Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 103

by Unknown

  “Damn it, Lucas, give me a chance to tell you what I came for. If it wasn’t life or death, I wouldn’t be here.” Lucas glared at him, watching his face contort in pain, studying his eyes for any sign of deceit. Finally he relented and pushed himself off of his brother.

  Kane rubbed his neck. “There’s something about Kira you don’t know.” Lucas flashed a venomous look at his brother. “Wait, I know you want to kill me but at least let me finish.”

  He grappled for control of his anger, but as it abated, the pain in his heart resurfaced making it difficult to look at Kane.

  “Her Council has sentenced her to death to be carried out in less than twentyfour hours.”

  Lucas abruptly sat on the arm of the chair. The pulse in his ears began to roar.

  “She has a mental disease that afflicts all of her kind. Once her mating call begins, she has a finite amount of time to complete the mating ritual before she loses her mind to complete chaos. When that happens, her clan’s Council issues a death sentence.”

  “What? Why death?” He was so confused by this. But somehow it fit with their last conversation.

  “Apparently, their Council, just like ours, fears exposure to humans and any risk is the ultimate crime. They think the only way to control this exposure is to eliminate any and all threats.”

  Kane paced now, but Lucas needed to know more. Although he understood vigilance all too well. He’d been forced to carry out sentences in the name of protection. It was an archaic system but one that had worked for centuries.

  “Is Kira lost? Has her mind already shut down?” His mind raced through the possibilities. “Why the hell didn’t she tell me this? I would have saved her...probably.” He frowned at his brother. “How the hell do you know all of this?”

  Kane hesitated. “Her mother came looking for you two days ago. When she was found rambling to the Deal’s Gap sheriff about shapeshifters, they returned her home and immediately sentenced her. Since then, she has been chanting your name. Her Council fears for everyone’s safety and have locked her up.”

  Fear and panic stabbed at him. “Am I too late? No, don’t say it. I don’t care what your answer is. I refuse to believe I’m too late to save her.” Lucas stood and paced to the door.

  “Where the hell is she? And why the fuck didn’t I know all about this before? It’s my fucking job to know everything about the other Dragon clans,” he raged, his heart constricting as if someone had a vise on it. He couldn’t breathe.

  Lucas grabbed his side table and threw it across the room, smashing it into the door. Panting, he looked back at Kane “Tell me where she is. Now, damn it! I’m going to get her.”

  Kane turned to the bureau in the hall and fished out a piece of paper from the top drawer.

  “What’s that?” Lucas impatiently watched his brother unfold the paper and hand it to him.

  “This is a map to your mate. Kira’s mother came here desperate for me to find you and get you to help her daughter. She said you are the only one who can. So she left this for you.”

  He snatched the paper from his brother and examined the hand scrawled drawings and words. He recognized some of the mountains and caves depicted but the actual underground cell was an unknown. Obviously her clan had managed to keep this area a pretty good secret from outsiders.

  “What about guards? I don’t see anything here about them.”

  “There’s a small guard post here.” Kane pointed to a small shack on the map about one hundred fifty yards south of the underground holding cells.

  “This looks too easy.” Lucas rubbed his face and thought long and hard about Kira. Easy or not didn’t matter, he would be going for her but they did need to be smart about this.

  “They aren’t expecting any trouble. According to her mother, there has never been an incident of escape.”

  “They just kill off their unmated women and everyone stands by and watches it happen? That’s pretty fucked up.” The injustice of it stabbed Lucas like a hot poker.

  “This coming from the Guardian who deals death for a group of old men deciding fates based on some ancient laws of our own.”

  The bite of Kane’s words hit deep and he had to hide the wince behind it. “Point taken.” Kane knew he struggled with his orders at times but this was not the time to get into that.

  “We’ve got to go now, there isn’t much time left.” Kane pointed at a duffel bag propped next to the door. I’ve already packed some essentials.”

  Lucas nodded. “I’m driving.”

