After the Reich

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After the Reich Page 84

by Giles MacDonogh

  Noiret, General Roger

  Nolde, Emil


  Normann, Käthe von

  Normann, Philipp von

  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

  Nüll, Edwin von der

  Nuremberg Laws

  Nuremberg trials: Paul Schmidt at; Göring and; and executions; established and constituted; treatment of accused; conduct of; sentences; lesser trials; and severe winter (1946-7)

  O5 (Austrian resistance group)

  Occupation Marks (currency)

  Ochab, Edward

  Ödenburg (Sopron)

  Oelssner, Fred

  Ohlendorf, Otto

  Ohrdruf labour camp

  Olbricht, General Friedrich

  Oldenburg-Januschau, Elard von

  O’Neill, Con

  opera: in Soviet zone; in American zone

  Opfer der Fascismus (OdF)

  Oppenhoff, Franz

  Oradour-sur-Glane, France

  Oran: French fleet sunk by British


  Osberger family

  Oscar, Prince of Prussia


  Ottilinger, Frau

  Oulman, Gaston

  Padover, Saul

  Paget, Reginald

  Pakenham, Francis Aungier Pakenham t Baron (later 7th Earl of Longford)

  Pal, Rahabinode

  Palestine: Jewish refugees emigrate to

  Palmer, Rex

  Pałucki, Władysław

  Pancrác (Pankratz), Czechoslovakia

  Pannwitz, General Helmuth von

  Papagos, Field Marshal Alexander

  Papen, Franz von: arrested, tried and acquitted; and Schwerin von Krosigk; retried and sentenced after Nuremberg acquittal; membership of Berlin Herrenklub; claims US guards offer suicide means; attends mass

  Paris peace conference (1946)

  Parker, John J.

  Patton, General George S.: visits concentration camp; army in Czechoslovakia; attitude to Germans; character and manner; reputation; on Jewish DPs; relieved of command for comment on Nazis; and treatment of German POWs; orders killing of POWs at Biscari; hostility to Soviet Russia; on results of war settlement

  Patzak, Julius

  Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich

  Pauly, Max

  Pavlov (interpreter)

  Pawlowsky, Dr

  Payne Best, Captain Sigismund

  Pearson, Lieutenant-Colonel

  Pechtel, Ursula


  Peiper, Jochen

  Pelican, Fred (born Friedrich Pelikan)

  People’s Congress for Unity and Just Peace

  Perl, William

  Pétain, Marshal Philippe Peters, Dr Theofil

  Petersen, Rudolf

  Petznek, Frau (née Archduchess Elisabeth)

  Pfitzner, Hans

  Pfitzner, Josef


  Philby, Kim

  Philip, Prince of Hesse

  Picht, Georg

  Pieck, Wilhelm

  Pierrepoint, Albert

  Pillau, East Prussia

  Pinson (French ex-Jesuit)

  Piquet, Gabriel, Bishop of Clermont-Ferrand

  Pirchegger, Anton

  Pirzio-Biroli, Fey


  Plattling camp

  Plattner (anti-Nazi Tyrolean)

  Pleiger, Paul

  Pless family

  Plettenberg, Graf

  Pliever, Theodor; Stalingrad

  Podewils, Sophie Dorothea

  Podhragy, Baron Leopold Popper von

  Pohl, Gerhart

  Pohl, Oswald

  Pohrlitz camp, Czechoslovakia

  Poland: Nazi death camps; border disputes and agreements; Stalin’s policy on; territorial claims; soldiers liberate Teschen; allocated former Teutonic regions at Yalta; General Gouvernement; resettlement programme; claims Breslau; Miliz (organisation); partition; treatment of Germans; racial minorities in& n; religion in; German disdain for; and deportation of Germans; anti-semitism in; German POWs in; trial and punishment of war criminals; Lublin government; Churchill attempts to settle; occupies Silesia; discussed at Potsdam Conference; as buffer for Soviet Union; effects of peace settlement on

  Pollack, James K.

  Pollitzer (or Pollitt), E. H.

