Oak, Sophie and Lang, Chloe - Playing the Field (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme)

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Oak, Sophie and Lang, Chloe - Playing the Field (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme) Page 3

by Sophie Oak

  Tess felt her heart sink. The men here probably thought the same. They saw her as a ballbuster. They couldn’t possibly know how hard it was for her to walk in there and force her will on them. It should be easier than this, but it never fucking was. No one wanted her the way she was, so she’d been forced to pretend.

  But she didn’t want to. Especially with these guys. They were each special in their own way. Each one called to her. Curt was the Dom. If she ever broke through that rough exterior of his, she knew he would be a caring Dom. He would shelter and protect his lover. Mike was committed to everything he loved. If Mike loved a person, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do. And Kevin. She laughed as she thought about Kevin. He was so sweet when they were alone. He turned into a different person. He was thoughtful and kind. He was a gentleman. Marcus and Randy were a strangely matched set. Even when she talked to them alone, they echoed each other as though they were truly halves of a whole.

  Each of the men was so beautiful to her it made her heart ache a little. Spending time with them just made her understand how her relationship with Roger had been one big void.

  A knock at the door broke into her thoughts. Tess started. She pulled the edges of her robe together. It was probably one of the Bandits, coming to complain. They didn’t feel the same way about her. She cherished her alone time with each of them, and they saw her as a problem. She thought about ignoring it. Surely they would go away. It was late.

  Another knock.

  “Hey, Tess, I need to talk to you.”

  Mike’s husky voice came through the door. Tess had to catch her breath. He was a hell of a good-looking man. Mike wasn’t as powerfully built as Curt or Randy or Kevin, but his face was past heavenly. He had gorgeous olive skin and sensual lips. When he got angry, he went off in rapid-fire Spanish. Tess found it infinitely sexy. It was funny just how much she’d learned about each man over the weeks they’d worked together.

  She cracked open the door. “What do you need, Mike?”

  Mike stared back at her, and so did Kevin. The Bandit’s fullback was six feet one inch of pure power. He had short blond hair, hazel eyes, and lethal dimples. Those dimples were on full display as he grinned at her.

  “Can we come in?” Kevin asked.

  He didn’t wait for an answer. He simply pressed back on the door and walked through. Mike was right behind him.

  “Uhm, guys, I don’t think this is such a great idea,” Tess stuttered as they muscled past her. Damn, she shouldn’t have wallowed in self-pity with so much tequila. They were walking into her room, and her mind was going to all sorts of dirty places. Her room was small and intimate. They were big and broad. It seemed like they took up all the space. And the air. She was having trouble breathing.

  “We have a few questions,” Mike said, settling into the only chair in the room.

  Kevin took a seat on her bed. He was sitting on her bed. In her mind, she could see him as he was this afternoon. He’d run up to her with his shirt off. His every muscle had rippled as he claimed with a grin that the other boys had beaten up on him and he needed a kiss to make it better. She hadn’t done that, but she’d wanted to.

  “Okay.” She could handle a question or two. She would just keep it professional. She would never let them know she was thinking about what they had looked like without their shirts on. She would definitely never let them know she’d spent the afternoon wondering what they would look like without their pants. It was ridiculous anyway. She caught sight of that cream-colored envelope.

  “We noticed tonight that you seemed sad, Tess. What’s wrong? Is there anything we can do?”

  Tess felt her heart take a long dive off a short slope. Keeping it professional was getting really hard while looking into his dark eyes. He seemed genuinely worried about her. “There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m great.”

  “Sweetie, that’s just not true.” Kevin’s low rumble rolled across her skin. His big hand came out and pulled her down to sit beside him. “You think we haven’t been watching? We’ve been working together for weeks now. We know when something’s up with you. You haven’t had one genuine smile all day.”

  Yes, these two worked together. In more ways than one, from what she’d heard. The individual sessions with the men had revealed a shocking amount of gossip. Apparently, even manly men talked about each other. She had to remember that. If she had some fun with Kevin and Mike, there was no way the other guys wouldn’t find out. Tess stopped herself. What the hell was she thinking? Was it really running through her head that these two gorgeous men had come into her room to jump her bones? That was ridiculous. She wasn’t exactly a hard-bodied cheerleader. She wasn’t sexy. Her ex-fiancé had made that plain. They were just looking for extra credit.

