Geek Bearing Gifts (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in search of love + A sexy shifter who secretly loved her = Smokin' Roaring Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 2)

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Geek Bearing Gifts (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in search of love + A sexy shifter who secretly loved her = Smokin' Roaring Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 2) Page 3

by Milly Taiden

She groaned and widened her eyes. “You’re not! You were hurt.”

  “I’m sorry.” He found his manners. “Are you hungry?” The sound her stomach made and the fact she kept eyeing the food his sister had come over and cooked earlier told him she needed something to eat soon. If Nita was anything like she’d been as a teen, she would get cranky when hungry.

  “I guess I must be. The drive wasn’t long, but I was so busy all day I didn’t get a chance to eat anything.” She grinned and handed him the clean towel.

  “Let me grab some clothes really quick and we’ll eat.”

  “But your head—”

  “Is fine. I’ll be back in a second,” he said and stood. He marched to his bedroom and threw some clean clothes on only to rush back to the kitchen.

  She shoved him back in his seat. “Here. You sit, hold this,” she said, handing him the washcloth once again. “Tell me where everything is and I’ll bring the food to you.”

  Nita had always been a nice person, caring and considerate of those she felt deserved it. She’d always covered that with a layer of insecurity that kept most people at bay. He’d never seen the self-assurance in her as a kid that he saw now.

  He pointed to a cupboard. “Plates are in there. Utensils are in the drawer by your left hand.”

  In no time, the food was on the table and she was helping serve it. He would have felt bad if not for the fact he really loved watching her move around his kitchen. Okay, she could’ve stayed in one spot and he’d still have been staring at her like a love-sick fool.

  “How’s the head?” she asked before starting to eat.

  He glanced down at his plate instead of staring at her lips for the billionth time. He should be over his geek boy ways. Well, most of them. He still wore glasses as a human when his contacts irritated him. As a bear, his vision was good enough that he didn’t have to worry about his sight. Besides, he’d never live it down if his clansmen saw him in his bear with a pair of black framed glasses on.

  “I’m fine. Really. It wasn’t a big deal but thanks for your concern.” He reached out a hand and placed it over hers.

  Her gaze shot down to his large hand covering hers. “It looked pretty bad but maybe it was all the blood. You sure you don’t need a doctor?”

  He brushed his thumb over the top of her hand. “No doctor. I’d never live it down if my clan knew I went for a tiny scratch like that.”

  “You must be a bleeder.” She stared at his mouth and his blood traveled south.

  He gripped the spoon tight enough to bend it and attempted a smile. “No. I’m a bear. I heal faster than others.”

  “Of course!” She laughed, her top dropping a fraction lower to show more of her cleavage. He shouldn’t be staring at her chest, but he was a geek, not an idiot.

  “I should have known that’s why you stopped bleeding and your wound appeared to have healed before my eyes.”

  He didn’t tell her the wound had been bad at first, but his bear had been huffing and roaring him back to health. During the moments he’d been unconscious, the bear had quickly pushed for him to come to his senses. That link between man and animal had saved his life more than a few times.

  “What did you think I was?” From what Jess told him, the site she’d used to set him up with was a Paranormal Dating Agency and so Nita should have known he was not human.

  She shrugged. “I didn’t stop to think about it, to be honest.”

  The right side of her top slid down her shoulder to reveal a purple polka dot studded bra strap. Fucking hell. Why did fate torture him with glimpses of her undergarments? What he wanted to do was tear all her clothes off. His cock ached and she’d been there for all of a few hours. By the end of the night he’d have blue balls.

  “I guess I was so caught up in you being passed out and bleeding that I didn’t focus on the fact you can probably heal faster than I can from a paper cut.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Don’t tell me what really happened was that you fainted.”

  He roared a laugh. She was still just as funny as she’d been back in high school. “Do I look like a fainter?”

  She lifted the iced tea to her lips and took a swallow. He watched her throat work. He knew he was in serious trouble when that turned him on. She lowered the glass slowly and he was put through the torture of watching her lick the remaining drops of her drink from her lips. Dammit he had to struggle the bear back. Ky wanted her. Now.

