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Consumed: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Fated Mates of the Kalixian Warriors Book 6)

Page 5

by Presley Hall

  “Brele thinks he’s kind of weird,” Jade says with a laugh. “But I can see why Khrelan likes him. And he does seems like a good guy, if a bit uptight.”

  Uptight is putting it mildly, I think to myself. The conversation has made me wonder if it’s even possible to make any headway with Tycran, and honestly, whether I should even try. The fact that I can’t seem to stop thinking about him is becoming frustrating at this point, in more ways than one.

  The conversation shifts after that, moving on to other topics. After an hour or so, Emma tells us that she needs to attend to some palace duties. Jade returns to the quarters she shares with Brele, and I make my way through the corridors I’ve come to know well, seeing myself out.

  As I head down the broad steps at the palace entrance, I can’t stop thinking about what Emma told me—that Tycran is leaving the planet today, and that she doesn’t know when he’ll be back. A small part of me thinks that’s a good thing, that maybe some space will let me stop thinking about him quite so much and focus on something else… maybe even someone else.

  But as I walk back toward my pod, an idea pops into my head. I almost don’t realize I’ve made a decision until my feet change course, turning in the direction of the port where the docking bay is.

  I just need some time alone with Tycran, away from all the distractions and pressures of life here. Maybe this trip to a different planet could be the perfect chance for that. It would be an opportunity for us to be alone, to get to know each other better, just like Emma said.

  Deep down, I know that’s not exactly what she meant. But something pulls me toward the idea anyway, refusing to let go.

  And besides, I reason, now that I know there’s a whole universe out there full of life and different cultures, I want to see more of it. Who knows when I’ll get another chance?

  The one major hitch in my plan is that I don’t know which ship Tycran is taking. But as soon as I spy the guard at the docking bay, I realize maybe there’s a way to fix that.

  Tossing my long blonde hair over one shoulder as I approach, I give him a bright smile. “Hi. Um, I’m looking for the ship one of the Alpha Force warriors is taking off-world later today? Tycran, I think?”

  “Are you supposed to be here?” The guard frowns down at me, but I see his gaze flick to my cleavage. Good.

  “Well, the queen sent me with a message.” I shrug, moving just a little closer and pushing my hair off my shoulder so that it swings down my back, a few strands brushing over my chest.

  The guard visibly swallows. “A message?”

  “Yeah, um… the king had some additional information for Tycran before he leaves. Khrelan was in a council meeting, so Queen Emma sent me with the message. It’s very important that he gets it.”

  “I can give it to him.”

  “He was very clear that I should give it to him myself. I won’t take long, I promise. Straight there and straight back.” I bite my lip. “I just don’t want to disappoint the king. He’s been so kind, letting us stay here…”

  The guard swallows again before finally seeming to make up his mind. “All right,” he relents. “Straight there and straight back, though. No wandering.”

  “Scouts honor.”

  I’m sure he doesn’t know what that expression means, but he appears to get my gist. I flash him another brilliant smile and dart through the gate after he gives me the dock number for Tycran’s ship.

  The hatch is open, and as I near, I see two dock workers loading supplies onto the ship. I crouch behind some crates, waiting until they leave to load up again, and then hurry forward, slipping onto the vessel before they come back.

  I only have a matter of minutes to find somewhere to hide. The ship is on the small side, comprised of a control deck, a common room, a small bedroom, and the engine room. I quickly duck into one of the supply closets near the control deck, hiding behind a tall stack of crates so the dock workers won’t see me. They’re not paying a lot of attention anyway, conversing in deep voices as they bring crates and boxes onto the ship as quickly as they can.

  It seems to take forever until Tycran’s heavy footsteps enter the ship, and when they do, my pulse jumps.

  It’ll be all right, I tell myself, even though I’m starting to question the wisdom of my harebrained plan. It’s not even a plan, really. I did this on the spur of the moment. Spontaneity might have been fun back home, I think with a wince, but here, it might actually cause real trouble.

