Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 21

by Sayde Grace

Sidda fought a grin. Of course he didn’t like it. “I need you to do this, you have to do this. Tomorrow night, before the party gets going, I’ll come by to check on Scarlett and Delilah. While I’m getting ready to leave, I’ll get the guards.” Sidda turned to Delilah then to Scarlett. “I’ll need you two to lock them up somewhere here then sneak down to Dane’s office. You should put on the guards’ clothing to hide your scent.”

  Delilah and Scarlett smiled. “We can get there, but there may be a guard or two there to keep his office sealed off.”

  Sidda drew in a deep breath. “True. But I don’t think I can get from here to Dane’s office then to the party without being noticed. Can you ladies pull your powers?”

  Delilah nodded. “Together, I believe we can use our powers to get past the guard.”

  Sidda narrowed her eyes at them. “Just to be clear, what are your powers?”

  Scarlett smiled. “Mine are a cross between yours, Zeke’s, and Vivian’s. I can feel and see emotions. When I channel those emotions, I can manipulate them against the person.”

  “And I can manipulate fears and dreams.” Delilah grinned.

  “Ok, I understand Scarlett’s, but yours I’m not so clear on.”

  “Well, let me just show you.” Delilah flashed an evil smile before Sidda’s surroundings turned to a forest.

  Sidda glanced around the winter-bare forest. Trees had turned brown, and their leaves crinkled under her feet. Moss and earth filled her nose as birds lightly twitted nearby. Nearly fifty yards away stood Jasper, half-dressed and holding out his hand in front of the cabin.

  “You see, this is one of your dreams. I know your fears as well and could use that to change your setting.”

  Sidda gasped when the forest faded back to Scarlett and Delilah’s lush room. “Wow, that was nice, but I’m a little concerned about that vision.” Sidda’s face burned. God, she hoped Delilah hadn’t seen what Sidda wanted to do after she went to Jasper in that dream.

  “Oh, hon, nothing surprises me between mates, especially Alpha mates.”

  Sidda cast a glance at her brothers, who both shook their heads. “Well, can we never discuss that please?”

  Delilah and Scarlett both laughed.

  “Let’s move on.” Sidda hoped changing the subject would erase some of her embarrassment. “You all get there and get out. I’ll make sure Jasper knows where to meet you all. Don’t wait on me. Once the party gets underway, get to that tunnel and get the hell out of here. I’ll make my own way out afterward.”

  An instant surge of fear and rage hit Sidda. Everyone in the room stared at her with wide, fearful eyes. Zeke, as young as he was, reeked of sulfur. He had no intention of leaving her behind.

  “Zeke, you will leave me here to get our mother and Russ’s safely out of here. Have no doubt that if you try to defy me on this, I will let Jasper punish you for disobeying me. Right now I’m only your sister, but in a short time, I’ll be your Alpha’s mate,” At least she sure hoped so. “And with that, I can and will punish you for disobeying me.”

  Zeke opened his mouth to speak but Russ stopped pacing to glare at her. “It’s not right. You want us to run like cowards while you fight.”

  “No, I don’t want you to run like cowards, I want you to march our pack females to safety so that we can grow stronger as a pack. I expect you two to fight for them, for our pack, and for your lives.” Sidda stepped closer to both young men. “I won’t accept anything less than that. Now I’ve got some people to stir up. Let’s see if Stephan’s scrambled thoughts on Dane naming me Diana really are a jab at Brockton. I’ll try to see you all before tomorrow evening, but if not, stick to the plan unless I contact you to change it.”

  Reluctantly they all nodded, and Sidda marched toward Brockton’s room. Once she was there, the door opened instantly with him snarling at her.

  “What the fuck do you want, bitch?”

  Sidda brushed past him, trying to smile. His clothes were strewn around on the floor and over chairs. His musky scent reeked and filled the air.

  “So you ever been to a little town called Diana?” Sidda turned to face Brockton.

  He growled low and deep. “What the fuck do you know about it?” He stepped closer, each footstep vibrating the floor.

