Braxton: Rebel Guardians MC

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Braxton: Rebel Guardians MC Page 13

by Liberty Parker

  DJ rolls her eyes at me and I bite back a grin. “Suck it up, buttercup. You are going to school today and as far as what cereal you’re eating, you’ve always enjoyed Frosted Flakes which is why we bought them. And that is Luca’s seat, we’re guests, remember?”

  Ralynn’s eyes tear up and her lips wobble. “Ah tears, missy. If you’re both so tired, then I’ll let Nan know that you need a nap after she picks you up from school. How does that sound?”

  “No! Not a nap!” they both cry out.

  “Then what do you suggest?”

  They fall over themselves apologizing, words coming out of their mouths that have me choking back laughter.

  “Hmm, that’s all well and good that you’re both sorry and I’m sure Cara appreciates it, but I think that early bedtime this week might do you both some good so you remember that cranky kids have consequences.” Damn, she’s good at this shit!

  “I like your idea, DJ,” I state. “Now, you two need to go up and brush your teeth so we can head out. I start my new job today and do not plan to be late.”

  Ten minutes later, DJ has the two kids in her car and headed toward school while I quickly clean up the kitchen before leaving. I am one of those women—I can’t leave dishes hanging until later. I credit my mom for that, she is affectionately known as Mrs. Clean for her housekeeping ways. Guess it bled into me. Grabbing my insulated bag that has a small lunch in it and a few drinks, I head off to work.

  “Cara?” Nan calls out as I reach my car.

  “Hey, Nan. Thanks again for watching the kids this weekend so we could go out.”

  “Never a problem, dear. How were the kids this morning?”

  “Oh my goodness, we had two brats instead of well-behaved rugrats, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah, Lily was the same. I know I’m picking them all up today, would it be okay if they had a little rest?”

  I can’t help it, I start laughing. When I finally calm down, I say, “DJ told them that if they couldn’t behave, she was going to make sure you had them take a nap every day! They weren’t happy about that at all.”

  “Well, once I make sure they’ve done their homework and give them a snack, I’ll have them watch a movie or something. No major running around.”

  “I trust your judgement. We told them they would have early bedtime this week, which they aren’t happy with, but DJ reminded them that actions have consequences.”

  “Yes they do and both kids are so well-behaved, it’s obvious that you and DJ are doing something right with them. I know you’re headed off to work and it’s your first day. With Braxton leaving on his trip, come home planning to eat dinner. Let DJ know as well.”

  “Nan, we can’t ask you to do that, you’re already doing so much!” I protest.

  “You’re not asking, I’m telling you that’s what we’re going to do, okay? I love cooking and if it helps the two of you, then all the better. In fact, I’ll have DJ bring over whatever it is you make for the kids’ sandwiches and I’ll get the kids to make their lunches as well. That way, once you two get them home and bathed and put to bed, you can relax.”

  “Nan, you’re a lifesaver, that’s for sure! It’s been so long since I’ve worked that I was a bit worried, to be honest. Especially once DJ goes back to her house to get things finalized before she moves because then? I’ll have two kids to take care of!”

  “We’ll manage dear. Now, you head off to work, I’m sure you’re anxious to see Braxton.”

  A light blush covers my face and I nod. “Are you...are you okay with how fast all of this,” I wave my hands in the air, “seems to be happening?”

  “Caraleigh, I’ve never seen my son so happy. Ever. Even being Lily’s dad, he has had a cloud of sadness that surrounded him and I’ve prayed for years that someone like you would come along and light up his world. So no, I don’t think it’s ‘too fast’, I think the prayers were finally answered.”

  At her words, I can’t help it, I reach out and give her a hug. She’s so fucking different from Mrs. Jensen, my mother-in-law, and I need her to know she’s important. “Nan, I think I love you,” I whisper.

  She chuckles lightly then says, “I already love you and Luca and your crazy friend and her little girl, dear. Now, scoot.”

  Ah shit, she used the mom tone on me. With a wave, I turn and get into my car. Time to go to work!


