Ordinary Charm

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Ordinary Charm Page 5

by Anya Bast

  “Where are we going?”

  He turned and gave her a devilish smile. “My place.”

  “You have a place?”

  He jingled a set of keys in his hand. “Yes. I even have a car.”

  “Did you get your memory back?”

  He gave his head a sharp shake. “I went to see Alana. My car was parked outside her house.” He sounded really pissed. Serena glanced up at him. A muscle in his jaw worked as he clenched it. “Apparently, she lured me to her place, then put the whammy on me, so my car was still over there.”


  “I’ll explain when we get to my apartment. I was on the way to my place when I passed your car on the street. Alana said there are books and computer files in my apartment on Ashmodai. She also told me you’re a crack researcher. I was hoping you’d help me.”

  He knew about Ashmodai? Go to his place? Her head spun for a moment. She jerked her wrist away from him and stopped. “Wait a minute!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t just go to your apartment. You showed up at my house handcuffed after attacking Alana. For all I know, you just finished her off. I can’t even use magick on you if you get rowdy because you’re not bound by cold iron anymore, and I can sense your magic is much stronger than mine.”

  “Serena…” He trailed off and stood there looking at her. Finally, he took a step toward her, closing the distance between them. Serena couldn’t make herself back away from him. His brown and green-flecked eyes softened as he reached out and cupped her chin. “I can’t convince you that I mean you no harm, and the last thing I want to see reflected in your eyes when you look at me is fear. I do mean you no harm, but I’ll understand if you choose not to come with me, beautiful.” He let his hand fall and he glanced away. “You probably shouldn’t be anywhere around me, anyway. I’m not safe. It’s probably better you keep your distance.”

  He turned and walked away from her. She watched as he strode to a large black SUV and put the key in the lock. Why did she feel so compelled to be with this man? He opened the door, climbed in and started it up. He looked so alone.

  “Wait,” she called. “I’m coming.” She ran to the passenger side and climbed in.

  “Are you sure, Serena?” he asked.

  “Yes. Hell, anyone would want to attack Alana,” she shot at him. “For your information, I turned down inclusion in the Three Ash Coven,” she added primly. “Alana hates me for rejecting her precious circle.”

  “Ah. That explains the animosity between you two.”

  She eyed the fancy dashboard of the brand-new gas-guzzling, ozone-depleting SUV and its state-of-the-art CD player. “Guess you aren’t an environmentalist, huh?” she commented half under her breath.

  He checked a street map and pulled away from the curb. “Guess not. Strange. You’d think the physical vessel for Cernunnos would be.”

  “So you know?”

  He glanced and nodded at her. “Alana told me.”

  “The Elders told me you’d be getting your memory back soon.”

  “That’s good.”

  “They also said a really vicious demon named Ashmodai would be sniffing you out because you’re the only one around that has the power to match him. He’ll want to take you out so he can have some fun.”

  “Yeeeah, that’s less good. Alana told me that, too.”

  She paused and played with the edge of her shirt. “So…what are you going to do?”

  He glanced at her. “Who, me? I don’t even know who I am yet. Give me half a second to figure things out.”

  “I can give you half a second. I only hope Ashmodai will.”

  They pulled into the driveway of some fancy, old high-rise condos. “I do, too,” he murmured. “I do, too, beautiful.”

  He guided the SUV around the building to a driveway that led to underground parking ramp and reached up to the visor and pressed a small button. The gate to the underground garage opened. “I remember this,” he said under his breath. “All this is familiar.”

  He drove past the gate and found a parking space. Serena and Cole both got out and walked to the nearby elevator. Cole used the remote locking device on the key chain to secure the vehicle. The vehicle blurp-beeped twice as they walked away.

  As they approached the elevator, Serena noticed a lanky man in his late thirties leaning against the wall. Instantly, she went on alert, and then chided herself for paranoia. She was jumping at shadows since her conversation with the Elders and the disturbing news of the disincarnate demon that was floating around just waiting for something to do to entertain himself.

