The Billionaire's Marriage Promise

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The Billionaire's Marriage Promise Page 12

by Melody Archer

  Rory nodded and her body shivered at what they’d discovered about Carlos. She was just grateful that Maria was safe. “I need to find her and double check that she’s okay.”

  She started to walk forward but Max spoke suddenly. “Before you go, I wanted to let you both know that my team found some fingerprints at the site of the fire on Walker’s Island. We’re in the process of checking out what’ve found now and should have some answers in the next day or two.”

  Rory looked from Max to Gabe swallowing back fear that had coiled in her belly. She nodded and her hand shook as she toyed with a long strand of hair. “Good. Thanks.” Why was her voice suddenly so strained?

  The loud ringing of Max’s phone, startled her. Max looked at the caller ID and spoke to Gabe, “I need to take this. Talk to you soon.”

  “Of course. Thanks Max. We look forward to hearing what you’ve found.” Gabe stepped beside her and slipped his arm around her waist. “Come, we’ll go up to our suite. You’re looking slightly wobbly on feet.”

  Gabe walked close by her side into the Resort.

  As the elevator doors opened to their floor, Rory saw Maria pushing her cart down the hallway.

  “I need to talk to her. I’ll be back soon.” Rory spoke hurriedly to Gabe, who nodded.

  “Maria.” Rory called out to the maid and she stopped and turned. “Thank you for stopping to talk. I just wanted to ask if you heard the news about Carlos Santos that he was arrested?”

  “Si, I did. I’m very happy.” It was the first time since she’d met Maria that Rory saw a bright smile, free of worry and fear.

  “I’m glad. You deserve to be happy Maria.” Rory noticed that the maid’s smile was hesitant as if unsure. “And I wanted to tell you that I went to visit your parents to ask if your family would consider harvesting sea plants for my skin care products and she said yes.”

  “That’s real good.” Maria nodded her eyes pensive as if pondering what that would all mean for her family.

  “But the best part is your mama asked if I would ask you to come home. She misses you as does your whole family.” Rory looked at her, hoping she wasn’t overstepping her boundaries by acting as the middle person.

  “Si. Now I am free to go home. Carlos no more can hurt me.” Her brown eyes brimmed with tears which she quickly wiped away.

  “Yes and I’m so happy for you Maria.” Impulsively Rory gave Maria a big hug which the maid returned. “My husband and I will be leaving soon, but we’ll be back soon and I look forward to seeing you again. You are free now. Go and be happy Maria.”

  Maria nodded a big smile on her lovely face. Rory turned and went back to their hotel room.

  Entering their room Rory collapsed onto the sofa. Her mind was still spinning with both Maria and with Max’s news. But, it was Max’s news that they were close to finding out the identity of the person that started the fire on the Island that disturbed her most.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, she tried to calm her queasy stomach.

  “Talk to me Rory.” Gabe sat down beside her and put his strong arms around her pulling her close. He warm breath whispered softly into her ear. “You’re worried about who Max and his team will identify as the person who started that fire aren’t you?”

  She looked up at him her eyes wide, wondering how he could’ve read her mind. “How did you know that?”

  “Because I know you my beautiful water sprite.”

  Rory offered him a small smile. “You haven’t called me that in years.”

  “I know. You don’t mind?” Gabe’s blue eyes sparkled with a little bit of mischief.

  “No I don’t mind. I have fond memories of those summers we spent together.” She smiled trying to lighten the mood but her thoughts kept returning to the trouble they had on the Island.

  He chuckled beside her the rumbling in his chest a comforting sound to Rory. He sat silent for a moment and then put a finger under her chin, tipping it up so he could look deeply into her eyes. “But on a more serious note, I think I’ve learned a little something about you. Want to know what I think?”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “I think you believe that the person they’ll discover started the fire at your aunt’s cottage, is someone that you knew and loved from when you were a child. And that terrifies you.” Gabe pulled her blond hair away from her eyes searching for the truth.

