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Falcon Page 15

by Bex Dane

  "What are the odds of getting him by indictment?" Falcon asked.

  "Based on the U.N.'s track record? Slim to none," Torrez responded.

  "So we go after him," Falcon concluded.

  Torrez and Falcon nodded at each other, both on the same page.

  "I've been working on a plan," Torrez continued. "I set up a profile as a Saudi oil tycoon. I've been establishing a reputation as a buyer. Next step is to procure a meet with Ivan to discuss a big purchase. I go in alone, shoot him in the face, leave."

  "Won't work. You won't get out alive," Rogan said. "We need him outside where we can snipe him from a rooftop."

  "What if we turn some of the Russian tactics on them?" Falcon asked.

  "Like what?" Rogan asked.

  "We get the face-to-face and poison him. He dies of a heart attack. We walk out." Falcon spoke calm and confident.

  "Could work," Torrez replied.

  My mind drifted away from the details as Falcon's huge presence next to me became undeniable. He looked hot in his camo cargo pants and black tee. His goatee had grown thick and unruly. His hair was a little longer. It needed to come out of that tie so I could run my fingers through it and pull it.

  Under the table, his hand slid over to my leg. The top of his palm pushed my skirt up, and his thick, warm fingers gave my knee a squeeze. Oh my God. My thighs clenched and my core turned hot. The intimacy of the simple gesture in the middle of a room of his peers had me struggling to keep a straight face.

  "Dallas stays here to manage Aida's security detail." Rogan returning the conversation back to me captured my attention.

  Dallas nodded at Rogan and glanced at me. His look said he'd keep me safe. I liked it.

  "Blaze already told me he wants in," Rogan continued. "Torrez will take Diesel's place."

  "So we all in?" Falcon asked.

  Everyone grunted approval.

  "Zook, you're out." Torrez spoke to Zook like he was used to giving him orders, but also a close friend.

  "The hell I am."

  "We can't risk you going back to prison."

  "I did it before."

  "Not with the same intentions we have this time. You watch over our women while we're gone"

  Zook nodded. "Okay."

  "Let's meet again tomorrow to assign tasks." Rogan stood and closed the laptop in front of him.

  That was it? Meeting over? "Um, excuse me. What about the sting?"

  Confused faces stared back at me.

  "Aren't you planning the sting operation too?"

  "I wasn't aware of any sting op." Torrez looked at Falcon.

  "There is no sting op." He threw me a sideways warning glance.

  "Well, there isn't yet. But we could make it happen," I said. "I think any attempt to take down Ivan needs to include something from the bottom up. You can take him out, but that won't help all the women he's already trafficked."

  "What did you have in mind?" Rogan asked.

  "A coordinated raid. Across every state. All at the same time. Find the women linked to him and offer them a way out."

  "I already told you nothing we can do will make a dent in his system. It's too big." Falcon repeated his negative logic.

  "Big systems fall apart the easiest." I repeated my argument.

  "We don't have the financial resources or manpower for something of that scale," Falcon continued to shoot my idea down.

  "Then we plan two or three stings. We just keep doing it until it makes a difference."

  "That would require a full-time staff and resources." Rogan chimed in.

  "Then let's hire a staff. Don't you have more guys on Team Sexy?"

  "Team Sexy?" Ruger asked with a smile.

  "You guys. Team Sexy."

  They all chuckled and looked down.

  Dallas tapped his pen like he was considering my proposal. "We have more guys. Not sure if any of them want to make a career talking prostitutes outta a job."

  This was my chance to make a pitch for my girls. I stood up. "I don't know what kind of parents you have, but my mom was a whore." That got all their eyes on me. "My father probably a john. I grew up watching her under the thumb of a cartel leader named Manuel. One night when I was fifteen, Falcon came to the brothel. He got all the women out before his brother broke through the front door to kill us all. I was terrified. He was brave. He had a plan to get both me and my mother out, but Manuel took her minutes before Tivo, I mean Falcon, arrived."

