The Billionaire's Marriage Promise

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The Billionaire's Marriage Promise Page 9

by Melody Archer

  “It’s difficult being the center of all this attention.” Rory whispered as Gabe put his arm around her and began to move in the rhythm of the waltz.

  Gabe pulled her closer and she leaned her head against his chest. “You get used to it.”

  Rory sighed, and spoke softly, “I don’t know that I will get used to it. I’d much rather it was just you and me together, like how it used to be.” She sucked in a breath, as she suddenly realized how that sounded. She began to apologize, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have…”

  Gabe put two fingers to her lips. “No, don’t be sorry. I like that thought. Let’s pretend its just you and me together right here, right now.” His blue eyes shimmered with a new awareness. His eyes searched hers as he spoke.

  “I’d like that.” Waves of nervousness and anticipation skidded up her spine, sending heat to her cheeks.

  Gabe put both arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

  Blue eyes flickered in the evening light looking into her eyes with appreciation and a hint of something more. Rory’s belly flipped upwards as Gabe lowered his head to hers. He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and finally settled his warm lips on hers.

  She wanted his kiss to go on forever, but also knew she couldn’t do this, not without it ending in heartache.

  As they song slowed to it’s ending, she pulled away from his close embrace. Desperately she wanted this fake marriage to be the real thing. Desperately she wanted her husband to truly want to be with her for a lifetime. Desperately she wanted to be totally loved by her husband.

  As Gabe held Rory in his arms, he breathed in the scent of wildflowers that he had always reminded him of his Island girl. Kissing her felt like coming home, and it scared him.

  He feared what being vulnerable would cost him.

  If he truly began to open up his heart to his new wife, would she spurn him or maybe in some way use him? He’d had his share of experiences with people who had wanted to use him in some way.

  Memories that went as far back as middle school all of sudden came back to haunt him. He didn’t want to go through that again.

  Without warning, Rory pulled herself out of his arms.

  Disappointment and relief warred inside him both at the same time.

  He was disappointed because he admitted to himself that holding his lovely wife in his arms gave him pleasure. Relieved because having her so close to him and facing these new emotions had shaken him to the core.

  “Thank you Gabe. That was magical.” The country love-song that had been crooning in the background slowly faded away as he gazed into her violet blue eyes.

  “I think that’s my line.” Gabe leaned over to whisper in her ear. He saw the corner of her lips turn up into a smile.

  Just then, his Granddad walked over to them interrupting their dance. “I believe this is my dance with my newest Granddaughter.”

  “Hurry back my love.” He winked at Rory and saw her cheeks blossom into a beautiful pink color.

  It was thoughtful of his Granddad to dance with his bride especially since Rory’s own dad was no longer with them. He went in search of his mom, dancing with her and then each of Rory’s three aunts in turn.

  As he brought Rory’s aunt back to where Rory was sitting and chatting with her other aunts suddenly Gabe was anxious to be alone with his bride. Even though he realized this wasn’t a real marriage, he couldn’t wait for Rory to see where he planned to take her.

  Would Rory be pleasantly surprised?

  He really hoped so because more than anything Gabe realized he was eager to please his new bride.

  Chapter Seven

  A cool dry breeze blew hair across her face as she stepped down from the plane.

  Gabe hadn’t told her where they were flying. Last night all he’d said was you’ll find out tomorrow. Surprising her, he’d whisked her away quickly from the wedding guests, bringing her to his private plane.

  She’d slept until Gabe had woken her late the next morning. The comfort of the bed in the swaying jet had lulled her to sleep.

  They had both changed into the familiar comfort of jeans and t-shirt. Her new husband had thought of everything it seemed. He’d even asked her aunts to fill her suitcase with clothes she’d need for a week.

  Rory had been pleasantly surprised at his thoughtfulness.

  Gabe held her hand as they reached the landing.

  Together they followed a friendly airport worker toward the airport terminal.