  “No, you don’t. But trust me when I tell you I have seen bigger men than you cry and scream at the sight of blood. Some have outright fainted when they saw a needle.”

  He frowned at her words. “Are you a doctor?”

  She shook her head, laughed and pulled her hand out of his. “I’m going to need this to eat.”

  “You could always break a record for one-handed eating.”

  She grinned. “Not in this lifetime. This stew looks divine. No way in hell I’m going to struggle eating with one hand. You might be cute, Mr. Bear, but I am a hungry girl.”

  Did she call him cute? Never had Ky loved hearing those words from a woman more than he did at that moment. He didn’t want for her to see what a big deal it was, so he laughed it off. “Hey, your loss. That is pretty big in some parts of the world. I bet the Guiness Book of World Records people would be marveled. Fastest time for one handed-eating of stew might be a popular one. You never know.”

  “Riiiight.” She slipped her spoon into the stew, inhaled and groaned. “This smells better than it did when I walked in.”

  Thank god for Jess and her love of making the seafood stew. She knew that was his favorite. He’d thought that she’d come over to sweeten him up like she usually did when she wanted him to release some of the money from her trust. His younger sister was too rash to handle her own money and she knew it. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t have moments of weakness where she wanted to go on massive shopping sprees and begged him to loosen the purse strings.

  “Yeah. It will taste amazing too,” he said, digging his spoon into the delicious meal his sister had made. The scent of spices and fish made the bear inside him growl with hunger.

  “Gotta love a man that is so confident in his cooking.” She chuckled and slid the spoon between her lips.

  He held his breath as he watched her close her eyes and do the adult version of the moans he’d seen her do while eating ice cream as a teen. “! This is so good!”

  Hot damn! His throat went dry all over again and he had a hard time remembering to breathe. “I told you it was amazing.”

  She blinked. Like she’d just remembered he was there. And slowly swiped her tongue over her bottom lip. “Yeah. I should’ve listened to you. You’re a great cook.”

  His heartbeat pounded in his chest so hard he worried she could hear it. He wanted badly to take her compliment for himself, but he wasn’t going to lie about it. “My sister did the cooking. She came over earlier to surprise me.”

  Nita’s slow lift of her lips into a sassy smile made his heart trip. “What a great sister. Was she worried you’d scare me off with your cooking?”

  He shook his head, noticing how easy their conversation was. Things between them felt like they’d never been apart. Even with her not remembering him. “No. She worried I’d feed you grilled fish and vegetables. According to her it’s the only decent thing I can make.”

  Nita snorted, biting her lip. He saw her struggle to keep a straight face. “I don’t believe you. A big guy like you has to eat more than that.”

  He loved the playful look in her eyes. That twinkle did what so many dates in the past never had: it made him smile. It was like old times but better. “I am also very adept at making peanut butter and jelly with bananas.”

  “Oooh! My favorite.” She lowered the spoon and picked up a piece of bread. “A man after my heart.”

  He’d never forgotten her favorite snack. Nita and those sandwiches, along with the memories of his time with her, were the reason he’d make some.
Just to think of her.

  “What made you hire a dating agency?” she asked, chewing the piece of bread so slowly he became entranced in watching her jaw movement.

  “Nothing. I didn’t hire the dating agency.” He licked his lips and glanced down at his bowl. His food had disappeared but he didn’t remember consuming any of it.

  “So how did we end up here?”

  The temperature in the kitchen rose the longer he watched her eat. Her breath hitched every few bites like she couldn’t stop herself from enjoying the meal.

  “My sister set it up.” Much to his frustration at first. Now, though, he couldn’t be happier and planned to express his gratitude by hugging his sister to bits.

  She met his gaze. There was a question in her eyes and a flash of insecurity. He decided to reassure her. “I’m happy she did, though.”

  Her smile warmed him from the inside. “I’m glad I used the agency too.”