  Tears formed in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. “It’s true. I’m very afraid that I won’t recover from what I find when the truth comes out. What can I do Gabe? How do I get through this?”

  “We’ll do this together. When they uncover the truth I’ll be right there beside you.” Gabe’s eyes crinkled warmth in his gaze.

  “Promise?” A few more stray tears edged out of the corners of her eyes as she looked up at him. Just for that moment she was six years old again, filled with fear and asking him if he would keep his promise to marry her if she was still scared when she grew up. She’d been so scared when she’d first moved the Island. The horror of the loss of her parents and the only home she’d ever known had made her fear almost everything and everyone around her. Except Gabe. He’d been so gentle and kind to her that she’d attached herself to him, following him around from the first day she saw him.

  He’d been the brother she never had. At least until she grew to be a teenager when her feelings had blossomed into more.

  But now Gabe only wanted a fake relationship — he only wanted to be friends — and it confused her when he was so gentle and lover-like. Similar to how he was acting now.

  She blinked and her eyes widened as he leaned his head close to hers.

  “I promise.” Gabe’s gentle fingers wiped tears that had fallen down her cheeks. His eyes darkened to a deep blue and he stared at her for a moment before he lowered his head and touched gentle lips to hers.

  The caress of his lips on hers ignited an explosion of butterflies in her belly. Tingles of awareness surged up to her arms and she reached her arms around her husband’s neck. For Rory, it was like suddenly her world had gone from many shades of grey to being lit up with all the colors of the rainbow.

  She leaned closer to him kissing him back, each touch of their lips kindling a growing passion.

  Without warning Gabe’s phone started ringing startling them both.

  Gabe reluctantly pulled his lips from hers, his blue eyes darkened like a stormy sea. He looked at the caller ID. “I’m sorry but I’ve got to take this call. It might be important.”

  Dazed, she nodded. Gabe’s voice trailed off as he disappeared with his phone into his room.

  Already she missed his closeness.

  Her husband was fast becoming the one person she longed to be with all the time. She hoped they would only grow closer as they went back to the Island. Was that possible?

  Chapter Ten

  As his private jet circled over Walker’s Island, Gabe looked down to the surface below pleased that his great-grandfather’s Island was now his own. He had his new wife-in-name-only to thank for this huge blessing in his life.

  Turning his head, he looked at Rory who sat reading a book on the seat across the table opposite him. She was so beautiful and — he was beginning to realize — a real temptation for him.

  Yesterday, when they got back to the hotel he would have gladly continued kissing her sweet lips if not for the phone call. But, it wasn’t only her outward beauty that drew her to him it was her inward beauty and compassion.

  The way she had helped Maria and had bravely talked to Maria’s family about partnering with her in her business, was admirable. He discovered a new side to his childhood friend that amazed him. He admired her for not just avoiding what was happening with Maria but for trying to figure out a solution.

  None of the other women he dated would have cared enough to try to help someone else like that. From his experience they would’ve thought that someone who served them wasn’t worth their attention.

  Clearly, he’d been wrong
about a few assumptions he’d made about Rory. He could admit that. But still, he couldn’t forget that she was only his fake wife.

  He needed to try to refocus and get back to the deal they agreed on.

  But it was so difficult to hold himself back from kissing her senseless. His wife was becoming more and more irresistible to him. How was he supposed to keep treating her like a sister when he definitely didn’t have brotherly feelings towards her?

  He needed a distraction and a way to show Rory his good intentions.

  “Rory do you want to see a bird’s eye view of Walker’s Island? Take a look out the window.” Gabe pointed below to the view they could see from their shared window. “Can you see to the South of Grand’s Hunting Lodge?”

  “Yes. I see it.”

  “There’s the construction of a building that’s going to be a small hotel for workers who work at the Hotel and Resort.” Gabe then pointed farther south. “See those red flags in the ground that span a large U shaped area?”


