Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 26

by Unknown

  The man loving her from below was hers. Hers. No other lioness would ever dare steal him away. If they cared for their lives…

  “Come for me, kitten. Come on my cock and I’ll claim you again.”

  She growled, the idea sending her excitement soaring, her orgasm running toward her, swift, like a lioness chasing her prey. She bared her teeth at Alex, answering him with the primal sound of her beast, annoyed by his order, regardless of the fact that she really did want to come. More than anything.

  “Quit your bitching, she-cat, and come for me.” He growled and snarled at her, and the lioness inside accepted his dominance.

  Maya panted and purred as her climax was nearly within reach, her lioness prowling inside, itching to be free. Seconds passed as her approaching orgasm abruptly brought her to the precipice, trying its damnedest to hurl her over the edge.

  “Gonna come in your pussy as soon as you come for me, kitten. Do it… Claim me again my lovely she-cat. My beautiful lioness.”

  With a fierce, explosive snarl and roar her pussy convulsed, until one spasm melted into the next, over and over again, faster and faster as she tiptoed on the edge. Her climax was so close. Right there, and yet…

  Then, Alex shifted his hold, brought a finger to her clit and strummed the sensitive nub, the tip of his claw gently scraping against the bundle of nerves. And that was all it took, all she needed to find her release.

  Her orgasm overtook her, slammed into her like a thousand explosions, a wild eruption that stole what was left of her control. So Maya let go, gave in, doing the only thing that would surely make her beast happy. She leaned forward, snarl on her lips, and she struck like lightening, sinking her teeth into her mate’s flesh in a flash, biting into his pec until his blood filled her mouth.

  An answering shot of pain hit her like a sledgehammer, when Alex’s teeth sank deep into her shoulder, the bit of hurt intensifying her bliss tenfold. Wave after wave of rapture coalesced, exploding within the confines of her skin, her she-cat roaring as ecstasy filled her from head-to-toe. The bitch reveled in their renewed, proper claiming.

  Before her orgasm fully receded the delightful sensations of her climax stole her breath away once more. She was a ball of feeling and need, pleasure like lava coursing through her fiery veins.

  Distantly, she heard Alex give in to his own release, felt his dick pulse and throb within her quivering pussy, his hot cum coating her inner walls. The she-cat, her lioness, relished the idea of being filled with his cubs.

  Alex stroked her back, gentling her as the tremors eased, and when she finally returned from the pleasure-filled haze, she realized her teeth were still firmly embedded in his chest.

  With infinite care she slid her canines free and lapped at the broken skin, wincing when she saw the damage she’d caused. “Sorry.” Another lick, a soft kiss, and she pushed herself up so she could better inspect the injury. “Really, really sorry.”

  Alex, her mate, just smiled. Smug bastard. “I’m not. It’ll tell all those other females that I’m taken.”

  She snorted and draped over him, snuggled as close as she could, savoring the fact that he was still inside her, still filling her, even as his cock softened. She raised her head, propped her chin on his chest. “So, what now?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, held her even closer if that were possible. “Now… now you become my love slave, worship me forever, and give me lots of little Maya cubs to spoil.”

  “Pft.” She blew a raspberry. “Keep dreaming, lion-o. How about, you become my love slave, worship me forever, and have all the little furballs I give ya?”

  “A little difficult without the right equipment, no?”

  “What-evah,” she grumbled. “Fine. Here’s my last offer. Yes to everlasting love, someday…just not quite yet, but hey, I’m your mate, right? We have all the time in the world, so there’s no rush. No to the slave or the worshipping, but the furballs are negotiable.”

  He leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips across hers. “I’m lucky to have you, Maya. And Prima?


  “You are absolutely perfect, just the way you are.”

  “Heh. You ain’t lyin’.”

  The End

  About The Author

  Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fallback, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

  Visit her online at:

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  Whatever He Needs Her To Be by Elixa Everett

  Copyright © 2013, Elixa Everett – All Rights Reserved.

  All Rights Reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is strictly prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.


  Selene looked over her shoulder at the dark haired man sprawled out on the queen-sized cast iron bed, several feet away from her. He was sleeping soundly, one leg coming dangerously close to falling over the side of the mattress. She had fucked him to the point of utter exhaustion, which only took half an hour of her time.

  Humans and their lack of stamina, she thought with a slight grin and a shake of her head; long locks of crimson curls bounced with the movement.

  She walked over to the nightstand, opening the top drawer. Rummaging through the drawer, she found pens, stationary, condoms...

  Ahhh there it is. Towards the back was a thick envelope with her name written in small blue print. Picking it up, she quietly closed the drawer with her hip as she opened the envelope. Quickly she thumbed through the thick stack of hundred dollar bills.

  Ten thousand dollars.

  Satisfied, her smile widened, not bad for one evening. The man on the bed was named Richard. He was one of her best clients. He valued the discrete services she provided - highly.

