Billionaire Dragons' Fated: BBW Paranormal Dragon Shifter Menage Romance

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Billionaire Dragons' Fated: BBW Paranormal Dragon Shifter Menage Romance Page 10

by Anya Nowlan

  Alexander got in front of her, giving her full view of that mythical cock of his and that tight perfection that made up his Adonis belt and abs. It was enough to make any woman lose her reservations.

  “Suck it,” Alexander commanded, and she happily complied.

  Jade curled her lips around his cock and took him in her mouth eagerly, but that wasn’t enough. Alexander pushed in deeper, making her gag in earnest, and held her there until she stopped struggling and relaxed around the hugeness of him.

  “That’s it. That’s my bad girl,” Apollo said, spreading her legs with a rough shove of his knee and letting his cock trace the contour of her asscheeks. He pressed the head against her asshole, and she jerked forward, making her take Alexander even deeper. Apollo chuckled.

  “Don’t worry, green eyes. We’ll leave that for later,” he said, more of a promise than anything else.

  He angled himself lower, and his cock rubbed against her soaking wetness. All she could smell was herself, her lust so apparent that it would have made her blush at any other time. Apollo’s fingertips dug into the soft flesh at her hips, and he groaned as he pressed his head against her opening.

  “You’ll be ours,” he said through gritted teeth, and as Apollo pushed forward, Alexander held her in place on his cock.

  Jade’s world threatened to go black. Even though she was slick with heat, both of them at the same time was a lot to take. Apollo thrust into her without sparing himself or her, plowing into her tight tunnel repeatedly until he had sunk in all the way. She shuddered violently, tears of pleasure and pain streaming down her cheeks. Even though it hurt, she knew it would subside, she knew it would become fucking delicious as soon as she gave it a chance. She pushed herself back on him, spearing herself on his massive cock, and when he sunk in completely, Alexander did the same.

  Jade was plugged at both ends, gagging on Alexander’s cock while Apollo filled her pussy. The two most eligible billionaire bachelors had chosen her, or more like, she’d allowed them to choose her, and it was as breathtaking as she’d hoped it would be.

  Her vision blurred at the edges as Apollo and Alexander both started thrusting into her, alternating their movements so she was never without a cock buried deep within her. Apollo reached around her and kneaded her tits with one hand, laying kisses on her back and neck.

  “You’re so tight, baby,” he murmured into her ear, a hot whisper that sent the maddening heat in her into overdrive.

  She’d been close from the moment she saw them both naked, but now… hell, self-control was overrated anyway. Alexander put both hands on the back of her head and thrust slow and deep, coming almost completely out of her mouth each time before plunging back in. She felt the rigid strain of his body and the way his cock pulsed every time her tongue slid up and down its underside.

  “Fucking hell, Jade,” Alexander growled as she pursed her lips tighter, putting more pressure on his shaft as he moved in and out of her.

  Giving them pleasure was returned to her twofold – her double trouble dragons. If she’d had any capability of rational thought left, she would have rejoiced in the knowledge that this was absolutely the best sex she’d ever had, and that it was only the beginning. But all she could do now was feel, sense and revel in it, and so she did.

  Apollo’s thrusts grew faster and harder, ramming her down on Alexander’s cock. With a growl through gritted teeth, Alexander pulled away from her. As soon as he did, she let out a long, hungry moan. Her body was as if boiling, teetering on the edge of her release. She wanted it so badly, and she knew that it would be spectacular, just like every moment with the brothers had been so far.

  Alexander dipped down and kissed her on the lips, fast and hard, before shifting to her side. His hand went down the curve of her back and then around to her belly, snaking lower until his fingers brushed over her clit. She squealed as he flicked it a few times, the sensation nearly unbearable when combined with Apollo’s thrusts.

  “That’s it,” Apollo growled, bucking into her. “I can feel you milking me.”

  Alexander wetted his fingers with her juices, and when he circled his fingertips over her clit over and over again, Jade lost it. In time with a deep, plowing thrust from Apollo, Jade tumbled over the edge and straight into her orgasm.