  Pomerania: disease in; Soviet conquest and occupation of; Germans in; religious faith

  Poncet (French adjutant)

  Popławski, Jan-Ludwig

  Portman, Sergeant

  Postelberg (Postoloprty), Czechoslovakia

  Potsdam: Garrison Church;

  destruction and conditions;

  Russians in

  Potsdam Conference (1945): and policy on occupation; and situation in eastern Europe; and expulsion of Germans; and territorial allocations; Agreement; and German coal supply; and Austrian question; on feeding of Germans; Stalin’s dominance at; inter-Allied differences; France excluded; agenda; and Polish settlement; arrangements; on transfer of populations; assessed

  Potter, Captain Merle

  Prague: uprising (1945); Germans occupy (1939); German population; atrocities against Germans; Red Army in; torture in; coup (March 1948); see also Czechoslovakia

  Praxmarer, Konrad

  Preetorius, Emil

  Priess, Hermann

  Princip, Gavrilo

  prisoners of war (POWs): German; in American camps; in British camps; in Belgium; tried and sentenced for war crimes; in French camps; in Russian camps; in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia; released; rights

  Privalov, General Pjotr

  Probst, Christoph


  Pruša, Alois and daughters

  Prussia: suicides in; Adenauer and; ends as state; see also East Prussia

  Pryce-Jones, Alan

  publishing: in Soviet zone

  Pulitzer, Joseph

  Pünder, Hermann

  Pust, Heinz

  Puttkamer family

  Puttkamer, Jesko von

  Puttkamer, Robert von

  Quadt-Isny, Eugen, Graf

  Quebec Conference (1943)

  Rabinovich, Leonid


  Radio in American Sector (RIAS)

  Radio Liberty

  Radley, Arthur

  Raeder, Admiral Erich

  Rahm, Karl


  rape see women

  Rath, Ernst vom

  Rathenau, Walther

  Rattenhuber, Johann

  Rauschning, Hermann

  Rave, Paul Ortwin

  Ravensbrück concentration camp

  Ravenstein, Lieutenant-General Hans von

  Rawdon, Sergeant R.

  Reber, Samuel

  Reckzeh, Dr

  Red Army: captures and occupies Vienna; rapes ; advance and behaviour in Europe; compared to American negroes; in occupation of Berlin; and liberation of Prague (1945); in Prague; behaviour in Czechoslovakia; in Königsberg; depredations in Silesia; looting in Austria; see also Soviet Russia

  Red Cross

  Red Orchestra

  Rees, Goronwy


  Rehrl, Josef

  Reichskristallnacht (1938)

  Reichskulturkammer (RKK)

  Rein, Dr (prison doctor)

  Reinhardt, Professor (conductor)

  Reitlinger, Major

  Reitsch, Hanna


  Rendulic, Colonel-General Lothar

  Renner, Karl: heads post-war Austrian government; favours admitting German refugees to Austria; attacked by Podhragy; supports Anschluss; mistrusted by Western powers; and Charlemagne’s crown; resists confiscation of Zistersdorf oilfields; French attitude to; and South Tyrol

  Rettig, Gerhard

  Reuter, Ernst

  Revers, General Georges

  Reynaud, Paul

  Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (newspaper)

  Rheinberg camp

  Rhine Meado
w camps (POWs)

  Rhineland: French claims on; liberated by Western Allies; in British zone; French development plans for

  Rhineland-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen)

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  Richter, Hans Werner

  Richter, Father Helmut

  Richtrmoc (president of Society for Czech-German Friendship)

  Riddleberger, James

  Riedel, Claus

  Riedel, Walter

  Riess, Curt

  Ripka, Hubert

  Ritter, Karl

  Roberts, Frank

  Robertson, General Sir Brian

  Robertson, Sir William

  Robinson, Captain (USA)

  Röhm, Ernst

  Rohracher, Andreas, Archbishop of Salzburg

  Rohrscheidt, Hans von

  Rohwohlt, Ernst (publisher)

  Roman Catholicism: in Poland

  Romania: German community evicted

  Rome, Treaty of (1957)

  Rooks, Major-General Lowell

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: anti-German views; drafts Atlantic Charter; restrains French ambitions; death; concessions to Stalin; and Polish borders; and transfer of German subjects; and denazification; favours shooting leading Nazis; at Yalta; and control of Königsberg; and division of world with Soviet Russia

  Rosche, Dr

  Rosenberg, Alfred

  Rosensaft, Josef

  Rosenzweig, Alfred

  Rösner, Johann

  Ross, A. D. M.