  Nita had butterflies in her stomach. When was the last time that happened? Other than the few times Ky had brushed his hand over hers back in high school? Never. Men had come and gone and none had made her feel all kinds of sweaty and slightly dazed with just their conversation.

  She couldn’t believe how nice and funny her date was. The more she spoke to him and stared at his gorgeous face, the more she swore she’d seen him somewhere before. It was his eyes. Something about the hazel color going back and forth from green to gold was driving her to distraction.

  She opened her mouth to ask him about his childhood when someone strolled into the kitchen.

  “Hey, Chief. I smell food,” a man said, stopping short at the sight of her and her date smiling over empty plates.

  “Liam, what are you doing here?” Ky asked, his tone not so much brusque but surprised.

  Liam was a big guy with short dark hair and a light scruffy beard similar to the one Ky had. The only difference was that Ky had golden spiky hair and hazel eyes that still had her knees jellified. Ky also had a thousand watt smile with perfect teeth. Then there were his lips. Lord almighty, she couldn’t wait to kiss them.

  Liam’s surprise turned into a knowing smile after a moment. He folded his large arms over his plain black T-shirt and shrugged.

  “Jess called. She asked me to come over and see you. She didn’t elaborate. I took it to mean you were in the middle of piling up some firewood for your den and needed help.”

  “I’m fine. I don’t need help,” Ky said. He stood, taking the empty bowls and placing them in the sink. The clinking of spoons and glass the only sound in the kitchen for moment. “Liam, this is Nita. Nita, Liam.”

  “Nita?” Liam’s eyes widened with surprise.

  “Yes. Nice to meet you, Liam. But…” Nita grinned at Liam. “I think he needs to see a doctor to have that wound checked.”

  Liam’s smile disappeared. “Wound?”

  “I’m fine,” Ky replied. “We’ll discuss it later.”

  Liam’s brows lowered in a fierce scowl. A low growl sounded from where he stood. “I understand.”

  “I’m really sorry, Ky. I just think you should seek a professional medical opinion. You could have done some damage we’re not aware of. Head wounds are very dangerous.”

  Ky stopped piling plates in the sink and turned to her. She thought he might be angry over her words, but instead, he grinned at her as if she’d said something funny.

  “Thank you for your concern. It is incredibly humbling.”

  Wow. His smile when he said that was so sexy and his eyes turned a dark forest green. Fire curled into a ball in her belly and air caught in her lungs. Hell. Her heart did little flips in her chest.

  “I should go then,” Liam offered.

  “No!” What the hell was she doing? “Please, stay.”

  Yes. She needed Liam to stay or she might do something bad. At her age. She needed a chaperone. This was going too well and she didn’t want to mess it up by getting naked too soon. Naked could be good though, real good. She continued to chastise herself for not tugging on the towel while he’d been passed out. At least lifting a corner or something. It’s not like he would’ve known.

  There was something about Ky that reminded her of someone. She snorted internally. If he weren’t so big, she might have said he reminded her of the other Ky, her high school friend. As it was, this Ky was enormous. With that sexy as sin beard and, holy molasses, all those muscles. She needed Liam to stay or she might climb Ky like a tree. Probably hump him like a dog too.

  “Are you sure?” Liam asked, glancing at Ky for a moment.

  “Yes,” she replied. She turned to glance out the kitchen window. “It’s late and the cabin I’m staying at isn’t far from here so I should go.”

  “You don’t have to go,” Ky was quick to reply. “I have a guest cabin.”

  She grinned, a sense of happiness expanding in her chest. He wanted her to stay. Not that she wanted to go, but seeing his instant offer made her feel they were going in the right direction. “I know. That’s where I’m staying. Did you forget that part too?”

  Liam’s loud chuckle filled the kitchen. It amused her to see a flush of color cover Ky’s pale cheeks. He was so damn cute. Cute with a body she could do some dirty things to. She wanted to strip him down to nothing and lick him from head to toe. Shit. Her thoughts had turned sexual. Not good. Pretty soon she’d start visualizing him naked. Big buff bear in all his growly glory. Dear god!

