Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 28

by Unknown

  "You're so beautiful," he whispered before claiming her mouth once more.

  His hand found its way to her pussy, parting the lips and exposing her clit. Her clit was hard and quivering from her desire. He took it between his fingers and squeezing, rubbing and teasing it, causing her to moan and whimper under him.

  "Please, Anthony," Simone begged once more. Her fingernails found their way to his ass, digging in as she attempted to force his hard, rigid shaft, into her fully.

  His fingers left her clit to plunge deep into her wet pussy. She rotated her hips, working in motion with his fingers. Fucking them. Her body was demanding release. Anthony alternated plunging his fingers into her and rubbing her tight nub. He worked at a frenzied pace.

  "Let me feel you come Simone," he urged. “Now,” he demanded.

  He claimed her mouth once more, kissing her passionately.

  "Please!" She screamed as he pushed her over the edge. As she came crashing down, she could feel her juices greeting his hand, as her body was rocked by one of the most amazing orgasms of her life.

  But he wasn't finished with her yet.

  As the final wave of her orgasm rushed through her body, he slid his large, erect cock into her drenched depths. He thrust into her hard and fast. He had held back as long as he could. He needed released, and needed it now!

  His head fell to her neck, as he thrust harder, faster.

  Just when Simone thought she couldn't take anymore, he stopped.

  Sitting back, Anthony positioned her legs up over his shoulders, lifting her ass slightly in the air.

  His cock slid back into her, filling her completely with each downward thrust, stretching her pussy to capacity. It excited her further as she watched him slide in and out; pulling out almost completely then quickly ramming himself back into her. In and out. Over and over.

  Sweat glistened on his chest as he continued to thrust, causing her to cry out. Her fingers dug into the leather of the sofa.

  "Anthony!" She screamed as she came once more. Her hips bucked against him as he continued to thrust, spurred on by her apparent repeated pleasure. It was only a matter of seconds before with one final hard thrust, he came into her.

  She protested when he reluctantly pulled out of her. His breathing was broken as he lay on the sofa, beside her, taking her into his arms. She allowed herself to be pulled into his embrace, taking up sanctuary in the crook of his arm.

  Anthony kissed the top of her head while stroking her golden locks.

  Purring she cuddled up closer to him, placing a leg over his.

  Neither one of them said another word, but both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

  * * * *

  When Simone awoke Anthony was still sound to sleep on the sofa. She eased herself out of his embrace and slid from the sofa to the floor. The rug, a black shag felt wonderfully soft on her bare feet. Anthony had paid her on the way to the dinner the previous night so there was no need to wake him, her plan was to simply get dressed and tiptoe out of there.

  She quickly slipped on her undergarments and dress. Within five minutes of waking, she was slipping into her black heels and snatching up her purse.

  She turned to look at him once more. He had moved while she was getting dressed and was now sleeping peacefully on his stomach. He is such a great man, she found herself thinking. Everything she had ever wanted in a guy. It was too bad they’d met this way. This was one of those instances where she really hated her line of work.

  She turned to leave, but hesitated. Turning back to him, she bent and kissed him on the cheek. The sight of him lying there made her heart flutter, not a feeling to which she was accustomed, or comfortable with, for that matter.

  As she walked silently toward the elevator a part of her hoped that he would call again, book another appointment to see her. She would love to spend another evening with him. Money was not an issue in this case. She didn't want him as a client. She was surprised that she found herself longing for something more with him.

  But that was exactly why she wouldn't be able to spend another night with him! If she was already beginning to get emotional towards him then she was certainly heading for disaster. The next time he called, if he called, she decided she would simply tell him Simone had left the company and hopefully that would be the end of it.

  Over-finished-done with, the best policy in this case, Simone told herself.

  Besides, she was nothing but a great lay after a few months’ dry spell for him. Chances are that he won't call back anyhow, she told herself. He had gotten what he wanted and needed from her.

  Don't get emotional now after all these years. Don't! She kept repeating to herself as she pressed the button repeatedly to summon the elevator. She was suddenly feeling an urgent need to get out now.

  A bell sounded announcing the arrival of the elevator, and the doors slid open for her. She stepped inside and pressed the button for the lobby. As the doors slid closed, she could have sworn she heard him call out to her.

  Just my imagination, she told herself.

  She looked at her imagine in the glass wall of the elevator. She hated being blond. It just didn't seem to suit her personality. Concentrating, she began her shift. Her hair shortened to shoulder length and turned black, eyes turned a deeper shade of sapphire blue, she kept her breasts as they were for the time being, for the sake of keeping the dress up.

  She turned back to the mirror. Simone was gone. Instead, Selene stared back at her.

  The elevator dinged once more announcing their arrival at the lobby.

  As she stepped out she noticed the lobby wasn't overly busy, just a few people coming and going from the building. Most going.

  Her pace was swift as she made her way across the lobby and out through the front door, into the bright morning sun.

  * * * *

  Anthony awoke at the sound of the elevator’s ding.

  Simone was gone.

  He sat up. His gaze shot to the elevator, as the doors began to close.