  “I’m sure she’ll like the office, Axe,” Twisted says as I wipe the top of the desk off. Again. “And don’t forget, even though you’ll be gone, I’m here and Paisley works out in the warehouse. She’ll be fine.”

  “Kinda worried more about Starla, if you want the truth.”

  “Starla? Why? She’s just the receptionist.”

  “Who wants Hatch and who has been flirting with me incessantly,” I tell him.

  “Well, you’ll get that straightened out as soon as you ask Cara to be your old lady and she starts wearing your cut.”

  “True. Fuck, forgot to have Law order it.”

  “No worries, I took care of it for you.”

  “This is why you’re my VP.”

  We walk out of the office that Cara’s going to use and I see her pulling into the parking lot. “Be right back.”

  I see her face light up when she spots me and I quickly walk over to her car and open her door once she’s shut it off and unlocked them. “Hey, sweetheart.” God, I can’t get over how beautiful she is, every time I see her I want to ravish her on the spot.

  “Hey, Braxton,” she replies, a light blush covering her face. I want to pull her into me and kiss her breathless but...we’re in the parking lot. Wouldn’t be very professional of the boss, especially on her first day, I’m sure she wants to make a good impression with the workers. Regardless, I’m already hard as a rock, and am having a hard time reminding that to a certain appendage of that fact. Down boy!

  “C’mon, let me show you around and give you the lay of the land.” Grabbing her hand, I lead her into the building. “That’s where our receptionist, Starla, sits,” I say, motioning to the front desk.

  Walking down the hall, I bypass my office and Twisted’s, until I get to the third door. “Here’s your office,” I tell her, pulling her in and shutting the door. Before she can say anything, I gently tug her closer until she’s in my arms. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I whisper before I claim her lips with mine.

  We’re both breathless by the time I pull back and I grin at the slightly bemused look on her face. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, I kiss her nose and say, “I think I’m going to like you being here.”

  “Braxton! We’re...we’re at work!”

  “And I’m the boss.”

  She moves to sit behind the desk and I shake my head no. “Just put your purse up, the key to lock the desk is in the top drawer. I want to show you around before you get started, okay?”

  “Alright,” she replies. She places her purse and another small bag in the bottom drawer and locks it up, putting the key in her front pocket.

  As we walk around, I introduce her to the other employees, giving the guys the eye whenever they stray from her face. I want to beat my chest and yell out that she’s mine, but she and I have to have that conversation first. So, stern looks will have to do. For now.

  “Cara!” Paisley calls out, coming from the small warehouse office she works in. “I didn’t know you were gonna be working here!”

  Cara looks at me and grins. “Yeah, that happened over the weekend.”

  Paisley looks at the two of us and smiles. I’m trying to be discreet, so I don’t have her hand in mine, and I haven’t pulled her into my side. But if these fuckers keep eyeballing her? All bets are off. “Well, glad to have you on board. If you need help with anything, just holler, I’ve been here since the beginning and have probably done every job.”

  “What do you do back here?” Cara asks.

  “I oversee the warehouse shipments. I’ll show you later what I mean, but some of o
ur customers have inventory shipped here, and we keep it stocked for them, so when they need it delivered, we load it up and ship it out.”

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she replies. “It’ll make it easier having someone I know if Braxton is out on a run.”

  “No worries, girl, we’ll get you up to speed in no time. Braxton, you got a minute?”

  I look at Paisley and see she has paperwork in her hand. “Is that what I need?”

  “Yeah, just wanted to make sure you knew what to expect. The order is more than last time, so I am having to call and increase our bond. Do you want me to make that a permanent change?”

  Blowing out a breath, I nod. “Seems like that would be the way to go, so yes. Definitely get the maximum so we’re covered in case anything happens.”

  “What is she talking about?” Cara asks.

  “We’ve got a bonded and insured warehouse, sweetheart. But sometimes, like with the shipment I’m hauling this week, the cost to replace them could be more than our policy covers in the event of an accident or fire, anything of that nature. She’s going to get us the maximum coverage we can get.”

