each engaged, endowed, endeared, and endured, complacently, on. There was more to duty and exchange. By 6 pm, on the third Monday in the month Josephine was in bed after a hard-day of prepping and a long month of manifested-motifs. But artists of all kinds were creative in form as any. In what was a purported-instance and energy. So by what was a conveying intense intention, for which Josephine had an exacting incentive. By what was a process of purpose and prodition... Like the careful prized and price-production, propriety and prosounded upon in what was by times and testament.

  She was tired and exhausted, if anything the partying was to be reverberate and worthwhile. An image of small residing demographics ideal and incensed. In what was a profess and integer, by which the experience would be vied for expression. In what could be an actuated convening proven worthy, will-some and profound perfective. The enjoying of one's content and cause to refined 'anthem', given in a great extent and obviously, what was extenuously, expounded. Josephine fell into a deep place, was in settled slumber. After consciousness the world slide-away like 'walls' of sight and impression. Falling like a stain-glass vivid window pictorial in to non-existence. The room in which she'd layed-down fell from its presence, and beyond a luming-sense. An imperical assigning and illusion, and a new allusion in nonelusion presented-itself. A particular mental-exaction pressed into full and vibrant impression. It was the fullness of vision vibrance of all senses and the comprising of responding thought now sat in fictionality.

  A 'magnus' of expression and expursion that was a presence from made relevant and remuneration objective and almost 'ideal'. The post-moments of tireness has driven any instants away. And insodoing she breathed deeper and determinately, in ultimate virtual. Her eyes w
ent from her 'brown' of life to bright lightning-blue. Her brown-hair was a deep-dark black. Her once tired limbs were stilled with a fantastic collusive energy. A grand impathic, was almost 'virile' and supra-commanding. Like an incredible stage-set, only her perceiving and conceiving-brain had a portal beyond her own private capability. She was once within sleep on a grand-bed in the central-bedroom was now in an aberration advanced in new-dimensions. A medical-'doctor', who like in a virtually, composed complexity; verged into a prevailing, other-conceiving. An 'inter-stellar'-like condensation; vortexed into a mentalized essence. She always, thought her-mind was of due-diligent; but this was beyond any normal, 'creativity'. ...An enormously, effective and detailed-affluence, recreated and affixed; from a 'portal', out-distanced by time and space. The finite-reclusion 'dynamic', descriptive and dimensional...

  ...An outer-spatial recision, impelling and devised; in a 'odyssey', placed within a single-individual. Expansive and dichotic, from earth, 2012. A bounding-befittedness, from which caption was bestowed upon one within idea, and intricacy. By a prelayed oblivious, certaintied-law; from with-out, a longing and liberateness, which was a 'dream' and 'destiny'. She peered-out onto a realm, in its own significance and sophistication... The impactive-world, was in itself; a redeeming-'context', existing-on its 'only', imposing; compactive and vividness... ...A composed-'conduit' of a world, unhendered or beholding; a world, from which she couldn't be sure; in a 'moment' and emergence, could be defined... She'd read books on all sorts of focus delineated, thoughts; versive and virtual, and in implying-exaction; from which a joining of heaven and earth came into vitalness. How, was it so? All the tomes of experience. and order; proliferated, in a minuity; if in a 'proctor', of the slight-area of the physical-ester.

  By what was an elaborate-understanding. A person, 'being' and spirit-consolidating in succinct price and prelimination. A conciliate, concourse-verged and pretexted; by force, and fixative. Like the direness of authors, like H.G. Wells or J.R.R. Tolkien; it was another-world, was it the same as theirs? Was there a 'portal' that was resoluting-out of the powerful processes-of a inward-presemination; by a 'network', diverse; in what was an 'oding'-insense and implant? ...This possibly could be the 'refacilitator' from mind to body, and beyond; in what could be the 'bowels' and afface of another mental-individualized, modification... An idea and 'essence', a vast-product of 'precis', and processed-prognostication; transpositioned into what was another conveying-cognition; were 'great-brains' alike; did they travel between planes? With all her-deliberations, astute, perceptive and determinately, refining has always been placed in the 'decision' of logic, and expanding; upon in the 'motis' of bibliographical-atonement. The many centuries-old propoundings-of an astounding; that was potent and provisionally, in an expressive, edification and cost, was made a creator, and even grander. Where and how, hopes and dreams, were made 'real' and intentfully, relative.

  By an order-'orifice', of an unseen-time and space. She, as a discerner of these text, in the present-age could be divided and subdivided in the 'artifice', of a past and 'person'... As she acted within the processive of a different-world and being grasped by the edifying lacunic-of here and now... The infinite-order and guidances, created across many differing worlds that forged made fidelities and focuses, into an ordination that a plot, premise and procession were in the contacts of residual-reticence and voyaging admissive-commission. In the exposition of contraction, if thought and perception transponded and evulsed in the 'stamina' of an apposed and cognitive-deduction. These men and women-enabled by chance and exoneration against the continent of what was the prefix of all that was once the privilege and propriety, by what was era and essence... By a 'choice' of events and derivations; for which no two could share, or be held-back from. ...A largesse of 'elongation', in the Arts; both portrayed, and made-in perfection.

  By what was a plural-propitiation ardently, conversive; and in certain-terms, a psychic-voyage of human-time and space. The great tell-tale academy, studies, Arts and philosophical-standards in what was of invaluable-attaining and understanding; the great 'Principia' of age and culture; which expounding to become human-achievements. The broadest-scheme and scope, to be defined; by expressive, exposition by which mortal-empowerment was able to compound, represent and have a mortal-motivation. ...A virtuous refining-'void'; and have bode to serve and sophisticate, mankind. From what was an intricate; to the employingly, explicate in what was a 'trans-atom' of a determination and composed-objective, and order. The proposal, and proponent-incentive and ideal; to have a prolicit, expansion and congealing-explorative. The facilitatively, entailing to adjust and refine. ...As the wild-'winds' blew across the 'impactual'-sum, the golden-'ore' expressed in a power of its 'zenith'. In what was the gross-'gravity', in what was a potency and compact. Of the 'virtouso'-expulgation of an exacting-pride by what was a personal-'precis', and propagation... In all she saw, in its grand-intensity; she came to conceive that it was a individual-'universe'.

  ...The black flaxen hair, with her exonerating-gown in as some sort of 'entity', in the purity and uniformity into what was an intensiveness, and task. She'd seen it before, in what was a professive-'regency'; purolatored, by a perceived, aspect and its compounding. A considerate-conviction of that which was 'ideocratic' and expending... An 'amenity' and 'core', in which adverse-terms agealed and were made able by presence, pretense and 'price'. The red/orange and green sun-orb, pressed-in with a deeper-'glow', as a cinnea-color causing a 'wicked'-rain down-pour. The 'darkest' in back-setting, with a navy-blue/grey and white-admix... Then, as the nature of an unearthly, place; which could never have been 'conceived', expressed its presence to a 'native-creature'. As the sun emulsed the native 'winged'-creatures adopting to what was the 'entity', flew-in and out of the digest and delved-into its deep-intrinsic.

  ...A privileged-vocality, presenced and in an intensity; a prior-allaying by which a deliberate-delicacy was to invade, and be of a natural-devoid. A comprising and partaking by Josephine, and were she now was edificed. To her, was the preliminal natural-law for which her mind-ascribed; was being fully, cognizant. ...A possessive, and predication-agiled and confessively, enthralled... ...And the composed-concession to be in what was an 'ordinal'. As other-relatives and realizations were acted upon and reacted to; on their own, she carried-on as one of its beings. Across the tenuatives, themes and terms she behaved as what was an innate-conducive to its forma... Her skin, unlike on earth, was a bright and brilliantly, Toupe. She was probably over six-foot tall. ...And was otherwise like a human-being. The air and textures, were quite extensive and exquisite. An exposing were designing, deeming and dimensions as of one within which would not be slept upon. Perhaps, 'sleep' was still another consciousness. For now, she existed as these and was familiar with this territory.

  ...In what could be an 'infinite'-deliberation. An inviting-invasion into an alter-realm, deliberate and digest; in the scope and scale, presided-over and in a provision, defining and delved-into, revealing and refining by a revisional... By what was of an effective-defective. ...A processive-consolidation that ran with a consigning, in an 'essential' explorability... ...A virtual-enticing, being a 'virtual' and vivid by what was an essenced and exonerated, in an owning-concession... An incipid-convention imposed and implicated; by what was a convective, placatude that was converging and convincing. Josephine, had a vitalized-brain one beyond most others. Over the years, of subconscious and subjective, was coming to be derived and devised, imminent and imperative. In the deep and vast dream-world, the proctored and powered-entities and entitlements, incurred and essentially, explicit... A personal-exploration posed in resonate-incorporation; and the precept of a profound-commiseration she was in, all this.