  It’s too late to turn back now though.

  I hear the hiss of the hatch closing, and then the sound of Tycran speaking with command control to confirm his takeoff. The sound of his voice sends a shiver down my spine, and there’s that sense of rightness again, that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s weird, because I can’t think of anything I’m supposed to do less than sneak onto this ship. I could wind up in so much trouble. But I feel oddly calm about it. Like it’s all going to work out.

  Shit. I really must have it bad for this guy.

  I stay hidden for a while after I feel the ship take off. I want some distance between us and Kalix, so Tycran doesn’t just immediately turn around and take me back.

  Once a number of hours seem to have passed and the ship is sailing smoothly, I decide to step out of my hiding place. I’ll find Tycran, admit I snuck on board, and hope he’ll be happy to see me. I’ll tell him I wanted to see another planet, and that’s not a lie.

  I do want to see more of the universe. But I want to see it with him.

  Just as I’m about to stand up from behind the crates where I’m crouched, the entire ship lurches to one side suddenly, throwing me backward. The crates slide, and only my quick reflexes as I kick out and brace my feet against them stops them from crushing me against the wall.

  My heart pounding, I try to get up, but the ship lurches again as if it’s changing course. I hear Tycran say something, and the ship’s AI responds, although I can’t quite make out the words past the sound of blood rushing in my ears.

  My stomach plummets as I crawl onto my hands and knees, getting out from behind the crates before they can shift again.

  What’s happening? I swallow hard, trying not to panic. Oh my god, are we under attack?



  Once I’m far enough out from Kalix, I enter a new set of coordinates into the ship quickly. The AI springs to life, trying to revert back to the coordinates that were programmed in at the docking bay.

  “Stop it!” I command, and the AI responds with its usual coolness.

  “The coordinates input at the docking bay are the only valid—”

  “Not anymore,” I grunt, slapping the override button to put the ship on manual control and silence the artificial intelligence. Without the AI’s control of the ship, however, the ride is going to be much bumpier, evidenced by the way it banks hard to the left to pick up the new course.

  I quickly activate the ship’s cloaking device, hiding my location as I brace myself. I can hear some supplies shifting around as the ship banks again—followed by something that sounds like a very loud squeak.

  I frown. This ship is fairly new, so it shouldn’t have any small animals lurking about. But it’s possible the ground crew didn’t do a very good sweep of it.

  I’ll spray an exterminator, just in case. Once I’m done. I can’t have anything chewing on wires or causing a disruption in the flight. But first, I have to make sure everything is on track here.

  My comms unit on the deck springs to life. “Are you all right, Alpha Force? Your course has abruptly changed. Is there a problem? Where did you go? Please respond, Alpha Force.”

  I hit the switch to turn off the comms, my pulse in my throat. They shouldn’t be able to track me now, with comms off and the cloaking device on. Eventually, they’ll find a way to override it, but hopefully I’ll have completed the mission by then.

  And then, just as I do one last systems check and turn to go and find the exterminator spray to deal with whate
ver made that noise, the door to the nearest supply closet opens and… a human woman tumbles out of it.

  For a brief second I stare, unsure of who it is. And then she gets to her feet, blonde hair a mess and bright blue eyes gleaming out of a grease-smeared face, and my own eyes go wide as I realize it’s Lucy.

  What in all the universe is she doing here?

  I jolt as I realize it’s her, shocked beyond belief to see her here.

  “What’s happening?” she asks breathlessly. Her eyes are bright with panic, her whole body tense as she looks around. “Are we being attacked? Who is it? Is it the Orkun?”

  I can’t think of a single response for a second, still nearly knocked off my feet by her very presence. What the krax is she up to?

  My jaw tenses, and I cross my arms over my chest as I stare down at her while she stands up to look at me. “No. There’s no attack,” I say tersely. “I’ve merely changed course. But of course, that’s none of your concern. What the desh are you doing here, Lucy?”