  The man studied her from head to toe as she walked toward the elevator. “Heeey, princess, aren’t you fine?” the man purred at her as they approached.

  A greasy feeling of negative intent curled through her stomach. It was her sixth sense kicking in. It wasn’t something she ever ignored. She backed away from the man.

  “Hey, buddy, back off, okay?” Cole growled as he pressed the up button for the elevator. “She’s with me, and I don’t like other men shooting come-ons at my lady friends.”

  A tremor of shocked pleasure went through Serena at Cole’s words. Then she remembered that he was simply trying to dissuade Greasy Guy.

  Greasy Guy held up his hands as if in surrender. “All right, man. It’s cool. I was just dreaming of meeting a pretty woman like her today.”

  The elevator doors popped open and Serena hurried inside. She didn’t like the feel of that man. All she wanted was to be away from him.

  “Yeah? Well, keep dreaming,” Cole said as he stepped into the elevator and punched the seventh floor.

  Just as the elevator door was almost closed, Greasy Guy reached in and held it open with one grimy hand. He narrowed mud-colored eyes at them. “You better watch yourself, boy,” he snarled. Then he let the door close.

  “Okaaay,” breathed Serena. “What the hell was that about?”

  He reached out and rubbed his hand on her upper arm. His touch was warm and comforting. “Just some freak. It’s all right, Serena. I promise.”

  A shiver of unease went through her. She really hoped he was right about that. Though she did feel amazingly safe with him. In spite of everything, she felt that security like a warm blanket deep in the heart of her.

  She could feel Cole’s magick and it was nothing to be trifled with. Cole was the most powerful OtherKin she’d ever met. Plus, he was a big, muscled guy that no one in his or her right mind would ever mess with. But her feeling of security went further than magick and muscle. The point of origination remained unclear, but was there nonetheless.

  Cole had said she should stay away from him because he was unsafe. She assumed he meant because of Ashmodai, but the thing was that if Ashmodai ever came to call, she didn’t want to be anywhere but at Cole’s side. That’s where she would feel the safest.

  They walked down the wide, opulent corridor that was decorated in creams and blues and stood in front of a large oak door. Cole fumbled for a moment, trying to find the right key. Finally the lock clicked open and they entered a large foyer. The walls were done in a neutral putty color and hung with colorful abstract art. The floor of the foyer was marble, but beyond that was thick tan carpet. They passed through the foyer into the living room.

  Serena looked around, taking the place in. His apartment was the ultimate bachelor’s pad…a very well-off bachelor.

  “Hello?” Cole called. There was no answer.

  A perverse part of her had worried that they’d find a wife or girlfriend at his place, a fashion model type with worry just faintly lining her million-dollar face. Perfect hair just slightly mussed in her fretting over where her beloved had gone. Already tiny waistline a tad smaller because she just hadn’t been able to eat anything these last few days. But no almost perfectly coiffed wife or artfully tearstained girlfriend met them at the door.

  After Serena had ascertained the absence of a mate—and found herself disturbingly happy about that
fact, too—she padded over the plush tan carpeting calling, “Here kitty, kitty.”

  Cole stood by an expensive-looking brown sectional in the living room watching her walk around stooped over, looking around corners and calling for a cat that probably didn’t exist. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  She straightened. “I’ve been worried maybe you had a pet that’s been slowly starving to death.”

  He frowned. “The good news is I don’t think I do.” He glanced at the big screen TV and the console beside it that contained a DVD player, a kick-ass stereo system and just about every gaming system ever created. There had to be close to a hundred grand along that wall alone. “Yeeeah.” He pushed a hand through his hair and gave her a look that screamed chagrin. “The bad news is I may be a drug dealer.”

  Serena wandered over to the kitchen. It was state-of-the-art, with brand new shiny appliances, a wine rack, and lots of copper pots and pans hanging over the stove. “Uh…maybe you’re a world-class chef?” she asked him hopefully.