  As certain and assured, she possessed a technical-ability and potential; she had vivified a conceptual of what was the unconscious visual-resolution; sensuous, sensing-sensation and having an affectively, perservering-c
apacity... That through-out what was a reactive-recollection, she went interpretatively, on. Like a prerelated in a-vigil and vital, mental-stance and structure of mentality to man-kind. ...A leading vision, intention and focus to conceive of a certified-elaborateness. In this availing-extense and complexity the private elated-compounding, excoriation; deliberated and defined; the decorum and dichotomies of theater and thought. ...Beyond testament and terms for her, a vortexical-transvective; being in thought, was as prestigious as an 'alien', or 'astronaut'; but she recognized thought and proprietary thinking were two-sides of a virtual-'coin'. A propelling and confiding, which upon awakening, were gone.

  ...It was friday. The broad-spectrum picture and sensing became wall, bed, building and earthly, sunshine. The clouds were flowing across the morning sky as the sun broke through as Josephine went to get ready for the day. A fortuned dormancy, had now past. A conceptive portal had rescinded into irreality. And the new premise of time, tentative and terminal-existed once more. November's cold-cool proxy pre-emanated. And what lay ahead on earth in New York City on the east-central side, in a Brownstone Ms. Stein carried on. She prepared, readied and was centered on design, purpose and creativity. She was as a young-single writer who had a goal and dedication she was committed to. Her oriented-world carried-on in resilience and rectification. By 8 am, she began her goals for the fast upcoming holidays. Her participants would not be disappointed. And the festiveness, would be proven once more...

  While all this went-on, she'd manage to put out several chapters to the book set for release in the Spring. This was the 'poly-caudal' realization of her art and craft... She went from station to station, by acquaintances; continuing to fulfill the guests-list and being a host throught-out... Each one proved and was provided for in acceptance and obligation incited, expanded and excited; in relevance, and reliance of relative, to Josephine's skillful relationary reverances. She was an enacted-'dynamo' of decency and decorum pressing and prideful in her cordiality and kindness. She made for a quintessential-celebrator of the creative-innovation. From the idiom of range and choice to the provisions and privilege of social, personal and sentimental processive-attitude... She knew what was her implicit, arduation. As the compatibility of challenge and chartering, from which self-virtuality was reaching its provocative 'spoils', in a commitment and concise-consistence.

  So the considerate personal-celebration and carthage was pronounced, and prevailed... It was a discipline job, but resigned-expertise and consigning had something to do with it. In what came to be over a life-time and treatise-tenuative. Something more than subjective, and the critical-artism by which neant learned, understood, and engineered. The wreaths of autumn with its gold, red and brown the place settings which symbolize 'harvest', homage and unity. The great and grand emblems of art place around the tables, gifts and food-trays. And the many the accords expressive of the celebrative arts... The culinary cuisine of turkey with all the trimmings of pies, desserts and other fancy edibles truly to be enjoyed by all... A resounding passion of holiday honorary proven and surpassed for all who had taken part. Then, there was the guest duties providing the levels of auspicion over the new Thanksgiving season, transport, partying, dinner and after-dinner rewards. Everyone from senior to toddler was to be gratified in the experience.

  By what was not her explicative, but a rewarding time, because of her. A grand event to be taken part-in. A coveted-event, made possible by revering, worthy and well-suited to the deeds of a denisonship. Her many companions were all excited by the friendly, entourage and expression. It was a relevant event and ploy; that went in for the enjoyment and revelry of many others... It was a private-expressions of 'prosperity' that hopefully, went beyond toll or toil. A covenant-role that was probably, expounded-upon across America... Seeing how she had celebrity-status, perhaps she'd be written-up in a publication, or mentioned by many in the media. Her agent had a way of keeping the 'hush-hush', and exposing her 'best-side', at her-request. Yet publicity had began to get old with the passing of Erma Bombeck... She had become, more of an elusion cordially, seen only within the 'popular' and wealthy-world. Yet what was still 'wonderful', was the incentive to convey and convoke, among friends. And in what were the instituent-instillments, in which were 'hard and fast'-relegations of all who'd come to be commonly impetuated-by festivities, family, and friends...

  November, would be a convocative-venture, and working-fantasy of a partuition of times and treatable-temerity; and the commanding-confess of scale, scheme amd scope... What became a scaling, scintillating-craft of space and time. Everyone recognized the 'unidyne' dimensional of which they were to be taken part. The Stein swarre' was, in close-circles, was something to be a 'part'. ...An impactual-declaration by which the portrayer and projector, could once again explore the penants of her metal, and Art form. Over the years, the personifying 'coute' of familiars; who'd have close artful relations could see or be shown, the better designs, freewheel, and rewards. In what could have been an indomitable-will of 'self' and sating... Many recognized-art and culture was an incredible and adamant-spirits. That with proper-involvement it was an ingratiating-'price' to pay.

  By what was a 'virtue' of cordial admitants. A private-prize, to be engaged and efforting, with guests. In what was a premise and promise of one's intrinsic effect. Josephine had apealed to the popular, for friends in a long time and age.. Though in childhood, she had gained and certain significance from her mother and father; as teachers and entertainers. Yet her promotive-side came with the joys of being a successful 'generation' of art and artist. With the great-mastery of style, growing out of self-illumination. In what in talent and toll became an incentive, and individual-investment. A succinctly, propelled-propriety advening, and advantaged... In what was a proper prodition... As the art of her book became the investing and infective, virtual and vision; her talent and craft advent beyond the page and population. She began to both, 'promote' and expound on all her-ideas and interests... A self-dedicated fidelity in what was the ascended and expanded, with age. As to what was an impressarious convocation. By the tests and trials-of time and self-vestiture of work and well. In what was the affective-of fruition; against excursionary futility.. For all Josephine came to grow, and understand; 'will' of self-commitment, came to be a certain-ratification.

  Craft and competance, always seemed to be a self-perfective, reticence; and reliance. She grew to be objective; in a muse, 'solidified' in stoke and story-proven, private and professed... And as she-matured, the many creative and artistic-venues to her life, grew and advanced, to being a person. ...Who was 'created' and criticalized, all that confessed to life and times. ...By day's end, she had the basics of a party-list and schedules in with a self-tentative guests-list of friends, family and acquaintances; their names and whereabouts. It was like a crossword-puzzle; finding, determining, and mapping the many guests... She enjoyed it, with relish. With all the perplexities, obstacles and obligations she had to be 'on-her-toes'. An emanative-project, to be devoted and devised... ...An implicative, self-civil vision, and to being supervising. It was both, an art and a 'science'; but much more, a dedication... As much as the special-tributes of honorable days, eventful times and solemn-solace. Josephine knew these, as socio-morality; were in times of trust... She realized, that friends and fortune-tributes, didn't come often. In all the allied, books since the Bible and beyond the essence of civil-reliance; there were the assertive-comports, of dimensions and redeemings...

  Like many of those taught and learned in social-competence, as to take human derivement and duty in social-relatives; then asserted the assumption that all people must be solemn-revelers of all 'human-kind'. ...In what as an human experiences all people should see the necessity for homage and 'holiness' of their fellow-man... And that, with every specialized yearly, celebration... ...Emotional and emanative are the visions and voices in the holy-aspirations, were times of immense holy
-inspirational-creativity. Many of Josephine favorite artists were true to the form, due to that 'deeded'-spirituality. ...By what was a deep-impressionism, a devout-devotion. But as assertive and assured self-investment was the intrinsic-benefit of the virtues of love, honor, friendship and devotion-of honesty and earnesty.

  ...Such a devotion, by design, was the energy and incentive to effectively, express and explore; the designs of self, and others. Getting-home Friday, she was very excited. By 6 pm that night, she was exhausted; many of her plans and schedules, were set in-time, the role of her guidance proved effective and availing. A self-commited guide to make-sure others enjoyed times, friends and family would be revealed in process and pretext, unveiled; to be sure others had a good-time. ...And that others, enjoyed the pretense of the season... ...By the Thanksgiving holiday, when the holiday-allowed others to revel and relax-in acceptance and understanding... She was able to capture the diligence and 'joy' of a solemn-time of year... Bringing others together and making jubilation and 'jewels', of personal coveting and scope... It was an entertaining 'enlistment' of ideas, images and a 'holy-passion'. In what was of a prevalence and conviction; incensed and a prevalent-covetousness.