  “Um.” She bites her lower lip and looks up at me with those huge eyes. To my consternation, I feel my cock twitch under my loincloth at the sight of that full lower lip being pulled between her teeth. I force myself to ignore it, keeping my expression firm and angry as I look down at her. The latter isn’t difficult—whatever other feelings I might be battling right now, I’m furious with her.

  “I snuck on board,” she admits in a small voice, the look on her face making it clear that whatever the reason, she’s now realizing it might not have been a good idea.

  Anger wells up in me, stronger than before. Why in all the gods’ names would she do that?

  The entire purpose of my taking on this mission myself, without permission or backup, was to avoid endangering anyone else—not my fellow Alpha Force warriors or any other members of the Kalixian military, and certainly not a deshing civilian. Not one of the women whom we’ve worked so hard to keep safe since their rescue.

  I’ll take her back.

  The thought rises up in my head immediately, but I know I can’t. I’ll be punished for insubordination when—if—I return, and if I go back now, not only will I be punished, but I most certainly won’t be given another chance to sneak off-planet. If by some miracle Khrelan doesn’t have me imprisoned or exiled, I’ll certainly be closely monitored. My days as an Alpha Force warrior will be over.

  I have to complete this mission. I have one chance—only one—and it’s a small one. I can’t fail now.

  I grit my teeth as I look down at Lucy, a dozen different emotions rising inside my chest.

  “Where are we going now?” she asks, her voice still small. She knows I’m angry with her. How could she not?

  Good, I think to myself. Perhaps she’ll at least follow orders.

  Leaning back against the console, I consider my options. I could keep her in the dark as to what we’re doing, but that would only be an added layer of complication to an already dangerous mission. She could inadvertently do something to alert someone back on Kalix as to where we are and what we’re doingif she doesn’t understand the need to keep it secret. And she needs to understand the stakes of what’s happening here.

  “You think I’m on a trading errand, don’t you?” I ask flatly. “Is that the story you heard before you snuck onto the ship?”

  The why of her insane decision, I’ve let go—for now, at least. There are more important issues at hand.

  She nods. “Is that… not what you’re doing?”

  “No.” I let out a long sigh, rubbing a hand over my hair, which is pulled tightly back into a knot at the back of my head. “I’m going to take out an Orkun weapons base. The main one.”

  Her eyes go round with shock at the same time her mouth drops open slightly. “You’re… what?”

  “I’m going to destroy the moon where the bulk of the Orkun tech and weaponry is located. I will stop on a trading planet first, to secure the supplies I need. And then I’m headed to Oryn.”

  I haven’t said it out loud before, not like that. Not to another person. It sounds ridiculous when put so bluntly—impossible, even. But I can’t allow myself to believe that. I have no choice but to succeed.

  “Oh. Khrelan doesn’t know, does he?” she murmurs. “Or Tordax.”

  “No,” I admit. She’s quick, I’ll give her that. Her intelligence would make me warm to her, if I weren’t so furious. “I’ve taken this mission on myself, in secret. But I believe it’s necessary, to protect your people and mine… and everyone else the Orkun continue to intimidate and abuse and wage war against.”

  Her face softens, and I continue, hearing my own voice grow more strident with emotion—feelings I can’t seem to hold back, though I want to appear calm and rational.

  “They’ve annihilated my people and kidnapped yours, and they’ve done this all throughout the universe. Khrelan and Tordax are right to preserve our military force… which is why I’ve chosen to make this a solo mission. The danger is mine and only mine.” My voice hardens again, and a fresh wave of anger and frustration rises up in me. “At least, it was supposed to only be mine.”

  I see the realization dawn on her face as she grasps what she’s walked into. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t realize…”

  “No, you didn’t.” I take a deep breath. “But what’s done is done. I never meant for anyone to come with me. But I can’t go back now, and I can’t risk dropping you off at another port. There’s too much danger in that, too, for a human woman alone.”