  “Oh, that makes sense,” she replies, looking at the different areas in the warehouse. I see Hatch at one bay door, watching as the forklift driver loads pallet after pallet of dry goods.

  “C’mon, there’s more to see. We’ll catch you later, Paisley.”

  “Sounds good. Welcome aboard, Cara! We’ll definitely do lunch sometime this week, okay?”

  Cara nods and I turn her and go back to the office area. “Here’s the breakroom, we keep the fridge stocked with what folks enjoy drinking, so if there’s something you’d like, let Chef know, he’s in charge of that shit. Down here is the conference room. Sometimes, clients want to come in and meet with us and see we’re not a bunch of meatheads.”

  Her laughter catches me off-guard and I look at her. “What’s so funny?”

  “Y’all are so far from that description it’s ridiculous. Is it because you’re bikers?”

  Damn she’s gonna make me a great old lady! “Yeah, sweetheart, it is. But they don’t realize that most of the men except the prospects have degrees of one kind or another. Hell, Law is an attorney!”

  “Well, see? That just goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover, right?”

  “Exactly. Now, let me show you what you’ll be doing.”

  We walk back to her office, passing Starla. “Starla, this is Caraleigh. She’s our new office manager.”

  “Good morning,” Cara says.

  Starla’s eyebrow goes up when she sees how close I am to Cara, but she responds, barely, and says, “Good morning.” Twisted is right, I need to keep an eye on her. Making a mental note to speak with Hatch, I nod and keep us moving toward her office.

  We’ve spent the past three hours going over the computer system and what her job duties will be when Twisted walks in. “Hey y’all, thought it would be a good time to break for lunch before you leave, Braxton. What do you think?”

  Cara’s stomach growls at the mention of food and the three of us laugh. “Guess that’s our answer, brother,” I reply. “Did you bring her the paperwork for payroll and shit?”

  “Yeah, I have it right here,” he says, handing her a sheaf of papers. “We need to get you into the computer so you’ll get a paycheck. We can do real checks or direct deposit, your choice. I’d recommend the direct deposit because it goes in the day before payday. I think the first one is a live check, but after that, direct deposit.”

  “Then that’s what I’ll do. Is Paisley coming to lunch too?”

  “Absolutely. She wants Mexican. That alright with you two?”

  I nod because I know from talking to her that she enjoys it and the little restaurant around the corner has quick, friendly service.

  “Take the bikes?” Twisted asks.

  “Absolutely,” I tell him. “Cara, you might want to braid your hair.”


  “So the helmet doesn’t mess it up too much.”

  “Okay. Can you give me ten minutes? I’ll get it taken care of.”

  “We’ll meet you out front, okay?”

  She nods at me and I resist—barely—the urge to kiss her. Twisted snorts and I give him a death glare. Fucker.

  Waiting at the bikes, I see both women coming out the front doors laughing. Cara has managed to put her hair into a French braid and my hands are itching to take it down, see all those curls that I love spread across my pillow. Get a grip, Braxton, you know it’s gonna be harder than hell riding with your dick standing straight up! I grab the extra helmet I have and help her get it on. “You ever been on the back of a bike, sweetheart?”

  She’s looking at my bike and biting her lip, Lord have mercy with what I want to do with that lip of hers. I can see the apprehension growing on her face. Dropping a quick kiss on her forehead, I pull her lip from her teeth and straddle my bike. Then I tell her how to get on behind me. Once she’s in place, her chest crushed against my back, I hit the ignition and fire up my other girl. “Hold on, sweetheart, don’t let your legs touch those pipes,” I point showing her which ones I mean, “and when I lean, lean with me, okay?”

  I feel her nod behind me as her grip tightens around my waist. I pat her leg and pull out, Twisted next to me with Paisley riding bitch. I hope she falls in love with riding, there’s nothing like it and I can envision us taking day trips on the bike. Shit, I can even see some nighttime escapes on my bike, and think about the things we could do while we’re out and about. I’ve found some pretty desolate places, where I could rip off her clothes, and have my wicked way with her while she’s leaned over my bike. Yeah, we’re definitely going to have to have Mom watch the kids some night—soon.


