Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 16

by Sayde Grace

  “All right, call Doc in. I’ve got to gather all the Pack we have. Sometime today, Velham will break the bond between Sidda and me and then I won’t have any connection to her.”

  “Jasper?” Cole’s voice dipped low. “What about the kids I saw? One looked identical to you. There was another one too, but he looked more like Sidda and Vivian.”

  Jasper’s mind froze. Had there been kids? He couldn’t remember. All he’d seen was Sidda and how her eyes had pleaded with him to stop. He shook his head, trying to remember what else had been around. He remembered the guards, the door opening, and Sidda standing in the doorway, her eyes a sea of emotions. She’d been torn.

  “I don’t remember seeing any kids, but she told me I have a brother. She told me just before she used my power against me. She said she had to stay or Dane would kill our mothers and my brother.” His gaze shot to Vivian. “Viv? Why didn’t you tell me our mothers were still alive and I had a brother?”

  Vivian hung her head. “If I had told you my vision, you would have altered the course, and Sidda must stay on this path. She is the only one who can bring our pack back to its rightful place. Please trust in me. If not me, trust your mate, our Alpha female. She is doing what is best for the pack.”

  Jasper had prayed Sidda would accept her place as pack Alpha female, but damn, if he had expected her to take on Velham by herself. And Vivian had known the entire time what was going to happen and hadn’t said a word.

  “Vivian, you need to explain the rules of this vision thing. Because right about now, I’m real close to throwing you out on your ass for not telling me that Sidda was going to do this.”

  Vivian’s bottom lip trembled. Her eyes met his, and she glanced away quickly. Her wolf was very submissive, something so different than Sidda. Although Sidda’s wolf submitted to him, Sidda would never back down to him, which made him half crazy, but he loved her for it.

  “The visions are to warn the pack about danger. The only time I am unable to share my visions is when I know the result of sharing them will alter a course, which will then harm a pack member or the pack. In this case, I couldn’t share my visions about our mothers, brothers, or Sidda. I knew if I did, it would affect the way you went about things and would change Sidda’s path. You must understand that this is the right path. She has to go through this, not only for herself, but for the pack.”

  Cole rose and began pacing. “I don’t get this wolf crap. So what would have happened if you’d told Jasper what you saw Sidda doing?”

  Vivian shook her head. “I don’t know what would have happened. I just know that the path she is on is the right one, and if Jasper interferes, she will not survive it and neither will the pack.”

  Jasper didn’t want to believe it. Every part of his being screamed to go save his mate, to get her as far away from danger as possible. Yet the Alpha in him tried to reason the consequences. Over the last six months, every vision Vivian had ended up true. She’d helped him find pack members, and she’d told him to go home and claim Sidda before someone else did.

  “You told me to go home and claim my mate. I’d planned on coming home next month, but you pushed for me to come last week. Why?” Jasper narrowed his eyes at Vivian.

  “Because Velham is about to make a huge move.” Vivian’s eyes filled with remorse, and Jasper had the good sense to know what was about to come.

  It’d been nearly thirty hours since Sidda had left and about ten since they’d stormed Velham’s compound. It was time he cut the bond. Jasper swallowed hard, his throat tightening at the mere thought of losing his connection with Sidda.

  “You will always be her Alpha, and you will always be able to link to her, but this has to happen. You must trust in her. What Sidda is about to do will prove to every Luna in the Luna Nation that she is the rightful Alpha female, and that you are her mate, the only one strong enough to match her.”

  Jasper sighed and flopped down on the couch. “How long am I expected to wait for my mate before I storm in there again?” He rubbed a hand across his face.

  “The rest of the week. At the end, you are to be there with an army of our pack mates.”

  Jasper growled. No way could he stand being separated from his mate for three days, all the while she was at the mercy of Dane Velham and Stephan Donaldson. Shit.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket.

