Immortal Fire

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Immortal Fire Page 6

by Desconhecido(a)

“Leave my father out of this,” she demanded.

  “Why? He’s the one that hired me and Gethin.”

  She surged to her feet. “That’s a damn lie! Ove would never—” She stopped. Ove had admitted on several occasions that it was in his nature to betray, to do whatever was in his evil plans. He’d cheated on her mother, turned his back on Kai long ago. But if he were out to get her, why get a demon to protect her? “I don’t believe you,” she muttered with no fire behind the words.

  “Then give me the chance to prove it. You can stay in that house where it’s safe and have no life, or you can come out and be a target and a victim the rest of your life. Or, you can fight back. If you fight, I will stand beside you. It’s your choice.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Donovan glanced over at Kai again as he drove, his attention drawn by her powerful presence, not to mention, her sumptuous figure. What was he doing? He had his own agenda when Ove approached him. Now, within the space of a few hours, he’d done an about face just because he’d made the poor decision to sleep with Kai. Sure, it had been unbelievable, like no other sexual experience he’d ever had in his life. But that didn’t excuse him from forgetting why he pursued her in the first place.

  “So, what’s this about?” She turned to him, her beautiful eyes questioning. “You don’t strike me as a demon. They’re all bad. I’ve never seen one of them do something that didn’t benefit him, or that wasn’t a command from someone of higher rank. Unless I’m missing where training me can be good for you?”

  He gripped the steering wheel tighter to keep from stroking her midnight hair. “In some ways it benefits me,” he admitted. “And no, I’m not a demon.”

  “A shape-shifter?” Her brow wrinkled. “But your mother is a witch. She has magic and does spells. You admitted that.”

  “On my mother’s side of the family, they are descendants of a powerful race of witches called the Mendolray. However, her father was of the Wren Bai, shape-shifting fire birds. I am a mixture to a certain extent. That means, as you saw, I am impervious to fire, and I can shape-shift with a limited range. For short periods of time, I can change my appearance, but I do not have the ability that your friend Mitzi has. My magic is also limited. I do a few simple spells my mother taught me.” He chuckled. “My only claim to fame is that I bring out other people’s abilities. I have perfected my ‘gift’ over the years to be able to turn it off and on at will.”

  She crossed her hands over her chest, glaring at him. “And you turned it on for me.”

  He nodded. “Yes. It was the only way to force you to face who you are. You’re unique, Kai.”

  “Funny, I think you’re unique. You’re the only one of your kind?”

  “No.” He hesitated to say more. He had told her so many half truths, even lies about his family. He had no father that he remembered, and most of his brothers had left home long ago. Sometimes he thought that was what made his mother a little ‘off’.

  If he explained everything, she’d only think he was like all other immortals she’d met in her life. Not many in their world, the magical creature world, didn’t know how Kai felt about all the rest, how she’d suppressed her father’s side of her heritage all her life. Most didn’t know why, but he did. The Mendolray could dig up the dirt on anyone, and his Aunt Gloria used it as a gossiping tool.

  Kai looked over at him, waiting for him to explain.

  He sighed. “The Mendolray and the Wren Bai live in the underworld for the most part. Few live in the physical world. After hundreds of years”—he swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck—“with the death of my older cousin, I am now the head of both branches.”

  She gasped. “So you’ve come into power.”

  He spotted a sign for a motel and put on his turn signal to exit from the highway. They had been driving for hours, and it was getting late. While he and the demon side of Kai did not need to rest, her human side did. Her eyes had already developed dark circles around them. After pulling into the hotel parking lot, he threw the car in gear and opened his door. He glanced back at Kai. “Yes, I’ve come into power. And the first mode of business my family lays on me is to bring them all into the human world.”

  Donovan let that admission sink in while they stepped into the office and paid for a room for the night. He hoped Kai wouldn’t protest the fact that he had arranged for only one. He still wanted her, and the way she eyed his body, he knew she wanted him too. If for just tonight they could forget about the dangers surrounding them, then maybe they could both blow off some steam beneath the sheets.

  While she strolled ahead of him, he watched her curved ass. Good enough to lick, he thought, running his tongue over his lips. Every inch of her body called to him, made him hard almost every second he was in her presence.

  He let her unlock the room door, and she glanced back accusingly at him as she opened it. “Don’t think I don’t know what you have in mind, lover.”

  How he loved it when she teased him in that way, calling him lover. Her confidence in the fact that she was irresistible turned him on big time. He kicked the door closed behind him and pulled her back against his erection. She wriggled her ass, making his cock grow all the more, but then she pulled away.

  “Hey, where are you going?” he grumbled.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re not getting off so easily, Donovan. I’m beginning to understand. I don’t sense evil from you. It explains how you were able to call into my house. Even Bevin has to utter a certain word to get in. And your mother hates evil. But it doesn’t change the fact that you did form an alliance with a true evil being, Gethin. That terrifies me. I want to know more.”