  Unlike other call girls, other human call girls and escorts, she was in a class of her own. Human call girls could role-play; perhaps wearing wigs or costumes to make themselves into something they weren't. Selene on the other hand could become anything, anywhere, at anytime.

  Selene opened her tiny gold purse and tucked the envelope into the side compartment. Walking over to the antique vanity, she pulled out a tube of ruby red lipstick from her purse and applied it.

  Concentrating for a moment, she could feel her body making the necessary changes. Her long crimson curls shortened to shoulder length, straightened and turned jet black. Her green eyes shimmered, turning from emerald green to sapphire blue. The process was only slightly uncomfortable. Her entire body would sting for several minutes after the shift but the sting would quickly go away.

  Her body under the red tube dress changed from curvy to slim. Once the shift was complete, she patted the dress down, adjusting it to fit her new body. This was the form she normally took, a look similar to that of Uma Thurman in the movie "Pulp Fiction."

  She re-applied her mascara and finally decided she looked presentable. Slipping on her black stiletto heeled shoes she took one last look at Richard.

  "See you next month, baby," she whispered as she quietly opened the hotel room door and slipped out, closing it silently behind her.

  Chapter 1

  As she stepped through the glass doors on her way out of the hotel, Selene was hit by the cool New York, October breeze. The breeze forewarned a cold winter season ahead. She made a mental note to look into migrating to Miami next
year for the winter.

  Quickly, she made her way across the street to the candy apple red Ferrari parked at the curb. Unlocking the car, she slid into the leather driver’s seat. The car still emanated the new car smell that she loved. She closed her eyes and savoured the smell for a moment.

  Selene was about to start the car when her business mobile phone rang. She kept her business mobile in her glove compartment, with the answering service on when she was out with a client.

  On the fourth ring she answered: "Lovely Ladies, at your service."

  The official name of her company was Lovely Ladies Escort Service, but if the truth were known, she was the only person who worked for the service. The clients, of course, didn't know that. Being able to assume the look or identity of anyone she wanted made it possible to keep it a one girl operation.

  Normally, she would have dates five nights a week. She preferred calling them "dates", it sounded better - to her and to them. Tuesdays and Wednesdays always seemed to end up being her nights off for the week, not that it mattered. She never had any real relationships - hazard of the trade she was in, she supposed.

  There was a silence on the other end.

  "Lovely Ladies," she repeated.

  "Hi. Ummm. I need a girl for a night." His voice was deep and sexy, but hesitant. She could tell he was nervous. Many men felt like that way when they placed their first call to an escort service. They all managed to get over the nervousness quickly enough, however.

  "Well then you've called the right place, honey," she cooed.

  "I know its short notice, but I need someone for tomorrow night."

  Tomorrow night was not only short notice but also Friday night. On most weeks there was no way it would have been possible, but it just so happened she had an opening. The man she had pencilled in for the next evening had to cancel. His wife had found out about him using escorts. It was a pity really; she quite enjoyed her time with that one. Not only did he enjoy lavishing her with gifts, but was also fantastic in bed. That was always a bonus for her.

  "What type of girl are you looking for honey?" Her voice sounded as smooth as silk.

  "Well... I was thinking perhaps a blond," he replied.

  Of course, most do.

  "Okay, we have a few blonds at our disposal. What about body type?"

  "Well... nice breasts. Not too big, not too small, if you know what I mean."

  She did. He was a C cup kind of man.

  There was silence once more.

  "Is that all for specifications? Do you have any special requests?" Selene picked a pen and her planner out of her purse, noting ‘blond, size C’ on the lined paper.

  "Special requests?"

  Selene sighed, newbies.

  There was silence once more then he seemed to understand what she was getting at. "Oh. No. Just a simple date. That's all I need."

  "That won't be a problem honey. The rate per evening, including the night is ten thousand."

  "The money is not an issue. Whatever the price - it’s fine."

  "Okay, so give me the details of the date and we'll be more than happy to accommodate you."

  She scribbled down the meeting place and time.

  His name was Anthony Winchester and she was to meet him the next night at a small coffee shop, on the upper eastside, at 6pm. They were scheduled to attend a formal company dinner, and then she would go with him to his home afterwards. He had no fetishes or special requests. All he wanted was to spend an hour before dinner filling her in on some of the basics about his company so she would be in the loop during dinner.

  Easy peasy.

  * * * *

  It was ten minutes to six when Selene's cab pulled up to the curb of the pre-arranged coffee house the following night. She always tried to be professional and arrive early. Nothing annoyed a client more than a tardy escort. For the amount they paid per night, they expected nothing but the best. That was exactly what she gave them, each and every time. She paid the cab driver and regally exited the vehicle. Tonight was substantially warmer than last night, with just a mild, cool breeze present.

