The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-1000

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The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-1000 Page 88

by Chris Wickham

  Limousin, France

  Lincoln, England

  Lincolnshire, England

  Lindsey, England

  Linz, Austria

  Liudgard, daughter of Ekkehard of Meissen

  Liudolf, duke of Saxony

  Liudolf, duke of Swabia

  Liudolfing family

  Liuthar I, count of Walbeck

  Liuthar II, count of Walbeck

  Liuthar III, marquis of the Northern March

  Liutizi, tribal confederation

  Liutprand, bishop of Cremona

  Liutprand, duke of Benevento

  Liutprand, Lombard king

  Liutward, bishop of Vercelli

  Liutwin, bishop of Trier

  Liuva I, Visigothic king

  Liuva II, Visigothic king

  Llandaff, Wales

  Llantwit, Wales

  Loire, river, France

  Lombards Lombardy, Italy

  London, England

  Lorsch, Germany

  Lothar I, emperor

  Lothar II, king of Lotharingia

  Lothar, king of the West Franks


  Lothian, Scotland

  Lough Neagh, Ireland

  Lough Ree, Ireland

  Louis the Pious, emperor

  Louis II, emperor

  Louis III, king of Provence and Italy

  Louis II the Stammerer, king of the West Franks

  Louis III, king of the West Franks

  Louis IV, king of the West Franks

  Louis V, king of the West Franks

  Louis the Child, king of the East Franks

  Louis the German, king of the East Franks

  Louis the Younger, king of the East Franks

  Low Countries

  Lucca, Italy

  Lucius of Campione

  Lugano, Switzerland

  Lugo, Spain

  Lupus, abbot of Ferrières,

  Lupus, duke of Aquitaine

  Luxeuil, France

  Lyon, France

  Maastricht, Netherlands

  Macbeth, king of Scotland

  Macedonia, Macedonians

  Mâcon, France

  Mâconnais, France

  Madaba, Jordan

  Madinat al-Fayyum, Egypt

  Madinat al-Zahraórdoba

  Máel Sechnaill I mac Máele Ruanaid, king of Clann Cholmáin

  Máel Sechnaill II mac Domnaill, king of Clann Cholmáin

  Maelgwn, king of Gwynedd

  Mag Breg, Ireland

  Magdeburg, Germany


  Magnaura palace, Constantinople

  Magnus Maximus, emperor

  Magyars, see Hungarians

  Mahdiyya, Tunisia

  Mainz, Germany

  Maiolus, abbot of Cluny

  Majorian, emperor

  Málaga, Spain

  Malatya, Turkey

  Malay, France

  Malcolm II, king of Scotland

  Maldon, England

  Malik, jurist

  al-Ma’mun, caliph

  al-Mahdi, caliph

  Manbij, Syria

  al-Mansur, caliph

  al-Mansur, ruler of al-Andalus

  Mansur family

  Mantua, Italy

  Marcellinus comes, historian

  Marcellinus, saint

  Marcian, emperor

  Marculf, formularist

  Maredudd ab Owain, Welsh king

  Marj Rahit, Syria

  Mark, saint

  Marmara, sea of, Turkey

  Marozia, senatrix et patricia

  Mars, god

  Marseille, France

  Martin I, pope

  Martin, bishop of Braga

  Martin, bishop of Tours

  Martina, empress

  Marwan I, caliph

  Marwan II, caliph

  Marwanid dynasty

  Mary, saint

  Maslama, son of ‘Abd al-Malik

  Masona, bishop of Mérida

  Mateur, Tunisia

  Matfrid, count of Orléans

  Matfridings, counts of Metz

  Mathgamain, king of Dál Cais

  Matilda of Quedlinburg

  Maurice, emperor

  Maurontus, duke

  Mayen, Germany

  McCormick, Michael

  Meath, Ireland

  Meaux, France

  Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  Medina, Saudi Arabia


  Megingaud, Lotharingian count

  Meissen, Germany

  Melania, Roman aristocrat

  Melitene, Turkey


  Mercia, England

  Mercury, god

  Merida, Spain

  Merovech, grandfather of Clovis

  Merovech, prince of the Franks


  Merseburg, Germany

  Merv, Turkmenistan

  Merzé, France

  Mese, Constantinople

  Mesembria, Bulgaria

  Meseta, Spain


  Methodios, Byzantine missionary

  Methodios, patriarch of Constantinople

  Metz, France

  Meuse, river

  Michael I, emperor

  Michael II, emperor

  Michael III, emperor

  Michael Psellos, historian

  Michael, archangel

  Michelstadt, Germany

  Mieszko I, Polish ruler

  Mikulice, Czech Republic

  Milan, Italy

  Miletos, Turkey

  Milion, Constantinople

  Milo, bishop of Trier

  Modena, Italy

  Mojmír, ruler of the Moravians


  Monica, mother of Augustine


  Montarrenti, Italy

  Monte Cassino, Italy

  Montpellier, France

  Moravia, Moravians, Czech Republic

  Moray, Scotland


  Moselle, river


  Mosul, Iraq

  Mu‘awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, caliph

  al-Mubarak, caliph, see Ibrahim

  Mu‘izz al-Dawla, Buyid ruler

  Muhammad, amair of al-Andalus

  Muhammad, prophet

  Muirchu, hagiographer

  al-Mu‘izz, Fatimid caliph


  al-Muktafi, caliph

  Munster, Ireland

  al-Muqtadir, caliph

  Murcia, Spain


  Musa ibn Nusayr


  al-Musta‘in, caliph

  al-Mu‘tamid, caliph

  al-Mu‘tasim, caliph ,

  al-Mutawakkil, caliph


  al-Muzaffar, ruler of al-Andalus

  Mynyddog, king of Gododdin

  Myra, Turkey

  al-Nadim, author of Fihrist

  Nahrawan canal, Iraq

  Naples, Italy

  Napoleon I, emperor

  Narbonne, France

  al-Nasir, caliph

  Navarre, Spain

  Nea church, Jerusalem

  Negev desert, Israel

  Nelson, Janet


  Nessana, Israel

  Nestorios, patriarch of Constantinople


  Neustria, France/Belgium

  Níall Noígíallach, Irish king

  Nicaea, Turkey

  first ecumenical council of (325)

  second ecumenical council of (787)

