The Skin of the Gods

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The Skin of the Gods Page 25

by Phil Armstrong

  The Sampan Man shifted his weight and shook his head in a sad gesture. “I’m nowhere near that state of enlightenment, in case you were wondering. The Thirteenth Church and The Monastery of the Eight Rays do exist. I’ve journeyed to this location as a young man. I will always deny its existence as foolish ramblings. I couldn’t break through and have spent the rest of my life learning to live with my limitations. There are powerful people who want that instant short cut. They’ll stop at nothing to get this power. The Chinese Government is afraid of Tibet. They’re afraid of what is happening in the clouds. Afraid of a bunch of bald headed monks - why? China could be the aggressor and invade these sacred temples. For hundreds of years they’ve been warned to stop interfering with the Thirteenth Church. They’re so afraid that they posture like a big schoolyard bully, but they dare not pick that fight.

  Here’s how it relates to you David, my patient friend. Many years ago in Egypt, a secret society named The Order of the Serpent was formed. Its main purpose was to overthrow the Pharaoh King and seize power. They didn’t really want the throne, although many thought they did. The real power lay in the artifacts that would unlock a mysterious portal. This power would grant access to the afterlife and forbidden knowledge. The ruling Pharaoh elected the two most powerful Magicians to guard the artifacts. The two Magicians were known as the Servants of Byblos. I’m giving you the abbreviated version here. One group was sworn to protect the artifacts, the other sworn to uncover these powerful secrets. Good versus Evil, do you get my drift? For thousands of years, these groups have surfaced and disappeared, in the secret whisperings of castle, palace and Church hallways. Throughout history, the popularity with this struggle has waned and re-ignited. Powerful men have resurrected the search for these artifacts. They have become a fascination with these secret societies. I wasn’t sure at first if this was a childish rivalry, perpetuated by two groups of rich men. Then I noticed a thin pale man, buying specific items at auctions, all around the world. I saw this happening before you were born. He always bid anonymously, but his call sign, at the auction, was Ay. Ay was the name of the Egyptian guard and founding member of the Order of the Serpent.

  I tracked his activities, buying up old manuscripts, artwork and books, describing the portal or legends supporting its existence. He was researching portals and trying to figure out, how to use this knowledge. I watched him buy seemingly worthless artifacts. A bottle of holy water, supposed to have been created out of thin air, by some Japanese woman. Stone tablets stolen from the Incas and bought on the black market.”

  David could wait no more. “Who was this man?”

  “Kieran Dwyer, a very wealthy businessman. He was born in Bath, but was educated at Oxford University. Do you remember the jeweled Turkish dagger, with the interesting inscriptions on the handle? This was presented for auction last month. People were only allowed to see the inscriptions with a very large cash deposit. The dagger was a private sale. It is rumored the inscriptions talked about the Servants of Byblos. Kieran Dwyer bought that dagger. Do you remember it? Sotheby’s at Chatsworth, I think?”

  “Yes, I was there. It still hurts me today, that I was outbid on that one. It had inscribed markings on the handle. It described a box so powerful that the Ottoman Empire was distracted trying to find this box.”

  “Well, our friend Kieran bought that. He also bought a Venetian journal that described a chance encounter with a drunken sea merchant. The merchant told an incredible story of an Egyptian Amulet. This could all be coincidence but I happen to believe that there are no coincidences. Kieran is married and has never been photographed in the last twenty years. The newspapers will never print his picture and refuse to add him to any lists. Forbes magazine doesn’t recognize his existence.”

  “But he’s loaded?”

  “Loaded, doesn’t do it justice. He’s from really old money, before Rockefeller. His latest activities seem to be buying rare first edition books by Blavatsky, Elliot and Bramwell.”

  “He’s interested in Lemuria.”

  “Yes, he’s also acquired some companies in Canada, Ukraine and Peru.”

  “What type of companies?”

  “Mining,” the Sampan Man said with a cough.

  “What for, gold?”

  The Sampan Man reached forward and grabbed the paper image from the coffee table, “Lemurian crystals. This man is wearing a Lemurian crystal pendant. I’m sorry, a priceless Lemurian crystal pendant. Can you see the sea serpent design, holding the crystal?” The Sampan Man flipped the page towards David, who studied the image.

  David stuttered, “Is this really a Lemurian Master’s crystal?”

  “Programmed by Cryanna personally, to receive and house spirits from another world.”

  “How did he get it and does he know what he’s got?”

  “I know this guy. I’ve seen him hanging around with Kieran’s son. He’s about the same age. The son followed in his Dad’s footsteps and went to Oxford University. I recognize this kid now, he went to Oxford too, and I’ve seen him hanging around the auction house with Kieran’s son.”

  “What’s he up to? Beth said he was acting like he was possessed.”

