Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 67

by Unknown

  Mewling, she smushed her body against my legs; back and forth, her tail switching like the hands of a clock. Angel sought my fingers happily. It was pleasant, and for the most part, being home relieved some of the tension in my body.

  You're happy I'm back. I'm happy, too. Lifting my eyes, I gazed at the couch across the room. My mouth went tight, stuck that way long after I turned my eyes back to Angel. The very idea that things weren't going to be the same, after everything, cut at me deep.

  Touching my palm to my stomach, I felt the lines of the stitches through the cloth. Hector told Brandon to bite me. Is that all it would have taken? If Hector had bit me instead of clawing me... would I have become a werewolf, like he did to Brandon?

  So many questions, no one to answer them.

  Sighing, I ran my palm over Angel's back. Beneath my hand, her fur suddenly rippled in waves. Yowling, she seemed torn between being defensive or antsy. “Whoa, Angel,” I said nervously. “What's wrong?”

  Bouncing away from me, she jumped up onto the window sill of the kitchen. Something outside had her attention, but only briefly. Leaping away, the cat darted into my bedroom, vanishing from view.

  Standing slowly, I rubbed my neck. What was that about? I've never seen Angel act like that before. Well, except when...

  My eyebrows shot up, vanishing under my bangs. Spinning, I couldn't get out my front door any faster. Please, let it be real!

  With the breeze tickling his hair, Brandon leaned against my car. His hands were deep in his pockets. The shirt he had on was blue, I had no idea where he'd gotten it. “Hey,” he said, that knowing smile spreading wide.

  I didn't speak. I simply flew at him, putting Angel's speed to shame. My arms tangled around his neck, lips seeking his without hesitation. How could I ever hesitate with the man I loved so completely?

  His mouth was tender, fingers gripping my hips to hold me against him. When I finally pulled away, he tried to steal my lips back. I didn't allow him, I needed confirmation. “You came back,” I breathed, panting for air.

  “Of course.” His face smoothed apologetically. “I would have stayed in the hospital, but there were so many people. So many... things. It was too hard to be inside. But Fiona,” he said, lifting my hands between us. “I didn't go anywhere. I swear, I was nearby the whole time.”

  Gripping his shoulders, I hugged him so hard it was like I wanted to merge our bodies together. “I was so scared,” I gushed, squeezing back my tears. “The things I was thinking, I was afraid you'd left me. You acted like you wanted to, back at the Arcade.”

  Brandon pet the back of my head, warm liquid soaking his shirt from my sobs. “Shh. Fiona, I know what I said. I was scared, too. And angry... at myself. But I couldn't leave you. I was just going to run off some steam. I didn't expect to encounter Hector.”

  Sniffling, I melted into his comforting smell. “You were really going to come back?”

  “Fiona,” he said, taking my chin to make me look at him. His thumb rubbed away my tears, his smile erased my pain. “I was never really gone.”

  I heard his words. My body craved to test them.

  Digging my fingers into his shirt, I used it for leverage. The car squeaked as I pushed him into it, kissing his lips and tasting the tang of my own tears. He rose to meet me, too eager to prove he was there.

  When his fingers rolled down my belly, I gasped in pain. “Shit, sorry,” he said quickly, lifting his arms like they were weapons.

  “It's fine,” I said, touching my shirt over the stitches. “I'll have them out soon.”

  Brandon made a face, lowering his fingers till they hovered over the healed scars. “Fiona, I'm so sorry.”

  “No. It wasn't your fault, forget it.” I put on a crooked smile. “It is your fault if you back off because I made a little bit of a pain-face.”

  He looked me over, scratching at his hair. “Really. Is that a challenge?”

  Reaching out, I took his hands and placed them on my hips. “I haven't seen you for weeks.”

  Chuckling, he dipped his fingers into my purse. My confusion was plain, until he lifted my car keys. “Fine,” he said. “Let's give Angel a break.” The metal jingled in the lock.

  Brandon slid into the back seat, pulling me in with him. The heavy sound of the car door shutting felt poignant.