  Rosterg, Sergeant Wolfgang

  Rothenberger, Curt

  Rothenstein camp, East Prussia

  Rothschild family

  Royall, General Kenneth

  Rügen (island)

  Rühmann, Heinz

  Ruhr: Poles in; in British zone; Russian claims on; French claims on; coal production; administrative authority proposed; Germans given cue to decide future

  Runciman, Waltert Viscount

  Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von

  Russell, Bertrand

  Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley RussellBaron

  S., Leni


  Saaz, Czechoslovakia


  Sachshausen concentration camp

  Salomon family

  Salomon, Ernst von: and local civil administration under occupation; Wehrpass destroyed by GI; on rapes by Americans; detained and mistreated by Americans; on POW treatment in France; Der Fragebogen (The Answers)

  Salvator, Hubert

  Salzburg; Festival

  San Francisco Conference (1944)

  Sargent, Sir Malcolm

  satire: in Soviet zone

  Sauckel, Fritz

  Sauerbruch, Ferdinand

  Sauken, General Dietrich von


  Sayn-Wittgenstein, Prinz zu see Franz, Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein

  Schacht, Hjalmar

  Schäffer, Fritz

  Schärf, Adolf

  Scharoun, Hans

  Scharp (prisoner in Russia)

  Schaumburg-Lippe family

  Schell, Margarete

  Schell, Peter, Baron von

  Schellenberg, Walther

  Scherber, Professor and Mrs

  Schernstein, Herbert

  Scheunemann, Wolfgang

  Schicketanz, Franz

  Schiffer, Eugen

  Schilling, Klaus

  Schirach, Baldur von

  Schirach, Henrietta von

  Schlabrendorff, Fabian von

  Schlegelberger, Franz


  Schliemann, Heinrich: treasures from Troy

  Schlüter, Andreas

  Schmid, Carlo

  Schmidt, Guido

  Schmidt, Paul

  Schmitt, Carl

  Schmitt, Heinrich

  Schmittlein, Raymond

  Schmitz, Bruno

  Schmitz, Richard

  Schmorrell, Alexander

  Schmorrell, Natascha

  Schnabel, Peter Joseph

  Schnabel, Wilhelm

  Schnetzer, Max

  Schnitzler, Arthur

  Schnurre, Wolfdietrich

  Schöbritz concentration camp, Czechoslovakia

  Scholl, Hans and Sophie

  Scholz, Willi

  Schönburg-Waldenburg, Prince von see Günter, Prince von Schönburg-Waldenburg

  Schöner, Josef: in liberated Vienna; on Mensdorff; on arrest of von Papen; on Austrian puppet government; and status of South Tyrol; attends concert; on rapes in Austria; and partition of Vienna; on Austrian soldiers’ support for Hitler; told of treatment of Czech Germans; on German refugees in Vienna; Wiener Tagebuch 1944/1945

  Schönerer, Georg von

  Schöninger, Johann

  Schörner, Field Marshal Ferdinand

  Schramm, Percy

  Schröder (Balt bandit)

  Schröder, Louise

  Schröder, Paul

  Schubert, Franz

  Schubert, Hans

  Schubert (Schöninger’s assistant)

  Schuh, Karl

  Schulberg, Stuart

  Schulenburg, Charlotte von der

  Schulenburg, Fritz-Dietlof von der

  Schulenburg, Jonny von der

  Schulenburg, Mathias von der

  Schulenburg, Tisa von der

  Schumacher, Kurt

  Schuman, Robert; Pour l’Europe

  Schumy, Vinzenz

  Schuschnigg, Kurt von

  Schuster, Claud

  Schuze-Boysen, Harro

  Schwarz, Joachim

  Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth

  Schweder, Bernhard

  Schwerin von Krosigk, Graf Lutz

  scientists: abducted by Russians; abducted by Americans; French remove; abducted by British

  Scotland, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Paterson

  Seegebarth, Hauptmann Wilfried

  Seghers, Anna

  Seibert (of Völkische Beobachter)

  Seidel, Anna

  Seidl, Pater Joseph

  Seitz, Karl

  Selvester, Captain

  Sely, Major Kaye (born Karl Seltz)

  Semionov, Vladimir

  Semler, Johannes

  Senfft, Baron von

  Serebriensky, Colonel

  Serov, General I. A.

  Severing, Karl

  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur

  Shabalin, General

  SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force)

  Short, Dewey

  Siebken, Bernhard

  Siegel, Dr E.


  Silesia: Soviet conquest and occupation of; German population; religious repression in; concentration camps; Germans expelled from; turned over to Poles

  Silkin, Sam

  Simonov, Konstantin


  Skrjabina, Elena

  Slavs: Nazi disdain for


  Smersh (Soviet Military Intelligence): and fall of Berlin; and protection of Berlin flak-tower treasures

  smuggling: between zones

  Smuts, Field Marshal Jan


  Sobelev, A. A.