  “There’s a good chance he is. That crystal is very powerful; it can house a spirit. I’ve never seen one in existence before; I’ve only heard stories that some have survived. If that is an authentic Cryanna Lemurian Master crystal then a spirit could be guiding him.”

  “Or controlling him?”

  “The crystal is priceless and exceptionally rare. It takes a Master to program a crystal like that. Cryanna was exceptional. There’s no way Kieran would entrust it to some punk. There’s something wrong here. Kieran’s been trying to use his knowledge of Lemuria to find the sacred artifacts and unlock the portal. Spirits from the afterlife would have access to secret knowledge. They would know of the artifacts and their locations. You need to find out who this kid really is and stop this plan. Matt’s a big part of this plot. A dangerous and powerful group is backing him. Kieran has business partners. He doesn’t act alone. The Order of the Serpent will try to find the artifacts. They will try to locate the two guardians, the Servants of Byblos.”

  “Good versus evil.”

  “Sometimes, good needs a helping hand. How is your friend ….?”


  “Yes, how is she mixed up with this?”

  David looked at the image, “I’m not sure but I’m going to find out.”

  “You’ll need to find out how they’ve managed to get a spirit through the portal and into this crystal. Not only how, but who is this spirit and what are they up to?

  “You’re in danger now for telling me this, right?” David’s face flushed.

  “I’ll need to move now but you must go. You need to put the pieces together quickly.” The Sampan Man glanced at the window into the strong sun.

  David grabbed the paper image and bowed his head respectfully to the Sampan Man. “Will I ever see you again?”

  “I’m sure our paths will cross, when it’s meant to be.” The Sampan Man smiled.

  David’s mind digested the Sampan Man’s stories. He couldn’t remember the drive back to the city. It was as if he had been in a trance. He knew he had to get to England and meet Beth.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 17: A Powerful and Dangerous Man

  Haworth, West Yorkshire, England, Present day.

  Beth looked to her left; she stared at the rows of seated men, each dressed in dark suits. They all wore a golden serpent shaped pin, attached to their left lapel. She stared at them but failed to see the features of their faces. It was then that she became acutely aware she was naked. She was dressed in blue heels, but nothing else. She was horribly embarrassed, yet the men did not seem to notice. She was mortified and tried to move her arms to cover herself. Her arms were heavy and unresponsive. She felt panic and embarrassment. Why couldn’t she do something as simple as move her arms to cover herself? She struggled, but it was of no use. Her
arms remained limp at her side. She felt a rising panic but she struggled to rationalize why? It seemed the men were not paying any attention to her, despite her unclothed condition. A shrill sound caught her attention. It originated from an alabaster table to her right. An ornate phone, shaped like the phones she had seen in old movies, rang violently.

  Beth snapped her eyes open and emerged from the foggy haze of her dream. The phone was ringing; it took her a moment to recognize the difference between dreamland and reality. She rolled across her bed and stuck out a hand. In a cat like move, she snatched the receiver and held it to her ear. “Hello?” she said in a particularly groggy voice.

  “Hi. Is this Beth?” said a male voice.

  “Yeah, who’s this?”

  “It’s David Lee calling from Hong Kong. Sakura asked me to give you a call. I think I might be able to help you. I’m interested in coming over to England, to meet with you Beth.”

  “Oh,” said Beth blowing away the cobwebs in her sleepy brain. “You’re that guy that Sakura said was interested in portals?”

  “That’s me, and I really would like to meet with you, to hear your story. I’d also like to help you find your boyfriend. Are you open to that Beth?”

  “Yes. How much is this going to cost me?” Beth could hear laughter in the background.

  “I’m sorry; you caught me off guard with that one.” David was still laughing. “No, I’m not going to charge you a thing. I’m interested in portals and I’m interested in finding your boyfriend. In fact, I have some information about him already, but I’d rather talk with you in person.”

  “You mean fly over here?” Beth was starting to wake up.

  “Exactly, I insist. You won’t regret it. I need to tell you some important information and you need to know the truth.” David sounded serious.

  “The truth, well there’s only two mistakes that one can make along the road to truth…” Beth left the sentence hanging.

  “That’s right, not going all the way and not starting. I didn’t know that you’ve studied Buddha?”

  “I just like quotes,” explained Beth.

  David sounded serious again, “Beth, you seem like a nice person, I really need to visit you and explain a few things. Not over the phone. Some incredible things exist in our universe, things that others may not comprehend. I believe that you might be in danger and I need to explain in person. Can I come and visit you?”

  “When are you thinking of coming over?”

  “I would like to get the first flight. I need to explain to you what I’ve found.”

  Beth was curious. “Okay David, I look forward to speaking with you in Yorkshire.” David explained that Sakura had provided him with a copy of the image of Matt. She had also forwarded her address. He vowed to be in Yorkshire as soon as he could.

  * * * * *

  Haworth, West Yorkshire, England, Present day.

