Rose of Anzio - Moonlight (Volume 1)

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Rose of Anzio - Moonlight (Volume 1) Page 26

by Alexa Kang

  After she left the Morrissey’s home, Tessa took the bus to the University of Chicago campus instead of going home. She had to thank Anthony for what he did.

  She had never visited the UC campus before. Its stately and traditional environment reminded her very much of him. Walking past the school buildings, she tried to imagine what living here might be like for him. He had a whole life in this place that she didn’t know a thing about.

  Following the directions given to her by passing students, she came to Breckinridge Hall, the Palladian-style brick and stone building Anthony had chosen as his dorm.

  So this is where he lives. She hoped he was here.

  The student working at the reception desk recognized Anthony’s name right away and telephoned his floor. Luckily, Anthony was in.

  “Tessa?” He looked overjoyed when he came downstairs. That warm, tender sensation ran through her heart again when she saw how happy he was to see her.

  “I didn’t expect you to come see me.” He looked down and smiled at her. He was so close to her and his voice was so intimate, her heart tingled. But she must be imagining this. She had to be imagining this. Why would Anthony treat her any differently than before?

  “What brought you here?” he asked.

  “I went to see Jack and Henry earlier,” she said. “Why didn’t you tell me what you did?”

  He laughed. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  She looked at him in disbelief.

  “Seriously though, I’m glad we can help them. I don’t want you to worry about your friends. I asked Father for a list of all the job openings at our companies that might be suitable for someone with his kind of disabilities, then all I did was introduce Jack to Mr. Mason. From there on, it was all up to Jack. Mr. Mason wouldn’t have hired him if he didn’t like Jack or if he didn’t think Jack was up to the job.”

  Even so, being introduced by Anthony must have helped. She smiled at the thought. It was so nice of Anthony to have done what he did.

  “It wasn’t much effort on my part,” he said. “I’m just a pantywaist who goes to my father for everything, remember?”

  “No.” She touched his arm. He stared at her hand and she pulled it back. She didn’t know why but suddenly she felt embarrassed. “I take it back. I take it all back. You’re not a pantywaist. You did a very wonderful thing. I came to say thank you. Thank you for helping Jack.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I got to know Jack too. He makes me feel so humbled. You were right. I have my parents and I’m never in want of anything. He’s younger than me and he’s been taking care of his family for years. Besides that, he’s already fought in the war. And here I am.” His tone changed to one of frustration. “I should enlist. It’s getting embarrassing. Me being an able body and staying at home.”

  “No!” she said. Her sharp tone surprised him and some of the students nearby.

  She retreated back and clasped her hands. “I don’t want you to go.” Her voice was barely audible but she couldn’t bring herself to say this any louder. Still, he heard her and gave her a warm smile. She lowered her eyes, too embarrassed even to look at him, but she honestly didn’t want him to be in danger.

  “Have you had dinner yet?” he asked.

  “No,” she said without raising her head. “I just came to say thank you. I should probably go home.”

  “Why don’t you stay and eat with me then? I can drive you home later. There’s a great place I know for Italian beef called Marconi’s. Have you ever had Italian beef? It’s a Chicago specialty.”

  She didn’t want to leave so soon either. “Okay.”

  His face lit up. “Wait here. I’ll call Mother and let her know.” Excited, he hurried back upstairs.

  She felt excited too. In fact, it surprised her how happy she was to see him. He didn’t let her wait long. When they walked outside, he flashed her a bright smile that made her think of a ray of sunshine.

  On the way, she stole silent glances at him. He did have a positive energy about him that cheered up everyone around him.

  He wasn’t as terrible as she thought after all.

  Chapter 46

  Another four weeks passed. Soon, it would be Christmas again. This would be Tessa’s third Christmas in America. The bloody war had no end in sight. But for the first time, she didn’t feel a hole of deep sadness that came with the arrival of the holiday season since coming to America. The reason was because Anthony would be coming home.