  Sobottka, Gustav

  Socialist Party (SPD)

  Socialist Unity Party (SED): formed; Grotewohl leads; and Berlin elections (1946); as ‘Russian party’; and future structure of Germany; attends People’s Congress, East Berlin 1948, 516; propaganda campaign against Westerners in Berlin; committed to Eastern orientation; violates Berlin town council; leaders summoned to Moscow

  Sokolova, Natalia

  Sokolovsky, Colonel-General V. D.: Clay likes; as assistant to Zhukov; attends Kommandatura; walks out of Control Council; and Berlin blockade and airlift; and Berlin mob riot; replaced by Chuikov

  Solf, Hanna and Wilhelm

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

  Sombart, Nicolas

  Sombart, Werner

  Soswinski, Ludwig

  Soucek Case (Austria, 194
6) South Tyrol: status

  Soviet Russia: ideology; allocated share of German territory and resources; European claims; advance against Germany; Western Allies refrain from attacking; post-war settlement of Austria; alliance with Britain; favours independent Austria; occupation of Vienna; recognises Renner’s regime in Austria; dismantles and confiscates German and Austrian industrial plant; Churchill’s post-war anxieties over; in Mecklenburg; administration amd dominance in Berlin; food supplies in Berlin; resists Western Allies’ presence in Berlin; conflict with Americans in Berlin; requisitions Berlin houses; Berliners’ dislike of; rumoured dispute with Western Allies; administrative structure in Germany; promotes arts in Berlin; Germans abducted to develop industry in; seizes German scientists; develops atomic bomb; claims on Ruhr; nationals repatriated from west; hostility to de Gaulle; occupation of Austria; plunders Austria; aims in Austria; opposes foreign aid to Austria; Austrian zone; atrocities in Styria; and return of Russian POWs; attempts to reclaim citizens in Austria; believes in German collective guilt; smuggling from; refugees in Germany; art plunder; destroys treaures in Berlin; looting; treatment of German POWs; and Nuremberg trials; antisemitism; suspicion of Western antagonism; at Potsdam Conference; treaty with France (1945); perceived as threat by West; differences with French; and Berlin election (May 1946); and spread of communism; US hostility to; Western suspicion of; and dissolution of wartime Allied coalition; proposes pan-German committees; and Austrian war guilt; kidnappings in Austria and Berlin; blockade in Berlin; obstructs creation of Western Germany; quits Conference of Foreign Ministers; cuts off Berlin milk supply; introduces new currency; violent tactics in Berlin; offers all-German government; abuses Anglo-Americans; maintains POW camps after creation of GDR; as post-war enemy; effects of war and settlement on; see also Red Army; Soviet zone

  Soviet zone (Germany): created; administration and appointments; land reform in; money reintroduced; smuggling and corruption in; pillaging; elections (October 1946); illicit crossing of border from West; police force purged and reconstituted; rail travel in; concentration camps (Spetzlager); culture in; releases minor Nazis

  Spaatz, General Carl

  Spann, Rafael

  Speer, Albert: in Dönitz government; resigns; searched; transferred to Spandau; and Berlin Chancellery; on drunken British guard; capture, trial and interrogation; and Nuremberg executions; use of slave labour; in severe winter 1946-7, on Berlin airlift; in detention; Spandau: The Secret Diaries

  Speer, Margarete

  Spiegel, Der (magazine)

  Spiel, Hilde

  Sprang (prisoner in Russia)

  Spranger, Eduard

  Springer, Axel

  Stack, Brigadier Robert

  Stahlberg, Werner

  Stahmer, Otto

  Stalin, Josef V.: military successes; on Poland and Baltic states; territorial claims in Europe; relations with Western Allies; Roosevelt makes concessions to; policy on Austria; condones rape by Red Army; on treatment of Austria; reinstates Renner as chancellor in Austria; opposes Dönitz government; and domination of Berlin; rumoured anti-British speech; and administration of Russian zone; and Red Army behaviour in Austria; agrees to feed Viennese population; forms buffer zone to satellite states; and Hitler’s suicide; and plundered art in Germany; conduct of war; at Potsdam Conference; discusses UN Charter; and French; and Polish settlement; Western Allies mistrust; demands part of German fleet at Potsdam; on Attlee; on custody of war criminals; avoids further war; Byrnes and; and beginnings of Cold War; and CFM in London 1947, 509; breach with Tito; favours German unity; and founding of GDR; obstructs creation of West Germany; and Berlin blockade; offers to lift Berlin blockade for free circulation of currencies; offers armed and unified Germany to Adenauer; achieves Soviet security


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