  She screamed wildly, all worries brushed from her thoughts as she leant into Apollo’s strokes. Jade felt her pussy clench around Apollo’s cock, demanding his seed, and he didn’t disappoint. As soon as her pussy contracted around him, Jade felt the man shudder and then growl as he cummed in unison with her. His thrusts became sharp and ragged, and she could feel the way his cock pulsed inside of her.

  As soon as he was sated, he pulled out. Jade lurched forward with a start, but Alexander was right there to catch her, pulling her back. Through the haze of her release, she watched Apollo land on the mattress next to her with a thud, gasping for breath. Alexander took his place, thrusting into her with one smooth, controlled movement.

  “Oh, hell… Jade, fuck. Don’t stop,” Alexander hissed, plowing into her.

  She fell forward on her elbows, the intense shudders that went through her too much to control. Her pussy wrapped around Alexander’s cock like it was made to fit him, and the man fucked her like a dragon possessed. Apollo angled himself on the bed and kissed her lips, gently, softly.

  When Jade’s rolling, heavenly orgasm ended, so did Alexander’s patience. With one hand on her neck, he plunged into her one more time and emptied his load into her – thick, long ropes of cum, mingling with Apollo’s seed within her. She wondered what it tasted like, and she was sure it wouldn’t take long before she found out.

  Alexander pulled her down on the bed with him, leaving her between Apollo and him. All three of them heaved for breath, staring at the pristine white ceiling.

  “Okay, that was…” Jade started, not quite sure how to finish that sentence.

  “Yup,” Apollo confirmed with a smirk, pulling a hand through his sweat-soaked hair.

  “I think we need to go again,” Alexander said, looking over at Jade and Apollo.

  “Yup,” Jade agreed with a grin.



  It was far too early in the morning to be up, but no one had told Jade’s stomach that. She was fairly certain it had to be something like seven in the morning, and she’d maybe got an hour or so of intermittent sleep, but that too didn’t seem to be something her stomach had been informed of.

  Jade looked to either side of her, the early morning sunshine streaming into her lavish bedroom. Apollo was to her right and Alexander to her left, both out like pilot lights. Apollo’s arm was draped over her belly, and Alexander’s rested on her thigh. She grinned to herself.

  It had been a long night. A long night. And apparently one of the side effects of that was ravenous hunger. Carefully, she peeled Apollo’s arm off herself and placed it on the bed. She did the same with Alexander, and then, gingerly, she crept out of the bed, trying her best not to wake either of them.

  When she managed to climb over the footboard, she glanced back at the sleeping men. They were sights to behold on any given day, but like that, naked, sated, happy… Damn. She could definitely see herself spending a life with them and not minding it one bit – quite on the contrary.

  For the first time, she found herself truly hoping that everything the brothers had told her over the last week or so was true. That she really could bring them as much happiness as she knew they could bring her, and that the fairytale she had been concocting in her head could become a reality.

  Glowing with happy post-coital fluffiness, Jade gathered her clothes and slipped them on quietly. She grabbed her wallet from the nightstand and snuck out, taking one last look at the absolutely gorgeous duo spread out on her bed.

  Better get back soon… Wouldn’t want them to get lonely, she thought with a secret grin, closing the door carefully behind her.

  With more than a bit of a spring to her step, she
went through the early-morning house, still quiet and restful in its slumber. Jade knew Ria wouldn’t be up for another hour, and everyone else would be out for a good long while. Jade was very thankful for the fact that getting up too early wasn’t a tradition in dragon households.

  She exited the house and gingerly let the heavy door fall shut behind her. When it closed with a low snap instead of a heavy thud, she exhaled thankfully. From there, it wouldn’t be too long of a trip to Centerville.

  The upside of living with wheat kings was that there was always an abundance of bakers around, and that was exactly what Jade was banking on. She walked down the slight incline the mansion was situated on. She had a goofy grin on her lips and the world looked like the happiest place ever to her. Nothing could get her down.

  As she was about to enter the town, she remembered something – the dragon stone.

