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by Calloway, Colin G.

  “Memorial of the Delegation of the Cherokee Nation,” March 9, 1840, 26th Congress, 1st session, House Document 129.

  “Memorial of the ‘Treaty Party’ of the Cherokee Indians ….,” April 13, 1844, 28th Congress, 1st session, House Document 234.

  “Message of the President of the United States, relative to the Cherokee Difficulties,” April 13, 1846, 29th Congress, 1st session, House Document 185, Senate Document 298.

  The New American State Papers: Indian Affairs, 1789–1860. 13 vols. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1972.

  Papers Relating to Talks and Councils Held with the Indians in Dakota and Montana Territories in the Years 1866–1869. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1910 (includes Medicine Lodge).

  “Peace with Indian Tribes.” Congressional Globe, 40th Congress, 1st session, 667–73, 678–90, 702–15.

  “Removal of the Cherokees” [correspondence between the War Dept. and General Winfield Scott], 25th Congress, 2nd session, House Document 453.

  “Report of the Secretary of War … in relation to the Cherokee Treaty of 1835,” 25th Congress, 2nd session, Senate Document 120.

  “Report of the Secretary of War … [regarding] the discontents and difficulties among the Cherokee Indians,” February 24, 1845, 28th Congress, 2nd session, Senate Document 140.

  “Report to the President by the Indian Peace Commission,” January 7, 1868, in Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report of the Indian peace commissioners. January 14, 1868.—Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. 40th Congress, 2nd session, House Executive Document 97. Also in ARCIA, 1868, Appendix A.

  Schermerhorn, John F. “A Journal of the Proceedings of the Council held at New Echota.” 25th Congress, 2nd session, Senate Document 120: 513–17.


  The Cherokee Phoenix

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