  Nice, France

  Nicholas I, patriarch of Constantinople

  Nicholas I, pope

  Nikephoros I, emperor

  Nikephoros II Phokas, emperor

  Nikephoros Ouranos

  Nikephoros Xiphias

  Nikephoros, patriarch of Constantinople

  Nile, Egypt

  Nîmes, France

  Nishapur, Iran

  Nisibis, Turkey

  Nithard, historian

  Nizam al-Mulk, vizir

  Nonantola, Italy

  Norcia, Italy

  Noricum, Austria

  Normandy, Normans, France

  North sea

  Northamptonshire, England

  Northumberland, England

  Northumbria, England

  Nortmanni; see also Vikings

  Norway, Norwegians

  Notker of St Gallen

  Notre Dame, Paris

  Novgorod, Russia

  Noyon, France

  Numidia, Algeria

  Nursia, see Norcia

  Octavian, son of Alberic, see John XII

  Odenwald forest, Germany

  Oder, river

  Odo II, count of Blois

  Odo, abbot of Cluny

  Odo, count of Paris and king of the West Franks

  Odo, count of Toulouse

  Odovacer, king

  Offa, king of Mercia

  Offa’s Dyke, England/Wales

  Oise, river, France

  Ol‘ga, princess of the Rus

  Olaf Guthfrithson, king of Dublin and York

  Olaf Haraldsson, Norwegian king

  Olaf Tryggvason, Norwegian king

  Olaf, Swedish king

  Old English, language

  Old Norse, language

  Olympius, exarch of Ravenna

  Onuist son of Urguist, Pictish king

  Opsikion, theme of Anatolia

  Ordoo I, Asturian king

  Orestes, general

  Orkney islands, Scotland

  Orléans, France

  Orosius, historian

  Oslo, Norway


  Oswald, bishop of Worcester

  Oswald, king of Northumbria

  Oswiu, king of Northumbria

  Otto I, emperor

  Otto II, emperor

  Otto III, emperor

  Otto, duke of Saxony

  Ottoman dynasty

  Ottonian dynasty

  Otto-William, count of Mâcon

  Ourense, Spain

  Oviedo, Spain

  Oxford, England

  Oxfordshire, England

  Oxyrhynchos, Egypt, see Bahnasa


  Padarn, saint

  Paderborn, Germany

  Padua, Italy

  Paeonius, praetorian prefect for Gaul


  Palaiseau, France

  Palatine Hill, Rome

  Palermo, Italy


  Palladius, agronomist

  Pamplona, Spain

  Pannonia, Hungary

  Pantheon, Rome

  Paris, France

  Parma, Italy

  Paschal I, pope

  Paschasius Radbert

  Patricius, father of Augustine

  Patrick, missionary

  Patrikia, governor of Antaiopolis

  Paul I, pope

  Paul the Deacon, historian

  Paul the Silentary

  Paul, bishop of Merida

  Paul, Visigothic king

  Paula, Roman aristocrat


  Paulina, Roman aristocrat

  Paulinus, missionary

  Pavia, Italy


  Pelagius (Pelayo), Asturian king

  Peloponnesos, Greece

  Pembrokeshire, Wales

  Penda, king of Mercia

  Perctarit, Lombard king

  Persia, Persians ; see also Iran

  Persian, language

  Perthshire, Scotland

  Peter, saint

  Peter, tsar of the Bulgars

  Peterborough, England

  Petronii family

  Petronius Maximus, emperor

  Petronius Probus

  Philip II, king of France

  Philippikos, emperor

  Phocaea, Turkey

  Phocas, emperor

  Phokas family

  Phokas, governor

  Photios, patriarch of Constantinople

  Piacenza, Italy

  Piast dynasty

  Pictish, language

  Pictland, Picts, Scotland

  Piemonte, Italy

  Piganiol, André

  Pingsdorf, Germany

  Pinianus, Roman aristocrat

  Pippin I of Landen

  Pippin II, maior

  Pippin III, king of the Franks

  Pippin the Younger

  Pippin, count of Beauvais

  Pippin, king of Aquitaine

  Pippin, king of Italy

  Pippinid family

  Pirenne, Henri

  Pisa, Italy

  Pîtres, France


  Platon of Sakkoudion

  Plectrude, wife of Pippin

  Pliska, Bulgaria


  Po, river, Italy

  Pohl, Walter

  Poitiers, France

  Poitou, France

  Poland, Poles

  Polotsk, Belarus

  Polyeuktos, patriarch of Constantinople

  Ponthion, France

  popes .


  Possidius, hagographer

  Powys, Wales

  Pozna, Poland

  Praejectus, bishop of Clermont

  Praetextatus, bishop of Rouen


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