  They all looked at Falcon, surprised. Even Rogan. He hadn't told his closest friend? Falcon looked down, avoiding their gazes.

  "So Falcon took me alone and helped me start a new life in New Jersey. My mother loved opera. She never got to see one because he forced her to sleep with twenty men a night. Never a day off. And if she didn't make her quota, he beat her till she bled. I nursed her wounds. I watched my mother go through that. She'd be bruised and battered and insist on going back to work because she feared what Manuel would do to me. Can you imagine a life like that? I wonder all the time how horrible it must have been for her. We never found her. I've searched everywhere, but just think of the life she could've had if she had left with Falcon and me that night. She could go to the opera and watch me sing. She could marry and have a man love her. Those women, they are all my mother. You see? They all deserve a chance at happiness, and no one has the right to take that from them. So, yeah, we need to find the resources and the funding because it's important. Someone has to do it, and I know how and so do you. It's our obligation as human beings to fight against this. You see? Do you see what I mean?" Tears stung behind my lids. The men stared silently at me, expecting me to say more. But I didn't have any more. I had nothing.

  Falcon stood, wrapped an arm around me, and tucked my side into his chest.

  "I'll fund it." One voice from Team Sexy broke the heavy silence. I turned to see the sound came from Torrez. "I'll fund it. You want one sting? I'll fund it. You want a permanent operation, I'll fund it."

  "I'll provide the manpower," Dallas said.

  Oh my gosh. They heard me. They said yes! "Thank you. Thank you so much."

  "I'm not sure what she's doing isn't against the law." Rogan spoke up.

  Dallas looked at him. "Don't care."

  "Don't care either." Torrez mimicked Dallas's response.

  I tried to suppress my joy, but I couldn't stop the huge smile that grew on my lips. Team Sexy got even sexier when they smiled back at me.

  "Alright. That's enough," Falcon said, his voice irritated.

  "What?" I looked up at him. This was good news.

  "We gotta go." He grabbed my arm and hauled me out of the room. I managed to get in a quick wave and a goodbye to the men at the table, but they were all grinning and looking down.

  Darn Falcon. I was earning their respect and getting what I wanted, and he went all caveman on me.

  He ducked into the first door in the hallway, which happened to be the laundry room, and pressed me up against the closed door.

  The pressure when his body hit mine knocked a gust of breath out of me. "What?"

  "You broke the conditions of our understanding."

  "I never agreed to anything." Did I?

  "You pulled a diva move, you manipulated them, got emotional, and you made us all hard."

  I laughed and spat back, "I did not!"

  "So I get to fuck you four times." His lips crashed down on mine, his scruff scratching the sensitive skin around my lips. The people in my life always treated me like fragile porcelain but Falcon didn't care. He attacked me however he wanted. Opera singer or not, he took me rough every time.

  His hand gripped behind my knee and my skirt stretched tight as he hitched my leg over his hip. His hips pushed the skirt the rest of the way up, and he ground his hard cock into my abdomen.

  Oh my lord in heaven, it was divine.

  His lips released mine and skimmed down my throat to the top of my cleavage. "Fuck this top." He growled and his free hand yanked the top down in t
he center, revealing my black strapless bra. He kissed the newly-revealed skin of my breasts.

  I tugged on his ponytail to try to stop him, but Falcon buried his nose between my breasts and reached back under my shirt to unsnap the bra.

  "Your friends are in the next room."

  My bra fell loose and he tugged it away as he stretched the fabric of my shirt and tucked it under my breasts, offering them up to him like a buffet. He bit down hard on one nipple and teased it with his tongue.

  "Oh my God." My hands gripped his neck as my head thunked on the door.

  He stopped and kissed my lips again, letting his thumb rub the moisture from his mouth into my nipple. With his lips against mine he said, "Moan for me."

  "No. They'll hear."

  He grinned. He loved the challenge. Then the ground left my feet, the room spun, and I found my ass on top of a cold hard washing machine. He reached behind me, and my butt started to rumble.

  Okay so dryer, not washing machine. A dryer he turned on which hummed and buzzed underneath me.