  “I’m fine.” She shrugged them off even though the desire to confide in them welled up in her. “Thank you for asking, but I’m great.”

  Mike looked around the room, his dark eyes targeting the tequila bottle. “I don’t think so. You’re not the type to just sit and drink alone. Tess, tell us what’s wrong. You listened to us all afternoon. Hell, you’ve listened to us for weeks now. Let us listen to you. You said this teamwork thing had to be a two-way street. We’re on the same team, aren’t we?”

  It made a strange sort of sense. She thought about her lectures to executives. Managers had to be able to trust their employees and vice versa. She’d had intense sessions with these men where they shared more than she’d expected. Mike had opened up about how much responsibility he felt for his large extended family. His brother’s kids were so important to him.

  Kevin had talked about what it had been like to grow up without parents. He’d lived with an aunt who had only tolerated him. And yet he’d still managed to make the most of his talent. Maybe it was only fair to share with them. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt anything.

  “I’m just feeling a little blue about my sister’s wedding,” she admitted.

  Kevin shifted closer to her. His weight pushed the mattress down, causing her to almost fall against his big body. His muscular arms steadied her. He smiled down at her, making her heart skip a beat. He was all-American gorgeous. “Are you upset that you don’t have a date? Look no further. There’s me and Mike.”

  That would certainly give her sister pause if she showed up with a superhot professional athlete. “Yeah, I bet that would be interesting, but how would I choose between the two of you?”

  Mike leaned forward, and his dark eyes moved over her body. “Why would you choose? Why not have both of us?”

  Tess laughed long and hard. Yeah, sure. Why not just show up at her sister’s wedding with two gorgeous millionaire football players on her arm? There was no way anyone would believe she’d actually snared them. But, it might be worth it just to see the look on Roger’s face. She sighed. It was a nice little daydream, but she was dealing in reality now. It was hard to believe she once thought she could take on the world. Now, she just wanted to make it through the week. “It’s a nice thought, guys, but I’ll have to pass. I just have to hope my sister doesn’t expect me to be happy for her.”

  Mike stood up, towering over her. Kevin’s thigh brushed against hers. Tess breathed in. They smelled good. Mike smelled like he’d just gotten out of the shower, and Kevin was wearing some masculine-smelling aftershave. Wow. She needed another drink. Tess turned and reached for the tequila bottle.

  “No, I think you’ve had enough, Tess.” Mike’s hand reached the bottle first and whisked it away. He knelt down in front of her. His hands came up and smoothed back her hair. “Whatever is bothering you about your sister, you’re not making things better by drinking. You’ll feel like hell in the morning, and you’ll still have to deal with Curt.”

  Tess groaned. Curt Goff was going to kill her. She hadn’t missed the way he’d stared in her direction. She wasn’t an idiot. She knew his story. He used to frequent BDSM clubs. He’d probably already guessed she was somewhat submissive. A woman like her exerting control was virtually w
aving a red flag in front of a bull. Tess remembered the tabloid reports of his kinky sex life. Oh, sure, he’d come out saying he was just out with friends, but Tess knew he was massaging the truth, if not outright lying. His commanding presence was what attracted her to him in the first place. It was precisely the reason why she had to stay in control around him. She shook her head and reached around Mike. Tequila vs. Curt. Tequila was kinder. “Nope. I’ll take the headache.”

  Mike’s hand came out, catching hers. “Tell me why your sister getting married makes you cry. Don’t try to lie. I can see you’ve been crying.”

  Kevin took her other hand, but he rubbed it between his own. The warm feeling started to spread. How long had it been since she had a man’s hands on her body? “Come on, Tess. It’s okay. You can tell us. We want to help. Your sister can’t be any prettier. You’re gorgeous.”