  "Simone. Wait!" he called out, springing from the sofa. He quickly pulled on the boxer briefs, which had been tossed to the floor the previous night, then sprinted to the elevator.

  He pressed the elevator call button numerous times, just as Simone had done before him. It was currently unloading her at the lobby. He knew this. Seconds later, it started making its way back up to his penthouse.

  The doors hadn't even fully opened before he was in and pressing the button marked lobby. Again, he pressed it numerous times, as if expressing the urgency of the situation to the elevator. However, the elevator couldn’t care less.

  By the time the doors slid back open at the lobby, she was gone. The only people who could be seen were a few of his neighbours and a dark haired woman making her way out through the front door.

  Is that Simone's dress?

  Anthony laughed at himself. Of course, it wasn't her dress. It was simply a funny coincidence that another woman was wearing a dress identical to hers. Besides, a strapless black evening gown was hardly rare by any means.

  He sighed, raking a hand through his bed-tousled brown hair.

  When it came right down to it, he was nothing more than a job to her. She had dealt with dozens, hundreds, hell maybe even thousands of men like him over her time in the profession. Why would he be any different?

  Because I'm just feeling a connection. Because it has been so long since I've been with a woman. Especially a woman who wants me. Needs me, as much as I do her, he reasoned with himself.

  She was right to have left. Nothing could have developed between them anyway, even if he hadn't been crazy and she had actually felt the connection with him that he felt with her. It was what it was. Period.

  He turned and pressed the elevator button to summon it once more. The bell gave a ding and the door slid open to reveal Mr. and Mrs. Lambert decked out in their Sunday best, despite the fact it was Saturday. The old woman gasped, as she looked him up and down.

Lambert swiftly covered his wife's eyes.

  "I suggest you consider some clothing before leaving your penthouse again, Mr. Winchester," the old man scolded curtly.

  He winced, slightly embarrassed realizing that all he had on was his underwear, which proudly displayed his morning mood.


  "I'm heading back on up for some right now, sir." he nodded to the older couple as they marched past him and escaped into the lobby.

  He entered the elevator and pressed in his code to take him back to his place.

  As the doors began to close he noticed Mrs. Lambert looking back over her shoulder at him. He gave her a wicked smile and a wink, he simply couldn't help himself. The doors closed fully before he could find out what her reaction to his gesture was. He was pretty certain that within a couple of days all the tenants would hear about him prancing around the building in nothing but his skivvies.

  "That was a hot little number you had coming from your place this morning," a voice commented coming from the security speaker in the elevator.

  It was Reggie. The security guard for the building. Leave it to horny Reggie to spot a hot woman, hell any woman for that matter.

  Anthony crossed his arms over his chest and looked in the direction he knew the hidden camera was located, a grin forming on his face. She was hot, he was right about that. "So you have a thing for blonds do you Reggie?"

  Guilty laughter filled the elevator, making Anthony's grin widen.

  The elevator dinged its arrival to his floor, the doors slid open. Anthony reached over and pressed the ‘hold elevator’ button.

  "Awe, I do prefer blonds, but that raven haired vixen you had come from your place this morning may make me change my mind on that."

  Raven haired? Perhaps the old guy was going a little senile? He was seventy if he was a day. If the truth were known, Anthony wasn't too confident about Reggie's abilities to stop an intruder if the need arose.

  It was then Anthony remembered seeing a black-haired girl leaving the building. However, he didn't pursue the thought any further, dismissing it as a simple mix-up.

  "So what happened to Sheila?" the voice, Reggie, asked.

  "We broke up last week."

  "Oh. Too bad. Sorry to hear it. Well that raven haired one is a looker, so I would latch onto her straight away."

  Anthony laughed as he released the elevator and started to step out. "Have a good day Reggie."

  The elevator doors closed behind him before he heard the reply.

  * * * *

  Several days later Selene still couldn't get him out of her head. The way he smiled; the way he raked his hand through his hair when he was nervous; the feel of his hard, muscular body against hers; the way he felt inside her.

  It didn't make sense. There had been other men in her past who were good men, decent men, some even single, though not many. Most however, simply wanted a no-strings-attached woman at their disposal and were willing to pay well for it.

  Selene sat on a bench in the middle of busy Central Park, thinking of him. She was dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt. Her black hair tied tightly behind her head in a ponytail.

  The day was beautiful, warm and sunny. A nice change from the recent weather and she was taking full advantage of it. She pulled a novel from her backpack and began to read. She had only gotten through the first couple of paragraphs when the mobile phone she used for business sounded.

  She cleared her throat, ensuring she was able to produce the sexy voice she liked to use for the customers’ benefit. "Lovely Ladies service, what can I help you with today?"

  "Good day. I hired a woman several days ago. Simone. When would her next available appointment be?"

  It was him. Anthony. There was no mistaking that deep, sexy voice of his. She was amused to hear that it still held a nervous vibe to it.

  She found herself smiling despite herself.

  Selene wanted to see him again. Badly. She just wasn't sure if this was a wise decision. Something about him made her want him, and not just as a client. She had realized that over the past few days. The problem was, that wasn't going to happen. He saw her as a service, nothing more. Even if he could get past that, it would always be stuck in the back of his mind.