  Like I was made of glass, he pulled me on top of him on the cushion. His mouth was inquisitive, checking to see how much was appropriate. How much I could handle.

  I was recovering, but more capable than he thought. Tugging his shirt up, my gaze fell across his perfect chest. The sight of it made me suddenly doubtful. How can he be so handsome, it's almost unfair. And now, here I am with this ugly scarring.

  Brandon smiled, unaware of my deprecating thoughts. He moved to pull my clothing up, yet I stopped him with grappling hands. “What's wrong?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing.

  “I don't—I'm not comfortable with you seeing me like this.”

  “Why? Fiona, I love you. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  Glancing away, I looked out the front window of the car. “My scars are awful. And you, you're like a fashion model.”

  He made a soothing sound, fingers tracing the line of my ear. It was enough to coerce me to look down at him. When he saw he had my attention, he motioned me to sit up. I did so, balancing on the seat so he could slide his jeans down.

  As always, the reveal made my neck turn pink. He wasn't done, though. He had a plan. Kicking off his shoes, his pants, he took my hand in his. Gingerly, he placed my palm on the old, mangled bite marks on his left thigh.

  “Look,” he said, his voice soft and serious. “We both have scars, okay? Does it make you love me less?”

  My answer was fast. “Of course not.”

  “Then,” he went on, guiding me down till I was spread on top of him, “how can you think it matters that you have them? If anything, now we share something else. It's a mark of what we've been through. Together.”


  I kissed him with gusto, I kissed him without fear.

  I didn't worry about what he thought of my body. Not ever again.

  Our skin was hot inside the cool interior of the car. The windows became hazy with condensation from our frantic breathing. We shed our clothes, bathing in the vision of each other without a word.

  Who needed words?

  Crouching on top of him, I ground my hips until I felt his firmness pressing under me. The way he groaned when I rolled my weight on him sent thrills up my spine. It excited my core, the raw warmth spreading to my toes.

  His fingers reached around, removing my bra without ruining it. I was grateful. Replacing another one would have been a pain. Free of obstruction, he took my breasts in his hands. Cupping them, we both felt the tips firming against him.

  He's so good, how can he be such a natural?

  Sliding me up for a better angle, Brandon dined on my nipples with his lapping tongue. My moan was soft, muffled by how I bit my lip. Where before, I'd been grinding on him to elicit a reaction... now, I was rocking my hips out of my own lust.

  Those strong hands moved, sliding back until they squeezed my rear. That was it, I couldn't handle the wait anymore. Reaching between us, I felt the hard shape of his member. Recalling the last time, our first time, I suddenly glanced around.

  “What is it?” he asked, popping my breast from his mouth. “What are you looking for?”

  Digging into my purse where I'd dropped it on the floor of the car, I held up a tiny foil square. “It's, uh, well.” Unwrapping the condom, I lifted an eyebrow. “We didn't use anything last time, I didn't have any of these. I wasn't expecting to have sex with anyone, back then. Now I figure we should be... well, responsible?”

  “Is that a question?” he teased, eyes warm.

  Clicking my tongue, I leaned away from him. “I've never done this, sorry.” Fumbling, I slid the latex over him without any grace. Brandon didn't care, he hissed through his teeth at the t
ouch. The moment I was done, he pulled me back up by my arms.

  Willingly I followed, kissing him as he entered me. Into his lips, I whimpered softly. I'd missed Brandon terribly, every part of him. All of him.

  Right then, I wanted everything I could get.

  He was right to suggest we give Angel some peace. The sounds we were making, I wondered if my neighbors might hear us. I don't care if they do, if anyone does. I don't care at all.

  Breathing heavy, my chest pulsed against his. Our hearts made a song, one that got faster, louder, by the second. I knew he was close when he growled, the noise not scaring me... it only drove my ecstasy higher.

  The beast that was in Brandon didn't want to hurt me. It did want me, though. And that set my nerves on fire. The way he rocked into me, desperate to reach a crescendo with him at the helm. The way he bit at my ear, nibbled my throat.

