The Unforgettable Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Unforgettable Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 5

by Paige Cameron

  “Let it all out, honey. Catharsis can be good for the soul.” She sat closer to Lacey and held her hand.

  Lacey never knew how long they sat and she talked. It seemed hours, but she knew it wasn’t near that long. Afterward, Mrs. Garrison handed her a cup of tea.

  “I think you’ve made a wise decision to get out of the city. And the most reasonable place to go would be back to the place you remembered being happy. Give yourself permission to explore living here as an option, but know you have plenty of time to make up your mind.”

  “I was silly to panic like I did.”

  “Not silly, you’ve had to handle a lot.”

  “You and Hunter were my lifesavers today.”

  Mrs. Garrison glanced across the room. “Here’s Hunter and his dad coming in the door now. Are you hungry?” she asked them.

  “I’m not. Are you ready to go, Lacey?”

  “Sure.” She hugged both of the Garrisons and Hunter walked with her to her car.

  “I’d like to show you my house. It’s just down the lane on the right. Would you join me? We can take my truck and return here for your car.”

  “Okay.” She climbed into the passenger seat. When Hunter started driving, she asked, “How long have you lived here?”

  “Almost five years. We all have our own houses located in various areas around the ranch. We’re far enough apart for privacy and close enough to be of help if needed.”

  “You were always a close-knit family. I envied you, your parents and siblings.”

  “Why? You had your two sisters and your Mom.”

  “We are all three very different and Mom was busy working and dating. We weren’t the cohesive unit you all have.”

  “It must have gotten better after your mom married.”

  “I guess it did. My stepfather was good to us and saw we got a good education. But he had high standards. He wanted us to marry well. He’d hope my husband would go all the way to the presidency. The past few months they’ve managed to introduce me to various other candidates.”

  Hunter parked by his front door. He turned toward her. “That’s why you got so upset when I joked about being president.” He got out and came around to help her down.

  “You were joking?” she asked.

  “Yes, I don’t even know if I’d want to run for a national office, but I’d want to have the option.” He opened his front door. “Welcome to my home, Lacey.”

  Chapter Five

  She walked around the living room, into the dining room, and then the kitchen. “Wow, this is a cook’s dream.”

  “Mom insisted we all have big kitchens, which are seldom used. She’s hoping we’ll marry women who like to cook.”

  Lacey ran her hand over the marble countertops. “I like the double wall ovens. You don’t have to bend to put dishes in or take them out.”

  “Do you cook?”

  “I can, but I lost the joy of it. Maybe I’ll do some cooking and baking at the house I’m renting and see how I do. I gather that’s your mother’s number one requirement.” Her expression was filled with amusement.

  Hunter moved closer and caught her between the counter and him. “It’s not my number one requirement.”

  A devilish look came into his eyes.

  “What could that be?” Lacey knew she was playing with fire, but couldn’t or didn’t want to stop herself.

  “First, she’d have to be a good kisser.” He leaned down and brushed her lips with his. Then his mouth slid further along her neck to where her pulse beat like a drum. “And she’d have to be excited by my touch.” He kissed the spot, and then opened the top button on her blouse. He pulled the material to the side and nibbled on her shoulder.

  “I’d want my woman to taste and smell sweet and desirable.” He kissed her breastbone.

  Lacey knew she’d be a puddle of desire at his feet if his body hadn’t been holding her up. His long, hard cock pulsed against her abdomen and her pussy clenched tight with hunger.

  He stared into her eyes as he undid the rest of her buttons and placed her blouse to the side on the counter. A spark of desire kindled a fire in her belly. It’d been so long since she’d felt desirable or wanted to be touched.

  Hunter reached behind her and unclasped her bra. It fell down her arms and he threw it to the side. His big, warm hands held her breasts.

  “They’re beautiful.” He grazed his teeth across her nipples. “And they taste good.” A shiver brushed across her shoulders.

  Then he took her bud in his mouth and licked and sucked on it. She held his head tight against her breast. When he straightened, she rubbed her lower body back and forth across his hungry cock.

  Hunter’s breath sped up and his eyes glazed with desire. “I want you. But if you want me to stop say so now, while I still can, or I’m going to carry you to my bed.”

  “This is not a commitment,” Lacey said.

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Then please take me to your bedroom.”

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her across the house, down the hall, and into his large master suite. When he sat her down, she looked around at the king-sized bed and the other furniture. Hunter turned her face back toward him. He kissed her and then placed her on his bed. He threw off his clothes and removed the rest of hers before lying beside her.

  She’d never thought of a man being beautiful, but he was, from his handsome face to his broad shoulders and tanned chest. His six-pack was well-defined. He had narrow hips and long, muscled legs. She looked back up at his face and found him smiling.

  “Did I pass the test?”

  “Just barely.” Her smile broadened in approval.

  “Let me study you for a minute.”

  Her heart beat erratically as his gaze moved from her face down her body. His fingers brushed across her mouth and along her neck. He lightly touched her breasts and more firmly gripped her waist. Then he caressed her legs all the way to her feet, where he sat and massaged them.

  “That feels so good. You may put me to sleep.”