  "Lie back." He pushed my shoulders until I was forced to support myself by my elbows, my naked breasts totally available to him. I could only reach him with my legs, so I pulled him close, and his mouth latched onto my nipple again.

  A grunt escaped from deep in my throat. "God, Falcon."

  I was able to work one hand around his neck and pull his hair tie out. His gorgeous long brown hair fell forward over his face and caressed my breasts.

  His head moved down my stomach, his hair trailing behind. How could one man be so sexy? Impossible.

  He yanked my skirt up higher, ripped my panties off, and forced my legs wide open. My head lolled back.

  He dove into my pussy and kissed my clit with the same passionate tongue he used to kiss my lips. I bit my lip to stifle the moan. He looked up at me. "Let it out. They can't hear."

  "Falcon, my voice projects across a crowded amphitheatre. They will certainly hear me in the next room even with the dryer going."

  "They'll think we're having a lot of fun doing laundry. C'mon." He forced his fingers inside me and rubbed my G-spot at the same time his tongue tortured my clit. The dryer started to heat up my ass. The rumbling of the dryer made everything heightened. "C'mon."

  And with that I let go. I couldn't hold it back anymore a long low moan emerged from deep in my throat and filled the small laundry space. They had to have heard it in the living room.

  He kept at me till I pulled his hair.

  His head came up and he kissed me. "Fucking fantastic."

  Then the room spun again, and I found myself with my front pressed up against the running dryer. He positioned me so my hips hit the edge and the rumbling permeated my core. "Oh."

  "Feel good?" I braced my hands on the cupboard above the dryer and listened to him unleash the beast. The cool titanium ball of his apa touched my ass. He teased it up and down between my cheeks, leaving a small trail of pre-come behind.

  He reached up and the dryer went into overdrive. The rumbling tripled, the vibrations rocked my core, and his hand on my back pushed me down for maximum contact with the metal machine.

  I groaned.

  "Stay like that. Right there."


  His cock found my entrance and he teased it with the tip. So big and so hard.

  "Wet and hot for me." He kept running the tip through the moisture there, teasing me. "You on the pill?"

  What? He wanted to do this without a condom? "Yes," I gasped out.

  His hand between my shoulder blades pushed my torso down until my nipples hit the top of the machine. Hot vibrations ripped from my nipples to my core. Holy shit. He had me buzzing everywhere.


  "Yes." I could barely speak.

  Slowly, he worked the tip inside me from behind. My opening resisted the balls of the apa, creating delicious tension that must have hurt him. He groaned as the tension broke. The other piercings slid inside with small pops as he filled me.

  "Your hot wet tight pussy loves my cock."

  I couldn't respond but I didn't need to. It was obvious he spoke the truth. He bottomed out and I felt full. Full of all the glory that went with Falcon. His size, his strength, his intensity, all of it filled me up till I couldn't take it anymore.

  He lost control and began to ram me into the machine. Each thrust forced me deeper into the vibrations. I wiggled my hips to get the feeling right on my clit.

  "Oh God, there."

  "Yes, baby. Stay like that. Stay like that, and I'll make you feel good."

  He rammed into me, building speed and strength until I thought we would both explode. The most glorious pressure pushed through me. I gasped for breath as I came hard. He was relentless, not breaking stride for a second to allow me to recover.

  My nipples tingled, his cock hit my G-spot, and the machine made naughty vibrations on my clit.

  He forced another orgasm out of me and I moaned. Loud.

  His breath hitched, he planted himself deep and groaned in my ear. We came together like we were both in a canoe toppling over the falls.

  God, it felt so good. The greatest high, the deepest love. We became one in our shared euphoria.

  Eventually he slowed, and his arm slipped under me to support my weight. "Phenomenal, mi paloma. You are so damn beautiful. Blows my fucking mind every time." His breath tickled my ear as he cradled me from behind. I loved these moments with Falcon when the storm had passed, and his voice became soft and affectionate.

  My fifteen-year-old self swooned in his arms. He's a superhero.