  “Doubtful. Did you see an answering machine anywhere?”

  She walked back to the entryway where she’d seen a table with a phone. “It’s here.” The message light blinked five messages. Cole came to stand beside her. She hit play.

  A sultry, breathy female voice filled the foyer. “Darling, this is Monique. Call me. I’m missing you.” Pause. “Darren is out of town on business this weekend. Come see me. Please.”

  Serena rolled her eyes. The woman sounded like she needed a fix. Maybe Cole was a drug dealer…of the carnal variety.


  A perky cheerleaderesque voice was up next. “Hey, Cole, baby. This is Cynthia. I had a fantastic day with you last Saturday.” Pause. Her voice lowered, got huskier when she spoke next. “Saturday night was even better. Wanna repeat? Call me back.”


  “Yeeeech.” Serena turned away and walked toward the living. She couldn’t take any more. It was nauseating.

  “I guess I have a few women,” Cole said, sounding mightily pleased with himself.

  Was it any surprise? The man was stunning. Serena looked back in time to see him push a hand through his hair. The action defined his biceps perfectly and made hunger twist through her body. She looked away. “Yeah. Guess it hasn’t really been a long time, like you said.”

  He frowned. “Guess not. Sure feels like it, though.”

  There were two hang-ups. Blessedly, the next message was not from a woman. Instead, it was an older-sounding man. Serena wandered back to the answering machine.

  “Hey, Cole, just wanted to let you know that we received Fire of the Ancients. We love it and only want a couple changes. You did a fantastic job on this game. You’re the king of adventure games, man. We’ll be getting back to you with more details, but you’ve done it again. This’ll be a hit!”

  “Well.” He slanted her an unsure look. “I’m the king of adventure computer games, I guess.”

  “Apparently, that’s not all you’re the king of,” Serena muttered.

  He appeared to not have heard her. “So,” he said to almost himself. “I design computer games. That explains all the equipment in the living room.” He frowned and glanced at her. “Designing computer games is kind of geeky. Do I seem like a geek to you?”

  “What?” She turned toward him. “First of all, there’s nothing wrong with geeks. I happen to be one myself. Second of all—” She took him in from the top his head to his feet, every luscious well-defined muscle in between, and tried not to swallow her tongue. “No, you don’t look like one.” Suddenly uncomfortable, she turned away. “Anyway, what the hell does a geek look like?” she finished, irritably.

  “Let’s explore the rest of the apartment.” He turned and walked into the living room.

  “Don’t you want to call Monique and Cynthia back?” She mimicked their voices when she said their names. It was childish, but she couldn’t help herself.

  He turned back toward and fixed her with suddenly hooded and heated gaze. It was the calculating and measured gaze of a predator. Like shark that had just scented blood in the water, or a lion on an African plain that had spotted a wounded zebra.


  She took a step back involuntarily and bumped into the telephone table. “Are you jealous, beautiful?” he purred as he came closer.

  “Uh.” Oh, that was an intelligent response. Mentally, she smacked her forehead with her open palm.

  “Because you sound jealous,” he murmured. He reached her and cupped her cheek in his hand. “Maybe I should kiss you again and reassert the fact that I desperately want you in my bed, Serena. It was you that balked, remember?”

  “I-I’m not jealous,” she replied, tipping her chin up a little. “I just don’t like to see women make idiots of themselves over a man.” Just like she was doing. “I just don’t…shit—”

  His mouth came down on hers, completely stealing the rest of her thought. He seduced her lips to part and kissed her deep. All the while he rubbed his thumb back and forth over her cheek. He broke the kiss and set his forehead to hers. After making a little purring sound in the back of his throat, he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. “Your skin’s so soft,” he murmured thickly. “I can’t help but wonder if you’re as soft all over.”

  Serena’s breath caught. She used the table behind her to take some of her weight because her knees weren’t doing a very good job of it.