  “Don’t worry, you aren’t going to sleep, at least not yet.” He slid upward, kissing the inside of her legs on the way and around her lower lips.

  “I love your musky scent.” He reached for the bedside table and placed a condom nearby.

  Hunter straddled her body and kissed and licked each breast until she squirmed under him. Her body was hot and impassioned, and her mind had narrowed to this man and his touch. She reached between them and wrapped her hand around his cock and gently squeezed.

  “Ah, darlin’, be careful or this will be over way too soon.”

  “If you get to touch and kiss, I do, too.” She pushed him on his back and kissed her way from his neck to his dick. She took him in her hand and licked the salty drop off the crown. Then she took him in her mouth as deep as possible. His hands gripped her hair gently.

  “Damn, that feels good.”

  She licked around the sides of his cock, and then moved her head in an up-and-down motion. His groans encouraged her to move faster, and her pussy clenched as her own desire flared more brightly.

  Hunter’s fingers brushed across her sensitive nipples as she sucked on his cock. “Enough,” he said. He pulled her up to him, kissed her, and rolled her body under him. In one quick move he grabbed the condom and rolled it on his cock. Then he thrust inside her tight, hungry pussy to the hilt.

  She yelled out as an explosive rush of passion swept through her.

  “You are so tight and hot,” Hunter gasped as he sped up his thrusts. He held her hips upward, going deeper, and glorious pleasure shot up her spine.

  His cock plunged in a few more times as her pussy rippled around his dick from her extremely powerful orgasm. Vaguely, in the distance, she heard his yell of satisfaction.

  Hunter hunched over her, breathing rapidly. His cock pulsated against her pussy walls, bringing on another less intense orgasm. He kissed her mouth and rolled to the side. His arm wrapped around her, and
he held her close.

  Lacey listened as his heart gradually slowed to its regular beat. Her body still throbbed with joy and she felt like she floated on a cloud. This had never happened to her before, not so intensely, not even close. Reality returned and she hoped she hadn’t made a big mistake. She could easily fall in love with Hunter. Her body might be ready, but was her mind?

  * * * *

  Hunter tilted her head back and looked into her eyes. She lowered her eyelashes.

  “Look at me, Lacey.” His commanding voice was firm, but pleasant.

  She took a firm grip on her emotions and looked into his deep blue eyes. “I’m getting my breath. You’re quite the lover.”

  “Don’t make this sound like a one-night stand. I care for you.” A hint of annoyance shone in his eyes and could be heard in his voice.

  “I need to keep this relationship light. I’m not ready for intense. You knew that before we started.”

  “Even in light relationships, I respect and like my partner.”

  It was hard to conquer her involuntary reaction to his gentle, loving look. A gamut of perplexing emotions tortured her. She stared at him, baffled.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just enjoy yourself. I don’t expect any words at this time. Your body talks for itself.”

  She wasn’t sure his comment comforted her, not knowing how robustly her body had responded to his.

  He got out of bed and pulled her up. “Go shower and we’ll walk out back.” He turned her toward a door to the side of the room and briskly hit her butt to start her off.

  “That stung.”

  “It was meant to,” he said, and chuckled as she gave him a confused look.

  * * * *

  Outside the sun was beginning to set. He went to the other bedroom next door and quickly showered and finished dressing, just as she came out wrapped in a large bath towel.

  “I’ll go get your bra and blouse,” he said as she reached for her slacks and panties.

  His heart filled with hope when she smiled at him. He wanted her, but not for a day or night. He wanted to marry her.

  Hunter walked across the house and got the rest of her clothes. Mom had said it would be this way. It would hit you in a flash, and you’d know you’d found the right person to marry. She’d laughed when her sons had protested, and warned them they might struggle, but love always won in the end.

  He and Lacey had many problems to solve. He wasn’t sure how he’d manage to win her heart without giving up a few of his own dreams.

  He hurried back to his room and found her standing at the window looking out. Her long, black hair fell in waves down her back.

  Hunter walked behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her neck. “Your husband was a damn fool.”

  “Keep telling me that and I might begin to believe it.” She took her bra and blouse and finished dressing. Hunter opened a door at the back of the master suite and put his hand on her waist, urging her to step forward.

  * * * *

  Lacey gasped when she stepped into the adjoining room. It was as wide as the bedroom and deep enough to cover a good-sized area. Straight in front of her were windows facing the mountains, and wildflowers made a carpet of color stretching as far as the eye could see.

  “The view is amazing.” She glanced around and saw the fireplace was double-sided from the bedroom. Bookcases had been built on either side of the fireplace and comfortable chairs were spread around the room. “This is a magnificent place to get away from all your worries.”

  “I asked the architect to add this room on to his drawings. I’ve been glad I did. I often sit out here and read or listen to music, or just think.”

  He opened the side door and they walked out and toward the barn. Inside was shadowy and Hunter turned on a light. “I have three horses. Firefly is the horse I ride the most, and then there’s Star, she’s a sweet mare like Firefly. When I’m feeling like taking chances, I saddle my stallion, Devil. He’s as ornery as his name.”