  It’s not like any of them don’t assume you’re their bride already… Jade mused.

  Still, she slipped the narrow chain over her head and tucked it away into the slouchy pockets of her sweatpants. She’d feel better if she could just pick up some bagels without landing in a long discussion about what it felt like to be the Goldplains’ chosen. It should have come as no surprise to her that the townsfolk of Centerville didn’t exactly need a dragon stone around her neck to recognize who she was.

  “You must be Jade! Good morning!” a chipper blonde greeted her as Jade walked into Delia’s Tasty Treats, a little bakery she remembered from their visit to the restaurant on the first night.

  “Um, yes. Hi. I mean, good morning,” Jade stumbled, though the smile on her lips didn’t waver for a moment.

  So what if they knew who she was. She was happy! And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad – she didn’t have to hide herself from Apollo and Alexander’s extended family, right?

  “You’re up awful early. Those two beefcakes not letting you sleep?” the woman asked, winking in a conspiratory way.

  She was just offloading a pile of bagels and fresh-baked bread from a tray, and the smell made Jade’s mouth water. Jade nodded absently, picking up a big bag and beginning to pluck all sorts of delicious goodies into it.

  “You could say that,” Jade said, aware of the blush rising to her cheeks.

  “Oh, dear! I didn’t mean to make you blush. Don’t mind me. I’m Delia, by the way. It’s just so nice to see them settling down with someone. They were getting so old, we thought they’d never get to it.” With a gasp and seeing the surprised look Jade gave her, Delia rushed to add, “For dragons, I mean! Most of them are married by that age. Something about their powers. Anyway, their fathers were long married by that time! Sorry, here I am, jabbering on when you’re obviously just looking to quench some munchies.”

  Jade grinned, crumpling up the bag, now heavy with warm bagels. Yup, Delia was right. She couldn’t wait to quench some munchies, not all of them to do with her rumbling stomach!

  “I don’t mind. They’re dragons, after all. I never thought I’d be in a situation like this. How much do I owe you?” she asked, holding up the bag.

  Delia shook her head, waving at Jade to put away her wallet.

  “Don’t you dare. The boys are here so rarely, I’d be happy to know they at least got a decent meal! That Apollo’s looking awful skinny these days,” Delia chided, shoving two big challah breads into a bag as well and handing it over to Jade. “You go and make sure they eat, that’s payment enough!”

  “Oh! Okay! Thank you so much, Delia. And have a nice day!” Jade said, a bit taken aback by the utter kindness of the middle-aged baker.

  “You too, dear!” Delia called after her as Jade exited, the little bell above the door ringing cheerfully as the door opened and closed.

  I don’t think there’s anything skinny about Apollo, though, Jade mused with a smirk, picking the straightest path out of Centerville and towards the Goldplains mansion.

  She fished one of the bagels out of the bag and took a big bite, her eyes rolling back a bit as the absolutely mouthwatering taste hit her tongue. Whatever they were doing around here, whether it was the wheat, the craftsmanship or just the love that went into baking – it was the best bagel she’d ever had. And being on the road as much as she had, she’d had far too many bagels to count!

  “This is amazing,” Jade muttered to herself, walking along a path that wound through a wheat field on her way back.

  “I bet it is,” a gruff voice called from behind her.

  Jade whipped around and was faced with the simpering face of a man she’d never met before, but who had trouble written all over his face. Literally. He had it tattooed on his forehead.

  The bagel didn’t exactly go down the right pipe after being confronted by a man who looked like he’d made one too many bad choices.

  “The fuck,” she sputtered, taking a step back.

  She backed right into someone else. Looking over her shoulder, she was met by the grinning face of a man, who could have been the Joker’s illegitimate son by the way his smile seemed to veer right into the creepy and insane. He was wearing a Death Wing tee, and before Jade could make a peep, he’d grabbed her arm, twisted it behind her and put his other hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream.

  Jade dropped the bags on the dirt road and tried to elbow the guys holding her. As she landed her first hit, Trouble came and grabbed her by the legs, lifting her up between him and the other guy like she was a particularly spirited sack of potatoes.