  Holy fucking shit! I had no clue that the vibrations would be such a turn on for me, but right now? If he were to touch me, I’d go off like fireworks on the Fourth of July. We stop at a light and he hollers back, “You doing okay?” can I answer his question without sounding like an excited minx?

  I lean closer, if that’s even possible, and say, “Yes. But we gotta talk.” He pats my leg again and then takes off when the light turns green. We pull into a Mexican restaurant and he helps me off. “My legs feel a little bit like jello,” I confess as he takes my helmet and puts it in the saddlebag next to his.

  “That’s normal, sweetheart. You’ll get used to it. Now what do we have to talk about?”

  I lean in closer and pull him down so I’m whispering in his ear. There’s no way in hell I want Twisted or Paisley to know my current predicament! “Those, hell, no other way but to say it—they turned me on!” Should I tell him I want to do this as much as we possibly can?

  His chuckle sends shivers down my spine. “We may have to figure out how we can handle that, sweetheart, especially with me sporting a hard-on.” I glance down and can feel the fire hit my cheeks as his jeans show the evidence of his desire.

  “ I mean, you’re getting ready to leave.”

  “Sweetheart, I have to go back to the office. And... just saying, my door has a lock and my office is soundproof.”

  “Won’t anyone think something’s going on?” I ask as we make our way into the restaurant.

  “Nope. Twisted will likely do the same thing with Paisley when we get back.”

  I know my eyebrows are now in my hairline. I mean, it is a place of business and here we are, talking about a quickie! He grins at me and I blush. “C’mon, sweetheart, let’s get something to eat.” When he says the word eat, he says it in a husky voice, causing me to imagine myself being his menu of choice.

  Lunch ends up being a lot of fun and I find myself laughing at the stories that Twisted and Braxton share about starting up the business. Soon, we’re back on the bikes heading back to the office and my stomach clenches at what is to come. Both Paisley and I took a few minutes at the restaurant and I freshened up a bit. I blush thinking of the
knowing look on her face when she said, “So, looks like things are cooking with gas between you two.” All I could do was nod. I know you’re supposed to share these things with your girlfriends, but for now, I want to keep this to myself. I don’t want to share that part of him with them, or anyone yet.

  When we walk back into the building, the receptionist looks up and smiles flirtatiously at Braxton and I find myself gritting my teeth. “Hold my calls, Starla, I need to go over a few things with Cara before I take off.”

  “Anything for you, Braxton,” she says. I nearly freeze on the spot, for the first time in my life I want to lay claim to a man. I envision myself plucking her eyes from her sockets so she can’t look at my man like that ever again! And her sultry tongue, yeah—that has to go too. Braxton tugs on my arm causing my feet to move from their firmly planted spot.

  He leads me into his office and I catch Paisley’s grin as she goes into Twisted’s. Before the respective doors close, she winks. He walks over to his chair and says, “C’mere, sweetheart.”

  I am so out of my element here! Graham was strictly a missionary man, and from my experience the other night, not a very good one. I slowly walk over to his chair and he gently pulls me onto his lap. “Kiss me, Cara,” he commands. All thoughts of Starla disappear with his demand.

  Damn! His voice alone makes my engines rev, but couple it with the ride back and I’m about to combust. I lean down to kiss him and find his hands have moved to my hair, removing my braid. “Love your hair, sweetheart,” he murmurs against my lips. He deepens the kiss and I find myself lost, surrounded by him. I can feel my heart skip a beat in anticipation of what is yet to come.

  Before I know what has happened, I’m shirtless and he has unsnapped my bra. “Braxton! I... I didn’t think you were serious.” Deep down however, I knew he was, why am I in denial when it comes to this man and his wayward ways?

  “Sweetheart, I’m always gonna be serious when it comes to my dick in your pussy.” With no warning, he nuzzles my neck causing me to arch my head back. I had no damn idea that spot was an erogenous zone, but somehow, he knows. My bra is now somewhere on the floor, having joined my shirt and both of his hands are stroking my breasts, causing my nipples to pebble and harden beneath his touch. “Feels so good,” I moan.


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