  Donovan strolled over to her, determined to charm her into bed with him. He didn’t want to focus on the pressures his people placed on him, the resentment he felt for Gethin killing his cousin. Sharing with her his ultimate plan for getting revenge on that piece of shit warlock was his ultimate goal. It was the only reason he had joined with Gethin in the first place.

  Worst of all was that her father truly did back them for this mission to gain control of her. And while Kai would like to pretend she didn’t give a damn about Ove, Donovan saw beneath the surface to the hurt little girl who had been abandoned by a creature who didn’t know how to love. In his own way, he had dealt with the same thing. Non-acceptance where it mattered most.

  “We’ll talk more,” he told her. “Tomorrow. It’s late.” He slipped outside to the car and got his bag. After he shut and locked the door, he tossed the bag on the queen sized bed and unzipped it. When he lifted a massive book from the depths, she moved closer. He got a waft of the sweet perfume she wore, and it reminded him of the softness of her skin. His shaft jumped. Down boy. Not yet.

  She kicked her shoes off and climbed on the bed. “What’s that book about?”

  He laughed and winked. “Not reading material. Trust me.” He sat down on the side of the bed and began flipping through the yellowed pages. The spell he needed was on page three hundred forty-nine. One of three he knew that would work for him. He had brought the book along as a precaution. He’d learned it by heart long ago. “This is a protection and covering spell. Casting it won’t hide us for long from someone like Gethin, but it should shield us for at least a few hours.”

  “Interesting.” She scooted closer, distracting him.

  He frowned. “Baby, go over there to that chair.” He pointed. “Or go and take your shower. I’ll be shit at casting this spell with your soft breasts pressed against my arm. I’m liable to screw this up.”

  She smirked but stood up with her hands on her hips. “You realize I am not your baby.”

  Studying the spell, he waved his hand. “I’ve already claimed you. I have only to charm you, and you’ll fall into my arms.”

  That riled her. She swung away, stomped to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. He chuckled. What he said was true, but the mighty Kai would not like to admit it. And he knew he was in for it when she returned and he wa
s ready for sex. She’d give him a hard time, but ultimately he would win. That made it all the more fun. The challenge.

  * * * *

  Kai glared into the mirror in the bathroom while she removed her clothes. Damn it, she ran the show. She told her men what she wanted and when she wanted it. She chose them, not the other way around. And she set the schedule. For Donovan to tell her that he had claimed her, as if she was nothing more than property lying about for a man to decide to take her, just pissed her off.

  For a moment, she’d felt sorry for him. When he mentioned recently becoming head of his family, she’d heard the uncertainty in his voice, saw the slight fear in his eyes. She’d thought of him as a vulnerable human.

  “But don’t forget,” she griped at her reflection. “He’s a damn immortal. From the underworld no less.”

  She twisted on the shower and soon steam filled the air. She had always loved her water nice and hot. Only now with all that had happened did she wonder if it was hotter than a human could stand.

  A fire bird. That was weird. Donovan could withstand her fire because of his heritage, and he was a type of hybrid of his people—one of the few who could draw out other people’s powers.

  A flash of blue lit the space beneath the door. Kai wrapped a towel around herself and opened the bathroom door. “What was that?”

  Donovan glanced up from the book and grinned at the sight of her bare legs. He licked his lips. “Mmm, nice.”

  “Get your mind off my body, Donovan. We are not having sex.”

  “You’re telling me your sex drive has suddenly lessened?”

  She bit down on her own lips. He had removed his clothes as well and sat there in only his boxers. The bulge between his legs was obvious. At the moment, she wished her gift included parting material with her mind. She would have given herself something interesting to look at. Donovan’s smirk told her he knew the direction her thoughts had taken. She grumbled and slammed the door closed again. Spare her from men who were too damn confident for anybody’s good!

  Tossing the towel on the side of the sink, she stepped into the shower and closed her eyes as the water cascaded over her bare skin. Stress and worry rolled away. She felt around for the strawberry body wash she’d brought with her and squirted some into her hands. Before she could soap her body, hands gripped her wrists. She gasped.

  “Relax,” Donovan muttered behind her. “Let me wash you.”

  She wanted to resist him, but just his touch on her wrists sent shivers along her body. She was powerless to stop what was between them. At least during this unsettling time, she didn’t have to be frustrated because her physical desires went unfulfilled.

  Donovan waited for her consent, and she nodded. He ran his hands over hers, taking most of the suds, and then he caressed her breasts. A moan burst from her. The last shred of resistance evaporated with his pinching her nipples between slippery fingers.

  “Just once,” she mumbled. “One orgasm.”

  He laughed, his hands roaming lower. “One for every wash.”

  “Donovan,” she protested. The words died on her lips to be replaced with moans and pants when his hand glided between her thighs. Kai was all his for the time being.