  He set his hands on either side of her, resting them on the table, and gazed into her wide eyes. “You need to leave, Serena. I mean it. You’re not safe around me…for so many different reasons. I want to lead you to my bed, lay you out and take you over and over until the morning light breaks the night. I want to strip you, beautiful. I want to sink myself inside you.”

  A whimpering sound reached her ears and it took her a second to realize it was coming from her.

  He pushed away from the table and turned. “If you don’t want any of that, you should leave now. Because you’re tempting me something awful.”

  Serena glanced at the door and back at Cole. He stood with his back to her. Suddenly, he shot a hand out toward the door and it opened.

  She stared at the open door, her ticket out of here, out of this whole dangerous mess. If she left now, she’d be free of the whole Ashmodai thing, presumably.

  But she couldn’t seem to move.

  She did want Cole. Of course, she did. She was just surprised, and more than a little wary about the fact that he wanted her. In her mind, she was still the fat girl in school all the boys ignored. It was hard for her to wrap her mind around the fact that this perfect, beautiful specimen of manhood—this man who could have any woman he wanted—found her attractive. No. Not even that. Cole professed to find her irresistible.

  How could that be?

  She wanted to find out if it was true, however, so instead of walking to the door and out of it like she should, she stood staring at Cole’s broad shoulders, his tight ass and the back of his head. She liked this man as well as found him attractive. He was compelling, mysterious and more than a little dangerous. She found him irresistible.

  But…what would happen when he got her clothes off and he discovered her overweight body naked? Would the fire in his eyes dim? Serena shuddered. That was something she didn’t want to find out.

  Something Brian had told her once came back in a rush. You’d be so pretty if you just lost some weight.

  She glanced at the door, then back at Cole. She should leave. It would save them both some pain and anguish. She moved to take a step toward it.

  He flicked his wrist. The door slammed shut.


  Suddenly, her mind was awhirl. What kind of bra and underwear had she put on this morning? She flushed as she remembered donning the serviceable blue briefs that sported tiny pink flowers and the boring white cotton bra. Not exactly alluring lingerie.

  She just hadn’t expected to be seduced today.

  A wild laugh rose up in h
er throat, but it was choked into submission by the look on Cole’s face as he turned toward her. A dark, predatory light graced his brown and green-flecked eyes. “You’re mine now, beautiful,” he murmured.

  Chapter Four

  Cole watched Serena’s eyes widen and her small pink tongue steal out to lick her lips. She looked uncertain, maybe even a little regretful that she hadn’t dashed for the door when she’d had the chance.

  There was no way she’d escape him now. She was his until the first morning’s light…and beyond. He’d make sure she didn’t regret not exiting when he’d presented her with the opportunity.

  He took in her curves as he approached her. Well, the curves he could see, anyway. He couldn’t wait to remove the jean skirt and frumpy green button-down shirt that she was wearing. Cole had noticed she dressed to conceal her body, hide those wonderfully large breasts he so wanted to touch and taste. He wanted to savor every square inch of her. The hunger of Cernunnos rose within him at the thought. Heat skittered out from his cock to envelop his whole body.

  Serena’s eyes widened. Her silky black hair swung as she glanced at the door again. Her mouth tightened.

  He wanted to see that stunning face relaxed, wanted to see that glossy black hair shimmer in the light and feel its corn-silk texture brush his upper thighs as those luscious lips wrapped around his cock. He suppressed a growl of pure want at the images flitting through his mind.

  Serena was a nice woman, respectable. He suspected she was no virgin, but neither had she been with many men. No, Serena was a good girl. Still, he sensed in her a wild wantonness. He sensed that whoever the man she granted her sexual favor to, she would allow him all the pleasures of the flesh that he wished. In fact, Cole suspected that she’d yearn for those pleasures.

  He wanted to be the man.

  He possessed a dominant and aggressive sexual personality. He might not know a lot about himself, but he knew that much. Her sweet submissiveness and that wantonness he suspected that lay within her, called out to that predator part of him with a siren’s song. They would make the perfect match between the sheets. Cole was sure of it.


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