  God, he said that like he meant it. What the hell was happening here? They were both looking at her like they could eat her up, and damn if she wasn’t interested in that. Her brain whirled. She tried to get her mind off the way their hands were stroking and clutching hers. Her skin was starting to sing. Her heart was starting to pound. How long? How long since she’d been held and kissed and loved? Maybe never. Roger had never looked at her the way these two were. “That’s not what my ex-fiancé thought. He totally preferred Janie. That’s why he’s marrying her.”

  Kevin stopped and sat back. “You’re kidding, right? Your fiancé left you for your sister? What the hell does your sister look like? Is she a lingerie model or something?”

  Nothing on his gorgeous face hinted that he was joking. He really seemed shocked that a man wouldn’t want her. “No, she’s a dental hygienist, but she’s really tall and thin. She takes after our dad. She probably could be a model.”

  Kevin’s eyes glazed over. “Does she have your ti—breasts?”

  Tess laughed. “God, no. She doesn’t have these things.” She glanced up, and Mike was looking down, his mouth wide in seeming surprise. Tess gasped. Her robe had come open, and her breasts were hanging out for all to see. She quickly slapped the sides of the robe together, mortification flooding her every nerve. Her breasts were far from perfect. They were too large and already sagged a bit, though she was only twenty-eight. It was far past time to end this crazy evening.

  “Okay, I think I’ve said quite enough.” Tess tried to stand and show them out the door.

  “Don’t,” Mike said huskily as he held her firmly beside him. “Eres guapa. So beautiful.”

  Kevin’s voice was warm against her ear. “You’re in for it now, babe. He’s gone into Spanish. No way you’re getting away from him now.” Kevin’s big hand came out and pushed back the edge of her robe. His fingers brushed against her breast. Tess felt her nipple immediately contract and lengthen, like a flower turning up toward the sun, begging for its attention.

  “We really shouldn’t do this.” Tess heard the way her voice shook. Her voice wasn’t the only thing that had a problem with stability. Every inch of her skin seemed to be electrified. Sex hadn’t been on the agenda for a really long time. It had been seven months since Roger walked out and probably a lot longer since he’d bothered to make love to her. Kevin was moving behind her, his legs sliding into place around hers. She felt the heat of his chest against her back. She felt…oh, she could feel his erection against her spine. So fucking long since anyone had wanted her. Desire crashed through her veins.

  Kevin’s hands slid over her robe, stripping it down her arms, capturing them so she couldn’t move. He couldn’t know what that did for her. She was exposed, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her pussy ached. It pounded and pulsed with demand. This was a bad idea, her brain insisted, but when Kevin cupped her breasts and offered them up to his teammate, she stopped thinking altogether. Bad idea? Hell, yeah. But she couldn’t think of anything else right now.

  “You want to suck on these gorgeous tits, man?” Kevin’s warm breath pressed against her cheek.

  “Si. Tengo ganas de estar contigo.” His voice was husky. He gave one nipple a long lick before sucking it into his mouth.

  “Queremos a nuestro, amigo,” Kevin said, correcting him. “He said he wants you, but I want you, too. God, Tess, we both want you so fucking much. Ever since the day the boss man introduced us.”

  She remembered the day. They hadn’t seemed to want her. They’d all been pissed. She shuddered as Mike suckled. His hands were on her waist, one more manacle holding her down for their pleasure. “You’re lying. You couldn’t stand me,” she managed.

  Please let her remember that. It was one thing to risk her job, another to put her idiotic heart out there again. She wasn’t going to do that.

  Mike growled, and she felt the sharp edge of his teeth. “Don’t call him a liar, querida. We’ve been crazy about you since that first day. We’re going to enjoy tonight.” That talented tongue of his came back out, soothing the little sting his bite had caused. “Quiero comer tu coño.”

  Kevin hissed behind her. “Damn, we all want to do that, man. You think she’s ready?”

  “What did he say?” she asked with a gasp as Mike moved to her other breast, sucking deeply. Damn, Tess wished she’d paid more attention in Spanish class.

  “I can smell her.” Mike came off her breasts and forced her knees apart. He leaned back and growled. “This is in our way.”