  All of it sent me over the edge, my scream obscene with passion.

  Brandon chased me there, holding me close and managing not to irritate my stitches. Hugging me, he breathed into my temple. The air tickled my hair, made me smile sleepily.

  “Are you alright?” he murmured.

  “Mmhm,” I responded lazily.

  There was nothing that could make my world more complete.

  I had gotten Brandon back.


  The grass was overgrown, creating handholds as I inched down the slope. A briar caught on my jeans, I just ignored it. It had been so long since I'd been to this place, I recalled it being easier to climb through the bushes.

  “Come on,” Brandon chided me from the bottom. “Hurry up!”

  Holding the roots of a clump of weeds, I scooted down some feet. “I'm going as fast as I can.”

  “Just let go,” he chuckled. “I'll catch you.” The cocky way he grinned up at me, I didn't doubt he would. With my pride still intact, I stumbled the rest of the way down the slick greenery. He reached out, steadying me so I didn't twist an ankle. “Nice job!”

  Giving him a light shove, I stuck out my tongue. “Uh huh, thanks.” Stepping forward, I intended to slide around him. Brandon was quick, tugging me back by my wrist. I lost my balance, only recovering it as he planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

  Reaching up, I touched the spot gingerly. I knew my face was red, his grin said it all. “Let's go,” he said, long legs taking him over a rock. “It's this way.”

  Branches grabbed at us as we passed. I couldn't tell if they wanted us out, or if they craved to pull us in further. Shielding my eyes, I walked behind Brandon on a path that became more familiar by the moment.

  Like bells, the brook sang to us when we broke out into the clearing. Unlike us, it had changed very little over the years. It was bigger, a little slower where it lapped at the bottoms of the rocks.

  Changed or not, it was still our place.

  He kicked off his shoes, letting them fall forgotten onto the embankment. I copied him, rolling my pants up to my knee. Brandon clambered up onto the biggest of the boulders, reaching back to offer me a hand. Grateful for it, I let him help me up beside him.

  Our bodies pressed together, so unlike when we were kids. Back then, we'd been nervous to let any part of us touch the other. Looking down, I remembered how shyly our hands had brushed. Now, I linked my fingers with his possessively.

  Around us, the small stream burbled. “This is still so pretty,” I said.

  “Yeah.” Lifting his head, he stared at the leaves above. They turned everything so green. “Have you ever been back here? Before now, I mean.”

  “No. Honestly, I was always scared of coming back. I thought it would be too painful.”

  Brandon gave my hand a squeeze. “It's not painful now, is it?”

  Leaning my cheek onto his shoulder, I took a long breath. “Nostalgic, actually.”

  His fingers brushed through my hair, guiding my chin up until he could kiss me. It was firm, confident that I would not retreat. It was very unlike our first time. The memory made me smile. He felt it, found it was contagious.

  Our smiles quickly became giant grins, laughter echoing through the forest. There, that feels like when we were nervous teenagers. “What now?” I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  Standing smoothly, Brandon hopped down into the stream. Reaching for me, he took me by the middle like I was light as air. My stitches had come out a month ago, they no longer hurt. Gently, he stood me beside him, the water cold on my skin. “You mean in general?”

  I hadn't, but when he asked my mind jumped to that itching question. “Yeah. What happens now, what will you do?”

  “What will we do. We're in this together, Fiona.” His words set my heart dancing. Taking my hand, he began guiding me down the gentle river. It tugged at my ankles, never strong enough to knock me down. “When we stopped at your Grandpa's the other night, he talked to me.”

  What, they talked? We'd made it a point to visit Grandpa on our way out to South Dakota. Part of me just needed him to see that Brandon was real, In person. That he wasn't some mythical guardian in my head.

  Grandpa hadn't been surprised. He'd just hugged Brandon, thanking him for keeping me safe.

  “When did you guys talk?” I asked, stepping over a branch in the river. The water was getting higher, the current weaker.