  “I know enough that when Dane’s done with the massacre of the foreign packs he’s going to kill you. You didn’t honestly think he’d never find out did you? Telling me I was to be called Diana was just a jab at you. He’s toying with you right now.” Sidda wasn’t entirely sure she was right, but she certainly hoped Brockton would take the bait and tell more.

  “That stupid bastard doesn’t know anything about Diana, and he won’t either.”

  “Hate to tell you, but he does know about Diana. How else would I know, and it’s not a coincidence that he’s calling me Diana whenever you’re around? He said once the deed is done tomorrow night, he’s going to deal with you and the Diana situation.” Inside, Sidda smirked over Brockton’s stricken face.

  The color drained from his face, and he took a step backward. “He…can’t know.” He shook his head.

  Sidda flicked a piece of lint from her shirt. “Think, asshat, why else would he have used Diana as my name? He’s sending you a message. So what are ya gonna do now, tough guy?” She smiled at him. “’Cause tomorrow night I’m thinking you’ll be considered a casualty of friendly fire.” Sidda laughed. “Yep, friendly fire, that will be you, slick.”

  Without another word, Sidda rocked back on her heels then strode from the room. Her spirits soared at the image of Brockton pale faced and near trembling. Two more buttons to push before she could settle down for the day and focus on her own training.

  “Sidda?” Stephan’s tight voice rang out, breaking the silence of the hallway.

  Sidda stopped, inwardly already smiling. He’d been her next button. “I was coming to talk to you. Listen, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mark me. I mean really, really appreciate it.” She knew he’d have to, but maybe he’d be easy on her.

  “I have to, I need to. You being here has put my life into perspective, and I’m thinking over what you said.” He raised a hand. “I can never leave my Alpha, so please do not think that I’ll betray him for Jasper Gandillion.”

  Well, shit. That wasn’t exactly what she’d hoped to hear, but he hadn’t said he didn’t believe her about the others and wanting to help find them. “So have you given any thought to helping me find the other females and their children?”

  He blew out a breath before taking another deep one. “That’s all I’ve been able to think about. All those innocent children. If Brockton got a hold of them, there’s no telling what might have happened.”

  “I just spoke with him. I mentioned knowing about Diana, and he went white as a ghost. There’s something there, and he doesn’t want Dane to know. What are you going to do about Dane, Brockton, and those kids?”

  He leaned against the wall. “I’m going to speak with Dane right now about it.”

  “And if he tells you there’s nothing to that rumor or that he knows, what will you do?”

  Stephan glanced down the hall then his eyes met hers. “Then I’ll find out for myself.”

  He marched away, back stiff and head high. A small part of Sidda still wanted to hate Stephan. After all, the man had done horrible things at the urging of Dane Velham. But something about him reminded her of that lost, injured wolf pup she and Cole had found. Stephan was injured, and she’d find out just what had happened. But she needed to let things between him and Dane play out first. Tonight she’d train, tomorrow she’d push Dane for information on Stephan. After all, it was her who would be marked by him. The least Dane could do was offer her full disclosure on Stephan’s past.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Sidda drifted off to sleep after a long day of practicing opening and closing her rage door. Doc and Jasper were busy looking into the ways she still held her wolf power but had no inner wolf. She hadn’t tried to shift, but f
igured once she got away from Dane, she would. In the meantime, she’d practiced with controlling her emotions once they were let loose. Before the gala, she’d turn those emotions on Dane and Brockton.

  A guard rasped on the thick wooden door. “Siddalee, your presence is necessary in the Alpha’s office.”

  Sidda groaned. Damn, she needed coffee or a Coke, anything with caffeine. She was drained. Keeping the energy controlled had really done a number on her. She threw on her clothes and brushed her teeth and hair. That was as good as it got for now. Maybe later she’d bless everyone with wearing a little makeup, but for now, tough shit.

  Dane’s large wooden door had been left open, so she strode on in to flop down in one large armchair. Dane swiveled in the chair to face her, his eyes narrowed, his forehead creased, and his lips thinned.

  “What have you done to Stephan?” If she’d been in wolf form, her back hair would have stood on end from his menacing tone.