  * * * *

  They took the back roads toward MacDonald land as far as the terrain would allow. About a half-mile from the backside of the mountain where the holding cells were located, they were forced to park and leave their Jeep, after hiding it behind a stand of trees and brush. Lucas took a deep breath, filtering through the scents that flooded him until he found the one he was looking for.

  “I’ve got her.” He muttered as he removed his clothes and tossed them on the seat. He shifted and ran, knowing he didn’t have to worry about Kane—his brother would keep up.

  Within minutes they arrived at the underground cell in which Kira was being held. Shifting back into human form, Lucas and Kane cautiously approached the small cave. They had easily slipped past the two man guard post twentyfive yards back and they were almost there.

  The cave was carved out and dimly lit, which would make things difficult if they were human. Before they got around the first bend, Lucas scented the unmistakable fear coming from Kira. His stomach heaved at the thought of her suffering. Unable to stand it, he sprinted past the line of cells to the farthest one where they had his mate locked up, ignoring the warning hiss of his brother.

  Lucas made it to the cage undetected but stopped short when he heard the noises coming from inside.

  Lucaaaassss. Lucaaaassss. Lucaaaassss. Hearing Kira chant his name worried him. She sounded like a feral cat. He should know. He’d responsible for putting down enough of them when they were past the point of no return. Would he be able to bring her back from this? He had to. He refused to believe they ended like this.

  The lock on the door was no match for his strength and easily gave way when he pulled on it. He eased the door open slowly so as to not frighten her.

  Crouched in the corner, she didn’t notice him walk in. As he approached he spoke. “Kira. Kira, honey, it’s me. Lucas.”

  At the sound of his voice she started shrieking at the top of her lungs. In the cave the sound amplified against the stone walls and would surely carry straight to the guardhouse. Lucas flew to her side, grabbed her body up against his and covered her mouth to stop the screams. She blindly fought him, scratching at his arms, kicking her legs, all in her wild attempt to get loose. Her strength shocked him but Lucas held her.

  Kane came running in. “What the hell is going on in here? Are you trying to get us killed?”

  She continued screaming against his hand as well as jerking her body like a wild banshee to get away.

  “I don’t think she recognizes me. She’s scared to death and frantic to get free. If her goddamn pulse is any indication, she’s about to have a fucking heart attack.”

  Kane took a step back and peered down the cave tunnel. “We’re never going to get her out of here like this. Lucas, you’re going to have to perform the mating ritual right here, right now.” It’s our only hope.

  “And how do you suppose I’m going to do that with her kicking and screaming? We don’t have the time or equipment to tie her up and gag her?” Kane didn’t answer him right away and he looked up at him. His brother didn’t say a word, but Lucas knew exactly what he thought. “Uh, no don’t even go there. It’s not going to work.”

  “We have to do something. You have any better ideas to calm her down long enough for you to mate her and bite the damn mark at the same time?”

  Lucas struggled with a solution. He had to do something and do something quick. Kane’s unspoken suggestion made the animal inside snarl. He wa
nted his brother’s blood. But if they didn’t get out of here soon, they’d be discovered and he didn’t think her Council’s reaction to his interference would go in his favor.

  Lucas bent his head in resignation. “Fine. Get over here and help me calm her down.” He looked up and met his brother’s gaze. “Whatever it takes.”

  For a moment the air around them sizzled. Despite the tension, he’d find a way to hold the animal long enough for his brother to help.

  Lucas shifted so Kira’s back was up against the front of his body, one arm wrapped around her waist the other covering her mouth tightly. “I can’t let go or she’ll alert the whole damn clan with her screams.”

  Kane walked in front of her and tried talking to her, trying to soothe her fears while Lucas did the same at her ear. No amount of sweet talk or petting seemed to make much of a difference. Until his finger brushed across her nipple.

  She continued to wiggle and squirm but her screams behind his hand were beginning to die down.

  “She may not be sure who we are, Lucas, but I can—uh—smell her desire. Your rubbing up against her is having a definite effect.” A growl sounded in his chest.