  ...An impart and exposition, given proving-expression and defining-of an explicative. Josephine both to came realized all the friends and family; as she remembered those she grew-up with. The private-implication of self and living-devising, and the concise and careful, impressions and impositions that became what were personal-provisions and moving-'imagery', and imagination... For which she was to being devoted, discourse and soulful-sanctimoniousness that came to be established in her-life. And so the 'magic' of so much moving-'manifest' which had come into being a pronouncement over-time. In what came to be a context-of ovation, oracle and origination. As many very empathic-artist, one could reflect on all the brilliant and great-designs; the mortal and imaginative of somberance, by which many are moved to their own meaningfulness. A posterous conferrence that moves and motivates one to reflection, honor and times.

  Josephine had always been one to use the 'prothesis'-motivation and exception-in art and edifice... That was one of the reasons she moved to New York. There was no greater-city, to be an 'iconic'-collaberation. From a 'magnus' of the many venues to the many impressions, ideas and intrinsics. ...You didn't stay up all-night for nothing. And the social, popular and grand magnitude was often let to emerge and express with the 'focal' of virtue -and 'vocality'. And so as she adopted her hometown with wealthy-worthiness and reward; she came to be a favorite to be an 'imaginative' impart. And so on deriving and division, her life was shared with all who came to know, and be acquaintances, with her. In the idea and 'inception', as she'd extolled and in an execution, exonerated... Exemplified by order and essence of what is, and was, the 'joys' of a civil-'sanctity'. Proven by exaction and exception, of convocational-discipline and 'duty'; for which creativity was the offered affection, of one who had been evinced by.

  So as the display, devising and determination; confirmed and confessed of a defining, contention-professed of a original-artist; an artistic self-justification. Imparted, as impacting; the self-convincing comport, for which human extent, was followed and guided; by a devotion and determination; by which human-lament proved-on a large-scale. A self-evocative, by which a defining-justification was invocation of order and style; proven by the 'heart' and mind-of a devotion and choice. What for an overtured-expressive was implied among people. An 'intact-energy' to forge, and fulfill as a creator, extender and vocalist... In all her attainments and accents she'd ramified and ratified in a deeper-understanding of culture and human-condition. Relegations, realities, and resolved over time and trade, allowed for a certain-nascence of human-expression. She discovered the deep-lesson and rule to care for others in instillment and reverence.

  So with the native-conversion and an innate-skill, she was able to congeal and conjure-up in a providence of will and understanding. Like youth, she came to seal and utilize a 'vivid'-sentiment of 'soul', and a sublime... Her childhood and onward were times of voyance and venture, an immaculance of soul and sentiment; adjulated and influenced-by convoking and conveying they acted in the strength and character of personal and social-adulation, succinct and functional. So as the ornate-decorations, refined-foods, and very exquisite decor was mounted, affixed and inset all the guests came and reveled in the meal. There were 157 planned-people who would enjoy the parties means, dinners and entertainment... In what was an envelope of propriety and partaking. The many project-entities would be expressed and brought into being,an eminence. Thanksgiving was a ploy and joy to behold. Everyone from her friends at work, who engender toll and work and attended to her tasks; to close-friends who enjoyed her company and personal-concerns. She made sure and implied a 'civil-digest' to others in relation to her-needs and hopes.

  It had become an alluding of self-incentive. ...A capricious-science which both availed and unveiled the riches of discipline and devotion, of a time and strivance. In what became a proving context of attempt, adjulation and accomplishment; and the assounding-goal and of a bequest-gravity. So she marveled, and was content. There were many Bible verses to which the lessons of the seasons; from Autumn to Spring, yet not 'one' was untrue nor noncommitant. She read many authentic versed-books, which instilled sociomoral meaning yet all was valuable and meaningful. Many times she realized the many factors of one's personal values, but in the major-understanding; one-knew a fulfillment was a transposing of a self-realized, virtue...

  The careful planning, which probably went back centuries, and the signate of the Bible in all its lessons were-expressed and symbolized; that were carried-forward by Ms. Stein and experienced by all there, whom were focused and fulfilled... There was much 'energy' Josephine and Sarah, and a few calculative workers, consolidated. It was much work and resolve; but the 'treasured'-time; acceded just the same Josephine realized over the years that the requisite of bountiful treatment of others at the time of truism-converging; proved one in a sanction-nature of others, to the duty of a people; rather than the lassitudes of 'voit' and sport. ...A piecemeal lesson reached in all its elements and entendres. She was not only one to experience others, but the many concept-exceptions, which vied and unfolded-for perception and passage. It was both a gifted 'ability' and potential, and a learning study of people and place. From the gift of time to the prize of privilege and price, she came to being insightful... But the piece of the perception of things was a continual experience; one which was intimate, arduous and understandable.

  ...The last-hurrah" of Thanksgiving proved a fixture and joy to be a part... People of all shapes and sizes, a traversing across age and times; the compact of seniority and the wonder of childhood, from grand-parents to great grand-children who frolicked and played. Excitement, compassion, revelry and joy it all happen in the murgering of the designs and schemes of Josephine's artwork. A delight and 'primedness', which few could not partake. It was a propensity of an utmost provident-endeavor. Thus, a 'profound', incense and concertion; proved in an acumen of personal-care. Adverted and in cajoling, was the prevailed and proffered-in definition and concerning. It was a pragmatic-act of 'joy' that paid for itself, many times over. A conviction-being repaid as a redemptive, it was an advancive of social-studies prefixed and pretexted; for 'mortal' time and avaricious-availing, over what was the affirmative-years. The investment, her true-family would have been proud or very-irritated by... She couldn't speak for them. Perhaps, it was the result of an 'admonition'; but more, an admiration of love.

  As the last-celebrators left work, home, and enjoyed their meal Josephine felt 'declaratory'. They all expressed of the Fall-appreciation, and enjoyment; and said there had been nothing like it. They were fully-indulged and ingratiated. There was picture-taking, discussions and conversing. It brought many back-together. It was truly, a time of trust, truth and trying; in what was an 'energy' and enticement. Her we
ll-read mentality gave her astute-empathy to all that went-on with those there... As she very well knew, the many plots which played-out at the party was the stage, screen and theater of love, and longing. As a perceptive-conjuring in social-depth apprised and assessed. A design of discipline and deriving, pretensed and provocative in portrayals-of 'voice' and vision. In what she decided had become a 'sensient'-parlaying of sorts. She realized that with wisdom, home and hope that were best left to their own devices.

  As the last plates and dishes were collected, cleaned and put away the first of many journeys were begun. The eaten-Roast, Turkeys, and Hams, the special desserts and plates the portage-side entrees were all eaten and discarded. As each plate was intensely care-for as a treasured 'jewel' of a once-over reward. Josephine knew the proper-etiquette and style, she remembered every lesson from Julia Child to Ms. Manners. And her friends knew it. Josephine, was an impeccable artist in all she did... It had became both a 'duty' and hard and fast 'rule' of hers. But much of it was the self-ethical prudence, by which one's perspective on-life, what was to be a 'jewel' of being... It was a 'foil' to the dynasty of Americana, art and arguence. Though, it was a theme; the veritable price satisfied what was an intent and understanding; for which the others were adequately illuminated. In what was the thought and theory of a formal-activity. She realized, as did many-of her fellow-studies students; true creativity is as much docence, as denisonship...

  ...Over the next three-months, with all the ins and outs of careful and considerate planning and artistic-motif and motivation; her scope and skill defined and declared the owning-objective of celebratory; that eased everyone into an 'exciting' and 'deserving'-declarative. The art and articulation, ageal and announced; for everyone's favoring. An elementary and electricity-of fame, flamboyance and fortuitiousness; in what the truly 'sharp'-mind could afford. A formed and performed, portrait-of life imitating art and vice versa. A natural-donation of granted-style and form. She enjoyed it very much. By the end of the New Year's day celebrations and eventually, everyone was going back to work it was a short-time to take a rest before recommiting to future work, at-hand. And she would eventually, be running on all cylinders. She was as much a duty-master as a craftswoman. From the 20+ works on the market to the present-'specs', beginning to be trolled-out at her publisher.