  Rory’s wide-eyed gaze took in the tiled roofs and the Spanish styled architecture of the airport and nearby buildings. “Where are we? Surely you can tell me now that we’ve arrived.”

  “This is Puerto Madryn, a port city in the Chubut Province of Patagonia, Argentina.” She raised her eyebrows as they entered the building. Around them she could hear different languages of Spanish, German, English and even a few people speaking Welsh. “What a wonderful surprise.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Gabe spoke quickly to one of the airport attendees and soon they were walking outside to where a driver waited for them.

  After Gabe gave the address, he settled in the back seat beside Rory.

  “I like this. But I never would’ve guessed you would choose an out-of-the-way place like Patagonia for our wedding trip. Care to tell me why you chose to come here?” Never had she thought her new husband more of an enigma than today.

  She liked that he surprised her.

  “There are a few reasons.” Gabe blue eyes stared at her for a moment before speaking. “I wanted to take you somewhere fun and surprising.”

  “Looks like it is.” She grinned as she saw a boat heading out toward to sea. There were people on board holding their cameras ready. “What are they doing?”

  “Whale watching. This area is known for it’s abundance of whales that show up from June to December. They give birth to their calves here during that time and teach them how to swim. I was told it’s something most tourists like to see.”

  Rory eyes lit up. “I’d adore seeing these whales close-up.”

  “Then we’ll plan to go.”

  “Thank you Gabe.” She was a little surprised at Gabe’s thoughtfulness. “What were some of your other reasons you chose to come here?”

  “I believe you’ll find being here helpful.”

  “Helpful? I don’t understand.” Rory stared at Gabe wondering what he had up his sleeve this time. He certainly was full of surprises.

  “Well, not far from this city are a few small Spanish and Welsh speaking villages. I did my research and realized that this region has of the best places to hand-harvest seaweed, kelp and marine algae.”

  “Really?” Rory put her hand to her mouth shocked that Gabe had gone to so much effort to see that she had what she needed to make her skin care products.


  “So potentially I could find someone or a few people who would help me gather a big batch of sea plants I need to bring them back home?”

  “Yes.” Gabe eyed her thoughtfully. “And something else to consider is contracting out the work to a family who would supply you with all the sea plants you need to expand your organic skin care line of products.”

  Rory raised an eyebrow at his big plans. “You have such lofty ideas. But, I suppose that’s something to think about. I keep getting more and more requests to make extra.” Rory shivered a little at Gabe’s grand ideas. It hit her suddenly that there was more to this man she married than she realized. “I need to think some more about it. But, thank you Gabe. It’s so thoughtful of you to bring me here to see all this.” Rory dabbed at the corners of her eyes as they moistened with tears. “You don’t know how much I worried that I wouldn’t have what I needed to formulate the skincare that’s been so helpful for my Aunts.”

  “I had a good idea. That’s why I wanted to help.” Gabe reached his hand over and placed his on top of hers. “I’m glad to do it. But I have to admit to a little selfishness on my part.” Rory waited for
him to go on. “I also wanted to stay at one of Cyrus Noble’s resorts along the beach, for my own research purposes as I plan the Walker Island resort.”

  “Research, right.” The corners of her mouth turned up and she rolled her eyes at him. The driver stopped the car at a luxurious resort. Rory’s sucked in a breath at the sight. The vast white sandy beach and ocean was beautiful. The resort was located on the beach and she could already hear the white sand and beach calling her name.

  She giggled and looked back at him.

  Gabe shrugged and grinned. “Who said research needs to be dreary? This kind can only be fun.” Gabe stepped out of the car and held out his hand to help her. “Come on. Let’s go have some fun of our own.”

  The concierge took their bags and Gabe held out his hand.

  Rory tucked her small hand in his as they were led to a room on the top floor with an incredible view of the city, beach and ocean. Before long, they were met by the two servers who would be taking care of them.