  A flare of hope brightens her face. “So you’re going to take me with you?”

  “Yes.” My jaw tightens. “I don’t see as how I have much of a choice. But—” I fix my gaze sternly on hers, all thoughts of desire gone as I try with everything in me to impart how very important my next words are. “You have to do exactly as I say, without question. And you must, above all, be extremely careful. Do you understand?”

  She nods, wordless. I see her eyes flick to the black expanse of space outside of the ship windows, and a hint of fear appears in them.

  Good, I think to myself. Being brash and fearless might have served her well on her own world, but out here, a little fear is a healthy thing to have.

  All I can do now is hope that she listens to me—and that I can somehow get her back to Kalix alive.



  The minute Tycran starts to explain to me what’s really going on here, I realize I’ve made a huge mistake. Massive. One that could, if things go wrong, possibly even cost me my life.

  God, Lucy. How could you have been so stupid?

  I never had any reason to believe that he was doing anything other than going on a trading mission, of course, and there was no way I could’ve known. He quite thoroughly covered his tracks with that one. Emma, Khrelan, Tordax—everyone believed that’s what he was doing.

  All I wanted was some time alone with him, a little adventure, but that plan has gone massively awry now. And I can see in hindsight how blindly assuming it was safe to stow away on a ship going to some other planet was… probably not the smartest idea.

  For fuck’s sake. You’ve been kidnapped, stranded on a desert planet, and then given a fresh start on another alien planet in a universe that you didn’t even know was this populated until a few months ago. Is that not enough adventure for you?

  I hadn’t thought so, but now I’m realizing that maybe adventure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Because what Tycran’s telling me sounds more than just dangerous. It sounds deadly.

  I can’t help but be a little impressed though. At first, it sounds crazy and even shocking—after what Emma and Jade told me about him, I would never have guessed in a million years that Tycran would defy orders or go behind his commander’s and his king’s backs. But what he’s doing is… actually really noble.

  He’s willing to risk his life to potentially deal a huge blow to the Orkun. I’m surprised that he tells me as much about the plan as he does, b
ut as he lays it out for me, emotion fills his eyes, his face lighting up with passion and resolve.

  There it is, I think, and my heart beats a little faster in my chest. There’s the man behind all those high walls. The man who believes in something so much he’s willing to die for it.

  Emma and Jade said he was devoted to Kalix, and I see now just how deep that devotion runs.

  “I’m sorry for sneaking onto the ship,” I tell him again when he’s finished. “Really. It was so stupid. I’ll listen to what you tell me to do, I promise.”

  He doesn’t say anything. His jaw is set, his face hard.

  I can tell he’s angry with me, and now that I know everything, I really can’t blame him. He set off on this mission alone to make sure no one else but him was put in danger—and I’ve pretty much shot that to hell. I’m just grateful he’s not putting me on some port to get back to Kalix on my own, although I’m hardly surprised. Tycran, like all the warriors of Kalix, is too good a man to do something like that. He’ll protect me, even if he’s furious with me.

  “Although,” I add with a small smile, a bit of my feistiness returning as I come to terms with what’s going on, “you were sneaking around too. So really, we’re not so different.” My smile widens a little as I lift one shoulder. “We’re in this together now.”

  His jaw clenches even tighter at that. He might be noble and brave, but he’s seriously lacking a sense of humor. And he doesn’t look the slightest bit happy about any of this.

  Not that I can blame him.

  There’s still some small flicker of hope in my mind that once we’ve spent some time alone together, I’ll be able to loosen Tycran up, maybe even seduce him.

  After all, we’re all alone on a tiny ship in the vast blackness of space, and he’s risking his life on a mission to save his people. What could be more romantic than that? And if anything is going to get him to ease up on his monkish ways, surely the possibility of impending death will do it.


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