  Kane held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying.”

  Lucas forced himself to relax, the mating messed a little with his own control as well, but deep down where it mattered he knew he could trust his brother.

  “Her arousal is having an effect all right. An effect on me.” His fully erect cock pressed firmly against the top of her buttocks. The more she wriggled and fought with him, the harder he became. Circumstances be damned he needed her. Now. First, she needed to stop making so much noise but she wasn’t listening.

  If he couldn’t tell her how he was feeling he’d have to show her. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think we are going to have to do this together.”

  Kane stared at him, uncertainty written all over his face.

  “Are you sure you won’t be ripping my throat out?” Kane mumbled, backing up a few steps.

  “I don’t have a fucking choice here now do I?” Lucas hissed. “We don’t have much more time here and I’m going to have to let go of her to complete the ritual. Besides, it’s not as if we haven’t done this more times than we can count in the past just for fun.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t recall a single time before where my life was in danger. This will make you want to kill me all over again when this is over. Nope. No thanks.” He held up his hands and moved away.

  They didn’t have time for this. He knew his brother was pushing him for some sort of promise, so he swallowed his pride. “Please, brother, help me save my mate.” He didn’t have to ask again.

  Kane moved to Kira in the blink of an eye, pressing his body up against hers. She was now sandwiched tightly between the two men, which hampered her efforts at getting loose. Lucas used all of his strength to contain and quiet her while Kane started a slow and easy seduction.

  Threading his hands through her hair, Kane brought his lips down to her neck, and with light nibbles he worked his way across her shoulder. Lucas sighed a small relief when Kira’s attempts to scream against his hand turned into whimpers.

  She still struggled, but he didn’t think she really wanted to get away any longer. What with her ass rubbing up and down his dick. Through a miracle, he maintained a tight grip and brought his own lips down on the back of her neck.

  Despite her loss of control, her mating call was still upon her, driving her body to mate. It wouldn’t cease until her true mate completed the ritual. Him. He was her only chance. His heart clutched. What would they do if she survived tonight? Would she ever believe his true feelings? That he saw her as far more than a duty. He couldn’t think of that right now. He had to save her. Her life was more important than her anger.

  Counting on his brother to keep a level head, Lucas gave in to the need and savored the unique sweet and tart taste of her skin. How he had missed that. He nuzzled and nibbled until Kira writhed in his arms.

  Her sudden gasp under his fingers had him looking over her shoulder, where he saw Kane had raised her shirt and suckled her breast. Despite his reluctance to admit it, watching Kane lick and nibble her gorgeous tit turned him on even more. It gave him a thrill watching her try to arch her back and get more into his mouth. Under his hand she moaned in pleasure. Yes, she was coming around.

  Trailing his tongue along the contours of her back, she showed her appreciation by once again wiggling her jeanclad ass against his barely contained erection. “Kane, take off her pants. I need to touch her pussy.” He eagerly complied, practically shredding the pants from her body.

  Lucas slid his hand down the smooth expanse of her belly, diving right into her tight red curls, seeking her clit. She was ready for him. So wet. He wished he had time to get down on his knees, spread her legs and lap up every drop of her cream.

  Such a shame for all that sweetness to go to waste but there’d be time to make up for it later. If she forgave him.

  She was about to become his mate. A fact neither of them took lightly. His breath hitched at the thought and his cock was near to bursting. The cat snarled for him to hurry. He would have to make this up to her when she recovered. He’d show her with every touch how much she meant to him.

  Kira thrashed around in his arms, not because she wanted to get away but in a renewed and obvious desperation to be fucked.

  He removed his hand from her mouth, releasing her moans. Her fear was now gone and replaced with an eagerness for more of them both. Removing his arms from around her waist, her hands frantically grabbed for Kane’s cock, and she bent down to take him in her mouth. Kane groaned as Kira sucked him all the way down in one powerful move.