  Brandon smiled down at me, eyebrows pressing tight. “After you fell asleep. He knew I wanted to discuss some things with him, I think. He was waiting for me on his porch.”

  Where is this going? Curious, I kept quiet to encourage him.

  “Anyway,” he sighed, “he asked me what my plans were. I told him I had two years to catch up on with you. That I wanted to get a job, so I could go to college. Hell, that I needed to go pass a GED before I could do any of that.” Laughing sheepishly, he stared off over the water.

  I hadn't thought about that. Frowning, I coiled my fingers tighter in his. “You'll be fine.”

  “I know,” he said, flashing me a smirk. “But that's not the point of this. Your grandpa, he offered me something.”


  Brandon stopped moving, the water sloshing over our thighs. I hadn't realized how deep it had gotten. Turning, he held my shoulders. “He said I could stay with you, Fiona. That he knew I'd lost my family, but that if—if I wanted, he was happy to become... you know...” Trailing off, he shut his eyes.

  Grandpa said he'd be his family. I couldn't stand it. Moving forward, I wrapped my arms around him in a fierce hug. Brandon is going to come live with me. He felt good in my arms, like he just belonged there. I'll never lose him, not again. His chin rested on my head, the two of us standing in that river for some time.

  Finally, I leaned back enough to see him looking at me. “I love you,” I whispered. “And we'll make this work. Brandon, we can actually go to college together, I'm only a little ahead o f you. It's what I always dreamed when we were kids. Graduating together.”

  His smile was sweet, blossoming sweeter when he kissed my forehead. “Me too. We're both getting our lives back, changing a lot. Even you.”

  Blinking, I studied his face for an explanation. “What, me? How do you mean?”

  The slyness I'd always found intoxicating returned to his features. Stepping back, he reached his hand down into the river. I didn't respond fast enough, the splash getting me in the face. Squealing, I lifted my arms. “Hey! Stop that!”

  Laughing gently, he turned in a circle. “Fiona, look at yourself. Look at what you're doing. Don't you remember what you confided to me over a month ago?”

  Staring at him in slow comprehension, I looked down at the river I was standing in. “I told you I was scared of water.” Oh my gosh I'm waist deep in this. “That the flood had... had made me terrified.”

  “Well,” he said softly, moving closer to me. “Are you scared now?”

  Speechless, I gazed at my reflection in the rippling liquid. No, I realized with shock, I'm not scared at all. Did being around Brandon fix this, heal my fears? He was
smiling at me so much his eyes were crinkling at the corners.

  Dipping my hands in the river, I sent a huge wave of water at his face. Brandon shouted, wiping his dripping chin and gawking at me. My lips coiled up at the ends. “No,” I admitted, “I guess I'm not scared anymore.”

  His laughter merged with mine, the two of us chasing each other in that river, trying to soak the other without a hint of malice.

  For a moment, it was like we were in a bubble of timelessness. A place that had existed in both our hearts while we lived separate lives. Lives that had been half-complete, waiting for us to meet up again. To become whole.

  What we felt was no longer the naïve love of teenagers.

  It was something far better.

  The End

  About the Author

  Cynthia Brint is a new, up and coming Paranormal Romance writer. She loves creating stories with complex worlds and fleshed out characters, all in the hope of evoking emotion in her readers.

  She pulls no punches, and never plans to.

  For more about Cynthia, or to catch news about her next novel, check out her mailing list!

  Thank you for reading!

  ~Cynthia Brint

  Desires of the Wolfman by Julianne Reyer

  Copyright © 2013, Julianne Reyer – All Rights Reserved.

  All Rights Reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is strictly prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.

  Married to the Wolfman

  Pitch-black trees reached for the pale moon, like jagged teeth trying to rip the light out of the night sky.

  Lacey doubted she would ever get used to the near-tangible darkness under those trees. Though it was normal in this rustic environment, she had been raised as a city girl. The roads of her hometown were lined with street-lamps and the city lights kept the wild at bay.


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