  “The general contractor for this project staked out the land area needed to build the big resort. And in that middle piece of land we’ll build be a few varied sized swimming pools for adults and kids. Oh, and we’ll add a health spa there somewhere.” Gabe looked over at Rory who had her eyes glued below. “So, what do you think?”

  She turned to him her eyes beaming and a smile hovering on her lips. “I think it’s really great. Gabe you’ve put in a lot of work planning all this. I’m glad you showed me from way up here, it helps me get a better perspective. ”

  “Yeah, it’ll be good. The hardest part is getting the workers to stay and work on a quiet Island that has no shops and not very many people.” Gabe rubbed the back of his neck. “Not exactly sure how to deal with that problem, but we’re working on it.”

  Rory put a finger on her chin a sure sign she was thinking. “You could appeal to people’s adventurous side. Promote it as a once in a lifetime adventure. That would inspire more workers to come to the Island.”

  “You might be on to something. I’ll have Darby my Human Resources manager look into that idea.” Gabe grinned.

  The plane descended onto the landing strip and before long they were walking on the trail toward Grand’s Hunting Lodge. The loud sound of his private jet taking off surrounded them. Gabe had told his pilot and co-pilot to go ahead and fly to Seattle’s airport to spend time with their families. He wouldn’t need to fly again for a little while. His jet needed it’s routine mechanical inspection anyway, so leaving the airplane in the Stevenson private hangar would be ideal.

  He looked over at Rory as they approached Grand’s Lodge. He still thought of this large home as Grand’s special place even though the Island and the home belonged to him now.

  This would be the first time he was bringing Rory here as Mrs. Stevenson. The thought made him happy. He would hire a housekeeper and cook someone who wouldn’t mind living in the small guest house behind the Hunting Lodge. He liked that idea. That way they would have someone to cook and clean and Rory would have more time to write and formulate her skin care products. It was ideal.

  She was always helping others maybe it was time his wife had someone to help her.

  As he walked up the door, he remembered how his great-grandfather said when you marry son, treat her like a princess and always have nice surprises up your sleeve.

  As they approached the front door Gabe thought now was as good a time as any to listen to Grand.

  Stopping suddenly, he let go of the two suitcases he was pulling. He put one arm around Rory’s waist and one under her legs and lifted her up in his arms.

  “Gabe what are you doing?” Rory gasped her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in surprise.

  He chuckled as he opened up the door. “Grand always told me when I married, that I should to treat my bride like a princess. So I thought carrying you across the threshold would be a step in the right direction.”

  Rory giggled as he carried her through the door and onto the wide open entryway of the Hunting Lodge. Gabe’s smile grew wide. He loved Rory’s contagious laugh. He could listen to it all day.

  Slowly he slid his wife down so she could stand. A wide smile still on her lips. Those lips held such fond memories. Rory made him come alive in ways he never thought possible.

  For a moment, he didn’t even think but just pulled her close leaning down to press his lips against hers. An explosion of moist warmth — the kind with a strong strawberry flavor like his Grandmom’s strawberry shortcake — met his lips and in that moment he had the strongest sense that he’d come home.

  His thoughts spiraled.

  This couldn’t be happening with Rory his childhood friend. She was like a friend and sister all rolled into one.

  Just as suddenly as he kissed her, he took a step back. His hands shook a little as nervous jitters hit him. Somewhere along the way the importance of his wife in his life had shifted. She had begun to mean more to him than he ever thought possible.

  He didn’t know what to do with that. Running his fingers through his hair, he spoke quickly. “Ah, I’m going to go bring in our suitcases.”

  Rory gave him a tiny nod her violet eyes wide and uncertain.

  With hurried steps he walked out the door to get the suitcases, feeling like the worst kind of man. In that moment, he wondered if he’d ever be able to figure out himself or exactly what was happening between him and his fake wife?

  She stood there silent and touched gentle fingers to her lips.