  Since the time she had visited him at his school after learning of what he had done for Jack, they made a pact to go to Marconi’s for Italian beef every Saturday for lunch. Marconi’s made the best Italian beef sandwiches, and they both agreed it would be an atrocity if they didn’t go there for a beef sandwich at least once a week. Like he had said, the Italian beef sandwiches there were delicious. Neither of them could stop raving about them.

  What she couldn’t say was that it wasn’t only the food. She couldn’t explain what had changed, but it was now fun being with him. Every time she saw him, she would play a prank on him. It was easy because he was always so straight and sincere. But he didn’t seem to mind that. He had stopped his annoying way of telling her what she should or shouldn’t do. If he hadn’t done that and had been more like how he was now, they would’ve gotten along much better before. They could’ve been better friends.

  Friends…Sometimes, she couldn’t help feeling they were more than that. There were times when she felt he didn’t think of her only as a friend. The gentle way he talked to her and the entranced way he looked at her sometimes made her wonder if he might have a different kind of feeling for her. But that couldn’t be, could it? For him, she had always been a difficult problem child. Why would he take that kind of interest in her now after all this time? She must be imagining things. It annoyed her that she would have such ridiculous imaginings. How humiliating it would be if she were wrong.

  But that feeling would not go away. It was there too the last time they went to Marconi’s.

  They had just sat down with their food and he was telling her all about the swimming championship final. It was fun watching him. He got so excited every time he talked about swimming.

  “So after Roland fell behind, we thought it was over. There was no way we could catch up to the guys from Northwestern,” he was telling her about the last relay competition. “But Kyle went for it and caught up with them just enough to give us a shot. A long shot, but still a shot. I was up next and the last to go…” His enthusiasm made her chuckle.

  “And then! Unbelievable. The last guy up on their team slipped! He slipped and fell butt first into the pool. I wish I could’ve watched the rest of his team’s reaction but I had to dive right in. We were winning for sure now…” She couldn’t help laughing now. He got even more animated because he thought she was laughing at what he had said, except the real reason she was laughing was because he looked so endearing when he got so excited.

  As she listened, she found herself admiring his toned physique again. What would it be like to be held by arms that were so strong?

  He had a very nice grin too.

  “Is there something on my face?” he asked.

  “No.” She didn’t realize she was staring at him. Quickly, she changed the subject. “Do you always order your sandwich sweet dry? It tastes better with toppings on it.” She had tried all the different varieties already, but he never ordered his any other way.

  “I like it sweet dry.” He took another bite of his sandwich.

  This was why he was an open invitation for pranks. She drank her entire glass of juice and said, “Would you please get me another glass?”

  “Sure.” Without a doubt as to her intentions, he went to the ordering counter. He was so trusting of her, it made her chuckle again. But while he was at the counter, she put all the toppings of carrots, peppers, and celery from her sandwich on top of his sandwich. Watching him from the back, she put her hand over her mouth to hide her laugh. When he returned to the
table, she put on a straight face and bit into her own sandwich.

  “Here you go.” He put down the glass of juice he bought for her and sat down. She watched him bite into his sandwich again. “Hey! Why’d you do that? You messed up my sandwich.”

  She laughed. “I am going to mess up your life like you won’t believe.”

  As soon as she said it, she realized her words came out differently than she intended and they fell into an awkward silence. The awkwardness was only broken when he stared at her with an intriguing smile that made her feel self-conscious and embarrassed. She grabbed her glass of juice. “Give me that.” She looked away and sipped on her straw.

  He resumed talking about the swimming championship, but now it felt to her as if he was only trying to use the words to fill the air. Why did it feel so uncertain when they were together? Like they were always holding back something. What was that something? She still couldn’t quite explain it to herself.

  # # #

  The day before Christmas, Anthony suggested they go ice-skating. Tessa didn’t know how to skate, but he said he would teach her.

  “I played ice hockey when I was a kid. Let’s not be cooped up inside all day,” he said.