  “I didn’t do anything. It’s not my fault that he now has a conscience. Hell, I think he’s had one for a long time but just never had a reason to think about the things he’s been ordered to do. I can’t help that our chats make him think.”

  Dane growled and scowled at her. His face slowly turned red. “He needs to remember his place. If he doesn’t, his death will be on your hands. I’ve trained and cultivated him from his birth.”

  “Birth? I thought you got him when he was ten.”

  “I did, but it took some doing to convince everyone I was the only one who could control him.” Dane leaned back in his chair.

  Sidda wanted to ask more questions, but by the glare on Dane’s face, she knew to move on. “What about your boy Brockton? Did you cultivate him too? ’Cause if so, you screwed up somewhere along the lines. That wolf is sneaky.”

  A snarl ripped through the room. Dane’s eyes glowed wolf yellow, and his arm hair grew two inches. “Brockton will be dealt with.”

  “Good, I’m not too fond of baby killers and slave traders. That’s what he did when he was in Diana. Those kids and their mommas are probably scattered all over the nation, but by my guess, Brocton operates the trade from Diana.” God, she hoped she was pushing the right buttons and that Dane didn’t really know about Diana, otherwise she’d just dealt her ace with nothing more up her sleeve.

  “Brockton will be dealt with tonight.”

  “Really? I got the distinct feeling from my chat with him that he was planning something for you tonight. I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s outgrown you. He is young, strong, and very covert in his dealings. I guess he learned the lessons you’d tried to teach Stephan, and while Stephan isn’t evil hearted, Brockton is.” Sidda grinned and rose from the chair, heading toward the door. “I believe that makes Brockton a challenger. Taking you down tonight would be quite the statement to the Luna Nations.”

  Sidda kept walking. Sulfur followed her down the hall, seeping from Dane’s office. No longer able to control her joy of planting the seeds of doubt between Brockton and Dane, she laughed, letting all her trepidation loose. Tonight she may walk away marked, hurt, or maimed, but the two of them would die.

  * * * *

  Jasper gazed out at the field of wolves fighting. With the teams already in place and ready to commence fighting, he nodded. The already-shifted wolves rushed the armed wolves in human form who held guns with steel bullets. Bullets zinged, hitting several of the large wolves in the shoulder or chest and knocking them to the ground. They were unable to move until the bullets were pushed from their bodies.

  Steel bullets stung like a bitch, but they wouldn’t kill unless shot directly into the heart or brain. Jasper had instructed the wolves to run through the training one last time before they broke for rest. After seeing them training in hand-to-hand combat, weapons, and wolf fighting, Jasper had broken the teams into the best of the best in each area.

  “Hey, Jasper.” Cole’s normally laughing voice had grown hard and cold.

  Jasper turned to face him. Behind Cole, Vivian marched, glaring at Jasper. He steeled himself for what he knew would be a wild idea. If they weren’t fighting each other, then God help him, they’d be fighting him.

  “What?” Jasper rubbed a hand across his jaw.

  Cole cleared his throat, glaring at Jasper. “Listen here. Ivan just mentioned that you had no plans on taking either of us tonight. That shit ain’t happening. Sidda’s like my sister.”

  “She is mine, and my mother is there as well. I am going.” Vivian planted her foot, cocking one hip to the side.

  Dear God, the two of them had ganged up on him. Jasper sighed, trying not to roll his eyes. He could fight with them all afternoon, but he needed to speak with Sidda. “All right, let me get a hold of Sidda to see how she’s going to get our brothers and mothers out of there before the fighting starts. After that, I’ll tell you two where you’re needed.”

  For the moment, both Cole and Vivian appeared happy. Before either could figure out he’d just put them off, he strode to his room. Shutting the door behind him, he eased down onto the bed he’d shared with Sidda only days ago. He smiled and opened his mind to her, focusing solely on sending her his thoughts and receiving hers. Her scent still lingered, and he craved to have her heat on him, wrapped around his cock, and burning him with her passion.