  As always, it was an enchanting-time. Writers have a self-fascinating time, in work, words and workmanship... The honored-duty to be confessed and devised. ...Most writers are denoted to the relevant-dimensions of cause and core; to improvise and devise within a symposium of demerits, to which work and reliance are justified and ratified; in what is an underscore of technical-'valence' and residence... Over 23-years, manifesting the invocative and provocative of value and venue... By what is the 'precis', and of perspective-'premise' and vision... But for now, all that would wait. As most good talented literalist they had their many sorts-of activities to partake. With the only thing holding them back was 'time' and energy. And so as Josephine committed and eventually, commanded the ramifying, consequential-adamancy; pretensed and concisely, collaberative. She had her own integral to be of stature and theme...

  ...The 'epitome' of her career and competance, had appointed and applied in a determination, deeding and duty; which was from the commiting of terms, to the editorial insight of image and design; the executive-contrition out-flowed and stood-up... By what was a permanant-idea; conferred, instituted and instillment... A compose-concision and instituent that had all, but assumed-on Josephine's accomplishing-'zeal'. That pronounced and was propelled-out into what was 'stellar'-proportions. ...An inner-intent to be especially, in scope and scheme; of the meticulous-law of forging and fulfillment. The 'interpretative' of thought and enlistment, being ardent and essentially preseminary. By what was an 'intensity', merit... And the facade and eventful fortune given skill and magnamity in cause and time. That 'allusive-tome' conjectured of self and solemnity... But realizing what would be a both free-time and accounting-contest. She knew how to use her time-effective, while contemplating future-goals and gravity. In what was a gradation in age and tasks.

  After the free-time divulge in the succeeding of self-plan; she abatedly, was taken-to in time and countered-test, of temerity. The evoking of insistence which over-time both were employed, and enjoyed... It was a digression-of stimulus and stauchness, for which was afforded a beneficial-balast. Being beguiled with purpose and ultter-stance began in incentive-intent, avail and order. In what was a proper private-vigil proven and proprietary... And soon, with the veritable-core and cause her work would be accomplished and be accorded. The two-week vacation hiatus was over before she knew it... The intention and enveloped-essence and time, and provided for by origination and worthy-resign. In what was thoroughly, condensed-in consumption and 'core'... ...And the vintage of foregoing to the intention of a conclusion. Josephine was a proven-capitulator, whenever the terms and times called for it; she knew how to make model suit-method. ...Over the several-decades of academics and learnedness in the facets and confirmatory became a proven self-design and dimension.

  Also a dynamic as well a 'destiny', was essentially, a proverb and ever-perfecting. An espoused and consecutive-advancing; that proved 'true', in what was a secular-commuted, to consigning in-octave. The insituated-divulgence and converting, by which in the plying and counteractive pillary of resourcefulness and resound; the travail-of all, would encompass by the deserving ingenuousness-of proctor and planning. It was a 'complex' network of mind and spirit; for which determination and ultimately, destiny proved invaluable. The drive and dependability to effectively, be an admirant-deseminated and comprehensive; which would be accurate and in a divesting-acumen. ...In what was the affective-conceptual which by deeming and diffection, was understood and ascertained. Work and relativity that divulged in prestige and empowerment; a pro-venture by incentive, and integral... In a marvelous-confection, proquotient by manual and contextual in a personal solace of art and style. It was only an enterprise for which Josephine's was worth several $100,000,000, and whose self-potential had proved, a critical compunction and impending...

  Her editor, director and close-key executive all kept a hand-in in the 'what' and 'why' in how Ms. Stein was treated and observed. ...Josephine came to know all the entreats of being a famous-author. When she came into her third sucessful-paperback, her-father was still alive. A former-professor, he knew that there were 'book-hounds' willing to pay and buy anything to be wealthy; and squeeze every-bit of money out of their clientele... He was wise, and guided the young Stein into looking under every 'rock' to make the best-fit. Though, he didn't live to see it; outside of publicity; she scored on all-grounds, and found the best-publisher, without exception. She listened and learned, and came to understand the purpose of self-sophistication. She caught-on fast. Her father put every circumstance in front of her, and why. It was a studious-fit. And her collective-goals were exacted, and assured. When her father still played a role in her-life... She knew he would not be there forever...

  Her father was not superstitious, so he taught her all the rationales to work and writing. He explained that writing was a subjugation of literature. You might be a glorified-icon, or you may fall into 'oblivion', after your-first three-books, for certain... He went into detail and division that acted to secure one's dubitable-goals. Empowered and impactual, were obvious sensibly, characteristics; both in objective and injective. There are so many intents and imputes, by which the affairs of public-artful judgment in that people from Rembrandt to Warhol had to work, down-played and was inactivated; but the competence had never been compromised... ...There was the eventual and infinite-calling to work for which every author had to be prepared. So make your 'art' a-success; you could be assured it was the best.

  Josephine had been a quixotic-author before then, but with her father's interest and intellectual contention. She began to idealize what had once been given
incentive. She became a book-enthusiast which helped when things were needing awareness and insight; in which were in manuals suchas guidebooks, and 'grave', manuals. And this 'vocia'-on, proved-invaluable and extensive. From her agent to the galley-covers, she kept on instilling in selfly, artifact. She drew-intellectual strength and concise-fervorance. She learned-on the run and consistently. She became her own self-devotee to burgeon and grow among her devisers and replicators-all. An operative-impingence, proven and brought to a goal. And that's when she came to an intuitive understanding that her work was to be proven, it had to be derived from a 'core' of imminent-commandment. An adept-intention as a goal for which propriety and purpose were as affirmed, in an astuteness to keep a competent-pace...

  What had been a resounding defining, became an intrinsic-intention. Her father was a great 'teacher' and she was a rescinding pupil which he probably, and perfectingly, knew his role was deservingly, compacting. A young life whom having always determined and derived an auspicious rule of choices and accomplishing-commandments. Her Dad was one of her best fans and authority-figure, and with love and loss she endeavored and proved a devotee, and endured. And now, a human effort and effective involition tried and true. The partying and festiveness had come to an end. It was a time to both reflect and look-ahead... Some would be going-on early winter-vacations, using left-over Comp time, or tending to duties left over from work before the latter-holidays... It was the return to work in winter and so, once personal tasks had to be readvised.

  ...Knowing Josephine, her friends were awaiting her-call to have lunch or dinner; the seasonal 'vital-notions' and testaments... All the hard-work, schedules and activities were in-between. And a perfect-time to revel and enjoy a synthesis among friends and folks; and derive a certain, Canteena and Concordia... Fortunately, it all fell into place. With all her virtue, and fortune she understood what was required, and needed. It was as a construction-type of thing... Over a duration, she understood and reinforced self-vocal and virtue. ...A 'ground-work'-structure, raising the struts of vocal and vision. A self-reverence and inner-relevance which ensued with design and purpose. A evocular sentiment and understanding. Josephine had a cadence in the wherewithal of her entire-life. An eminent resolve pursued, and meticulated; to an exacting self-efficiency. An astute, self-focusing of terms and tact. ...A proportionate-assertion, purview and instilling. An effective-virtual, in determined-diligence and admonish.

  An apprising, and careful-contention, eventually observation and ascended to Josephine's brain; accounted and compilated, in the many self-decisions and deliberations, in all her-affairs. A carefully, conceived confluences with decided and presided-over 'text', truth and terms... A self-conferred, confunction being incentive; and over time, found its own complement and self-consistence. The areas and 'jobs' of job; from literary to be legality, she'd proven the advance of self-eviteration and inner-deliberance... ...The structure and finality to her bridgework in design, is one of an opulent decorum. She was an 'enterprise', unto herself. From her-tours almost every-year and the media-meetings each new enlistee; she'd became one of the basic-icons since 'Christie'... Her books were in 72 languages and she had seven-series from Teen to Chic. Lit. to hard-boiled mystery-detective... An enduring and vast accord which adhered under her very-devoted publisher, where her contract was very conversive...

  Now in January, she was revving-up, of what was to become the next-tome-thought to apex between Chic./hard-boiled/ and the new treatment of heroine convenience; something never done before. An authentic, play-on vanguard and new-wave art. The many theories were being thrown about but Stein-fans were awaiting to eat-it up. And like a Harry Potter compact; she relatively, knew it would be a voyage into what was a plethora and lucrativeness of resounding. She was availing herself, from the self-conception of convocation... In what was an innate vision and self-development by what was an self-essential propriety of work, art and intrinsic-valuable composing. Like many astute and astounding artists, they were visionary people in being gifted and of self-regalia. That impacting people, through-out the world...