  “I’ll be your personal butler and server this week.” A beautiful girl with dark brown hair and large brown eyes met them at the door. To Rory she looked to be about the same age. The maid seemed incredibly shy as she only looked up at them once. Her Spanish accent was noticeable as she continued, “Let me hang up your clothes.” She had just reached for the suitcases, when Rory interrupted.

  “We appreciate your help. What is your name?”

  “My name is Maria.” Hesitantly she looked down to the bags where her small hands gripped the bags tightly, before she looked up. “If you need anything, just ask for me and I’ll take care of it.” She smiled bobbing her head a little before taking their bags to the bedrooms.

  Rory turned to follow Gabe who had walked over to the large picture window. “It’s really nice to have someone take care of the details. This really is going to be a stress-free vacation.”

  Gabe pointed toward the ocean. “And a beautiful one.”

  Her gaze followed and the beauty that greeted her caused her stand in awe. The beginnings of a red-orange glow of the sun had dipped down touched it’s tip to the meet the ocean. The bursts of colors was amazing.

  “Want to go walk on the beach before we find something to eat?”

  “That would be nice.”

  Gabe reached for her hand and they hurried down to the first level of the resort.

  “The air is a little cool.” Rory shivered as they walked out of the building.

  “The resort manager said we arrived at a great time, as the weather is warmer than usual for this time of year. But here, slip this on.” Gabe took off the hoodie he wore. “Hold your arms up.”

  “Wait, what about you?”

  “I’ll be okay. I don’t feel the cold much.” Gabe motioned for her to put her arms up and he slid the hoodie over her arms and poked her head through the top. Her new husband hesitated for a moment before he tugged the bottom of the hoodie.

  A throbbing of warmth began every place his hands touched her sides as he shimmied the hoodie down to her waist. Rory thought once again of the incredible kiss he’d given her on their wedding day.

  Was that only yesterday?

  Inhaling the scent of sandalwood on his skin as it mixed with the salty ocean breeze, caused memories to once again pop up in her thoughts. It reminded her of the many summers where she’d gone sailing or walked on the beach with Gabe. Those summers when she’d been a teenager and had such a unending crush on Gabe.

  She was pretty sure her three Aunts had noticed her feelings for Gabe. Rory could feel heat in her cheeks still feeling embarrassed about the way she’d crushed on Gabe back then.

  “Walking on the beach at sunset reminds me of the summer picnics and campfires on Walker’s Island that would go late into the evening.” Warmth flooded her as she thought about those days.

  “Yeah, that was fun. I especially remember when your aunts were busy telling Grand about some new thing they were doing and we would move away from the campfire to stargaze. We caught some great sights in the sky.” Gabe commented and looked up at the dark night sky. The sunset had since disappeared and it was dark except for the glittering lights of the city, some scattered campfires and the stars shining above.

  “This far south from where we live, makes it seem like the stars are not in their normal position.” Rory stopped and looked up at the twinkling lights in the night sky.

  “That’s because for those of us who live in the north, it seems like the constellations are all upside-down here in the southern hemisphere.”

  It made sense, but it made it more difficult for Rory to find her favorite stars. “Where’s the Milky Way?”

  Gabe stepped behind her and held her hand. “Point your finger and I’ll help you trace the Milky Way. Remember it looks like it’s upside down when we see the stars in the southern hemisphere.”

  His strong arms wrapped around her, his warm breath tickled her ear. Her hand tingled where he held hers moving her hand to point at the different stars. “Can you see it?”

  “Yes, I do. I guess it just confused me because it’s upside-down.”

  “Understandable. It took me awhile to figure it out too. The best part of stargazing this far south, is we get to see the nearest star to our Sun, Alpha Centauri. Not far from it is the smaller star, Beta Centauri and if you keep going higher you’ll see the Southern Cross.”

  Once again, Gabe took her hand and traced the stars to help her find them.