  He didn’t have to try very hard to convince her. She had been looking forward to him coming home. Only she didn’t want to admit that to anyone, or herself.

  He took her to a skating rink not far from where they lived. At first, she wobbled all over and couldn’t stop laughing. He skated backward, circling around her, laughing with her and trying to lead her. She didn’t know he was such a good skater.

  Two laps around the rink later, she felt steadier on her feet and she started to skate a bit faster. The rush of head wind felt so refreshing. She hadn’t felt so free in a long time.

  Gliding along, he abruptly pulled her close, startling her. For a moment, he held her against him. His arms wrapped protectively around her. Two large teenage boys hurtled past her at high speed. They would’ve knocked her over if he hadn’t pulled her out of their path. The boys sped away and he released her.

  Did she imagine it, or did he hold her much closer to him than he needed to get her out of the boys’ way?

  When he had his arms around her, her heart skipped a beat.

  “Are you all right?” he asked. “You look dazed.”

  “I’m fine.” She shook her head and tried to shake off her thoughts.

  “Come on.” He took her hand and led her forward.

  With the way he had his arm around her, and now with him holding her hand, she couldn’t help becoming aware of how strong he was. Not only was he physically strong, he exhibited such strength the way he carried himself. She watched him as she followed him from behind and saw for the first time what made him so attractive to all the girls around him. His commanding presence and his gallant attitude were irresistible.

  She wondered what it felt like for Mary Winters to walk hand-in-hand with him. To have him look at her with adoration in his eyes. To be held by him in his arms as someone he loved. To be kissed by him. She wondered why she was wondering about all this. She wondered if she had lost her mind.

  Around and around the rink they skated. This was so much fun. She wished they could go on and on. She wished this day would never end.

  Skating in front of Tessa, Anthony dared not turn and look back. If he did, he might look like a fool. In the brief seconds when he held her in his arms, his heart jumped. It was beating rapidly still. Before he released her, he caught a whiff of her perfume. Like an elixir casting a spell over him, it made him want to pull her even closer, to embrace her and bury his face in her hair and her neck and to breathe in deeply that sweet rose scent.

  In all his life, he had never felt such mad desire for any girl. And never before had he been so maddeningly lost for a way to let a girl know how he felt about her. How could he tell someone whom he paid so little attention to and whom he did nothing much but bicker with that he was madly in love with her? He had no idea.

  For the first time in his life, he was afraid he might be turned down. He feared she might reject him. This never worried him before. Girls didn’t usually turn him down. The times when they did, well, he must not have been that attracted, because he didn’t remember being bothered by it. But Tessa might turn him down. In fact, she would probably laugh in his face. What would he do then? He would look like a fool in front of her. He didn’t want to look like a fool in front of her.

  But at the rink, he could hold her hand and pretend he was keeping her from falling. He could hold on to her and feel for a moment what it would be like if they were together the way he wanted them to be.

  Not wanting to let her go, he skated on until he started to worry her legs might be tired and she wouldn’t be able to keep going. Amazingly, she didn’t ask to stop until he stopped. Reluctantly, he drew his hand back from her.

  Afterward, he suggested they go to the Museum of Science and Industry. “They put up a Christmas tree dedicated to the Allied troops. I heard it’s magnificent.”

  He couldn’t be happier when she readily agreed.

  When they got to the Museum, they learned that the Christmas tree had a theme, “Christmas Around the World.” Volunteers from twelve different countries had decorated it as a symbol of peace.

  He watched Tessa admire in awe the Christmas lights and ornaments. Silently, he said a prayer in front of the tree. He hadn’t told anyone, but his time was running out. He had given himself until the end of this year, and the end was fast approaching. When she wasn’t looking, he crossed his heart. No matter what the future might hold, he wished that for the many Christmases ahead, they could be happy again like today.

  A photographer came by. “Would you like me to take a picture of you two in front of the tree?” he asked both of them.