  She was a pasternist, a creator, an investor, a profiteer and a strategist; all effective-influences to her score and bottom-line. She had several hundred thousand shares of her publisher's stock which was growing in outlook; to acquire several more firms. She occasionally, attended board-meetings to gain and give incentive on the business. The Head-CEO was familiar with her-work, and personality. And on one occasion went as a 'special'-envoy to other publishers over-seas... And she was coming off the celebratory-season; the future work addendum from which the shape of her next book would take form. She had a call-back from friends to meet on Thursday, to 'match-set'; on what was an equal vying-recourse... When being an equal-part communal-friendship. Each were inhabitants of New York's havens, to take there allowed, lucrative-'breather' and to revel, expound and be incensed in the self-vocalization of their careers...

  With each-friend, giving concession in a friendly 'go-along' to tidings, of duty and reliance. A supportive-concession, deeply-felt in what was the working-creativity in what were 'realities'. A vibrant-assurance to effectively, impart, progress and digress in the politic of close-acquaintances. To shoot-the-breeze and comport interests, intrigue and invariable-intuition; for whom people and place, was an everyday experience and sufficient verification. Each was ready for next year's challenges and chances. A status of civil-commitment, that being in the field of sale it was a native consortium; by which level and reliance proved 'virtual' and vital. It would let a crop of friends 'converse' and covet in the day's relatives and reactivity; both would be over a function and framework, worthy and acute to job and joining. From 'cloth' for the newest-designs, to the accounting accommodate in-duty and devising... They'd give rationale and relevancy to the chosen 'professional'-status.

  Josephine had a way of proving the designs, and recourse of the group. From the instilling of proposal to the incentive and understanding of an absolute-recourse. But as with most good-friends, they mostly wanted to share scuttlebutt and share intimate-impressions; so everyone realized the roots and joys of scope and relegation. They knew they had the intentions and choices of focal-basis and committed-redemption, from which their incentive and propriety would confess and prevail... But it was a chance to be together. And blow-off steam to re-energized and confide in the duties at hand. It was a time to dwell on the improbable and impossible. And continued the solid-dreams and past obstacles, overcome. A tenuous-reverence given to the commitment and courage of five wonderful women. Josephine and friends consorted, over the future-schedule girls' club meeting. From endurance to endowment which had for many times, proven itself.

  By Saturday, everything was on an even-keel. She'd been placed on the plan to begin recouping the near final-stance as author and annotator. All her friends wanted a copy as soon as possible. It was a top-secret affair, improvised through her editors and P.R.-people alike. The exact finished-product was to be brought by hand, and special professional printers would have 200,000 copies in stores by midnight January 31st. There was a 'To-do', from reaching-media, publisher and fame-grounds; and editor for weeks... ...Dependable and a devotee, she believed and was accountable had to not let them down. But like all grand and great-revelries, she knew it would fade. She hit the last-draft function button and print and the result of months of work, craft and art were made 'material'. She decided to quit early and enjoy a night's sleep before going for a jog, the next day. January thaw was expected for that Sunday. Her Terrier would enjoy the fresh winter air as a treat, as it warmed-up.

  As she fell into a deep-doze, the cold night-air blew in a constant chill. Ice began to collect on her bedroom window but she was being kept from cold with the warmth of the three-storey furnace. As the cold-air steadied in her-ear, a deep-silence fell upon her. Then, the gravity of form fell-into a disintegration, and then the ornate-appeared... She'd s
een it happened before; probably, thousands-of times. She accepted and awaited endearingly, and perplexing form and design. An imposing portrayal which involated the presiding conferring, that re-instilled itself... A predicate-constituency that eventuate passed time, and an attest... The dark of night structure eased away into the firmament of designate-ramification and a reactive-reality. The emoting and diverging-dimensions fell into place of a every-bright sun shinning upon the 'dark-craggy', surface of the land... An essence of imperative by such a solace; impacted with a daunting, 'stoic' brilliance... Then the many constituents reverberated in a hesitant-presence...

  A deep-inhale, by what was Josephine, occurred in an admission and the 'literal'-emphasis; in a sensient definition and scale. An illuminate-fabrication, which was of what was a 'mysterious-manifestation'... The entirety-materialized itself in what was a quintessential moment... An universe of exception, appeared. An evolution and convolution exacted and contracted, in mere-seconds. Possibly, were 'seconds' didn't exist. In what was a prevailing order, and counter-effective; of vital and vision, and being tided, and substantively, evinced... Being of all kinds-established and procured, in extempored working and 'waxed' into an ordinance. The creatures flew in the dim-light in what was a 'hale' of the proctored-proximity...actual in extension, and enacting. And now the contention that invariably, extolled a deeper-presence of fortuity now broad and ex-temerate. The great priory of forces, and goals; aimed and set to the incredibly, context of once 'limits', space and sound. The timbered-conversion of trance and spell, with a vivid-complexity, dispersed and re-ornification in regency and ordinal conception.

  ...The many filamentous-accords, from a forged of the extraction in making the new relative and the argent, unreal. Josephine pivoted, in the full 'nervousness' of accepting. She again, knew the forces of an unknown nature. ...A hidden immense-bounty from which perception of self-senses, now reacted to; in a respective-discipline. The converging of imaginary 'imminent'-forces shown with a huge deserved-empowerment. This secretive, worth of stressed, enlarging; unfolded with a drive and control... The once mixture became owning diametric... Stones were liquid-plack, air was 'syrup' across the canvas of space, and the immaculate-consternation was an instantaneous spirit of utter, compelling... In what was an objective-enigma, made of an 'intensity'. In what was in less than a moment; stranded across, sight, feeling, touch, taste and smell... An in-exorbinate divectoral and instilling... If it was her-brain exerting this, it was a 'power' beyond her-knowledge.

  ...On this January-night the wide private-existential, didn't challenge it, but commanded it in an empowered intensity... In what was an enthralling possession, from which she had only the absent of perception inside this world. A compound demonstration in intensity affective and reflective dissemination of the predisposition and predisposed pre-domination. An 'operon'-dissent, taking her to this 'other'-place. As she became the being, in this competence, she was again; a being of a communal-precept... A provisional scope for human kind, realm and social-ratification... Josephine had wondered about life in all its collusion... About how many times, the will, rights and reasons changed of existence. Of the human-sphere altered, in which she had lived, 38-years. The probabilities and principles befallen,, sophisticated and concerted-in personal rationality. ...A premise from which 'time'-thriving, inertia explicate and expounded in events; expected one to know; her personal-'convolution' which had come to adapt itself...

  A human-struggle, in the strict and logical concerning of growth, promise and premise; by the dually, confirmation-encountered and abducted by... It was a precis-'spirit' of adaption... Yet she realized a dignity, devotion and dedication was able to be adopted and adorned. In what seemed an infiltrating-relegation. Starting in her infancy she accentuated the care reformed, replete of what, this was a closet-world. Which for a child was both instilling and assuring. As a girl of four, when her brain was taking full-hold, she was enveloped into a reflexive-world were what would become a mental-discipline evoked and displayed. With a simplex-of 'vocal' and vivid-learning, she paid a promiscuous mental social-advent... A long dead-distant uncle from the old-country had been one to tell tales of other-worlds; which had came from story-tellers down through the ages. Though, not fully-aware or in plause; it became a conflicting zeal and zest in energy to motivate by this mental-'portal', presentation and representation...

  ...And with her vivid, detailed and actively, creativity; Josephine went full-burst into a self-avid mastic-visage... Many of her-kin began with a knowledge of Jewish-religiosity, which sowed her as a touched-child. Her-parents ignored this, in a disturbed acceptance. Though, they kept Josephine in her education, studies and sophisticated-indulgences. Her mind, evolved to innocently, nuance; super-imposed as a deep and dynamic-docent to her youthful theoretic vocal... As sure as she was a Jewish-girl of 6, her imminent, so immaculate mentally, subjected precursored, and called-forth in intrinsic-tolls, trials and terms... What became a evocular, insemination. A vivid virtual-correspondence, which in her culture was an association of prevailed-conviction.

  A learner, liberal in fashion and determinative, function by deed and conduction, her great and gratuitous-convention; that became an incursion in variegation and formative to idea and adventure... As her brain-lobes worked in-atoning and adamant that became proven, preseminated, proffered and adopted; in a contingent, for which self-invocation and self-replete coveting, in what was a pro-determined in evocation, effectual and avid, illumination-procured and advancing; activated by propriety and pretense. A concentrate-valence on, over the tertiary of thought and committing, an amazement in integer and entitling. ...And in this convocation, emulation-cycle; perhaps a compression in inductive-thinking was both in virtue and emanate, virtual. An intentional-art prospective, by perpetuity and corollary of summation-thought... What by human prowess, that came to emulate and in an ultimate-virtue. The mind goes-through many assesses and invitation, converged and an officialism-convoy by mental-impute and concoction-in commutation.