  He pulled at her panties, tugging them down her legs and tossing them away without another thought. Instead, his stare seemed glued to something he found more interesting.

  Her pussy. God, he was staring at her pussy.

  “Look how pretty you are, baby,” Kevin whispered, staring over her shoulder. “That’s a gorgeous pussy. You shave. You keep that plump little thing all ripe and ready for a feast. Damn, I want a taste of that.”

  Mike slowly slid a big finger into her pussy, making Tess gasp. He slid in deeply and pulled out, drawing out the copious amounts of the cream her pussy had been seeping since the minute the men walked into the room. There wasn’t time for Tess to fully embrace the embarrassment that flooded her because Mike brought his soaked finger up and offered it to Kevin. His hand went right by Tess’s cheek, and she felt the moment when Kevin sucked that finger into his mouth, groaning as the taste hit him.

  “Que no es dulce?” Mike asked.

  Kevin groaned. “You’ve exhausted my Spanish, man. All I know is how good she tastes.”

  Mike chuckled and settled between her legs. Tess could feel his hot breath against her pussy. She squirmed, unable to remain still.

  “I’ll have to taste for myself.”

  Tess gasped as she felt the first slow slide of his tongue. He started low and stroked up her slit all the way to her clit.

  “Stay still, babe,” Kevin ordered softly in her ear. She was enveloped by his big body. Strong arms wrapped around her, making her feel oddly petite against him. His legs tangled in hers, holding her open, vulnerable to Mike’s hunger.

  “Oh, it feels so good.” Tess moaned. Her heart raced as Kevin tightened around her. His hands caressed her breasts. His tongue traced the shell of her ear. So much sensation swirled inside her that she was drowning in it.

  “Yeah, you feel good, too, babe. You’re so fucking hot. Every day since that first one, we’ve wanted to do this. We’ve wanted to get you in between us.”

  “You guys do this a lot.” She knew their history. It set off some distant alarm bells in her head, but Mike was torturing her. His tongue stabbed deep inside as he devoured her pussy. He sucked and laved until she thought she was going to go insane.

  She felt Kevin shrug behind her. “We like to share.”

  “God, that’s hot.” Sharing sounded really good.

  Kevin’s fingers plucked at her nipples. “Yeah, well, don’t think we play with each other. That little bit with the fingers is about all the interaction you’ll get from us. We’re all about the girl, if you know what I mean. If you want some boy-on-boy action you’ll h
ave to go somewhere else.”

  Mike’s head came up. Tess wanted to shriek. She’d been so close. “She doesn’t have to go anywhere. She’s not going anywhere. She’s ours. We got here first.” Mike went off, growling in a litany of Spanish that she didn’t understand but sounded awfully possessive and caveman-like.

  “Screw talking,” Kevin said with a frustrated groan. “Show her.”

  Mike’s gorgeous face was hard with desire. His hands moved quickly, tearing at his clothes. In mere seconds, he stood before her completely, gloriously naked.

  Wow. He worked out. A lot. Tess hoped she wasn’t actually drooling. His body was a hard slab of muscle covered with perfect olive skin. His cock was thick and stood out boldly. He stroked himself while he watched Kevin palm her breasts. After a moment, he reached into his discarded jeans and came back with a condom in his hand. He rolled it over his dick with practiced ease.

  “You going to watch or participate? I want her pussy.” Mike seemed to grind the words out of his mouth.

  Kevin’s arms relaxed, and he was suddenly pushing and pulling at her. He pulled the useless robe off her body and tossed it aside. “On your knees, babe. I want your mouth. Damn, I want your mouth.”

  Tess found herself completely naked and on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. She felt the bed dip as Mike got behind her.

  “Ella es tan hermosa.”

  Tess let her head fall forward on a moan as he spread her knees further apart and invaded her space.

  “You’re going to feel so good. Do you know how much I’ve wanted to shove my cock in this little cunt? Every single time we sit down in a session together, this is what I’m thinking about. I’m thinking about shoving your skirt up, pulling your panties off, and fucking you until you can’t talk anymore, querida. You make me crazy.”


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