  “Jasper? Please don’t say anything, just listen. In a few hours, Velham is going to break our bond. He wants me to mate with Stephan and believes the bond between you and I dissolve. I don’t know how he’s going to do it, but he will. I can’t stop it, because he’s threatened my brother’s life if I do. Stephan tried to stop him from hurting Zeke, but Dane had Stephan locked up. Once I agree to break the bond, he will leave Zeke alone. At least he’s supposed to. I can’t risk it either way. I’ll do whatever to save them, Jasper. He’s got our mothers, my brother and your brother.”

  He didn’t care. Nothing mattered except that she was all right. “Sidda, shut up. Stop talking for one second. Let me hear you breathe. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Oh, Jasper, I’m fine. It’s not me he’s threatening. He’s already figured out it wouldn’t do any good to hurt me. It’d just make me more determined not to do what he wants. No, he’s going after our families. I don’t have but a second, so listen. Tonight he’s going to announce me as liaison to the Luna Nation of North America. He’s hoping that all the other Luna Nation leaders will trust me and come to a welcoming party Saturday night. There, he’s going to have a slaughter. He’s already started planning for this weekend. I’ll get word to you somehow when and where. You need to get ready, because this is it. We can’t let him take over all the other Nations.”

  “Shit, Sidda how’d you learn all this so fast?”

  “Russ is a mind reader like you, and he can telepath. He read it all and told me. Stephan’s still holding onto a belief that Dane isn’t so bad. But Stephan’s second-guessing everything Dane does now and even helping me. Stephan didn’t kill those babies. I gotta find out more about those babies and the other wolves he’s had.”

  “Sidda…” He wanted to demand she come home. Screw the rest. He wanted his mate by his side, safe and sound. But the demand fell on his lips. He couldn’t. She was the best way to get his family back. “Sidda, I swear to you, if you get yourself killed, I will follow you to the depths of hell to whip your stubborn ass, do you understand?” His voice cracked with emotion.

  “I know. But I can’t leave them, Jasper. We have to stop Dane.” A door creaked opened. “Jasper, I gotta go, I love you, and I’m sorry for everything.”

  The line went dead.

  Jasper looked up at Cole, who glanced away and then back at him. “What happened? What did she learn?”

  “I have a brother. Dane bred with my mother, and now I have a younger brother.” The reality stung. He wanted to hate the kid for being a product of Dane Velham, but he couldn’t. Sidda was, and he loved her more than anything. The kid was his blood, his brother, and he’d make sure he was safe. “His name is Russ. Sidda said he’s got my gift and read Velham then told her what he’d planned. Sidda’s got a plan. Now we have to get an army together by Saturday.”

  Clear purpose and determination filled Jasper’s head. Sidda had been right to do what she did, and now he’d make sure everything on his end was taken care of. Saturday night, he’d have his mate, brother, and mother back.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sidda paced her large bedroom. The soft pastel lavender did nothing to calm her. She sighed and flopped down on her bed. Zeke stared at her from the doorway. His big brown eyes filled with concern, and he stepped closer to her.

  “Sidda, are you okay?” His voice cracked with that all-telling, I’m-going-through-puberty crack.

  “No, Zeke, I’m not.”

  “That was Jasper on the phone? Your mate and Russ’s brother?” He glanced down at the gleaming hardwood floor. His anxiousness seeped from him to her. />
  Sidda sat up to study the young kid. His hair stood on end like he’d tugged it one too many times. His skin held a twinge of paleness, and his body slumped almost in defeat. The aroma of lemon wafted to her. The scent wasn’t strong, but just powerful enough to let her know he had gotten frightened.

  “Zeke?” The boy’s eyes met hers. “What’s wrong?”

  He shrugged before flopping down in a chair nearby. The antique winged-backed chair creaked with his weight.

  “Zeke, you did really good earlier. If you hadn’t stayed so calm when Dane held that knife to your throat, things would have been beyond bad. Without you and Russ reading Dane, I wouldn’t have known what he was planning or what to say to Jasper.” She smiled warmly, hoping to ease the kid’s tension.

  “I’m sorry Father is making you stay. He didn’t with the others. You must be really special.” Zeke’s eyes filled with pain.

  “The others?”

  He nodded. “A few years ago, Dad sent the other females and their children away. Russ and I weren’t ever allowed near them though, so I don’t know much about them.”