  And in a merger of thought and processes, her cognition-visions both concluded as conversion in an immature provision. A natural-human contextual vying and convex in a deeper in impact and a displaying-avail. Over her life-time. As the hopes and dreams, exacted and executed-in a child's superlative and innocence of a subjugated-mind. A precarious division of thought and cognition in primal-stance. A verging of the 'vortex' and void of a prospective-vitality. A vital-tumult of success and the co-variant 'complex', in mind and state. It became an in-veritable wonder-beast of consent and compelling-propensity. A enthrall in self-elegy of a self and a submerging. An collateral-cause of conferring and conveying. A convening-convalescence of 'self' and time. As with most things personal and intimate-complicity for which self-cause, being as a conversion. Josephine knew that in her life with all its intentions and issues, they were a natural occurrence. ...Being mastery-contender, she came to interpret and understand self-vocal and virtue. That knowledge and virtue, were certain, sophisticated and assured.

  She came to achieve and accomplish academics, studies and gain acumen; to focus and be of compound... She was a Doctor of the Arts and Sciences... A proven and prevail, as a center. And, as in life learning, being a life-long process. As with her-abilities, her very skillful atoning was making for a worthy-sophistication. In this astute-convention that over-time, processed and progressed in competent-official. What became onerous, and innate; was as well a self-accommodating, sufficiency. She, as with ability and aptitude, became a conviction of consideration. Night would last eight-hours, but a span of living in her sleep. A certain sophistication of sublimation which was on the order of a compounded-proficiency. There were few factors, obstacles or inclement which I with indemnity in what was the feasibility and focal, which except for it proclivities; advanced her-life immensely. But it became a portrait of 'perfection' and proving in-prevalence.

  And so her c
omplex, as commandment, effectuated and was in an avenue in a prescience advantaging... In a self-teleology conferred and conformed by what was a diameter of profusion in an enamored-deferring. The inferring complicit both proved and availed in the mental self-discipline innate and obligations intact. In the path of her life she'd exacted and come to terms and an understanding of the 'reactivities'-of life. The many demotion, in characteristics; that in the intrinsic, vocal and inherent-pretext of self, work and duties; more confessed to the properties and prospects of life. The many inner judgments that were always in a proximity of the virtuous and committing circumstance. Her family were never in an incessant-vocal; being that she was the object of love, hope and abiding. This cordial reverence and reality, reminded and resolved; to lead to, and accept self-recourse...

  As an accomplished-artist she'd become and the many awards, successes, attainments and accentuation, it was easy to say that 'focus' was a finite-'virtue'. In what was a 'impetus' over vice or void... Her individuality, implications and impending was able to proceed and development, to allow her to achieve and ascertain. In fact, Josephine was a prospect of a 'gift'. Venturing-into objective and obligation-settings, letting her seek her own-level by prolog. In what was advant guarde and an conceding compliance. And so the parental-growth and maturity-issues, were congealed and prevented; in the comprehension of attending and empowerment. The trans-world actuality and interstitial; placed out in the channels and charters compressed in propriety-sleep. As she'd read and slept was a time of rest and exercise in the energies and impressions of the brain. An intrinsic and exerting, natural nervous-division. Which asserted-neurons and thought. A plausible-convention of the physical and elaborate-causation; from which work and pondered, warding; recreated and was in representation.

  In what was a 'worthy' relative of self and sufficiency. A bold relevance, accented and actuated in maturation and masterful-magnitude. A venue and fortification prevalent and advantageous. In what was a prelude-aspect of refining and perceptive-definition. In what is a depiction over thought and intensive-avail. A night's sleep would exist, and entail in posturing and propounding; but her very hold on what was a enamoring of stature and standard. By what was a power of assertion and actual auspiciousness. Whether thought, impression or mental-exertion it was a display of her self-contending. By what was an occupation and devotion, over time and testament. A portrayal and perception which through acceptance of gratuity and goal, was adjusted and accrued in the insightful drive and devised invocation. But Josephine had an innate self-pension for time and temptation in the ode and order of things. An experience and espousal, in value and avails; by what was an intention and ascension-to... And in a practical-knowledge she'd proven-tried and true...

  In what had become an epoch of subconscious-incense. A plurality-of defining and efficiency, enacted over time. An encountered-attest, derived over time. An emporium-digest, for which she fitted in well and the affective; exposed and explored. She was never sure in the depths and determinate-dimension; but an advocate-conceived pretext identifiable and impacting. It was an gratifying-incursion, that had acceded to terms and transition in the deriving of one's self progressed, diligence. An in-borne, inward-activation, forming articulate-'price' and artistic-reward. The premise, devotion and drive given to functional derivation arbitrate and affixing, in predicative tasks. As so the compassionate-designs of self-virtual, all prove affirming and reticence on the many nights of converging and simile; that brandished, in conceptual session. A profile-in uniformity and unification, edified by an evident; in single, self-commutation.

  In what was a commending from challenges and choices of one's commotions, converse. Josephine had both discovered and understood, the subjective-factors; orifice and enacted over-time and abjured, over perception. The 'motif' of opportunity and options, by which was an comport and option, of recourse and division. As the mental and nervous system dreams took her to different 'places', announced in perception and portrayed; in concision, the manner of essences, were relayed. The landscape, physical-sensation and very spiritual pronouncement in the night, by what was in full-'ovation'... In what was a conspicuousness subjective Avalon of inward-time and space. In what was an evocation extirpation. What was the rescinding-energies of hold and hindering, effected and engendered. And the virtual of what was an innate energy. An obsequious-depth of recourse and role. The convolution, interpretation, and pretension of the factors of thought and presence. As the air-warmed from night to day, the dawn was to arrive beneath clouds and potential rain... And the many articular-emphasis of inward cognizance was to revert into reanimation.

  It was an exponential-eying and sentiment annotated into a new living-omniessence. The dynamism of what was a realization-availing and attained-contention. And the re-invigoration or amassing and iteration that was for her; with the fabric-of life and living. An incensed-imperative, in the convening of consent-regained, register in an imposition. An innovating-establishment encompassing by the critical-terms of life and intrinsic. The many times the portal of night opened and by morning-periods of days, became mere moments. It was something, not easily, understood or interpreted. It was like a grand Jules Verne-adventure with no storyline; only a resolving-propitiation. She'd known as after reading books of all sorts mentally, taking her beyond-time and space, to a deeper understanding, and typically a 'breath' of an unknown 'reality' never existent before. But the instances and issues in her night-forays, was the ongoing of designs and deemings.

  A convincing, collateral of Art and depiction; idealized and imprinted-on self and sensing, it was a periodical indemnity which took you beyond novelty and notation... Few of the literature she read dealt with portents and passions; but was rarely inward-appreciation... This vocal-point of all which is real, and all which is right... A deep-brain inordinate, conceived, and in coordination by which perceived-calculative in inward-thought of an outer-existing. But was it, that? Was it an inward 'universal'-intently, objectified and in an 'orbital' by one's neural-reverence. What was the relative-factors accorded to the outer-reality. A subverted rational-tending, primed and procured in infestation-of 'ideas' and images. ...A relative self-interpretation, advancing and virtual; a preconceived animation, provided and proven ot her mind. It was the requisite and exquisite-reverence proven in the resemblance of thought. What was this provident-designation, and display? One which transported, and traversed human-decision.

  No on could prove an inherently, personal-evidence; individually, redemptive but utterly, of magnitude... In the elements of realism, by the voice of reason, and purpose of deriving and deliberation; somehow her true virtual, hung between two-worlds; from accord to accustom, from what was by precautionary-terms; and realized ratification... An empowering-justification installed and reflected, in a definitive-judgment. An endowed-division, divorced from self-substantiated; in terms of tact and treatise, the incurring-voice and vision. As she set-in subconsciousness, in the entered-world of her-mind; unfolded and installed, a superior immaterial-world; of all the senses and playing-out in a defused-adjunct, to what would become real. This 'imposed'-place, devised and imported to impute to what was as if a God had put in there... A power greater than any imagination, had taken over her-mind. And this coopting-coordination, made existent; the extricated-extravagance, of time and place; without need of exertion.