  Selene glanced at herself in the coffee shop window and nodded at her reflection. He would be pleased, she was sure of it. The breeze caught her long blond hair and tossed it around gently. Large light blue doe eyes looked back at her. She wore a simple, yet stunning full-length black dress. The slit on the left side rode up to mid thigh. Curves in all the right places. Yes, he would be happy.

  She entered the coffee shop and surveyed the crowd. She didn't notice anyone in a black suit, which was what he had mentioned he would be wearing. She proceeded to find an empty table at the back. As she walked past the coffee shop patrons, she could feel their eyes on her, watching the sassy sway of her hips.

  She ignored them all. She didn't want to attract men to her table. Men were like puppies in many ways. Give them some attention and they come running for more. Perhaps it was the many years she had spent in this line of work that had jaded her, but it was the truth.

  She sat patiently and waited.

  Several minutes after six, a black BMW with tinted windows pulled up to the curb. He had arrived. She nodded with approval, a BMW man meant stability, refinement. He wasn't overly flashy or the type that needs constant attention.

  As he stepped out of the driver's side of the car, she noticed the quality of his finely tailored black suit. Despite the layers of clothing, you could tell by his stature that he spent time at the gym. Continuing her upward assessment of him, she approved of the square jaw, lightly tanned skin, storm-grey eyes and short, brown, slightly-ruffled hair.

  "Well Hellooo, Mr Winchester," she muttered under her breath.

  He passed his physical assessment with flying colors. As long as he wasn't a complete asshole, she figured it was going to be a fine night.

  Upon entering the coffee shop, he spotted her straight away and smiled nervously as he raked a hand through his hair. She stood as he approached her, extending her finely manicured hand toward him.

  "Anthony?" she asked sweetly, already knowing the answer.

  "Yes. I wasn't given your name. When I called," He accepted her hand, his large hand surrounding her tiny one.

  His palm was clammy. She could hear his heart beating rapidly, despite his attempts to control it. It was evident that her initial hunch was right; this was his first time using a service.

  "My name is Simone," Selene, who was now officially Simone - at least for the evening, slid her hand from his and sat back down.

  "Do you want a coffee? I'm going to get a coffee." He jerked his thumb in the direction of the front counter.

  She shook her head. "I don't drink coffee."

  He nodded and strode off to place his order.

  She watched him walk away from her. His strides were powerful and determined. She continued to watch as the girl serving him from behind the counter flirted shamelessly. He smiled politely at the girl, but didn't let on that he’d noticed her blatant appeal to his attention. Simone was already impressed.

  * * * *

  Anthony was nervous.

  He had never had to resort to hiring a date, but he had been in a bind. He had an important business dinner that involved a possible merger between his advertising firm and his competitor’s. If the merger went through, his would be the premier advertising company in North America.

  He glanced back at Simone. She certainly was a beauty and seemed to have the poise needed to pull off being his companion. She sat there watching him, back straight, her elegant fingers drumming silently on the tabletop. If she could hold a conversation with his business associates then he would be a very happy man.

  Having to resort to calling an escort service had been embarrassing, but the Lovely Ladies service came highly recommended for their attractive, intelligent women. It would certainly be worth the ten grand if she could help charm his associates into the merger.

  The cute female server, who’d attempted to gain his attention, passed him the
steaming hot beverage. He had noticed her flirting, just as he noticed Simone noticing the flirting.

  Anthony wondered if Simone was even her real name; he highly doubted it. He paid the girl behind the counter, instructed her to keep the change then turned and headed back to Simone.

  After sitting down, he was silent for a moment, watching her. Her golden blond hair was straight and settled halfway down her back. Normally he preferred the opposite of what was sitting in front of him. He normally tended to go for dark haired girls with athletic body types.

  Anthony breathed in sharply and exhaled slowly.

  "So I will need to give you a little information about what is going to happen tonight," he began, "my company, Winchester and Sons, is looking to merge with our largest competitor PRT Inc. If I can pull that off, then I will control the lion's share of major advertising accounts in North America."

  "Alright," she nodded, waiting for him to continue.

  "Basically, what I need from you is to help charm them into seeing things my way," He took a sip of his beverage. Still way too hot. Damn.

  She nodded and smiled seductively. He had a feeling if anyone could charm a person into something, it would be her. She was damned sexy, but at the same time, there was wisdom in her eyes. A wisdom you would normally expect to see in the eyes of someone much older than she appeared to be.

  If he took a guess, he would pinpoint her age at around ten years younger than him; so roughly twenty-two years or so. Way too young for the wisdom that shone in her eyes and much too young to be doing what she did for a living. At least in his opinion.

  He found himself wondering what had happened in her life that made her decide to choose this as a career. It certainly wasn't something nice little girls grew up wishing for themselves. When he thought about it a moment longer, however, he had to concede ten grand for one night was a mighty fine amount of money to make.


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