  Uncertain, Anthony looked at the photographer, then at Tessa. Tessa smiled and gestured to him to come next to her. Gladly, he said to the photographer, “Thanks.”

  Standing next to her, he put his arm lightly around her. She glanced over at his hand on her shoulder. Unsure, he almost took his arm off her, but she looked up at him and smiled. Relieved, he let his arm remain and pulled her a bit closer to him. The flash went off, capturing a moment in time that he wished would last.

  Maybe, he thought to himself as he watched her walk around the tree. Maybe there could be more for both of them.

  Chapter 47

  That week that followed Christmas was all about the Fur Ball.

  The Fur Ball was a pet event dreamt up by Uncle Leon. The war had cast such gloom everywhere. Hosting any kind of usual New Year’s Eve celebration became impossible. A black-tie gala would appear too indulgent and extravagant. A private family affair didn’t feel festive enough for everyone who craved the release of distraction and entertainment. The idea of the Fur Ball was to include a private war bond drive and a rally to collect donated fur for making coats and jackets for American soldiers fighting overseas.

  Instantly after its announcement, the Fur Ball, which would be held at the Caldwells’ home, became the most highly anticipated New Year’s Eve event for all of Chicago’s elite. Everyone in town coveted one of the invitations with the print of a Persian cat wearing a string of pearls. This lavish event was the only one everyone could attend without feeling guilty for celebrating while soldiers fought abroad. The tie-in with war support efforts was a stroke of genius. The war bond drive would make everyone feel good and patriotic for giving the troops their support. The fur drive even gave the wealthy a chance to show off the fur they owned.

  There would be special guests too. Leon had invited an Army colonel and a soldier to attend to help drum up the war bond sales. Rumor also had it, the glamorous actress Celeste Le Vonne would make a special appearance and sing for the guests. Whether this was true or not, Leon would not disclose even to his family.

  “I don’t blame Leon,” William said. “Life at home has to go on. And regardless of everyone’s motives, he would be r
aising a lot of money for the Army. This will be a good night.”

  A good night? Tessa didn’t think so. Mingling with strangers pretending to be social was not exactly the way she wanted to spend New Year’s Eve. She had no choice though. Everyone had to go to support Uncle Leon.

  Not that the rest of the family had any complaints. On Christmas day when the Caldwells came to their house for the Ardleys’ annual Christmas luncheon, Katherine could not stop talking about how excited all her friends were to have a reason to dress up again. Everyone she knew and their parents were looking forward to attending the Fur Ball.

  Unlike Katherine, Tessa remained blasé. Sophia practically had to drag Tessa to shop for a dress suitable for the occasion. Not wanting to draw attention to herself at the event, Tessa chose a simple black velvet evening dress with ruche shoulders, half sleeves, and a full A-lined skirt that reached just below her knees. Its only adornments were the black rose designs sewn on the skirt, which were hardly obvious.

  “A bit plain,” was Sophia’s opinion.

  Nonetheless, on the night of the event, the joyous mood and commotion lifted everyone’s spirits. Even Tessa’s. She watched in amazement how stunningly beautiful her Aunt Sophia looked in her sleek, elegant silver evening gown. Her Aunt Sophia’s taste was impeccable. No flashy jewelry, just a simple but exquisite necklace matched with a pair of diamond earrings. She and Uncle William made such a handsome pair, Tessa was sure they would be the best looking couple at the Ball.

  While she admired them, Anthony came up to her and said quietly to her, “You look beautiful.”

  His compliment made her heart flip. “I’m trying not to.” She followed William and Sophia to the door as the housemaid helped them put on their coats.

  Anthony shook his head. She was still as disagreeable as ever. Only now, he adored her all the more for it.

  When they arrived at the Caldwells’, other guests were already filing in. At a table at the front entrance, Anna and Katherine, along with two ladies, greeted the arriving guests while they collected the furs the guests brought for donation.


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