  Chapter Twelve

  She felt incredible, warm and soft beneath his fingertips. She didn’t know it, and would deny it if she could, but she was his. All his. He savored their time together, hoping the warm water would last. Then again, he could open up his gift and let it influence her. She’d heat it with her internal furnace and produce enough hot steam for them to stay in there all night.

  His cock twitched to be in her, but he held back. One orgasm? She must be insane. From the first time they were together, he’d learned quickly that her desires matched his. He kissed her shoulder and then worked his way lower, stroking her body while his mouth trailed kisses down her back. When he reached her plump ass, he leaned back to take in the sight of it. Damn, she was curvy. A man could feast for days on her and never once get tired.

  He squirted more body wash onto his hands and then ran them over her backside, down between her legs and massaged her clit. She whimpered.

  “You like that, baby?” He leaned around to see her face while she held onto the wall, holding herself up. He’d have those knees buckling soon enough.

  “Yes, lover. You know how I like it,” she teased. “Take me up.”

  He shook his head. “Not yet. You must suffer first.”


  He chuckled. “For daring to deny me even one second.” He allowed the soap to rinse off his fingers and then threaded one into her slick pussy. A low howl sounded in her throat. “You’ll come when I say you can come,” he told her.

  She didn’t answer so he slipped in another finger. A gasp was all she gave into. He stroked in and out and moved his come coated fingers up to her clit to play there. Licking his lips in anticipation of her tangy flavor, he dipped under her legs and moved in front of her. With a trembling hand, she angled the water away from his head.

  Burying his tongue in her tunnel, he moaned. So good. I can’t get enough. He lapped at her and sucked hard. She cried out, but he pulled back before she could release.

  “Don’t stop!”

  “Uh huh. Not finished with the punishment.” He slipped out from between her legs and stood. Backing her against the wall, he rested a hand on either side of her head. “Tell me, Kai, do you like how I look?”

  An eyebrow went up. “What do you mean?”

  At will, he grew out a thin mustache and goatee. His hair grew down long until it reached his waist and darkened. “Maybe you want a man like this to fuck you?” he questioned her.

  She caught her breath. He stepped closer and let the head of his shaft touch her belly. Sliding it over her navel, he let it too thicken before her eyes. She crowed.

  “Oh yes!” With the boldness he had come to expect from her, she wrapped both hands around his cock in a sort of reverence. “Didn’t I tell Mitzi you are a perfect lover!”

  He chuckled. “You described me?”

  She smirked. “I tried to, but the wench wouldn’t let me.” She leaned forward and kissed his chest. “Want me to suck your big dick, lover?”

  Yes! He didn’t answer her. Rather he pressed two fingers up inside her again and made sure they were good and soaked. Then he pulled out and reached behind her. Parting her ass cheeks, he found her opening and pushed into the tight hole. Kai fell into his arms.

  “Donovan.” She gasped.


  “What are you doing?” she stuttered.

  “Sealing the deal.” He stuck a second finger in and a third. She clung to him, shaking and angling her ass higher so he could go as far as he needed to. He squeezed her ass with one hand while stroking in and out of it with the other. “You’ll know when I’m done not to threaten me with withholding your body. Not now, not ever.”

  Without pausing in his thrusts, he lifted her higher and placed her on his cock. She was so wet, he slid home. This time, he grunted and almost lost control. His orgasm neared, but he fought it. After he had driven her out of her mind, he’d allow himself release.

  He pumped harder in the front and the back. Raising her up to the head of his cock and letting her fall to the hilt had her screaming, holding onto the wall and rocking. She pleaded for more, promised him she’d obey if he didn’t stop. Donovan chuckled. Yeah, he had sealed her to him all right.

  Soon her vaginal muscles began to tighten around him. Her thighs quivered. He almost begged her to hold on a little longer, but clamped his mouth shut. He considered pulling out to let her cool down, but couldn’t bring himself to stop his wild thrusts. Growing his cock thicker had created an amazing tight fit. Her pussy seemed to suck him, demand that he fill it. He held on, his willpower fading.

  Kai threw her head back. “Oh, Donovan, I’m going to come. Please, please let me come. I need it,” she cried out.

  He nodded although she couldn’t see him. Her e
yes were closed, her pink bottom lip caught between her teeth. Her big sexy breasts bounced in front of his face. He was slipping as well.

  “Come, baby,” he demanded. “Come now for me.”

  Her screams filled the small space around them while her hot cream flowed all around his cock. His balls tightened, and he clenched his jaw, sucking in deep breaths to relax himself. He rode the sensations out until she calmed but held onto his to keep from climaxing himself. Afterward, he lifted her off of him and set her down.

  Unsteady, she held onto his shoulders. “You didn’t come.”

  “Not yet.” Retrieving the body wash, he soaped his hands, rinsed, and soaped them again. With gentle strokes, he washed her body, savoring the point when he let his thumbs pluck over her ripe nipples. She moaned. “You want to come again, Kai?”

  “Not if you don’t.”


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