  “Oh Gabe, it so mesmerizing that it takes your breath away.” The twinkling of the stars lit up the night sky in varying shades of blue, white and yellow. Some were large, some were like tiny sparkling diamonds, but the backdrop created a beautiful canopy in the heavens above.

  “I agree.” Gabe brought her arms down and wrapped his muscled arms around her own. She realized he was the perfect height for her as his chin rested on top of her head.

  A flashback of memories all of a sudden hit her as she thought of her parents.

  “I still have a vivid memory of my mom and dad standing on their deck that was just off their upstairs bedroom, looking up at the stars. I must have been five years old at the time.” She swallowed back tears that threatened to choke her. “I remember them standing just like we are now. They always liked to stargaze together.”

  Her voice cracked as the night of her sixth birthday came back to her in vivid color. “That’s where they were found, after that horrible night of the fire.”

  She scrambled to use the sleeves of Gabe’s hoodie to dry her eyes desperate to hold back the torrent of tears. “The police told us my parents had been on the deck looking at the stars and had forgot about the candles they had left burning. That’s how they died.”

  “I’m so sorry Rory.” Gabe whispered his voice husky. He turned her around, and with gentle hands pulled her into his close embrace.

  His gentle words and tender touch were her undoing.

  Sobbing she wept on his shoulder, shaking from the loss of the two people whom she had loved most in the world.

  Gabe rubbed his hands up and down her back murmuring sweet words into her ear.

  The trauma of that night came back at different times, and each time a memory was triggered by something she’d seen or heard back then.

  “You know what the really weird thing about that night was? My mom didn’t even like candles. I just don’t understand why she had to light some that night. If she would’ve just left well enough alone or maybe if I would’ve checked on them before I went to bed that night, my mom and dad would still be here with me.” Rory choked out the real cause of her pain.

  “That is strange.” Gabe words came out slowly, as if deep in thought. It was a full minute before he spoke again. “But I hope you know, that it’s not your fault that your parents died that night in the fire. You were only a child.”

  “I know the police told me and my aunts it was an accident, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are gone and I was left alone without my parents.” Ror
y pulled back and wiped her eyes with the edge of the sleeves of his hoodie again.

  “I’m here for you Rory whatever you need.” Gabe’s whispered words of support lifted her spirits. Without thinking, she stood on tiptoes, moving her hand up to cup his jawline and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Gabe. Your words mean so much to me.”

  His arms had slipped around her waist, but as she settled back flat footed on firm ground, his arms loosened and slipped away. A chill swept over her at the loss.

  She didn’t know what he was thinking. It was difficult to read his facial expression with the dark night around them.

  “I’m sorry Gabe for blubbering all over you. I guess it just really hit me tonight how much I miss them, especially when we started stargazing.” Rory’s voice shook and Gabe’s large hand wrapped around hers.

  “It’s okay. I get it.”

  Rory suddenly realized she had made this so much about only her feelings. “I’m sorry Gabe of course you understand. I’ve selfishly only thought of my own loss. You’ve also lost your dad when you were young.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No please, Gabe I want to know. I’ve taken up all this time with talking about me, but I really want to understand you better. For instance I know something we share is the loss of at least one of our parents, as your father passed away. Will you tell me what happened?” Rory persisted. For some reason, she felt a need to really understand this defining moment of his life.

  “Well, lets start walking back and I’ll tell you what I remember.” Rory walked close to his side as he began. “I was thirteen years old. My mom worked part-time as a secretary and my dad ran a business with his partner Simon Black.” Gabe rubbed his forehead before going on. “I remember it was just before summer holidays when school was ending and Dad would come home stressed everyday. Sometimes I would overhear him talking to mom about how it seemed like his partner was manipulating people to take unnecessary risks with their finances. Simon had told him it was fine, because he was convinced the risks wouldn’t harm their clients and it would still bring a greater amount of income into their business. Dad would come home fairly upset sometimes. I could tell things were about to come to a showdown between my Dad and Simon.”


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