  No, no, no. No swooning. No giving in to the warm afterglow of sex with Falcon. Shoot. I shouldn't have even given in to the sex. He'd hurt me, and I hadn't forgiven him. I couldn't trust him at all.

  "I'm ready to go again but want you up in the bed." He pulled out and turned me in his arms. He found a folded towel above the washer and wiped between my legs.

  His touch seemed sweet, gentle, loving. He lowered my skirt and rose to plant another kiss on my lips.

  "We should get to the hospital to see Gaspar and Diesel," I said between kisses. He couldn't really mean to hold me to his conditions? Four times in a row?

  He shook his head and bit his lower lip with his teeth. "Unh-uh. Three more. You're gonna be worn out as hell when you walk into that hospital. They might have to admit you for pussy fatigue."

  I slapped his chest and he laughed. "Stop it."


  "I can't go out there. It's too humiliating. I know they heard me."

  "First of all, they are not the type to eavesdrop. In the military, you overhear a lot of things and learn to tune out to give a brother privacy. Second, they all absolutely adore you and whatever respect they had for you before is off the charts now they know you light up for me and let it go. No shame in that. None at all."

  He nabbed my panties off the floor and tucked them in his pocket. He guided me out of the laundry room with a casual hand on my back. Like two people walking out of the laundry room made complete sense. We had a housekeeper do the laundry. Thank God she wasn't here this morning.

  Falcon walked me up to our bedroom with confidence in his step. He didn't seem to have any doubts we could go three more rounds, but my hands were shaking with nerves.

  In my room, I looked up into his heated blue eyes. So pretty and mesmerizing.

  Lord help me.

  We did it three more times, and I was totally worn out. Falcon called Blaze to tell him we'd be late for our visit.


  After we'd dozed for a bit, I summoned the courage to ask him a question. "How long will it last?"

  His body was curled behind me, one of his legs pushing mine forward in a half-spooning position. "What last?"

  "Our hypothetical new understanding. If I agree, which I haven't yet, how long would we keep this up?"

  His soft breath tickled the sensitive hairs at the base of my scalp. "Indefinitely," he said low and sleepy.

  Oh no. He would not play with my heart as long as he liked and then leave. When my body tensed, his hand came up and smoothed my hair away from my face gently.

  "Espera y verás, mi paloma."

  Wait and see, my dove.

  I would have fought him if I wasn't completely relaxed and lost in a multi-orgasm cloud and I didn't love that idea.


  Chapter 21

  Thorne and I sat side-by-side next to Gaspar's bedside. We'd sent Marcella home to get some much needed rest as we waited for Gaspar to wake up.

  Thorne curled his fingers and inspected his nails. "So what's the status between you and the Egyptian warrior with the enormous pierced cock?"

  "Thorne, my goodness." I glanced at Gaspar to make sure he hadn't moved. "He might be unconscious, but he can probably hear us."

  Thorne stopped mid-action from bringing his fingers to his mouth and abruptly forced his hands flat on his lap. "Gaspar, if he were awake, would ask you the same thing. He adores you like I do."

  I patted the top of Gaspar's hand. It felt cold and lifeless. "Please, Papá. Don't listen to Thorne. Just come back to us."

  Thorne leveled a disapproving gaze at me and bit into his fingernail, making that cutting sound I hated so much. "You didn't answer my question. How is the bird of prey?"

  "He is… infuriating the fuck out of me." I squeezed Gaspar's hand. "Forgive my language, Papá, but if you woke up and I told you what Falcon is doing, you'd let out a few choice words too."

  "What's he doing?" Thorne frowned and forced his hands to clasp in his lap.

  "He's pestering me."

  "For sex?" he whispered.

  "Yes. No. I don't know."

  "What does he want?"

  "He wants to wait and see."

  "Ooh, yay!" He sat up and smiled.

  "Not yay. What the hell does that even mean?"

  "It means he wants to wait and see where it goes." His hand flew up to his mouth again. He really needed to get that under control.


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