  “Jasper” Sidda’s voice drifted into his head. “…you naughty, naughty boy. Stop thinking of that until I can be around to live out those fantasies.” He smiled at her teasing tone, knowing she was trying to hide her nervousness. “Well, then, tonight make sure to have your ass here so I can live them out.” The light teasing settled Jasper’s beast, the beast who had been screaming for her for days and for the blood of those holding her.

  “Jasper, let’s focus. Tonight, after we get back home, you can talk dirty to me, but now we’ve got business.”

  Within minutes, they had finalized a plan. Once Jasper took out Dane, he’d take over Dane’s pharmaceutical business and research facility to destroy any and all controlling medications that could be used for harm.

  “All right, I’ve got to rest. I’m whipped. Today’s been a long day of training.” Sidda blew out a breath.


  “Yeah, training. I’ve been practicing on how to use my powers to calm or to enrage. I’m pretty good at controlling the anger.”

  “Sidda, whatever you do, do not use your power of anything on me tonight. I can’t protect you or the pack passed out in a ditch somewhere.” He’d strangle her if she tried it again.

  “Why the hell would I want to do that tonight? I’m saving my power on you for another time.”

  “And, Sidda, do whatever you have to do to make it out safe tonight. As much as my beast is screaming no in my head, if it comes to you being hurt or you letting Stephan mark you, let it happen.” Shit no, he didn’t want her to willingly let some other wolf mark her, but she had to stay safe.

  “We’ll get to that when we have to. I love you. Now I gotta get some rest. I’ll see you tonight, pup.”

  “God, babe, I love you.” He snorted. “I even love it when you call me pup. Be careful tonight. I need you by my side, forever.”

  “Goes both ways, pup. Love you.”

  Tonight they’d all need their strength.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Siddalee, wake up. It’s time to get dressed.” The guard’s monotone voice startled her from her nap. Damn, but she didn’t want to get up so soon. The green blinking light from the alarm clock reminded her she really had to get going. Sidda had a job to do tonight, and she’d damn well get it done. First, she had to make sure her brothers and their mothers were set for the night.

  Sidda slid the flowing, dark red silk halter dress over her head. She hadn’t picked it out. Her mother had sent her the dress with a reminder that it was easy to fight in. Sidda smiled. Soon the fight would begin, and she roared with life.

  Sidda jerked open the bedroom door to face her guard. She slid one foot forward to leave the roo
m then stopped to stare at him. “What’s your name?”

  The bleach blond guard’s blue eyes widened. “Um…Sean Turner.”

  “Well, Sean Turner, what pack are you from? You all have your pack tattoos covered.” She flicked her finger to his long-sleeved shirt.

  Sean gave her a wistful smile before shaking his head. “I’m no longer a member of my birth pack. I killed two of my Alpha’s guards trying to get to his mate while she was in heat.” Sean’s eyes bore into the rug.

  “How old were you?” Sidda had a feeling that all of Dane’s guards had been taken pretty young and trained for him to control.

  “Seventeen.” Sean cocked his head to the side, his eyes slowly rising to meet hers. “Why?”

  “Just that all Dane’s guards don’t appear to be from the Red Moon pack and are all fairly young.” Sidda stepped past him. “Can I ask you something?” She flashed him the smile that always got her way with Jasper. “Do you shift? I’ve been thinking of taking a run soon and will need a guard while I’m running.”

  Sean’s head dropped. “No. Dane, Stephan, and Brockton are the only ones who can shift here. I imagine you’ll find you can’t either.”

  “But that’s not right. I shifted just fine before I got here. Why the crap wouldn’t I be able to shift now?” So a little white lie never hurt. She hadn’t really been able to shift just fine before, but he didn’t need to know details.

  “It’s in our arrangement with Dane. He protects us, feeds us, and keeps our families safe in return for our services as guards and lab rats. The latest effects of his testing should be over by now, but according to the lab tech, there’s a glitch in it.” He shrugged.

  “And what is it that he tests on y’all?” She eyed him, and he shook his head.

  “Don’t really know. We get so many drugs that none of us can really keep up.”

  Damn. Dane Velham was sneaky and, in his own evil way, a freakin’ genius. But Sidda didn’t recall being given a shot or anything else containing any meds. “How did I get the drug?”


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