  Too late. The image of Ky with nothing but that sexy smile on his face popped into her head. She almost slapped her forehead to tell her brain to cut it out. But it was useless. Another image of Ky took hold of her mind. In this one, he was prowling toward her, his large body looming over hers. Then in her head, he lowered and kissed her senseless.

  “I really think I should go.” Liam cleared his throat, taking a few steps back.

  “Nonsense. I’m going to need some sleep soon. I’ll just head over to that cabin Mrs. Wilder mentioned. She gave me directions—”

  “I’ll take you,” Ky cut in. “Liam stay here. We’ll talk when I return.”

  Nita stood from the kitchen table. Her body felt tight and flushed. If she got any more turned on by thinking of Ky, she’d end up ravishing him in the woods. When did she start using the word ravish, anyway? That was Tally rubbing off on her.

  “I need to grab my overnight bag and we are good to go,” she told Ky. Then she offered her hand to Liam. “It was nice meeting you.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he said with a flirty wink that probably got him lots of women bowing at his feet. “Trust me.”

  She had the feeling he was trying to tell her something, but she couldn’t figure out what. He could just be messing with her after the way she’d told on Ky for being hurt.

  Once she’d gotten her bag from the car, Ky led her down a path by the side of his house. It was a pretty straight walk that took them by a creek not far from his cabin.

  “That’s gorgeous,” she said, staring at the moon reflecting on the water. “You must love living here.”

  Leaves crunched under their feet as they walked, the sound almost overpowering the buzzing of the butterflies swarming her chest.

  “I do love living here.” He grabbed her hand to help her over some bumpy areas on the path.

  She wore sandals, but knew all about living near the mountains and had a pair of trainers and hiking boots in her bag.

  “What about you? How do you like living in the city?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “I mostly grew up there. It’s what I’m used to.”

  “You’ve never lived outside of the city?”

  She nodded in the darkness, then realized he probably couldn’t see that. “Yes. I lived not far from here when I was a teenager. It only lasted about two years. Then we moved back home.”

  “I guess you didn’t enjoy it?”

  She frowned at the almost sad way he said the words. “I liked it. I think nature is beautiful and with a cabin
as gorgeous as the one you have— with no weird annoying neighbors close by and a view to die for, plus the basic necessities —you’d be stupid to move to the city. I certainly wouldn’t.”

  “I do love living here. I can have peace and quiet. At the same time, my clan is not too far so if they need me, I’m nearby.”

  They neared the smaller cabin. It was obvious someone had been in there not long ago. The lights were turned on in a welcoming sight.

  “Jess.” He sighed, digging his hands in his back pocket.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “My sister came over and turned on the lights for you,” he rushed to add.

  At the door, she turned to him with a smile. “I had fun at dinner. Are you still up for a day of walking the woods tomorrow?”

  He pushed the door to the miniature cabin open. It was the cutest thing ever. She’d seen tiny houses before on television, but had never actually stayed in one. The inside was decorated in earth tones that blended perfectly with their surroundings. Colors had been combined with furniture to give the small space country charm.

  “This has to be the prettiest little cabin ever!” she squealed. She felt like a big kid in a dollhouse.

  When she turned to glance at Ky, he was busy leaning on the front door, smiling at her. That smile. Oh mother of all dirty thoughts. He gave her so many naughty visuals she had to remember to breathe and keep her sexual depravity inside her head.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He chuckled and she watched his chest rise and fall with his laughs. “My mother was fond of this cabin.”

  “You have to love it!” She sat down on one of the dainty sofas. “It’s like Alice in Wonderland.”

  Ky raised a brow. “And who would I be, the Mad Hatter or the crazy cat?”

  She stood again and strolled toward him. “I think you and Liam would make a great pair of Tweedledee and Tweedledum.”

  She burst into giggles at his indignant expression. How could she talk to him like that? It was all him. Something about him allowed her to be herself. No pretending. She felt comfortable enough with him to joke around.

  “Are you kidding me?”


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