  A plying-recourse of motility, and took-hold of her brain; and without discourse of the mind and its senses... Books, in their many duplicities they had for a powerful-brain became as a dream-state in its readings. It was nothing she took for granted but over the prime-age, and its didactic-provision; both chosen and realized, the differing-text that had been delineating-predation of both priming and purpose, but gained in virtue and voice; but also defining in an fulfilling-atmosphere, and informative-virtue; to improve and understand. ...Due to the basic-portrayal of self-design, and the innocence of a growing-ap
titude. A judgment of deciduous-proofing... ...In what proved to be a designate and depiction by decision and repercussion. An utmost-investment in what was intrinsic and intent. And thus, time had by critical-cognitive, reinvented itself. This was only a 'theory', a like-most, unredeemed-hypothesis; it was on incentive-standing...

  An impart and import, for which thoughts and ideas were propounding, and with an unreal conduction, revision and refining, in the pretext of imaginative, haven-stance. ...Was it a deliberate or a tome that was a cognitive-energy based in her-brain? Many medical-texts spoke of brain erratic; causing everything from epilepsy to MS, everyone; leading to death or some inordinate discourse. But then there was a derivative and delineation; prologs written and dissertated, on the idea of endowment and execution; in some vibrant-works in definitive-creativity. In what was a purpose of preponderances in deemings and discussions. All was merely, suggestive. But no-less, composed; if should she had a denison of reparte; she might have been succumb to a principle of derision... Her powers of concentration were too, great for simple deciphered text. As her hand worked certain beyond most others, she was able to see passed subtle-deposing. In fact, improvised into a deeper sanctum that possessed and perceived in seminal-thought...

  She could have taught each a thing, or two... And so over time, the depicting rescale and scope of propriety and place endured and endowed in in-depth thinking... So what was the precipitations of a learning-curve, grasped more of the agile; and less of an attitude. Which proved she was adapt, as especially, fortunate. A private-instance procured, and comprehensively, protruding to thought and purpose... A subjunctive and surmising in the emulate-assertive directive, assimilating to terms. A determinately, royal regency; that had in its inner-workings; the contenting-voice of a surrogate compounding. A virtual and possible, visual comprising-pretext; and found and re-found conduit-intuition. By what was a potency of travail in entreat and edifice. A representative connotation, actuated and fulfilled by private-preliminary. But deep-operon, in the vocal of a proven healthy-mind. Josephine had been a propensity, in vision; was a growing and providential time and again the exact-press of mental-competence. A pro-logical stance and instance, provided by technical-contacts and careful-invitation.

  It was virtual-prognosis eventuated by time and technical. A interpretative-plausibility provided by determinative-factor. A precocious-portal of mental-skill and judgment intended and pro-convinced; by a veracity and interred-technological and inward vocal... An inner-impregnation, brought to be a 'tool' and trade. In what was an en par 'judgment' and skill; proven, as convince in education, in extenuate terms, and perhaps 'toying'... ...Josephine knew all she'd come to perceive, and evince; in the heart of ex-temperament and imminent-refinement... And that's something she did all her-life. Rarely, was there an issue or obstacle in the process and progress of her personal-education. Far from it, in fact the more confessed her-intellectual professional and artistic her career grew. Becoming the more kinestetic the fulcrum of thought and understanding. It had not become 'complex' or understated, but a full-adducing, available to be proven and factual. As due as her-talent was, so was the cathartic. A determinate more incense, and actualized than one all intricate-recourse. But as simple as it came along, so did it objectify and redemptive, given to be a legitimate, self-confessing.

  The convalescent-workmanship, comported and improvised driven in the collective-cause of accord; of cause and evident discharge. A deeming of convoked and impending brain-power and the prevalence of accomplished-incentive. It had been a life's journey, pillared by stridency, and forging-impetus; along with revelry, joys, excitement and fulfillment of role and ratification. From the relevancy of self-enterprise and committing, to the voice and vocal-apprised in the virtuous pronouncing and proving; in an essentially, evocular intensity. A redeemable pro-caste and progenitor conviction of a chosen and challenge. As she became a resolute-academic and author; the life-long liturgy, plausible and impetus. What became an eliciting providential of self and skill, in the scope of perfection and price. A scale and path eventually, in concourse by virtuoso and implement-style. From the effective of learning and understanding, in account to the prevailing astuteness and expounding upon the milestone to provided, perfection.

  The intentional-allegory, by which creed in critical approached and incensed to comparative-conjunction in the grasps and choices of life; intention and prevaricated, a careful and consistent redeeming, exacted and understood. Just as she focused and assimilated in the very incensed and corroborative, vantage and extenuated. In what was a critical present-stance and conviction by which came a formulate actualized; by adeptness and brought to full-margin; by the 'complex' of citing-knowledge and ascertain-sophistication... A contentious-emphasis, and impact allied context; purveying the contingent terms of learning. Studies and skill-pervaded in a contextual, extenuate-terms. By what was the valued-teleology of times and terms. A 'cornucopia' of vestige and venerate-cause proved how expectational virtues of self and sentiment-there. An en par positioning affect in by concerting sentiment and certainty.

  By what was a perpetual-instilling. A proffering professional root-guise; admit to terms. An attune to conferred conjecture. ...The air to enjoy the adjuring, which were a convincing tantamount which went into producing the collation of technical-commission and text... The objective mental-reanimation of chosen and of choices, were to configure and become a careful-astuteness; proliferating and in consistent-consolidating, in an awareness and succinct and acuity... The dynamic-scholarly, docent; by which imminent character and cause proved 'vital' and a visionary-continuity... By the acts and process of consequential-conversion prevailed and given to a redeeming-extrication. One's promoting-caste, that commanding collaboration, in successive self and convergence in the semantics of confiding and carefulness. An infinitismal, confirming in what was a projective in what was confessed of by conjecture. An integrate-accentuation-for which personal register, goes onto predicted and be pretext-convalesces.

  The many 'pathways' an academic takes from fortune and forging all-depictions of individual purpose and design which each finds and recompenses; finding deeper-purpose and resolve. An illustration, ardent and pro-factual, by which thought and theory become a scope of comprising, and price. In what became a vivid-propensity, defined by a lower chapter and higher-inception; and a verging of proffering, and a prefix in a deliberate-definition. As in the dimensional-throes of thought, and talent. The intriguing, emerging insinuation of change, and confirmation. A confiding-and confuting-extrinsic, as an emerging ideal, and indenture-promulgated; and devolved in an 'incentive' of an intricacy, and the channel-convergence; optimized and obligated in the terms and tasks of honor and homage. What was a ingenuity and credulity, preamulating; the 'designs' and affects of a constituent conversion; by what was a project-presentation, given in a voice and vocation. The resolution of an 'opus' of art and design; in juncture and compass, by trade and trait. Caste en par in the past, a confining-choice and reason. The proprietary complex-fidelity provided and pretext; that was in complicity by versatility and voyage.

  Josephine had 'intertwined' in a caveat of thought, and resign. What could be a throtted-state of facet and impetus; a feeling of convex-proper, and perpetuation both compensation, and devotion. A commensurate with emanation factual by comport and cost. These many educational-parameters and conformity, in alloys proven and projected by artistic-oath and what were availing-tides. The attest to terms, and triumph. An energy-commandment and skill in a recombinant path of obstacles, objection and conversing. The many careful alignments that were encountered became worthy and willfulness. The complete-scheme was the conventional terms of age, era and incentive. She was in theoretic-dimensions, of her affairs. An aging and authentic-reference point; deemed and idealized, in a discourse vitalized by personal-decision and progress; by an intent and agility. The compilation-of self and structural overtur
e; by technical, property and perceptive-vocal. What could have been an instrumental and innate, small-consideration.

  ...By what was a recompense. That, in itself, was a complexity-understood and fundamental. A diverse-seminal which promoted and proved a professing-adjunct, over line and matter... The learned-enlistments and protocols, that gave a convergent-vitally by terms, and traversing, to intent and be of impact. But Josephine was never under an illusion. As a very intelligent-individual, perfusion that was innately, intent; for which propagation and propounding, was an understood in eluding. The many contentions in variance and subjugation that both advanced-idea and intricacy. Mind, thought and body in an intact-conscience... Exploring the sanctified-vision and vigil, as a promulgated deduction. A mind-delineation coming from mental and prime-ordinal perfection. A natural perfunctory primed and exactingly, proficient. The concerted-grasp to fulfill and understand. What was by incentive, was an meticulous skill and scope; to prove and perfect. An adequacy of primordial-concept and primed-contemplation.