  She should have gone through with the original plan and told him Simone had quit the company, gone off to bigger and better things, but she couldn't. She didn't want to.

  "Hello?" his voice interrupted her debate with herself.

  "Well. You are in luck. She had a cancellation for tonight honey. Would that be of any use to you?"

  "That would be perfect. Tell her to meet me at Papa Santiago's, at 7pm."

  "That won't be a problem honey."

  They both hung up, leaving her sitting there pondering if she had made the right decision.

  Chapter 3

  Anthony arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes early, to ensure he arrived before her. Santiago's was a nice, romantic restaurant on the east side of town. He loved the food there, but his ex hated Italian so he’d rarely had a chance to enjoy it.

  He had spent a fair amount of time getting ready for his date. Even though it wasn't really a date. It loses date status when you pay ten grand a night, he supposed. Then what was it? Loneliness? Maybe.

  He still had no idea why he had spent time fussing over what he was going to wear tonight. It really didn't matter since it was a non-date date. In the end, because of the beautiful evening, he decided on a pair of beige khakis and a black button-down dress shirt. He abandoned the jacket and tie tonight, hoping for a more casual evening.

  Like a date, but not a date.

  With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair.

  He checked his watch: 6:50pm. He drummed his fingers on the table. He craned his neck towards the entrance to see if anyone was coming through the door. No one. He checked his watch again: 6:51pm.

  Then, there she was.

  She followed the waiter toward the table. Her hips swaying seductively as she walked, turning more than one man's head as she breezed past. Watching her, he could feel his cock stir. The black sundress she wore dipped low into her cleavage, showing off her ample breasts. She’d left her long golden hair loose, the breeze from her movement catching it as she walked.

  She looked radiant.

  Standing as she approached, Anthony took a couple of steps in her direction pulling her into a brief embrace. He took the opportunity to breathe in the intoxicating smell of her hair. Peaches. His cock stirred once more as she leaned herself fully into him, her breasts crushed up against his broad chest.

  Pulling away from her, he pulled her chair out, motioning for her to sit down.

  She gave him a sweet smile as she sat, moving with the grace of a dancer. "Thank you, Anthony."

  The waiter passed them the menus and scurried off, stating he'd be back momentarily.

  "I have to say, I'm surprised to see you using the service again."

  "Well I," he stopped and leaned over the table a perplexed look on his handsome face, he stared deeply into her eyes, not in the heated way that made her body tingle, but in a strange way that made her uncomfortable. "I thought your eyes were blue?"

  Simone's face went pale.

  * * * *

  Shit! She hadn't double checked her shift before she left. She always double-checked. How could I have been so careless, she scolded herself silently.

  "Can you excuse me for a second. Please order for me if the waiter returns before I get back."


  "Order me whatever you're getting," Without another word to him, she stood, took hold of her handbag and scurried off to the ladies’ room.

  She cursed silently as she made her way there. She couldn't remember the last time she had made an error like that. Normally her shifts worked perfectly, but she had been so excited about seeing him again it must have thrown her concentration off a bit.

  Once she entered the washroom she headed straight to the large golden framed wall mirror a
bove the set of three porcelain basins housed in a green marble countertop.

  As she looked into the mirror, instead of two sapphire blue eyes looking back at her, there were two oval shaped chocolate ones. Closing her eyes, she concentrated. On opening them again, her reflection showed two large light blue eyes replacing the brown ones.

  She double-checked the rest of her body, just to be on the safe side: blond hair – check; French manicured nails – check; size C breasts - check. With a sigh, she nodded to herself in the mirror. Now she looked like she was supposed to look.

  Taking a second Simone thought about Anthony. Her heart started racing just thinking about him. He looked amazing tonight. The feel of him as they embraced had left her weak at the knees. She knew the feeling was mutual; she had felt the throbbing of his erection against her pelvis when she leaned into him.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity, she re-applied her lipstick. Siren red.

  Walking back towards the table she let herself bask in the sweet aromas of the restaurant. Papa Santiago's offered Italian food at its best. It was easily her favourite Italian restaurant.

  Stepping up behind Anthony, she stopped a moment to wrap her arms around his neck from behind. She lowered her head to nuzzle his neck, placing a series of kisses on his lower neck and collarbone, beneath the collar of his shirt. A soft moan escaped his lips.

  Simone started to pull away, but he turned his head to face her. His hand came up and lost itself in her long, silky mane. He pulled her lips down to meet his. The kiss began light and tender, though quickly progressed as his tongue forced its way into her mouth, claiming possession of hers. Heat began to rush through her body, flowing downward to pulsate through her pussy.

  The sound of a throat clearing brought them both spiralling back to reality. Face flushed, Simone glanced over to see the lanky, red-haired, teenaged waiter standing at their table. Two large plates of pasta, a bottle of wine and glasses, were all sitting on a serving tray, hoisted up onto his shoulder.

  Anthony gave Simone a mischievous look, eyebrow arched as she took her place across the table from him. He looked over at the waiter who was in the process of serving them their dinners. "I apologize; I told her to behave herself in public," he gave the waiter a snort and a shrug, "women."


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