  Sidda’s heart pounded. There were others. Shit. She had to figure out what happened to all of them and to Jasper’s brothers. He needed them.

  “What happened to them, Zeke?”

  “I’m not sure. I hadn’t really gotten a good grip on my power yet, but Russ said he heard Dad tell Brockton to get rid of them. Brockton’s excitement over the possibilities nearly made me pass out. He was very happy.”

  “Who’s Brockton?”

  “One of the guards your mate beat up. I’m glad he did. When Stephan isn’t around, Brockton tries to hit us. He’s evil. Everyone thinks Stephan is the worst, but he’s not. I can feel Stephan’s heart, and it’s good even though he doesn’t think so. Dad’s done something to Stephan though. It makes him do all those things. But Brockton is evil. There’s no good in him at all. One day I’ll be stronger, and I’ll take him.”

  Fury swept through Sidda like a lightning bolt. No one touched her brother. No one. The realization that she’d accepted Zeke as her brother so quickly should have startled her, but looking at his determined face and feeling the rage boiling off of him, she wasn’t. His frown set just like hers did, and she knew without a doubt, he was her brother and she’d do anything to protect him.

  “Hey.” Russ stepped inside her room. His tall, thick frame cast a huge shadow across the cherrywood floor. His heavy footsteps echoed in the room. She smiled, fighting back tears. His brilliant bright green eyes had her yearning to call Jasper again.

  “Don’t be upset.” Russ sat on the edge of the bed beside her. His eyes held a maturity beyond his youth. He’d seen and heard way too much for his young age.

  “I’m not upset,” Sidda lied, hoping to ease the young boys’ minds.

  Russ chuckled and shook his head. “You’re upset that I remind you so much of my brother. You miss him and want to be with him, not here.”

  Sidda’s eyes narrowed before she realized how he knew what she was feeling. “Stay out of my head, puppy,” she teased, and both boys smiled at her.

  “So wanna tell me about life here in the compound?” Sidda hoped the boys knew a few places to hide or how to get out. If so, she could get her family to safety while she and Jasper fought Velham.

  “I’m not leaving to let you fight.” Russ stiffened beside her. His eyes hinted at danger. God lord, he was Jasper all over again.

  She smiled, trying not to laugh. “Oh, but you are. If you choose to help your brother, that makes him your Alpha, and I will have him order you to do what I say. When Velham breaks our bond, I’m not a hundred percent sure if I’ll still be Alpha female , but I’ll make damn sure you two do what I say.” She pinned both boys with a glare.

  “That’s not right. We’ve lived here for the past ten years. We know every inch of this place and can help sneak our pack in and out of here.” The words rushed out of Zeke, but Russ cocked his head to the side, staring at her.

  “That’s what you’re wanting, isn’t it? You want me and Zeke to get our mothers to the pack and away from the fight this weekend?”

  Sidda smiled, her heart swelling with pride. These two were beyond smart. “Yes. You two are in charge of getting your mothers outside. Tell me where to send pack members for pickup, and I’ll have them waiting.”

  “You think it’s going to get that bad?” Zeke sat straighter in his chair.

  “Yes, without a doubt. Once the other Luna leaders figure out what’s happening, all hell is going to break loose.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Russ glanced at his brother then at Sidda.

  “I’m going to train. It’s time I learn to control my power. And I’m going to find out what happened to our siblings and their mothers.” If it took her an eternity, she’d find out where they were and what had happened to them all.

  Russ shifted beside her. “Brockton won’t tell you. He’s got good blocks. Dad’s trained him well, but Brockton isn’t as loyal as Stephan.”

  “Yes, but some part of Stephan holds humanity. I have to push that part, and he’ll help me. He thinks I’m saving him from going crazy, but I’m not. He’s not crazy, just brainwashed by Velham.”

  Zeke shot out of the chair. “Oh, I heard Dad tell him in an hour to come get you. They’re planning on breaking the bond between you and Jasper today.” He paced to the door.