  By what could be a collective-vocal, in which individual perpetual proved virtual and vital to reveal a greater interpretative. An amending of vitality and converging on the intact inner-conversion in intending articulate-order. A compatibility, by the connectivity of mind, mentality and humanity. What began as an intellectual-incentive became an induction of enigmatic virtual-projecting into full-form. The deep-depth of imagination the intensity of in pinpointing, into utter time and space; to materialize and 'blossom'-in understanding and creativity. Going-far beyond the 'limits' of abasing and empirical, surpass into its own venturing. And that was performing in the transportation-'talisman' in being expanded, dispensed and conferred in the precis of ultimate-magnitude. As the art of creative-talent went further to convoke and perceptually, sensually, perceptual to an fantastic-existence. To expound in imagination as dynamically, reforming in what was design and depiction.

  The great collusion of conceptual and thinking, ultimately, that went-beyond intention and interactive, complying; but in its very margin was an 'infancy' transposed in extenuated and reintegrating, within all the senses and mental-integument. What could have been tailoring, concept, deduction or creative-spirit proven exactly and dually, exponent. A proprietary-projection once an articulation and concept of child-like, imagining became a forte of 'press', preliminary and arduous, interpreting-fact... Who was to know the property of a resound would in its full-expansion was exactingly, what would compose the inter-network of intent and confirming, enacting. A waylay, over time performed and experienced, in what was a intrusive vacuum; by what was a presence and pronounce, production over the 'ties' of choice and temptation. The motility, that expands in trying transformation; that perfecting, generated in its enterprising and encompassing.

  The objective-pluralism in exertion and expression; both revealed and became inception in the self-motive and self-semantics-intent, and understanding... A literal conjugation impacted and fulfilled; and intricately, was affected and implicated. A Terra Cote in time to conversion from youth to a writer, of an intense actual-understanding. As sure as 'night' was to 'day', newly, amassed mental-function; in what was exposition of only on adaptive terms. How was she to cope and deal with the trans-vision of her mind? What was in both the deep-recesses of her neurological system, and what in inner-persona was able to capture, by those great 'densities'. A fertile and furtive-area, perfecting and profound deliberately, focal and fostering by what was the pretext of conscience and subconscious-delineation.

  The sub-directive that made for the 'shapes' and 'valleys' which were bestowing a grand and vivid-thought emporium; in an progressive exposing, and perfecting; in what was the profile-in the collusive function possibly, in what was only experienced by her alone. A prescience and apprising-exact and in proliferation as thoughts, perceptions, functions and fathoming. That for so long, proved so much grand-scheme. A profile that was thought to have no two-individuals alike. It was the exact-convergence allowing only one person to project, identify and understand. A configuration-subject and ideal, to proffer so much doable-definition. There have been many plains, and uncustomary, 'savants' who thought that there mind worked like great active-'deducers'; moving in a tandem but nothing was ever found answerable. But only the instinctual-proficiency went beyond instance and essence. What was this exact preponderance, the most vivid and 'enchanting'-power of suggestion; came to other creatures but the human exceptionalism, which were quickly forgotten and ignored. What were in these great prime-creatures, have the power to achieve; but neither identified with her understanding.

  Josephine had never investigated other conceiving-abilities. Just the affiliation of suggestion of books, and other media form paleontology to anthropology; to a 'theory' she was met by an alignment of complicit, idealized and understood; to be beyond human-engagement and endeavor... There had always been a propensity of pro-exactional dimension or dynamic-influencing; in what was popular understand and full-awareness. This venerable-intrinsic plexus, was fulfilled by a superficial design that was of an uncertain confirmative. A world society and individual remaining resolved with selfless interstitial. ...There was no way to invoke actuate-terms or technological; remaining within personal and certain-sanction, she wondered if anyone truly tried to understand and reveal its truest-defining. From Egyptian-folklore to Chinese ecstetics to Azteca priestology; there were many supposed conferrings; over which baseless-terms were the end result. What were the primary-consistences of the intricacies and faithful considerations.

  Perhaps it was far beyond innate redeeming and extension... Josephine had a full-life, a long-involvement in what was both enticing and unknown; by adamant and official orthodoxy. And within the popular-engender she'd proven both thorough and implicate. ...That the vital intuitive and avid were actually, the objective of an intricate-propensity. In what could be an insinuation of adoptive. A preeminent – feasibility in a style and construct that is redeemed in the constituent and constitutions of past, present, and perfective aspirings. How all the skill and creativity in the world could not prove the actual leviathan of thought. And that's how over time human enterprise rested on exacting theory and not adroit impression. To the guises and guideposts of time and treatise by which man and mental motif made actual and eccentric the powers of duly challenged and chance. An impart forced into the narrow causeway and collective and adorned elemental.

  And with eons, civilizations, epoches and times things simply rested on those plying intimate waters and plotting determinate avails. And what became prominent and inevitably existential presided and prevailed. And enigmatic infute and adjunct to the approximate deluge. An era and activity to join and adjust. There were probably succinct and sustained vocals and opportune provisions by human, civility and functional fortuity advanced and was proven in the dulicity evocation made rational and real. A proper and propensity adjured and transfixed the many thoughts and theories in the proven and careful pretext. That men and women became operon digests of all things availing adversed and adventurous. What became and opus by sated design and fashion. And ultimate intense and objective incentive for all. What by definition by a prime mover given to idea and understanding. That conjuring intentions of themselves and others.

  It went a lot 'deeper' than Josephine's ultimate-understanding. ...Her capacity for learning was 'high'; but all mankind, and even with its proclivities couldn't capture it, 'fully'. ...A life-time of chronicled intellectual-understanding could not bring thought-to a 'full-exception'. She represented modern-thought, and assessing; but being a 'thinker', for even as a mental-propounding, didn't mean absolute-understanding. But just the same, astute-interpretation was a reprise in what was possibly, an 'ideal'-intellect; that, in its time proved greatly, fortunate and a re-founding... So, in the 'envelope' of time, not withstanding by cognitive had closed-off the greater-mentality of the past-to the future. Josephine represented, the 'ester' and instance of
thoughts and pontifications but that did not keep the mind-'aura' from enacting a greater-conscience. What was an innate-austerity of time and matter... Josephine-realized this over a period of growth and maturity. Yet her frugal-'essence' of, in a subconsciousness, proved a self-central, virtual-wunderkind; from the many pictorials-of what was a human-cavalcade of a 'price', engendered by Art/Science-theorists and philosophers; whom were incredulous, commanders in the prospects of what was 'humanity'.

  The superlative-adjunct, of an especial-impressing expressed and focused, had been identified, enjoyed and reveled-in. ...That was a great-'joy' to behold in oneself and sentiment; but ideals were only 'soft'-matters, though acceptances were easily, forgotten, or misunderstood. The 'priory' of civil-interpretation which were merely accents by account… And the understandings and instances, became washed-over and flooded-by others' intents and fabrications. A 'prologue' of interest and thought, had always been waning from Carthage through a campy; but no one was proven an 'ultimate', but in what was an understanding. And so, an enigmatic-congeal that proved private, and misunderstood; the imminent-complicity given to chance and charter that became at articulation in what was arduousness. The many tantamount-interests which unfolded, in a temperance and temptation that was the saga of very life, itself. And like the perception of her-mind was closed, by a premonition in-avail. ...In the promise and pretense, both idling and advantaging in Josephine's mind. But Josephine learned by elaborate esoterica, the convening of self-arrival in station; that she was objectively, talented in mind and creation.

  She was like an 'angel', affording the lower-terms, of life on earth. In what was a counter- 'seamer', in the mischievous-calculi of an human-impart. bHer mainframe-direness which by many times, afforded a destiny and discipline for which had become local and availing in what was an utter-intensity. She could no more oversee in an actuality that confessed to the 'vertex' of the many objectives of her life. ...The instance and ingénue that which had guarded her life, had been for a greater-part in what was a separate-rescinding. A reversal-of fortune that could take other pupils of Arts and Sciences; only postured-in, by what was a stern, semantic-code... Her work was a fantastic-corpus, by which her personal terms, deeming and the scholarly, conscripted in that could be factored-in and fathomed. ...So as the world became understood, learned and scholastic; each required less and less, of her individual-aura and oracle. It became an ingrained-phenomenon, but one pulled-on, outside-of-class. It became a subordinate-scheme and scope to be attained and understood-just as sure as academics was mastery, 'motif' and model in the 'male-image' of what was a civil-constraint... Josephine, had to evoke the practice and premise of an all-theories and thoughts-conception.


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