  Jade screamed into the hand that covered her mouth and tried to bite down on it, but Joker just laughed.

  “Oh, man. The Blackscales are going to owe us big time,” Joker gushed.

  “Backstage passes for life, bro! I bet little miss turncoat here didn’t think we’d come get her this far out, huh! Bitch,” Trouble said, carrying her straight through the wheat field and towards a car parked underneath some birch trees.

  Unceremoniously, they dumped her into the boot and slapped some tape over her mouth before her ungodly cussing and cries for help could carry very far. Her wrists were bound roughly with more of that silver tape, and then the boot slammed shut. The world went black around Jade, and she slammed her hands and feet against the boot, trying to punch it open.

  “Don’t struggle, darling. You’ll only hurt yourself. Cameron and Colt wouldn’t like that, I bet. They wanna do all the hurting!” one of them called, followed by bellowing laughter.

  The car started up and lurched forward, creeping out from its shady hiding place. Jade’s heart was beating so hard she was sure it would bounce right out of her chest with the next bump the car went over.

  Fuck, Jade thought desperately. The hell did you get yourself into now, Jade.



  Apollo woke up like someone had taken a hot prod to his side and shoved it right between his ribs. His dragon kicked angrily within him, agitated and beyond aggressive at something Apollo couldn’t quite comprehend. He jumped out of the bed, drowsy and confused, his hands already in fists.

  “The hell was that?!” Alexander asked, having clambered out of the bed on the other side, looking just as disheveled and baffled as Apollo.

  “I felt something,” Apollo said lamely, scuffing a hand through his hair and wiping the sleep from his eyes.

  His heart constricted, and then, the intense heat went out of him and cold took its place.


  “Like a… punch in the stomach,” Alexander said, before his bewildered expression cleared and Apollo met his gaze.

  In unison, they understood what was wrong.

  “Where is she!?” Apollo roared, looking around himself as if Jade would magically appear from behind a cupboard or traipse right in as soon as he called for her.

  His dragon told him he would have no such luck. Apollo grabbed for his pants and dressed haphazardly, fear turning into anger and then rage. He knew there was something wrong. His dragon was sure of it, and Alexander’s movements betrayed that he knew
it too. Apollo could feel his frustration and his determination. It flowed through him, uniting Apollo with his older brother.

  I guess that’s what it must feel like for most twins. That single point of purpose, Apollo thought grimly.

  He wished he could have found out in some other way, not by having their mate possibly snatched from right under their noses.

  “We have to find her,” Apollo said, though the words were hardly required.

  “I’ll search the house. You do a sweep of the valley. If we don’t find her here, we split and you take the East, I take the West. I’ll check the interstates, you check the airports. We’ll find her.”

  Alexander stepped up to Apollo and grabbed his hand, their palms locking against one another. Their dragons approved – a singular purpose, just as it was meant to be. Apollo nodded, forcing the worry down. It would do him no good now. At least with Alexander by his side, there was hope. Hope that whoever had done this would pay. And hope that they would find Jade in one piece.

  They parted ways, both looking like they were willing to kill on command if it only meant Jade’s safe return. Apollo didn’t need to be told that she was in danger. He felt it. With every fiber of his being, he knew she wasn’t safe, wasn’t happy, wasn’t satisfied. All the things a dragon needed his mate to be.

  Apollo gritted his teeth as he took the steps leading up onto the roof in threes, his muscles worn from the long night, but already rearing to go. He was mid-shift before the door could close behind him, and within seconds he had taken flight, his golden wings spreading out across the roof and throwing brilliant rays as the sun caught the shiny scales.

  He let out a roar that bellowed back to him as it hit the high snowcapped peaks. It carried over the valley, and he knew that everyone in it would know his rage from the sound of his voice. When he found whoever was responsible, he would not be kind. The fire raged in him and wanted to bubble up his long neck, the mouth of the dragon constantly sparking with the fire that licked around his white fangs. Oh yes, there would be trouble.


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