  “Holy he—” Kane hissed.

  She’d wasted no time taking up a fast rhythm that had his brother racing to the edge.

  Watching Kira slide Kane’s shaft in and out of her mouth made him hot as hell. Her pink tongue darted out of her mouth to circle the dark swollen head. Lucas groaned and fisted his throbbing dick as he imagined those lush lips wrapped around him, sucking him dry.

  “Suck him harder, Kira,” he demanded. “Focus on how good he feels and listen to my voice.”

  Kane hissed in appreciation and tightened his hands in her hair.

  Kira bent over Kane, sucking his cock, left her ass up in the perfect position for him to take her. Grasping her hips, he spread the cheeks of her ass, revealing the tight little hole. Oh, how he wanted to explore that spot. Imagining how tight it would squeeze around him, he sighed. Another time, when he could be sure she understood his need to dominate and all that entailed.

  He drove himself into her pussy in one hard thrust. She screamed around Kane’s cock, pushing him deeper in her throat.

  She was so snug around him it was hard for him to think. Her silken walls caressed and pulled all at the same time. She was beyond perfect for him.

  “Mine. Mine. Mine,” Lucas chanted as he pounded into her repeatedly. With no time to prolong this incredible moment, he reached between their bodies and pinched her clit, thrusting her into a release that squeezed him tighter than a fist.

  Kane grunted. “I can’t hold off much longer. I’m going to come.” He pinched her nipples and jerked his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth.

  As Kira’s pussy milked Lucas’ cock through her orgasm, he too couldn’t take much more. Not when all he’d thought about for days was how much he missed her next to him, her lips kissing him or her body wrapped around his, experiencing more pleasure than ever before.

  Maybe she would argue he only wanted her because of the mating call, but he didn’t think so. Nature created lust and desire for each other, but caring about her and falling in love with her couldn’t be created through fate.

  Either way their moment had arrived. He lifted her hair and exposed her mark. On automatic pilot his body blanketed her back until he could swirl his tongue around that little spot of magic that flamed with their

  “So beautiful,” he panted at her ear.

  Kane cursed on a groan as he came in her mouth and that, along with her pussy squeezing around his cock, were too much for Lucas. This was it. He had to complete the ritual now.

  Once they mated it fused a bond for life. All manner of choice for him would be gone. His independence lost forever. She might hate him for this. His heart ached. The consequences of their mating made his head spin, but one truth was more important than any other...

  She would die without this.

  Unwilling and unable to hold back anymore, he thrust his canines into the mark, breaking the skin as his release blasted into her womb. The pleasure intensified ten fold. His legs wobbled, nearly tumbling them to the floor. Kira’s passionlaced moans faded and her body went limp as she passed into unconsciousness. Her skin under his lips was so hot it might melt. He jerked against the heat but his mouth locked to her skin.

  Strange images of Kira appeared in his mind. Kira as a child, hiding in the woods. As a teen, exploring her new woman’s body. Kira as she was now, running in the woods, scared for her life. Lucas’ mouth flooded with the bitter taste of her fear. Finally, she appeared very much like now but with skin that glowed and her belly swollen with child. Tasting the sweetness of the love she felt, he was shocked to also find the sour taste of her sadness. Why would she be sad? His confusion wrapped around him like a heavy wet blanket. What had they done?

  When her flesh cooled, his mouth popped free, releasing his canines as his cock slid from her pussy. Lucas gently laid Kira down on the ground. Dressing quickly, he glanced around the room for Kane. He hadn’t gone far. He’d simply move to the doorway, his back turned to them.

  “Kane, help me get her ready to go.” They needed to hurry and get back to his cabin. While the mating was complete and her clan could do nothing about that, he wasn’t sure they would accept the trespassing onto their sacred land. Not to mention his own clan might see fit to punish him for his actions.

  Yeah, his own Council. Tonight he’d broken damn near every rule he’d been raised to protect. How many people had he banished for less than this? Including his older brother Malcolm...


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