  It had been two days since their conversation and Beth was both curious and apprehensive. The doorbell pierced the crawling silence and startled Beth. She was closing in on deep sleep and had been fading in and out. Beth moved towards the window. She wanted to sneak a peek at her visitor. A slim tall man, with dark hair, waited patiently. Beth studied his light grey Lacoste rain jacket and blue Lacoste polo shirt. She moved her eyes down to his trim blue jeans and black Puma sneakers. He was elegantly decked out and clearly not from around this area. Beth could see the man’s tanned face. He was oriental and not what she expected. “David,” thought Beth. She couldn’t explain why but she slipped off Matt’s diamond ring and casually tossed it into a ceramic pot, high on the mantle.

  Beth ran to the door, she opened it with a feeling of anticipation and curiosity. “Beth?” inquired David; with a warm smile he extended his hand.

  “Yes,” said Beth catching his welcoming brown eyes for the first time.

  “Thanks for seeing me, can I come in?”

  “Oh sure, where are my manners,” stuttered Beth, trying to comprehend the strange attraction she felt towards this exotic stranger. “Please come on in, you’ve travelled so far.” David held a small gym bag as he entered the small cottage. He didn’t wait to be asked, he set the bag down and chose a seat in one of the armchairs. “Can I offer you water or tea perhaps?”

  “No thanks. I came to talk. I have some information that will be important for you.” Beth closed the cottage door. She gave it a firm push, to ensure the lock had engaged. She walked towards the couch and sat facing David. Her eyes scanned his thin yet muscular frame. He was handsome and she felt the attraction. “Are you ready for this conversation Beth?”

  “Yes. You haven’t flown all the way here for nothing.”

  “Let’s start with the portal and Matt. Sakura has told me about Toshie and about the portal in Brussels. I’d like to hear the story from you. Start at the beginning and don’t leave anything out.”

  Beth felt comfortable with David. He seemed genuinely interested and if Sakura trusted him, then she felt safe. An hour later, Beth continued with her amazing story. David had sat still with his eyes trained on Beth. A picture of supreme concentration, he had not asked a single question. Beth continued, “As I stepped upon the brass colored shell, I felt a burst of energy. Subra and Corom flooded through the portal, I sensed their energies. I knew that Toshie had passed away, I just knew. These experiences were very new to me. After a while, I remembered a strange energy shooting through me. I thought it was the portal but it didn’t feel right. I had fallen to the floor and I remember Matt was the first person I saw, offering me assistance to help me to my feet. Matt extended a hand and there was a crackle of energy. It was like a small static electric shock. I thought this was left over from the portal and maybe I was charged. Now I think differently.”

  “What do you mean?” said David leaning in. Beth leaned in, mirroring David’s movements. As she moved, her hands pushed forward. She followed David’s eyes, as he noticed the Fox tattoo on the inside of her right wrist. She turned her wrist inwards slightly, in an effort to conceal the tattoo and continued.

  “Well, now I think that feeling was something else. If the portal opened and two spirits passed through, was it open enough for one spirit to pass the other way? Could a spirit have passed through into me? Could it then have passed through to David? David’s handshake was electrically charged. Is it possible that a spirit passed through into him? I now think that’s what happened.”

  “That’s interesting, I’ve never heard of spirits passing through into our world. It’s possible and from what I know, highly plausible.”

  Beth studied David’s face, for signs that he was teasing her. “You believe me, don’t you?”

  David stretched his legs out before looking at Beth and nodding his head, “Yes.”

  “You said you had information?” Beth caught David with one of her piercing stares.

  “I do. It’s my turn to talk and tell you what I know.” Beth sat quietly, her intensity growing. She had eagerly anticipated what David would tell her. “Sakura forwarded an image to me. When I saw the image of Matt, it tweaked my curiosity. I have so much to tell you but I’ll try to keep to what’s relevant for you and Matt. Let’s start with the hard news. I think you’ve been used. I don’t know why yet but I think Matt was trying to get close to you, to find out some information. Perhaps he was tracking your activities, in order to find the next portal. It was no coincidence that Matt was right there.” David paused and looked at Beth, “Right there, to help you onto your feet.

  I’m a collector Beth. I’m fascinated with portals and their existence. I collect artifacts, texts and stories relating to this phenomenon. Over the years, I’ve come to realize, that I’m not the only one doing this. The same familiar faces turn up at these auctions, where artifacts are available. I’ve tracked one particular group, headed by a powerful individual. They seem to be very interested in the same type of artifact that I collect. I’m fascinated by the topic and collect artifacts because I’m interested. This ot
her group has ulterior motives, which I suspect are sinister. How does this involve you? I’m quite sure that Matt hasn’t been totally honest with you. I know he graduated from Oxford University. He was part of a special group, headed by an influential student. This student was Matt’s best friend and university buddy. They graduated together and formed an allegiance. His buddy is the son of an influential businessman and multibillionaire.


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