  Sidda sucked in a breath, her heart breaking. Even if Jasper had marked her sister, she wasn’t quite ready to give that part of herself away yet. She loved him and wanted to make it right between them. If she’d just listened to him instead of letting her temper ride her brain, then she wouldn’t be forced to face Velham alone.

  Russ grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Jasper will still be able to read you. Just let your blocks down. I sensed his strength, and he can communicate with you if he needs to. And you are not alone. You have us and our mothers.”

  Her heart sank. That wasn’t why she wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. No, she wouldn’t be his mate if she broke the connection.

  Zeke strode back to her. “Sidda, I can take whatever Dad does to me. If he makes Brockton lock me up, I can handle it. You don’t have to break the bond if you don’t want to.”

  Sidda shook her head. Her brothers may have suffered some at the hands of Dane Velham, but she knew just how evil he was. He’d do anything to get his way, and if that meant killing one of his sons, he’d do it. They didn’t matter to him. All that mattered was power.

  Russ grimaced beside her. “He will, won’t he? I’ve always known just how bad Father is but had hoped there was at least one thing he wouldn’t do for power. I’m wrong though, aren’t I?” His green eyes bore into hers.

  Sidda hated to destroy what little love there was between them, even if that love was for a bastard like Dane Velham. Her brothers deserved a father who would protect them with his life. That wasn’t going to happen, but she could damn sure give them an Alpha who would—Jasper. He was the rightful North American Luna Alpha, and soon everyone would know. Then she’d run like the wind before he got his hands on her and strangled her for everything she’d done over the last forty-eight hours.

  She glanced up, and both boys smiled brightly at her, nodding.

  “All right, both of you, out of my head, emotions, and my room. Get to thinking, and we’ll talk later. I need to get down and see if I can convince Dane to let me spend some time with your mothers and hope they can help me with my power.”

  Sidda wasn’t sure if her plan would succeed but she knew the only future she had didn’t exist behind the gates of Dane’s compound. Her mind flooded with images of her locked up tight inside the confines of Dane’s home. She couldn’t allow that to happen. Deep down she realized she’d fight for her freedom as well as her families freedom. With a sense of determination she stalked into Dane’s office. He sat behind the desk with a black, sleek cell phone pressed to his ear. “Yes, Justin. Set up that press conferenc
e for tomorrow morning instead. Tonight is just too soon. I’ll have Siddalee and Stephan ready by then. I’ll announce her as Diana Velham. Diana was my mother’s name in fact.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Everything will be perfect.”

  What the crap? Sidda narrowed her eyes at Dane. She was not a Diana, and he’d better get used to it. He put the phone on his desk then pointed at a chair.

  “Have a seat. We have things to discuss.” He leaned back in his large chair, eyes roaming over her. “You really did turn out nice. No wonder Stephan is so protective and Gandillion is willing to die for you.”

  Bile rose in her throat. Sidda had never hated anyone with the passion she hated this thing in front of her. How he’d managed to take over the Luna nation was beyond her. No. She mentally shook her head. She knew how. He’d hidden behind others, let them die, and then taken over.

  “My name is Sidda, not Diana.”

  “In public, you will be Diana Velham. End of discussion.”

  Sidda rolled her eyes but didn’t comment. She had other things to fight for. She would let him call her Diana in public. Maybe Dane’s mother had actually been halfway good.

  “Whatever. Look I just came up here to ask you a few questions. First, why did you get rid of me to begin with?”

  Dane swiveled in his chair. His eyes focused on a large safe near the door. Sidda sat waiting for him to answer her, but instead he turned his back on her, one thing no Alpha should ever do. She wanted him dead, and it took every ounce of her being not to make a move to kill the arrogant bastard.

  Dane spun back around, smiling. “The day I made the order to have you dealt with you’d shown no signs of anything special. I’d only gotten one Blue Moon at the time, and you were the first offspring. Mistakenly, I cast you out, not knowing what I was really looking for. I regret that, but when my men spotted you with Gandillion, I knew you were mine and spectacular. I’ve got you, and we can move forward.”

  Sidda narrowed her eyes. Move forward as what? Dane Velham was an evil prick, and there was no way she wanted any type of relationship with him. Freak.


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