  Gabe had surprised her again with his passionate kisses. Kisses that had made her go weak in the knees. Just when she had wanted her husband’s embrace to go on forever he’d suddenly pulled away.

  He confused and frustrated her all at the same time. Yet her heart still longed for a closeness with him. She wanted to experience more of her husband’s kisses and to know and understand his heart.

  Rory expelled a long breath.

  She didn’t know if what she longed for would ever happen. But she knew she would remain hopeful. Maybe he just needed a little more time to trust her fully. If it took more time that was okay. They had a year together in this fake marriage.

  And maybe by the time the year was over their fake marriage would turn into a real marriage.

  Meanwhile Rory would do her best to make this house a home.

  Turning she started walking down the hallway toward the large open kitchen and to her surprise saw a massive card planted on the rustic wood table.

  Gabe’s footsteps echoed on the wood floor behind her. “It looks like something from my family.”

  Rory read the card. Congratulations to the happy couple. A little birdie told us that you would be coming to Cyrus and Anna Noble’s Benefit Gala on Friday next week. We would like to ask Rory if she’d like to come with us to the spa and shopping for the day? Please let us know, love Mom, Elle and Bella and your Grandmom.

  “That’s very thoughtful of them to include me.” Rory looked at Gabe.

  “Yes it was.” Gabe set down the card. “Sorry I forgot to mention the Benefit Gala next Friday evening. Cyrus asked me to speak. I wanted to ask if you would come with me to that benefit?”

  Rory eyed Gabe feeling a little uncomfortable with the thought of being in a room full of people who were so cultured and wealthy. She was just the barefoot Island girl. How would she ever fit in? She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and licked her lips nervously. “Yes if you want me there I’ll join you.”

  “Of course I want you there with me. You’ll shine like a rare jewel in a vast sea of plastic cut-outs.” His rogue smile was back. While she appreciated his compliment she didn’t share his confidence.

  “But I don’t have any kind of formal evening dress to wear.” Rory hugged her arms around herself. If Gabe knew what her wardrobe looked like she was convinced he’d want to hide from embarrassment.

  “From the invitation on this card, it looks like my family have decided to take care of th
at with an afternoon of shopping. Would you like to join them?” Gabe asked like it was the most normal thing in the world.

  Despite being scared to enter a world that was she knew nothing of Rory wanted to please Gabe and her new mother-in-law and the rest of her new family. “Yes, I think I would.”

  “Good. I think you’ll have fun Rory. And make sure you buy not only an evening dress and any other clothes or accessories that you need without looking at the price. I have credit cards and a bankcard set up in your name so no excuses. Promise me you’ll do this?” Gabe stood there with his arms crossed in front of him, his blue eyes like a laser beam. He knew her well.

  “I promise.” Rory smiled at Gabe and realized yet again that she had entered a new world. A world where she didn’t need to focus on how much things cost. For the first time she would be able to shop for clothes and get what she liked. “I will ask your Mom, Grandmom and Elle and Bella for advice on what to buy so you can be proud that I’m on your arm.”

  Gabe shook his head. “I’m always proud to have you on my arm Rory.” He looked like he was about to say something else but stopped.

  “Thanks Gabe.” She turned to look around the room. “Well if you could show me to my room I’ll unpack my clothes. Then I can make us a meal.”

  Her husband grabbed their suitcases and headed down the long wide hallway. The rustic feel of the timber frame Lodge with its large overhead beam was massive and made her feel tiny and humble in the midst of all this vastness.

  She had a feeling this was only the beginning.

  “Here’s your bedroom. Mine is right across the hall.” He opened the large wood door and waited for her to enter. Rory walked inside loving the light colors in all the corners of the room. “This room used to be my great-grandmother’s room. Grand wanted to make sure my great-grandmother had all the space she needed when he built the house.”

  “It’s beautiful and about three times the size of my room at the cottage.” She looked up at him pleased that he’d given her his great-grandmother’s room. “I’ll unpack and than make us a meal.”


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