  “Why did you buy him?”

  “I saw him for sale. It was obvious he hadn’t been treated well, so I took him home thinking some loving care might work, but not yet. He’s better with me, but he still occasionally likes to try and throw me off his back.”

  “You could sell him,” Lacey said.

  “True, but he’s just getting used to me. That would be cruel.”

  Lacey turned to face him. There were featherlike laugh lines at the corners of his eyes. He stared back at her as quietness surrounded them.

  “You are a good man, Hunter.”

  “I hope so, or my mother would yank me straight.” A wry smile turned up the corner of his sensual lips. He glanced out the barn door. “It’s getting dark. If you don’t get back to Doreen’s, she may send out a search party.”

  “She very well might.”

  He helped her into his truck and drove her to the home place. “I’ll see you, Friday, I hope.”

  “I’ve accepted Devin’s invitation. It should be fun to meet more people.”

  She got in her car and put down the window. “Thanks for rescuing me.”

  Hunter bent his head in the window and kissed her. “Anytime, sweetheart. Have fun moving into your new house. Call if you need help. I may stop by on the way home tomorrow just to check in case you want to move furniture around.”

  “How do you know women like to rearrange things? You come from a household of men.”

  “Don’t forget Mom. She loves to redo rooms about every six months. And she won’t take no for an answer. Dad said he tried to stop her early in their marriage, but he found out it was better to let her have her way.”

  “I always knew your dad was a smart man.” She smiled, waved, and backed up. Then she turned to go down the drive. In her rearview mirror she saw Hunter stroll to his truck and drive toward his house.

  Doreen met her at the door. “You’re in time for dinner. We’re eating later than usual. I considered calling you. You had me a bit worried.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t let you know what was going on.”

  While eating, she told them about signing the papers, having the panic attack and ending at Hunter’s parents’ house.

  “I’m surprised Mrs. Garrison didn’t invite you to dinner.”

  “We went to Hunter’s house. He showed me around his home and the outlying property. I left before his mother had a chance to ask me to stay.” Her cheeks flushed when Doreen raised her eyebrow, but she didn’t say anything in front of Billy.

  “Can we start to work on my campaign tonight?” Billy asked.

  “Sure.” After I help Doreen clean up, I’ll come to your study.”

  “You two go on. I can handle this, but, Lacey, join me for a cup of tea before you go to bed.” Doreen gave her a mischievous grin.

  Oh yeah, Doreen would have many questions. Lacey followed Billy in the study and they got to work. When they’d set up the basic plan, Billy suggested they stop for the night.

  “I appreciate your help. Doreen’s probably biting at the bit to ask you more about your day.” He grinned. “She means well, but she’s like a mother hen to her close friends.”

  “I know, and I love her for it.”

  Sadness briefly crossed his face. “We want children for her to mother, but so far we haven’t had any luck. We can’t afford any fancy treatments. The doctor says to relax and it’ll happen.”

  “I’m sure it will. You two will make such good parents.” She hugged Billy and strolled toward the kitchen. She didn’t know how much she wanted to share with Doreen.

  “I’m glad you didn’t sneak up the stairs and go to bed.”

  “I wouldn’t do that without telling you.”

  “You don’t like questions and I have some.”

  “I’ll only answer the ones I want to.”

  “Fair enough. I wasn’t clear on what happened after you left Devin’s office.”

  “I started driving off and had
a panic attack. I’m guessing that was what occurred. I’d never experienced one before. But I shook and cried and doubted all the decisions I’d made this past year.”

  “And how did you meet Hunter?”

  “I pulled to the curb near his office, and he was walking by. He saw my distress and got in the car with me.”

  “He’s a sweet, understanding man,” Doreen said.

  “I agree. We went to his mom’s and talked with her.”

  “Devin called and invited us to his party on Friday. He said he’d talked you into going.”

  “He did. It sounds like fun meeting other people I knew years ago and some new residents. I like the idea of getting it over with all at once.” Lacey took a swallow of her tea and bit into one of the homemade peanut butter cookies.

  “I’d like to get the name and number of your counselor friend,” she added.

  Doreen appeared surprised, but pleased. “Did the panic attack make you decide to try counseling?”

  “Partly, and you were right. I needed to see someone last year. It’s about time.” Lacey bit the side of her lip.

  Doreen got up and came around the table to hug her. “It will all work out. You are taking all the right steps to find your way back to the person you were before the death of your husband and losing your baby.”

  Lacey nodded. “I’m tired, but thanks for the talk and the number.” She held up the card Doreen had put in her hand. “Tomorrow afternoon I’m moving. I love visiting with you, but I’m looking forward to having my own place.”

  “I’ll help. It’ll be fun.”

  “Moving is never fun,” Lacey protested. “It’s fun once you’re settled.”

  “I’ll make it fun. Go to bed and dream of a happy future.”

  Lacey climbed the stairs and went in her room. She was bone-weary tired, but it was a good tired. After quickly undressing, she lay on the bed and looked at the moon. Hopefully tonight she wouldn’t dream, at least not the dreams she’d been having. She wanted her good dreams back.


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